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-----i a -----
14. Wheri can i^Ie say that the two roots Of a quadratic
equafty are equar?
1. A thcoremiwhigiv states that if.n > 2, the equation A. when the discriminant is greaterthan 1
xm + yin = zn camct be soived in positwe integers
Xl y„ and Z
A. Union C. Normalset
term is equal to :the coefficient Of the first
8. !kersexp:sz_p E\. Subs;ct degree term
D. none oftheabove
2. A statement Of trLwh Of twhich fo!!crms with little or S.,,.

vro prcof from a theorem. 15. A phagression whose reciprocal fomris an

A.. Ardom ±Jgr_ollarv aTthrife progression
8. Hypothesis D` Conclusion A. Arithmetic means C. Geometric means
8. fiarmonicmeans g=±giv?r?alqup[>q±
a. An arrayofmx n quantities is a system ofnctation
for reaa! number that composecl Of eterrierrfe in 16. A figure numbers which can be drmmi as I:lots and
ro`nrs and columns is kno`Am as arranged in sqLrare shape a.e.1. 49 9,16, 25...)
A. Transposedmatrix C` «afrfr C. Pyramid riumbers
8~ Cofactorof amatrix D. i5=ininaut i ¥#k D. Pentagon
4` if the t`ro digit numbernlas xfor its unit digit and y 17. V\thichof the following is NOT a pxpperty Of a
for its tens digit, yhe number is represented as binomial expansion Of (xrty)rty

:: =ch-
A. x+y a. y-x .a. 70ir±_¥ D. lox-y A` pewerofx is decreasing

5. Axioms are pfoposfrous ofa general logical nar[ure

(abou± equal or unequal) uthile are the
C. conclusions
18. \^mich Of the following statement is NOT rue?
•§: =: :¥i=d]u¥::?;e:|i.,:;::£ii:±€:ri:.e::`-,:=:r±.
a Corollaries D. imsfufazes

S. An equation \which is satirfed fry all values of the D. The aucrtioTtt of even `_number.isE eii]€p±
varfabje for `which the members Of the equa(jon
defined is tcno^Am as 19. If the degree Of the numienator is one more than
A. Linearequation C. Conditional equatin the dqgree of the denominator® the quotient is a
a. Baifeng/..ecxppapq D. Trratfonal equation polynomia,-
A. ±±±±ep_f c. Oubic
7. A statement containing one or more variables and 8. Quadfatic D. Quartic
having the property that ft becomes either true or
¥a!se witen the variables are given ;peciFic values 20. Hour is a number in Ffascars iiniang!e obafa;ned?
fro fry domairrs.
A. So!utic>n C. aoen sl±nfe»ec>
a. Problem D. Worded problem EHEREHEE-mREREREimE
8~ The degree ofa petynomial orequalon is the C. fry getting the diference of the tiano numtRE
EL maximum expenent diredy above it~
L D-frogethinojEL¥itmenofthefroriunibems
D. ITHDdmum
21. Refers to a value which is not exact but migm be
9. The prime number is an integer greater than 1 at"rate enought ror son!1e apeeiife

vwh has
A.1 as its only positive divisor
8. !tselfas its only positive divisor


1®. in the proportion Of four quantities. the first and

fourth temis are riefemed to as title
A 4t)prox7-mate `ra/ae
8. Absolute `ratLie


i: E#ifeupfa iJ±
C. Ftelative value
D. Aoujrife value


A Means C. denomir}ators 23` Indicate the false statemenL

8. EftyJng§ . D. numerators

11. If an equalfty is true for all the values of the

var"e, -rt is a/an
A. conditional equality
EL equivawh equalfty 24-ELoffi:E:Bi5g!Iowing.. is NOT une arm
ELEjHjEEERE A. All norHzero digits a\re signifit=amL
a- #ffi= bet© n© digife ±
12. A 3 x 2 matrix can be multiplied to a

a 3:3 # grfe+-Sin:#-I
Th3. Whrfu Of the foI!Chwing carmo{ be an operation Of deeinat point de signifroaTTL
A. Addition C. Muife-p]iaation 25. The squn Of any point number and its reciprnd is
8. Siibtradion D. REiristp_n_. A. ahbe tessthan2
a. alvxp eqt]alto2
26. A pofynomial `which is exactly divisible by thro or a. Cared D. Perfect
more pofynomiats is catted
A. least common denominator` 39. Any combina±fon of symbats and numbers related
a.a_:__om__tro_n_mursipfe dy the fundameutaf operafron of algebra is caJ[ed
a. factors a/an
D. binomial A. Equation
8. Abeebrai® earoressigi-_
27. Refers to the product of the several prime C. Term

numbers ocouring in the denominations, each
taken \adih greater muutplicfty.

C^ Leastsq-
D- AorB
D. algebraie sun

40. An equation wliich, because Of soime

mathematical process, has required an extra roct
is sometimes ca«ed as

28. ITte process Of reasoning `whert±in a final

C` Linen equation
corrdusion is obtained b)r experirneutal mcthocl D. rmedive equaton
Ei EEEEEFffinHEErm 41. EqLenons `nrfuose members are eq[ial only for
a. RAathemathieat conversfoin cehain or possibly no `ralue Of the unfcnorm.
D. Mathemathicat induction
29. If an infiriile series no sum, it is refemed to as a C. Unconditional equations
A. Convergent series C. Ceoinetirfc series D. Temporary equations
8- Eeeerrmp[.egEE±§ D. None of the above

cO~ Refers exclusivenr to eqLiaffions with integers

A. Determinate equations
42. ff the absolute value Of the numerator Of a froactin
is srnaller than the denolTiinator, it is called

a ff±n
a. decimal ftacfro
D. in.urednumber
a. Intermediate equations

43. The completeness axiom pro\red lhaiL the reaH
EEEHEREffi=REE number sictem has numbers cther than
A. Integers C. Natural numbers
31L A serfes is said to he if it conyerges\nthen a. fikafijdpp/+E+iprpqpe D. Irrational numbes
ire terms are raplaeed by their absolute value`
44. Vvtien an imaginary number is raisecl to an even
exponent, it
a. infinife convergent A. becormes infinite
D. fiife convergent 8. becomes negative imaginary r}umber
a. beccmes relathrety small number
32. For a 9hren function thafi q[) = fti}. What giv Of D. beet+rme real riurntler
symmetry dces xp) have?
A. odd symmetry C. rotational symmetry 45. The of the completc number is found by
8. e`rensimr7whr D. quarfer"ave syimmetry murmpr}ring each term of the one by every leml of
the other-
A. the fangefit is posftitre
3: sinunin fri#
8. the cotangent is posithre 46. An integer the sum Of all its paesiib]e dr`risors
except the number itself is less than the integer is
=. # g\°nset¥nz##€3rfe called
A. abundantnumber C. ffiendlynumber
34. convergence seqLienee is a sequence Of 8. amicable number a._+*pfectjpeminrflSpr{Igr
decreasing number or \when succeeding term is
the plteding [rm- 47` \A/hat is antmer name for. arnicaLble numbers?
A. greater tr]an g±Jesserthan A. Compatble numbers
8. equallo D` none oftheabo`re a. tEELtee_ndfy t\umbers
C. Fermat`s numbers
S5. The ratio Of product Of tiAro expressions in direct or D. Inconsistent numbers
inverse relation `edih each other is called
A. rfro and proporfofi 48. `E`rery even intBger greater than 2 can be wlrftten


5±QristaTtt o6 variation
as slum Of ttanc} prirnesB. This known as
Fermaffs last theorem
Goidbach conjecture
C. Fin-me numbertheorem
ae. A sequerne Of numbers iwhene the succeeding D. Mersenne's theorem
fern is greater than the preceding term is called
A. dissonant series ±qrBapenr qenggg 4S` using Cramers rule, the deferminanit Of the
EL Convergent series D. isometrfe sedee cceffirient is ahaqrs is alurays the
A. numerator` Ofa qoutient
37` A statenrent Of tnrih `which is admittecl without
A. 4a¢egr C` Postulate
D. rorreofthee
8. Theorem D. Com»ary
50. Vmen i`ro routs are interchanged in po5ftiono the
38. Statemems that are accepted vriithout criscalssfon \ralue of the determinant `^ti«
or proof are ca(led axioms. The vrord A. remain unchanged
cttax±om"comes fhom the Greek ~axjomaThich
a. be murep[tssd_br -1
tnt- C. b-zco
A. vy_orth a- True D. become iTTfinife vi=Iue
1. Vthert the r`ypotenuse of a right §pharical

triangle is greater than goo
A. Th,e two legs are ori the same quadrant
8. The t`ng legs are on the djiferent quedrand

2. Milisaun.itof
A- Anoie c. Awhnd
a. Length D. eight
3~ The sum ofariy tiro angles ofa spherical
mangle is
A~ Grieaterthan |8oa
a, L thanlco°
CI Les!S quart..|S0°.+ th(±.(Iiiirtl €±.rlq|p
D. Greater than l80° + the thiricl angle
A. 8 hours40 minutes
8. 8 hours 34 minut)es
C. 8 hours and 14 minutes
D. qtiquE 4xpEErfe
5. \^inich of the f\Dllowing statements is false

equal, the sides opposite are equal and
8. iftfro angles ofa spherical triangle ape

D. Pn-mitive
16. If that unknrm.i{ a condilional equatio coour
D-##,OfL£.Ii"ie;edieor¥,Ee±ti as an expnenL he best way to solve trle
iinfroqu is by
6. Ilie radius of the eath used in spherical
drigour€ is
A. 3989 sfatute miles
8~ 3979 sfafufe mjies

7. A spherical triangle urn a» angles equal to a 3: :oa:kt?co!! §: :ELani:dt,prng

right triangle is called spherical
triangle- i8`#&efflifeofs product is be
and the logarithm Of a
£: 8REr 8: #jh¥angufar qcotieut is the of the logarmms.
8. IfR isqueradius ofa sphere and E isan

a¥+#th¥no¥sndinc:)..=:EifeD:caR:: i: RE#
19. Forot< x i 1, In
9. Thesum ofa(I interior angles in a spherical A- Positive
trfanole is atways a. Zero
D. Eietmenoand 1
£:gre¥:#:ig8:RE¥#:2#: 20.Vthicttofthefo)kjwingcannotbeabaseofa
'¥a#7 B. tr c. i D. a
§: 8¥t¥nn2J7##:=th¥n54#®
10. Equations used for the so!ut-on to a 21.#setdrquofbearfffi;bajinca`Lg#i5Tifeofsyths:en
p!ane triangle using law Of sine's as fiallows:
(ar+bye i {cosl& {A + 8}) / {sjnlj2 C} and (a- of bade b. :
b)/c = (Sj`nlE (A -8» / (ccel& C}. These A` Ccfficient :
equatqus ae ca!fed a. +Qgarthm i •....8:gEL¥

8: #ii:i-
A. Diophantine eqirations

D. Gauss equation
22. !n x = L~ log +
A. 0."
a.1P E=ERE
111_ Indieate the falese statermant:
23. sin
Afii:-alAch 88.eqTu;#a(l#t-%-,
A. An artifude of a thangBe js a perpendioufar a-
drag from any verfex fo the oppesite side. D. CRE{A~B)
24. wnatis the sine °f82q°?c. ro.866 a. Cosine D` cotangent
A. 9ffi
a. 0.866 D, J].5 39.• In
the sametriangle.
speciest\ro angles
if they aine(or sides)
25~Thetogarfuofarftothehase{ A Behmen0°and l80¢
2.7182 .... ) is cama a. Bctweeno°at son
A. hfaf]ierian !ouarichm C. Betrygoo and i8oo
a. Characteriatc I D.Eifeand90°orbothBetryap
a. Mantisca
D. Briggstan ~
40. Refers to the angle at ermer peile between the
26.AkrsFarmoHtoanyb¥pjntry mchdian passing througiv a peiwh and some
A. furdetenminate

fixed meridian lamsirm as the prime meddiaae,
a. PeEE D. one A. Longmlde C. dedination
a. Latituc}e D. ec|uinctx


B.C_ g#
C. One leg is one the first quadrant :arpd the
other on the second quadrant
D. None of the abchre
8. Lag(in-N} D` Lag{N~M} 42. The point that is diametrically opposife the
29-ELEIrofconourreneyofthearmudeofthe zenrm is called

A` grmapepeer I C. mefaoenter 3: EEL gnggffi

8. Cerifroid i D. incenter meridian
ae. The logarmm of the re{=iprocal Of N is cat(ed 43. The great circles through.the north ancl south
OfN celestial peLes are called
A Antilogarithm C. nafufal logarithm
A. Hcurcife
a. Ctefodarithm D. Briggsian a. Cetestia! rnerfdians
Jogarm c. Eteavated petes
D. A_?_Elap
31. The first fable logafThut with 10 as base `ras
derctoped in 1615 by ; 44. The angular distance of a point on the
A. JarnesNaismiffl ' temestriatsphefromthecn`o+gifeiscalterd
8. .H_eny BriHq§ A. fe_Iafty_gg
a. Jam Napier 8. I"ide D. oodectinatien
D. Johnwallis 4S. The cnaracterjstjc is equal to the exponent Of
32.TheintngralpartofacrcTnjg%¥mis 10, when the number is written in
A10 A. Exponential form
8. E ; D. characteristic a. sciendifro notrfu
C. Louaritrirfe forTrl
33.Thenumbers[ogabtolpgbaare D. inaHonal number
A- EqLra!
46. The angle which the line of the apiece
makes \Ath the horizontal whicti is above the
::=q±#alFiE£[±#=#=oifer eye of the observer is called
A. Angie of depression
34. The characfen-st-es js 'the 8. Anqte ofekeryafty
C. Acaife angie
RE#°rfurenpenLJrferiswitten D. I-g
A- Eg±±±±±p : C. Lessthan
8. Greaterthan P. Nc)rre arFtlre above 47. The cologarithm Of a number is the of
the logarmm of a rrmmber.
35.Anangteequattoonerfunlutionof3soo A. Posith/e C. neclati`re
A- Periqu 8. absolute value D. reciprocal
a. Expke~angte i 48. Napierian logarithm has a base Of
C. Reifexangle
D. Supptement arngle i A. rl £|J
EL 10 D. e
I ',, C

49. The mantissa Of a logarithm js a

A. posihe value arty
8. Nagade value only
::-l`e:V::ri=udrfu:;:leas:u:I C. Positive value, negative value or zeiro
c. ACLrfe angle D. Positive value orzero
D. Bearing 50. If the logarithm to base 10 (clenofeq as logiap} is

3i. life most prtwed theorem in mathematcs` called common logarothm is ca»ed natural
A GaussLe~ togarithmn what do you call the logarithm Of
base 2 (demifes as ifey?
A. Binar`/ logarithm
8` Bit logarithm
C. bikxparm
ae. Napiers rule states that the sine of any rniddle D. j" Of the above
Of the adjarfu parts.
A. Sine C. fanrfu
13. \^inigiv Of the tol(owing is NOT a property Of a
_ 1, An annulus js a planefigure which is composed
Of t`nro concentric cjTdes. Ilie area Of the
annulus can be calculated by getting the
diference betwreen the area Of the larger circle
and the arcs Of the smaller drote~ A[so, fits area
can be calculated try the hole. This
rneun is caun
A~ hayy- :-ELifeffifie*=i=¥
edual cenhal anales are afwa`rs eqiral.
a. Lavof reducth
C. Layir ofdeductjon
D. Snap thcoren

2~ It is a polyhedron of which t\ro faces are equal
polygons in parallel p!anes and the other faces
are paralletogran
A. Tietrahedron C. frustum c.E:###y=is::e=ii:
8- Prfty_ D. prtsrmatoid
3. The area bounded by t`ro concentric circles is I

A- Ring a. arinuius 15. \rmich of the to«awing statements is corfe\cr?
a- Disk D. sector A. All righirang|ed tiangles are similar.
a. All isosceles triangles are similar.
4. Points that lie on the same plane are called C. All uilateral tria n Ies are similar.
A Cpntapar a. col!inear D- It rectangles are similar.
8. Para!fel D. obtiique

5. The study Of propetiies Of figures in lhnee

A. physics C. Solid aeomctrv
8. Pfane trigonometry D. trigonometry

6. Prism are named according to their

A. Diagonals C. vertices quadri-

8. Sides D. bases
7. Polygons are classified according to their
number of
A. Vend-ces C. diagonals
the qirde.
8. Sides D` angles
a EL g: A#"#ifeabeve
8. The are lerigiv equal to the radius of the cirole
is ed!ed 18. A whe segment that i§ cli\irded intri Pne
A. Radfan C. sector segments, a greater a and a smaller b ouch tl.iaiat
• the length Of a+b is to a and a is to b. Seen
8. Quarfersectclr D. semic].role
divisfro is knun as
9. If two or more lines have a single pojrTt which A. Golden segmEwh C. Golden
lies on all of them, then they are prpporton
8. SLo!den ripepeg D. A» of the above
£: 8#j,:emaarr
10. Another term for gon~
S: :a:jc#=ent
A, Grad
D. Aandc
11, An angle greater than the right angle but less A- |'nitpo-
than a straight angie.
£: ffEife g: g#::ea=ngie
12. The angle formed by the prolongation of one
D, Ea-
C. Elane posfulat
arallel postulate

£: ;nfg::gr!e g-!ry ga+ife RE
21 . The i?c5e Of a regular c!edecafiredron is a

i ife 8: #
i fa 3: E#
23. The regular polyhedron is a solid \Arith aH its
faces identical..regular polygons. The regular 38. Solid angles are measured in
polyhedrons are also knourn as A Nil C. steradians
A. Eucatden sofas a. Radians D. Circularmils

C. PI-
a. Pythagoren soife
D. Neuftonjan solids
39. tf the exterior angle Of a polygon is obfuse„ ife
co!Tesponding irferior angle is
A. An ache angle
24. A regular solid s!ar` in a srtape that is radiating 8. Also an obtuse angle
from the center liFce rays Of star. C. Areflexarue
A Pentagram C...Stel[aSed rtyr D. Always greaferthan |80a
a. Pentagon D. Althimedean
soffl 40. \^inen a terminal side Of an angle.coinsides ¢nffl
an axjs8 the angle is a
25. The solid bounded by t`^ro great circles and the A. Q3JterTninal anole
sorfece Of a sphere is !thothm as a. Rightangte
A. Spherical zone a. Spherical cone a. Quadranta] ano[e
a. Spherical segment. D. Spherieal`nedae D. Reflexangte
26. The intersection Of the sphere and the plane 41.`^inatisthesumOfalldefledionangEesingi\reeragn
through the center is called pdyg-?
A^ Greatcirefe C. poles A. Atways less than 36oo
a. Small circle D. Polardistance 8. Atw@`rs equal to 360®
C. Always greater than 36oo
27~ The portion Of a sphere enclosed bet\neen t»ro D. Always equal to i8oo
gram semi-circles having common end points]
including the semi-cirefe. 42. TWO angles wnicb have the same vedex and
A. Sphericalexcess C. zone the sicies of one alie form by extencling lrie sides
8. Sphericalsegmen[ FL ltJpe one are tom by extending the sides Of the
28. frorfion Of regular sctid left aifer cutting Of the A. Aqjacatangles t= Vertical anales
upper part try a plane parallel to the base. a Vertical angles D. DefleGtion aingies
A. .Ftrrstiipr C. Tfuncafed solici
8. ungu!a D. prismatoid 43. An arc lengiv equal to the radius Of a circle.
A. Grad C. degree
29. rmsms are classifieq according to tziieir a. _Ba_a_Fan D. mi!
A. ELaELg§ C. Tmncated prism
8. fFTsm D. prisrnafoid 44. The action Of bringing on gcomethc figure ir]rto
coincidence \Arfu another is called
30. A obliqueangled parallelogram with for sicles A. Transposition C. sluinenioutsition
equal is ca»ed a. Translation D. projection
A. Rlrombus C. lozenge
8. Diamond D. All pftlie above 45. \^then t`ro planes interseds \rfeh each other8 the
amount Of divergence betwreen the twro planes
31~ A pch/gen having 12 sides is called is expressed by rrteasuring the
A. Bidecagon C. nonagon A. Dibedra! angle C. Pobinedra! angBe
8. Dodecacon D. pentedecagon a. Planeang!e D. Redexangle

32. \^hat do you call a polygon with 1 1 sides? 46. V\that is the angle Of Tr and less than 2Tr?
A. unagon C. undecaqor.I A. Straightline a. Oblique anin!e
8. Unogon D. dodecagcin 8. Obtuse angle D. Aouteangle
33` PoQrgon inschbed in the same circle called 47. A tetrahedron has vertices.
A cfoncentrfe pefro A. 4 C. 6
a. exxifepolygcms a. 5 D. 5
a. concvc!ic Dolvdons
D. othocentri£]ap© 48. An icosahedron is a regular poiyhedron Of
34. A polygon is ~ no side, when A-12 C.16
erfudedA wif] pass thrmjgh the interior Of the a.14 D-ae
A. Convex C. isopen'meth.c 49. A cone or cylinder its fop out off by plane
8. Equi!atRE! D` similar oblique to the base.
A Frustum C. prismatoid
3§~ Turn chcnds Of a cirtie which jot ns a poirtt on the 8. Prismofd D. ufmula
ctrde to the end points of a dfanreter and forms
a right ang(e. 50. The intersection Of the sphere and «re plaine
A. Complementary chords through the cerrfer is called
8. 5upplenrrermfv cnoru§ A. Greatci|g2!g C. peles
C. Ft" cfrords a. Small a.rc]e D. Polardistanoe
D. Chords of contrast

ae. The apothem Of a pelygpn is the

its insdibed c]-rde.
A Ffadius C. diameter
8. CirGLiTrference D. length

37. A part Of a cjrt;le is called

A. Sector C. chord
a. Segment D- are
Of the lotus rectum Of the parabola

1. ]n general quadratl-a equation, if the a. 2p C. ±4±]B D. 4P

discriminant is zero® the curve is a figure that
represot a/an 14. ITie ¢aTtesian or rectangular coordinates
A Parabola C. ellipse
8` Cirole D` hyperbola A¥,¥RTewi¥firstintreducedby
B` deha %: RE
2.. In polar ccodinates systern3 the length of ray I
segment from a rixed origin is known as 15. ,+ The*+¢cordinafeofa print is pesitive in what

A Amplitude
a. Radius¥e€£g_I D`
C. rtypotenuse
Min]`mum point
8. !!andIV D`
c. -

3~ If eccenlricify is less than one, then the curve t6. ` §]¥t#£T in wichthe ccordimates
A. Parabola C. hyperbola A- 1' a. 11 C. „1 D. ry
8. Ellipse D. cirole
17. t A cahesian coordinates system in which the
4. If the general equafron of the conic is
Ax2+2Bxy+C]f+Ey+FsO, and 824AC>0,
then the conic is a/an
B. dbljaue coordinates s`rstem
A. Circle C. hvperfepf a C. holar cocidinafes system
8. Parabola D. ellipse D- qu diagram
5. ck2-256=O is the equation ofa/an 18. The tectangular ccorfutes given in space
A. Parabola C. circle
8. Paralle) rlnes D. ellipse fdivdtdg¥ifetEN.ghtcomparimentscalkrd
C. c"bictes
8-±gEprs \ D. octodrauts
6. in an ellipse„ a chord wh-ch contains a focus I

and is in fine perpendjoufar to the major aris 19. The points \where the curve crossed the
is called coordinates a>res are called as the
A FQcal width C. Focal chord with ire --
8. Coriugate axis D. Latus riechim A. Asymptotes C. E±pte.EeeQtions
8. [ntereepis D. Talngent arid
7. It can be defined as the set of all points in the rrorTnal
plane the sum Of `whose distances fhom furs
fixed points is a constant 20. \ A horizDnfai ltine has a slope of
A. Circle C. parabola A ZggB C. iirfufty
8. Hyperbola D. ellipse 8. Negative D. positwe

8. Wrra[ ftype of curve is generated by a print 21. Lctmi andm2betherespectivestopesofthco

iFwhieh moves uniform a'cular mctfon about an perpendiioular rirres. Then
axis, while travel»ng with a constant speed A. mi+m2=1 C. mim2=1
peune] {o the ax[-s? 8. mi+m2=o D. map=±
A Spiral of Archimedes
8. Epieydeid 22. If the equation is unchahged by the
C. Cycloid substitiitjon Of -x for an x an i/' fair y
D. ifeEL simultaneously, its curve is §}rmmctric \with
rasped to the
9. It represents the distance of a point from the Jl xiats
yiaxis. Y a-c. yTaxis
A Ordinate C` coordinates
a- .Abs€is_a?_ D. Polar distance D- ife
10. Lonis of points on a sidewhch ro»s alor*g a 23. i lft`ro' linear equaffious. the x+coefficient of±he
• first i§ equal to the yLccefficient Of the sencr
A. Cardioid C. cvcloid
a. EpieyclCh.d D. hypoeycloid =:aT`8i\{¥B::I;i-i:n±:::i?a:tT:res:xj_Sc::i:E:;:i=!i`;
the 'second, or VI.ceLversa, the rines
tl1. lithe productofthe slopes ofanytwo straighi represreid are

thee is negathre 1 , one Of these is said to be A. Parallel to each cither
to the other.

3: 8?£Iel g: N##jg D. Norre oftheabove

112. tsthe loous ofpofnt thatmoves in a planeso 24. If'two equations have the saiine liine as their
that the difference Of the djstamees from two
fixed points Of the locusis constant.
A. EIlipee C. parabola
8. Cor`sistent
c` indepe4±
D. linear
8~ circle D` !±±±per!±±LE
25. In a linear equation Ax+By+C=O] if B==0, then 38. Theloousofamovingpojntinaplanesothat
the equation has the tom Of x=€/A. This line the difference Of its distance from two fixed
is • points (foci) is constant.
A 45° with the axis A Circle C. e"pse
8. Interseding the origin 8. Parabola D. hvnerbola
c. paTal]e] to the xLaxis
D. Paraflef to the vraxis 39. Which of the following is NOT a cerTtral
28. Which ofthefollowing is the intenoeptform of
an equation for straiehi lines? fr. fa 8: :#serbo,a
A. y=mxTh C. ynyi=m(x-xi)
a. (I/al+twftyFI D. {xra)+{yLBF1 40- \^inich of the foj!owing is NOT true?
A. A confocal ellipse and hyperbo.Ia always
27. Who coined the `^rord Hassymptote? intersects at right angle`
A. John vein C. Thomas llobbes A prime number is not a composite
8. John Navier D. Johnwallis number.
C. A cosecant curve is a periodic function of
28. The curved traced by a pointing moving in a pen.ed 36oa.
plarre is shonm as the Of the D. _A conjechire is an axioiTl.
A Parameter C. fbrmula 41. Theparabolar-TTx2+x+1opens
8. Pattern D. !e±!±= A. Totherighi C` upward
8. Totheloft I D. do"rmrard
29. \^hen the ellipse approaches a circle as a
limiting shape, its eccenhicity approaches 42. Given the polar equation r==er(1+3cos©). Tis
A 0 C- -1 is a graph Of a/an
8. 1 D. infinity A. Ellipse C. chcte
8. parabola D. hyped}Pte
30. If the right cioular cone is cut by a plane
parallel to -rfe baa, it would reveal a/an 43` in polar coordinates system„ the distance of
A- £im!e C. ellipse any point P from the origin is called
8. Parabola D. rtyperbola A. Distance C. Pofardistarice
8. Polarangle D. Baaius vector
31. A conic section whose eccenfficity is atways
less trrm 1 . 44^ A plane cunre traced by a fixed poirit on a
A. Parabola C. e[Ijpe€ circle as it rolls along outside Of a fixed ctrcte.
8. Circle D. rtyperbela A. Epicycloid a. eycloid
a. Hypocycloid D. envelope
32. If the distance from the center of the focus of
an ellipse is a. from the center to the vertex: .is 45. The equation rf+y3tsaxy=O repriesents a
a and from the cerrfer to the directrix is D, its A. Cardiod
eceentricfty, is 8. Lemniscate
A D/c a. D/a C. c/D D. a/a L :: ¥-g£-peso?-±¥
33. The angle between the tangents at the end
points Of the latus rectum Of a parabola is 46. Curve whch is loous of centers of Curvature
A 450 a. 750 c. 750 D. a!±: Of another cunre envelope of all its normal.
A. HeHx C. spiral
34-REtrfy2*rty*Frylfofso,aifA¥cserfectirfe 8. Evo[Lrfe D. cardioid

different signs, then the curve is a/an 47. Curve formed by uniform chain hanging
A Circle C. ellipse
8. Parabola D. nyperbolq • freely from two pciints. C. hyperbola
A. Trisectiix
8. Parabola D. catenarv
35. A cnord passing through the focus Of a
peTabefa and perpendicular to the axis Of 48. The grapli of the equation r=acos2© is a
Symmetry. A. Limacon C, rosette
A. Directri>c C. Latus restr±E± 8. Lemniscte D. ap'iral
8. Tfansfated axis D. axis
49. The equafron r=a(1+cos©) is a polarequation
as. tfaand bare lengths ofsemirmajorand semi- Of
minor ax]-a Of an ellipse respecively, then •' A. Hypoeycloid C. capdioid!s
`what is the lengivh Of ire latrjs rectum? 8. Cycloid D, Spiral
A. 2ab C. 2±Zfe
8~ 4ab D` 2a2fo 50. Theequationr==acos© is a
A. Roseife C. ]emniscate
37. Aparabela has an eccentricit)r 8. Limacon D. spiral
A. to.1 C. Greaterthan 1
a. Lessthan 1 D. Orindnify

1. Way Of getting information from measuririg

ohsenration whose outoomes oeourrence is ori 8. eventspace D. ,\xp band_e
chance is called
A. beta experiment 14j, Ttpes Of probabilities tor independent events must

D. gamrr]a experiment
i induife

A. joint events
a. marginal evens
C. conditional events
D..qll qfqppTn\q

2. Probability Of second event in situation if first 15|!| Probability whh ou( any condfiions Of ooc;umencce
event has been ooourred i5 cfassffied as Of an event is Qonsidered as
A. series probabiljt)/ A` conditional pirobabili[y
a. conditional Drobabilitv 8. Trrmhal Drobabilitw
• C. pelt conditional probability
C. joint probabfty
D. deperldent probability D. occurrence probaibilit}/

3. Probability which is based ofi self beliefs of 16. Joint probability Of tw/a statistical deperrdent
` events Y and Z can be vvritlen as P(Y and Z} =

persons involved in experiment is classified as

C. intuife approrfu
' A. P¢+Y)*P(Y!Z)
•`. 8: 8RE+p@
D. porpcziy)-p{z+y)
D. sample approach
4. !n probability theories, events `which can never 17-ELg¥+gr=gREg#nilities®
occur together are ctassffied as
A. collectively exclusive events I 3rfngfe g: ="fe
8, mutually e){haustive events

=HydyexEL#ife 18. Marginal probability Of independent events

dependent events mil§t be
5. Jowl probability of independent e`;'elits J and K is A~ Same C. one
equal to 8. rfeTrent D~ ton
A- EAJ- . \' .

19. Method Of countirLg outco!'nes in which number Of

a. P(J)+PcO
• outcomes are determined \while comaidering
a. P(„*PcO+P(J-to
D. P(J)*PcO-P(J±ro orderfug is classified as
A, intersection combinations
6. Consider two events X and Y, X-bar and Y-bar 8. union combinations
represents C. listed combination
A. occurrence ofY D. permulacons
a. occurrence ofx
2ch Method Of counting outcomes in which number of
=-ELE+E±#¥ed.¥ outcom?s are dcteTmined without faking caiiie± Of
arrangement order is classified as
7. in measuring pr\c>bability of any certain event:. zero A. listed combinations
represents a. union oombinralions
A. impossibieevents
8~ pass-tale events
C. Certain event
D. sample event 8:ffirife=?#¥
6. Number of individuals arriving at boarding counter 21. Outcome Of experineut `which can be I:}roken iulto
on an airport is an example Of more convenient list Of outcomt:rs is c=ilted
A prumericq| putpomq :. A. alpha event C. simpBeened
8. non numerical outcome 8. gamma event D. random evemit
a. random outcrome
D. simple outa~ 22. Importam mles in computation Of experimenfal
outcomes includes
©. Variation in which outcomes Of experiments alie ` A. muttiple experiments C. combiriations

A- EH-
emaed by L.nconirollecl factors is cor]siaered as

8. mescrfeurtic`fariaton
B. permutations E!q±!i!£j±±!9±ZB

23. For lico evens, protiabilily Of ocaiirremaae Of beafu

a. p]atykurtie variation e`fents at same fine or cocuirirenee in series is
D. mesokurtjc van-afron ctassffied as
A. ioint probabilit`r C. series probabilfty
lob df two events X and Y are considered as pertially 8. dependent probability D. condifiiona!
overfapping events then rule Of addition can be probabrty
vwifty as
A, PororY}=Ppq-P{Y)+PO(andy} 24. in probaENity theory, events; are denoted try
a. PP(orY)=P(xp+P{Y)*PO(-Y)
PO(orY)= P(>O*P(Y}+PO{-Y)
Per ory}=Pr}Cl + plvt-Prxanqlf}
i =,ife B: #te¥tt¥
2ng. Hiference bet`Areen sample space and subset Of
11. Acording to combination rule. if total niJmber of sample space is consiclere<:I as
outcomes are T and distinct outcome co!Iewh'on is . A. numerical complementary e\rents
"n' then combinat-ons are ca!oulated as 8. equal compulsory events
A. nl/__r±fp_=rJE a. rt/n!{n I r)i
8. n!/r!(n+r)! D. r!/n!(n+I)I EEEEEEmEmEEEiE
i2. Outcomes of an experineut are classified as 26. in measuring probabilfty of any certain event orre
A. Lagged events
8. exponential restlrts
C. results
D. e`rents
i- 8:gr=Tts
wllEch is in limit Of probaibilfty represents
27. Occurrence Of two events in a \may that events 41:` Method ofare
counting outcomes in which number
:, outcomes determined VA.(hout prior listingOfis
have sorrie connection in betwreen is classffied as
A comtsoundevents C. connected events classified as
8. mutual e`rents D. interlinked errems A. single experiments
a. muttif}Ie experiments
28. Method in wlifeh previously calculated C. zco experimerds
probabilities are re`dsed `ndih new probabilities is D` unlisted experiments,
classified as
A. updating llreorem C. Eaves theorielm 42. !f in an experiment A and a are flare events* then

a. revised theorem D. dependeney ; otmtrence Of event 8 or event A or cocurrence Of
both is represented by
A. A~B C. AiTTfer§edion B
29. Probabilit}r Of eveTts must lie in finits Of 8. AL]nionB D. A+a
A. onetotvero C. onetofom
8` frotothree D. aerotoone 43:. Considering events Y and Z, norl-occumenee Of
event Z and oceumenee of event Y is represented
30. Brent such as equal chance Of llcads or' tails while 'by
tossing coin is an example of A. Y-barunfonz C, Y-bar jrrfersectjon
A. numelical earents Z
EL eqLrallv likehr enrents 8. Yunionz-bar D. Y irferseed.on z-
C. unequal everrfe her
1]. nan-nLmericat events
44. Previous probabilities in Bayes lThieor\em that abe
all. in a Venn diagram used to represent probabiliities® : changed with help of nee+ available informaton are
ocamed events are represemed dy classified as
A fjE!§ C. square A. independent probabilities
8. Rectangle D. triangle \' C`
8. ziosterior prut}abi[ities
intefror prohabrmes
32. If probabi]fty of an event depends on repetifue D. dependent probabilities
chsiervatione that ocoufs in outcomes Of
expelinent then this is classified as 45. Conditional probabilib/ Of tmro events Y and Z
A. fixed proharty
nor+relative probabilfty'
emriricat I.rot»abilit`r
urfen as PcaY) = Per and Z)/P(A) shams that

D. reftye probabtry EiEEE=¥EEEEHHEdi=EETEi

C` statistically independent e\rents
ae. aneasure Of chance Of an uneertain event in form D. statisticalt)/ unaffected events
Of numerical figures is classifiecl as
A. Propabitftyr C. durability 46.. If in an experiment A and a are tmro eventsA them
8. Variability D. IiFce!inoorl ocoumence Of event A or a simultancousfty is
represented ky
34. For mutualbr exclusive events. formula Of A. A irdereectior!_E}_
catoulating probability as n{Ayn(S} + nGyn(S} is a. A+B
urfu for C. A-B
A. mle of marginal count p .... irule qf aiq{]iapp. D. AunicmB
8. rrfeofcompaTison D. ruteofclivision
47r Payments recei`red ty cheques or caish is an
35. in probabilit±r theerfe§S collection Of all events example Of
possible outcomes from an experiment is A. numerical outcome
classified as
A` mutually exclusive events = ERE#ogiv2gE9
` D. sinpleout-
D. mLrfually exhaListive events 48. Sample space for experiment in `which hare coins
are tossed is
as. Approach in probabilfty in \rfuich aft cutcoimes fiic>m A-
an experimeut are equa[r}/ likely to aecur or are 8.
rmut]ially eaeclusive is called C-
A durable approach C. temporary D.
a. pefmanentapproach P. . . cfaasjca[. 49. If o"irrence ofa statistical event A does not affiect
appTtry occurrence Of e`rent a and `/ice versa then these
e+rents are c]assifietl as
37. Events in which some poirrls of sample are A. statistically dependent events
common ale consider`ed as 8` descripti\re unaffected everrfe
A. divisional events C. common events
a. o\rertanDina events D. adclinve events B:aeffiq:n±±veds_
38. if a coin is tcesed one tine then probabi!ify Of cO. If oenirrence Of one e`rent does not affects or
otmiTrence Of heads is explains ocourremae Of other event then eneims able
A^ ££ a. 41 c. zi D. 2e classified as
A. indenendeut e\rents
339. Conditiorlaf probabilfty Of furo independent events 8. dependent everrfe
Y and Z can be idndien as C. kno`rm events
A. per-z) a_._ pryizi D. unkrrorm events
a. prr*z} D. p(y+z)
40. Probability Of evert A that does riict ooour in
experiment is equal to
A.1-P(AI C.1xP(A)
a. 1+P(A) D-2-P(A)
A relation in which there is exactly one range
element associated with each domain
1. \Mien r{x) is negative the curve Of yrf{x) is element
concave A Graph C. formula
A DowTtward C. Uperard 8, Sot D. fuL±pffgp
8. Totheright D. totheleft
16. The Of a relation is the sot of first
2. If the second derivative Of the equafron Of a iI element of
A. Dormain pairs in th6i relaton
C. graph
curve is a eqLJa[ to the negative Of the
equatl`on Of the same curvea the curve is 8. Range D. function

i-:3Fnr:#id g: :nct:#dnen,ia| 1 7. Any sat Of ordered pair is called a

A .pefatipp C. domain
3. A function F{x} is called Of fi(x) if ; a. Range D. graph
P(x)rf(x) \

A. Explicit funch-on C. implicit function 1d. Any pair Of elements (* y} having a first
8. Derivative D. antidelivalive element x and a second element y is called
A. Range C. coordinates
4` Points Of derivatives which do not exist (and : 8. Domain D. orderednair
equals zero) are called
Stationay poirife 19. Ille operation Of finding the delivative Of a
Mininum poirrfe ftrnctiorL
maximum points A. Diiferewiating C. diffenatal
Minimum and rrraxirrmm Doirfes 8. .Diifenerriapop D. irifegrating

5, Al the point of inflection where x=as 20` The derivative Of a function is identical to the
` _AofTangent
the graph Of the function`
A F(a)*O C. f.(a)>O
C` §!g]gg
8` r(ape D. f*(a)<0
8. Secarit D. normal
6.. AI the minimum point„ the slope Of the
tarngent line is 21 ` lLhe , of the fthcti.on is tire
A Negative C. Positive rate Of change Of the slope Of the grapit.
8. Infinity D. zero A. First C, third
8. _SeeQpd_ D. fourth
7. \^that is the poiutwhere the second derivative
is zero? 22.Apoiutonthegraph:ridiarethetangenL:n[eis
A. Maxima C. irrfueedon point either horizontal or vertical is knoovn as
a. Minima a. point Of ;1 A.
8. Pointofinflection
Crffical Do]ind C.D. Sfationarypoiut
All oftheabcwe
8. The point on the curve where the second 23. ITie critical poiTt[s Of a graph occur vwhen the
derivative Of fundion is equal to zero is cailed derivathre Of a function
A. Maxima C. poindof inflection A+ zlen
8. Mjnjrna D. critical iDt>int 8. apprtraches
C. Zfero or apt}roaches infinit`r
9. The point Of the curve where the first D. Eitherl or-1
caerivative Of a ftmction is zero and the Second
derivative is positive is called 24. At point of inflection,
A Maxima C. pojntof inflecEion A- y'sO C. yI isnegivve
8. "inimq D. critical pofint a.RE D. yp is positive

10, Evaluate the integral Of tarih u du 25. At any point where y' = 0, if y changes fro
A insinhu+c C. coshu+c positive to negative as x
8. _lncoshut_E D. ccthu+c A. yisminimum C. vismaxirmum
8` xismininum D. xismaximum
ti tl „ The derivatve Of au with riespect to x is
A. fflnadrl/dx C. ua lnaduldx 26. The point where the second derivative Of
8. aulnudu/dx D` ua lnudu/dx function is 2se
A. Maximum point
iz #r~¥xfinddy/ck g: =Xxgkxx a. Minrfum point
C. point of intersection
D. Point of inflection
13. The fielcl Of mathematics which rest on tJpen 27. The point uJhere i he first derivatwe Of a
the fundaments concepts Of rimiis and was . function is zero and the second derivative is
created by Newton ancl Lejilmiz. ; posiftye
A Physics C. Bcolcanalgebra A maxlimum point C. pointofinflection
a. Calctilus D. Quantum miechanies 8. ±±±quirtyum.peiqg D. cmac;af poirTt

