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Match the correct language functions for the language forms given.

Language functions Language forms

i. To express concern a. Hi, Sarah

ii. To offer help b. How is Lisa now?
iii. To greet c. I want to attend the camp.
iv. To enquire about people d. I can help you give the details
v. To inform e. Are you all right, Alif?
vi. To confirm f. Yes, that is true


Your best friend, Julie, has asked you to join her for a concert at Bukit Putra Indoor Stadium. Read the
email from her inviting you to join her.

From: Julie

Subject: Mega Concert at Bukit Putra Indoor Stadium

Coco Lee is back! Her concert is scheduled for next month. We missed her
concert last year. Shall we go together? Yes … love to

I heard tickets are selling fast. We need to get our tickets before they are sold
out. I was thinking of the Saturday evening performance. What do you think? Tell Julie

I will purchase the tickets online tomorrow. Any particular seat you would Tell her your
prefer? I heard it is a 360-degree stage. preference
My dad can give us a lift to the concert. We can leave a bit earlier and have
dinner before the performance. Great!

Write soon.


Fill in the blanks with the suggested answers given to complete the email.

• The seats at the centre of the row would be good so that we could get the
whole view of the performance.
• … serves the best tom yam in town near the stadium.
• Yes, I would definitely love to attend her concert.
• Great! Uncle Tan is giving us a lift to the concert.
• … performance would be a good choice. That will be the 8.30 p.m. show.
From: Sarimah

Subject: Mega Concert at Bukit Putra Indoor Stadium

Hi Julie, Notes
Wow! Coco Lee is back. (1) _______________________________________ .
I have been waiting for her comeback. Yes … love to

The Saturday evening (2) __________________________________________.

The afternoon performance would be too rushed for us. Tell Julie
It is a good idea to purchase the tickets online tomorrow. (3) ______________
Tell her your
(4) ___________________________________. There is a restaurant (5) _____
_____________________. Perhaps we could have dinner there. Great!
See you!


Adapted from MUET Test-focused LEFTClick, pg. 155 – 156

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