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br. Samuel Hahnemann (1755 - 1843), was the first man who highlighted the importance of mind in the disease process, and from his thorough observation and interpretation could prove thatthe disease starts in the mind. This concept was formed 200 years ago, when medicine was dominated by persons who looked for tangible causes “of disease in the organs, tssues and later in the cel. At that time prevalent practice of medicine consisted in heroic measures of bloodletting, cupping, purgation, emetcs and drastic medication. In this crucial time it would have seemed very odd in the part of FHahnemann’s concepts of disease in its deeper implications and wider perspective as a biological phenomenon of “Altered Life” ("Biological concept"). He considered man as a composite being, a multidimensional entity, a synthetic unit of life, consciousness and intelligence and wrote "Mind isthe key to man". He sad, “I isthe patient who is sick cand not the organs” In Homoeopathy disease, first affecting the inner man (mind, emotions, imtelle*), as denoted by change in his mental disposition, thought structure and feeling nature “These may be termed the "symptoms ofthe individual". The inner man is always te first to be sick before the disease exhibits on the physical sphere. Then it exhibits on the surface ie. cisturbances in the functions of the physical body (altered physiology). The patent chiefly fels these subjectively. Then follow organic or structural changes in the tissues and organs ic. pathological formation (altered anatomy). The clinician mainly clicts these. The last to be affected are the vital organs such as brain heart, kidney, liver, lags ete. in homoeopathy it only considers the individualistic whole not the disease self in modem medicine it adopts the most crucial way of treatment but Hahnemann had illustrated a suitable way of medicinal as well as non medicinal way of dealing this crucial problem which is dominating the other health related problems now a days. “The mental symptoms, however, form a pattern which can be easily associated with delusions. To identify such a pattern with physical symptoms is somewhat difficult. Physical symptoms seem discrete. If one or two aspects ofthe mental symptoms of patient are not covered by the remedy, we can stl view it from other aspects, since the patterns of the remedy canbe seen. Cross references can be made, We can confirm the feelings through several ways with the use of dreams, hobbies, et ‘Such a confirmation is not easily available with physical symptoms. Mental symptoms are available from each and every expression of the patient, since each expression can logically be broken down into its component parts. In this way, expressions which are not given in provings can also be utilized. It isa valid argument that mental symptoms, especially in patients who have had too much intellectualization, can be confusing, and in such cases one needs to rely more on physical symptoms. But in cases of manifest pathology, the mental state is clearly non-pathognomonic and one does not have to decide (as with physical symptoms) which mental symptom can be explained and which one cannot be. It depends upon when the individual practitioner feels more comfortable — when dealing with the mental state or when dealing with the physical state. Both are doors tothe same house. ‘One mighteven say that both are sides ofthe same coin. We may choose to identify the coin from either side. The wise man is he who chooses to look at both sides of the coin before finally identifying it, no matter which side he begins with. Experience tells me that the identification of the mental state is a skill which, if mastered, can be very gratifying. Therefore, in this section, I shall concentrate upon the understanding of the ‘mental state and its various aspects. The next section will be concerned with techniques of eliciting the mental state. The idea of these chapters is not to tell the reader to concentrate on the mind alone. Rather I have chosen to concentrate on the mind because I find that itis accuracy which is needed in eliciting physical symptoms, but to elicit the mental state requires a special understanding and skill which develop with practice. Tn Aphorism 212 of the “Organon”, Hahnemann writes: “There is no potent medicinal substance in the world which does not very notably alter the state of disposition and mind in the healthy individual who tests it, and every medicine does so ina different way.” The idea of remedy-essence and its limitation In trying to explain the mental state produced by a drug, some homoeopaths talk of a central point of the drug. Various names like “core”, “primary disturbance” and “essence” have been used to denote this central point. INTRODUCTION fn the testimony of all ages, no occupation is more unanimously declared to be a conjectural art than medicine on which man’s health; his most precious possession on earth depends"."” The medical profession has been concemed with understanding and controling organic factors in disease. In Psychopathology, centered primarily on the psychological and emotional factors that lead tothe development cof mental disorders. ‘The single most important aspect of an individual subjective word is the view he has of himself, often referred vo as his self image or self conception. The self concept is svat the person thinks he is, regardless his actual nature or his appearance (9 others. Aan illness may be primarily physical or psychological, it is always a disorder of the WHOLE PERSON - not the single part is diseased. An individual is a psychobiological unit in continual interaction with the environment, the socio cultural relationship andthe life situation of the individual have much to do with - the onset of a disorder, its form and duration, etc. Now a day's mental ines indicates persistent ineffective ways of dealing with personal problems usually requiring some form of clinical assistance in the modern medicine, "The incidence of psychic disorders is indicated that atleast half of those who seck medical aid sufer fom physical llneses directly related to emotional stress a ‘When our body is well we have good physical as well as mental wellbeing, Psychology and psychiatry the sciences that deal with mental health and human behaviors have developed rapidly, through these sciences, it has possible 10 understand a great deal about why people feel and behave as they do, more is being earned and understand all the time, as you grow wp your life is sure to be made richer by this increasing understanding.

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