14- The Of a relation is the set of seconcls

elements Of the peir in the rela{ion`
A. Domain G` graph
8, .E!ange D. function
28. A point at which the curve changes from 41... The value of x in trigonometric substitution
concave upward to concave downward and with an integrand involving (a2 - x2 } is
vice versa is known as A. asece C. acos©
A Point of intersection 8. atan© D- g±L§iE9
8. Point ofdefiecffan
C. paint of indection 4±.ThearcaOfthesurfacegeneraifedbyrotatng
D-yield point any plane curve about a certain axis jn its
plarie icl equal to the product Of the length oF
29. A± a point \where y' = 0, if y changes finc)in the arc and the distance traveled by its
positivie to negative as x increases centro]'d,
A yismaximum C. xismaxinum A. Varigrrm'§ theorem
a. yisminimum D. xisminimum

en. AI maoriinun point

D. Second propes-rtion of pappus
A. The cairve is conca\re c!ChArmnrard
8. y" isnegafro

43. Ilie vdiume of any solid revolution is eqiral to

C-y'=O the generating are times the c]-rcumference Of
D. AIL Of the above the circle deschbed by the oentroid Of (the
area. This js thown as
31+ is also known as the compesite A` First proposition of pappus
funrfu rule~ 8. Cavaliers thcopem
A L'Hosp'fal rule C. Simpson's rule a. Second proposition of pappus
B` Trapezoid rule D` C:b±_i_Q+n±19 D. Simpsorfs rule
32. The L` Hospifeat rule vas formulated by 44` Newton vas inspired by an apple` Pappus
A. Marquis de L' Hospi±a]
prapositions were inspired by what ffuits?
8. Marrione de L' Hoapifal A. Apple and pear
C. J. Bemou!!f 8. Lemon and orange
D. Newh C. 4nE±1e and lemqu
D, Apple and banana
33. A collective tern folr imax!-rna or minimaa
tathether absolute Of relative is called 45. Vvhen the ellipse is rotated about is shorter
A Infinitium a. Domain exise the ellipsoid is
a. E*±a D. none of the A. Paraboioid C. spheroid
above a. Prolafe D. g±!gte
34. `Athich Of the following is not deferminate fiom 46. Vvhen the ellipse is rotated about is lorgr
A-oa,ca ..'.a C. -- axis, the ellipsoid is
a. co+co D` ±
fr. E¥°jd g: £paet:old
35. I^thich Of the following, is determinate?
bL 010 c-=± 47. VVlrm a catenary (y=cosh x) is rotated about
8. 0.® D. -0 ` its an-s Of symmerty, it generates a solid
36. The derivative Of cscB is

ago 3:¥ A. Parabolojd

a, Conoid
C. catenoid
D, hyperfroIof d

48. A solid of revdiution Of a parabola is knoum

37. Cairo?ry is the shape assuTned by perfectly
ferdbte unfrorm cable nanging between Ealfro]oiq C. cratenoid
supports. It is a grapli Of Hyperboloic! D. conoid
A Parabola C. ir=ccehx
B. y=sinhx D. xFcoshy sedion Of a surface Of revolution
is the section containing the axis Of
38. The quarTtity 2/{e* - eT* } is equal to reyQlution.
A. coshx C. cschx A. Right C. median
8. fanhx D. sechx 8. Cemral D. merl-dian
39. Marty integrals may be evaluated by 50. An jrrfinite series in wnicn successive temrts
irtlTeduGing. a near variable of integration in are of the form Of constant times successive
pface Of the origimat variable. The t`ro integral power Of the van-able` It takes the
variables being connected Py sc}me suitable form of ate+al +a2}f +a3x3 +. . .
fdrTnulas. This process is called A. Fourier series C, Mcclaun-n
A lntegrafron by parts series
8. Taylor's series D. Poner seriise
D. Thechain rule

40` The `rariable inside the integral is called

vatab!e Of integration or integration variable.
It is sometimes rifemed to as
A Calculus variable C. Limits variable
8. Dtrmmyvariable D. Liimitsrange

1±. In the case c>f a periodic function

possessir?g half-wave symmetry, wiiich
Fourier coefficient is zero?
1. The symbol j represerrfe
counterdocicwise rotadron of a vector 8-ae
through _ degrees. C;. fro
A. 180 a. cO C. 360 D. 270
D. none of{he above
2. The operatorj has a value of _ 13. A peLfodic ftmctiori has zero average
A. +1 a. ~1 C. U=T a. `ffT value over a qycle and ife Fourfer series
', consist Of only edd terms. VIthat
3. The vectorj6E is the same as vector ` is the symmetry possessed by this
A.jE B. j2E C. j3E D. j4E function.
4. The conjugate Of (-a +jb) is i £: 5ff = 'have"qu¥Ttertyrrtyhomave
A~ {a-jb) C. {a+jb)
8. '±===j=PJ D. fib-a) 14. Vvhieh Of the following periodic function
: possess even symmetry?
5. The operatorng" turns a vector through A. cos3f C. {oos50t
_ degrees. B. a=T D. {t+t2+ap
A. -120 a. 120 C. 60 a, ~cO
15. If the Fourier coefficient ba Of a periodic
6. A given function f{t) can be represented function is zero, then it must possess
by a Fourier series if it _ syrrmetry.
A. is periodic ;' A. EivenquaTfer:+`nrave
8. even
8. is single-valued
C. has a finite number Of maxima and C. Odd
mliniima in any one period D. eitherAorb
D~ a]l Of the above
16. Wheii the negat`re halfLeycle Of a
7. In the Fourfer relies expansion ofa
perfodie funch-on , the opeffic[-ent ao !ffiEfr=#evriedFL:£ve#aithaHL
repT± 'rfe eyde. This feature indicates that the
A. net area percyde complex \maveform is composed Of
8. d.c. valued A. Fundamental
C. average `ralue c}`/er half eycle a. odd harmonies
D. a\rerage a.c. value per eycle C. e\ren harmonics„..
D. toth A and 8
_ __._ _ -

8. In the Fourier series of a pen-edie

function, the coefficient ao is zero, it 17. A pen.crdie wavefolm possessing half-
means that the function has Vy-
A. odd eymtry
8. even quarfernyave symmetry
C. odd qLrarter-wave symmetry
D. any of the aboire 18. The Fourier serfes Of a \nravefomii
possessiing even quarfer-wave
9, A periodic function i(I) is said {o possess symmtry has only
odd quarter-wave symrnctry if A. e`/en harmonies
I A. f{t)=f(-i) C. i(I)=-f(I+T/2}
B. i qu} ---S {t) E}. _ bath B ape_a__f± %.-#-s=etLneeinife€Eq¥_
D. bcth a and C
i 0. If the average value Of a pen.edie
funedon over one period is zero and it 19. The Fourier selies Of a wavefomri
consists Of only odd harmonies then it ` possessing odd quartep\Arave symmetry
r"]st be possessing _ symmetry. confaims only
A. halfuwave A. even harTnonic£
a. -quarter:~e i 8. odd cosineterms
C. odd quarter-wave C. un sir\e tqus_
P. Odd D. none of the above
1 1. If in the Fourier Of a periodie
function the ccefficient fro = 0 and a = 0,
then it must be having _ synrtmetry.
A. Cidd
8. odd quarterLvrave
c. even qunrterLwave
D. eitherA amd a
The mast common fuel used in a nuclear reactor
1, The atorfe number of an etemeut is based on the A. Graphite C. Cadmium
A. AIomievuegiv a. UraniL]m D. Heavy`mater
JLE±haqf,pethetsinanrfumoftfro 17. i The radiartlenergy of the sun is due to
A. Combustion C. Nuclear fission
C. Numberofprctons in an atom ofelemen{ 8. Disintegration D. Nuclear fusion
D. Densftyof its vapor
18. i Which one of the fo»owing material is Lised for
2. Isotopes differ in absorbing neutrons in a nuclear reactor?
A. The numberofprotons A. uranium C-. qadquit[m
B. Ilie valency rmmber D- Led
C~ "re chemical acthfi]/
D. The...p±+prper. pf_pe+rtyris i9` i =ez=enomermn of nucten fission us
experimenitally observed try
3. \^froich Of the follchwing property is different for
A. Rutherford a. Fermi
neutral atoms Of the ti^ro isctopes Of the same : 8. Strassmanandl-lahn D. Fi=ri
A- Atomic pt+qubeT C. Numberofelectrons 20. rmen two iice cubes are pressed over each oTheir„
8. Atomicweighi D. Numberof protons they unite to form one cube. Vlthich Of the foIIohuring
4. The electrons in an ineomplefe outer shell are foroe is responsib)e for holdjr}g them together?
A. VandervIfaals forces
a. Ck}valent attraction
3:##£;TF+=nscb-vst#ce##F-=- 1 C. Hydrogen bond foliTiation
D. "polerdiDole infroctton
5. Which 5ct ofcondifeons representsthe easiest\axpr
21` Vlmich Of the following types of reaedon oeetiier
to twrty a gas? `when a reactant has got a double bond?
A Low tempeTrfulre and hiqh pressure
A` AddREon G. sLibIrtrFff oqs
8, High temperature and lowr pressure
8. Phctotysis D. Pobrmerization
C. Low temperature and lour pressure
D. High temperature and high pressure 22. The high boiiling point of\buter is due to
6. Which of the fo!Ichwing units represents the !angest A V`feak dissociab-on of wafroer motecutes
a. Hydrogen bending among watermctecuies
arrrouut Of energy?
A. Calorie C` Erg
a. Its liigh specific heat
D. Its high dielectriG constant
8. Joule D. Efectropr\rolt
7. A gas deviates.riifefron ideal behaviorwnen it is 23` When pressure is applied to the equiliDrium
sutyeeed to system (ice = waterty, \which of the iic>ltowing
A L"nr temDerarfu]re and higfi priessune pherromenon `mll occur?
A. More ice`rill befomed
a. Low fempeTature, Iowr pressure
C. Iligh temperature, high presstjre a. hfrore \Auterwill evaporate
D. High temperature, !on/ pressure C. REorewflterwi[] be formed
D. Equiliblium witt Trot be disturbecl
8. Real gaseswill approachthe behaviorofideal gas
at 24. ' Milkisanexanpteqf
A. Gel 8. Sol q ...... Fpep±, D. Emlutsfomu
A. L"r temperatue and four pressure

8. Low temperature and high pressure 25` Co!loidal solutions can be purified by
a. "gn temperatL]re and nigrt pressure A. Wasliing C` Ordinary filtnEifron
P. Hiqli temperatrlre and larw pressure a. Distillation D. Diahais
9, 09ddation in`rohes 2le` . Gelatin is often used as an ingredient in the
manufachjre Of be Ciream. The reason for this is to
8. Gain ofefectrions A. Pre`rent formation of a collqiid
C. [ricrease in the vaieney of negati`re part 8- EL the coHoid apd pTpgiv.,qRE
D. decease the valeney of posithre part
10. Reduction invohres C. Cause the mixbe to stabilize
A. Ii}ss of electrons D. Improve the flavor
a. f*,irt ofefedroms 27` lf the dispersed phase is a liquid and the
a Increase in the `rater`ey of pceitive part dispersion medium is solid, the col!oid is !cnounn as;
D, tletaease in the valeney of negative part a/an
1 i. exarch iodide paper is used to test forthe presence A. Sol 8. §§! C` Emulsion D. Foann
Of 28. run is
A. Iodine C, [odideion i A. AfatdisDersed inwater
8` Oxidifainq aaeut D. Reducing :eL§!remrt:
a. Fatdispersed in fat
112. Vvlrat is the fuel in afromic pile? C` Casein dispersed in fat
A. Thorium Ci Ur"niiuiqu+
D. Joy are coTTect
8. Sodium D. Petroleum 29. Fog is an example of colloidal system of
13. Vlffich one of the following electromagnetic`manres A. Gasinsolid C. uauldinaaas
I 8. Gasinliquid D` SoREinagas
has the ma3dmtrm hequenqrf'
A. Alpha fays C. Ftadioimaves 30. If the dispersed phase is a liquid sLncl the
8. Beta rays EL Gamma rains dispersion medium is a solid then the cofAoid is
14~ \^"ch one of the following `when passet] through narnd
I A.
SL=91 C. Agel
magnetic field is not being deflected?
A` Elecfrons C. hlet]tr`om§ a. Anemulsion D. Afoaun
a. Protons D. Positrons 31. Butter is
15. ITre process try which an atom spife into t`aro or A. Fat dispersed in `mater
more parts is caEN. EL VIiferdispersed in fat
A EissiBn C. Artificial disinfegmafron C` Fat globules dispersed in water
8` Fusion D. Transmutation D. Suspension ofcasein inwater
32. The migration of oolloidal particles uncler the C. Protoadinium, neptunium. radon
influence Of electric field is called D. Ctiriumvy catifomium. amen.cium
A. Electro dialysis C. E!erfu phonesis
a. Electro dispersion D. Electro aemosis 47. Carbon monoxide bums `mh a blue flame. What is
33. A substance `which gives up prutens to another
substarue called
a. Teiiow flame D. Pale hiuefraqp!±
A. ±9E9 a. Sa«
a. Base D. Acid anhydride 48. \^thich Of the following mctal liberates hydrogen
when treated with alkali hydrox].de
34.. Substance whieh acquire protons from another A. Copper a. Zinc
subst€Ince are called 8. h4agnesium D. Iron
A. Acid. C. Salt
8` E!±§g D. Acid anhydride 49. Hgivrogen is produced try the inteiraclipn ofsedium
; bydroxide and an alloy Of silicon and I iron the
35. Oxides that react `nrfui water to fcimn acids or tliat procress is named as
are formed by the removal Of `mater firom acicls, are A. Hydrogenate process c. Lanes process
kr- ae 8. Silicol process D. Beech |pro©
a- #d¥is 8: ¥an#¥ cO. Hydrogen for rrilitary purpese is produced thiam
A. sodium rtydride C. g;a]cium h`ngng±
36. An acid is called a strong acid if a. Magnesium hytiride D. All arecorrect
A. ts. jqpizes qlmpqu compleee!\r
a. It reacts only on heathgi §1. , The composifon of the nucleus ofDeuterium iB
c. It reacts even at room temperaturie A. One eleirfun, one proton
D. It gi`res Thrdrogen on reacting `ndh metals EL One orfun. one neifron
C. One neutron„ one elecfroiri
37. According to Bronsted-Lowry theory an acids is a D. Tiro proton, orre electron
subsfarne that tan
A` Accept an electr`ciri pair 52. Whichisthelightestgas
8. benate an elechn pair
C. Acoepta prcton
n honafea pmton
;i ife 3: 8#
53. Temporary hardness maybe removed from tlcater
38. in an aqueous sowhon, if some acid is added8 its try addino
pHun A. caccb B. cascha e±.L_.farp[1le D. Iicl
A- Ir-
8` harcase 54. ' Heavy`Arateris qualiified as heavy because it
Ci Remain constant A. Is denserthan common v`rater
D. Fiirst inaease and then decrease a. Has a heavyorbadtaste

a9. Which one of The fotlowing electrolyte is used in

silver pkur
A. Sil\rerchloride 55. Which Of the foIIowhg group Of ions makes the
8- £9fa5=i+JrT[?rEBHrocirar]ice wher hard
C. Silver nitrate
D. Sihrer amine chloride
I A.EiSodium
and Bicarbonate

40. ["thich cell KOH is used as the electronrfe? D. Ammonium and cliloride
A. Lead accumulator
8- Bgfassjt+in btrdpqlci!ei 56. Hard wateris nctffifor`^rasning cdomes because
C. Coppersurme A. It contains Na2SQ4 and KCI
D. Ammonium chloride j EL E±===EgtryT?. with soap lea .+dm
41 ` A pressure cooker reduces cao!cing time because C` It contains inpurities
A. Tile heat is more evenly distribirfed D. It has acidiccharact:er
8. Ilie higheT` pressure tenderiz]es the food
C` ERTrfu of Th ± haid® t§ 57` Hydrogen perz]i>dde is. Llsed =is
A. Oxidan agent
D` Alargefi&meis used
42` The blue colour of the `mater in the sea is due to D. Dfro agehi
A. Refraction of the blue light by the impuffies in
sea waha 58. , Temporary hardness Of `Arater is due to the
preserve Of
=5#gno?bb]b:ueug¥trytryJ=r#rfuce A. Chlorides ofma3nesium
D. Absorption
of olner colourso rty \raber
43. Elements which generafty exhiibit muflip!e
oxidation states and `whose ions are usuia!ly 59. Permanent hardness Of `mater is due to the
colored are presence Of
A. Mefalldids C. Thansi(job eiemerfe=. A ELqud enHife at caprm_aE±
a. Non-metals D. Gases
i 8. Bicarfronates ofcalctum and magnesiLrm
qT4. ITie nohiest metal is C` t\lifrates of calcium and magnesium
A. E 8. Mg C. Ca D~ Na D` Carhonates and suFfates of ca and Mg
45^AThe.The:+;gn;g=±=:gL:gilrmabelongstothefamityiof 60. Wher] hard udder is boiled it become free finom
A. Permanent hardnes!s C. Both
8. Alkali metal famtry 8. Ib"*oranr.bardness} D. N-
C. Alkaline earth families
D. Iantanide series 61. Water softeners are use{:I
A~ To rerl7oye the impurfuies of vyater
46. Orthefollcwing groups,the orrecomposed onlyof 8. To increase conducti`ffty
artificially preduced elements -ts • a. Ilo..remove the hardness.of iararfer
A. Pt>fonitrm, ffant±um, actiiiinTirt D` To decrease conducti`/fry
a. Beritelium, rheniurn. hathiurn
qJ£. I lIc I/HIlwLJal uit= ul aiuiiiluLtiil iD
A. Lepidolile C. Wolachite 82. i Which rnetaf is proteded by a layer of its own
8. Bauxite D. Amplyonite oxide?
A. Alumii"m C. Gold
63. Sapphire is a mineral of EL Silver , D. Irori
A+ ai a. zn SLe£ D- Hg
83- \^"ch one Of the fchowing properties `rould }!^ou
64. \^inich one of the fol[owhg metals is fourtc! in the not expect copper (c<J) {o e3chtoit?
fife state A. High thermal conducfivfty
A. Si[`/\er a. Copper C. Pofassiuim D, Sodium 8. Low e!ectrhal conductivit`r
C. Dugiv
~ $5` \^fro-ch of the follow-ng belongs to lLB sub groLip of D. MaHeabifty
the mendeleefs periodic table
A. Lithium C. Franc±i]m 84- Merely a diifenence in the amo\int of oxygen over
8, _Be_rvllium D. Cadmium the surface of wet fron "" result in
. A. Comcision C. nust3iiitl
66. Ail ingredient of baking pourder -ts a. Degaseing D. disting
3: S=jir¥:-±E-=#edT== 8: §8°L:?¥m chion`de 85. \/\rmch one Of the follom/ing dissol\/ed in lti!uicl
ammonia to give blue colored solunori `which
®7. \rmich bfthe fctlowing does not conduct eleelricity conduct eieetrican
A. E2§mn C. Indium A` Uranium C. Bariim
8. Gallium D. Tha]Iium B. Potassium P: .... +.,S{ap.P±±
®8. Which one of the following is mefalloid 86. Which one of the follc)wing elements does not formi
a ELf 8: #:# hydgives?
' A. Carbon
a. Beryrfum C` CaesitJrmi
69. Chili salt pet]re is the ore of
A` Iodine C` Bromine 87` Steel is heated to a bright red heat ar`d then ccofec!
8. SP{]i}|xp D. Magnesium
slrty, It is
A. Hardening a Tempering
70- AEts. enitia::[%|+Stft|+apt of an amalgam is 8. 4prne?ling D. Niitriding
C. Silver
8. An alkali metal D. Rlercurv 88. Tempered steel is
A. soarrd pliable
71. Mercny is transported in metal contaiinens made 8` Hanandbrme

- a ¥ 8#ir
pf I S RErH P.or.ap.,p.rE#.

72. Sapphire is a mineral of ?9. Steel becomes soft and pliable by'
A C`Ji 8. Zlrt g±±± D. Ii8 A. Annqalipn C* Tempering
8, Nitriding D. Case hardeni!ng;p
73. Alum is used by dryers ofcJoth
A. For firaprcofing fabrics 90. The hea\fiest atom among the four given below, is
8. As first acid forcuts A` H a. pb C` Ra D, ng
C. For softeniing hard `mater
D. As a__prortfaut 91. Platinum, palladium„ iridit]m ctc„ are called noble
mefais bREuse
74. Water glass is a mi}rfuire of A. They are found in native state

A. Potassium and lead silicates a. IThey are shining. lustrous and pleasing to
8. Zincand barium bero silfpates look at
C. Potassium and calcium siilicates C` A}ffed Noble discovere¢l therTi
D' Eifer£. frorfufu,ds___many cp_ptrapng
75. Compte>¢ salt foinaton takes place in the
extraction Of 92, Iron gets rtysted lry the adion of
A. Copper a. §!b?er_____CL Iron D. Lead

76. Indicate the mineral from which copper is

3: frrandwater C. g±
rngnufacfured 93. .' The mefals of`Athich group can be displaped finon
A. Galena CL Spharile the solution Of their salts by zi-nc, iron or.
8. pyri{e D. Chalcopyngg magnesium?
A. GrouplA C` Grlowp lLA
77. ITie dry ice is a conipound of a. §p±!gjj! D. GrouplrB
A. Solid ice without any water
8. SoHd sulfur dio>dde 94` Which of the fo«owing can form nilride whieh react
with water to give ammonia?
E#`Lq5=rprfeo-ife*.qgL A` apTp,rL t3. Gallium G. Indium D` lliawum

7@. Lead is most readily dissoi`red in 95. Which one Of the fo«owing elements is a non~
A- 4capp.apiq C. Ammoniai metal?
a, Sulfuric acid D. Bleeiching powder A. Ets=P a. Afuminum C. Gallium D, lric!iur;

79. Sodium salts impart a strong yellow color to the 96. Gypsum is Lised in the manufiacture of
• A. SulfuTicacid C. Quicklime
Bunsen flare. Il`e sodium flame is obscurecl t!qr
A. Chromium glass C. Rutryglaiss 8. calcium ¢afoide E}.„ _...Pfa§ter. qif.P±=[jE;=i
a. Nickel glashs D. Cobalt t]lass
97. Sutfur combines directly with all mctals e>ecept
80. ITre princjpal component ofbakjng permder is A- Zi±g 8, Copper C. fran D. Plalinunm
A. Sodium.hydrogen ¢arbonate
8. Sodium hydrogen phosphate 98. The metals of`which one of the fdipwing groups
C. Sodium hydrogen chloride form alloys amongst themselves rs well as with
D. Sodium cafoonate other metals and also form amalgams
A, Group lA a. Group lLA
81. The second most abt]ndant metal in the ean's 8- Gngi]rllF D. Group Ilo
crust js
A. Aluminum C. Carton
8. ERE D. COpper

99. Elements preserit in group I are called 116. . Whicti qfthefoltowing is a binary compouncl?
A` Alkaili metals C. Amphoteric i A. ootassiLrm chloride C. chtorate
8. Reactive nt2n+r`etals D. Alkaline earth metals ; a. ammonium chloric!e D. amrroniumchforate

1 co. \^thich one of the following group of e{€ments have 117. The heat of fusion is defined as the enererv
their salts heavily ftydrated? requiired at constant temperature to change 1 uutt
A. The elements of group I-A I rrrassofa
8. The elemerits ofarouD IJ3 A` gasfoa liquid C. solidtoagas
C. The elements of group lhA a. gastoasoHd D. soltdtoaliauta
D. The elements of group lrB
118. Which substance cannot be decomposed imo
lan. Whidi sopstance is a "qtiid under normal room • simpler subeLances?
A. Cheygerl a. SSereim/ C. graphite D. lead
A. A]urrit`um
a. Ammonia
a. methane
D. methanol
lG2. Which material is an element? 119. Petroleum is classffied qherutcally as
A. Copper C. saltwater A. a substance C. an element
a. carbon monoxide D. purewater a. a compound D. a mii{{i+re
1®3. What is the systematic name of Fecb? 120. Which substance is produced try the liaber
iron chloride
ferrous chloride
C._ _ fern-a_chlorig_e
.D. fronous ch!or]ide
A. Aluminum a. r`ii±ric acid
8. Ammonia D` sulfurfe act-d
104. The molecular shape of the phasphine molecule,
PHS, is 121. . Which element is present in aH organicic
£|~ fan#ar ' S: =g:]ELarm=d A^ Carbgn_ C. oxlfgen
a. Nitopen D. phosphorous
tl05. The molecular shape Of the carbon disulfide
molecule. C$2, js 122. Which property is generally characteristic of an
A. ±Spgqr C. trigonel planar oruenic compound?
8` Angular D. trigonal pyramid A. high meLthg point
106. The molecular shape of the silane moleoulet sili4, : 8® IowTnettinacoiut
1 c. soluble in pctarsoivems
ts D. insoluble in nonpolar son+ents
A. unear C. trigonal planar
8` Angular D. noTre of_fte9?_a+gg 123. \^/hick type of reaction is aecurring `when a rnefa!
unclergoes corrosicin?
107. The molecular shape Of the hydrogen s ffidB
nd~le, H2S is 3: ::gfigELgapn c. D.
A. linear C. trigonal pfanar
a. Armufar D` trigo"l pywhd 124. \which atom forms an ion that `appufd mign:ire
to"ard the cathode in a electrobric cctl?
10S. unpe«uted air is A F a. I c.____ha D. c
A. mostly oxygen
a. 50% nitrogen and 50% oxygen 125` Which cadioacti`re emanatone have a charge of -
C. Z§%„pitrqpen and 21% o>onnem 1?
D. mofty nitrngen A` Neutrons a. alptiiai particles
a. gamma rays D. beta Darl±cLes
lee. Beta particles are
A. Neufrons C. posfrone 126. To make nuclear fission more efficient, vthich
8` E!eee±= D. heHumnuctei ` device is used in a nuclear reactor to slow the
speed of neufrorrs?
ilo. An oid piece of `Arood could be dated using A. internal shield a. control rocl
radioacthfiify frorfl nrfu rally occurring 8. external shield D. _moderator
A. nitrogetrl4 C. carbor+13
a. carbon-14 D. exyger+16 127. A substance that is. above its ctiticat tempemjire
111. The latAr whton states that a pure compound is A. readyto explode
ahays made up of the same elements combined a. a gas at an`r±pr€ssure
in a definite propordori by weigm is
A. Ia`A+ of consen/ation of rnass ife C. =pEg[:;e of being fiquefied only if pressure is
a. Iaar of multiple proportions D. boithg
C. few of definife conpusition
D. none of the abch+)a 128. Each of the follcywing is a crystalline except
A` tonic solids C. mctecularsolids
112, \A/hen electrons in an atom in an excitecl state fall 8. amorTahdus solids D. metallicsolids
ro lo`^rer energy levels, energy is
A. absorbed. only 129. . lTie most common sfroctures Of metals incSulde
a. rekrased. oniv each Of the following except
C. neither released nor absofoed A simf]iectibie
D. both release{l and absort}ed 8. bodyesntered cubie
C. cubic closest packed
113. An atom of which of the follou`ing eleiTients has the D. he)cagonal closest packed
greatest abifffty to attract ctechDns?
A^ Silicon a. Sulfur C. nitrogen D` chlorine 130. In simple ionia stmctures
A. arions are usually Smaller than eations
114. At STP, which substance is the best conductor of a. anions are usLrallv larnef. than carfeons
a-city? C` anions and catfons usually ha`re the sanne
A. Nitrogen 8. Net)n C. sulfur P. ¥i_lygI size
D. ionic size is not imponam
115. Which of the follcwing is a binary compound?
A. hydrt>aen..sungde C. ammonium sumde
a. hydrogen sulfate D. ammonium sulfate
18. In acoustic, the sound pressure level is
measured in mienobar. One microbar is eqilal to
1. The number 175.Cro has how many significant _NIm2.
fi,gures? A. 0.0001 C. 0.Oul
A. 3 a. 4 C. 5 D. 2 8. a:±g D. 0.01

2. How many basic Lmi[s are there in ihe ig.rmatisthesiu"Ofinten8.fry?wi/m2

lntenat'cmal Systein Of Un-rts? A. JOu`erfu2
A. 6 a. Z C. 8 D. 9 8. i{grm2 D. E±ra{±ap:

3. \^ prefix is equivalentto 10 to the powerof- 20'. unat is the, unit Of potential diiferenpe?
d, J3Efl C. Alto 8: C¥owh g: W¥isr
8. Zepto D. Yotta
2t', VVI`ich Of the fo!towing is equ.ivaient `to a volt?
4. Vthat prctix is equ`TvalerTt to 10 to the power21?
A. Yoha C. Zepto fr j¥=#,c##b® g: *Qfheetwou:tt
8` 3gffg D. Vocto
22` \^inich Of the to!fotxiing unife ft)r measoremems
5. Ytie prefix uexau js equivalent to lo to the porwer is NOT art S} based or derivecl units?

A. 15 a. 78 C. 21 D. 24 f., ¥asca, 8: i:uJ;Pn

6. \^inat is the starrdard unit of lTrass? 23. One elechon volt is equivalent 1.a

?.-ELran g: £ELmon 3: ::g;ig::: g: RE=g=9jou!es.

7. Ilie international standards Of mass equal tc} 1 24. Vvhat js the unit of capacitance?
kg or 1000 grams. Refers to a eylinder Of whiat
eterTents? # REr 8: 8::,'=mb
A. Iridjumroessium C. Kryptirrl+:essium
a. platinum{essium D. pzpipir]+ny+tryng±±±p± 25. \^inich Of the following is e,quivalent to the uriii&
8. The roseooricr is clefined as 9,192,631. 770
times the period Of vibraton Of racliatjon from `, g.. jco¥€%%,¥°ff g: 8%uu`i%/mT^j'8#i'g
wet atom?
26. \/that is the unit of elech.a oument?
#tr#.'" 8: g#unTun
9. Wrgiv js cfefined as the distance the fight travels
A- Vctt
a. VItt g:grE
in a veouum in lz99.79Zr458 second? 27. \^mich Of the foITowing is equivalent to the urn-i
A. Yard a. Feet C. gg2g¥ D.
a. Jv°o##=#
%. Vbfty- C. %5T¥-#=#s#
i 0. \^froat is the Sl unit Of \nrorfc?
A. Newton C. Nenrtorrsecond 28. \^inat is the unit Of resistainoe?
a. wan D. J±9gts
g.. # g: XLof:[pere
11. "iat is the Si unit If Pcmrer?
A. NChuton C. Newtomseconcl 29. Ohm is equivalent to which Of the foHowhg?
8. E§§!# D. Joule A. Coulorrdyanpere C. ¥_s}!Uameere
8. Watt/ampere D. joutefanrfe
12. VIinat is the SI unit of terriperardure?
A. Fahrenheit C. Celsius 3Q. \^inat is the unit of lunfrous intensity?
8. xpfdy D. Ranking ti++` & nd'e 8: E#
1 3. Vlinat is the Sl unit Of luminous intensity?
31 . Vlrfuat is the unit Of luminous flux?
* ffi 8: fapcuer A. Cande!a
a- ±§apgp
C. Lux
D~ Fcoteandie
14, \^rfuat is the unit of relati`/e densfty?
4 Pa a. Nmrl C. Nlm/a D. Unff ltes 32` \^inich Of the followi-ng is equivalent to the unit
15. \^that .is trie SI unit of pressure? A Lumenfro2 C. Lu>c/stBradiain
A. Ea 8. N-in C. tim D. Nmri/a 8. Foctcarrdfe/steratfan D. i+rr»¥ii.±±;dl±i!?¢±!3?¥!?±!

16-ATj#/m#2js¥ujifeent°:TeNu#E[*P%:cafum 33. \what is the ur7it Of luminous efficieney?

A. £timenfuralf C. Lumenfampero
a. Lumewhrolt D. Luneri/coulonro
17. The pressure of 1 bar is eqquivalem to how many
pascals? 34. Vvhat is the unit Of !»uminaticm?
A. 1,000tooo C. 10,coo A- £±gr C. Candela
8. 700,app D. 1,coo 8, Lumen D. LunierriAratt

B. LLjmeofp 8: #
as. in magnetism, a "Gauss' is a unfrof . 53. Vvhich Of the following is a unit Of sound
A. FltLxdensEty a. Magnetienu>€ jrrtensfty?
8. Permeabifftym D. Magnetie„neofforoe C. Ib/dm2
i: Pr#mtr2trn2 D. kg/chf
37. \that is the unit Of kinematic viscosfty?
A. ed& a. Nurng C. Poise/a D. Nm/a 54. An e]efron veife is the energy required by a` ~
elecfro that has been aooetefatecl J]y a
38. FOQt candle is equivalent to \which combirrafron potential diference af how many volts?
cif units? A. ±jenLi c. iovoits
A` Lumen/Cm? C. Lumenin2 a. 0.1 volts D. 0.01 volts
a- ±±!p±±z±ee D. Lumenrinz
55. A 'bemel Of oil is equivalent to houir marry uS
39. Hour many dynes are there in one newton?
gallons of petredeum?
A. 10.000 C. 1.000.COO A.40
a. 1txLO®Q D. 1.coo a. 4se
40. \rmat is an elemenfaz unit of energy? D.46
A. Quartz C. Photo
8. Quark D. _a_ca/7rtyap 56. `that is the deri\red Sl unit Of absorbed dbe dn
defined as the absorbed close in which thei
41. Vvnat refers to the mass wrijth is accelerated at energy per unit mass inparted to the matter by
the rate Of one foot per second per second tonife redfation?
whren acted c>n by a force Of one pound? A- F3on
A. £fifq a. Erg C. Dyrie D. BnJ a. F2ed
42. The ske of some bacteria and living cells is in
D. Curie
Orfu Of
A. Centimeter C. Nanometer 57. The unit rerar is expressed in
a. Millimeter D. "i-ctiomefer A. jim
• a. Jam
43. The size Of the largest atom is in the ofrfer of C. Jian
D- Nth
A_ Cend`meter C-
8. Milljmdter D. Nancxpretr 58. Vvhat refers fo the time interval betmeen
C. Mionmeter

44. The mass Of a grain Of calf is in the order of

A. Lunarday
## S: #LRE,i
4§. Vthich one is equivalent to the urn `joule?
:-: g¥?
A. Newton-second 59. what is a vector whh a magnituc!e Of one and
with no unit?
g#effirm=thgperaeond A Singleveetor .t''.
D. Nowtonrmeter per Second squarecl a. unitveee
46. \^thich of the following combination of un.rts fs

g]'edfa#L#:e7 8: ffiee
47. Which one is equivalent to the unit "hatr?
C. Dotvector
D. Scalarvector

to diredion
A Newton~second C. To serve as companson with other \tectors
a. Newhrrmeter D. To set a starrdard among vectors
g:EL##T#rrpTeT=#Tquared 61. \that is another term for a scalar product of two
48. Care horseponer is equivalent to how many A. Cha prnduct
REtts? a. Vector prrfuct
A. 5cO a. Z±§ C. 33,000 D. 250 c:. en I.TodLtct
D. Plus product
4.9. The `ukilowattfrour js a unit of

A. Wck C^ Pcnyer 62` \^that is another ten for vector product Of trm
8. Energy D. ±44rgdrorqu±zir vectors?
cO. The unit N-in/s is a unit of
A. Wok C. Power c. Dotpfeduct
8. Fore D. Energy D. Plus prodid
.51.. Iine English unit mslug® is a unit c}f
63. The scalar product Of twci perperrdioular vectors
A- ife§ C. Forice- is ahays
a. Wnght D. Energy A. Equeltol
a. Greatertnan 1
52. Hour is sound intens-rty measured? C. Lessthan 1
£: gjife 8: ;::::=s D. Eaua!xp
64. The vector prrfuct Of tiro paralteal or antipaTaltel
vecfro is ahays _
A. Equaltol
8. Greaterthan 1 75. The rate at \which velocity chang®s \hiith time is
a. Lesstfrol known as
D. I_Esng=_±Ss2±2Q A. fiecelerati;c>n
8. !nstantaneus speed
65. The vector prochict of any vector with ifee{f is C. Avexp speed
D. Insfarfeneous ve!ocfty
A. EqLraltol .
8. Greaterthan 1 76. Vvhich quantity is equal to the derivati\re Of the
C. Lessthanl velogiv/ with respect to time?
D- Equ_alxp_a A Instantaneous velcoity
8. Avenge apceteraton
es. Vvhat refers to physical quamljes that are
¢ompletely specified byjust a number arid a unit
or physical qunnunes that ha\re magnmjcfess

Odyy? 771 \thich Of the foltowing statement is not true
JL Scainr cnBanitities abouit acgiverath?
a. Vtotor pi"fuct A` AcceteTation is uniform for Straight li!ne
g:vrodrREds metion

or. Vvhat refers to givysical quanffies that have a

magnitLJde and a director? changes dy equal amount in equal time
A. ©quenrmes D. The average accelerator cannot be useri
8. Vector proou in precise catoulations unless the
a. DQtprcauc{ acceleration is uriiform,
78. An apparatus tor increasing the l{inetic energies
68. \^thich is not a vector quanffiy? of charged particles used for researeni in
A. Dispfacerut nuclear and particle prysics is called atan
a- Vetofty
C. Aceterafu
Aa. .Accxptor
F-\E f_ag
C. Thyratron
69. Vvhicti is not a fimdamenla( phys{cal qirartyfy of D. At\cood's machine
A- Length 79. A veightrandi]ul!ey system used to measure
a. Mass the acoe{eration due tQ gravity at Earurs
C= ¥s'ife surface by measuririg the net acce!el.ation Of a
D. Tine set Of wejgms Of whown mass around a
70. \Athat is art arroured rue whiose length is HcfroAn=(d±esiesierpapu*:yiscalled_.
proportiorral to the magnitiJde Of sorrle vethr a. Accqptor
qLrantity and whose direction is that Of the
A Vector diagram
= REmachine
a-V_ap_I 80. The _ actirtg on an object is defined as the
C. Compared vector sum Of aH forces actirlg on the object
D. Rentht A- H54*_fone
a. Groesforce
71. Vlinat is a scaled drawing of the various forcesf C. Total force
velocities or other vector quantities involved in D. Crmctforce
the motori Of a body?

JLV__±derdlautram 81. Vvhich Of the following is t]-ue if the net torce
a. Vegiv exerted on an object is zero?
c. compoTrmt A, The acce[eTafron is zero and the velocfty is
D. F{t- Zen
72. in ppysies, mdion is categorized as _.
A. Tfansfational and rofationar
8, Tfanslatiorral nd curvilinear varmle
B:EERTouvffiand£#igr D` Both the acceleration and velceity. aire
?3. The _ of a moving oqiect is the distarice ft Pnysies
covers in a time merval divided by uie time
intenrd~ 82` Vvhich one carft travel in a vacuum?
Ah ACccteration A FaaAir` uiz]\.at±
A. Equaltol
a. Greaferthan 1 73. The rate at vthich velocf-ty changes with time is
a. Less.than 1 kncrm as,
D. E_gng'_te=0 A. A±firfer\
a. Insfarrtaneous speed
65~ The ifeGtor prorfuct Of arty vector with -riself is C. Average speed
_ __ . .
D. Ir)star7tar)cons yelQcjty
A. Equaltoi
a. Greaterthan 1 76. Vvhich quantity is equal to the derivafue Of the
a. Leesmani... velocity with respect to time?
D. Ecveltoo A. Imstanfaneous velocity
a. Average aeceieration
66. \fflat rrfer± to physical quanffies that are
completely specified batjust a number. and a unit g:Afg#tryapaferfun
or physical 'qunnffies; that have magnitudes
illRE 77i Vvhich of the follc]\aring statement is not tine
A. ScaEt\r mzarRE®s abe ut aaelerafro?
A` Acceleration is uniform for straight line
g``vmTqungutng# motion
D. Vegiv quarfuifes a. For_ circuFad. moftyn accefatafion is
eglnstant ir\ rTREn-itlide and direction
67. \^inat rtifers to physical quantities that have a C. Acceleration is url.rferm if the velocity
rmagnitnde and a c!iredion? changes by equal amount in equal time
A. Scafarquanmes D. The average acceleration cannot be used
a. Vtactor prrfuct in precise calculatons unless the
C. Dotp,utL" acae[eraton is uniform.
D. Vt±der\auanenes
78. An apparatus for increasing the kined.c energies
®8. \^thich is not a vector quawity? Of charged parrmes used for researchi in
A. Dispfac± nuclear and pefficte prlysies is called ataai
a. vekxfty
C. Accelenfro flL. ^ceetetun
D . nJa a a. Acceptor
C, Thyratrm
69. \rmich is not a rfumdamenfal physical quanffl]r Of D. Aharood's machine
A- Length 79. A weigmrmldi]ulley system used to measure
a. Mass the aaeferation due to gra`rfur at EaRA"s
®. Vof "me surface by measuring the net acceleraton or a
D. True §ct Of weights Of krro`rm mass arotjnd a
itictionless puuey is called .
70. \^" is an arrowedi line `A/hose length is A. Accelerator
a. Accaptor
C:. mytapp`
D. Atianood's machine
A. Vfror. diagram
8: ¥rfu
D` F3esurm
80, llie _ acting on an object is defined as t!rfe
vector sum- Of all forces acting on the object
A. Nesfroe
a. Gross fro
71. Vlfroat is a scaled drawing Of the various torces„ C. Total force
velocffies or cther vector qunndties involved in D. Comactfcme
ire nrofro of a body?
A. VederdEaaram 81. Vvnich Of the following is true if the net foroe
a. vtHrfu • exerted
A. The onacceleration
an object isiszero?
zero and the velcxrty is
C. Ccrmporrmt
D. Faesuth Zero

72-£p#aii+#£ffias- 8.-Theaccefetarfioniszero_a_nd_ifes±__±±s±!Qs±_EtLI
rsrfurrs c:onsfatT±
C. The accelerafron is zero and the velcetty is
a. Transtational and Qunfilinear variable
C. Irons_lasonal. rod:faREonal al\d vitirationat D` Etoth the acceleration and velocity are
D` Tfansiation, enmiilithear and rotational variable

73`EEtringftipmnee"+ELifeth%ydiffmT Physics
intnd. 82` Vvhich one cant tra\rel in a \/acuum?
A Accalerarm A` Radiowaves
a. Instantaneous speca 8` Lighivrave
GL Aw±±reragt® sno®d C. Soundrmv®
D` Instantaneous vctoctt)r D. Srm"e
74. Ilie of a particle is defroed as its 83. !n the we» knch^m equat`on: Released energy =
change in position in! posffion in some time md2, what is c?
interval. A. Capacitance
A. "sta"ce a. Veloefty of I-Ighl
8. Disr}fa®emen£ C. Pfanl¢s constant
a- Speeq D` F`efafty
D` ACGelerErfu
C. Rossie forel scale
84. How many protons (P) arid neutr`c)ns are there D. Mercallo scale
in the nucleus are present in a Pb nucJeijs Of
atomic mass Of 206? 95` An inchment .for the luminous
A. P=92, N=156 infensiifes Of tveo pot.nt sources.
8. P=85, N=ico A. Quartz fiber elechoscope
C- F*8Z, N=124 a. quirotw~r
D. P=90, N=150 C. FootLendle meter
D. Leaf e)ectroscope
85, Which Of the fbllowi-ng statements is false?
A. 1^farirekengtfis Of visit]le ligtit -rs 96. An audio rfeQuency is said to be ``wifliin
grader than `Arenrelength Of A. 400 Hztp 40,000 HZ
in.ref-e a. 2o rfetozo,owl.iz
E!. Frequency of ulfrovio`et is greater than G` 100 Hzto loo.OcO HZ
the frequeney of jnfrored D. Noneofthese
Q. Frequeney Of redto waves is less than
the ffeqllenqy Of infranecl `Araves 97. An instmment used to measure the intensfty of
D. Wavelength Of x+ays is greater trlan a light source.
the wavelength Of gamma rays A. IIlumination me!ter
a. Prfudtolr€
86. Is the annoying bn`ghiness Of light sources in a. Cygnometer
person's normal ifeld Of vi§iori D. Candle meter
A. Contracts
a. Difu5eness 98. Among the physical Iaus listed belcw, whth
C. RedecRE glare orre is diffl~
a. Direct glare A La`Ar ofacoeleration
a. Law of react.on
$7. Energy can neither be desfroyed ncir created. C. ± c}rgravifty
This is law Of D. Lowof inertia
A. Conservation of momentum
P. apsrervacorl er~
C. Conservation of mass
99. 1{ refers to the magniftyde oF the anditry
sensation protliced by the sound
D. Noneofthese A. Lndnee
a. intensfty
se. The rate of passage Of radiant ene7gy evaluated C. Pitch
by reference to the luminous sencab.on D- Tone
prodLroed by it js called
A, ulminoi]s flwl: lco. Ilie luninous intensity Of a !arxp is
8. Lumifrous radiator expessed in
C. Luminous plane A. Ctendde
D. Luminousity a, Was
89. PiezoeJectricity princi-plo is applied in one Of the C. LuxZ
D. Lunens
foltwing. Which one?
A. Ulhasound equipment
a. Thermometer
C. onteroprrone
D. TVsets

sO. !t is the maximum frequeney, `A/hich the hLrman

erar en hear
A, 30,OcOHz
8` 10`OcOHz
C. 40'000Hz
D. 20OwHz
91. LtlDc is expressed ill
A. Lurner.s persq. Tncter
8. Luniens persq. fcot
C. Lunenspersq. cm
D. Lumens persq. mm

92. unich Of the following is a imethod of lism

A. Convedion
8. Refeacfron
C` Ctonduction
D. Rareifecton

se. In the SI system, one Of the fo]loun-ng is NOT in

S! unit? Vvhich one is this?
A. Gancma
8. Fanrunkett
C. Newton
D. Kjlngram

en. !t measures the magnftyde of an cartrH]unife.

