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8. The Whig party viewed the government as a strong protector of the economy,
believing it should play an active role in creating and maintaining economic prosperity.
They wanted to use government funds to build infrastructure, support education, and
promote banking and industry. They also advocated for tariffs to protect American
industry from foreign competition. On the other hand, the Democratic party tended to be
more conservative on economic issues. They generally supported a more limited role
for the government in the economy, favoring free trade, a smaller tax burden, and less
government regulation of business.

9. During Andrew Jackson's presidency, the issues of states' rights and nullification had
a major impact on the nation. States' rights, which refer to the idea that states should
have the autonomy to make their own decisions and laws, was a major issue during
Jackson's time. This was due to the growing tension between states in the North and
South over slavery and other issues. Nullification was a concept put forward by some
states, including South Carolina, in which they declared that they had the right to nullify
or declare invalid any federal law with which they disagreed. This was seen as a direct
challenge to the United States Constitution. It was a response to the Tariff of
Abominations enacted by Jackson, which the South saw as an infringement on their

10. Manifest Destiny was a phrase used in the 19th century to describe the belief that
the United States was destined to expand across the continent. This idea drove many
Americans to move westward in pursuit of free land, adventure, and economic
opportunity. The belief in Manifest Destiny supported a wave of expansionist policies,
including the forced removal of Native Americans from their ancestral lands and the
annexation of territories such as Texas and California.

11. Settlers moved into the West during the 1800s for a variety of reasons, including the
hope of finding new economic opportunities, religious freedom, and open land. The
Homestead Act of 1862, which granted free land to settlers in the West, was an
especially powerful incentive for those looking to start a new life. The lure of gold and
silver also brought some settlers to the West in search of riches.

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