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NAME: Diksha B Vasoo


Israel is an exceptional country which has leading economy despite depending upon
agriculture as source of income?

Israel is a country located in the Middle East, bordered by Lebanon to the north, Syria to the
northeast, Jordan to the east, and Egypt to the southwest. Its official language is Hebrew, and
its capital city is Jerusalem. Israel has a diverse population, with a majority Jewish population
and significant Arab and other minority communities. It has a parliamentary democracy and a
robust economy, with leading sectors in technology, tourism, and agriculture. However, the
region is also marked by political tensions and conflicts, including the ongoing Israeli-
Palestinian conflict.
Israel is often considered an exceptional country due to its economic success despite several
challenges, including its small size, limited natural resources, and the ongoing conflict with
neighbouring countries.

While agriculture has historically been an important source of income for Israel from the time
when the country was founded and was establishing its economy. At that time, Israel faced
significant challenges in terms of food security and had to develop its agriculture sector to
feed its growing population., but it currently accounts for a relatively small share of its GDP.
According to the World Bank, agriculture, forestry, and fishing combined accounted for
around 1.8% of Israel's GDP in 2020.the country has diversified its economy and developed
several industries that have contributed significantly to its success.

One key factor in Israel's economic success is its emphasis on technological innovation and
entrepreneurship. The country has a highly educated population and a strong culture of
innovation, which has helped it to develop and export high-tech products and services in
fields such as cyber security, medical devices, and software. Israel is also home to several
world-renowned universities and research institutions, which have helped to fuel its
innovation-driven economy. It also has a well-developed tourism industry, with many
historical and cultural sites attracting visitors from around the world.

In addition, Israel has developed strong trade relationships with other countries and regions,
including the United States, Europe, and Asia. The country is a member of several
international organizations and has signed free trade agreements with numerous countries,
which has helped to open up new markets for its products and services.

Furthermore, Israel has implemented policies to attract foreign investment, such as offering
tax incentives and creating special economic zones. This has helped to stimulate economic
growth and create new jobs, particularly in the high-tech sector.
While there are also other key factors contributing to Israeli economy such as:

Strategic location: Israel's location at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa has made it a
hub for trade and commerce. Its close proximity to major markets and shipping routes has
helped to facilitate trade and has contributed to the growth of its economy.

Strong government support: The Israeli government has been supportive of business
development and innovation, offering incentives and subsidies to encourage investment and
growth in key sectors of the economy.

Robust infrastructure: Israel has a modern and well-developed infrastructure, including

advanced transportation systems, high-speed internet, and state-of-the-art research and
development facilities. This has helped to support the growth of the country's economy and
has contributed to its overall competitiveness in the global market.

Diversification: While agriculture was historically an important sector in Israel's economy,

the country has diversified its economy in recent decades, with a focus on high-tech
industries, tourism, and services. This diversification has helped to ensure the sustainability
and growth of the economy in the face of changing market conditions.

While agriculture remains an important sector of the Israeli economy, its. The country has
also implemented advanced agricultural techniques, such as drip irrigation and precision
farming, which have helped to increase productivity and reduce water usage.

In summary, Israel's success as a leading economy can be attributed to several factors,

including its culture of innovation, strong trade relationships, policies to attract foreign
investment, and advanced agricultural techniques.

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