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Exercise 1
Complete the sentences with the first conditional and the words in parentheses.

1. If he _________ (give) her a present, she ____________ (thank) him with a kiss.
2. If we __________ (go) to the show, we ______________ (have) a lot of fun.
3. You ____________ (love) this song if you ____________ (listen) to it again.
4. She ____________ (be) mad at you if you ____________ (lie) to her.
5. If I ___________ (not go) to the party, I ____________ (go) to the movies.
6. My sister ____________ (pass) the test if she ________________ (study) more.
7. They _____________ (travel) to Cancun if they ___________ (save) money.
8. If we ____________ (participate) more, our teachers ____________ (be) happy.
9. You ___________________ (understand) if you __________ (ask) your teacher.
10. If I ___________ (like) you, I _____________ (tell) you.

Exercise 2
Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Be creative:

1. I will be very sad __________________________________________________

2. If I get good grades, ________________________________________________
3. I will feel very tired _________________________________________________
4. If I learn to speak English, ___________________________________________
5. I won’t have any money _____________________________________________

Exercise 3
Match the following columns
1. ___ If you walk under a ladder, a) you will have bad luck
2. ___ If a black cat crosses your path, b) it will bring you good luck
3. ___ If you break a mirror, c) you will get whatever you wished
4. ___ If you find a horseshoe, d) you will have bad luck
5. ___ If you blow out all the candles on your e) you will have 7 years of bad luck
birthday cake


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