A. Rcrsjescale
a. R-rehterscale
1.I. On the ladder resting on smcxpth ground and

1. Fe#9ifey£#& leaning against vend.col wall, the fpree Of .rn-ction

will be
A. theurall at its upper end
8. gravifationaf pu« exeTfed by the earth 8. away from the \nrall as its upperencl
8- '£cS;e#-f:fifiji:-==ae=p: B::.:i£ g:#rdaskeREe#
12, If the rain is falling in the oppogive diTeetiorl of
2. \rmen trying to tom a key into a lock the the movement Of the pedestrian. be has to hoRE
fouowing is appifed his umbrella
A. coplarrarforce C. moment A. rrrore inc]ined when moving
a. noncoplanarfbroe P±_.+=qqure a. IBss indiried when moving
C. more inclined when standing
3. \^inich Of the "lowing do not have identical D. tess HHqu rtyrl _Sf9`r!€trls[
A. momentum and impulse 13.grt;a:¥g¥¥=o#o¢i(£#:s#%};'s
a. torque and energy
C. torque andwl
D-ufrmfi5fi]at±OfQfone.pnd.„Hrm!9I C. --xsina-
D- y=xtana+
4. AGcording to the principle Of transmissibirty pF 14AL£:::i#erfu#whftieanoin'&9mtointh#eus#®ffii[ts
toroe58 the effect Of a force I+pow a body is
A. maxrfum twhen it acts at the oenfer Of A. oo a. 3o¢ g:jg: D. coo
grrty Of a bcidy
a. different at different points in its ine of 15. if the velocity Of projection is u in/see and the
acfron plane of projection is a°, the ma>¢i.nuni height Of

EEEHiEffRE:nEiHiEmmi getryffihoneo¥'##sat¢#,srf
grty Of the body
5. According to the law oftriangle offorces 16. The relatc>nship betveen the the€». ve)pcity arid
A. three forces acting at a point will be in angular vetody Of a eycle

:'ffi :.:REEN
equitibriun A exists under all conditions
8. three forces aedng at a point can be
represerted by a triangle. each side beiing
proporwh to de force
17. The effort required to be app«ed paralle! to a
planeA to rTrove a body of Weight W UPC)n rough
inclined plane in = coefficient of motion = fan a)
equilibrium, each toroe is proporfional to with inctinaton to horizontal is

the sine of the angle betwreen the o{ner twci

D'AtembeTts prineiple is used to

&¥¥rQ+¢, -
18. The effort required to ffi a load W on a senow
E EEEREE"=REREJma RE jack helix angle a and angle Of ffiouon ¢ is equnv
C` stability offloating bodies to
D. desjgnjng safe structures
A-_¥:pr!a+dl) a. wcos{a+qiS
a. Wtan{a-dy}D. Wsin(c{+dy)

7, Two coplanar coxplers having equal and
opposite moments 19. Ilie algebrajc sum Of moments Of tiro forces
A. ba!anoe each other
a. areeqgivarm
8:¥¥_=/H#H+er G. both A and Bare correct
D. bothAand Barewrong
S. The center of percussion of a nomogenous rocl
Of length L suspended at the top rmll be 20. If three fomes acting in one plane upon a ridid
A. LJ2 B. U3 C. 3L14 EL__±±4P__ body, keep it in equilibrium, then t]iey' must
9. A rape is wrapped twice around a rougri pr>fe A. meetinapoiut
uffih a coeffic}ient Of ffidion p. It is subjected to 8` be all paralte[
a fome Fl at one end. A gradually inoneasing C. at least two of them must meet
force F2 is applied at the other encl ffl[ the rope D. allot_theatwe .
inst starts slipping. At tfiiis instant the rato Of F2
to Ffl is 21. The angle `which an indined plane makes wt-th
A.1 _a_.___g±: C. e2U D. elrm the horizontal when a body placed on it is about
to move dchm is kno`rm as angle Of
10. The center Of pereussfon Of a sci"cl cylinder Of
radius r resting on a hoTizomaJ plaine wi(I be
A. rn a. 2113 C. rl4 E2_.:=3Ff a
i E#nffiction RErmon

22. The minjmijm coefficjeut Of fu`ction between a

sphere and inclined plane Of ©, so that the 33. As the accelerafron of a vibrating pandcle
sphere may ro« vatithin slipping i§ executing simple harmonic mofron increases,
A. tan© C. 2/7tan© its time pericid
a. 1fatan© .P. 77fa_a__a .

23. A Iaclder resting against a \Arall will never slip

A- incrt-
C. remains mchanged
irrespecmre Of wneye rfran staricts on it* if the D. firstt det:teases__.I_and_ftlen itit:_peasQ$
fadctr whs an angie
A. trot .at`eater __ hfchor± _artgle _viEth 34. A boy is swiriging bn a sun`ng. If another boy sits
along `Adih hin without disturbing his motion
a. ¥fficrm englewh wh-cat then the time period Of swing IN
C. greater than ffiction angle with vertical A. Inerease C. bedoubted
D. any.angle jrrespectiye offfictjon angle a. Decrease D. remal-n apresame
24. A locomotive Of \meighi W is pulled by a force P 35. A body in simple hatmonic motion will lrave
just eqijal to the total ffiction at the points Of mardmum velodi)/ when its amplitiide is
comact a arid b. TTie vertical reaction F3a and Rb, A. Ma)dmum C. zenD
8. negathrernaximum D. averaee
a. Wy2cach 36. In order to double the period Of simple
a. "ve ~ Pkyrczat and "T2 + Pblt2a} perfufum
D. VVI2+ Pb/(2a) each A. the mass of tits bob should be doubled
a. the mass of ife bob.should be quaprupted
25. A rectangular black Of width w and height h is C. it length should be doubled
resting on a horizontal flc)or. It is to be a\roided D. fit_fenath should L\e aundrfuDled
from overrunning when a horizontal pull acts at
any height on the block` lt]is will be possible 37` if two bodies, one light anci the other heavy,
when have equal kinetic energy,` which one has a
A. wJh> u C. _ _vut2h)__>I!. •A. tlre
g neater t~ momentum
linear bode
8` wm<Li D` wl@h)<u
8` tire ifehtbody
2S` A circular disc Of \^reight W rons do`m an C. both have equal iromenfum
inclined plane Of inclination e. If tlie foree Of D. unpredictable
ffiction i§ F then the total net foroe on the disc
parallel to plarte is equal to 38. An object throrm shaight ilp fa»s bacst tD the
A. w~Fsin© c. wcOsO-F grand T second later. Its maximunl height is H
a. IvsjnS_-_f D. Fcosa-W rTreters, ife average \reloen/ during those T
seconds is
27. Least.foroe that starts a body along a plane acts A. H/T &j C. H#T D. 2H/T
at art angle `ath the plane
A. eaLia[ to ttte arREle orftiriction 39. An object is dropped from rest. If the time during
a. little more than angle offriction which it falls is cloubledA the distanise it falls will
C. less than angle offfiction A. dc"e
D` Of zero degree 8. decrease by oneJialf
28` A body weighing lco N falls vertically down on D. remainthe same
a car walghing 200 N moving at velocity V
in/sec` The velcoity of car after falling of `^reigm 40` If all object is moving at constant accelerafron
mid be in a strateht »ne` its instantaneous velocity
A. V mlsec £._______toss than V halfway through any time interval is
nqualquHap A grcator than its average vetcofty
a. more than vmtsec D. unpredictab!8 8. tess than its,average velocity
c. equal to ire_fii!r5rasle yetoe:itir
29. \^inen a body sfides dcrmi an irictined surfece, D. halfofjts average vetocfty
the acceleration a Of the body is given by
A. a=g C. a=gcos8 41. On a graph snowing posjton on true vertical axis
8. q=g.Srty,.P D. a=gtane and time on the horizontal a.ds. a parabola that
opens ap`^rard represents
30. A jet engine worics on the priricl`ple Of A. a. r}ositiire aeceletason
conservation Of EL a negatve acceleration
A- Energy C. angular c. fro acceleration
momentum D. a positive fottowed by a negative
a, Mass a. Ii'near acceLerfucrm
41. On a graph showing velocity on the vertical axis
31. If the momentilm of a body is doubled. its ki-netic and time on the horizontal ants. crmstarT[
errergy will acceleration is represented by
A` increase by nco times C. remain the A. a straight line with a positive slope
came 8. a straight line with a negathre slope
a. £-+pg/'eas-eb¥fozirfroes D. get halved C. a straight ljne\Awh zero slape
D. e3ftlis5rA. Bore
32. The kinetic energy of a body rotating with an
arkyular speed w deperids on 43. The magnitude Of the displacement of a particle
is _ the distance the object has traveled`
£: :2aonify A. Leesserthan
C. itsmassonly EL . either larger or. smaller than
D. Its_.distribution Of I{Saps_ and ang±±!ag C~ the sarrre as
ERE+ D. smaller than or ai}tlal to
D. To compare energies, we must !onow the
d4. A body moves `Ath constant speed in a straight height Of tlie mountain,
line in an inerdal riederence hame. Vvhich of the
fict!cwing statemeds must be TF3UE? 52. A woman runs up a fflght Of stairs, The gain in
A noforceacts onthe body her pofendal errergy is U. If She runs up the
a. a single force ace on the body in the same stairs uthh twice the speed, `what will her
dired-on Of mo6on ` gatri in pofenfia] energy?
C. the Single constant force acts on the body A. E 8. 2u C. U& D. 4ux
in the direction opposite to the body
D. a r.e*tt]rce oif zero acts on tlro body 53, A bloc[c slides a certaiii distarioe doum an
incline. ITie \Arork done by gravity -L§ W. Vvhat is
45. A baseball player hire a ball `A/ith a bat If the the worit don dy the gravity if this bloclc slides
fort:e with \which the bat hfls the ball is the same distance up the indide?
considered the action force, what js the reaction A.W
A. The force the bat exerts on the batterJ`s
a. zero
• C- -F±
hands. D. Gravity can't c!o work; some other fonoes
8. The foroe on the ben exerfed by the glove dces work.
Of the person \Aino catches iL
54. The mc>rnent of inertia Of an okyect of mass M
whTfe thrt"-no it- a.#nfngcthRE|t%°j;th±°%f#taton
C. is propoTtjonal to the mass M regardless Of
46. An object is suspended from a ceiling Of an the choice Of axis
ele`rator that is descending at a constant speed a. tryap B and c: are aprpest
Of 9,al in/a. The tension in the giv-ng holcling the
One is 55. A coristant torque acts on a merrygcLround.
fL ea.ial to trfe rfun±_oftrfe object The .poorer inpil[ of the torque is
a. less than the ureight Of the object but not A conen
Zen B-tEmgp±oTap angutqr`SpFT q|q|g
C. greater than the veight of the oQiect:
D. zero C. zero
D. noneofthe above
47. A skydiver Of weight w is descending near the
6urfaoe Of the earth. \^hat is the magnitude Of 56. A some eylfnder and a so"d sphere have equal
the force exerted by her bc>dy on the earth? masses. Both roll without slipping on a
A. j¥ C. Iessthanw horizontal surface. If their kinetic energlies aire
a. greaterthanw D. 9.8`Ar the same. then
A. the translatonal speed of the eyrlnder is
44& A slq/di`rer faws through the air. her femninal greater than that Of the sphere
sped B`RE£#Th#:RET%!tstheRERERE-Cun5tsEEE
A` diaperids on her mass
8. depends on her chenfafron as she falls a. the trans!atonat speeds Of the twro objects
C` depends on the densfty of the air are the same
D-apofttxp--_ D. A, Bore could beconectdependingon the
radii Of the objees
49. ITie mass Of the moon is about 1% that Of the
earth` The centhpetal tonce that keeps the mcon 57. For a hoop Of mass M and radius R that ts rolling
in ife orbit around the earth withciut slipping, which is larger, its tenslaGomal
A. is much smaller than the gravitatioli€il force kinetic energy or its rotatiomal kinetic energy?
exerted on the mcon dy the earth A. transENonal kinetic energy is largeir
8. depends on the phase of the moon 8. rotatonal kinetic energy is larger
C. is much greater than de gravifational tonce

exerted on the moon dy the earth §:#ogivanansve¥d¥9¥dg'#theradiun
58. A pamcle Of mass in is mciving with speed v
along a line that passes through point P~ \Mrat
50. On an icy winter day, the coefficient Of friction is the angular momentum Of the particle about
bchveerl the tires Of a car and the road\may point P?
might be reduced to oneThalf its value on a dry
day. As a result. the tTraxfmum speed at which
a curve of radius R can be safely nego6ated is

C. It changes sign as the particle passes

A. thesemeon a dryday through point P.
a. reduced to 71% Of its._)[alue oii_a tlnr d&v D. It depends on the distance Of point P from
C:„ reduced to 50% Of its vat ue on a dry day the origin Of coordinates.
D. reduced to 37% Of its value on a c!ry day
59. If the angular momentum Of a system is
51. llco knowledge see!(ere decide to ascend a constarit, which Of the follciwing statements
mountain. Sat chooses a short, steep trail. \while must be be?
Joe, \who \ueishe the same as Sal gees up via a A A corrstant torque acts on each part of the
tong` gently sloped trail At the top. they get into aystem.
an arguneut about who gained more potential 8. Zero net tcirque acts on each pert of the
energyL Vvhjch Of the fo«owing is true? system.
A. Sal gains more gravitational potential C. A constant exterTral torque acts on #te
energy tlian Jcre. system.
8. Sat gains less gravitaconal potential energy D. Z:era t\ct tora±±e__acts_ on the sirstelri.
tfrm Jce.
CL SaLnai.tis? the sarrre sira\ritertional
Dotentfal eneinr than Joe.
60. A blc>ck siding on a ffictionless table is attached 65. Imagiiie that you toss a haft straight up at the
I speed Of 20 in/s. Consider the acceieriation of
to a string that passes through a hole in a table.
Initiatry] the btock is aiding with vo in a ciricle of gravfty to be exacfty 10 rn/€. Which of the
raclius ro. A stLjclent under the table pulls slowly following statements is false?
on the strirtg. \^that happens as the blcek spirals A Benneen the time the ball is released afrd
imonrd? the fine it refums to the ground, ft can be
A. ife energy and angular momentum are said fo decelerate fbr half the time arid
cO"H3rved. accelerate for hair the time.
B.I_te__aDfiu_lar_mszmerfe+in__is_conservetl, 8. Bgivreen the time the ball i§ released and
and its er-ernir increases. the ,time it returns to the groundo it
C. Ate angu!ar'momenfroi is conser\red, and its accelerates dottm^rard at a constant rate.
Its energy is conserved. and its angu!ar`
C^ Befureen the time the ball is released and
the tiTne it refum§ to the giround] its velceEty
mo mentum increases^ co nstanfty changes.
D. All oftha abo`re staternetts are tune
61` A man is walking north carrying a stmcase that
corrfains a spinning gyroscope rrrouuted on an 66. Imagine a nnear motion unit called the meter.
axle attached to the front and back Of the case` per second cubed (in/Sa or im<sS}` This
The angular velodrt]/ Of the gyroscope points represents

north. The rman now begins tD turn to `^raLk east. A the rate of change Of displaceinnent
As a result, the front end Of the suitcase will magnjtnde with respedr to time
A. resist his attempt to turn and will try to a. the rate of change Of vetocfty magnitijide
remain pointed north wh rested to fine
a. fight his arempt fo tiim and will pull to the
C. rise uprrard
D. a-rD denrlrrTiAfard phenomerion jn #near motion
62. In tetnerbalt. a ba" ts attached to a string that is 67. \rmen vrork is done on an objec+ it is the
aifeched to a pole. Wlien the ball is nit, the equivarm of .. I.
string wraps around the pole and the bat!s A a change in its displacement
apiirats imoward^ Neg!eding air resistance, iwhat a. achangeintsmass
conserved, but the mechanical enengy Of
the ball increases.
C. The angular momenttJrn Of the ban is
corrserved, but the mechanical energy Of
the ball dex3reases.
D. The mechanical energy of the ball is
corrsenred, and the angular mornenfum Of
the ba« inort3aae

63. A \moman whose weight on carih js 500 N is

tiifed to a height two earth radii above tlie
surface Of the earth. Her weight will
68. Vmich Of these actioris represents rtegafive
mecnatcat unrk?
A. Gompessing the aprino in a .mesharical
pitcher to launch a baseball.

force Of repulsion when their like poles face

each otirm.
D. Drawing bac{c the elastic hand in a
slingshot to hurt a mart)le at a tree

69. In art ideal spring-load.ed system such as she-

A. decrease to one-half of the original amount in Fro. 3-11, a graph Of the apring's potential
8. decrease to one-quarter Of the origirml energy as a fijnction Of the cart.a linear
anrm disp[acemeut has the general shape Of a
C. deaeaseto onerm of the original amount A. straightthe C. hypelbala
D. decrease to otaesr.iTrth ot ttye orhail]al a. catenary D. narabola
70. Irrragine that you `whjrl a storre in unific>mn
64. Suppose that you are driving a car on a level. cimilar Tnotion on tlie end Of a length Of ltite tine
straight road dire east at 50 fro/hf. You r!it the attached to a spool. Then yo&i let out some line
brakes. stowing dor^m fo 30 Iontr}r in a few iflrfuh the spoof ind! the line is twice as long, but
seconds. During this time. in theory, your you make sure that the stone has the sanne
acccterat.on can be corrsidered fangentiat speed as before. W7iat happens to
A. posith/ea in an eastward direction the angular speed Of the stone?
D. zero
A. Itdouble6.
8. It does Trot change.
D. V\fe cafinot ains`marthis `hthout knowing the
original lergiv of the line

71 ` Imagine a sample of gas confined to a sipnericat

- enclosure whose
Supposethe cliameter
diameter cansphere
Of the be variecl at \nm!`
is suddenly
dchibled. but not a single molecule is aLtowBa
into or out Of it` Also suppose that the
femperattire Of the gas remains conscanL \^thar
happens to the pressure Of gas?
A. More irfrormation is necessary to ans\ner
8. It becomes half as great.
C. It becomes 1/4 as great
a- t±hs=s2s>rrles lAB_.e±sfnne6rf u
C. The} object loses potential errergy at an
72. Cconsider a simple e){periment \whh a incrcasirig rate with increasing attitucle.
compressedeir canister designed for blowing D. The ob-Feat trains rsotewlfar ®nermr as the
dust from compirfer keyboards and efectronie €tquife Tiaprapes
cfrouits. \^when you hold the button do`rm for a
\mile so a kit Of air is released, the canister gets 78. Imagine a hypedretical oQjecE whose mass can
Cold. Now suppose that you place the canister be varfed at will. As the mass Of this object
in a theTmally insulating cold. Nonr suppose that changes. Its Schwarzchi(d radius varies
}rou place the Canister in a thermany ineulafing A. direcHy in propctrdon to the square Of its
jacket that prevents neat transfer, and let some Trttase
marve air Out. Ttiis pracess is 8. directly in propoTtioil ®o its mass

# .RE#.RE
C. isobaric and isothermic
a. iliversely in proportion to its mass
D. iriversely in proportjori to the square Of its
D, isobaric and jsochoric
79. Suppose a perient nudide with atomic number n
73, urrder what conditions can thermal energy be and atomic i^reigut in emife a y particle. What
transferrecl to or from a material sample without are the atomic number and atc}mfo \Areight Of the
cairfsirig a charige in its. temperatjre? dangrrfunudide?
A. F*ire (Squid vyaftyatsan letyel car. absorfu
tfiermal enerair wf\ile runalnina at a ±grrfug#Trin+r'*aB:{#8Thimm_i
demrieradme Of 373.15 K. C.
' D.
atclmie number n -1, atomicweight in
atcrmic number n, atomic\A/eight in -1
8. Vvifer ice at sea leIvel can absorb themial
energy \Aihile remaining at a tempentrre Of
-20ro. 80. An atcrm Of catoon with five protons rather than
C~ Pure water vapor at sea level can give up the usual six is an example of
trierrrral energy `whife remaining at a A. a positive carbon ion
temperature Of +500 K. a. a negative carbon ion
D. Forget jt! Thermal energy can never be C. an isotope of carbon
transferred to or from a material sample D. ±mapisf uke in s{s{peboqy's_.____H_._i_tiking,
withoLlt causing a change in its temperature

74. Neglecting the gr"rftat)-onal ctfects Of the sim

in tlre nucleus
and the moon* and assuming the earth is a
perfect sphere with unifem density throughout 81. Suppose a parent nuctide with atomic number n
ife intetor] the minimLrm escape speed tor an and atomic weight in emits a hishSpe{sd
etifect starting at an initial attidide Ti above the posifrori \^that are the atomie number and
EHEEE atomie \ueigm of the deughter nudide?
A. inoreas©s as n increase A, atomicrmmber n, atomicw©ight in
8. dues rot change as h increases 8. atomiemumbern + 1, atomieweigntm ~ i

g:`ir#oni;aprri#frootiect 8:.#n"uummbeEerrEernr8-to7fri#wal%hTm¥
75, Vve can determine the thec)retical tangential 82, ln the tokamak, th? nuclear fuel is confirted by
ofroital Speed Of an okyject jn a perfectly circular mews Of
otoit around a much TTtore massive spaoeiime A. eTa\rifaidon c. mag_n3±±i±c_rtequs_
singularity when the orbital radius is equal to 8, radio waves D. highngpeed neutrons
Schrarzchild raditts. The speed is independent
of the mass of the central body` Vvhat is it? 83` \^which Of the follewir`g types Of ioniatng radiation
A` The speed ofnoht in rfee space` has the most penetrating peweT?
8. Iba sne®d_Of lfcht -in trfe® sDace. d-ividi!ed A.. arays

C. ±froe space.
D. Orlequarter Of the speed Of Wght in rfee
8. Prays
D, All three Of the above types Of radiator
Spas have the same penetrating power
76. Neglecting the gravifatiorial effects of the sim 84~ An eiechn can gain energy within an atom,
and the moon. and assuming tile earth is a thereby moving to a larger shell
perfect Sphere \Affl uniform densfty througfrout A. `iirtien tt\at atom absort}s a nhatnn
ife inferior„ an object in an elongafed. elliptical havina a certain fre¢tuiencv
ofoit around the earth "Duld 8. wiien that atom €inits a phofon having a
A~ continuously gain potential energy, but at a ce rtain frequen ey
variable rate C. \inen that eleden becomes more
8. continuously lose potendal energy, but at a neggively ch arged
varife rate D, when that electron beoones less
C. a__tt€maife t}ainiand__EQs_e_mctentfal enerav negatrty charged
D. always have the same potential energy
85. Mechanical \hroric can be expressed as
77. thnagine a solid object having constant mass A. the integral of potential energy over time
that starts out at earth's surface and rises 8, the integral of kinetic energy over time
straight up. Neglecting the effects cif the sun C. the derivative Of potential errergy with
and the moon, hour can wB describe the way in respect to time
\mich the grawiational pofendat eriergy D. riorie of the above
Gnanges wiUi alfituqe?
A. The otyect loses potchtial energy at a
constant rate with increasing alttude.
8. The object loses potential eriergy at a
a-sing rate `whn inueasing attitude.
86. The fundamental unit Of work] the Ne`uton~ 94. The principal quantum number js an indicatctr of
meter, is theoretically equivalent to A. the numberofelectrons in an atom
A. the fundamental unit of ponrer, the watt 8. th©numberofprotons in an atom
a. the furidameTTtal unit of power. the u" per C. the numberofneifrons in an atom
secorid D. ncne ofttre aboiriE9
C. the t±mdamertial ut\if ot e[\erg\r. tttejorlte
D. the fundamental unit Of energy, the joule 95. An object that contains one proton, orre neLrfuon
per second and no elecfrons could be
A ana!phapamcle C. atriton
$7. Fill in the blank. "The _ Of the atoliis or a. _a__dptrferon D. a lithium isotope
mo!ecailes in a dry gas is direedy proportional to
the absolirfe themodynamic temperature." 96. The net force on an oftyect is eqLraA to lire
A mean diameter instantaneous rate Of change Of its
8. mean rotational period A. Displacement C. acceleration
C. mean angulardequency a. Velocfty .P... momenntap
D. mean_kinctEc energy
97. Power is an expession Of
88. The minfroum escape speed for an oQiect from A. energy accunufated over time
the surffro of a planet ha`rirng a Tedius 6cOO lrm
A.the rnass of the object
accelerafron Of,an object
8` the radius of the ot)jest D. the acarmulated force on an
C. flee.mass__a_fit.a Dlana Opiect
D. the distance of the planctfrom its sun
98` The prefi>< muffiprier narro means
89. Fill in the blank. q`For a particle revoiving around A. orreihousandth
a cenhal pojut in uniform cirouiar motion, the 8, lief)
one+Tljllionth (10.
magnitude of the angular acoe`eration vectcir is C. ol"tirouen dmilliomrft\
zero* and the is nonzero and constant.a D. one-trillionth {|o-1
A g#EELr±_ the aptHpee[

8. direction of the tangenffl velocity vector in joules to its ifequenqr in hertz is equal to
C~ c!irection Of the Centripetal acceleraton A. its perioc! in seconds
D. magnfude Of the angular displacement

sO. The Schwarzch«d radius Of a collapsing star is 100` Fill in the blank. `The number ofjoufes
the radius at which it takes fo raise or !c]wer the ternperiatiire of 6.era
A all Of the electons are driven info the x |023 atoms Of a substance by 1 K when therre
atomic nuclei is no change Of state is called the _.P
8. a» the atoms become crushed together, A. atomic heat.coefficient
formirro neufroms a. thermal energy hanrfer quantity
C. the gravifafronal field strength becomes a. m±!ar_h_sat_ caLDacitv
:rfuife D. specffic thermal enfropy
D. Qts minimurm SscaDe sDeed____teaches_ffrs
spleed Of_Iinhi in thee sDace 101. Miles per hour squares could. in
theory. be iised as a unit Of
91. Suppose two objects at diiferent temperature A. thearspeed
are placed in direct contact and thermal energy a. fro perunitarca
is a»owed to flow rfeely between them, C, rfuvetofty
Eventually if no thermal energy is supplied from D. aratiritasonal_fis_I_a strenen
the outside, the temperatures Of the t`ro objects
wi!A become equal, Vvhat is the technical term
for this prtxrss?
A. thermal equiferfum
8. neat transfer equalization
a. heat media transfer
D. notre ofttife aha_
9C. The densfty of an abject at ife Schwarzchild
A. varies in difect proportion to the squa!ie of
ire rnass
8. varies in direct prapodion to the mass
C. varies in irwerse proportion to the mass
D. v_an!ti±ss__(a_.irr`rerse pror}ondon to tire
s;qLmn5 of ttie lnass
93. unch. if any. Of the following could theoreticafty
be used as a unit of `neight?
A. the kilogramrmeter per second
a. theftotxpund
C:. the ararrreerttirncter_ per see_a_a_d_
D. the joulewheter per second
Lj. urie.rourm uns area unaenrie io:aaing clJrve

1. \Arfeat ts the name for a vectorthat rt2presentthe sum of 17. \^inen a body fias more supports than are necessayto
be vectors? maintain equHibriuma the body is said to be _.
A. hAomeut C. Scalar A. IIi sascs eaunttibrium
B. Torque P_-.J¥g{r¥gr . 8. !n dyma]Tfe equnbrfuim
C. S*atica!ly dcteminate
2. S diagram tmich snoufs ortfy the force acting on the D, Stalieally indeterminate
EL F=ree bochrdicanram C. Fort:est{ohi 18. \n/hat equilibrium state exists when a both/ rernatms in
8. Cashffoer D. Mcton diagram its displaced state after being moved from fts Ofgimal
equlHbin posftun
3. Vlthich is a true s±alemend aboutthe vectc]rs? A~ A4eh±rfu! 8. &aute C. Static D. Dbnrianrfe
VI = i +2i + k and V2 = i + 3j - 7k
A+ The vectors coincide
B. The angle bchareen them is 17.4°
C^ The \rectoTs are paraHct
19. \^mat are the three types Of equjfjbrium position?

D. The `roctors ang orthooanal C. Kirtedc, kinematics. dyr]anie

D. Statie kinetic. kinematic
¢. Resistance to mction, cansed dy one suiface mbbing
against anotrur. 20. `Athen does an equatior] be considered dqinensionedfy
A lne a C. Gra`rit}/ horTng~r?
8. Resistance D+... fapap9P A. \^hen it is unilless
a. \^men the dimenswh ofthevaricusterms of the Deft
5. Poirfe that ife in the same plane: side Of the equation is not the same as the
dimensions Of the various terms on llie rigm si¢e
a 8g# S: 8EL C. \^fron the degree oflhe fed side oftte equation is
the same as the right side
6. in wechanies, `what refers to the studyofs{aeomary rigid D-#stdequo±f##====ountl#nY.ts##.OnG¥_#_
C. Kinena6cs
i. EL= D. pemies E:nrtys_orapverfq+issamsonfflqnggiv
7. What refers to the force rm rue pat of the rig.rd bor!y 21, \^hat frfers fo the branch Of mathematics outiich deaist
together? with the t5mension Of quanlilies?
A. uflff ama]ysis C. Sygiv amatysis
3: gir#,#ue g:--#o#mgtoree 8` D7menst:oiial anat\ngis D. I-1omc+gene€ty an.edys€s

S. \^ifeat refers to a pair Of equal, apposite and parallel 22. What is a thple beam?
flares? JL _A_bg5am_suDcorted only at its Bnde
fu. .S9¥_pe C. Torque 8. A beam supperfed wh a fixed`support at one eind
8. theut 0. All of the aho`re and none Of the ather erid.
C. A beanwh Trorethon t`ro supperfe
9. Vun ig the conoumeut torce system? D. A b© with ortyone siippert atthe midspan
A- A)_I__ifer®es actatth® selrne DoiTri
8, AD fortes havIBthe sarTre be of action 2t. V\mat assumption is `ised in the analysis Of uniform
a. All tortes are parallel uffl one anomer flexible eve?
D. All forces are in the same plane A Cabfeisifetdble
8. Celble>ctensibte
10. Vlfroen will a threetorce member be considered in C. The weight Of the cable is very smaq `qwhem
equifflwh? compared to the loads supported dy the Cabte
A. \h/hentlie sum oftbefro forces is appal tothethird D. Jxp of*he_above
8. 3£U.eel the:ty Qr® _s!orreurmat or Daralt®! 24. `The suri Of indbedLral mciment about a poiri caused lay
C. \^frontheyae coptanar multiple conoument torees is equal to the moment Of the
P. AM of the above
as propceition
resultant force about the same poirrt''. This stateinnenL is

11. A wiler sappoTt has nour many reactius?
A. None ±j C. 2 D. 3 8. D'Atembert's prineiple
C. Vdrimon's thcor®m
12. A 6nk or cable support has hour many reactjor\is? D. Ne`*rlon'S theorem
A. None gj C. 2 D. 3
25. T`ro foroes actirig ou a particle may be replaced fry a
13. A haiHdin. fbed sappoTt has hour many reactions and single toree catted resol!ant wliigiv can be obtained byr
TnoFT"rm drawirig diagonal Of paraT!elogran, `AhiGh has the sS¢es
A 1 reactjonam 1 moment eqird to the given forced. This drtemewi is kno`rm as„

8: :#f#21#
D, 2 reac8ons and Tro moments
A. Pappus proposttiori
a. Prineip!e ofTransmissit}ilily
a. e±redfelostram La[w
D. Vdrignon.a lTteorem
14. \rmich Support has one moment?
FL Friouon gu:ide C. Fti<edsui>Dcut 26, -The condiferi Of equilibriLm or moljon Of a rigid Eiody
8. Pin cormection D. Rol!ier

15. The resulting foroe Of a distributed load is ah.ra[ys action

that the t`Aro forces have the same me Of acliorf . ITiis
A The ceTrferofthe bean subjected tothe distmuteded
load ;statep¥£#arFT.
8- E±dee_5F*Ie_ct I+ar\smiss=ibiiilEt`r
g#i%Tpchtltr#FTgivatrrTrtyfutF##the c. pamteferm LEN

togiv curve D. Varignori's Theorem
D. The Z€ point from the liigher intensity side Of the
torty curve 27. ®If t`ro foice acting simuttaneously ori a particle can be
represented by the t\co sides of a tiiang]e I.aken in ordelr
16. lire resLlmaut force Of a distributed load is aliAnys equal that the thirds side repr\eseuts the resultanrt in thaB
to: opposite order. This statement is knorm as _.
A Twice the area underthe loading ourue A~ Prindrfe ofTfansmiseibHity

D. Triangle I.enw ofFbuees
a. WctEltit D. Volume
28.1F a nLmber of nonoument forces ading sirmi!taneoiisly
on a particle, are fepreseuted in magnitude ancl 42. Second moment Of area is the product ch

closing side of The polygon in the oppesite order. This a. . Area and ctstance from ttie refcherree aids
statefnert is krxprm as _. C. SqLrare of the area and distancefmm the refere]ne]e
A. Principle of Transrriissibilfty arfe
8. Paralletogran L"r D. Square of the arcs and square of the distance frorm
C. Ftolycon I;Ear the refe~ axis
D. Triangle Lani ofForees
43^ Atorneut Of inertia Of an area about an axis is equal to
2®. lire focoes acting intematly on rigid bodies are due to the slum of rnoneut Of inertia about an a)tis passing
through the cerfroid parallel to the given axis and
rl±lecfrostaticfroesholdingthemoleoulestogener ____ `

a. Iutermodularforees A.Ama£=±±±=±=mr®ofthode±ancobchiap„en.
I). Area and distanee between thro parallel a>ces
= ffind 'givfo, rdees Aofcfty the a. Sqicare Of the tarea and clistance betveeen ttmo
paraqel ares
3®. A bean iafth more than one capports is called . D. Square Of the area and sqL]are Of the djsfanee
A Cantilever beam C` Comp{e3cbea!in betvreen t`co paraHel axe!s
8` Simple beam D. _Conflriuo«s J>cam
44. The moment of ineftia Of an chject is depenaern to ail of
31. A tmss consisfir`g Of coplanar members is callecl _` the follonririg except one. I^/hich ofre?
A fTfamalme§s C. Ldeattmss A. Lecafron of op§ecrs axes of mtation
a. Spacetnrss D` Rigidtruss Eh Massoftheotife
a2. A mss cousistir?g Of non`caplanar members is ca»ed g:-g3ffs=iae¥anrdTshaffia-fty
.. _.+

A Pfanetruss C. idealrfuas 45. \^rfua[ is the und Of mass moment Of ineltia

a. Sp?®®4tiae D, Rieiidrfuss A. Kg|tt4 a, Kg-m3 c, Kg+!t a, K¢rty?
a3, What melrion of actermnir)g the »artoree of trLlee if only as.#tt%*##inffgrmandalL##ir#

8- JSgivQ9#P£±SstS£± D. Metltod ofsttpefpceilion 8, Acardtoid shaped sphere
C. AhoLlcrwaphae
34. If bar foree Of al members Of a truss is irequiinedg which D. Asomsphere
menQd is best used? I

i ¥#nalii# ife#£# d7-Pe¥E=rfain##:::#+ikreethsthe¥¥:E=gg£:"

degrees of lteedom -' number Of comsmafn
as. \nthich of the fotlowing statemerf[s about firiction is false? equations.
A. The direction offficfional torce on a surface is such 8. Square root Of the tchal degrees Of ifeedon -
as to oppase the tendency of one surface to slide
refaife to the cther`

constrain equawhs
"ce iwhich tends to fnove the body fill the Liniting i

valire i§ reached. 4S. To conplctely spec€f)r the a)manic state of a body, me

D. Friction force i8 afurays less than the force reqt+fred nLimber Of coordjnates required is the numbel-of _
to prevent moffcm

as. In the analysis Of firfetion, the angle betlAreen the rrormal

force and the reeunam foroe the angle Of 49, \A/hat refers to the shift in the axis Of Spin Of a rolatife
fficrfu body such as wherl .tiAro equal forces are appced to a
A May De Sreaterthan oriessthan di¢lc at the errds of the ajde?
a. Is grrmerthan A^ inertiat shift a. _ Qrecessl.gr_
C_ E±±E=_s=..froan a. A2tial shift D. G:)prnD mar(iori
D. Isequalto

&#¥ D.N-=
@7. \^ifeen a block is Place on an inctiined plane. its steepest
ine5nation to \which the bloex will be equiEbriLm is ca!!ed
A~ Angle offfictior` C. Angle ofnomal
a. Angle aF neadior\ D. ___Ande of repose 51. When a forse cause a change in nnecbanica3 energy
`when it moves around a closed path, it is said to be
as. Itro ffidional farce is the arcs if contacl force.
A` lmrersely prop®ttional to A. Natuml C. Conser`rathre
EL Dependenton 8. Vlrfual fr.___Alqurcap8el?4?±E!a!±
C. IndeDa±tideat or
D. Direcfty propomoma! to 52. haieh of the fonowing uses string pdygon to srfe
problems in grapliicalhrf
39. \^that is the usmfty used to move hea+ry toads dy A parallel polygon c. Mohrs pd)rm
applying a force `which is usually smanerthat the neigm a. Fzmfoularochmer] D. Foreeponreon
of the kRE
=qL `.Iertyqpe
D. Ben¥+fapegrffiEL
a. Kinemaife, kinetic and stable equilibrium
40. IThe angle Of inclined plane af a jack scre`tr is also
know as _. =.REtryenen\EEapfranutthuneethunap{g€utap"#
A. Angle of thread C. Angie offiriction
8. Andeaffead P. Angteofpitch 54. what rifers to the statement that says that the
erdernal effect Of. a force Of a body is the same fur all
All . Center Of grmq/ far a foco dmcmsicmat body is the peinl poirlts of appficaeon along its fine of action?
at whch the entire acts regand!ees Of the A. hdechanies C. 7fansmj:seiEiiAmr
on.eunon Of the body. e` Equllibri`m D. etedictioalt]r dchc]mfmi
A. hare C. Mass ofweigma
55. Wiat law states that the cc]r`aition Of equiliDwh or of 8` independeTue offoroes
mdion Of rigid body is reifected by a fore Of the same C. balance oftoree
magnitude arid directori, but acting at a different pofrTL D. Reso!utfon oftott:es
provided that the t`co bodies have the same line of
action? 70. The resohred paft Of the resultant Of two forees incBned
A Principle of `rolition at an angie 9 in a givrerl ctrectiorl is equal to
8. Fhinciple ofmo6on JLfb±__±±E]e_btefe_ssiimOfthereso^rodr*deOfiha±
C. Kinerrlaties prirtciple
D. fhint3iple oftensmEsssbi]it\r a, ffi=#=#!=#=&#;#: of the forges in the
given dirgivn
5®. ITte load that acts ou a body `Affih some velpctty causing C. the diference oftheforces multiplied bythe cosine
lees of pctewial enerev and kinetic energy is tqioum as Of9
D` the sum oftne tort:es multiplied py the sine of 9
A. Mo\/ing lced C, Apparent load
8` dqupqF{/lpqdy D. Impulse lcxBd 71` \^thich Of the fottowing do not have ideutical
57. A measure Of puHirig and pushing force is kr`ounn as A. Momerfum and impuise
a. Torqueand energy
A. CoricentTatcdforpe C. fmpact foroe C. TOTqueauluck
8- 4±cfp£..fbrt=p D. Ecceriric force D-¥___+±xp=*Of_a_forE€apdapq+:kf±_rrl±grn€rrl|+in

