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1. Beginning of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing

A. 220 BC C. 100 AD
B. 2900 BC

2. Information anxiety
A. Robert Harris C. James Messenger
B. Richard Wurman

3. Truths of Information Age

A. James Messenger C. Robert Harris
B. Tim Burner Lee

4. You are what you eat means

A. Persist and continue to circulate
B. Do not make conclusion unless ideas are
presented to you
C. Some supporters some distractors

5. Printing press movable metal type

A. 1455 B. 1802

6. Papyrus roll was used

A. 105 AD B. 500 BC C. 1300 BC

7. First integrated circuit

A. 1944 B. 1969 C. 1958

8. First magnetic recordings were released

A. 1902 B. 1899 C. 1945

9. Influential broker of Apple

A. Steve Jobs C. Mark Zuckerberg
B. Bill Gates

10. An American Mathematician who was considered as

the “Father of Information Theory” Claude Shannon

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