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Quick recap of all the criticisms against Discord, backed by a couple

of good sources who addressed in detail the technological, structural

an cultural limitations of Discord

• Centralization: Discord's centralized architecture is a significant concern for many in the

open-source and privacy-centric communities. Centralization means that all data and
communication flow through Discord's servers, which raises questions about data control,
privacy, and potential censorship. In contrast, the Fediverse represents a decentralized
approach, where different platforms can communicate with each other without a single point
of control or failure. This distributed nature enhances user privacy and autonomy.

• Privacy and Data Collection: Discord collects a significant amount of user data, including
messages, voice chats, and device information. This extensive data collection is concerning
for users who prioritize privacy and security of their personal data 🔗. Additionally, there are
instances where Discord's metadata collection practices have been criticized for being
excessive and not entirely transparent, particularly in how the data is used or potentially
shared 🔗

• Security Vulnerabilities: There have been instances of security vulnerabilities within

Discord. For example, a vulnerability allowed for editing other people's messages by
sending a custom API request. Such vulnerabilities raise concerns about the platform's
overall security and the potential misuse of such flaws 🔗

• Inconsistent and Disorganized Communication: Discord has been criticized for its
disorganized communication with users, especially concerning updates and technical
information. Important details are often scattered across various platforms like blogs, email
lists, and social media, making it difficult for users to stay informed 🔗.

• Concerns Over Discord’s Business Model: Discord’s non-profitable business model raises
questions about its sustainability and future monetization strategies. Concerns include the
potential for aggressive monetization tactics such as introducing more subscription services,
displaying ads, or even selling user data 🔗.

• Toxicity and Moderation Issues: Like many online platforms, Discord struggles with
toxicity, including harassment, hate speech, and trolling. The platform's approach to
moderation and handling of such issues has been a point of criticism 🔗.

• Inadequate Response to Rule Violations: Discord has been criticized for its inconsistent
enforcement of rules and handling of reports. Issues like child grooming, bullying, and the
presence of harmful content have been highlighted, with concerns over the platform’s
response to such serious violations 🔗.
• Data Retention After Account Deletion: Even after a user deletes their Discord account,
their messages and data remain on the platform. This retention of data has raised concerns
about user privacy and control over their own information 🔗.

Now... let's take a quick look at some of the

alternatives, and how they compare (hint: you
gonna like it!)

1. Mumble
2. (with Matrix)
3. Mattermost
4. Rocket.Chat
5. Revolt

[ Mumble ]
• Description: ◦ Mumble is an open-source, low-latency voice chat software designed primarily for
real-time voice communication during gaming sessions. It focuses on providing high-quality audio
and minimal latency, making it ideal for fast-paced and team-based games.
• Key Features: ◦ Low Latency: Mumble is known for its exceptionally low-latency voice chat,
ensuring minimal delays in communication. ◦ Positional Audio: It supports positional audio, where
voices seem to come from the direction of the speaker's in-game character. ◦ Customizable: Mumble
allows server customization and offers a range of plugins and extensions. ◦ Low Resource Usage: It
runs efficiently even on older hardware, making it accessible to a wide range of gamers.
• Target audience: ◦ Mumble primarily caters to gamers and gaming communities that prioritize
effective real-time voice communication. It is popular among competitive gamers and clans.
• Advantages Compared to Discord: ◦ Lower latency voice chat. ◦ High-quality audio. ◦ Minimal
resource usage. ◦ Ideal for competitive gaming.

[ (with Matrix) ]

• Description: ◦, when used with the Matrix protocol, is an open-source communication
platform that offers both text and voice chat. It focuses on decentralized and secure communication.
• Key Features: ◦ Decentralized: Matrix is a decentralized protocol, meaning it doesn't rely on a
central server, offering more control over your communication infrastructure. ◦ End-to-End
Encryption: provides end-to-end encryption for secure messaging. ◦ Customization: custom
integrations making it versatile for various use cases ◦ Public and Private Rooms: Users can create
public or private chat rooms for discussions.
• Target audience: ◦ with Matrix is favored by users who value privacy, security, and
decentralization. It caters to tech-savvy individuals and those concerned about data privacy.
• Advantages Compared to Discord: ◦ Decentralized and secure. ◦ Customization options. ◦
Strong focus on privacy.

[ Mattermost ]
• Description: ◦ Mattermost is an open-source team collaboration platform that offers text-based
communication. It can be self-hosted, giving users more control over their communication
• Key Features: ◦ Self-Hosted: allows users to host their servers, providing autonomy and control. ◦
Text-Based Communication: focuses on text chat, file sharing, and integrations. ◦ Customizable: can
be customized and extended with plugins and integrations.
• Target audience: ◦ Mattermost is suitable for organizations, teams, or communities that prioritize
text-based communication and prefer self-hosted solutions. It's often used in business and
professional settings.
• Advantages Compared to Discord: ◦ Self-hosting option for control. ◦ Strong text-based
communication. ◦ Customization possibilities.
[ Rocket.Chat ]
• Description: ◦ Rocket.Chat is an open-source messaging platform that supports both text and
voice chat. It can also be self-hosted, offering control over the communication environment.

• Key Features: ◦ Self-Hosted: Rocket.Chat allows self-hosting, giving users control over their
communication infrastructure. ◦ Text and Voice Chat: It offers both text and voice chat, making it
versatile for various communication needs. ◦ Customization: Rocket.Chat can be customized with
integrations and plugins.

• Target audience: ◦ Rocket.Chat caters to organizations, teams, or communities looking for a

customizable and self-hosted communication solution. It's used in professional settings and by
communities with specific needs.

• Advantages Compared to Discord: ◦ Self-hosting option for control. ◦ Versatile text and voice
chat. ◦ Customization capabilities.

[ Revolt ]
• Description: Revolt is an open-source, self-hostable alternative to Discord. It offers a variety of
basic functionalities for group communication, including text chat, voice chat, and file sharing. It
also supports server self-hosting, which allows you to set up your own server instance.

• Key Features: Revolt offers most of the core functionalities of Discord, including text chat, voice
chat, and file sharing. It also supports server self-hosting, which allows you to set up your own
server instance. However, it's currently in the public beta testing phase and does not offer any
mobile applications. It may lack some essential features that you find on Discord.

• Target audience: Revolt is suitable for users who want a free and open-source alternative to
Discord. It's particularly appealing to those who want to self-host their server for greater control and

• Advantages: Compared to Discord: Revolt offers most of the core functionalities of Discord,
including text chat, voice chat, and file sharing. It also supports server self-hosting, which allows
you to set up your own server instance. However, it's currently in the public beta testing phase and
does not offer any mobile applications. It may lack some essential features that you find on Discord.


Enough? 😉

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