58. Considering the properties Of areas. `what is the area for 72. \^inich Of the foHowing is not the unit Of pressure?
a second degree ourve with perpendicular side b and h, A` l<g/cht 8, ate C. atmosphere 0. r}eunfon
A tih/5 a. bm4 c. bhJ2 P_._ qup 73. Tt`e `ueight Of a body is due to
A ceutrfpefa) for¥e of earth
59. IThe unit Of force in S`I. units is 8. grenffiattonat puu exerted dy the earth
A. KBogram ? ..... Sleiqrtyp C. \aratt D. dyse C. forces experieneed by body in atmcepheDe
60. The unit Of work orenergy in S,I, Lmife is center Of the earth
A Newton C. kitogranmeter
a. Pascal DT iqu!e. 74. The forges, which meet at c]ne point, bLjit their »nee Of
acarcm do not tie in a plane. are called
61. Forces are called conciimeut when thctr lines Of aedon A. cop!anar non¢onoumeut forces
meet fro 8, n±o±ri¢_±nLSn_gr coTrsuTrent foreos
A, ap®iioind a, Plane C. riontofyanar roTroonourrent forces
8. tve points D. perpendicular plaries D. interseding forces
62. Forees are cawed ooplanar when aq Of than acting ori 75. VI/hen tgivg to turn a key into a lock, fo«owhg is app!iec!
try ife in A. cop!anarfovee C. lever
A one point C. diifertl!ut pfanes 8. non¢op]anarforces .P-.Cqudyp
a. .qpqpla»e -... D. perpendict+larplaimas
76` \thich Of the foftowing is not a sea(ar qimndty
63. A toroe acting ari a body runy A. Time 8. Mass C. volume D. ac.ced¢uerapni
A. iedroduce irTtemat desses
8. balance the ctherforces acting on ft 77. Accordirig to principle Of trarismissibility Of forees. the
a, Tenrditsmouon effect of a toroe upon a body is
a. at_I_af qu_e_F9r9. A. maxinum when it acts at the center ofgravfty ofa
®4, \hfroth is the coTTect statemeut about lanr Of pot}ngor] Of 8. different at diferend points in its froe ofaclion

ibrurs? C:. tfro ssirrve at a.rrie±rv E±±3H±_ft! -its lir.a o§ al*:a3os..
A. if any rirmber Of forces acting at a poiut can be D` mininun when i[ acts atthe c`G. of the body
represented try the sides Of a pctygon tatcen in
order* then the forces are in equilibrium 78. \thich Of the toHowing is a vector quantity
8. if any number of forces acting at a point can be A. Energy 8. Mass _g±,_tryot]?¢!r7qupr D. angle
rapTtrsGrrfed in direction artd rmagnmicle by the
sides Of a polygon. then the forices are in 79. The magnitude Of t`ro forces, \ut`ich `Aihen alcting at righa
eqLdibfro arig]e produce resulteut toroe Of vIolcg an{l `wherl acting
C. if a pelygon representhg forces acting at a point is at 60e produce resultam Of vI3 kg. These forces are
closed theri forces are in equilibrium
3: 8REysky g: ¥:fang-ys
sO, A number or forces acting at a poin{will be in ¢quiiibtitrm
A. theirtgiv sum is zero
65.+iMTag:jE¥°ng.b¥it#whme#acfron 8. tro resolved parts in tee directions at n'gm angte!s;

ii RE REE \t
8, D~IrecHor\ D. all otthe 8}}quq

ce, If a nurnDer of forces act sirriuitaneousry on a partne, it

is pcene
A. rict a replace them try a singive fonce 81. Two norroo7mear parauel eqLL@I tolic>es aedng -in
a. to res>taootl*em bv a sttrafefcne_ oppoife difecrm
a. to replace thorn by a'sirigie force through a.G~ A. balance each other
D. to replacethem by a couple a. constide a rrrameut
c. conasalt®_a__S_Q±iple
67r A force is completely defined when \ire specify D, comsobite a moment of couple
a# frETof:Of%g:¥ 82. AOGording to arinGip!e or rnomems
A. ira grsten ofcapfanartorces is in equrmm,them
68. If thro eqLLal forces Of magriiti]de P act at an angle 9°.
their restihaut will be
A. P42cos9/2 C. 2Pth9/2
their akyebraic sum is zero

a. ipsingra D. __Pcceae
C. the alget)raic sum of the moments of any tiibiiD
S9. The algebraie slum Of the resof`red pelts Of a number Of ibrces about any porn is equal tp mome" Of the
to"9 in a given tFredion is eqoal to the resolved part resuttand about: the same point
Ofthairreaiuninthesconetdineed-I:in.Thisisasperlhe D. pesHhe and negc*thlrc couples Can b® hataneed
prirgiv OF
A. fonus 83, Vlthich Of the fo»owing is not a vcetorquanitit]/
A. .]4/§Qgivf 8. velcoil)/ C. acceleration D. foroe a. orle*third of tt_|e_i_etet_ hctglr. aboore I:Iatso
C. onahalf`Oflhe total heigm above base
84. A¢cording to lattf Of triangle Of fofQes D` threedghth of the total height above the hate
A. three forces ading at a poinwill be in eqLmrium
8. three forces`ading at a pdiut can be represented es. The units Of moment of inertia Of an area are
by a triangleA cach side bethg proportional to foaee A. kgm2 8. in4 C. kg/m2 D. im3
a. -ff tlirco ft\sses actfna anon a Datifele aae
reones®ttted itt rnaitr\.fttide ar*d diredon t#( .if ee 97. The center Of peroussiort of the homogeneoiLfs rod of
stde® Of a ttiandie. taken__i_ti__at_er. tho\i__vyill_ be [engih L suspended at the top will be
in cauilibrium A` Lca a. Lj3 c` 3i/4 a. 2u?
D. if three torces acting at a prim are in equilibTiumA
each fotoe is praporiioml to the Sine of the eagle
bet`¢reen the older tu\ro

&5. If a rigid body is in equiiitibrium underthe adion Of three

forces. ifeli
± -difi##'
98. The corker Of gravity of a triangle ties at the point Of

intersection ofbisector of angles
intersection of diagonals
A. tnesetomes areequal
8. the lines of actiap of these forces meet in a point 99. The Lmits Of moment Of inertia of mass are
C. the lines ofactfon of these forces are parallct A. *pm2 8. m4 C. kgfrot2 D. kgrm
D. It» aind[ {c\ abl]Fire
lco.ITle posgivle toeding in various rnernbein± Of fir:amed
as. A heavy ladder resting on flour and against a vertical stnxHufes are
wall may rict be in equilibrium, if
A. thef!cor is srnoth. the `4rall is rough
R theflooris rm*gh. the`call issmogiv
C. shearortension
C- S_hs±_f i_ear_an_a,yyan btif e are srmoch surfaces D. allaftheaho`+e
D. the floor and wall both are rough surfaces
101. A hea`ry string attached at hare ends at same horizonfaA
87. Lamits theorem Ievel and `athen ceTttral dip is `rery small approaches the
A three forQes acting at a poirTt will be in equitibrftm toftowhg ctjrve
a. mree torces aenng at a point can be represemed A. Catenary C. hyperbola
try a tfiangle, each side being prapoftional to fooz>e a. Parabola a. ell'iptiit=al
C. if three forces acting ilpon a partiele are
represented in rmagnitrrde and dinecfion dy the io2.ipick#t.¥::##¥#:I::fTjts¥+gFfoH0utno:
6ide3 of a triaftgte. talcen in omer, they `nrill be in
equiljbriun a, lne C.G. of a triangle is at the intersection of is
D-ifcatunhrincoin#°Eir#iscti£DE##i5# median
C. Ttie c.G. Ofa rectangle is at the intehsecfron ofiis
sttie_pt|fes_apgtg_bchhrcet\th®_qapqr_fap= diap*
88. Ttco coplanar couples hearing equal and opposite
A. balance each cther 103.The cener Of perarssion of a salid cyGiric!er Of radius I
a. aeequivalen resting on a horizontal plane will be
C. produce a moment ofcoup{e A` tr2 8` 2{13 a. [lA DQ±±_i±&_
D. .sBr.nat haEquce eec_b _q±bs±±_
104.In the equation Of virtual tArotlc, following force is
89. A framed structure js perfect if it contains members neglected
equal ta A. reaction of any smcotn surface wth vmrm ne troqy
A. £±§ 8. nd C. thl D. n~2 is in cOT"
a. reaction ofa rough surface of a body `thich iieds on
sO. The preduct Of eimertorce Of couple `Arfth the arm Of the ft ifldiftout sltryping .....
couple is called C, reaction aha poiutoran axis. fixed in space. around
A. resultant couple C` resumng couple which a body is codrstcaf ned to turn
8. momem ofth® foroes P. momeutofthe coimie D. at_I_:gf_se9_a_4gys_

en. fro dctemiining stresses in frames by mcthods Of 105.If a suspended body is stniclc at the ceinter Of
sedioas. the hathe is dhrfded iir]to furo pads b)r an pertmss€on, then the pressure on die axis passtrfig
imaginary section dra`un in such a way as not to out through the point Of suspension wllL be
•A. Ma>timum a. Mininum a ...... apap D. inmiily
A_ ttArt) fnertil]ers `ndih unzcna`am forces of the ffame
8. |nrce_ rneiTibers \ptryfu pnhnorm\ tiorees Of the 186.e resuhaut Of the following three couples 20 kg foroeo
EE=mH 05 in am, S ve sense 30 kg fofce, 1 in arm. -ve sense
C. four members `aiith lmknonm forces oftbe.hame 40 kg force. 0.25 in arm. + ve sense ha`chg alm Of Of
D. tlhree fTrembers tmffih knchfim forces of the frame in wh be
A. 20*a.-vesanse C. 10kg,+vesense
92. The cerrter Of gmvity Of a uniforTn lamina ltes at EL 20lcg,+veserise D` 10lcg,-\ieeense
A. the cenlerof heavy portion
8` the bottom surface 107. Angle Of friction is the
C. the in-id r>oirit ofEts`awhs A. a.I.ere bqtuneen r\ormal reaction andt_ _.tdye
D. alloftheabove
gE¥ ct norml ro®edon and th. tirma
ae. Cerfer Of gca\fty of a se!id cone lies on the a!ris at the 8. rate oftimfty fficton and nomal rcadion
hetom C. the ratio Of mininun7 ffictfon foroe to the ffic{iaLn
lL on®rfet±=rth crffro tctat lueiarrt above force acting `Athen the body is just abatJt to moh/e
a. onunrd of the total height at)o`ne base D. the ratio Of niirinm ffiction force to friction force
C. onerm ofthetdtal height above base acting `Athen the body is in motion
D. tfireerf#gttth of the total neigh( above the hate
108. The coeffitierfe of friction depends on
94~ Center of perouesion is A area ofcoofact C. str\ength ofstirfaces
A. the peintof c.G. 8. shape of surfaces D. riarfzue ofstirfat;e
8. the point of lTtctacenter
C= the r>oitit trf az*rIIIt:edor\ off the renEtz\ri± o§ all
thgE_fifMree__fendino _ too ¢airse a bod\r tici redadia

95. Center of granIity Of a thin ho!tou]¢ cone Hes c]n the a>ds at
a heen of
A oneiourm oftr`e tdial height above hare
12~ The harclness Qf steel increases if it contains
A. Austenife C. Pearlite
1. Fatigue failure occurs when apart is 8. Xfarfe».sffip D. AIl of the above
a-edto 13. The presenceofsulfur in pig iron makes
&ic=en9=#erREndpr=tr2Jife A. It easli!y machinable
a, Torsion a. Ithed
D. Fiudeting sfross C. Increases the fluidity
D. Tl.e castina unsound
2, A bc>dy identical all over it
is called machinabilify Of steel can be increased
A. Homooer)eotrs C. Ductile
8. Efastb D. Isentropic Siljcan and sulfur
Sulfur, graphite and aluminum
3. If a material recovers ire original dimems;ions, -gkpsspph¢6°ru¥§:-n'idee#¥_£Tftyr
`Ainen the load is removed, H is called
A Plastic C. E/asfl-c
8. Brittle D. Annealed 15. Steel wth o.8% carbon and l00% peairiitie is
krrown as
4. The behaviorofmetals\where in strength ofa A. ±«fecforu C. rtyperLeutectoid
mefal is increased and the ductility is a. Austenite D. Sc]Iidu$
deoreasecf on heating at a relatively low
temperature after cold worfu'ng, is called 16. The maximum hardenability Of any steel
A Twimino depends on
8. Solid solution hardening JL EL±±___se_deori Sotltqu±
C. Clustering 8. Thegrain size
D. StraiT\ auiT\u C. ITie cherT]jcal composition
D. The alloying elements present
5. A ductiletrachire is characterized by
A. Rapid rate for Crank propagation 17. !n compression, a prism of brittle material with
8. Negligib!e cleforTTration break
C` Fragmentation into more than two pieces A . Irito large number Of pieces
a.chinpirREabablettopnRErmttonprfpr a. _Bv shcari"niulQin_g _Qbliail® Dlarve
• C. Bytormingabulge
D. In a direction along the diirect.on of loacl
6. The ability of a material to absoifo energy
`ninen deformed e[astically and to Tietim in 18` Hastalloy contains
when unicraded is known as A. NIckei & copper
A. Creep C. Fatjguestrgngth 8. Copper&aluminum
a. Hardness D. f3esTTh±rice a. Aluminum & nict(el
D. H_ic:ke.I & irlolvbderl\Im
7. Machining propegives Of steel can be
improved by adding 19. Trimming is a prcoess assoctafedvith
A. Surfer, ls±astDb_osr]rioras A .fonyinp C` Elecfroplating
a. Silicon, aluminum, titanium 8. PresewQrk D. Machinirig of mefals
C. Varradiium, aluminum
D. Chromium, nickel 20. Additiori Of leacl ancl bismuth to aluminum
resuife in
8` Cyaniding is the prcoess of A Improvement of casting characteristics
A. Dipping steel irrto cyanide bath 8. Improvement of corrosion resistance
8. Reacting steel surfece with cyanide salts C. One Of tlie best known age and
C. AddEna carbon inn_d_ riitrogen bv heat pre¢pitation hardening systems

D.te#t~#=,heRE.sELE£ Z1. Which of the fdilcwirig rias highest specrmc

• strength of all struchlral maten'als?
9- The constituerit that has a powerful softening A. Magnesium allciys
ctfed on cast iric)n and its presence in cast 8. Chromium alloys
iron reduces the ability Of the iron fo retain C. Tflanium a]Iovs
carbon in chemical combination8 is D. None of the above
A. Silteon C. Carbon
8. Aluminum D. Sulfur 22. Foundry oucible is made of
A. Mi!dstee! C. Lead
10. In po`rder metallurgy the process of heating 8. €raz}Aftyg D. German siiver
the cold pressed metal powrder is called
A, §try*erfuo C. Granulation 23. Age-hardening is related with
8. Deposition D. Precipitation A. Sfainless steel C. German silver
a. Cast-iron D. Duraluml-n
11. Wiich one is difererri from the remaining
A Cyaniding C. Nrmdjng 24. Select the one that has the highest specific
8. Flame hardening D. Efecfropfa*firio . gravity?
A Brass C. Highcarbon steel
8. ±gg! D. Aluminum
25. Ilie phenomenon of \nreld decay' i§ 38. Vvhich Of the foMowing materials does not
-iated wth rfect the strength and property Of cast iron,
A. Braes A. Aluminum C. Cahoon
8. Aluminum alloys a. Silicon J}. PAosohorzts
C. Mang-
D. Stairltess stes(s 39. Carbon may be combined `rfuh tlie iron to
form an iran carbide krio\^m as
thng` FQur materials are -A metals„ B` ceramies` A Dolomite C` Magn§tite
C` pelymers„ D` peper` \Miich Of these is/are 8` Cemenffle D` Graphite
gcocl conductors Of heat a§ \ne]l as
40. It may be considered as the most froportant
fieen& c` ' B and c only Of the engineedng materials.
8` CandDon!y D. AcandDonly A Copper C. Aluninum
a. §§§£ d. Bronze
27. The process ccmmonly used for thermc+
plastic materials is 41. Low carbon steels cantalns carbon bet\Areen
A. Djdeasting C^ Shell moulding
8. ]niectton znouidirraD. Colcl form:img
A. O.iotoo.15 c. 0.r5foo.30
8. 0.cotoo.60 D. O.05too.10
28. The most important element that controls the
physical propendes Of steel is 42. FQr nicke]thromium §teels the ratio of nickel
A. Silicon C. Manganese to chromium is
B. Tungsten D£___pegivon A 1:4 £rf£L5
a. 1:5 D. 3:5
29. The imperfedon in the crystal structure Of
metal is krrowTl as 43. It js a special steel that is mac!e by
A. Pislocation C. Stilp decarbonizjng cast iron by forcing a powerful
a. Fracture D. Impurity blast of an air to the moifen metal.
A Crucible steel C. Dirty steel
30. Polyesters belorxp to the group of 8. AIS1420 steel B^ 83essremersfeaf
A. Thermoplastic plastjes
8` Phenotics 44` A special steel which contains 13%
C. Thermosettitra Dfastics chromium, 1% silicon and 1% manganese
D. AIl oftheabove with 0.15% cart)on.
A. Bessemer. steel C.____A/S/420
31` The effect ofallQying zincto copper is 8` AIS1430 D` AIS1440
A To increase hardness
8. To impart free-machining properties 45. It is a heat treatment process which involves
C, To.Improve hardness and strength heating fctlowed by rapid cooling.
D. To__ir\ crease__stze_a_att3_ant±__d_H_c_tff!ft\t_ A f±artyen6rra C. Ternpering
a. Annealing D. Normalizing
32, It is the property whch enables to be dra`Am
out by a tensile force i4difrout fracture 46. It is done dy heathg the hardened steel to
accwhg. some temperature below the cffica!
A- Q£¢£€fllffif C. Malleabilfty temperature and then quenching.
a. Toughness D. Stiffness A Hardening C. Teml]erfr7o
8. Normalizing D. Annealing
33. It is the property which enables a metal to
withstand deformation by a compressive 47. It is the process used`.to obtain the sofies+eat
foroe urfehout firacfuring occurring. state Of the metal so that it may be colcL
A` Duedihi\ty C.` _RTalleabf[ha[ `^rori<ed by bending, drawl.ngr and pressing.
a. Toughness D. Hardness A. Tempering C. Hardening
8. Nomad.\zing D. rty?nca!En_g_
34. Ilie property of the material which enables a
metal to withstand shoclt loading or impact. 48` lliis process consists Of heating steel tQ a
A. Ductility C^ Malleability temperaturie Of about 30 to 50°C abo\re the
8. Toumhness D. Hardness crmcal temperature follChred by ccoljng jn air.
A Noma/j2mo C. Tempe[ing
35. It is the property which enables a material to 8` Anneating D. Hardening
resist abfasion and inderitation.
A. f/ardr7ess C. Ma!leabilfty 49. It is a soft malleable metal Of very high
8. Dudilfty D. Stffiess densfty-
ATin C. Led
36. If the carbon contents of pig iron is removed 8` Zinc D. Aluminum
the almcist pure iron remaining is a soft tough
metal called 50. Itis an expensive metal which is used mainly
A. Castfron C. Greyiron as an element for coating steel
8. Graphite D. Wtouamfroo sheet`
A rj-n C. Lead
37` lt is produced by remelting rude pig iron and a. ZIFc D` Aluminum
making certain adjustments to its
composition `whi]e in the molten state. 51. ]t js a soft weak metal having low ductility butt
A_ \^/foughtiron C. Steel possesses high resistance to corrosion.
a. Casti`,ror] D. Grey iron A Tin C` Lead
a. Z;.nc D` A!uminum
65. \^/hat type of carbon steel should be used tor
52. An importar]t alloying efemen[ and is used as ball bearings?
the base metal with 2].nc to forTn brass and A. Lerw C. Hial.
with tin to form bronze. a. Medium D. Lowormedium
A Steel C. Conoer
8. Lead D, Znc 66. Steel having a carbon content of 1.32% is
considered as carbori steel.
53. [t is a soft, ducffle metal of very low density. A Low C. Medium
PL Aluminum . C. I:Gad 8. ££E!:i£± D. Very high
a, Tin D. Zirro
67. Vvhiich Of the fo«owing process is usec! to
54. It is the naine given to a range of aluminum sdien fully a work hardened steel?
a»ny containing about 4% copper and a small A. Tempering C. Nomalizing
amount Of Other elernents, 8. Hardening D. Ar7nca/rfud
A. Baini{e C. Aluminite
8. D.IT€rurril-a D. AlriicQ 68. \^/hich rieat {rieatrnent is requireid {o redu¢pe
brittleness alter hardening?
55. Manrmade materials wliich are manufarfurecd A. _C_.__TemDeTi:na
from norrmefaliic elements such as carbon 8. Normalizing D, Any of these
and ch[orirre.
A Cork C. Nylon 69, Steel must contain at least
a. G/a'ss D. Plastl-c beforeitcanbehardenednoui55aTb#.carbon
A. Egg C. 0.40
5S. It is the name elements to a group Of 8. 0`45 D. 0.48
materials cawed.pol}ramides
A. foftrsfimene C. Pplyethelene 70. What is tr]e effect of armealing ctn the
a. PVC D. Nylon properties Of steel?
A. To increase the hardness and strength
57. The most common themioseft material is and rrfuce ductility
pheno!formaldeliyde better knormi as 8. It hardens the material anc] priDducec!
A. Epo>cy C. Bakelite minimilm brittleness
8. Tlrfuol D. PoAnester C. To reduce the brittleness and removed
quenching stresses
58. It is a laminated phenolic plastic Ljsing paper, D'STn#edirrtnthd®uedrferfurfeLEn.d_±
asbestos, or fabric laminates impregnated
wh plastic maten-al.
C. Polyuetlrane 71. Which of the follcwing thermoplastics have
i E#inaldehyde D. Epexy resin the highest operating temperature?
59. If the material has the propeirty to resist the a. Potyderene
growth Of Cracks it is said to be C. Nylon
A. Strong C. Ductile D.PTFE(PonFte_1za_fl_o_u_rrlettiyteneb
a, JQ€*errty D. Hard
72. \^inich Of the following is not a cause Of
60. \^thich of the following materials is most quench crack?
ductile? A. Vvltng qunch
Maten'al Percentage 8. \^frong seledion of steel
elongation C. _Notenouah heat
A 80-20brass 50 D` Pcur design
8. 70-30 brass 70
C. 60-40brass 73. Bearing materials must possess the following
D. 50~50brase prope rLies except
I A_ llardress
61~ 1thich type Of hardnessiest is generally 8. I+iah coefficient of friction
performed in wbrf<+shop material? C. Tcnghness
AL Rock"reHA C. Roclowell B D. Wear resistant
8. ftoz:fare//a D. Roclc`mall D
74. Which ofthefo»owing is not commonly usetl
62. \^/hich hardness test could be used vwh tJiin as bearing materials.
steel sheets? A. Hi_ah carbort steel
A. RockwellA C. Roc}curell B 8. Altoy of lead, tin and antimony
8. Rodeil c C. Castfron
63. Select from the list whiz-a#CedToe#-% not D. Phoaphor bronze
suitable tor grey irms`
A+ Mach`ir`e beds C. Roller__fe€apqu_e_I 75. Vlthich of the following metals is suitable it]r
8. Brake drums D. Water pipes protection by anodiizing?
A. S;rdee;A C. M®anesium allrT;lps
64` [n forgings8 \what type of carbon steel should a. Zinc D` Castirons
AL Low C. Hioh 76. What nan-ferrous metal is magnetic?
a. Medium D. Lnwormedium A. Tin C, Zinc
8. C;apper a. _ NI.a_fe_I
77. Which of the follciwing is not an essential
element to make pig iron? 90. Which of the fctlowing.insufat`.on is used in
i J# 8: Lrio#¥,:ne A. Varni`sred cambric
a. Paper
78. \Arfuich is not a component of C. Rubber
glass? D. Anvoftheabove
A. Molten silica C. Lime
a. Soda D. Iron dust 91. Empiretapeis ,
A. Vamisf\ed'{cambric;
79. \Athicn of the follow]-ng is not an inert gas that 8. Vulcanized rubber
are used.for industrial purposes?
A Acefw/ere C. Nrmogen S: itmoELieeda#
8. Helf urn D. Argon .
92La ln a cable, the maximum Stress under
80. Steel that is norrmagnetic is called operating coriditions is at
A. Insulation layer
3: #egni:'i;e 8: £"={=si:lfl a. AdTTur
C. Sheath
81. \^/hat is the hardest structure found in the iron D. £smd_ucfor surface
- carbon alloy system?
A =Cementffe C. Do\ctmite 93` ln capacitance grading Of cables \^re use a
a. F©rrite D. Aust©n.tie __I__=___dieleca`c`
A Comoosma C. Porous
82. What is the softest structure found in the iron a. Homogeneous D. Hygroscopl-a
~ cafroon alloy system?
A Cementiite C. Dolomite 94. Pressure cables are gerrerally not usec±
8. Feth-te D. Austenite beyond
A.llkv C. 33kv
ae. \^hat is the name Of the euEet:toid a- ELV D. ia2kv
campositiion Of cafoon steel slciwly cooled to
rDQm temperature? 95. Cablesfor20 kv lines arie invariably
A. FeTTit!e Ce___Peariite A. Mica insulated
a. Ausfenite D. Martensite

8£1.. Which of the following is not a factor to be

D. Rubber insulated
considered when you choose the temperfug
temperature of a tool? 96. Ira cableisto designedforuseon lcoo kv,
A. Hardrtess C. Strength which insulation `nrould you prefef?
a. Ductility a.__ Sffles.a A. Polyvinyte chloride C. Impregnated
85. \^hat is the strong bond between hydrogen a. vulcanized rubber Q -... _.. Qpqnypesap
atoms krroun asp SE±_gas_
A Theionicbond
a. The metallic bond 97. Copper as conductor for cat]Ies is used as
C. Ionic and metallic bonds A. A]\ncaleg`
D. Ib_a_covaitent bond. a. Hardened and tempered
C. HarddrEan
86. How many atoms are in the unit ce!l Ofa D, Alkywh chromium
body[roentered cubic struth*re?
A-1 C-__2 98. The insulating material should have
a. 3 D. 4 A. Low penittivfty
a. High dielectric strength
87. Ilie ease with which dislocations are able to C. Iiigh rest-stivity ....
move through a crystal uncler stress accounts D. AIL of theaLrave
for which of the following?
I. Ductjjjty C. Hardness 99. The disadvantage with paper a§ jnsulatng
11. Lower yieid strength material is
A. Ionly C. Ilonly A. Lt Es hraruscoDic:_
8. Ilonly . D. Iand]l a. It has higli capacitance
C. It is an organic material
ae. In generat^ what are the effects of coid~ D` None of the above
worfuing a metal?
A. Increa§ed strength and dudility 100. The con`r\Brse of hardness is known as
8. Decreased strength and duct.Iky A. Malleabiliity a. rorioAnces
C:. I_n_c_Erased __ strenqtn* deerpe_§§9_ a. Softness D. none of the above
D. Decreased strength, increased cluctirty

89. The insulating material for a cable should

A. Low.cast
8. High dielecwh.c strength
C. High mechanical strength
D_ 4]J_oI_the z±Lm;rtye
13. The elevatiion to \which water will rise in a
piezometer tube is temied the
i. Viscosity for fl(lid is define as the cc)ns*ant Of A` Stagnation pressure
proportionalily between shear stress and \Ainat a. Theenergygrade line
ofty variable? c. The hvdrau]ic I rreF€.t!jgs±
AL, Tfro srlatial derivasre_Of `pe]oc-itv D. Friction had
a. The the derivative of pressure
C. ITte who deti`rative of density 14i lf the fluid flolms in paralJel, adjacent foyers and the
D. Ille spatial derivagive of density paths Of individual pahicles do not cross„ the frorb2bi.
is said to be
2, Which of the following statements is NC)T coTire:>c# A. {rfumjpgrr C. Critjcaf
A Steady flour do not change `A#h time at ainiy a. Dsmamic D. Uriiform
8. Bemoulifs equaton only hojcfs on the same 15. The hydraulle formula CA J5@T js used to find the
± ?##owth##ffiffiut
C. ILength of pipe in a closed nchmork
D. Friction factorofa pipe

16. ITle viscosity of a fiulcl is that pr`c>perty \whi¢¢h

S-#+neragnprsoFT¥.##:::`:==dingisca"ed determines the amount Of its resistance against.
A. Iba_ShaE.rinq_S!gp±_a C. Imp2ct{qirl>e
8. Vapor pressure 8. Abrasion force D. Concentrated forlce
C. Vacuum rinessuro
D. Prtrssure heed 17. When evaporation takes place \within an ene!ose¢jl
space, the partial pressure creafe¢l by ute vapor
4. An insthlment use to meastJre smatt pressure.
A. Venturf
a Office
C. Alieroid
D. _Agiv_z!_Qzz?€¢?r
mctede is

5. An instnirnent `which is iirsed to determ;ne the 18. It is the ralfo Of the change in unit pressure to the
Spectiic gra\rtyr Of a sut>starice? corresponding volume change per unit voluime.
JL Hirdranrder C. Oclomcter
8. ThTtutling calorimeter D. F\Iorte of these E:.E5rmsds#inottlRT.Efty
C. Vo[umetric strain
6. A Lqrdrometer scale for meawhg the relative D. Hydrostatic pressure
densfty (Specific grrty) of nouids,
A. Becl{man scale C. Beaufort scale 19: llie main souit:e of grouncl `mater is
a. a±!apg.¢cafe D. Biiictcley scale A. Pret3ipftqftyp a. Spririg`hralter
8. Evaporatioli D~ underground waha
7. ththeri a fluid flchrs througli a pipe Of cnciss
sedional area A ,and a velocity V, the flcw Of 20. The static le\rel Of water in wells penetrating trie
discharge is. zone of satulation is
A. Alwz. F3. AIa±± c. Nfty r3. A32rAV A- .14fa¥r.t±frfe C. Aquifer level
a, Hydrostatc!evel D. Artesian level
8. Summat-on of all heads in another section.
A. Boyte`s lanr C, Arehinedes principle 21. Cavftation occurs `when the pressure in tire ifeck!l
a. Bemoc7//rs prfriofJrfe D. TorTgivus principle fails belowr the of that liiciuid.
A, Vcoornreestfre C` AtlTrospheric pressure
9. A Iced from a faucctcomee out in separate drops` 8. Absolute pressure D. D]nnamie pressure
\^hich Of the following is the main catise Of tis
piterrmerron? 22. A channel Of wood concrete or mct=Il `nrhich is
A. Grrty usually supported above ground is knot)Inr) as
a.VISCosftyofthefluid8:#-r#*+_fEF-±? A. EE±±zng C. Si\phon
8. Aqueducts D. Hangers
10. Tothl energy iri a compressible or incompressible
«uid flowing acriDss any secljon in a pipeline is a 23. A graphical representafron Of strcarri flow agaiinsl
fuJncton Of time is krrorm as
A.. Pressur`B arid velocfty i+ H_ydrr-ph C. utscharge
ELg=##¥1%gk£=on_~FTY'hpjqtt-€- a. Stream flothr char( D. Ralrfall chart
C. Pressiire, densfty and velocity 24. The ma]dmum rate at which. water will erfeer
D. Prossure„ veledty, density and velocity though the soil is
A. Flowrde a. Runoff
11. Absolute viscosity Of a t]uid `raries witli 8- _'rm-on D. Time rate
pressure and temperature and is defined as a
fl[ncfro Of 25. Sthicti+res `which provide access to the drain for
A. Density and angular deformation rate clearing and also acts as junction boxes for
8. Density and shear st]ress tributay drains.
deformafro rate
Storm drain
C, Curbs & gutter
D. Seer
26. The processed irivolved in the transfer of moESLure
12. The total enerev Of a conpressib!e or from the sea to the land and hack to the seal again
incompressible fltJid ftowhg acruss any section in is k"rm as
a pipeline is a fun¢Iion Of A, Precipation C. Hydrostifeeycye
A. Pressure and velocity 8. Eivapordion D. `Hydro[_pq.i_S!_S_:]!!glap

a. 5=% ¥,&J#& its height atwe 27. A t]Tanch Of niechanics `whh deals with the lenes
the datum
D-REgf%#,=±_hoisthig.E_9ap go\reming the behaviors Of \h/ater and other liquids
in the states Of rest aind mdion.

£ gE# 8: #¥
42. The tosses in open chaiinal flo\^r generally varies
28. Fomr]afrons which cor]fain and trarismit giround as the
vyater are known as • A. seunreof_irelocitir
A. Vvatertable C. Artesian `Arells a. Fjist po`ner of the roughttess ccefficieut
8. 4q£46¢ar:g D. Dinise seepage C. Inverse square ofLTyd. Radius
D. Inverse of the roughness ccefficiem
29. A type Of flour in which the individual fluid particles
follour stratghl tine path is kno\^m as 43. Hydraulic jump is possible to occur in rectangular
A. Turbulentflow C. Lami.rrarf7our channel if `..`.
8. Super edifeal flow D. §ubcritieal from A. Froud¢ number is greaterthan 1
8. Ftotide is. Leeea tht\ _€
30. A t)pe Of flow in `whfoh iirrdhrfdual fluid particles take c. Depthiscrm
ramrfu path D. Nbeofthee
A. .7t.rf}t/Apfrf.rtyqu{ CL faminarflo`Ar
8. No-Ljniform flow D^ Unifom flo\^/ 44. The hydcauttc radius is given ky
AL. 4ms±__di_v5d±d_bar_.^retied r>erinnehelr
3fl. The units for.dynamic viscc`sity is a. Wetted pefineter divided by area
A in.a/kg 8^ Nm/S2 C. N~s/in D. £g=Lg C. Square root of area
D. Area divided lay the square Of the `\nretted
32. IThe foc`is of the ctesratons to `^thich water `wi!l rise perimeter
in a piezometerfube is termed as
A` CritiiGat dep+h a. tivdrautic gradieTTt 45` The tosses in open channel flo\^r genenatly vafies
a. Energy gcadiient D. Friction heac! as the
`` JL Square Err ths_.±re!ca:it\/
33. For turbulent flo`Ar Of a fluid in pipe. all of the a. Inverse sqiiare of the hydraulic ifadius
following are true except. CL First powerofthe roughness
A. Flow Of gases and letar viscceity is usually D. Inverse of the roughness
a. Pipe roughness afiacts the ffiction factof' 46. A streamthe
A^ ln the line connecting the midpoirtts Of flow
at the eerlter.
34. AI or beto"r critical velocity in small p].pe or at very D. !s dranm nomalto the veloGfty vector at every
!o`Ar `relocities, the loss Of head due to ffidioin. point
A. Varies a§ the velocity squared
a ¥a_rles__d_iteny_ as vedocit\r 47. The most simple fom of open-channel now
C. Equals to velocfty head computafro is
D. ch beneglected A. Sleady now+Jnffdrm C^ Sifeachr«nffinim
E}. Unsteady unffbrm D. IJnsteady nor+unifchm
35. Cavitatiofi is the result of
A. Improper"elding technique 48. TT.a ratio Of the actual diischapge to the lheoretieal
8^ Revits underimpac{ load discharge through an orifice is
C. E}givosure of concTcte to salt water A. gg 8. C`fa C. Ce/Cv D. Ciec¢
a. See_€:p.ge_ssi±Ie in ai. fluid LHeeomlr" less
tfaan_fl4_ig__¥9psr,Brea;ssis±±m 49. Euler'S equaton Of motion is a mathemaifeal
statement that at every point
36. The centroid of the submerged body or surfaoB A. Rare Of mass irrfiow equals race of mass
coincides `rfuh the center Of prqassune if OLTtffro
A. IT\e surface is vertical a. Eons_e_J>ez:_a_nit_ fnass3 equals t±cc:oleration
C. The energy does not changeurfuh the time
=#.irfuce[:Srm#45a' D. Ne`uton's third law of motion holds
D. AIofthese
50, The pitch state tube measures
37. A bmnch Of trydrau!ic \which deals `Affih the study A~T|tefiape\flzberneaeures
of forces ¢ndudirtg velodty and acceleration) a. The total pressure
extend upon by or upor) liquids in motiofi. C. |lie a)mamic pressure
A. Iiydrology a. Hpestatic D. The difference pressure in static a dyrramic
a. ftydrokinetiice D. H\rdredynangise preenre
38. The effect Of cohesion betrreen particles Of the 51. The hot wire anemometer is used to measure
fluid at Lds hee s&jirfece is kno`fem as. A. Pressure in Mquids
A. Surfaceterndon a. Cokes:ton a. Gas uetco3ttes
8. Explosion D` Adhesion C. Pressurein gasses
D. \^/iind velocities at airports
39. A fluid property `nrfuich refers fo be attractive force `,, .

bet`Areerl .its molecules and any solid substance 52. The mass per unit `+olume Of a flLiid is knonm as
with which they are in contact A. Weight densit)r C, fflass deosifer
A. Hypertension C. 4cttrypsj\pp a. Mass volume D. Specifro gravit§r
8. Surface tension D. Cohesion
53. IThe rano of the unit weight of the fluid to the until
40. A branch Of trydraulies twhich deals with the study weight Of \^rater at 40C,is kno\^rn as
Of pure motiori in riquids A. Weigm densit}/ C. Specific weigm
A. Hydrology C. riyclrostatic a. Snecife araviifer D. Weight ratio
8. Hrtyrokjpee=S_s= D. trtydrodyT`ahiics
54. The propert)/ Of fluid which determines the anouut
41. In a gystt>m Of pi]±±s in series Of its nesistanee fo shearing str`ess is kno`wh as
JL Floii.rart5 eauat A. \rfesaosfty C. Reyno[d's number
8. Head lossesare equal a. Specificgravity D` Surface tension
C. Vetodties are equal
D. Fricton ccefficierds are equal
55. A branch of science `Arfuich treats Of `Arater or other
flun motion 68. The stream function 'Ls useful parameter in
A. Hydromechanics C. Hydraulics desofbing
8. t`rfechahiies D. fhrdln!>crxpartii¢$

56, The ratio Of the dynamic viscosity' Of a tiuid to its

C. The conserva&fon of energy
mass densfty is lcnoum as; D. Ilie equation of state
A` Relagive viscosity C. Absolute viscosfty
a. FGF.7emafits vfroogiv . Dynamics viscosiLy 6g. MCLeod gauge used for low pressure
measLlrements operates ori the princl.plc of
57. A diver descends .in the cocan to depth Of cO A. Gaslavr C, Charfesbe
mcters, How does the buo)ranrt foree on the diver

A. It increases lincartywitn depth

8. _epyfe'S/owl D. Pascall`s tw

70. The most common method for calou]ating fridfomal

8. It decreases ]inearty with depth energy loss for laminar flowing fluids in noncirqular
C= It does;Ii't_ghal.£ie
pipe is:
D, AIofthese

ee. For supersonic flourf the pressure Of fluid must

C. The haren+williams e<iuat;on
decease as the fluid flow area Of the duct D. The suramee-jin equation
£: ife S: R:#€£#es¥Tte 71. Friction factor for both laminar and turbulent tlotws
carl be found plotted in a
59. Ljqt)ids and gases fake the following characten.sire A. Steamfable
Of their contents.
A. Volume C. Shape and volurme
8- Pgivronet.icchart 8: ##d##RE
8- ±idr:Exp D, Neither shape norvdiurue 72. Vvhich Of the following is the highest heed?
cO` \^INch of the following statements abo`]t a &ser C. 1.013 kg kg/anA2
0` 75`OonofHg
Newtonian fluid is most accurate?
A. Shear stress is proportional to strain
8. Vlscosfty is zero
C` Shear stros5 is mutELvalued
D. =±g: thee __ts_Bappprirona| .te\[a[±±±±
74` The hydmulic grade line Of a pipdina derrotts
whch Of the fdiowh97
61. The nomual stress is the same in aN direc{ioms at a A. Total energy
per in fluids :
A. Independerit Of the mourn of one fluid layer 5: RE=#
E EEEERE-illilluillE ra
D. Only if fuid is ffictionless and ineompressiibJe "g`aREo#,th#eenfl±
75. The presence Of friction in the energy grade line

62- A« Of the following dimensionless pare.meters are

applicable to fluid flour problenrls except the c. level (no slope)
A. Reyrrokis number a, Mach number D. there is no effect or friction on the emerny
a Froude number D. .Eb-ctn«J77fty
grade be
63. The speed of sound in aw fluid is most closely 76. Hydhometer is used lo find out
related to all Of the fo«owing properdes except
A. Compressibilfty
a. tteT\stny
C. Bulk medulus
E±±_ _ nrermal conduc:ti_:}q±ry_
%. ses=gE##f%#du=f±
C. specific gravity of gases
D, reife humidfty
64. All Of the follourfug can be charac{eristjcs of fluids
except 77. Permissible velocity of `mater flowing through
A. Kinematicviscosity C. Bun(modulus concrete tiJnneL is generally
8` Siiriace tension D, r7lrs:±Emerfe A. +5m/a C. 13-16m/s
a. 10-12nvs D` 20m/s
®5„ The pressure at a given depth due {o several

frnT± liquids is: 78. The value Of coefficient of diiischarge in
A. The average of the individual pressure comparison to coefficient Of velocity is fouim:I to
A` More C. same
D- Unkr- B. ±==s D. more/less depending on fflow
66. unifomrl flour fakes place when: 79. Which Of the following paranefers detemiine ure
AL Conditon remain unchanged `A/ith t5nne at any friction factor of turtxpleut floui' in a rough pipe?
pgiv A Froude number and relaii\re ricLughness
a. Rate of change ofvetody ofrfuid is zero 8. Frorfe nrmberand Mach numiber
D. The change in transverse c[irection js zero so. In a nozzle if back pressure is same as inlet
67. A pitch tube can be used to ririeasunB fluid ve{ceffy
FL noflourta_kRE place
@s deschbed by the Bemoulli's equation and the 8. maximum flour fakes place
refationgivp berfuu- C. f(ow becomes subsonic in diverging section
D. flow becomes supersonie in comrerging as
±#u¥i.:ees=urea:gdhe=€n::Ccft==:.:= \mell as supersonic section
C, Fluid pressure and impec± energy
D. tfrossure and momentum
81. Which of the follcrwing is the basic of BerTroulti's 93.. The statement that the hydrostatic p]ressurie a
ha for quid flat fluid exerts on an !inmersed object or on contaliner
A. Confty equaton walls is a fundion only Of fluid deptm is
a. Prirreiz)Ie of cor\Sendion of enerav A. the perfect gas lanr
C. Fbutiers [av a. D'Atemberf§ paradox
D. Principle of eanser`4ation of mass ' C. tt.e rfurldro9Xrf uc tmradox
D. Boyte's lay
8{. Refers to the cornpressibilfty Of a fluid, the
lfadional change in fluid `ro]ume per unit changge 94. An ideal fluid is one that:
in fluid. I A` isveryviscous
A. Viscosfty C. Densfty 8. obeys Newh's lanr of visoosity
a. Bulk modulus D. fhesstiri¢ C. is assumed in problems in conduitfloni
D. ts±ffictfonlese and lneoquprrty4!g
ae. The ratio of the area to the urefied pe]imeteir i§ .

