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the reduction or loss of the biological or economic productivity caused by multiple forces such as;

Salinity Erosion Contamination

Salinity refers to the concentration of sodium (salt) in
water and soils. When high levels of salinity are exposed
Heavy metal contamination refers to when heavy
to the environment, it could result in the dehydration of metals are released into the atmosphere through
human and natural activities. Leads to these
emissions returning to the surface and
contaminating soils.
Types Causes Effect Mitigation

Heavy Metals :
The combination of
damages arsenic
excess water and Blocked infrastructure
Monitor soil
salt. Leading to a drainage
rise in salt deposits
in the urban
paths Increased cost of Impacts :
infrastructure repair
landscape. increases pollution in the environment
serious health issues (birth defects, cancer, and
Erosion is the geological process by which the more)
surface of the earth gets broken down. Erosion can heavy metals entering the food chain
Dry Land
removal of
involve physical and chemical weathering.
deep rooted
The rise of salt vegetation
excess water Mitigation :
to the soil
Impacting natural Causes : removing the metals directly from the roots
and human assets Managing and
surface carried Distribution of
by the rising salt to soil
excessing (Rhizofiltration)
farming gravity wave action
water table. clean up the soil with flora ( Phytoremediation)
soil texture human removal of
reduce pollution through degradation (bio-
distribution of rainfall vegetation
leakage of Mitigation :
Irrigation groundwater Using water
replant vegetation
Cause a build up of
Rise of salt in removal of
salt on the soil
control run-off
groundwater. deep rooted Managing the
through over flora
water crops avoid over grazing
watering. receive
over watering
from humans
BIBLIOGRAPHY 2022. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 3 August 2022].

Entwistle, D., 2018. NSW earth and environmental science. Marrickville, NSW: Science Press. 2022. [online] Available at: <

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