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Acrobat: height (acrophobia, acrolect, acrolein)

Activity: do (active, activist)

Agriculture: farming (agriculture, agribusiness, agrarian)

Ambiguous: both (ambiance, ambidexter, ambient)

Amiable: love (amiable, amicabilities, amice)

Analysis: back (anabas, anabolic, anachronic)

Animal / Biology: life (animalcule, animalist, animalize)

Anniversary: year (anna, annals, anneal)

Antecede: before (anteclypeus, ante, antedorsal)

Anthropology: human (anthnropoid, anthropometry, anthropophagous)

Antibody: against (anti aircraft, anti bourgeois, anti clockwise)

Aquarium: water (aqua vitae, aquaculture, aquafortis)

Arborist: tree (arborescence, arborrscent, arborerums)

Archaeology: chief (archaeologist, archaeophyte, archaeopteryx)

Artifact: skill (article, articular, articulate)

Astronaut: star (astrobiology, astrobotany, astroclereid)

Audible: hear (audibility, audible, audibly)

Autograph: self (autocrat, audience, audiovisual)

Benevolent: well (benediction, benefaction, beneficed)

Bibliography: book (bibliolater, bibliomania, bibiophilist)

Cardiology: heart (cardirac, cardiogenic, cardiologist)

Exceed / recede: yeild (exceed, recede, accessible)

Certainty: sure (ascertain, certain, certify)

Suicide: cut (homicide, insecticide)

Clarity: clear (claret, clarify, clarino)

Incline: lean (incleanation, incline, recline)

Collaboration: together (collision. Collaborationists, collage)

Commune: common (composition, combat, combatant)

Cognitve: know (cognac, cognate, cognet)

Concur: jointly (conatus, concasse, concave)

Contradiction: against (contraception, contractholder, contractive

Corporal: Body (corporation, corpse, corporate)

Cosmonaut: Universe (cosmonaut, cosmos, microcosm)

Counterpart: Opposite (counteract, countermand, counter blast)

Bicycle: Two (bycycle, cycle, cyclone)

Accumulate: Mass (accumulate, cumulative, cumtlant)

Democracy: People (democrat, demographic, democratic)

Donation: Give (donation, donor, pardon)

Dominate: Master (dominate, domineering, prodominate)

Egoistic: Seft (egoistic, alter ego, egomania)

Ferry: bring (confer, ferry, ferment)

Confide: Faith (confide, fidelity, fiduciary)

Conformity: Shape (conformity, formation, formal)

Forecast: In front of (forebear, forebodem, foreboding)

Fracture: Break (fracture, fraction, fractal)

Inflection: Bend (deflect, inflection, deflection)

Function: Perform (defunct, malfunction, functional)

Photograph: Light (photogenic, photograph, photochromatic)

Hemisphere: Half, partial (hemicycle, hemisphere, hemispherical)

Herbicide: Grass, Plant (herbicide, herbivorous, herbivore)

Imagine: Likeness (image, imaginative, imaginable)

Judge: Law (judgement, judicial, judas)

Conjunction: Join (conjunction, disjunction, juncture)

Eject: Throw (eject, interject, abject)

Hyperactive: Too much (hypercritical, hypertension, hyperacid)

Hydrophobia: Liquid, water (hydrate, hydrophobia, hydrophonics)

Homogeneous: Like (homogeneous, homonym, homogametic)

International: Between (international, intersection, interact)

Juvenile: Young (juvenile, rejuvenate, juvenescence)

Lactose: Milk (lactate, lactose, lactation)

Liberate: Free (libertine, liberate, liberty)

Illuminate: Light (illuminate, lumen, luminary)

Magnify: great (magnify, magnate, magnificent)

Macroevolution: great (Macromolecule, Macroeconomics,


Command: to, der (command, demand, mandate

Malcontent: bad (malcontent, malaria, malicious)

Lunar: moon (lunar, lunarscape, lunatic)

Linguist: language, tongue (linguist, linguine)

Maximize: greatest (maximal, maximize, maximum)

Memorize: remember (commemorate, memorial, memory)

Immerge: dip, dive (immerge)

Midterm: midle (midriff, midterm, midway)

Migrate: move (immigrant, migrant, migration)

Misbehave: bad (misbehave, misprint, misbegotten)

Missile: send, let go (dismiss, missile, missell)

Mobile: move (immobilize, mobile, mobility)

Motion: move (motion, motivate, motivator)

Immortal: death (mortal, immortal, mortician)

Multimedia: many (multicolored, multimedia, multitasking)

Narrate: tell (narrate, narrative, narrator)

Innate: born (innate, natal, natural)

Navigate: ship (circumnavigate, naval, navigate)

Negative: no (negate, negative, renege)

Innovate: new (innovate, novelty, novice)

Deodorant: smell (deodorant, malodorous)

Omnivorous: all (omnipotent, omniscient, omnivorous)

Overconfident: excessive (overconfident, overstock, overcome)

Outgoing: goes beyond, surpasses, exceeds (outgoing, outdoing,


Parasite: besides, beyond (parasite, paragraph, perallel)

Apathy: feeling, emotion (antipathy, apathy, empathy)

Pedal: foot, feet (pedal, pedestrian, pedicure)

Compel: drive, force (compel, expel, repel)

Philanthropist: love, friend (philanthropist, philology, philosophy)

Phonolog: sound (cacophony, microphone)

Photograph: light (photogenic, photograph, photon)

Physic: nature, medicine (physical, physician, physique)

Mannual: hand (maneuver, manual, manuscript)

Paragraph: protection from (parasol, parable, parachute)

Popular: people (population, populist, populace)

Polygon: many (polychrome, polyglot, polygon)

Postgraduate: after (posthumous, postpone, postscript)

Psychology: mind, mental (psyche, psychic, psychology)

Computer: think (dispute, dispute resolution)

Self-discipline: of, for, or by itself (self-discipline, self-respect, self-


Scriptune: write, written (inscribe, scribe)

Radical: root (eradicate, radical, radiance)

Semiannual: half, partial (semiannual, semicirircle, semiconscious)

Conserve: save (preserve, reservation, conservancy)

Consonant: sound (sonorous, supersonic, sonority)

Inspect: see, look (circumspect, retrospective, spectator)

Inspire: breathe (transpire, spirea)

Constellation: star (interstellar, stellar, Constellation)

Submarine: under (submerge, substandard, submandibular)

Symmetry: together (synergy, synchronize, sympathy)

Telephone: far (telescope, television, telecommuting)

Temperature: time (contemporary, temporal, contemporaneous)

Terrace: rub (territory, territorial, terrain)

Thermos: heat (thermal, thermos, thermostat)

Ultrahigh: beyound (ultramodern, ulatrasonic, ultramarathon)

Verbal: word (verbalize, adverb, proverb)

Reverse / convert: turn (introvert, version, conversation)

Carnivorous: eat (voracious, devour)

Vice-president: acting in place of (vice-presidential, vice presidency,

vice chairman)

Zoology: animal life (zooid, zooplankton, zoology department)

Benevolent: wish (volition, volitional, volatile)

Revival / vital: live (vital, vivacious, vivid)

Ex - husband: old

Pre - war: earlier

Impossible: not

Compact: together
Epicenter: on, over

Mountaineer: person

Redo: again, back

Smallest: most

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