tocrm as~ 95. The fact the buoyant force on a fldatir`g obieet
A twfactor equal to the tfireighi Of the water d-ispLaced is:
a. tlifdrtiulio rz±diirs A. Emoulii.s tw
C. I-sC a. Arehitneded_Flril.oil.Ies
D. value of the k in Darty-Weisbach firmufa C. ITle !ant of dininishing returns
D. IThe conser`raforl of mass
84. \thene is vena edrikeac dla most ffkely located?
A. Atthe orifice es. Negiec{ing the forces due to inertia, gravity arica
8. A± a distance aDnz±}timate[v 1%a: .±Iae in.ctional resisfarme. the design Of a channel caji
dEarfer ct_the orifice be made dy compatng
a. AI a distarre approximately equal to the A. wtgivnunber
dfamcter of the orffice a. Reynoids number -f5=-f#¥Tn'Sum"#-try
D` AI a distance approxinately twice the
diameter Of the orifice 97. Fury turbuLent flow in a pipe is characterized dy at!
of the fowowing except:
85~ The velocity of a fluid parficte at the center of the
Se- is_
ng32xlmum a. average
i €#€£ue to the fluid
masses ndher than rnolecules
a. Minimum D. I ogarfehmfe C. a maximum velocfty at the fluid center line
average D. a lITvftyproife
as` \^rfuch is incorrect statemerit regarding apparem 98. The study of the practical laws of fluid flow and the
shear fortes. resistarne Of open pipes and channels.
A„ It can never be fouricl in frictjonl€as fluid
regardless of its motion
B. It can twer` be foundwhem the fluid is at rest
C. It depends upon cohesfro forces 99. Running a`may speed of a Pelton vwheel gives:
D-ItEEE±=#ng to edrfu"h± A. actual operating speed
a. nolcadspeed
C. fuH loadsped
87. SI unit of viscosity js:
A. 70ffmesoofse C. 1 / 9.81 times
8. g.81 tinespoise D.1 /10tines|mise 1 cO.The rrydraulic radius of noncinoular pipe is;
A. the square lt)ot of the flour airea
88. Vvhich of the following is nut a dimensionless A as -qf the ama _rty__ the _ ngffl
JL Ki_ristic; viseos-ifer C. the radius ofa pipe of equivalent area
8. Webernumber D. none of the above
C. Darcy weisbacfi friction factor
D. Froude number
89^ Which Of the following is not the mass density of
C. 62.6lbm/ft3 C.1 gfem3
D. 1991ks!±±4!±±2 D.1 kglL

sO` Which Of the following statements about gauge

pressure is most conecr? Gauge pressure arie
fneasured relati\/e to_
i+ HtrtrosDt.®rf® I.tessure
8. avacuum
a. eachother
D^ thesurface

91. Compreesibilfty Of a f!uid relates true ifactiomaan

change in fluid volume per. urml change in f]utch
A. temperature _£. __,Qr]Psgqre.
a. density D. viscosity

92. The term sul> sonic flour refers to a flow+ing gas wi!in
a speed
± #-th-##'off#Hf±
a greaterthaii the speed of sound
D. much greaterthan the speed ofsourrd
20i Which ±ystern uses numbers and
letters as srmbols?
1. The digital systerms ustiafly operate on_ A. Decimal C. octal
systems. 8. Binary P-___ try¥|L¥th/
A. Hgivapr c. octal
211. To comrert a `hwhcte decimal numbers into a
8. Decimal D. he7cadecinaf
heacadectmal equi`/alent one sliioulcl divide the
2` The binary system uses pciwers of_tor decimal value by _.
A. 3 a. 8 C. io D. 16
pogivcmal values.
A. i a..10. C` 8 D` 16
22. A logic gate is an electronic circuit which
3. Aftit5rcounting o,1® 10,11, the nextbinary
number is ± ffi-in one diregiv
A. 12 a. £g8 C. 101 a. 110
S: *¥hi#9%b:a 1 value
4. The number lco02 is equivalent to dechial
nuntr 28:. In positive logic. logic state 1 corresponds to
A. onethousartq C. four A. pasiti\re voltage a. zero voltage level
8. £Eife D. si>cteen 8. £#glrofaae/eve/ D. Iowervous
5. fn binary numbers shming the binary po-int one
pJae to the rigm 24. In negative logic, the logic State 1 co\me;sponds to
A. negativevoltage C. rrrore negaLi`/e
P` ggJq_I,¥Dlipe pv3. a. decreases by lo voltage
8. dividesby2 D. increasesby 10
8. zexpvoltage D_. 1apr vp!tF3re
®. The binary addition 1 + 1 + 1 gives EgEEEn
A.111 8.10 C.110 gJZ
25. ITie output Of a 2whput C)R gate is zenD only
7. The armulati`re addith of the four binary bits (1 vrfu its
+ 1 + 1 + 1) gives
A. 1111 8. 111 C. ±8g D. 1001 3: RE#g:#=FJ2 C.D. bcthirlput8arei
etherinpuit is Q

8. The resuH of binary oubhaed-on (1cO -011) is 26. An XOR gate produces an output only when -rfe
A. -111 a.111 C. 011 ,a._O{}1r fro inputs are

9. The chief reason `^/try digital Computers use i: ELh frgr

complemental subtraction is that it
27. An AND gate
A. implements logic addition
±C. #effikyf*#atcterpeE¥
can handle negative numbers easily
P. avoids direct sub{raction %.E#arty"ERTthto#¥E:9S.S`]itsf!Fn.gclngtt
D. is equivalent to a parallel s`witching ctrouit
110. The number 128 is equivalent to dechal
A.12 8. 20 gig D, 4 28. \^men an input electrical signal A a 101cO is
applied to a NOT gate, its output signal is
11. The number 1001012 is equivalent to odel A. _a_for_1 c. ioico
A~ 54 f±_L±§ C. 37 D. 25 8. 10101 D. colo1

12. The number 178 is equivalent to binary 29. The cinly function of a NC)T gate is to
A. 111 8. 1110 C. 10cOO D. 77J7 A. stopasignal
8. recomptemen[ a signal
13. Which Of the following is NOT an octal number? a. ir.veri a±n_i_red] Sianal
A. 29 a. 77 C. 15 D. 101 D. actas auniversal gate

14. Hexadecimal number system is uged as a 30. A NOR gate is oN only `tiihen aw ife inputs are
shorthand langtjage for iiepresenting _ A. ON C. high
r,umtRE- a. Positive P£T±|__F_F
A. decimal g_ .... fiiryqqf C. ce±al D. Iange
31. For getting an output from an XNOR gate, ife
15. The binary equivalent Of Ai6 is both inputs must be
A. ZBZLO a. loll G. loco D. 111P J`. Hiigh C. a*the_a:E.r..a ]o£|rzE_l®v.±I
8. how D. atthe opposfle kngictevels
16. Bcxp ere is
A. nortwighted 32~ ln a certain 2input logic gate, wlien A = 0, a = 0„
8. the same thing as binary numbers then a = i and wiien A = 0, 8 = 1, then again C =
C:. a.birrarycde 1. It must be _ gaL€.
D. an afphanumeri-c code

17. \^"ch Of the following. 4-bit combinations is/are

: frog RE
invalid in the BGD code? 33, A half adder can be constmcted from
A. !8£2 8. cO10 C. 0101 D. 1cOO A. two XNOR gate only
a. one XOR and one oR gate vrfu theiroutputs
18. Octal ceding imrohres grouping the bits in connected in parallel
A. 5°s a. 7's C. 4's g!J± CL,OnripdexDOR##-/:Rzra#/dgivqr
i9. !n Ekessrfe code each ooded nuimber is D. onexoRgate and oneAND gate
than in BCD code.
A, fourlarger
8. thTeeonaller
a_`_-IaFusr 34. The digital equivalent Of an electronie serfes
circuit is the _ gate.
D` much fanger
a. NrmD Q±---=4eyp-
as. Which of the followhg represents ar`alog data?
A` OnandoFFstates C. Ovand5V 52. A unique advarfageous feature of CMOS logie
8. Oand4 D..1.5,3.2.4and5V famfty is its
A. use of NMOs cirimfts
es. Ilie logic gate which produces a a or lou+level
output `ethen one or` bctli the inputs are 1 is craf led a. g¥ dREFThn ln rmrfuwattiEun
_A. gate-
Ai\ID a. oR i.__~_oR D. r\lAr`iD
D. dependence on rfequeney for panrer

37. Boolean algebra is essentially based on 53. CMOS c].raiit are etdeneively used for orieechto
A. Symbols C. truth computer mainly because of their extremely
a. |aaSp D. nimbers A~ loni pe`^.er dissipatiort
8. Iarae mck±_clsi diensit`r
38. The first person who used Bootean algebra for C. hieh noise immunity
the desigrt Of relay switching circuit `r\ras D. towcost
A^ Aristotle C. Shannor`
8. Bpp/lp D. RamanL¢am 54. The main advantage Of a CMOS logic famitry over
the TTL family is its
39. Different variable used in Boolean algebra can JL rruef\ redued
have value Of _. a. inaeased sped
A. Oor7 C.1"eorfalse C. very srnall pfiysl-col size
a. Ioworhigh D. ONol.OFF D. e)ctremely low cost

40. According to the algebra of logict ( A+ a) equals 55. CMOS logic family use only
A. MOSFETs and resistors
A. L\ E±i C. 0 D. -AA a. NMOs cl-muits
41. According to the Absorptive Lawrs of Boctlean
C. xpSFFTs
D. bipolar transistors
algebra, expresston (A + AB) equals
A. 4 a. a a. AB D. A
56. Power is drawn by a CMOS ci.ron-rt only vwhen
A. iLsoutputi§high
4z. when we demonganize rfe . we get a. .ds outputislcrm
A. is
8. £ELE
57. The most obvious identifying feature of a TIL gate
43. The dual Of the statement (A + 1} = 1 is is its
A. A.A~~A. C. A+A--A large fartout
a. 4_a__==_a D. AA=1 high pevrer djssjpatJ.on
jnterconnected transisto rs
44. The expression ABC can be simplified to lmlttfemitterinr}uttralneis:±±±____
A. KE.5 C` AB#5
a. ABtrBC+CA 0. *+B+5 unique operating feature of ECL circuit is its
yery bigt\ ppap_
8. high power dissipaton
45. In a saturated bfpolar logic ctrcuil; transistor C` series base resistor
Operate D. compatibility trfuli other. logic series
A. in deep cutoff C^ /r]satrraz}-qu.
a. over active region a. just sliort ofsatura{fon 59. TTie far+in Of a fogie gate refers to the nimber Of
A. input device that can be connected

46. Saturatecl !ogie ctneufts have inherently EL inpllttermirrals
A. short saturation delay time c. outputteminals
D. cirouiits output can drive
D. IChluer noise immunity 60. The Boolean equation for a NOT gate is
47. Noise margin is expressed in A. HE=C C. A+B=C
A. Decibel £.__ _roff a a+.g=c D. fflir=c
8. Walt D. phon
61, The Boolean equation for a NAND gate is
48. DTL family empley
A ZE=C C^ AtrB=C
A. resistors and trangistors
8. diode and resistor a. AB=C D. H+E=C
C. diode and tmnsistors
D. a_I_ode!._I:c±ssictors at.a ttarrsistors 62` The logic function Of an ifwerter is
4©. The chief advantage of Schottlcy lTL logic famfty A. B=A C~ BEA
E± 5Ef
is its teast
A. powrer dissipation C. famin a, B=A D. B=A
8. oronadaffdr}da/av D` noise inmuinity
663. The digital systems.usually oi2ecate on
50. The main advar]tage claimed for Eel family Of A. Hexadecimat s)/stem
logic gates is its
A. verylange fanth
a. use of negatfro pcmer` supply voHage
c. €Tns±ty__I_a+at__I.rot.asEason times
a. Eharvsvsfro
a. C"system

64. BcoLcan algebra js eesng # on

D. tcast por`rer dissipation
A, Numbers
51. Special feature Of an peL logie cirouit is that it a. [ggEg D. 5]mhols
A. uses only higt+value resistors
8. dissipates negrigible pcrviier 65` ln a digital signal the number Of le`rels is
a. is bipelar' satufated logie A. Ea±Q C. four
D. ap§g±_a__n_a bSa§_i_[}n and Loadinf I resist:ore a, Sir D, ten
66. Ilie binary system uses pourers of .`. for positional
values. 84. ..` gate is formed by irIversion Of the output of the
A~ 2 a. 6 a. 4 D. 8 AND gate.
' `, , e
67. In binary numbers. shrfuing the binary point one a OR ±_ .... n!¢nlp
A. MUNIDREbv£ C. multiplies 4 85 .... gate co.rTesponds to the act;ion Of parBllei
a. D`vides by4 D. inereases dy2 switches
6a. in binary system, decimal 1 c;an tpe witten as 3: #gD grfeR
i# 8:%0 86. A NOR gate is ON only `n+hen aH its inputs are
A. SEE a. oN
69. Aifer counting 0,1.10.11 the next binary number a. Positive D. High
A. 15 8, 110 ,Q.__|QQ D. 120 87.,..Iogicflinctionhastheoutputlowonlywhenhoth
I inputs are higri
70 .... is not an odal nunlber A. NOR C. OR
A. 15 a. 77 ±jg D. 101 8. At\iD p±_.btabiE±
71, \^hich Of the foflowing binary relaifions in invalid? 88. The duel of the statement (A + 1) = 1 is
A.1+1=10 C. OxO=O A. A+A--A c}` A.1--P\
8.1xl=1 E±`__0+1=1 a. A.A=1 D. +._P__=_9_

72. The oumulati`re addmon Of the four binary bits (1 + 89; ln Boolean algebra. 1 + A + a + C is apual to
1 + 1 + 1) gives A.1+3A a.1+A
A. £E 8. 1col C;. lil D. 1111 a. A ELJ1
73. If decimal 10 in binary is 1010, then decimal lco 90. Tile radix for binary systeiTi is
in binay win be A. 10 a. 1 S±j D- 0
A. 1111111 C. llcolco
a. 1110100 D. 1000100 91. The abbr?viation lTL stands for
74.. Binary 111111 iniapiresents
Decimal 87 gT-ELm:,'8 EEiFTREEEHEjE
D. Tuned transistor loc>p
75. !n binary system decimal 0.875 is I..epresen{ed dy 92i The flip-flop c±ircuit is
A. 0.001 a. 0.0101 A. Unstable C. mul[isfabfe
F3. 0`011 P. 0.111.
a. Monostable a._.bisfa_bte`
76. in binary system decinal 10.75 is represented dy 93. LCxp diisplay represerits
A. 10`1010 C. lot.1110
A. ughi decoding device
8. 111,1111 EL__1P1_9,._1_I

77. Binary 1000 when subtracted from b`inary 1111,

g: E-stra|or
D. Linear digital denionstrator
the result wi» be
A- ±£1 c. 1000 94. LED displapr repr`esents
a. 1010 .D. 1110
A. Loop emiHer decodes
7& The result Of binary subtracSion (loo -011) is
A- 991 C. 011
D. Logic electrosratic diocle
8. 111 D. -111
95. For LCD display which of the rty[owhg nguid
79. rfuie to `which of the following main reasons the crysfats is used?
digital computers use complemental subhaction? A, Aqua regia C, b-quid boron
A. It avoids diirect subtraictjon 8. ELma_ni,C_flrqid_ D. Merqury
8. It is a very simple process

8:±unberseasfty as. A digital voltmcter has

A_ Dun dig-rial
_ input and
C. digital, analag
80. BCDcode is .'.' 8` Analog, analog E!t _ atralofi, tliqifa!_
A Abinari/Code
8. An alphanumeric coi=le 97. _ display corisumes least amoum of pouer.
C. No"ureigh{ed A. LED
D. The same thing as bir7ary numbers a. LCD
C. EHrescent display
81. Binary lcoo wi« be the n¢:soft of which of the D. AIl displays consumes sarine pow)'er
foJto`whg subtraction in binary sys{en?
A. 11111-1110 C. 1111 -1 11 98. A +bit counter with four flip-flops will count qua
a. 1011~1110 D. 1010-101 decimal
A. 8 8. 31 S2±j§ D. 63
82. In Boolean algebra different variables used can
hue values Of 99. In a digital counter that number of "p flops is

A. Atwapodd
3: TChmeor°6Latse iferhigh 8. Afroatys even
ac, For getting an output from an XNOR gate. its both
C- AI-2
5nputs must be

3, -'=ij:c-iele=e,
a. High
loo.C)cfal cocling involves grouping the bits in
Ar 3:a 8. Tto C. ,o] D. ]tco
D. Low
13. The first cost of any property includes:
A. Installation expenses
i. Funds supplied by others on which a fixed rate E3. The original pL]rchase price and frEjgh{ and
Of irrterest m{js{ be paid and the debt be repaid tranaprtation cha rges
at a specific place and time. C` [nftial ta>aes and permits fire
A. Disquut D. AIloftsase
a. Crfuflow
C. working capital 14. Fall after the increase reaches a certain
D. borrciwed cat.itel variable an~
A. IrTflation
2. The diiffierence beta+een sales revenire anid the I. 8. Lavi/
C.1nrr_Of and demand
dinirirrilshirm nthims
cost Of goods sold.
A, F€ate, Of refum C. gross I.I`\cifit D. P"asfacfor
8. Nat income D. gross national product
15. Ratio Of the annual re\renues fo the annual
3„ Vvrrat must t`Aro inv ents with the sarTre exfmses.
present \^rorth and unequal twes nave? A. Etenefit ratio
A. Different salvage values a. Rdeofrefro
C. benefiSrsast rano
D. Identical salvage values
D. incorTre rate

16. Cost which an-se as a runlt Of drange in

operafrous or potry`
4. Ilie amount ofa companys prgivthat the baaed A~ lmegral cost ..... a. dime!rem±f±±l cos:i
Of directors Of the corporation decides to • a. Variable cost D. incoementcost:
distribute to ordinary sharehdiclers.
17` The function of interest rate and time `lhat
a RE 8: #t#u#stock dctErmines the cumulative amount of a sjm¢ingi

`5. A document that shows proof oflegal ownership

If a finan¢al seourty.
&,RE C. banknote
D. check
fund resu!fing from specific periodic depesife,
A. Capacfty facto

D. Presentworkfactor

6. Total amount spent on a physical property untH 18. Funds supplied and used by owners Of an
the prc>perty is put into operab.on. enterprise in the expectaton that profit wilt be
i EL#cost 8: #ttcost g~ ife g: #cacinapiffl
7. Gross, profit, sales less cost of goods sold as a
percentage Of sale is called: 19. A depreciation medct where the value Of an
A Gross rmarofn C< proffl machine asset decreases at a decreasing rife.
a. Ftol {rate ofrettlm) D. price eaimiings A. straehtde
a. Sinking fund
8. The exclusive right Of a company to provicre a. dot:lit.it3n_balance
specific preduc{/services in a given iiegion Of tile D. sum of the years digit
-try. 20. Boncls, \mose seci]rity behind tiiieni are
A. Outf et C. branch
8. .FraneJ7ap D. extension mortgage on certain specaeed assets Of the
9. A condition where only few individqals procluce A. Debentlne C. ¢.ordaraucre
a certain product that action Of one will lead a. Collaterfu trust D. joint
almost the same action by the other.
A. O!-icopQ_I_y_ 21. \^hat do you caw an increase in the value Of
a, Semi+Trmopely capital asset?
C. monopoly A. Capital expendinre C. capital stack
D. perfect cornpem-on a. Cal»-fa/caJ» D. profit

10, The length of time during which it is capable cjf 22. It is a depreciatiori rnettod \whlenel:ry tire
performing the function tor which it was decrease in value Of the unit dces not cfiange
d}esigned ancl rrlanufachirecl. each yen,
A. Busirress life C. physical life A. Sinking fund method
a. Econamie /jfe D. insular life 8. Matheson method
C. SYDmenod
•11, The series Of equal payment at equal indemra!s D.SfEtmafattlinerm5thod
A` lTterest C. ai'»]tij{y 23. \^inat is the maH<ct situation \inerein lnene is
a. Depreciation D. postulate Onlyonese«erwithmanycngin
tl2„ A type Of annufty where the payTnents are lrnade 3: grpay D. monopsony
at the start Of each period, beginning from the
first peried` 24. The estinafed value at the er`d Of the userm tife`
A. Atiiitithrdue C. defend annufty A. Conpourided annua»y C. Facevalue
a. Ordinary anmufty D, perpefufty a. §g±ggre..txpApe D. Economic rife

25. \^froat is the scrap value Of an asset? 38. Which Of the followir}g methods is most suited
A. Bckvalue to evaliiating ancl comparing alternatives with
a. Fufurevalue ... diferent {finite) lives?
C. sahrane iralue A. Presertt worth rrrethod
D. replacx~value a- ROR
C. uniform cost method
26. VIfroat is the recorded current value Of an assett? D. Rol
A. Salvage value C. preseutworth
8. eoofr`ra/ue D. scrapva[ue 39` A lega[ly binding agreement between t\ro
personalities having arl agreement
27. Type Of organizaton `where the assistant Of the A. S-ngritlp _C. _ corfuct
executhre are appoimed to attend to fLmction as 8. Agreement D. deal
a stan.
A. CorDoranon C. line organfation 40. A fax on inports.
a. Cfartel D. Iien and staff A Exporttar C. exporttaffi
. 8` lm:pontax D. imF.orifariff
28- is simply a measure Of how much a
5Erfu costs to rrrake. 41`. Grand total Of the assets ancl operational
A. Netexpenee a. Grtesmamth capability Of a corparatjon.
a. Sales D. Grosssales A, /rriresrment C. capital
8. Assets D, total capital
2S. Rchjrn on invesrfuent is:
A. Common stocthoiders sale/number Of 42. V\that is the acid test rato?
Outstanc»no strafes A. ITte ratio of owners' equfty to total current
a. Net income/ onmersf equity rmities
C. Nat credit sale/ average net sale a. Ilie ratio of all assets to total liabilities
Z}. rlu3enorrrd net_$3_is§_ C. The ratio qf cutTe_nt ass;e;ts (exclusive__gf
fnvetfronh &o total current liab^ilitfes
30. The decrease in value Of a certain property due D. The ratio Of profit after taxes to equity
to the gradual e>dradion Of ife contents.
A. Depreciafron C. Dezifetiou 43. Kind Of obnoation `which has ne coriditions
a. Diminishing refros D. Depression aitta-
A. Dez±l C. ataniitous
31. `^inich Of the following js not cor]sidered? 8, Agreement D. favor
A~ Manufacturing cost
8. S_cheduEe eatr*errses 44. What i§ an annufty?
C. F"it and lass stifemeut A. A series of caual_DaimeTTts at eaisal tftrne
D. Balance shect perftds
a. The cost of manufacturing product
32. The hire Of any person to do wliateyer \rori{ he C. The overfueed cost per unit of production
is ski(ed in doirng` D. An irwestment that yields an equal amount
A. pfTmotion cost c. salary cost of intertst each year
a. Material cost t2.__.__4?_bet cost
45. The quntTLity Of a certain commodifty that is
33. A cash floor that repeat each ysar for n years rfered for sale at a cehain price at a given
witfrout change in amount ds symbol is A and place and time.
its factor is {FIA)` A. Demancl C. stocks
A. Sinkingnmd C. armual amount 8. spppdr D. goods
8. 4qup£¢f£.f D. EAC
46. The place where buyers ar7d sellers come
34. The lengiv Of ti-me. usually in years, for the t08e"-
cirmjlathre net amual prom to equal the iniGal A. Afagivf C. recreat.on center

a. Brtatreven point
8. Business D. bnyandsellsection

47. Money pai]d for the use of borrcm/ed capital.

C. return on im/estmem ` A, Dctlaton cost _C. i-whereat
D. recei\tabte trmLOver 8. Discount D. oveinead cost
35. Series Or equal payrments st equal rue intervals 48. Kind of obligation wnicn has no condition
is: attached:
A Anq({tryr C. amorGz:ation A- Analytic C. `_ SrErfu-itus.
8. Depreciation D. bond a. Pure D. private

as. Share Of participation Of a corporation. 49. The total income equals the tota( operating cost:
A. Pafroer§hip C. ffanchise A. Balance sheet
8. £aegf D. corporation a. Crreck arid balance
C` Inpface value
37. A provision in the contract that indicates the D. Breakngverrnoinitrtoss
poss"e aqjustrrlent Of ' rrlaterial cost and labor
aost 50. Consists Of the actual counting or determimafron
A. Siecndary cfause Of the achial quantit}/ Of the materials on halnds
8. Specification as Of a given date:
C. escaEfronr clause A- Ehir§ _it!±ret]tor\r
D. genctal provision 8. Technological assessment
C. Material Lipdate
D. Materialcount
51. An index Of short term paying ability is cawed:
A. Recei\/able turrrover C. Current ratio 66. Association of thro or more indi\riduals fcir thte
a. Pfioffi margin ratio QL_4__ci.dLtesf_tatfQ purpose Of operating a business as ooroMrners
Of a profit
52. Intangible assets Of a corperaton or company: A. Orgariiza:fion .t=.__ _.narfroer!sl.iF.
A. tnvestrnent C. eqiity 8. Company D, oorporalion
8. Dac5ori3r+pego D. _ Daterfe
67. Profit margin rato is the percentage of each
53. The worth Of property which is equal to the peso of safes that is net income and the profit
original cost less deprecjafion: margin is eqiJal to:
A. Scrapvalue C. earning velire A. ROFt
8. Boa*va/tie D. facevalue

54. Cash money credit neQassary tc> establish and

operate an enterprise:
A. Furrds C. capita_I_ 68. Worth of property as shoum on the accounting
a. Assets D. liabilities : records of an enfeTprise:
A. Usevalue CL martotvalue
55. A fund into which annual deposife of A are made 8. Fair value P_. _., _4*qp±_±±aL/_+±E
iri order to accumulate fund F at N years in the
frfure: 69. Form Of business/ company owrnership:
A. Amortization C. armwiflr A. Corporation C, Parbership
a. Depreciation D. sinking funcl 8. Single proprietorship g._ _ _A, a g+!gr_£

56. Additicimal information to prospective biciders on 70. A diagram dra`un to help visualize and simplify
contract clc>cumer7ts iasueci prior tc> bidcltng problem haviing diverse receipts ancl
date: disbur©eut
A Techrrological assessment A. Budget
a. De«cts a. InvestiTunt
9, gngcta- C. yeered c~ntich.
D- sast+try
57. Refers to cost of merchandise \which excludes 71. The peso amount as earned from im/estmient or
freight and insurance costs: project is called:
A` Freight+omboard C` suinic cost A, 8£! a. interest
8. Debentures . _P. frokt@!tre • a. Suiriplus D. ROK

58` A civil `urong committed by one person causing 72` Modes Of e>ctir`guishing obnoations when
damage tD another person or his property or
A- EE C. Negligence
a. Material breach D. fraud C. debt cancellation
D. tiquldated darmages
59. The highest space in the organizational chart of
a corporation is atways occupied by: 73. Those finds that are required to make the
A. BpqrdofDireetp¥. C, Chiirman enterprise or prqject a going conceim:
8` President D. Stockholders A-lLZ±±ticirla;al
8. Accumulated amount
60. tf a cost is a fundion of the indepenclent C. Banking
variable. the cost is said to be a: D. Priricipal or present wc)rtli
A. Incremental cost C. dilrect cost
a. Fixed cost _D._ vaifa"±_£_a_s± 74. It is a series Of equal paymerfe ocourring at
equal interval Of time `where the first payment is
61` VVlrat is the workinaprocess classified as? made several periods` after beginning of the
i-ffife g: #ia#e Paymeut
C. progressive
®2. FiTrarwial statement w"cn compere [ne
revtenues Of the period with the expenses
: RE D. simpteanunfty
incuned to gain those revenues: 75. A market where there is only one buyer Of an
A. Liquidated darmage
8. Bookvalue
A. Bts_ansoiw
C. Statement.Of assets & Habilit3es a. Oligopoly D. Oligopsony
D. Profitand fces_
76. It is defined to be the capacity Of a Comimorp{y
63. Cost Of things that are nether labor nor to Safty hurTran vrant,
.a. E:mpem±;aes
D. Iaborcost
i Eifet fr#+fry
64. A series of equal payments occurring at equal
periodts Of time: principal for one year as:
A. InsfaJlment C. arrondzatfon A. Nominal rate C. exactinterestrato
8. Perpetuity D. ani'rzijti/ a. Rate of return Q=+±apgc±rty; gr±
65. Decrease in value c}f a physical property whh 78. Grarid total Of the assets and operational
passage Of time: capability Of a corporation.
A. Valuation C. depletiori A Authorizedcapital C. eamingmcmey
8- £9E±rgff?$9? D. irrierest 8. givfesgivz7f D. money maritet
92. Type of ownership in business where
79. Il`e `^rorth Of a property equal to the c]riginal cost individuals exercise and enjoy the right ill their
less dapren-aticm. cwm interest
A. Eamjngs C. Frokvalue A. Equitable C. F'Tivgts
a. Scrap y?lue D. facevalue a. Public D- pure

80. Money paid for the use Of bomwed capital. 93. \that is the highest posif on jn a coporation?
A DepleGon {=.._ i;fyferesr A. President C. aha:i\rman
a. Discount D. overhead cost a. Board of directors D. stockholders
6i . All index of snort rerm payjr|g aDility. 94. IThe reno Of the annual reyenues to the anmoa!
A CurTen ratio &__acfict.*esf+i?¢ie
8. Receivable fumcFver D. prunmargin ratio
A. Bemantryost ftxp_
a. Incomerato
82` The provision in the contract that indicates the C. rateof rfum
possible adjusinent Of material Cost and labor D. benefitrato
A` Secorrty clause 95. An arfficial expense that spreads the purcfrasse
a. Specifeton prke Of an asset ,or another property over a
C. escafatorv cfause number Of years.
D generfu provi§fro
A. Pappeiasg_zl__ C. arrmesty
8. Sinking fund D. bond
83. The present `rorth Of a« depreciation over ttre
economic life Of the item is called: es. The differencf between the book value and the
A^ Mainterrance actual lcmrer rBsale value is:
a. Capital reowerty A. Sahragevalue C. fixec! cost
C. deDteeEaGon recoirerv a. Regale value a. s#n;¢ccist
D. anufty
97. A certain type Of bond which has nci sechm.ty
84. Those funcls that are required to make the behind it except a to pay by the jssu;ng
enterprise or prQiect a going concern. corperation.
A. Banking A Mortgage bond I?{prira!
8. Aeeumulated aocouut a. Registered bond D. coupon boncl
C. rvQr*irrm caDital
D. Principal or present \nroth 9no. The positive diference between the finn total
receipt or revenues and the total cost js haown
85. The length Of time during which the property as:
maybe operated at a profit A. 7trfufnroffl C. total lasses
A. Length oftl-me C. physical life 8. Isoquant D. deficits
8. .Epenamte__[ape D. I`ife
99. The diference between the present worth ama:I
ae. V\whh Of the prppert}/ as cho\rm in the ` the woth at some future time is:
accounting records Of an enterprise.
A. FairvatLle
a, Mackstvalue
C. use`ialire
D. tiooft_¥_givtpe
a 8ff g: 8#ch
lco. It represents ownership Of true
87. Gross profit. sales less cost Of goods sold, as a corporaton and has residual cJalm on the
percentage Of sates is called: assets after all Other claims have been sctlled:
A, Profitrr)argin C. RO! • A. Preferredstoc!t C. bonc!
a. Grossimamfr] D. price earnings a. Coim/7ro/]stock. D. ncme of these

8S. AddiGonal information tD prospecthre bidders on

corrfuct docirmeuts issiied prior to bidding
A. Delicts
a. Escalatory clause
C. Technological assessment
a. Fat rfuunife
89. Pautes \whose consent or signature in a
contract is not ccmsidered imelligent.
A. Deacl peran
8. Senforcitizen
C. detiieirfed L>en=ot\
D. rrrinors

90. An evil wrong committed by a person damaged

amLher person's property or reputation is;
A. Eff C. negHgence
8. Material breach D. fraud
91 . ©ase in value Of a physical praperty due to
de passage Of time:
A. Inflation C. recession
8. Dapletjon D. cbexpree-Eattfon
•.. i -...--.. 's= -.-.- EE behalf of a sponsor but is not paid for by the
. sponsor.
A. Advertising C. Sales promotion
a. PrJbJfyiftyr D. Personal selling
1. Defined as the creatwe problem solving process of
planning] organjzirng, leacTing, anc] controlling an 14. Ari orgariiz]ed strategy for prcteding and
onganization's resources to achie`re its mission I Conserving assets and pcopte.
and objectives. A` Ris*Alaiza.aemeut C. Risl{ Rctewieni
A. Lteaga.geinerf e C:. Orgahiz3ng 8. Rislc Avoidance D. F¥isk Retention
8, Planning D. Supewision
15, A jurfulical necessfty to give, to do. or not to do.
2. Ftefers to the acthrity combining technical A. Contracts C. Quasirde!icts
kncndedge with thie abilfty fo organi2)e and
8. a_Pli_aFSo_n D. Conunon
coordinate \A/orker pourero materials, machinery,
and money.. 16. Oblig@tion comes from Lfltin word
A. Erngin®eTir\a onanagemerT£ which means to bind`
8` Engineering'Materials A. Obligum C. ObJlin[aro
C. Engineering organization 8. OENgate D. Obligus
D. Engineering cHub
17. A legal \^/rang, committed through fault or
a. A function of an engineer `whene the engineer is negwgence, on a person or property, independentt
t}n8aged in the process Of leaning about nature
and codff`ring this knowledge into usable theories.

3, RE c. ties.ngn&Developmenl
D. Manufacturing
a G#O#n fr-
of crontracL

18. A nature of obligation ulider civil code based on

4` A fundion Of an engineer wlienB the engineer
morality, natural Lanr and conscience, they =Lre not
urorks in a unit where new products c]r pfairts are
tasted for worfability. givly demandable.
A. Research A. Civil obwgations C. Pureobligatidn
8` Nrfuzral o"]aREon D` Ctm{EN"i
8: #& bevetopmen{ 19. Requisite of obligation consists in giving. do-mg or
D. Manurfacturing
not doing someunng.
5. A fundion Of an engineer where the engineer A Jundied orLegalte
assists the compeny's customers to meet their
needs. especially those tharL require technical g REect
D. Passive oubject
expertise. .

A. Construction a. Consulting 20. One Of the fottChwing is ncJt cor)sidered as a Soun:)e

8. Govemmem D. Sales
A. LfflAr C. Quaisiifelicis
®. Iliis is the \^rfuen dDc*rmerit or blueprfrft forr
a. contri3cts & ..... t*tryrirty
implementjng and confroIIing an orgariizatjon'g
imarl¢eting activities related to a parljoular
21. An obligatori `whjch is not sueyect to coriditious or
marketing strateev,
burdens rtor dces it merman a Specific date for its
A. Wackctina plan_ a, ProdudioTipfan
fulfillment and as Such i{ iS ilir]lTier]iatdy
©. Financiril plain D. Shortrangep!aTts dema"fabte.
A. E!_gmJ±!b_IjEftztlari
7. This is a wmten daeument that states the quenfty
8. Condftjonal obligation
of output a company must produce in broad tenmis
C. Reciprocal oblfgatipn
and dy product famtry`
D. Aftematve obwgation
ly ngarkeung pla C. Panaclue:lion plan
8. Financial plan D. Short+range plans
22. A kind of condition that produces the
extinguishmeut Of an obligatiori upon the
8. A management func±3qn whieh refers to the
structuring Of resouroes and acfi`rifies to
happening of the ~t.
A. Suspeneive condition
aocompifeh objectives in an effideut and eifei;live
8. AJtemative obnoatton
rnanror. C. F3eciprocal obwgation
A Qprgpj±tryq C, supervising
D. Resol.Itorv conclit}on
8„ Planning D. structure
23` A period estal>Iished by La\Ar.
9. !t is a marragement functon `Ainich invoives
A. Exdi\ ±_._ _ L®riral Fer5o<1
influencing others to engage in the w\ork l>charviors
a. In diem D. Voluntary pericrd
necessary to reach organizational goats.
A` Sales talk _C=_L.®adinfg
24. A period agreed to l>y the parties.
8` Mouvation D` Conrmanding
A. Judfcial petiod C, Legal periocl
8. In diem D. Vb/tunfiiarvf*anfoor
10. A group of activities designed to faciritafe and
expedite the selling Of goeds and senrices. 25. A period authoriz:ed by the court.
A. Advertii5emenl _£_._ ___MarkctFn5i
8` Commereial D` Sales
a #rig!_eeqap a. D`Lnoaiperied
Volurty period
i 1. The four P.s of marl(eting are the following except.
26. An obligation \whero twro pairifes are mirfuafty
A. Product C. Promotion
obfiged to do or to give something.
a. Price E±_ Publ(ciitv
A. PueoENgiv
12. Refers to the money or other considerat'ons
a. -orl
0` FB_e¢_5t>.rr*8l obl-taation
exchanged for the purchase or use Of the product, D. Altemathre obligatiori
idea, or servte.
A. Product C. Proniotion
27. A kind Of soliidarity \when it exists alrnong the
8. j¥Le D. Ptac`e
creditors orty~
13. The promotional tool that publishes news or A. ,At=Ei\re froAfilhariiv a Mhed sn]idrrfty
information about a product service, or idea on 8. Passive solidaiity D. solo solidarity
28. An obligation which is .capable Of partial a, unenforceable contracts
performancfa C. Voidabte corfuacts
A. Joirrf obligaton D. Negctiorum Gestio
a. sENdary cngfty
C. D.rvisible ob!Iaat}on 42. When a contract camct be sued upon or enforoed
D. Indffle obnoasn in court unless it is ratl'fied is said to be
A. Void or lnexjstent contract
29. A tape division that depends on quatfty rather than a. uneTTforceable contmqFS_
quarrfty. C. VoidEible coutracts
A` Qualitedve, a. Iclcal D. Negotiorun Gestip
a. Quautitative D. Moral
43. It is the si[m Of money `which the lanr a`mards or
ae. A ftype Of diiviston that depends on quanfty rather imposes as pecuniary cornpensafronn
tl- qualfty-. r?¢omperne. or satisfaedori for an iriury done or a
A. .Qualitative CL Ideal wrong. sustained as a corrsequence either of a
8. -OtAandffEffire D. Mental breach of a contractual obligation or a tortuous actL
A. Payrnerrt C. DEimaaras
31. A qpe of divisich'atso kno`m as moral, intellectual a. Injury D. Compensafron
or metwh diviswh`
44. Damages thgiv cover actual Jir`jury or econonnic
i 8ELfi;e frffitheabeve toss. It typically includes medical expensesA I oat
wages anc! the repair or replacement of property.
32~ A classification Of penal clause \Athen both the AL A.chra[ pr: C:ompeneatonr Darpe!grss_
principal contract and the perra[ clause can be 8. Noqninal Damages
erut- c. Moral Damagpe
A+ |±g!EQ£ a. Solo D. Temperate or Moderate Damages
8. Subsidiary D. Partial
4§. Damages that includes ptrysicat. suffen-ng, mentav
33. An obligation which is not capable Of partial artguish, fright, serious anxiety, besmirched,
performarme. reputatiorL wounded feelings, moral shock, socsat
A. Joint ob"gation humiliation, and siimilar injury.
a. Softy Chwigatton A. Actual or compensatory Damages
C` Di\risible obligaLtiort a. Nomirial Damages
D` ]red.Iris5ib)e a_blhariafior. C. tytorB_I_Darnaaesi
D. Temperate c)I Moderate Damages
34. A rerniss`ion `when it is shonm by \nrords or
declaration If the obtige` 46` Damages that are reasonable compensation for
A Partial CL Eimrtbss the injury.
a. Complete . D. Implied A` Acfua` or compensatory Damages
8. Nominal Damages
35. A novatfon `where there is a change in the person C. Mofal Damages
Of the parties and the objects or modification Of D. TernF>errfe lot kloderat:e Dairne.a®Es
prineipal on dfron.
i+ RElxedNqvatEon C. PersonatNovaffon 47. "Damages- where the amount of which has beein
a. Real Novafion D. Substitute agreed upori by the parties or fixecl try the
Novation judgment+ of a oc}mpetect court`
A+ tJquidk\nd Damages
as. A cornract wherein the intent Of the parties is 8` Exemplary Damages
shonm by vrords, oral or `erfuen, C. Corrective Damages
A. E2de_tess__I:oTrtrat3£ D. Compensatory Damages
a. Irrlp«ed contracts
C. E¢eciited contracts 48. Damages which are giveri in enhancement merefty
D. Executory contras of the ordinary damages. on account of wantonb
reckless. malicious, or appressive character Of the
37. A cofrfect `wherein the iuteut Of the parties is acts crmpfained of.
st~ by cofrduct A` Actual ar compensatory Daniages
A. Express contract a. Nominal Damages
a. I_mpJ_ted_Contmcts C. froral±ges
a. E±ec"ted contracts D. E*emprary or_Egrrquve Dar:!aa99±
D. Exeouttry cfoutrrfe
49. Brar`ch Of the unwTitteri la\nr `mich \mas origimaRly
as` A contrrm that has not ysA performed. fbunaed on the customs Of merchants, mariners
A` Express ctontcac{ ancl businessmen generally in their dealings with
a. Imp«ed cfutracts one another throughout the civilized countries of
C. Exeaited contracts the unrld.
D. Lfrocuscm±1C_orttratis A. Lerr_hRercf"nt
8. Lan of Businessmen
ae. A damage or injury siiferea dy lne part}r seek:ing C` Latr ofMarineris
rescission by reason of the fact that the price is D. Lavof pcopte
unjust or inatqute.
& ¥¥e frffiir 50. Which of the follcwing is NOT a qualification ctf the
BEE board members?
1` Be at least 36 years of age
40. A coTThact `Achich pecssesses all the essential 11. Be a residerit of the Philippines tor at
rquuisites of a. i;arid contract, mmely, corrsent, toast 10 consecutive y)ears
object and cause or corisideraliorl [1 is a valid Ill. Be a registered electrical engineer`
contract until it is armufled. IV. Have a practced electrical engineering
A. Void or lnexistent contract for a perictd not less than 5 years.
8. IJnenforeeable contracts A. Ilnlllendlv a. I._!l. IIlardN
C=`¥NQ#mcoGQedapafudeieT a. I,llandlll D. IllandIV

51. What is the Rule 7 of Republic Act No. 7920?

41` A contract which is abco]utet)r wimouL legal force A. Er`forcement and execution
ol` eflrfu a. A_ssEtir\rnerrt of Dulfes
Ah Void or ltiezf_i_steTtt c:otTtraict C. Official business with the commission
D. Promulgation of decisions a. Supenrise and regulate the practice Of
electrical enBineering in the Philippince
52. Ruts 2 (f) Of R.A. No. 7920 defines `which of the D. Iseue subpoena or subpoena c]uces tecum to
fdiowhg? Secure the attendance Qf respondents or
A. Commission witr`esses .relative tq the imvesfigaton
a. F¢,A+ No. 184 l^/fr.rot. is the old EfechrfGca] oondilcted by the Board
Erlnirnerirra_ Ljav
C. Commissioner 63. Vvhat refers to the installed capacity of an
D. CPE alternating current electric plant or supply
equipmeut, or the connected load of industrial
53. Section 4 of Article 11 states the pchuers and duties plants/ comm`erciat building per Sediqu 2 th) of
Of the Bound. What does it mean kyy quasi- Article I Of the Rjfu Nb. 7920?
Lengisgive pourer? A. Computed load C. Eleeneaf p!aut
A. Evalugivon C, Supervisory 8 Tqrful cormected lq?P. D. !flL9}±9[£4±4ngeg±:B
a. Cor\fro] D. _F€_u_]e=_qu_f±kir.a
54. Section 4(a) Of ardcle 11 of R.A No. 7920, refers
tp; plant or supply equipment, or the connee:ted load
A. Coordinate with the corrmission and the Of industrial plants, commercial establistiments„
Daparfroent of Education, Culture and Sporfe insffiunonal bLlildings expre:ssed in tdlo\ro!L
{DECS in prescribing, amending and or ampeT6S.
r`evising the courses,) A. Irldustrial plant C. £Q£4

a tim inistration , im plemert[atiort, or
a. utilizafron equiprmant D. k\^/

65. What refers to any building, room or sepairate

place \which houses or encloses electric stiipply
enft]Tpement Of this Act equipment connected to transmission or
D. Adopt official seal distribtjGon lines per 8ecttoli 2 {e) Of Article I Of t!te
RA No. 7920?
55. Section 18 to) Of Artiele IIl-Bcamination and A. Elechical room C. Pchue!r hour+?
Reg-istration, Qualiffcatjons Of App"carits for a power plant D- ±±¢:ess±:!±±es±±±
F3egislered Master Electiictans states that:

± -ife/7cqi)¥#a#
G. He is of good reputation win high moral
66. \Miat is othenwise lono\m as INew Ete{:±rical
Engineering I-
A. R.A. NO. 184 c` RA.NO. 7:nzo
values a. RJI No.5734 D. R.A. No.7902
D. He is a citizen of the philippines
67` What is the minimum age for a canditlerte to
56. Section 23 of Artiele 111 -lssuance cif certificate of become a member Of the Board Of Etcidrica!
registraton. The professional is required to renerw Engineering?
yEcensed every years upon payment Of A. sO a. ag c. cO D. 45
registration fee.
A. 3 a. 2 C. 1 D. 6 68. Vvlien `h/as the RA No. 7920 passecl in the House
of Representatives and the Senate?
57. The requirements for e:¢amination as an RME is A. February14,1995 a. Febmary25,1sO5
urider Rule. of R.A. No. 7920. a February 12,1995 D. fobrcra~2J. 70us
A. 15 a. 16 a. ±Z D. 14
69. \^then `mas the F=.A~ No. 7920 apprtyred dy the
58. IJtho is consider\ed as the executive officer Of the president Fidel V. Ramce?
Board of Electrical Engineering? A. Febroaryl4,1995 C. fichiiunrv2g,7995
A. Presid©ut of the philippines a. Februaryl2,1995 D. Febiruary21,1995
a. Secr`etary of DOTC
E g#°##.°5= (BEE)
A. 3 8` 3 a. 4 D. 5
59. An RME `whose certificate Of Registration has
been revoked may® after the lapse of _ 71. Which Of the fol]owhg is autfrorized to nomirtate
year(a) from the surrender thereof, be reissued an individual to the Board Of Etec±rical
with such certificate upon approval dy the
commission ater he has established to the bound
thud he is still ffi to coutiriue pradic3ng h-ts
i Engineering?

