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Animotsav Drama Category Rules & Regulation

• For a group drama act, the duration of the act must be under 15
• For a solo drama act, the duration of the act must be under 7 minutes.
• The story & script of every drama act must be original and not copy work
of someone else’s content.
• The script for the act must include every detail related to lighting, sound,
props, on stage characters timing…. etc.
• If the act is a comedy act or it includes joke in between the act then the
joke or dialogues of the act should not be in double meaning or vulgar.
• If the act is based on true events or culture event then the reality of the
event shown in act should remain unchanged.
• The language used in any act should not be vulgar.
• The act must not include any kind of dialogue or action which is hurtful
to any culture, religion, caste or particular person.
• Each act should not include more than 10 props.
• The script writer must make a list of characters-actors and props.

Note: The participant who is writing the script, must share the script on whatsapp a day
before elimination round on 29/09/2023 Thursday to both drama co-ordinators:
Jatan Jagad: 7567069001
Jash Vaghasiya: 7984033837

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