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- open the template monogram coaster

- create the monogram - yung nasa labas template

- copy the date (DD/MM/YYYY)
- copy the names (always use '&')
- copy last name (always uppercase) - if not upper case - select the pasted last
name - go to text menu - change case - upper case
- background big letter change it to the first letter of last name
- adjust the size big but not to fill entirely the circle
- select the big letter then shift then select the outer circle
- press C and E to align in center hor. and ver.
- select white box behind last name
- press shift then click on big letter
- then click trim in menu bar
- select the white box again and then delete it
- select entire monogram
- objects > convert to curves
- notice blue line circle - delete it - then delete yellow circle also
- select entire monogram then W - weld
- then remove outline of monogram
- resize whole monogram to 1.5 x 1.5
- delete the monogram pre-made
- select the one you created press shift then select the circle
- press C
- select monogram then copy - ctrl v - press shift then click the next cicle then
press C
- repeat until sets are filled
- save as "last 2 numbers of order - name - order number

***** if set are 8:

- select all 4 monogram
- ctrl c ctrl v
- add -5 in Y coordinate
- copy the logo
- paste it on the preferred size template
- delete the text on the template
- press p so it will center
- change size to 7.5 x 7.5
- save it "last 2 numbers of order - last name - order num + board"
save file as SVG
-open box guide
- select the guide or same size as coaster template
- copy and paste it on coaster template
- remove outline
- send to back
- save as svg

^ same procedure for the board

- open the gift note template
- paste the notes there
- adjust spacing if necessary
- save as "Gift Note (order number)

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