8. Ct-
professfro. C= Alesr®diifed ASLsot:16IHcln Of El®ctttoeil
A. 3 a. t C. 2 D` 4
D. 5=norof pF3C
60. Members Of the Board of Electrical Engineeiring
ae appointed by: 71. The effectj`/e clause Of R.A. 7920 is provided in
I. The mesident of the philippines what section Of AT{icfe VI?
I I. The Profes sional Reg ulations A. Section42 CL Secfron44
CX-ission a. SeLThon ±3 D` _S.9±±E±±±±!±±§
Ill. The lnstit(ite of [ntegratec] Eleetrica!
Engineers of the PhiHppines 73. Vvhich of the following is NOT considered as a
A. lil E}.1! C. / D, landl] practice of the electlical engineering pr\ofession?
J` T__9a_t:_ni_r_\a_raathe_medos s<ib]ode
©i . Quqlfficatione of appHcauts for registration as PEE 8` Repair of electrical equipments
`nwho \nrere Assistant /Associate EE under R.A. No. a Selling and distributng Of eie{:dica!
184 is Rule Of R.A. no. 7920. equtprr"ts
A. 13 a. 14 C. i5 D. 12 D. Tasting ofpaner plants
62. Section 4 to) of Article 11 -Powers and Duties Of 74. Section 14 of Article Ill of R.A. 7920 refers to wliat
the Board Of Electrical Engineering is to : ` provision?
A. Adopt an cifflcial seal A. Registration and "sense required
ELREhi°£di!atw#tbe°riA##d5#qtt_ 8. _E±requpGen_..._ from___S_xgm_IHr]aS±o.n_ and:
r.]les and_rgau[aticln off the! Boaird C. t5taminatfon.fee
D. I-tofding of examinafron
C. Refers to the installed capacity of a direct
75. A registered master electrician st`all `4rork under I:urrent (DC) electric plant ori hoard `maiferecaft
the supervision Of a profeesiona.I electrical D` All of the choices
engineer or registered electTical engineer if the
machinery is rated in excess of kvA. 85. In section 2, Article I of RA 7920, \what rofers to
A ±99 a. 600 C, 750 D, 10cO the po`ner plant mounted on `wheels as used in the
railroad transpertaton industry?
76. A registered master` electricl-an shall work under A. Wdercraft
the supervision of a p`roifessienal electirical
engineer or registered electrical engineer if the •g:Effi'hafepqgiv±
machinery is rated in excess of V. D. Electrical substation ,
A. 5cO B„fico C. 7cO D. 1000
86. The official seal Of a Professiorral EfactricaA
77. A person `wha violates any Of the provision of RA. Engineer as pro`+ided in Section 4 {q) Of the
7920 shall be duifty of misdemeanor and shall„ Repubttct Act 7920 must have an outlet cirule
upon convicted, be sentenced to an imprisonment diameter of how many millimeters?
for a period Of nat less than 6 months but more A` 40 a. fi C. 50 D. 52
fro _ _ , _'year{s}.
A. 1 a. 2 Ci 3 D. 5 87. under Arti¢Ie I Of R.A. 7920, whiat refers to any
equipment which produces, modifies, regufates„
78. T\^ro G) years Of apprentieeship in electrfeal wiringo or controls the supply Of electrical eneng)rf7
installation, operation and maintenance of
utilization devices and equipment is reauiired only
for an applicant for Registered Master Electrician`s
C. Eleetric plant equipment
Eacamimation, prt}¥ided he is : D. Power Generator
A. A graduateof BSEE
8` A high school graduate 88` Under RA` 7920, a coTporafion or firm be
t=E±±_Ofr±so±2+Yen,vpcedq" registered or r+Qeneed to practice elec±rica!
D. A graduate of 1-year vocational electrician`s
crourse :ELfa's¥th¥enprtfa'e{%ee`
C. This statement is tiiie depending on the
79. \^ndch is NOT a ground for the Board to refuse nature of business of corporation or firm
issuance Of certificate Of registrafron based on D. This statement is true upon approve,I Of
Section 28 Of the R.A. 7920? gcwemment regulathg body.
A. Person of unsound mind
8. Person corrmicted dy court Of any criminal 89. The inplememing Rules and Regulations (lRR) Of
oifense involving mcmat turpitude the Republic Act no. 7920 is what Board of
E!eclrical Engineering resolufron nimber, series of
g`#rson"g°ufftyffirrmm#ffiirrfuonorable 2us?
cnduct A. 17 a. Zg C. 16 D. 19

en. under Section 2. Article I Of R.A. 7920, states that 90. When is the IRR of the R.A. No. 7920.done?
industrial Buildings:" jne!nde all of the following A. April22, ise5 C^ AtAVed3J, 79as
except: a. June21.1995 D^ December 12„
A. Schqol butldir`gs C. Hospitals 1992
a, Sfidiun7S D. MueeLms
91. \that is the weight of the subject utEngineefing
81. under Sechon 2 Article I Of RA. 7920, states that Science and AIlied Sut>jects" in the REE Lkensure
ffcommercial Establishmentsr include all of the
fofro^ng except: A, as% a, 25% c, ag2£ D, 20%
A. Department atone a, Theaters
f± Condominiums D. Bisofav'oarrferB I 92: What is tlie weight Of the subject ~Mathematicrs"
subject iri the BEE Ljcensure Examinaton?
82. Section 4 fry of Art3de 11 Of FiA. 7a20, states that A. aa2a a. 20% c. 35% D. 30%
One Of the dutieg Of the board is tc> reridel. decision.
Order or resolution on preliminary or inquiry on 93. The program of the licensure examination shou!ca
undocketecl cases and or doclceted administ[rfue be ieeued by the Board Of Electiical Erigineedng
cases against examinees or regisirants which not later than _ days prior to the first clay of
shall become final and exeanory unless appealed the examhation?
tndih the corrLmission whhin _ days from rieceipt A. 25 a. 29 C. 15 D. 30
Of ire copy thereof.
A. 10 a. ff C. 20 a. 30 94. The lanr of created the Professional F`egulations
83. in arfecle I Of R.A. 7920, i^rhat refers to the choice A P.a.223 C. P.D.322
of e!ecREcal systems. including planning and a. P.D.233 D. P.D.332
detailing Of req`jEremeuts for prrfection, ccintiiol®
menfroring] co¢rdinaton and interlocking of 95. In what year is the professional Regulatitms
Com mission created?
ffF¥J#ffiqu#FTemets? A 1972 a. 1971 C. ;£±Zg D. 1974
D. Installation design system
96. \^mat .Is the otherwise kno`Am as chpRc
Modernization La`wl?
A. R.A. NO.8iae c. R.A. NO`88gi
84. underArticle I of RA 7920,1CVAa refers to: A RA. No. 8918 D. RA.#Q.__€8P_?_

97. In 20as. the Pnc>feesional Regulations

Commission was placed under the government

bettAreen any hare corrductors Of the circuit
A. Deparmen[ of Educaton
a. Commission of Higher Education

14. Ham/ much is the minimum computed load for
1. \^inich of the fo»c]wing conductor sifzes lias the each 2irire laundry branch cireuit.
h ighest resistance? A 1,800VA C. 2]000VA
a.`4i± D. 1,2cOvA
& 3::=# 8: -?:8-##
15. A c;onductor having no or ctecrfuca!
2. \^/hich one is a standard rating Of an inverse insolafro.
time CB? A. Bare cond¥dr
A, 140A C. 120A a. Concealed c6rrductor
a. 130A D- 110A C. Encased conductor
D. Exposed condurfu
3. Locations are hazardous because of the
presence Of combustible dust. 16. The ounent carr}ring cxpncluctors in cablebus
A. Classl C. Class lll
a. a/ass// D` Class IV ihalhehaviveiT¥rocratino|F5Fg.rroinrineir
4. Transformer exceeding 112.5 kvA shall not be 17-g#+#fr#;#et[#dTTshallsupply

located within from combustible

materials Of the building. A. SOA a. 40A a. 5P4 D. 60A
A` 400mm C. 200mm
8. ¥apny_qu D. 500mm 18. The clearance from the top Of a switchboar`c] to
a ceiling which is combustt]Ie shall NOT be
5. Elecfrodes Of iron or steel shall be at lese thari .
least in thickness. A. 1_.enD__mm a. 9co mm
fiL .G.4mm C. 6.Omm a. 800mm D. 1,250mm
8, 5.8mm D. 6.2mm
19. The rating Of the overLcument device shall not
®. Advisory rules in the PEG are characterized by be less than the nob-continuous load plus a
use of what word? percentage Of the continuous lord.
A. vVIii a, Would C. Shall D, eno"/U A !3ff§ 8. 80% C. 100% D. 140%

7. Vvhat js the minimum insulatjon level (in volts) 20. The neutral conductor from the neutirail point Of
for {.he rieutral conductors Of a solidfty grounded a generator to its connection peirT[ to the
system? groundilng impedance shall be,
A. 6cOV C. 500V A. Lch operied a. :fi€!il_iv irisufeted
8. 300V D. 1,000V 8~ Grounded D. None of these

8. in rigid metal conduit win-ng, conduits Shall be 21. For ranges Of 8.751{\^/ or more in rat`.ng, the
supported at least every minimum branch circuit required shall be
A. acA 8. jp_4 C. SOA D. COA
31, 3:#== 8: RE
22. The branch cjrouit rating shall NOT be tess than
9. For aJI Iancli>ased electrical jnstallatioli under Of the noncontinuous load.
the scope of the Philjppine Jectrical Cocle, A 125% a. 80% a. 700yo D. 115%
\where should an eledrical permit be filed?
A. Department of Energy 23. Vvhat is the maximum operating temperrfure Of
a, Office of the cfty Engineer type TLrm conductor
C. Office of the Mayor A. Z£¥ a. cO°C C. soot D. 1|o{
D. _Ls>ca] BuiEdina crmce
24. A grounded metal enclosure containing a
10. Compliance with the provi'sl.ons Of the PEG will factory mourTted, bare or insulated cprrductors,
result in `which are usually copper, or aluminum beirs„
I, Freedom from hazar`c] rods or tubes.
11. Good electhcal service A. Cab]etray C. Wirewaiy
Ill. An efficieutsystem 8. Bust.r?_y D. Cablebus
A. Igllandlll C. Ilcmtry
8. Iandll D` lonly 25. For barber shops and beauty pariors, the
general lightning load per square meter Of ain==ai
11. For the purpose Of lightriing protection, a higft shall be
rise building is a building with a height over houlr A 2LW a. 28W C. 16W D. 8W
A-2§±ZZ 8-50m C. 20m D. 15m 26. The sum Of the erase sectional area Of all
conductors in a wire`^ray must not exceed
i2` \^inat type Of eleetrical conductors has a trade percent of the cross-sect-anal area ofTIF=
name, moisture resistant thermoplastic? wireway`
A. HAL C, ThwN A 15 8. 20 C` 10 D` 25
a. THW D. AIlofthese
27. The minimum size Of .wire used in e!ect]rical
13` Type MC cable shall t}e supportec! and `seoured wiring is the former # 14 AWG. under the metric
at jrttervals NOT exceeding standard in the PEG, what is the equivalent size
A, 2'000mm C. 1,500mm of this wirie?
8. i]8ap_apgi D` 2]5comm A. 5.5mm2 C. 3.5mm2
a. 1,6mm2 D. 2.omnd
28. What is the ampactty Of a 5.5 mm2TW copper 42. Storage batteries used, as source of power for
ceductor? emergeney system shall maintain a voltage
A. 35A a. 45A C. 40A a.__._3aA applieci to the load withctut falling below a
certain percentage Of nomal value. What is this
29. The total load .ch.overmjrTent device located in pemenfaee?
a panelboard sha» NOT exceed a Certain A 95.3% C. 84.2%
perrmtage Of ire rating. V\/hat is this 8. 87.5% D. 93.7%
A lco% a. 90% €±_,_QO_yg. D. 125% 43. Rt is kno\Am in the field as PVC.
A. Rigid metal conduit
30. \^inat is the lonfest dielectric strength Of a. Flexile norLrrietallic conduit
lranstormer Qit„ which is acaeptable to the cg: gREiftnetane conduft-
A. 20®000 volts C. 25.Oco roA±
a. 22Ooco coife D, i7OOoo yott§ 44. The nominal voltage used in elevatoro
dumbwaiter, escalator and moving walk diving
31. A stortage battery supplying emergeney lighting machirre motors, machine brakes alid motcRT~
and po\Arer shall maiutatn no less than 87.5% of generator sets chall NOT exceed
fu» voltage at total load for a perioc! Of at least A.1,000V C. COOV
A. I.5frr§ a. 2.5hrs C. 2hirs D.lit 8. 500V D. 300V
a2. Vvrrat is the temperature rating of llrm/ 45. The system neutral conductor shall not be
insulation? connected to ground EXCEPT
A 6oac 8. 85PC C. 7§_¥ D. 90®C A Vvhen the generator frame is not groum±ed
33. To provide for sma!I appliance loac] in a % ## =ng=o%Ed#nnga'-#nfstmo#e=
cheelling unit, the fdeder shoulcl. be computed at D. When a ground fault is very common
a 3:## fri# 46. Cable bus shall be securely suppertec[ at
intavals NOT exceeding
an. Vvatereraffs switchboards shall be provided A. a.cOopr_pe C;. 3t800mm
`ndih a clear `Arorking space Of at least a. 3,Ocomm D` 4000mm
at the front
A 1,500mm C` 1,600mm 47. Conductors Supplying bfro or more motors shall
a.1,2co mm g€JOoomtp, have an ampactty equal to the sum Of the FIA
rating Of all motors plus Of the h-8ghest
as. For a match- staler to be in sight Of trfe motor FLA in the group.
confroIIed motor, i{ must NOT be more than A. 30% a. 15% C. 20% _2=__.___2€J22€
meters away.
A 20 8=±_I__+±§ C. 25 D. 10 48. Insulated grounci conductor Of 14 min2 or
Sma!ler shall be idenffied by a continuous wmte
as. The branch circuit conductors that supply one otjter finish along its length or ano!ha
or more units Of data processing systems shall color which js
have an ampacity NOT Iess than _ percent A Green a. stripedgreen
Of the total connected !crad. a. ±fa£!IraJoray .... _.._.___D` Sthped white
A 150 a. leo a. t2g D. 2cO
49. The ampacity Of the phase concluctors from the
37. Locations which are hazardous because Of the generator terminals to the first
pesence Of easfty ignifeble fibers of flyings. device sha!I NOT be less tlian pericentt
+ Classsl C. _Clase }I!. Of the nameplate current of ttne
a. Classl! D. Classlv generator.
A. 125 a. 110 I_a_~_^_Z|i D. 120
ae` Smallest size Of EMT {electrical metalric tubing)
A. 20mm C. 10mm 50. \i^/hat is the maximum number. of Conductors
a. 7§__ap_rp_ D. 12rnm p-itted in a w]`re"ray at any crossrsection„
',,,a signal cireuit or starterLcontrof whes a!i¢± r`QS
39. Vvhat js the temperature rating of THHN irlctuded?
A. 60°C 8_.__99._¥ C. 85oC D` 75oc & g=Qgddu"£-°isg D.C.2540condtors
40. Skes Of building in.res manufactured in the 51. Which Of the following colors identifies the
Philippines are standardized in square grounded conductor of a branch circuit?
millfirneters. \^/hat is the area Of copper A. Green a. Irmiffe
conductort which is ne3ct larger than 8 square a. BIack, D. Blue

i i3:# fr# 52. The ampaci.ty of capactor a.rcuit conductors

. shalt NCIT be less than _ of the rated
cu[TerTt Of the capacitor.
41. Which Of the following elecatc wires has the A. 125% 8. 115% C. 735% D. 1cO%
highest anpacfty?
A 5.5rnm2 . C. 30mm2 53. The alternate of bacloup source of pan;er in a
8. 8mtt.2 a. 50mni2 hospital sfiaH have a capacfty to sustal-tl ife
enrrected loads for a minimum Of
A J.5frrs 8. 2Iirs C.1hr D. 2.5hrs
54. Motors with a markecl service factor Of less thari 66. A disconriecting mearis shall be provided in
1.15 shall have an overiced protection equal to each ungrouncfed conductor for each capacitor
~ pencent of the motors FIA bank and chall NOT be less than _ percent
A. loo a. 125 C. 120 a.____I_7E Of the rated cunneut of the capacitor.
A 125 a. 115 C. 150 a. 735
:55. Trre grounding elecfrode conductor shall be
67. The fioc)rs Of trarTsformer vaults in contact with
A- Copper the earth shall be Of oonorete NOT less than
8. Coptrerdad-aluminLim thick-
C. Alumirunm A, 7tx}mr7. C. 300mm
D. ^IiQfif esp 8. 200mm D. 250mm

5®. Connedion between condue{ive or inductive°:,ffebessj#::tiffn¥jofrneebo:,Onheatinoieed

metal odyect in an element of lightning
protection system to accomplish electrical A. 1comm C. 175mm
-timuity. 8. D. 200mm
A Connectors C. Counterpoise
a. D, Bondinsi 69. Any s`whch or devi-ce ncirmally used to sfari and
stop a motor by making and breaking tile motor
57. For a one family dtweHing unit ha`ring an initial circuit current.
toad Of 10 kvA or more, the minimum service JL Sonfrolter_
entrance capacity shail be a. Rheostat
AL iooA a. SOA c,. ap_A D. 3OA C. Autotransformer
D. Double pole csouble thrqur switch
58. The minimum size Of \wire used in electrical
wiring is the former number 14 AWG. Under the 70. A circle with the letter 8 stanJds for
metric system sho\m in the PEG, the diameter A. Bt[zzer ouuet
is a. Pushbutton outlet
EL 2.Omm C.1.6mm
8. 32mm D. 2.6mm =.°B®#ctdivy®#bLapkpovpr
59. As a rule branch cirouits shall NOT be supplied 71. Which Of the fo«owing cables is NOT used as
by an electrical cable?
A-An autotransformer A. Flatcables C. Armored cables
a. Agenerator a. Optical cables ELS±¥ cabJqp
C. A transformer
D. A mctc]rLgenerator set 72. Motors with a marited temperature rise Trot over
40°C shall have an -ovedoad protection eqL7al to
60, How many sets Of the complete electrical plans _ percent Of the motor full load cL]rrent.
and specifications signed and sealed by a PEE fl ±Z§ a. 125 C. 110 D. loo
shall be submittedr as one Of the requirements
in filing for art electrical permit? 73. SpHOBs and taps shaw be rmade only iri .
A. £ a, 4 C. 3 D. 2 A Pu» boxes C. cutroutboxes
a. Pane!boards D .... _..rdEJnc*ftyry.?q?Pe:a
61. Air conditioning toad has a demand load Of
74. ITTe minirrium clearance Of service drops over
A. cO% a. 100% C, 125% D, 150% sidermlks.
A. 8f{ a. i4f[ _a:7orr D.12tt
62. Branch circuit conductors supplying a single
motor'unmpressor sna!l riave an ampactty not 75. The supply conductors that e3ctencl from the
less than of either the motor- street main or from transformers to the senricgi
compressor rated load or the branch circuit equipment Of the premises supplied.
sefeedon current„ `whichever is larger A Servicedrop C. Service
A` lco% 8. 12596 C. 115% D. 130% 8` S¢rvteecont}whrs D. Servicelaterals
®3. IThe equipmentTgrounding conductor of a 76. \^inat is the diameter Of a Solid wire which is
brarich cjrouit shaij be identified by a equivalent to 5.5 mrri2?
continuc) us colo r. A. D=2.26mm C. d=1.75mm
A White a. Green 8. D=i.62mm D. tJ=2-€5prgr
8. Yellow D. Gray
77. Ilie combined crioss~sectional area Of all
64. Branch circuits shall be dass-rfied according to
the maximum pemitted
A. Ich^I ratiing C. Amoero ratin_a
the racerty.
8. Voltage rathg D. AII of these A. co a. en c. Jay D. 70
78, What is the maximum distance betueen oipen
®5. Each Of the three 3,5 mm2 11^/ copper service conduetor supperts tor a voltage Of xp
conductors are in a conduit has an ampacfty Of to 3co ve
20 A If there will be six of them iri the conduit, A 2otroomm C. ' mm
\what will be the ampacity Of each conductor? 8, 1,Ocomm E±_±:::1_._Sap_map
A 12A 8. 20A a. t6A D, 15A
' ', ' ,

79. \^thene coaxjal are attached to buiiding, they 90. \^/ho shall make the final decision in the
should have a separation Of at least interpretation Of confroversial provisions Of the
froom electric light or power cables.
A- 1comm, C. 250mm i"iifeneELffiffuod%7
a. 50mm D. 2comm 8. Board of Electrical Enairreerina
C. Building cfflcial
co. A Phase converter i§ usually employsd to D. IIEE Code committee
convert sing]ephase to three-phase pcmrer
supply so that threephase motors maybe 91. Intemediate metal conduit shall be shipped jn
used. For this service. the PEC specifies that staridard lengths Of
the single-phase conchtctors shall have an A. 5pOoomm C. 2A000mm
anpady of NOT !ess thari of the "] 8. 4„000 mm D. 3.000i.»r7]
load oumant rating Of motor or Iced being.
served where the input and the output voltages 92. Ilie groLlnded conductor Of type FC (fiat
ae iderfu.Gal conductor} cable shall be identified by means
A i73% a. 249% a. 2768ro D. 35o% of a distinctive and durable white cur
81. Open concluctors patting over restdentiat A. Green C Brarwn
dri`raArays and those commeroial areas nut 8. Wa&ura/oray D. Yellow stripe
supiect to truck ffic where the voltage is
mmited to 300 V to grt>und shall rT`aintain a 93. And-ividually covered or insulated grounrding
verfucat distance Of conductors shall have a continuous outer finish
A. 3,100mm C. 3.7comm that is dither green, or green with one or mcpre
8~ 4,6comm D. 5,500mm srripes-
fit \Mrfue C. Yellow
82. The conductors including aplices and taps shall 8. Gray D. Violet
NOT fill the auxmery gutter to more than 94. Hazardc>us Locations are classified by the
of ire area Phhi-ppjrie Electhcal Code in how many
A 70% a. 80% C±_7€% D. 60% chaser
^ Two classes C. Three ctassp§
83. Festoon lighting is a string Of outdoor lights 8. Fourclasses D. Oneclass
suspended between taro point more than
_apaut` 95. In every dra`nring, the title I)lock shall be a
AL 4,Oco mm _a._ 4.5Onmm standard sth.p, \which .Shall contain the name Of
8. 3,80amm D. 5,coomrin the prpjecL o\rmere anc! title of the sheet] scale
usedn name and signature af the PEE. How
@4. IThe Pliilippirie Elecrtyica! Code requires that no wicfe is this strip? Installaton, altenatJ.c}n or adc]ition A. 35 mm a...__40 in_pe_
sha« be connected or reconnected to any 13. 30mm D. 45mm
electrical power siipply \nrl-thout
A Payment of application fees es. Flexible metal conduit shall be secured by :art
8.JB±|±±gett]xp€ateofinsDeedon approved means at intervals NOT exceec!ing
C. Ar] ef ectrical pewit ___.

D. A certificate of completion. A 1,2comm C. 1,500mm

a. ±acongng D.1,400mm
85. Power concluc{ors on poles, belcrw
communication corrductcrs shall mairhain a 97. What is the rna.cimum allowrable \/ottage clap
apacing distance of from the distriibuton panct to the farthest loac!?
A` ,I_se=m±m C. 800mm A 10% g_._52:a_ C. 3% D~ 2%
8. 6comm D. 540mm
` ,, . *
98. Receptacle and attachment plugs shall be
as. For fotir to six conductors jn a condujL the permitted to be Of lower ampere rating than the
derating factor for ire conductor ampacity is branch c].rouit but NOT less than
percrmt Of the fixture full load current.
A 70% B. sO% C. cO% D. 60% A leo a. J25 C` 115 D. 130
87. For afld auditon.uns, the general 99. A lciad where maximum current js expected to
lighting load shall be computed at _ vAIm2. continue for three hours or more`
A £ a. 12 C. 10 D. 16 A. Capfl-ntiousfoacJ C. Maximum load
a, Connected lcad D, Ayerage load
ae. Ccmductors are selected at not les than
of the nameplate rating of the water heatFT 100. \Ahere a feeder supplies contimrous
A £2§26 a.1cO% C.120% D.13o% load or any combination Of contirmous and nor-
continuous load. The rating Of the overourTiBrfe
89. Maridatory rules of the PEG are characterized device shall NOT be less than the nor+
by the use of the `nrord continuous load plus Of the
AEL, a. bethAandB continuous lcfad.
a_ Should D. r"erAorB A. J26% a. 110% C. 150% D. 175%
14. Superposition theorem can be applied only to
drouits having ~ elements.
1. A good electricconduckor is orie that
A. Has lcimr conducfance
a :=::ear g(.. JEL#,rfu'
a. ts afuvays made of copperwire 15. IThe supeapceifron theorem is essentially baised on
C. t]teduees a mir.imam_:vottase_ Brxpzz. the corxpt Of.
D. has few free cteedrons A. Dualit}r C. reciprocity
` 8. [rtypaTftir D. Nondinearfty
2. \^th5ch or the fo»owing material has neariy zero
temperatureroc}efficient Of resistan ce? 16. While lT`everrizing a Girt;Wit bctt^reen t\Aro temninats.
A. Carbon C. Copper va equals.
8. Porcelain D~ marmad/rl A` Shottijroqit fermiinat votnoe
EL OFxprxpin:utt iemirral `rolf uE®
3. Which of the fo]lo`rtring material has a negative C. EMF of the battery nearest to the terminais
temperature<oefficien( Of resistance? D. Net voltage available in the cirouit,
A. Brass C. Aluminium
8. Copper P. Qprbor} 17. The\/enin resistance F3.imi is found
A. Bet`Areen any t`ro open teminats
4. Carbon composition resistors are most popular L 8. Byshof+cirouiting the given frotermimals
to-se they C. By removirig voltage source alorig with their
C~ the Ices inLemal resistarne
Are smatter D.__.Bchwce.___n__se_mB±±±B±±n_&_nrrlf_ne_I_as_fQrv"
Can iwithstand ovedoads
Do not pnDduced electhc noise 18. Vvhile catoulating Rth, consfantrcur\reut s.punces in
the crfuit ae
unique feature Of a `wire+Around resistor is its.
A. I:o`rl poll+rev veatmg C. high sinhi_Iit3z Ei EFm¥EE *EEiEEiH
8. Lo\nrcost D, smallsize C. Treated in parallel with othervoifeges sources
D. Cc]nveTted into eqgivyglent voltages sources
6. Which of the following sfatemeut is TRUE both for
a series and a parallel d.cL cirt*Iit? 19. For linear netvec}rk containing generators and
impedances. the ratio of Uie voltage to the ctmrenlt
#whFgesaa%aadd:¥# prodLiced in otrrer loop is the same as the nat€o Of
C, Cinrrerri are additive voltage and current obtained \when the posifione of
D. Elements have individual currents the voltage sources and the ammeter measu\ring
7. Kirehhoffs current [a\Ar is appticable to only • the current
voltage obtained
source when
and the the pesifong
ammeter Of life
measuring) tile
A. Closed ]cops in a nedEroTtc
cument are interchanged. This nenAnchc theoruri is
8. Electronie circuits kr}onm as _ theorem,
a. Jutunorus itl a ned\rork A. Millman`s C. TellegenSs
D. Electric ciraiits a. Nortori.s .D=_ Rcoharioce±gt:
S. Kirchhoffs voltage lam/ is concerned with 20. A 12 volt source \with art intemal resistance Of 12
A. IR drops C. junctionvoltages ohms is connected ac#ioss a wire+Around inesi:i;tor
a. Bditerye.mfs. D. Botti A and'± maximurri power will be diesipeted in the resistor
`when Its resistance i§ eqlral to
9. Aopording to tct/L thealgebraic sum of all lR drags A. Zero C. 12ohm
and in any closed lbop of a nethhrock is
atry 8. J.Zofrm D. infinity
A- Z9!9ap 21.. In the Sf s}fistem Of units, the unit Of force is
a. Posgive A. I{g.wi C. Joule
C. Negative a. Ifeldeon D. Nwhn
D. Determined dy batter
22. The basic unit Of electric charge is
10. The algebfatc sign of ar] lR drpp is primarily A. Ampere-hour C. __cp|!Iqnyb
dependent upon the 8. Watt-hour D. farad
A. Amount of ourreut "ng through it
a. Valueof R 23. The Sl unit of errergy`is.
%` P¥##nurrut flow f\. Jcale
C. kca'
D. in-kg
11. Ma>c`uel!'s loop oumeut mcthed of solving electrica!
24. If 220\/ heater is used on 110 V supply. neat
A. Uses branch c{irrents produced by it will be - as much.

JJtflizqs *_irr3hcrffs `rottaae la\hr
Is confined to a singleloop circuits
g: g=half 8:--g#ifer"'
D. Is a network reduction method 25. For a given line vottage, four lieating coils `will8
12. Pofm out Of the urrong statemerit in the riode- produce maximurri heat \when Connected
J1. All in Traraf(Of
`roltage lechnit|ue Of solving networks, choice of a
8. AIinseries
Trference node does riot. C. Wth h^ro pare(Ial pairs in series
A. ' Aifect the operation of the ctrci+It
D. One pair in carattel with ofhertun ima;eriee=
8. Cthange the `roltage across any element
a. Alter the p.d. between any pairofnocles 26. One K\Am Of energy equals ncarty
D. Afltry the \rqftyq®S of `rario.iss nprtyLS. •\ 1000`^/ C. 410t5.
a. ES±cOLLei a. 735.5vv
13. The nc}dal analysis is primarily based orii the
aF- Of. 27. One lMrfu Of electric enengry equals
JEL row C. Ohm'slav A. 3600J C, S600W
a. Kcl D. BothBandc a. _€co_*tal D. 4i86j

28. ITie unit Of absolute permitlvity Of a medium is

A. joule/coulomb _a. , __ faradyineq2r C. Ceramicplates and one mica disc
8. newton-mctre D. fand/coulornb D. Silver.coated insulatoris

29. If re!alive pemittiwhy Of mica is 5o its absolute

fu .£± c. €0(5
41. The capacitarme Of a capeenor is NOT influenced

a. a/cO D. 8.854xl0-12 g-RE¥=c-ktnes-

C. plate separaton
ae. TiAro similar elestrie changies Of 1 C each are D. nature of the dielectric
placed 1 in apat in air. Foree Of repulsion between
then irmilld be ncarfy_ newton 42. A capacitorthat stores a charge of 0.5 C at 10 votlrs
A.1 has a capacitanoe Of _ farad.
E* 9F_1_ap_ A.5
C.4" a.20
D. 8.854x lo-12 C.10
I,. g9§
31. Eectrie flux emanatng firorn an elechic change Of
th a coulomb is 43. If a dielectric slab Of thickness 5 mm and fa = 6 is

A. Q/cO insertedbchneentheplateeOfanaircapacs{orwfth
a. a/er plate separation Of 8 rrm® its capachariHce is
C. Qlco€r
32. The unit Of electric intensity is I D.
A. joule/coufro
8. ne`Aitonfeoulomb 44. In a ca"e capacatorA voltage gradierTt is maximupm
a. votthaer at the surfeced Of the
D. fan_nn]n± A Sheath
a. senduapE_
33. If D is the e[ectricflux densdy, then value Of etect{ic C. insulator
intenfty in air is D. earth
JL Q4ap
8. ENrfu 45. The capacitance of a cable capacfior depends an
Ci dv/di A. Core dfarrreter
r3- CtlGA 8. Insulation thickness
a. raeo of cyl}nd®r red_.i±
34. for any medium, electrfe flux de"=ity D is related D. potential difference
to electric intensity E Py the equation

„`,%*jm A- D=cOE 46. The insulation resistance Of a cable

a, D__--_derE depends on.
a. D=E¥rfu A. Applied voitage
D. D=edE/er 8, !nsulalfon thickness
a. core diameter
ae. !nstde a conducting spher?_rermaiins D. raso of inner and ourfer red-Ii,
conch 4

A. etectfroflux 47. ITre time constam Of an Rt circu`n is defined as

a. ckrfu intensfty ttte tine during `Athich capacitor I:harging our.ren8
a. chap becomes _ percent of ts _ value.
D. nQcterusal - A. 37afinal
a. 63, firral
36. The S] unit of electric intensit}r is C. 63* initial
A. NIm D. Ir. in-itiat
a. V/in
C- AI/C 48, The pen.ed during, which cunent and voltage
D. eff lRE_try}.or{®\ changes take picture in a carouil called
37^ Acaerdirig to GaussTs theorem, the surface A- Varying
integral Of the normal component Of electric flux 8. Perm-t
density D o\rer a closed suirfaoe containing charge c. tensterty
Gis D. sttry
a. Q'cO 49. In an Rrc circuit connected acrces a dc. voltage
C'. chQ sou!ce. `^mich of me following is :a!:em at the
D. Q2/£0 beginning of the transient state?
A DropaccoesR
38. troth of tlie following is zero inside a charged . a. ChaJgingenrrent .
conducting sphere? a- _caEra_a_fter:_L+ceftatte
A. Poferndal D. None oftheabdve`
a. ctecrfeinterty
C. brf u {a) arid qu} 50. When an RC cineuit is :uddenly conrtected across
D. both ap} and(c} a d.c` voltage source, the initial rate Of chance Of
39. In pradice, eallh is chaeen as a place of zero A.JRAjRA C. V/R
electric potential because it a. Iof^ D. -V/A
A. isnonix~
8. is eastry avaifabfe 51,Whichofthefo#owingquantitymaintaimsthesam?ere
C. keeps losing and gaining electrie charge po!arft}r during charging and diischarging of a
every day capachor?
D. has atrfross _cor\sferit Elaterltiat_ A. CaaaciferLrofaae C. reststi\re drop
a. Capacitor tmrreut D` rlcirie of the above
40. A capactor consists Of t`co.
A. Insulation separated try a diefedric 52. !n a cable capeciLor is still corinected to a peeef.
a. Sendlunors eenarae±_by an ir.a.itator source, the spacing betwreen -rfe plates is hatwed.
Which of its ciuantify would reinain 8. Ftesistjvify D. Resistance
A- Permtry 64'r• PoiTTt gut the \^hong
is undesicable statement
in electric Magnetic:;
machines becauselealcage
8. Radius of insulating matey-al
c. cable tergiv A. Leads to their increased `Areight
a. ERE8andB ¢ 8: LRE##ofmanufidure
53. While a capacitor is stu.ll connected to a newer D.!±!anw____els±__fheirr]o;;w\eranctency
source. The spacing betvreen its plates is halved.
\^/hich of the quantity would remain 65+ Permeabilfty in a magnetic cireiiit corresponds to
I-E=ffiJ _ in an electiric: circuit.
A` Fteid strength A R6fuctfty
a. rmecharge a, Resisfty
=g#:/Li¥±¥ftyF. C. Gs±n_a.Ica`ritir
i D. Condurfuce

54.Afterbeingdisconnectedftymthepein/ersouma:rce 66: Suseeplibjmy of a magrletic material depene!s on

the spacing bet`ueen the plates of a capacitor is A. Intensfty of magnctization
halved. \^mich If the following quarriity \iroiulc] be 8. Magnetizing foroe
halved. C. Mass of the material
A. Pfa{e charge a. Eunftar\dB
a. Ffield strength
C. etedic flux densfty 67. According to faraday's Lmus Of Electromagnetife
D. pdetidal tliitfer.Once lnducton, an is induced in a conc!imaQr
wheit- il
55'F¥trex##+biftyofvapunis A` lies in a magneticfield
a. S_tLts nrenrde ".Lx
a.1rm C} Afoves paraffel to the direction of.the rnagrreliie
C-1 field
D. T/4Tr D. Lies perpendicularto the magnctic flux
56. Unit Of magnetie flux is` 68. The magnitude Of the induced e.m`f` in a
A' Wtrfu __ conductor depends on the
a. Ampere~Tum A. Amount offlux cut
C- Tesla 8. Amount offluxTmlcaiges
D. Coulomb

57. The magnetizing force {H) and magnetj(} flux

%. -REif d=ncs%nd#eth96f-#-#RE
dens-rty (a) are connected dy the re]atiorl. 69` The direedon Of induced e`m..f. can be found wiain
A F_I_llH the hrty Of
8` B=rvur
a. B=prLb
D. B=pulLJO
± E#rigmhand ule
C. KirchhofFs voltage lanr
L- 58 ~ llie force expen'ence by a oumentrcarryl`ng
D. Lapbe.skav
conductor tyng parallel to a magnetic fie(a is 70. Higher the selFinduGtance of a call.
A. E#f A. Lo"rerthe e`mf. inducetl in it
a. Bllsin® E±L±enter;gf±f±ir#rifrd§j§P{*_]f:!D19€\HE:thhaQte±
a. nil
D. zEzro C. Greaterthe flue produee¢I by it
D. Lesser its webe]riums
59` Point out the \^mong sta{enen{. The magnetizing
force at the center Of a ciricular coil varies. 71. Mutual inductacoe between thro TTngnetjcaltyL
A. Directly as the numberof ife turns coup!ed coils depends on
8, Dirrtyasthe oument A. Th rNImberoftheirtums
a "recttyas tsradius 8. Pemeabiffty of the oo)ne
D.!ai±!+re__rs_5±!yasitsradhl:s C. Cmss~sectional area of their cammon core
D. at!_stthe Qbeap
cO. Both the number of turns of ns coil and the length
Of a short solenoid are doubled. Its a)Gal 72` Both the number Oftums and the core length of an
magrretizjng field vuould be` inductive Coil are doubled. Its semnduedmce will
A. habled be-
a. twed A Oat+¢fer a. haived
a. uqaffected a. Quadrupled D. unaffected
D. quedrxpled
73: Penrment magn`ets are nomally mside Of
61- Current carried by each of the twnp long paratlel A. Aluminum C. castiron
doubled, force bctij`reen them `nrould EL \^frougtTt `iron D. ±±±±±i¢_o al(ore
A. Remain thesame
EL |r}er®as>e t`*rer:fiiie\]d 74. Those magnetic rrlaterials are best Suited for
C. increase fourfoid making armature and transfomer cores which
D. b-hair hal/e -emeabilfty and rtysteresis
62` lT`e unit Of magnetowhrtcti`ire foroe is A` lLour, high C. low,low
A` Weber 8. .f]|drb..four D` high, high
EL A_mpere/rnader
C. henry 75. Those materials are well suited for making
D. ampergrtilrrbeber
permanent magnets which have-r\etentivfty and _
63. Permeabilfty in a magn edc "-rmit JL HIgh. histh_ C. 'Ow`Iqw
elech-a cjrou.rL
8. High.ktw D. 'qu. high
76. ]n a magnetic materin[, hysteresis loss takes place Nickel hydroxjde
priimarily due fo ¥ lE] Powdered iron and is oxides
A Flux density lagging behind magnetizing force C. 21% solution of caustic potash
8. Mcteedar fficfro D. 4I[ pt_fry_3_bo_xp
C. the high rdendvitir
D. F3apid reversal of its rmagnetization 90,. During the chargirig and discharging Of a nickel
. iron cett:
77` Energy stored by a coil is doubled when its cument A. Its e,in.f. remains constant
is inaease by _ percent. 8` 1blder_is neittterformed nor absort.ed
A` 1cO C` cO „ a. Corrosive fwhes are produced
a- ±±± D. 25 D. Nickel h)rdrtndde remains unsplit

78. \^/hen both the inductarroe and resistance of a colif 91. As compared lo a lead-acid ce«a the efridengy of a
are doubled. the value nic!celiron ce« is less due to -rfs:
A. Final steady currerrt is doubled A.
a. In-rtial rate of rise of current is doubled a. Smaller quandty of electrotyrfe used
C. lime oonstaut a halved C= lliaher internal tesisfenoe
D. Tlrrte cohdent retnairrs uneharag:a D. Ctompathess
79. The rate Of rise Of current through an inductive calif 92. Trickle charging Of a storage batteiry helps to:
is mrfuum A. Pre`/ent sulphation
A. After one time constant
Jtttlre atect_Of cu[retit fionr
I.tear the final ma2<imurn \ralue of current
gD. fr######Cg#capecfty
Increase ire rose.rye capacity
D. At ee.2% Offe ma><inum steady `ra!ue
93. A dead storage battery can be revived b}r
8®. The liffing newer Of an electromagnetic depends A. Adese of Li2sO4
On. 8. Adding sotalled battery restorer
A ifepolearea a. ifeshape C. Adding distilled water
a Magncticflurdertsity D. A arfdB D. . None Of the above
81], During the transiefTt Of oument through an R-L 94. The sediment \^thien ac"jmulates at the botlolrm ¢f
cirTmit.`^rfufohOfthefollontinghasma*imiiminj(ial(ial a lead-acid battery consists largely of:
A. Circuit current a. coil energy
A- Lead-
a. Leadalphate
8` Resistive drop D. coir `rorfeao€ C. 4!af itn_onit.=1_fza_d alloy
D. Graphite
82!. Active materials Of a leadLetcid cell are:
A Lend pennde 95.. The redudion of battery capacity at high rates of
8^ Spornge leaid discharge is primarily due to:
C. m!ute sulphurieacfd A. Irmease irl fts indemal resistar}ce
D. ^]! qftrroatove 8. Decease in its tefrfunaJ voltage
C. FfaF]id forrmlion of pt.SQ. on the places
83. mJring the charging Of a lead acid<ell: D. NorLdiffusiori Of acid to the inside acti\i'e
A. Its cathode '.,,¢
becomes dar!c chacotate l]rown in materfats
96. ` Ploatng battery s)stems are widely used for~
A. Powerstafions
D. Specife grrty hiso4 is decreased 8. Emergeney nohtjno
C. Telephone exchange installation
84. The whio Of Ah efficieney to Vlin efficienq)r Of a D. AIL_Of ltpe_a_try_g.
tead± cell is:
A Ahnrays less than orre 97. Any charge ghren to the battery `^rfuen takes off the
a. Justone yehitie is can:
C. ^Ii.rEIV[s arerferthat\ ot.e A. BenaA charzre C. float charge
D. EELherAorB 8. Step charge D. trife charge
ffi` The capacity of a cell is measured in: 98. Vvhat are the mininum requirernerts to cause the
A. Watlfrours a. amperes florw of ourrern?
8. \^lEttts D. amr}ert*tiaurs A. A voltage source, ar` ammeter, a conclumor
and an rfuator
as. The capacit]/ Of a leadlacid cell does nut depend 8. A vohage sources a switch and a resistor
On its: C. A `rotfaae sourr3e and a coriduf rot
JL F€ziif e crf ¢I.argo D. A volfage sour\ce, a conductor and an
a. Rate of discharge insulator
C. temperature
D. quenfty of active material 99> Out Of the followingb select the best conductor of
87. as compared to constantrourfent system^ the A. Graphite C. Porcelain
enstaut-voltage system Of charging a lead acid 8` Chiina Gla:ry D. Notne of±rtyeee
eett has the advant?gee oE
A^ avoiding excesgive gassing 100`Which Of the following statements is comect?
8. reducing tine of charging A The resistance daes nat play an important
C. increasing ce« capacft]/ tl role in elecdical engineering
D. BchBans_€ a. The resistanee Of a wire does not depend
upon ds material
88. Stilphation in a !eachaofd batery oaeur± due ta. C~ The resf stance of rriast of the materials is
A. Ilrickle charging independent Of the temperature
8. ]nc:omFIIete chQrgirra D. The resistance Of cc}nduder is ttpe
C` hea`ry discharging hindtance bv which tine conduder
D. Fast charging ooooses the flo.I.r crf the curTewi

ae. The active materials of a: nickeLiron battery are.

