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Khrizlene Amparo ACTIVITY NO.

11- ABM Concepcion ICT, ME & MY COMMUNITY

1.What do you think I the best strategy to Implement in boosting company or business sales?

• I think the best strategy to implement to boost company or business sales is to develop a
deep understanding of our target audience, their needs, preferences, and pain points.
Providing or giving something they really like; also, providing excellent customer service;
being nice to customers; and giving them good deals to keep them coming back.

2. Do you think technology has a big factor in increasing sales?

• Yes, I think technology is a big factor in increasing sales for businesses because it enables
them to expand their audience through online channels such as social media. Additionally,
it provides valuable data that can inform their customers decision-making and optimize
sales strategies.

3.Which kind of web will you choose as an online platform? Explain your answer.

• If I'm given a chance to choose an online platform to enhance my business, I'll choose the
TikTok platform because it aligns with the demographics of TikTok users, especially these
days when TikTok's popularity makes it an effective online platform for reaching and
engaging with a large audience.

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