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NIM : 111910300


1. Mention Eight Parts of speech and give the example

Jawaban :

1) Pronoun
Example = I, you, they, we, she, he, it,

2) Adjective
Example = beautiful, handsome, smart, rich, lazy

3) Noun
Example = table, tree, car laptop

4) Conjunction
Example = But, while, when

5) Adverb
Example = Quickly, seldom, slowly

6) Verb
Example = Sleep, go, study, work

7) Interjection
Example = Wow!, Hey!, Ouch!

8) Preposition
Example = At, in, on, under, above,

2) Write Kinds of noun and give the example

A. Proper Nouns

A proper noun is the name of a particular person or place. For example: Richard was a good
Africa is a very large country.

B. Common Nouns
Common nouns refer to the names of things in general. For example: Keep the bottle in the fridge.
I saw him talking to a boy in the park yesterday.

C. Collective Nouns
Collective nouns are nouns that indicate a number of persons or things taken together and spoken of
as a whole.
For example: crowd (of people), fleet (of ships), army (of soldiers), flock (of sheep)

D. Abstract Nouns
Abstract nouns refer to the name of a quality, action or state that cannot be experienced with the five
For example: quality - bravery, softness, foolishness
action - movement, laughter, judgement

state - adulthood, freedom, wealth

E. Countable Nouns

Countable nouns are the names of objects or people that we can count. For example: table, pencil,
pear, dog, child

F. Uncountable Nouns
Uncountable nouns are the names of things that we cannot count. They include substances and
abstract things.
For example: milk, water, salt, truth

G. Multiple Types of Nouns

Nouns are of multiple types: proper, common, collective, abstract, countable, and uncountable. In
your exam, you may be asked to identify the type of noun in a sentence. For example: Jacob is a
smart boy.
This sentence has two nouns. 'Jacob' is a proper noun and 'boy' is a common noun.

H. Formation of Nouns with 'ance' or 'ence' after Verbs

Nouns may be formed by placing 'ance' or 'ence' after the verb. In such cases, you may be required to
drop the final letters of the verb.
For example:
Verb - persevere; Noun - perseverance

Verb - intelligent; Noun - intelligence Verb - prefer; Noun - preference Verb - disturb; Noun –
I. Formation of Nouns from by Adding 'ness' or 'ity' to Adjectives
Nouns may be formed by adding 'ness' or 'ity' to adjectives. You may be required to change or drop
the last letters of the adjective.
For example:

Adjective - kind; Noun - kindness Adjective - capable; Noun – capability

3.) Write 10 example of abstracts noun (not from book)

A. Glory
B. Honour
C. Courage D. Love
E. Truth
F. Honesty G. Symbolism H. Puritanism I. Reflection

4. What is pronoun?

Jawaban = A pronoun is one of the eight main parts of speech. The word pronoun means “on
behalf of a noun,” meaning that it stands in for a noun (the antecedent) to avoid repetitive
nouns in writing.

6. Present continuous

(+) I am studying English now

(-) I am not studying English now
(?) Am I studying English now?
(-?) Aren't I studying English now?
Past tense
(+) I slept at 11.15 p.m.last night
(-) I didn't sleep at 11.15 p.m. last night (?) Did I sleep at 11.15 p.m. last night? (-) Didn't I
sleep at 11.15 p.m. last night?

7. Descriptive text :

I would like to
describe my best friend. My best friend is a girl. Her name is shinta. Shinta is my best friend

since in elementary school. She is also my neighbor. She has a short body, long black-haired,
and oval-faced. Shinta is white-skinned. Because of it, we call her “Chinese”. But her nose is

flat and her eyes are narrow eyes.

Shinta’s body is medium. It is not really fat and also thin. When she is walking, her body is
well built. She has a special sign on her face. It is a small mole around her mouth. That’s why
everybody can recognize her from it. Shinta is a kind and understanding person. She always
helps me in every single problem i get and she always wants to be a good listener

for me to know everything about me when i’m telling it. She is also a polite porson. So that,
she is acceptable in every place she lives and at present, we still have good communication
and we hope never ending till the end our life.

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