Polarization and sulphatjon
I.ocal action and oo[ari=rfeor.
1. llie mass of material deposited overan ele<*rode Biickling and polarization
is? Sulphatiori and buekling
A, Proportional to voltage
8. Proportional to tine only 1& llie average dry Cell gives an apprmdmately
i voitage of?
C. F}roportior}aJ to currerl{ ortly
D-T£RE#kF=#±q]quctkyiHE • A. 1.3V

i 5: #tv
2. Forall substances: D- 1.7V

Chedcal equtralnent
14. To obtain a high voltage of about 1.a V from a dry
et ectroclierni c=L! cq ui`ralcT`r I cell one`^roura use?
A. 9650 cou|ombs A. \^festem standard cell
a. 985cO coulombe w a. LerfugivceH
C. 965 coulombs A C. Nickel cadmiumce»
D. 96.5 rmkwhs D. Wat]riesium.,c€!11

3r llie mass of an ion tibeTated at an ctectrode is 15. When n cell, each Of emf E volts. and internal
directly propqlljonal to the quan(ity of eiectric±ty resistance r ohms are connected in series. tile
\which passes through the electriolre. The above cument I through an external resistance R ohm are
stategrieut is associated \^Th?
iEL Gauss's theorem
Weber and Ewing"s theory
A. i-±
given by?
D. La`wsE of electroivsis + B-i-£ D.i-E=
4. in elegivpplating, the positive electrode is called
i6: \^then n c;ell each of emf volts ant] intemail
the? resistance r ohms are connected in paralle!q
A. cathode strength Of the ciirrent I is gi`ren by?
8. Tquinal
frffiiron :± :::
5, Impurities in an electrolyte can cause an internal 17. Cells are connected in parallel to?
short circu.rf condition called? A. Increase the intemaf resistance

A. Daplarizrfun a. Decease the qurTent capacfty
a. Eegivlysis C. \ncrcas® if e® current ca!E±asc±try_
C. Lunl acfipn D. Increase the vcttag¢ c}iltput
D. Polarization
18. Celts are connected inseries to?
©. Distilled or approved water is used in elecfroques A. Decrease thevoltage output
because it?
C= Improves, speeifie gravity
D. fnc*ease the ourreut capacfty
D. Pre\rents pctarfation 1§: Which of the fbltcwing acts as depctairiz:er in [Ery
7. 11`e condhiQn ofa liquid electropre is measured in JL H_a_!man®sie dlondd®
I- of its? a. Zbechtoride
A. Cutrrent `/alue C. Ammonium chloride
a. §nesiflp_ nravitv
Cr Acid conwht
D. -ponder
D, Vbmage output 20, One achramage Of a secondary cell is that itv
JL Ealrl_bs±_uechara®d
8. One factor affed-ng voHages of the primary cell is a. Can be used fQrportable equipment
the? CL lt is compact easy to carry
A. Area of the plates * D. Cfanred be recharged
8. Disfaiice bchueen the plates
C. Tv|.eLs of_ rddes arid ®kedel\its 21. The composition Of a secondairy ce» is?
D. Thiekness of the plates A. Zinc, copperand dilute sulphuTic aicfd
a. Zinc, caibon and dilute sulphuric =«::id
9. Local adion in the primarycell can be rectified by? a-L-I;f5±gg-land_Perp>[1±!g±!!:Jn<Z;___d!l!!!±!Iu+:e:;=._=±±±±b=h±g±
A. Ctharging the cdi
& AmBIaamaflnr] _ the zir\c__ _eleistrTo,c]e `!tri!{i_ n D` Noneoftheabove
C. using the cell forjust fear mint.tee 22. Nickeredmium dry cell is becoming popular in
D. tryce„ • poorer supplies to eiecfronic calculators because?
A. It has asfandardshape
10. IT`e acti-on of a dry cell is to change? a. Itistry
A. Cthemical action to mechanical energy C. ttjl_S_rcofiarrl®able
EL Ch®mit3a!|±±st.Qr. to electr{cal eT.errmv • D. It is easilymanufactured
C. Electrical energy into mechangiv eneirgy
D. Elechica! energy irtto magnetic energy 23. Scoondary cell can produce latige amounts of
ii. Polarization in dry cell can be got rid of b)P p-torn?
A. Coating the electric>des of the cell

g ife9i-trfeffiffce,I
`~ D.
Short tine and cannot be recharged
Long and carmot be recharged
D. Disposing the cell
24. Gassing aecufs in the prat;ess ofp
12. The twro main dct€cts Of the primary cell are? JL,§_I_carEi_ing8nacouxpu_!±_ap_I_
a. Chathgadryce»
C. Disroharging an acgrrmulator ? B: spiferg#ng
D. Discharging a drycelJ D. 4_II_ Oftfro atone

25. The corld#ion of a secondary ce» can be

dietenmined by?
A` lts terminal `roltage
37. A fuel cell converts
A` benanicat
energy into e!eencal

a. The oolourofthe electrolyte a. Magnetic

C. Level of the etecfrodyte C. cheni€_a_I_
E}.I_ha___derm!fnia_!rattcaeand_8trenutthafthe 1 D- sohi
€___ life
38; A cctl \which is used as vohage reference source
26. Ilte lead acid aenrmulator sfroukl be recharged for instrument calibration is?
tMheri the spedfic gra`iity of the elecfroBrte is
ab- A -cell
8. Drycell
EH ERE C. melt:unreadmium e_S?!1.
a- 1-cO. D. `Nicketcadmium cell
a. 125
D. 39. While chaiging acoumulatorse one should?
A. Check the acid ievel`^ffl a tightermatch
27. Chher times of accumulator besides me lead actcl 8. Short the cell to see if they.are fully changed
ftype are?
A. AJfaline batteries only
8. Alkaline and solar batteries
a, Alfaline and dry batterfes
D*.fyicket-a_a±_miupr.:®e!±±±!S!es.._____ 40. Kirchhoffs lent is apprtcable to?
A. ACcirouits only
28. Bectrolyte of a storage battel.y i§ foiTned ty 8. Passive networts only
A Waterto hydrochloric acid =`4E£SE£.a#oasrtrypee.ltife
E ELiLREEREE[ELHHE 41. An ideal ourrem souroe has zero?
D. Walerto sulphurie acicl A. Ybltage on no load
8. Intemal resistar}ce
29. The anpefe hour capaciqir Of battery depends cm?

i E-Lstes
CL The strengln of the electrolytes
D. The distance bethreen the plates
% #E-tehQe%b=±
42t A closed path made of several branches Of the
netvroric is !mcmm as?
A. E99f±
ae. A cO ampero hour banery has 6 ampere discharge 8. Junction
rate. It will provide a curTen( Of? c. Ehach
A. 10 amperesfor6 hours D. Noneofthese

43. An ideal voltage source is that which?
D. 20 arriperes fora hours
all. To keep trfe terminals of a Iced acid storage
battery flee from corrosion, it is achiisable to? D, AII of the abar`re
A clean the terminals froqueutly
8. Charge far batteh; at rfequentry intervals 44. A passive nchrork has?
A. Nosourceofemf
H FFffiEEBEffi REr]EHRE a. No souree ofciirrent
32. lire irfema[ resistance Of a disdhargecl battery?
A i a _ina e_ D. AandB
a. Igles
C, Remains theane 45. \^"ch of the follow].ng is an aclfve element Of a
D. fs negative . cineuit?

33. Of the fonowir}g is a priniary cell? a-gg=gifemeut=±g=wiee

JL quenurroxfdle C. Inductarme
8. Leadrm D. CapaciLatue
CI Nickchiron-awialine
D` Nickehadmiumtltkaline 46` The rekittonship between vel`age and ciimant is
same for t\^ro oppocha directions of current is case
en. changing a leathacid cell causes the e]ectrobrfe to Of?
bQcone? LLEti[atemlpr±_
JL -__i___
a. Vve-
a. Acfro netwh
C` t.milaterat net`orork
D. passive netwc}rk
D. Water
35. Separators in storage bakery cell are designed to
prevent the plates finDim?
A. Touching the electrofarfe

a. Touching the container`
47.. Whieh Of the follenwing statement is not correct?

Vchage source is an acthte element

Conductance is a passhre elemem

48` A network is said to be nonlinear if ft does not

36. \^REch of the following at€ct capacity of a teaad acid A` Homogeneity contlition
battery? a. Superposttton condition
A_ TenFrmturB C:. EunAandB
D. Associative condition 61. A Iour voifege is measured cin a liigher scale of
voltmeter. lire measurement wciuld have.
49. A pasgive network has} A. Lowacauray
A. No eTTrf source . 8. LowTesolutjon
8. No currentsource C, kw precision
C. Neitfror eTrf sollr:pe Tut curroTtt sourae D. glJoftfHBee
D. None of these
50. Vvhich Of the following is not a nod-linear element?
A. ` i. ga¥0%!aat3ed# rpngpe±
a. Transistor
D. Ind OfacoH
g E#whh uniite ctectredes
63. Megger essentially is a
51. Thevenin's theoreTri is applicabl? to net\Arork of? A. W®aa ohmmender'
A. AC cjreuits only a. Shunt-type ohmmeter
a, rocirouits only C. SeriesJtype ohmmeter
C. AC: and DC circ:uits onlv D. Dynamometer
D. Noneofthese
64. Meager in ds ppewion is based upon
52. fRee].procity theorem is valiid for? iL quoryiru+coil rrrfer
A. Aedve network only a. Movingivn mcter`
8. Passtv`e nct\wom on]v C. dyrramioneter
C. Active and passive nchhrork both D. etectrostatiemeter
D, None oftheabdve
65. \^hich Of the following equipment is not a pert Of
53. For reciprocity theorem to be applicable to a megger?
nfrock in which? A. Haridcrck
A` Generators are present 8. Moving coilmeter
8, Capacitor is present C. A a:ol! _os hJgh lrrdu¢ten®®
C. Inductorpresent . D. Gear bp>c generator
D- SS±ngquprs__a!F±_ nat nnesori€
66. ITie numtser of apits in the meter of meggqr is
54. In compensation theorem a nofurorit containing A- Cme
generator cart be replaced b]rf> I L f r o_
A. tis Zero internd imDedarroe C. three
8. !ts infinite impedance D. for
a. Another generator
D. LCcjrcoit 67. Leakage facfror is?
A Lessthan unfty
5{. Open cireuit voflage is the p.d between two prints 8. Equltourty
`when the impedance between these prints is? C. grsirothan unitir
A- 'ng_p-fry D. None of the above
8. Reactwe
C. zero 6& Sparking accurs \wher`i a lo±:id is switched off
D. capactwe because the cinouit has high?
A. Cancitance
56. For the same net`Aroric end load, llievenin's and 8. IndilGtapce .....
Norton's equivalent circuits are related by? . C, Resistance
A.E,L__]nz.*._~]=_Z;I. D. None of the above
8. Eth=[thz"=Ithfu
c. zgiv =Ethha 69. Alr gap in the iron core of an inductor pinevents?
D. Zth=Euh A. Hysteresis krs
8. Fhacharpe
57. Ilie supe(I)os-rtion theorem requires as mainy C. Tfanrfemer action
c3rq]its to be solved as theiie are? D. Core ftyratien
A. Meshes
a. Nudes 70. mmping provides
c. €ourope
D. aw oflhe abo`/e % E##.a-n3"qrty-
C. Starting torque on the rmeter pointer
68. In case Of delta corrected cl.rcu-Its, when one D. Counter torque to deflection torque
resistor is open, power will be?
A. Unaltered I 71-£~ri##pinoispwhedbys
g Fete-
D. rt?duced to 1/16 C, Damping vane in an airtight chamber
D. None of these
59. A source V has an irfeTnal imipedanee Zin=quxp
`^rfen it is connected ZL = R-jx the poorer 72. Mbwhg coil instTurienEs aiiie use{r?
hansferred is? A. Ir] acctftrfe arty
A~ vel+RED a. Both in acand dcciroiiiits
• C. In dt: cireuH:Bo!ntlv
9. #,#
D. VZ,2R
D. For measuring voltage ontyr

73. VI/hick of tfie following damping methods is

co. Sensvndvity of a vormeter is expressed as common in mChring coil instrumeiids?
ifu Volts/Ohms A. Airdamping
a. Spring damping
E~ #v%O# a. fluid damping
D` 1/chins. Volt D. Edfroupetry_Paml.lnri
74. In mo\/ingmil instruments, the s\caLlc!} used is
A. NonJinear scale A` lrori, aluminium and brass
& LirRErs¢ale_ a.[ronD cobaltand zinc
C. square fro scale C. iron, copper and nickel
D. kngscale ` D, u_i_c_hal. cobattarrd stet

75. Emenal shurrts are generally used for measuring e8. Magnetic fines of foree are ca]Iecr?
oumeuts greater than about A. Hystertds
A.5A a. Cifent
a. 10A C. F[EE9£
a. 15A D. Magnetomotwe force
a. aRA
89. The rmagrrefro poterttial in a magneife circuit cain
76. VIdich Of the fo!towing bridge is used to measure be measured in terms Of?
indutiance of a lou`r CLinductdl? A. Farads C. Coutombs
AL ttti>ghrell bridct® a. ffiEf D. Noneofthese
8` Haybridge .
C. when bridge 90. Permeability is analogous to?
D. Andersen bridge

77, Induction type single+phase energy meter is

£. ##=izE£
C. ReJucfance
A. An ampere hourmcter D. none of these
9. RE=tir... r sll. Relati`re permeability of a material is given fry or is
D. None of these susceptibilit)r of the maten-al)

78. A `edimcter can measure

A. Acper"only
EL pep-only
: ±raifer rectirmon
92. V\/hith Of the following material is used for making
79. The coefficient Of sehiinductanee of a coil is
permarier)1 rrragnets?
defined as? A. Cfarfro steel
A. N'[® ..... a. fELun cobalt
8.rm C. Alnicov
C. a/NI D. All th[±g__m®ndoned aEg±±e
93i Which of the follchrring has highest value of relative
cO. Energy stored in an indusfance is given by?
permeabfty Lto?
A^ 2 L12joules C. ¥joulee A- Iron
8- Su____ 'Ioy
fr ojouies D. ±±£jerde§
c. Mundat
D. 4%Si-Fe
81. In trfe feft hand rule, thumb ahways repr\esents?
A+ vomae 94, Absolute permittivity of vacuum is taken as?
a. Cmrrmt A. 8.854x lo€farad/in
=--#"fa¢-qu-9FLongdELr gg£J:#`-2ir#m
D. 8.854x l0t5famd/in
S2. The 9rowih Of currem is an inductive ctn:alit
fofrcnas? 95. Ftelati\re permittivit)r of.vacuum is?
A. Hypertrdie few
a. Cmrrre fro
a tfrone_rdia[ [an
i Fgaxlo£ g: #
D. LinenLap 96. The field i = S + S is a?
A. Bcrffron fi_dyB
83. The Value Of mutual inductance in teims Of serf- 8. Ifrofationat field
induc{ance Of the two coi[S Li ancl Le id C. CQneervative field
proportional to? D. Sfaticeletiricfield
A- hLe a. Jfrfe
a.i D . I I Fh;h 97. Ilie maximum value Of potential gfatient in a
cable - in?
84. Cinipling coefficient K a term much used in radio
terork7 cffln be Chain rTrm?
& ,guerferrfeT g.. eel over
98. Capacitors are satcl to?
=.ra=M"jLLEEL`EEL A. Bloclca.a. and pass thc`
c^ K=Mlffi
D. Blocka.cand d.a
as. 1& is diFFintt to magnetize steel because of ire?
99. The peuer c!issipated in a pure capacitor is?
• A. Maximum
&Effifgt=vquftyqufty a. Minin
a. High pemeabjlity
D. Iiigh density C-an
D. bepenas cin the size ancl vonage
as. Ac"ing to trysteresis faint, kysteresis loss in is propordonal to? . 1 co`The ohmmcter reading for a shorted capac;tor is?
A812 C. BIJ'
A. ltry
8. ffi a_ Fgivkfroohms
D. EPO I C. Fenimegaohms
87. A magnet js able to arttract? D, 2eE
C. Impedance, resistance
D. Impedance. inductance
1. Noncinusoidal wavefoms are made up of

C. fundamental and odd harmonics
13. IT`e phase angle Of a series RL ctraiit is the
angle between the _ phasor and the _
A. Resistance, inc!uctarloe reacfanoe
D. even and c}dd harmonics only

2. Ttie positive and negative halves of a ccrmptex 8:,F=#epeL=-##,ai#_

D. Ncneofthtse
wave are symmetrical when
A. it ns even harmcmies
8. phase drmerience ben^reen even harrTronics 14. The phase angle'Of a series RL ctrouit may be
and fundamental is 0 or Tr
S:#REJELgivderty#ife6venhanronies a. Ces-1 ,RZ sinJ', XL/R. tan'' Rth
C. Cosr' ,Z/XL, sin-I,R/Z. fan" Xi/R
ancl fundamental is either iT& or 3Tr#
i D.cpsst_.RIZ,s-m',3£Lrz..ttsa!3±!g£JkE&
3. In a 3i>hase systemn _ th hariTronic has
negatwe phase sequerue of F=BY. 15. A (n) stores and reunms energyto a ciraiffi
A. 9 a. 13 file D. 15 whj'e a (n) di§§jpates energy.
A. Resistor, impec!ance
4. A complex ourrentwave is given by the.equation 8. Resistor, iwhctor
i = 14 sin ut + 2 sin 5u+L ITle value Of the
carrrent is _ ampere.
A. 16 a. 12 ,£=__.__I_a D. 8
S: #:-#is=
16_ For an RL drcuiL the powerfaclDr cannotbe less
5. \Mien pune± inductive coil is fed by a complex than _ or greater than _.
vc>ltage wave. its current wave A. g[± a.1,0 a.1.-1 D` -1,0
A. has larger harmonic content
8. is more distorted 17. The \rortage across a capacitor-the cunerit.
C. is identical with voltage wave thrun it dy _.
D. s_ho+rrs l€ss aistprtiqrl A~ Lags,45 a. Leads,0
8. {r3gr§ ,... ?g D. Leads, 90
6. A complex voltage wave is applied across a pure
capector. As compared to the fundamental 18. If the resistance in a son-es RC cir\eyit is
voltage. the reactance offered by the capacfror to increased the magrrfude Of the phase angle
the third liarmonic voltage would be A. ina-
A. n`ine times C. orie-third a. Remainsthe same
8. threeLtimes D. orrminth C. DacT-
D. Changes in an indeterminate manner
7. Vvhich Of the fctlc]wing harmoriie voltage
components in a 3-phase eystem wouid be in 19. tn a series RC cirauiL the ourrent _ the total
voltage by an angle _.
A=#¥,¥±¥orfa"g:z:.,i4ith:,6ithr+= A.
C. _Leadts, befiRheen op and 90®
8. ITie total voltage in a series RL. ctrouit the D. Leads. Of90®
current by the angie ?
A. Lags, ofsoo 20, The resistance phasor for. a series F2C circuit
8. Lags, between o and soo points to the right. The capacffive reactance
phasor points _ )^thi]e the> diagonal Of the
5: g##co.O#i# rectangle henrifig there thro phasors as sic!es
represents the _,
9. In a series RL current the iriductor ajrrent A. Up, impedance C. left, ourTent
the resistor ourrenr? a. _0_o±±/ri, Jmi}edrq£§ D. up, totalvoltage
A. £agg C. Isequal
8. Leads D. Isnegative 21 . The phasiB angle for a series RC ciruit is clediimad
as the angle between the _ and the _
WO. The impedance diangle a §imilar to.the phasor&
triangle whh the resistance phasor in place Of the A. Cument, resistanes voltage
8. Current. t!ofal votfaa®
ETfiint. resistor ou rrent C. F3esistance \roltage. c!apacitor vcttage
a. Cfurrent, resistor voltage D. R,Xir
C. V_bfteae±_icoDedence
D. Voltage` resistor voltage 22. The phase angle for series RC cirouit may be
comptited as the angle between the _ and
11„ !n the impedance triangle the inductive _ phasors.
reactance and impedance phasor are ana!Qgous j\. Bee_5star.ce. imr>edan®e
to the and 8. Resi§tance8 reacfance
thevo]iFthangLeT,TTphasorrespecbelyin C. Reactance. inpedance
A. tnditlcti`re volthrra total voifeae D` orre oftrreee
a. Indudive cument , total ounrent
C. Inductive vc>!tage, nesisife current 23. The nat reactance in an RCL cirouit is?
D. inducth/e ourrent, resisti`/e ourment A XL 8` Xc C. Xerx. B=±a±$

12. !n a series RL cjrouit phasor diagram, tofaJ 24. The inpedance Of a series RCL circuit _.
wlfagemayberepreseutedbythe_phasor A. JR2+X2+X8 C` Ra+OL+tog
and the resistor \roltage may be represented try 8. jE5j£-+±-#€=*EE |2t.!l -giv--+ (.X±_=_X tip_
the _ phasor.
A~ Cunent voitage 25` l-here will _ be a rfequeney. called the_
a. Current resistel*e. currant frequerty at whch _.
A. Sometimes„ natriral, Xi=Xc 37. At arfu+esonance for the above cjroui| the
8~ Ahays, natural, Ran frequeney is g.rven by?
C. ALways, reeEg±_nadei&=HQ 1
D. sometime§A resorrant8 Fan C.f

26. The fornda for the resonant rfequeney is i= D.f


TrajT3£:a a. zndF3:c; 38` The ftequeney at which ma>dmum voltage ocouTs

B.1lf iLILf: DQ± across the inducfancre jn F3LC series cirou.ds is?

27. For series F3CL drmiit at resorrancB the GurTent

amplitirde is far fixed vdrfage ampliitude D.
arid the power factor is _. :--.---i.i=-:-=
A^ Minimum, zero C. maximum, zero
8. « unffir D. maxinum, unft]/ 39. The rfequency atwhich maximum vohage oonlms
across the capacitance in RLC series cjrcuiL is
28. in an RLC cirmiita the impedance at resofiance given by?
is? 1

i ffi E: +# rfe
29. The cument in RLC serfes cineuit, lew at
rt2srorrarne is? 40. If fz and f2 are half power frequencies and fo be
A Afa»cfmtm C. infinfty resonance ftequeriey„ the se!ecth/fry Of RLC
8` Minimum D. zero series cirunit is given by.
ao` in RLC cirouits*. me canent at resonance is? Bit E=
iti hfaximurn in_series a-trfuife and_ minan_¥_in_
in I.araltel circ&Lit
:: i:i:
8. Maidmum in Parallel circuit and minimum in
- circuit 41. The ourTents flowing in L and C at paralEe8
resonance are?
C. Maximum in both the circuits
D. Minimum in both the cirouits A. Zero C` irrfinite
a. EaunL D. different
31. A series resorrant circuit is capacitive at
f=100Hz. The drouit wTh.. be indugive somewhere 42. A coil with large disthbuted capacifance has a?
A. Lcmr resistarree
A. f<100Hz a. LOwQ
a- t*00Hz C. Low resonant rfequency
C` f=Hz by increasing the value Of the D. I+fgh fteauerrov
D. "meoftheee 43. Il`e tensient currents are due to?
A. Voltage applied to cjrouit
32` AI a rfequeney tess than the resonant rfequeney. 8. Resistance of the ctfouit
A. S®riee eirelrif is cat.aeiti`¢e arid t\aralleL C. Impedance of the current
D. Chanares in stored enei in indut-e
a. Serfes cttmit is inductive and parallel circuit and ctetREitarHce
is capacitwe
C. Both cirt]iits are inductive 44. in a highly indirefrooe cirou.rfu a small capacitanoe
D. Both cirouits are capacirfufe is added in series. The angle between vctl:age
arid current un?
33^ fro series as `nell as parallel resonant cirou.rfe, A` Intrease C` Remainneartythesame
8. Pggapgsg D. Become Lindeterminant

incrEra§ing the valire af resistance wouid lead to?
A. ]ncmease in the barrdiwidth Of both the
45. \^inen Lising cjrcaiit fa`Ars ancl mles `^re rnusL use?
a. Decrease in the band+width Of both tile A. Maximum value C. Averageva!ue
cirtrfe 8. fifegivapraAE+e D~ eaktopeakvalue
a. Increabe in bandin#cllh in series Ci`neuit and
czecreaee in parallel circuit
46. A 60 Hz ftequeney would cause an electric Light
D. PSspeq_se _in _hat\dr+iiridrm in series ctrt=ult
arid increase! in paralRI cipeu-it A. Turn on atid off 120 tines per second
a. Flicker noticeable
34. IThe \calue of: ourrertl at resonance in a series C. Turn on and off 180 times per second
RLC drouit is affected by the `ralue Of? D. Turn on and off60 times per second
A. 8 a. C C. L D. allofthese
47. TTie relatonshp befureen ifequeney f. number Of
revolutions per second n and part of poles p is
35. in resomaut Girou.rig. the powerfafror at
rcor- is? gwh by?
A. I-: £.J=m:z2
A` Zero 8j C. 0.5 D` 0.707
a. f=n/2p D. f.=2np
ae. Vvhich Of the fo«Chwing statements is true for a
series RLC cjrouit {umed at resonant freq!Jeney? 48. The difference between the peak+ve plus value
A. The vomage onss c > applied vomage and the peak-ve value of an ac voltage is called
a. The voltage acaeas L > applied voltage the?
C= I_Bs=3?qEtese_ae_Ease_ L_a_a4_S`=±_rf us aun!tef I A. Maximumvalue - C` eifedivevalue
yQttne a. Aweragevalue D. peakto_neak\peltpe
D. The vn!tage across both L and C < the
aF- Y0ttxp 49. lire greatest value attairied c]uring one half Of tits
cycle is caHed the?
A. F~value C. msvalue
a. Average value D. effective value 8. F{esistance to reactance
C. Reactance to impedance
50. The I.cot mean square {rTus) value Of ac is the D. Noneoftheabove
same as?
A_ Instantaneous va!ire C. Average value 65. For a iparal!el cirouiL consisting Of resistance and
8. gpeappe..y=±pe±e± D. Maxinun value reactance the value of p<)war factt>r is the raEon
51. The rms value of a sine wave is equal to? A Impedance to reactance
A. 0,637 maxvalue C. 0.506 maxvalue 8, F3eactance to inpedance
8. 0.707i.max vaJue D. 1.414 ma}cvalue C. Resistarue to impedance

52. Fomi factor is defined as?
A. rmsvatug/ pe*vale qo. It is nor easy tp md lbe.mall+e Or impedance tt)r a
8. Max value/rms value paraltet Girouit but pe\^rer factor can easily be
obtained as a ration or?
A. Arf ure to line current
a Reacth/e current to' line ourTent
53. Trie value Of torn factor for a pure sine wave is? C. Lfro curTen( to active qument
A. 1.414 a. 0.707 C. 0.637 a, J.7+ D. Ncneofthese

i54. If trie current and voltage are out Of phase by 80°. 67. The power facfror of ac cirquit containing both a
the power is? resistarr and a Conductor is?
•A. Morethan unity C. betweena-J feadinur
A. etfagsezby© C. e2]eadse]byo
a. fafamse. bvo D. e] Icadsezftye
a. Leading by so° D. AIl of these

55- The equation for 25 eyc]es current sirre wave 68. In an ac circuit, low valire Of reach/e volt ampere
havI-ng rms value 30 amperes, will be? compared with watts indicates?
A. 30sin25t C. 42.4sin25yrf A. High rsoweriaatcir
a. Unfty power factor
a. 30siri50t D. ¢2.4sji]507Ff
a. Leading po`uerfactor
D. Lagging pc>"eITfactor
56. The voltage V=sO cos (dye-161.5) may be
represented as sine fundion by? 69. in a given circuit `when poorer factor is unity the
A, 90sin {aJt+18.5®) reactive pourer is?
8. 9Q3tlaJii>I = 7±±51 A. Amaxfrom
C. gD sin (rt>.c+ 71..5o)
D. so sjri (cot-1.8.5®)
8` Equattof2R D. N#theatrye
70. The capacitors Or power factor correction are
57. Vthich Of the follcwing frequencies has the rated in terns of?
longest period? A. voltage C. kv\/
A. ELz C. 1 KHz
a. VF\ D. kVIIB
a- ioHz D. icroKHz
71.. Poor ponier factor results in all Of the fditowing
58. RMS va[ire arid the mean valLje is the sanne in extap
tan Of? A. Overloading of transfoTTner
A. s-_w3Tue a. Chrerioading alternator
a. Sineunve C. E€_Sc].petEon ir\ poikrer tosses
C. Triangular D, Redudion iri load handling capeicify Of
D. halfwave rwhed sirre wave e]ecthcal givm
59. \^froen the sole purpose Of an alternating oument
72. Power factor Of an inductive circuit can be
is to produce heat the selectiorl of coriductor is improved by cormecting a capacfior to it in?
based on?
A, Average value ofourren{
I+ Series
B. Peal( valile of current
a. Paralid
C. the value of_curnerit C, Either series ou-parallel
D. thyofthe afrove D. Depends on the value of the capacitor
73. For the same lc}ad if the poqcer factor oif [oa.q is
®O. The term factor of c!c supply veiEage is artys?
A. I_nG_a_it_S. C. 0.5
reduced it w«l?
a. Zero D. Unfty
% -D6%##nit€ape-Pf
61. ITie period Of the voltage 2 cos 4500ut+7 sirn . C. Same current but less power
D. Less cunent.but more po`uer
7an at is?
A. a.51 s C. 2.51ms 74. The power' factor Of inQarrdesoeand bulb is?
8. 2.51ns D. 2.51prs A. o.8 fagging ,&. _.__ {±!qifer
a. 0`8leading D. zero
62. In a pure reactive cirouite the power facfror is?
A. Lagging C. leading 75. Power factor Of the magnetizirig component Of a
8~ Z§p D, urlfty hasforrner is?
®3. Power factor is defined as the ration Of?
A. Vdit ampere to `matts
i oT8¥isging fr±
8. IMatts to voltamr>ere 76. One Of the rcasous for inproving the pourer
C. Volt ampere reactive to watts factor is?
D. Watts to volt ampere reacthre A. To inaease the reactive power
8. To de®_rce§e the reactive noquer
64„ in series circuit consisthg Of resistanee and
reactanc# po;wer fader is defined as the raton C. To increase the real bowler
D. Nueofthee
A- B!f=±sfape® to impedeppS
77. Amther reason for improving the power factor
is? 89. Powrer in a three phase star eystem is equal to?
A. To avoio_ pear: voftaae reguLaSQn A. `/gx VLX IL x power factor
constertt a. 1/5X vgiv x lL xpowerfactor
a. To keep voltage regulation constant
C.. To jncmease the vchage regulaton a-`/gx vL XJgiv xpowerfactor
D. AW ofttrese b- a__X VF±._2S_lap__2S_:Power_I_g£££ggc

78. Fiener factor improvernerTt may be achieved by 90. Poorer in a three phase delta system wi[Pl
the tree of? balanced load is equal to?
A^ S±\prehronous motor A. .i4g._x__yL x li x power factQ_I
a. Induction frfty a. 1/5xvph x Ipa xpowerfactor
a. Long tensmission line
D. AHofthese C` 3 xvph xlLXpowerfac[or
D. 3 x V,. x lL x power fact:or
79. The . advarfage Of using static capacitor to
imprmre the po`ner factor is because they? 91. In a delta connected system the the cijmant is?
A. Are notvariable A. 1.414 times the phase currem
8` Phasor sum of the tco phase ouTrents
a+gRE+#TtE6ife¥drarusofpowerfan C. Equal to the phase current
D` Noneofthe abo\re D. I.|32 times the Df}ase_ curTqu.

cO` Many industri:l`. fariife penalize consumers 92. Po\uer in star connected system is?
iwhose pchrerfactor falls?
A. Beto].ro.q
8. Belonr unfty
C. between a.8 to oJJ5
D. all oftheab(ue
C. .I/5times the delta system
D. 3 times ofadetfa system
81. A factory takes a load of lcoola^/ and has a
reactive po'wer Of 1 000KVA. ife power factor is? 93` .For an unbalanced load which comiected is
A. 0.6 8` 10.725 C. 0.8 0. Zexp suitable?
A. 3 wireopen deha
82. A cumem Of 1 0 amperes at a penanBr factor of 0.8

ffifaLEL#neng#%7acsupply.The 8:€ingri#=ccoon##
D. 3 wire starconnection
fu 2Cne`matts C. 15covratts
a. 2000 vA o~ _ icoo___v_i_ap 94. V\inat is the minimum number Of \ratlmcter
required for measuring power of a three phase
83. in a balanced three phase star connected cirouit bafaned knd
the line voltages are equal A. Tiro a. Four C._ot+q D. three
A. To the the currerits
8. To the phase voltage 95. Ilie pc"er is to be measured for a balanced
deife conneced load whose terminals cannot be
=ffigivchTindae±daei=unequt cipenea. Hont many wattmeter do you need?
A. Four a. One C,_ rtynp D. three
84. The i)ire Of distribution system commonly
used to supply both liglit and power is the? 96. \^inat is the minimum number Of `^ratt]metere
A. Open delta eystem required to measure unbalanced power for a
a. ITlree phase delta system three phase system?
t= EEtry sdi ©\.un..ut± A. Z±£±g 8. Four C. Three D` One

D. Inree phase gtareysten wiifeut neuhal line 97. In two wattmder method, tlie readings Of the
wattrnefer will be identical \^inen?
8fa lha phase displacement betv`men pnasor in A. Lead in one ofthepnases iszero
ouITenty system is atways? 8. EQ±fitsST_factor is unit\r
A. sodegres C. Po`^rerfactor i§ 0.5
8. 120degras D. Neutral is carthed
C. a60 deanes: diti\fided I.v tli€ mnrlber Of
-___._`9S 98. 2 wattrneters can be used to measure 3-phase
D. Noneoftheabmre pcnrmfora?
A. Bafanc:ed and unbalanced load
8S. In a l>alanced threaphase star comected a. Unbalanced load only
system the line vomage is? C` Balanced load cry
A. :Iha pliasor diiferen¢e Of the t\hro DErase D. Unity powerfaqtor only
8. The phasor sum of the tan phase vohages 99. In 2 `aralineter metnod` the reading Of one of the
C. 0.707 times ttie phase vonage watmeter wi!l be zero when?
D. 1.414 times the phase voltage A. Pc"fanrjs unity
a. Pou"tanar is o.5
87. In a star connected system line oument is? C. Load is one ofthephases iszero
A. 0.707 times the phase current D. A neutral wire is not provicled
8. 1.735 times the phase ament
C:. EQual to_in_e_ptnsre a.uretat 108. For a 3-phase unbalanced load?
D. 1.414 #mes the phase current A. The power factor of each phase w]`ll be in
proportional to the (oad
88. The advantage Of star connections over delta 8` The power factor of each phase will be the
comedians lt]r sarTre phase voltage is mat it Same
gives. '.. I. C. The power factor of at least one a the phase
A. Stepdwh currch must be leading
E Bill EE=E`RE EE©+
D. Effi#±JifefaenarJbe
D. Exlra step up pchner
• C. Pulsatingwilh ziero average
D. Pulsating with nan+zero average
1. A current is said to be direct currentwhen its. 15. Poorer fagivor Of an inductive cirtHjft is usually
C. "rectien changes win Gme
impfic}ved by adding a capacitor to it jn.

