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The film begins in an alternate version of Victorian-style England at the end of the

19th century, where steampunk technology and magic exist in the same world full
of intrigue and danger. The plot begins with a series of various terrorist attacks
carried out by a mysterious villain known as "The Phantom". These attacks
threaten to spark a world war, prompting the British government to form a secret
league of exceptional individuals to stop the enemy. The members of this League
are iconic figures of classical literature:

• Allan Quatermain: A legendary retired African hunter and adventurer who is

recruited to lead the team due to his experience in dangerous situations
along with the motto of “Africa won't let him die.”

• Mina Harker (Wilimina): The wife of Jonathan Harker, the protagonist of

Bram Stoker's novel "Dracula." Mina possesses vampiric abilities, such as
the ability to heal quickly and see in the dark. (In the comic she is the one
who leads the League and has no powers)

• Captain Nemo: The enigmatic captain of the Nautilus, a submarine that has
a lot of advanced technology that he uses as a base of operations in
addition to using it to travel the world with the rest of the league members.

• Dr. Jekyll / Mr. Hyde: The brilliant scientist Dr. Jekyll can transform using a
monstrous serum. Hyde is immensely strong and dangerous. (In the comic
his monster is not really big and muscular; his appearance was modified in
the movie to make him scary and imposing. His true form is to be small and

• Rodney Skinner: The Invisible Man, based on the character of H.G. Wells. It
uses a formula that makes it invisible, but also makes it very susceptible to
cold. At one point in the film he mentions that he stole the formula from
another scientist.

• Dorian Gray: The immortal man who never ages due to a magical portrait
he carries with him. However, his pursuit of pleasure has made him a
morally ambiguous character.
The League begins a series of missions that takes them to exotic and dangerous
locations, as they attempt to discover the identity and motive of the Phantom.
Throughout the film, they face challenges that test their unique abilities and diverse
The relationships between team members, which are full of tension and mistrust,
are also explored. As the plot progresses, dark secrets and surprising alliances are
revealed, and the League finally discovers the truth about the Phantom's plan and
his connection to the British government. The film culminates in a final battle where
the members of the League join forces to confront the villain and prevent a global
catastrophe at the hands of Allan's death and his possible resurrection in Africa.

"The Extraordinary League" is a film that disappoints me in several ways. The lack
of budget results in a production with little spectacle and action. Furthermore, it
deviates significantly from the original comic. The film lacks emotion, with an
uninteresting plot and storytelling errors. Despite some fun moments and literary
characters thanks to the Spanish dubbing of Spain in general, the film fails to live
up to expectations and results in a disappointing experience considering hearing
that the film was “good.” Personally, I already knew about the technique of adding
literary characters, such as the “Bungo Stray Dogs” anime and the video game
“Bungo to Alchemist.”

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