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NAME: __________________________________________ COURSE: ________________
Test I- Complete the pattern with the needed information.
A. Kinds of Visual Art (1- 24)
Types of art Materials/Instrument Prominent artist in the Example of genre
commonly used society

B. The chronological order of the development of art in history. (25-45)

Period in history Illustrate production and qualities of arts
during those periods

Test II- Analyze the statement closely. Write before the number the correct terminology that
that the sentence refers to.
______________ 46. It is about understanding culture and to study it, students must
understand the history of humans’ written accounts of the past.
______________ 47. A person whose competences exhibit the
exceptional skills in design, drawings/paintings, acting, singing, dancing, decorating, and
the like.
______________ 48. An academic discipline that dealt with understanding the human society,
tradition, social norms, and values, as well the different questions that man ask.
______________ 49. It is the quality of art that is universal in nature, not because it was done
a long time ago it cannot be considered as art.
______________ 50. The art of copying or imitating of a work of other people
______________ 51. The most prominent way to do photography is using the powerful
gridlines. This composition is well known to many photographers.
______________ 52. A set of principles concerned with nature and appreciation of beauty,
especially in art.
______________ 53. The original Renaissance Man, identified with genius, not only for
masterpieces such as the Mona Lisa
______________ 54. The most important aspect of the work of this artist is how he represents
light as a tangible substance. The soft blur he employs appears to foreshadow photorealism.
______________ 55. Legendary for being mentally unstable artist, but his paintings are among
the most famous and beloved of all time.
______________ 56. He’s generally acknowledged as the precursor to Expressionism,
influencing artists such 20th-century artists with the “The Scream” being one of his
______________57. His works would grow to become widely recognized and his paintings, such
as The Kiss, have been copied and reproduced on countless products and prints.
______________58. The prehistoric technology of the ancient man, devised to help them in
their survival.
______________59. Refers to putting together succession of images that produces a story.
______________60. The pursuit and creation of beautiful things
______________61. A creative art form which includes the following of the rhythmic movement
of the body in an accompaniment of music.
______________62. The form of art that uses words to communicate and express themselves to
the audience.
______________63. Incorporating elements of style and design to express or enhance the
aesthetic beauty of an object.
______________64. A person who has the innate capability to transform, create and transform
anything into a work of art.
______________65. The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination,
typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, produces works to be appreciated
primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
Test III- Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the word that makes the idea correct.
66. Which element of art refers to the distance or area between, around, or between things?
a. Shape b. proxemics c. line d. contrast
67. Which principle of design is achieved with contrast?
a. Color b. Emphasis c. Design d, Texture.

68. This refers to the way something feels or looks as if it might feel like something.

a. Value b. Texture c. Line d. Space

69.This is the most basic element of art. It is used to form lots of different things in
art. It is the path of a dot through a space.
a. Balance b. contrast c. emphasis c. line
70. An orderly repetition of object.
a. Line b. shape c. pattern d. proportion
71. Art is the “actual doing of something”, this assumption of art involves,

a. experiencing b. feeling c. naturalistic d. creating

72. The timelessness, spanning from generation to generation and as found everywhere
makes art ________________.

a. Natural b. skillful c. Universal d, Accepted.

73. An art form where the artist expresses his emotions not by using paint, charcoal, or
camera, but expresses them through arts.

a. Visual b. Sculpture c. Dancing d. poetry

74. Releasing oneself from the tormenting events of everyday occurrence in art is called.
a. Expression b. actualization c. escape d. mobilization

75. Enraged with the concept of mimesis and said that the beauty of the original arts is being
destroyed by nemesis.

a. Plato b. Aristotle c. Da Vinci d. Socrates

TEST IV. (76-80) Explain the basic premises of art. (5pts)

Use illustration to explain the concept.

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