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Why is the 8th of March commemorated?

The 8th of March 1908, 129 women died in a fire in the Cotton factory in New York after a strike. The aim of the measure was to
reduce the working day to ten hours, to have the same salary as men for the same activities and the improvement of working
conditions. The owner of the factory ordered to close the doors of the building so that women abandoned the place. However,
the result was the death of the workers who were inside the building.

In 1910, an international conference of socialists women was developed and the central theme was the universal vote for all the
women in the world. In honour to the women fallen in strike in 1908.

Every 8th of March social groups gather together on streets to proclaim the abolishment of patriarchy (a sociocultural, politic and
economic system) that reproduces inequality.


1. Match the words in bold to these pictures.

2. Look for the meaning of the underlined words in the dictionary.

3. Circle all the words which you know the meaning of.
4. Answer these questions.
a. What happened the 8th of March?
b. What was the aim of the strike?
c. Why did the owner order to close the doors of the factory?
d. What was the central theme of the conference?
e. Why do people gather on streets?

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