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Activity no 1

1. What is the purpose of having law enforcement in our community?

-The purpose of having law enforcement in our community is to maintain public peace and order, to
make the people feel safe, enforce the laws, and providing security to the community.

2. Why is the role of the police force considered crucial in ensuring community safety and order?

-The PNP or Philippine National Police as the primary agency of law enforcement their role is to enforce
the law, maintain peace and order, act as deterrence to criminal behaviors(crime prevention), and to
ensure the safeness of the civilians. PNP is basically the first responders to any activity that may disrupt
the peace and order of the community.

3. Why is it important for a community to have a reliable and responsive police presence?

-A reliable and responsive police presence in the community ensures safety, foster trust, and prevents
crime from happening, creating a secure environment for the public.

4. How does the police presence influence crime rates and the overall quality of life in a community?

-Police presence within the community impacts the crime rate due to the deterrence they give to the
potential offenders and to their activity. It also ensures that the people can count them in times of
emergency responses which nurtures the feeling of safetiness within the community.

5. In what ways do law enforcement agencies contribute to the well-being of a society?

-Law enforcement agencies contribute to the society by enforcing the law, providing them with peace
and order, crime prevention and keeping the society safe and secured.

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