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Q1 . Fill the appropriate circle like ● otherwise it will consider wrong.

1. Is a thing with features.

O hope O bird. O soul O crumb
2. I ........ Muslim.
O am O is O are O has
3. They are going to school. The underline word is a .......
O noun O adjective O verb O preposition
4. This is mine and that is yours . Point out the conjunction of this sentence.
O is O and O yours O none
5. Uzair heard his remarks . This kind of sentence is this .........
O declarative O assertive O both O both
6. Cow is a gender.
O masculine O feminine O neuter common
7. ‘’bravery’’ is what kind of noun ?
O uncountable O abstract O concrete O Both a,b
8. The noun which represent either male or female animal is called .
O neuter O common. O both O none
9. '' What is your name?’’ . Which kind of sentence is it ?
O interrogative O exclamatory O imperative O none
10. He is than him .
O rich O richest O richer O rich full
11. The word ‘’global village’’ refers .
O transportation O telecommunications O medicines O agriculture
12. The word ‘’wound’’ means .
O injury O inflammation O puncture O pimples
13. That is his book . The underline word is a .
O adjective O Verb O preposition O none
14. I will help you if you will help me . The sentence is
O complex O simple O none O both
15. Is a desert land where water is scarce.
O Syria. O Iraq O Arabia. O Egypt

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