B. Paralid
D. Magnitude and direction changes with time C. Either in seriesi oroarallel
D. Nan I)ftheabo\/e
2. A ourrenl is said to be alternating when it changes
rm 16.` To inprove theispf in three-phase c±rouife,
A. Magnitude only capatjtor t}anlc connected in t]elta to Trcke the
8. -only A. Capacitance catoulation easy
Cane-itEncQ very sma!l
ggr::f##v:ardd7ho#LRE The corinedion elegant
The pf come¢tion more eifedive
3. In a pLuely resistive Circuit, the average po\uerpav
is the peak poser pivun. lamp load is given a supply.from 3~phas,e 4+riree
A, Doi]ble C. One-fourtli 230/400 V ac supply system, lf a three phase
8- 9gp-#qff.oof D. EqLralto motor is nennr sowitched on aauss the same soppfy„
then neutral cumBnt `will
4. Pure inductive ctntarit A. Increa:se a. B®s®m®in unchanqus±d_
A. Consume son po\^rer on average 8. Decrease D. unpredictable
a. Does not consume pow/er
C.TakeF]oii4i®rfrorntheli_I.eduririHsom_e±har±_ 18. The pow/er rneasLIIemeut in balanced threexphase
of the ®vcl® airld them rrfumsE_ba_a;_k_d_Hrfnirn cireLift can be dorTe
other part off the c\rcte A. One wattmctermethod only
D. None of these 8. Ifro vrattmcter method only
C. Three uctfroetermethod only
5. The pfof a practical industoris D. Anvofttre above
A. Urifty C- I±txpil.a
8. Zero D` Leading 19. The power delivered to a 3~phase load can be
measured try the use Of 2 `Autlmcters only `nihert
6. In a series respnarTt cirgiv vrty the ingrease in i the
A. F3esonant ifequeney will decrease AL. Load is balanced
a, Band width `rrill decrease a. Load is unbalanced
C. a `^+iw decrease C. 3~phase load is connected to the s`ouroe
D. A]t orFth® through 3r-wires
D. a E]Ihalse load is conneckirsd to tf.a Souroe
7. fn a series resoriaut cjreuil \^ri" the increase in the
vafue of C?
tl,r-h twire
A. Resortant frequeney will decrease 20. \^then furs wattmcter method Of TneasureTnerri af
8. Q`will decrease
poser is used to measure pChmer in a balaneed
C. Band width `wi» increase thre®phase t±rmrit, if the `^rattmeter reading is
D. f3th^andB zero, trren.
A. Po`nrer consumed in the circuit is zero
8. Charige in circLii[ vcttage will aifect 8. Powerfactorofthe cireuit is zero
A. Ftesonan{ frequeney C. Cqapppf C. Powrerfactoris unity
a. Q D. Bandwidth D, Eg3perfectpr us p.8
9. In order to tune a parall?I resonant circuit fo a 21. If the reading Of twowwatmcter are equal aind
tower frequemeya the capachance must
iL Be incr€psed a. BezeTo positive in two `matineter method, the foe«± pf in
balanced 3-phase 3+afire circuit will be
a. Be dezreased P. F2emainthesame A. Zeirit]. C. 0.866
EL 0.5 a. 1flfB[
10. A parallel circuit is said to be in riance \when
the rfuttance is purdy 22. In a 3rphase supply, floating neunral in
A. Capacitive C. Susceptive undesirable becatlse it may result in _ aenoss
& Inductive D. £±agAr±S:FE!r!=:
the nd
JL ur*eauat ]irse `Iit>rsat]f®:a
i 1. !f all the elements in.a particular nct`AroTk are tine:E[r
then the superpesfron theorerTT `hrould hold when a. Hidh vomaae
C. Lowvoltage
the excjtatton is
D. None ofthe'above
3: AP:o#j g: ##:±=pLrfe Z3. Phase reversal in a..++wire unbalaneed loacl
supplied from a balance a-phase supply a:Buses
12. Wmle apphring r`eciprodty theorem
change inu

A. Inmal conditions are taken into consideration A. The power tpmsiirued
8. Impedances are real quantities
C. AdmiHaroes are real qt7andlies
a. Magnitude of phee currents
D. HQ{±e of the E*bf}xp.
C. Only the magnitude of the neutral current

13. The rated voltage of a 3-pliase pcwer system is

given as 24. TT`ree unequal impedarices ar connected in tfella
A. Hms phasevoftage
to a 3-phase. 3+wire system
8. Peak phasevoltage
A. The `roltage across the three pliases `wi« a:bia;
Ei FTEFTHEE,EEmE#E= the diferent

14. Tctal instamaneous pomer suppwed by a 3-priase

ac supply to a balanced R€ load as
cuTments will be balanced
EL -ut
P\. Zjsro
D. None oftheabove
25. Any `Arave form can be expressed in Fourier series
if ae. Laptace transform of the .output response of a
A. Sampling conditions:are satisfied linear system is the system transfer furuton when
f± D!pe_ft_i_±_sgEditfons are_.sasstiiod ire input is
C. MaxweFl's conditions are satiffied A. A step stngnal a. An Emnulso stanel
D. None of the abcore conditions is required to be a. A ramp sjsnaf D. A sinusoidal a;gna!
37. \^/hat is the Laplace transform of a delayed unit
ae. The Fourier series expansion of an even periods impulse function S{t-1)?
funcfron confro A.1 a. exp(-a)
JL '.Otl]wr cosir}e bet`rns a. fie D.s
a. Cosine terms and a constant
C. Otry sfro terms 38. The fappface transfom of a transportation la!g Of 5
D. Sine terms and a constant seconds is
A. e*p[-5sl C` 1ls+5
27. Even higlier harmonies will be a signfficarTt value a. exp (5s) D. Exp(-a/5)
JL PEeecndququs uraivedc.rm 39. A rectangular current pulse Of duration T and
a. Ctontinuoiis `^un/eform magn.riude I has the Laplace transforim
C. Both A. its C. pus)e)tpITS)
D. Nether 8. ulls} exp cTs) a. "S) Ilmn+Ts$
28. If an ac vohage `mave is Corrupted `whh an arbitrary 40. A unit inpulse input to linear network has a
number Of harTnonics. then the overall voltage response R cO ancl a unit step input to the sanne
wavctbm differs lham fts furrdanental ftequenqr nen¢rerk has response s(t). the response R(P
compenent in terms Of A. Em!z3ts ds/ct£ {t}
A. Onlythe peak vaines 8. Equals the integral ofs¢}
8. Chlythe rmsvalue C. Is the reciproca[l ofsQ)
C. Cinlythe average values D, Has no relation with s(I)
D. J±)_I_fbe_ three measuezs (rzes\k. rrne` and
Eryanae valaps_ 41. Nonrinear system cannot be anabreed by faplac©
tranfrorm because
29. A urn step vottage is applied at t=O to a series RL A. tt has rro zero initial conditioris.
cimrit `with zero initial conditions 8. Superposifen law carmol be applied
C` Noniinerty is generally not `nrel! defined
C. The energy stored in the inductor in the 42. The response Of a network i(I) = K terat for 1=0
steady state is Zee where a is real posrfue, the value af i' at which th
D. The resistor current eventually faJls to zero i® will become maximum. is
A. a a. 2a C. Z4g D. dFZ
en. Bn an R-L circuit owinected to an alternating
sinusoidal voltage. the magnitude of transient 43. Comro!uton of a function f{t) with unit impulse s¢[S
current primanfy depends an the resuife
JLunatExpEt#itthorottxpcrFL®`see A. tto) a. ffE C. i(I+1) D. fM-1)

a. Impedance of the cirouit 4L4. Which one of the following is the comec± refatfro?
a. Frequenq/ of the valtage A. F(at) ~ aF (un/a) C. F{Va) -aF (ul'a}
D. Peat Value of steady state c"ment a. F¢ap map ¢am} D. Ftiatl-(1le} F(tw6i}

31. An R€ series Circuit is excited dy a dc source. 45. The Fourier transfom Of a function i§ equal to its
After its swittching on tyro-sided laplace transforTn e\raluated
A^ The voltage 'across resistance R and A. On the real a)ds of the s-plane
capacfiance are equal 8. On a ring paraJleltothe real aids of the s^p!ane
8. The voltage aeross resistance is zero
C. The voltage atrass eapechance is zero :&fl.aqufro'om##talryfoarth€''#'#in-#oftha
a-Talhaalrmcaysm8#toREund%##TCF® srfue
46. If two 8inusoids of the same frequency but Of
32.. i.he shunt element Of a bandstop fitter is different ampliLudes and phase difference are
A. mducfro added, the resultant is a
a. Capacbe A. Sinusoicl ctsthe sorTro trngtun®¥
a. Parallel combination ff L and c a. Sinusoid of double the chginal fieqpreney
D. Series__pp+z|_E!ziFt:ion ct L and c C. sinusoid of half the original frequency
D. Nan siriusoid
33. The shunt element of a handpass filter is
A. Indugive 47^ VVIlich of the follcwing statements pertains lo
8. Capacifee resistors onpe
A. They oppose sudden changes jn voltages
=frifeAviEL#LctinLdacd+i 8. They can act as energy storage de\rioes
34-AT¥#£ne:#T:=#|¥d#to¥£:¥ C. Thev can ap=sf_pee_ _5!_g=}rabte arno.ins Of
D. Noneoftheabo\/e '
C. Band± fiber
& #sefEL D, Efandutpfiifer 48. Purely inducti`fe circuit takes pcwer from the @c
majrrs vrfu
35. if the step response Of ar) inifeally relaxed cincut i§ A. Bath applied voffage and current inerease
krmin, then the ramp response can be obtained a. Both applied voltage and current decrease
by C. Aanu±ths±d_r_olteae der=ref\Ses_and btit Current
A. Lirfeg!rFS_na the cleF. t®soohse Zricrcases
8. hiiferendating the stfa response D. Applied voltage increases ar`d but current
CL Iuteerating the dep riesponse twice
D. Differentiating the step response twice
49. unit of inductive reactance is AL grl pure ]ndaptpnap tp tryap vith
A. Henry a. Wb
tL Millihenry D. Q£±q± 8. Addition resisfanee in series with the lanip
C. Additional inductance arid capacitance in
50. A cira+it component that opposes the charige in series wh the Lap
ciraLrfu voifage is D. None oftheabove
A` Resistance CL ln`ductance
a. Caaaoffance D. Alloftheab ve 64. A small capacitance is added to a highly inductive
51. A furoierminal black box contains a series
cornbinatfon of a resistor and unknown two-
terminal linear device. As soon as the battery is
A. TT`e angie befureen velfage and cillrent will

a. The ofwill tricrease

connected to the blacl{ box the cLJrrent is.found to C. The pfwh decneas¢.
be z]ero. Ilie cle`/ice D. "ie power dra`m `wifl decr`ease
JL 4r-_indue:ts_r_ C>. F` resjist:Qr
8. A capacitor D. Anunknown 65. In an RLC ctrouit
A. Po\uer is consumed ill resistance only and is
52. a 2lerminal nethfl+ark consists of one Of the RLC equal to in
elements, The element is connected to an ac 8, E>channe of E}ower does Trot talce ulace
supply. Ilie current through the element is I A. between resistance and supply mains
\nrfeen an inductor is ir7serted in serfes bet`hreen the C. E)achange Of powrer place bedlreen capaicito)r
source arld the elemerit, the current through the and supply mains
element becomes 2lA. \^/hat is the element? D. I+I] Of tl.a abarvo
A. A resistor C. ]4 a?pe9Sqr
8. Aninduclor D. Cfannof be a si`ngle 66. Real part Of admittapee is _ and the
e(ement imaginary part is .
A. Impedance, resistanee
53. IT`e pcrwer factor of an ordiinary eledrfe bull] is a. Resislaneq inpedmce
A- Zero C. Susceptance, indiicfroce
a. Unfty D. Coriduterree` Suscer.terlee
G. Slightly more than unity
D- SliEfThr less tflan`r 67. Capacitanee suscepfaroe is a measure Of
54. The pourer factor Of an ac c!rajit is eque! to
A. a_qsir]e.Of the r}hase arra[e 8.aEETrelycap3er-vecimu`rf'sabilily{ores-esttbe
8. Sine of the phase angle flow Of current
C, Unity for a resistive ciTqlil C. The ¢rdent of neutralization of reactive potnrer
D. un.rty fora reactive cjrqlit in a circuit
D. F3eactive power in a circuit
55, Po`uer factor of the following cireuit wiil be zero
A. Resi-stive C. Capacitive 68. +urrder the condifron Of rosonarlice in F{LC seFfes
a inductive D. _PoapBaixp!€ a.rcoit* the pf Of the cl.reuit is
A- 0.5 lagging C. £!!±f!l!:
56. The pcrmerconsumed in an inductive cirouitwill be 8. 0`5!eading D. Zero
A. Vlt:as® C. VI
a. Vlsin® D. Noneoftrlese 69. At resonance powp,r factor of a series RLC ci"it
would be
57. \^froen a sinusoidal voltage is applied across F3=L A. 0 a. 7 C. ~1 D. 1.i
series cjrouit having R = XL, the phase angie will
be 70` The ourTent through a Sen-es RLC ciricuit under
A. g{P C. 45Dlead resonance condition will be
8„ 4giv./ao D. 900 leading A- yff3 C. VDdr
a. Vrx& D. None of these
58. Skin effect ocairs when a conductor carries
current at _ fr\equencjes. 71. AI resonant firequeney art RLC cireyil dr€
maximum trimem due to the reason tria{
3: ¥#tw g: grfrhigh
59. The poorer factor of an ac circuit ifes bet\veen EEiREEffiREnEErmrmEREFEEFiREHEH
JL Oandl a. Oarid-1 C. The \/oltage across the capacitor equals the
8. ~1 andl D. Noneofthese aplied voltage '
D. The pthuerfactor is Ices thi€Liri unfty
60. Unit of reactive power is
A.VA C. VAJi 72. In a series Rro ctrouit at resonance. the
a. Watt D- 6i= magnfttrde of voltage developecl aciuss trfe
61. A square \Arave is fed to an RTC ci.rouit. Then A. Ls ahoayszero
A Vcttage across R is sqLJare and across C is
riot sqLrare
a. Vdifage across C is square and across R is
not square
C. Volfage across both R and c `rs square
D. Can be grcaterthan the input volt=ig¢ and is
D. v_a_I_tege acmssE botr] R and C is rlct 5aapF±_ in phase whh the inpiit voltage.
62. VIffih the inerease in applied frequeriey; the 73. In a series Rue cirouiL the maDcimum voftag©
dieiecbic loss in material wll across the capacitor occurs at a firequeney
A. /»crearse C, F3emain oonsfaint A. double the resonant froqueney
a. Decrease D. BecQmezero

63. A ioo w* loo V bulb is {o be supplied f"n 220 V,

D. E±£|ourtfro rosomnt frcauenoy
cO Hz supply, V\men of the toliow-ng
arrangements is preferable? 74. IN a series RLC, the voltage across inductancewiw
be maximum
A. At resonantfroquency 88. T`hro complex waves .will. have the same wave form
E± Jlist aifer__rBEf±narfut_n±ctut±nt=v if
C. Just before resonant rfequendy A. Illey contain the same hamonies
D„ Just before and atfer fiequenqr 8. Harmonies are similarly spaced vidih respect
to the fund~fal
7S~ Fan a serfes F3lic ctrcuiL the power factor at the C. ITre ratio of coITesponding harmonies to their
lower powE2r friequeney is respechre fuTtdamentals is the earn
A` o`5 fagging C. Unfty D. All_crfthe&bov®
A 0.5 leading D` OL7107leadintr
89. The complex exporiential Fouler coefflctem Of a
76. \flinen a factor` Ofafcirouit is high, then real valued time signal has
A, Cidd symmetry C. Conjugatesymmetry
a. E+rer] sir7rrmetrv D. No a:ymr`nctrty
D. Noneofthese 90. An even `ravefolm hen expressed in exponential
Fourfer series contain
77. A high Q coil has A. Only imaginary cceffictent
A. ' Lap bandwidth C. £±Iaer.fos¢spe a. Ot\tv real a_Qs±tfit=ieat
a. High lasses D. Flatresponse C. BothofAandB
D. rdeof these
78. Which Of the follcrwing `wi!I nut be affiected ch]e to
change in R? 91. In a 3-phase system _ _ the harmonies have
A. B@ndwidih CL faeegri?rf frooE4oncir negafue phase sequence
8. a D. None A.5 C.17
&11 D. All ofthase
79. Hisher the a Of a series ciroLlit„ namrm`er its
A Passband C. Banthridth 92` \Athich of the foI!onring will act as short circuit at i =
a Resananeeoufve D. A«o+£± a+ itrfuh zero initial condinons?
A. Capacfror C. Resistor
cO. in an RLC series resonant citeuiL if inducfance of a. Inductor D. Noneofthese
the cimim is rmade double and the capacitanoe is
rmade half, `whicti Of the follonchg vyill be affected? 93. V\/hick of the foMowing will act as open cirirmil at i =

a 8g-eny

Ftesomam frequency

Impedance at resonam dequeney

a+ with z]erti iri.rtial conditions?

A =i#or 8: #these
9L4. Transiertt cristurbance oocur5 in a circuit wlieneyer
81. A paraltel resomanL circuit can be employed itis
A. As a high impedance A. Snorted
8. To I?jest a small band ofrfequericies a. Suddenly connected ordjsconnected fro the
C. To amplfty certain fheq+eneies supply
D. ftyAapH_a_ C. Suhiected fo changing vcttage
D. AIL oftheabove
ee. For a 3-phase load balanced oondition, each
phase has the same vatuie of . 95^ In electrical cirouiLs, transient ourrems are
A impedance C.. Power factor assoc" wh
E* Resfstanee D. 4Jl_Of ±tTEse_ A. Resistors
a. Inductors
ae. A. 3iinase starLconnected eyirmetrical load C. Cfapecitors
consumes P watts of power from a balanced D. ttetn._B Bncl_ S`.
sLgiv. If the same load is connected n delta to the
96. IThe transients prnducecl due to sudden but±wlbe
D. Fve energetic cnarTges from one steady state of a
a;rouit to another are l¢nown as transi{ants
84. A 3-phase detta-comected symmetrical Iced A. Trasitfon
consumes P watts Of power from a balancecl a. FtekuGwh
supph/. If the sanre load is connected n starto the C. Initiaton
cameoupply®theFx"cgr#pr#¥p D. Noneofthese
A. ee a. P
97. A component mat opposes the change in ctrcui[
85. tflffile measuring pe`nerin a aphase load try.2 WM Current is
method. ITte readings of ti^ro vyaHmeters are A` Resistance C. 4pdy{cgrqep
equal and opposite +when B. Capatlance D. Conductdnce
A` Pfisunfty
R Load us balanced 98. For a dc voltage an inductor
C. Phase angle is between GOO and goo A. I_a__virtilal[¥ al shcut circuit
t}.a_t_e[qag__isFluroipq_±!Eg_yg± a. Is an opencirouit
C. Depends on polarit}r
8G. En 2 WM method 'di po`oner measurement one Of D. depends on voltage value
the WM will Shon`r rtegative reading `when the load
pf angle is strtry 99. Inductance affects the flow Of direct current at the
A. Less man 3giv C. Greatertlian SOD time of
A Lesthan 600 D. Glnerfer±fro coo A. Tdming off
a, Tumingon
87. T`Ato uermcter mcthed is employed to measure C. Turrlinnonand off
po`nner in a grphase balanced eysteinri with the D. NorTe oftheabove
cement coils comected in the A and C lines. llie
abase Sequehce is ABC. If the vrattmeter with its 1 OO.The impulse response of an R-L ci`reuit is a
caneut coil in Arphaee lines reads zero, then the A. RIsing exponential function
pemer fanor Of the flphase load will be EL F}®Ca¥i_zla._SS*z>S>_n®nt3al f&rlr\z>t±on

& z=RE 3: ae C.
Step function
Parabolic funed'on
13. In a synchronous motor, at no load. the amiatune
currut is
' A. in pt`ase`whhtbeapplied vcttage
1. Syrfurorous mctorcan operate at
A. I.ngging powrerfactoronty '%REopquqpp"quvovttapv°atLapafHb'byRE¥
8. Leading powerfactorordy
C. Unfty panrerfaror only
D. LjBgf|lr.g\ I®adir\g e\nd untt|r i
9PbL '
I- D. zen
14: tn a syTthronous motor` under mnning condgivns,
2. [n case the field ofa synchroneus motoris under
eacfted, the power favor will be A. Zero 0` bet`veen 90®and l80®'
ER betwtan oan<lso° D` janiprp.±try¢±¢..±ag::
A Leading C. zero
a- £grBte±H D. unity
15. An imrerted ucurue Of a eyrahronqii]!;; mii±ELar is t].be
3. An over exeded givronous mcfor draw;a curr\erfu at vENon Of
A. field Current and Doihr®r tiader a[t eoristam
lagging pow+arfaz3lor
Ieadina pmrlrerfactor
C. ftyp-fgiv ' a. ee
supply vctfage and field ourren[ at consia)nt
D. ctepends on the nafrore of!oad exBifatjon

4. Ifthe fieid of a aprichronous motor is under excifed, 8:g##pe¥fisop:::=!:::::+i=:::%+£ELrfuig±hurfung

the poqu factor will be constant wh
A- lrREajT!.q C- Unfty
8. Leading D. NoneoftheabovB 16. Iiunting Of a synchronous motor may be due to
A. puisafroms in pounersupply
5. \Rifeh motor can coTrverierrity operate on lagging as a. reeiprtreating type of load
\ueu as leading poraer factor ? C. pulsatirtg torque of driven equipment
A. squirrel cage inchJcb.on motor D. amr oftheQbenre
a, wouncl rotor induction motor
C:. si/richronous mott}r 17. in a stmchronous motorwitn fiera under excjtet:), the
D. anyoftheabove p- frfuor will be
A. Leading C. unity
6. A3 phase. 4coV, 50 HzsyTwhroninis mctoris a. {az¥peJ{}p D. rrtyrre oftheabenre
operating at zero pchaer factor lagging `^i€th respect
18. in a s]mchronous m¢tor® maximtJm value Oftou.que
to tire exf;italion voltage. TTra armatlJre rcaouarl
mmf. prochiced by the armature curret will be angie is
A. Demagndizing C. croes-niagneti:zing A. Belour 45 degrees cteefrical
8. fflamp¥£+zS] D. rrone of the above 8` 45 degrees electrical
C. &Q|±eanes _€leewileel]
7. V curves for a s]mchranous nrotor represent relation D` Abo`re so degrees electrical
A. field currentand speed 19. increasing loacf ori a normal|}rexcited s}mct`rionous
a. field current and power factor motor. the pchuer factor
C. pChuer factor and speed
D. Squanrr®__Current and: qu_cunnetit aC. ELffingJanfro
becomes increasing leat]ing
- D` noneoftheabov\e
8. \^thish of the fo«owing devices cat'i be used as a
phae aavareer ?


3 phase inchcaon motorsquimet cagetype

Syrfuronous motorworking at fagging po\prer.

acv ln a s]mchunous motor amaiture r\caction at mac!a

8, Cross tnagnefizing
C` Itw-utg
D. r\torie of the abt]Ive

factor 21, A s}mchronous motor is aperatilng with exctatfon

9. VIfroen a synchronous motor is oquneeted to an load. On beTeastng the excENon, .lfire ptmer factr
inffirffie bus, while qperathg on lcaidirlg p-r ifactor . A wi!llag C. willbecomezenD
A. the exedafion voifege will be less than the a- rty:I_I_nI D` nont= of the de¢.\re
supply vohage
B-±±€±irinex#{;§g£;:`fonaewH]bernonthan_fro_€ Z2. Ilie magnitude of various `roltage drays that cx"r in
an aiferTiator, depends on
' A. po`rerfactorofth¢ foaicl
C. the excitalion voHage wi« be equal to the €;apply
D. ire excjfafty voELage will be independent oftne 8: 5RExloud ourTed
supply voltage D. pourer factorx aoae cumeno2

io. Ttre space angie betwreen the axis Of the stator 23. Tn art altomator. at lagging powerffrotor, the
revchthg magnetic field and the rotor-pole axis, bdih generated vouage per phase, as compared to that at
tacked end at syrwhronous apeed, is kncrm] urty power fair
i. ¥ s:¥cife#grte EREEFEHHLFEEEra
11. The induced errtf in a synchronous motor urorf(jr]g on 24. The pouer factor of an altemator ¢Iqpends on
k-pf vi„ be C. Corek±
A. equal tothe supply `rdtage ± #ofrotoro. furfuredsses
25. Ari afroator is said to be over excited when ff is
EEEEH±H£±HERERE.RE pperatino at
A. unftypourerfactt:ir."..
12. SyTtchrorrous motors for poVlrer factor conrectjon a. feadirig power factor
operfe at
nDrTmal load ufth minimum excitzllion
marTmal load with zero exigi{a(jon
Z6. If the inpiit Of the prime mover of an anemaaor is
E EEEEEEREffiE=iffiunrmRE kef* Constant but the e>ccitation is ctianged, then
+i the abe oomponem of the output is chargiv\e_react_I+a±_s±_s±mnon_____±ct__a_tneoutn±b±___ts5_ 8. The field curr\eut ofG2 is raised
charfu t=ThEEqEE-otollsraELutst
C. power factor of the load remains constant
D-torgffiTftoOfthetcadctrmgesfromfagging D. The fictd currerTt ofGi is [oueTed and of G2 is
27. tAfroen t`rm atternator§ am njnring in pemffel, their 38. A s)mchTtmous gerrerator is operating ur`th excitation
RKVA jcrad share is changed try chariging their adjusted for urifty pcmer factor current. at cor}stam
..~~.. iArfuile their lch/ lonQ share is changed Py load. `AThen on inercasing the excitatian the power
Ofegivrty-----. facor
A. acitan._dtiirirrm torELLo A. whllLan C. will b-ezero
8. drwing Lte® eseitation 8. w-IIIeat D. rrorte of the above
C. exrfuation] excitafro
D. d.wing torque. diving torque 39. Zero ponrer factor method Of an atteTnator is used to
find its
28. A rmagnetarari curve repneseuts the relationship A. field rest.stanee C. efficieney
Den- 8. armature res3stanee D. vctfaaerrmlafion
A. reactive and nort-reach4e componerds of
vottage 40. TTte poorer factor of an atlemator is obtained from its
8. excHir.a a.trroTtts Strd terminal \rotteo® A. Eanation C. £ggg
C. ponier fanrarid terminal.veBage 8. Speed D. noneoftheaboue
D. magrtetic fiur ed a[made curreut
4t. Ilie pomerfactorof an alternator is Obtained from its
29. in an attemator if the arTnafure reaction produces A. Excttaffion C. 42a9
' a. Speed . D. noneoftneabcnre
A. Zoro.Iawirralcad C. Uhifty 42. Ponier factor is defined as the fution af?
8. Zfroa leading load D. EitherB ore A. Vthampere to `aratts
a- 5tt_as_to_volt arnFiere
sO. In an altemator if the armatlrie reacton prodLrees C. Vote amFrere reactive lo watts
magnedsaton of the main field the ponder fiactor D` Watts to vott arnpere reactive
shouid be

i - S: ELBorc 43. It is nat easy to find the value Of impedance for. a

parallct circuit but pchuer factor can easily be
octained as a raffion aft
31 ` \n¢rm an alternator is supgivmg unity pctwer factor
Bcad4 the armature reaction will prwhce &£eELtp#TffifteouTTent
A. magnetisaton of the main rfeld C. Line curremto active current
8. demagnetisason orthe main fieid D. Noneofthese
&fuffiELOw,rfu..ffl 44. The poser factor of ac cireuit coutaining bath a

resistor and a corrduutor is?
32. Tim attemators A and 8 are sharing a resisthre load A-fathanunfty c. ±
givf. = 1 ) equefty. Now if the excilafion Of alfemator
A is irtttreaed a. Leading dy90® D. AJ) of these

45. In a given circuit when pcrwer factor is unity the

reacthe pcrvrer is?
a-E#„al¥[¥#inuetoqurateon i £q#uat#ffi g: E=eoftheabne
D. hath aHemators wlHl operde on pou!er 46. Po`uer fator of an inductive circuit can t>e -rmpr\cne¢E
fanr dy connecting a capacitor to it in?
A a_erfp?
33. The armatire reactiori of an aftematorwi(I be - 8. Parattel
conF"et)r magnetizing in case the load pamier C. Eitnerseries orparallel
farfu is D. Depends on the value of the capacfror
A. unfty C. zerolagging
a. O|Or7 D. zero loaictitra 47. Po`rer factor of the magnctizing componerit Of a
transfamer is?
34. The rngutation Of an alternator ts likely to be A` Uhifty G. arfunrENslcadinE
negafro in case of a. OJ}Iagging D. zero
A high speed altemators
48. The advantage of using static capacitor to innprcoe
the po`aer factor is because they?
EEE±±EfiREmHERE A. Are nctvariable
a. Aae` alrrtcrst tcetiree
as. tnmish of the fonowing mcthod is likely to give the a. Provided cortinunus change of power tactor.
vettage neguLat}on more than the actual value? D. None oftheabo`tB
A S]wi¢htono«sr reactance meffiod
a. REmetun 49. A current Of 10 amperos at a power factor Of OJ3
C` Zeio ponrarfactor me¢nod 13seing is taken from 250 V ac supFdy` The reatiive
D. None oftha abo\re parrm of the system is?
A` 20cOwstts C. 1500ueTtts
36. A geneTator` is operating fry itself supprtyg the 8. 2OOOvA D. 75co_y?_I
s}rfern toads. The reactive pe`rer supplied bythe
9eneratorwilt so. Poorer factor inprovement rfiay be achieved dy the
A deFrmd on pfroe moverrpm use Of?
a. depend on type of insulation used A Smcfronausmotor C. Llmg transmission
a. .g¥.RT in,qu"ptt dermte±EE±± ire
8. Indudion motor D. Ad of these
D. depend an inter:coil inductance
parE#ct. Keeping the terminal vanage fixed in order
to chif[ part Of the KVAR lead lfom Q2 to Gfl
A. Thefien ourred ofcin is louinered
14. A capacitor opposes
il Transierrl distufbEnce is produced in a circuit A. Change in oumBnt
writ-er a. ounce in voffaqe
A. it is suddenly connected or disconnected finom C. Change in both voltage & ctiimBut:
the supgiv D. hbeofthese
a. itissfrored
C. its applied voltage is changed suddenly 15. Of a capacitor is conneeled across a dc soure)e
D. ?l[ oftbeab_gr `hfthout a resistor. the time constant of the ci)reui[ is
A. vne a. Rc C. 1nec Q±
2~ lThThere are ncl transients in pure resistive circiuifs
b±use they 16- llie charuing Of a capacitor through a nesistalnroe
A. offer hish resistance folbe
a. obeyohm{s lan A. Linear lcmi C. ext}oirieirll€al tw
C. haire no storedenemv a. Thangular la`^r P. square lan^r
D. are linear circuits
17, lnductance in a cir`cuit


in electrical


aire A.
Prevents the ciirrent from changing
Defa`rs clranne jn current
C` Cfauses p~toss
a. Capecitors D. I>othAandB D. Causes cumerrt to lead the volfagq2

4„ The transients whicli are produced due to suclden 18. The time constant of an RL circuit is
but energetic changes from one steady state of a A~ RL 8. RfL g]nl D. 1;RL
ciraJit {o ancther are callei] _ `transients.
A. [nftiation C, relaxation 19. \J`then the cument in an.RL series ciircuit is zero„
8- H.PSItjon. D. subsidence then
A. Voltage acro:ss R is zero
5. In a R-L ctreuit connected to an altematng
sinusoidal voifegee size of transient current 5:¥ria-faFpeir±|=
D. Voltage acruss L is equal to s`mply voltage
prilmarifty depends on
20. A capacjtance is change through a inesis!ance R.
EEEEEEEETE][EEEfflBEjmillLREffl Ilie thie constant of the chargivg cjreLlit is giverl fty'
C. the cjrouit impedance A. E£ a. imc c. cyR D. Rfc
D. the voltage frequeney
21. A capacitor having a capa¢itance qf 30|jF is
6_ Doublecnengy hansients are pnduce¢[ in cjrcoi(a connected atross 220JV cle goLJrtie. The
amststhg Of ourfut vwh be ieast
A. fro ormore resistors A. Wten the capachor is hair charge
a. resistarice and inductalnce a. Initry
resistance and capacjfance
T¥igrpce,. ir.i+Ictanqe.qnq qapapitz]!zi!±?i= g:-ffiffig#.#rng±
7. IThe transient ourTed in a lossrfee Ire cjrouit when 22. There is no transient current if the only load is
excited from an ac source is a/an _ sine rave. A. fu inducfa"se
EL Apegirfuce
D. Both inductance and capacieance
& Transient qurrents in an R-LC crfuit is oscillatory

i¥ g#=
vwh 23` . tftr`e applied voltage is ue, which of the fo«cwing
A. R= 0 £,.___R<|./i?E will act as a short cimsiliit steady state?
F3. Ft> jcTcc, D. F€~-jrirc,
9. |Tie time constant af an R-a circuit is defined as the Z4. The time constam of an RL ciireuit is the the when
time during \which capacitor charging oument
b~es_percentofci|5Tfi#Ue. :£=e::;g;i:; reaches ~ pelncent of its steady
A. 37Bfinal
A. 90% EL 57.7% ±_.¢*Z3€ D. 50%
a. 63, final D...37, iquE±Egl
25. Iftne applied `roltage i9 DC, `whic!i of the fdikndng
10. lTie pen-od duwhg] which ounend and voteage
win act as an operi cfrouit at steady state?
changes take picture in a circuit called
A. Resistance C. inductance
a. canacitarlco D. any ofthege
& :#:ent gTg# 26. A cO`roltage is appliedto an RC ciroui[ att=Owilh
the capacitor inifialty unchanged. .RT a time equal to
11- ln an Rtc cjrai.rf Connected aenoss a d.a. vo!fage
Souviurce. \which of the fof!owing is zero at t.he
beginning of the transient state? percent Of its jrdtial value.
A. 90% a. 63`2% a. 50% E2L___pe=S+¥
A. fropacrossR
8. Charging ourreut =--=O=cofife 27. Iri a serfes RLC ciftut connected to a DC voitage„
12- When an R- circuit is sudclenly connected aouss if R2 / 4L2 is greaiter than 1/LC, then fin Of
a a.a. voffage source, the iniifel rate Of change of response is caun
A. i±!± 8. Ial^ a. viF2 D. ~vi^ i REfi# g: #anping
28. Whena baiferyof Evoltss suddenlyapp#ed across
i3- V\much Of the following quanfty maintains the 9ane
an ideal inductance Of L Henry, the cuinr\eut thiougiv
polarity charging and discharging Of a induct~ will be.
A- 7tem
3: ± :: gist:stj#ethderoffrove a. Infinity mstairtteineously

C. Incfeasir]q linearlv at the rate of E/L a. The ampmude of the sjgral on the cable van-es
3=g±ee=Erffi wh frequeney
D. E/L {|ngrgrT) a. The velocity Of electromagnetic waves

29. A coil with a ceftatn number ofturme has a specified

time constath |f the number of tune is doubted, ire
time rmstant `nrouid
A. Remain unaffected C. Become fourfolcl 39. What causes electromagnetic `^/aye polarization?
8- EfroEpe_dQLlp_ted D. Gct hahre A. Refracfu.ori
` a. ,Reflection
30. T\Afo t2Ofle henrfuS eqtial re±iedaride bud dfffieihc>r.i e. Longitudinal nat`|rB of ele±nta9netic"`fianrc
inducfances are connected in series. He tine D- Itar]ppepee, of_e!edrmapnediq `nn;rye.
constant of the series combination is the
A. SLim of the time constant of the individual coils 40. Which of the followhg is a vectorquantfty?
8-ffiiE'usTe. tiro cochJrfe of . the A. Standir}g wa[ve ration onh/
8` Beflechop qoefFipient only
C~ Geometric mean Of the time constant Of the •C. cain
individual coils D. Standing `mave ratio and renection ocefficrient
D. Prodtfct Of the time constant Of the inclividual
REriH= 41. E=O.§ exp [LO^1x] sin (loot-230a£ {rvm}, which one
Of the following statemem is NOT ctmec±?
31~ The cores in electrical machines are generally A. Wave is tiinearly polarized along az
made Of lamir)ctions \Afth a vienr to reduce a, The velocityofthevrave is 5 x l0§m/s
A The edd`r ciirrend loss C` E Conpiex pTppapedon aonsta.qu is. fg2±
8. The trysteresis loss
C. Th apperfoss D. The `^rave is traveurng along a*
D. Eddy curTeflL hystenesis and copper loss
42. tf the electric field component of a lhrave is E=cos
32. The instantaneous electric field Of a plane `^/ave (6xl 08TTt+50z}a]t V/in, then the wave
propagating in zrdirection is t+E a) = [a*Ei ensut -
a!£z sthut]e*. This \^rave is •antlTrfu#isjnte-Xv,diL:F-on
A. unearty pefarized C. ts not tmvelling in rfee space
8. Eq5p5cqlhr.polari=eq D- Eappaaates in. iz djrectipi1
a. Flight tiand circulrty pohaized
D. Left hand cirmilarty polarized 43. An etectrrmagnetic field is racliated fn(:im
A. Stationary print change
33. IfE = es+j9)eff=. then thewave is said to be which a. A capachorwh a dc voltage
orre of the fo«owing? I c` A conductor carl)ring a dc current
A RIgm rfuteLrty polarized D. An oscillafirta dif]ote
8. RIght elliptically pelarired
c. £rfe.circ+i|aF1`r po!ariape9. 44. What is the phase velocity of pfane wac in a gco<#
D. Lrfu ellipecally polarized conductor?

34. tAthat will be the fedected wave for an enpticatly A. life a. a- D.a
pelarized `rira\/e inciderT[ on the irrierface Of a di€>
electric at the Br`eweeter €ingle? 45. Which one ortnefoMowing islne comes:[ exppessjonon
A. EAVptry poJarrfu
for torque on a leap in magnetic fie!cl i? (Here ff is
C^ Right circular pofarfaed the toap moment)
D. Left circularty polarfaed A. f=P.a _G.___±=#x#
a. F=H.g D. T=Bxff
35. A plane wa`re trmrelling in air is incident on a
conducting medium. VAthich one Of the followwhg is 46. . \^/hick one of the following modes has the higpesl

& #-b#

a. Remains unchqri.qed
D. Cannot be determined
out+off wavelength in a rectangular `ftrm/eguide?
H±g 8. i-Ecr a. T"oA

How is the attenuatjon factor in panller p`ate guide


A. a = ponrerl:st/ pcnertransmmed.
36. Consider the toltowing stateneuts a. q..= 2 x po`mer..loser.pprmer.transmit{}e€I
For uniform plane e!ecfromagrictic `mave a. a = power lost per units !engov¢iq:>crme+avier
1-E##;#:gronflofowrfe£;¥Tieasihe transmitteap.
D, a = pemer test/ {power lost + rmcer
2. Electric and magnetic fields are in fine frosmid).
3. Electric and magnetic fields are in space 448. \^that dues the expressior` 34 I. A iieprieeent?
Or thc5e statements
A. P-I.denfty
8. F3aaiation resislanoe
A 2afoneiscorTect `£._±@nd3arecqlnr|e€± G. Maqnetic enerur densit\/
8.1 and2arecorrect D. 3alonelscorrect D. Elecrfe energy densfty
37. Which of the following statements is col.Tiec±?
49. ,ln the wave equation, AZE= pre#+po#which
The `cavelength of a `ftrave propagating in a
qrmeguide is: terTn is responsible for attenuaton Of the wave?

i ¥#iEL=ffiJ#
Dirfty proportional fo the group velocity
Inversely proportional ot the phase velocity


_. C. LI!o#£

D. AIloftheaba\;ethree

50- For a conducting rrledil[m with conductivity crp

ae. Why js delay distortion in coardat cables caLisect? permeabj!fty Lj, and permmivfty 8, theno the sfen
A. Ilie die]ectric constant {ar} of the die]ecutc aeptli far an electromagnete signal at an angular
fil]jng the coaxia[ cable ufth rfequency. frequency o is proportional to
A` a a. 1/cb a. 1/i/tr 1/u
8. Porlrer densitv D. Energy density
For a perfect conductor, the field strength at a

disfancre equal to the skin depth is X% of the field 62` Poynting `rector is a measure of \hthich one of the
strength at its surface. The value Of X% is.
A. Zero 8. 509/a C. 36% D. 2S% .A. Maximum porxrer flo`A7 throLigh a surface
sumounding the siource
52. With the increase in frequency of an
elecfromagnctic \Arave in free space, how do the =ELEE+#iLOwiflthowmELtbe#rrfu
vetoctty Vc and chaTac{eristic inpedance Zc D. Power dissipated by the surface.
A Vc increases and zc deaeases 63. \^that is the poynting®s vector on the surface Of a
a. Vc c!ecreases and zc inceases long straight conductor of radius b and c:ondi]divify
a. Bqth v¢ and zcincF\ease a `whi¢h carries ounnent I in the z+clirectioni?
D~ Both vc add zc reunain unchanged

53- Depthofpenetration5isequalto±for :-¥i£ ::±S£

A. Good insulator C. Lceey medium
8. Good conductor D. LowvaluesofA 64. According to pqynting thcofeni. the vectorE X H is
a mcasLlre Of `whigiv one of the toltChwing?
54. A higher direcrty is specified bq/ A. stored energy density of the eloctric fielcl
A. High gain high bandwiclth 8. Stomad errerg}r density of the maprretie fieJtJ
a. Lour gain high banctwidth a. Poorer dissipated per unit volume
C. Hitfh «ain !otAr handtridth D. Rate of erierav flow per unit area.
D, Lou/ gain lout banchtidth
65. Consider the following statements
55` Scew prQiecting irito the virave guide is 1. Poiseon's equation finds applicaEon in vacuiurn
A~ Capacitive discontinuity tube and gaseous discharge prpbtems.
8. Inductive discontinuity 2. Gauss.s lanr is useful for determining field and
C. tray be caoaciti\re or inductive deDendiriq petentel distribution about bodies hanring
upon tr`e r>bgitiori inside the quitie ` 3.
unaymmetrical geometry
For the propagation.Of. electromagnetic `A):arvesg
D. None of the above
as- Considered the fct!owing statemerTts: var)ring magnetic .fields.
1. In conducting medium the field attenuatae>s 4. The unit of pogr€i\nS'S ve¢toir is wThn2
exponentia«y `whh ineveaeing depth Vlmich Of the statements given above eire ¢orreca?
2. Conducing meditrm behaves like an open A, 1,2and3 a. 2,3and4
circuit to the electromagnetic field. a. ±±3.qqq_± D. 1,2and4
a. In tosses dielectric rctaxatin time is infinjfe
4. In change~froe region, the Poisson's equation 66. EMF ofa thermceoupte depends upon the
becomes Lapface's equation. A. Nature ofmaterial ofmctals
V\ifech Of the above the statements are conrecL a. RTeTence oflemperalure oftwt]junctions.
A. 1,2and3only C. 2,3and4only
a. i.3arrd4only IJ.1,2,3and4 8: .RTe&g#_gaBTtwe
5r7- Consider the follcwing statements in connection 67. .The afrorptjon or ution of heat energy. ira
VIrfu qrfindriGal waveguEdes: oumen{ is allowed tQ flour in a condtJctor having us
1. At lorLr froquenta/ the propegation constam` is different parfe at different temperature is kmperm c*s
real and `mave does not propagate ---- effEL
2. AI iritermediate frequency the propagation A. Seebeck C. Pe[[ier
constarrt is zero and `Arave ciits off. a. I±!ep§gp D. Joule's
88. The temperature ofhotjunq:I;on ofa thermocoupie
4. AI bansftjon condiffon the cutoff frapueney is at \whieh the tbermasngmf is rna)dmum is kntrml as
inversely propordonal to the Ejgen values of A Neiihal temperattim=±
the Bessel funcden fior the r\eapec!ive lEEr a. Temperature.Of inversion
mode. C. NeitherAorB
\^hich Of the above statemenits istare conrec±? D. Noneoftheabove
A, .1,?a|iq_3 C, 2and3onfy
a. 2onty D. 2.3and4 69- X:¥=:::==:=agiJ:I::::::g:::le
58. The intrinsic impedance ofrfee space is 8. depends upon the natue of the metals of the
A. 3anf2 8` jFft6 a. -] coaple
D.Jg C, ts independent of temperature of cold jundion
59. Which one of the fo] statements is comid? D. ffi¥aEgxp
For a tosslees dielectric medium, the phase
70. Thermoelec{ric power at neLiuetl ten.Iperrfure is
& ELm frIrnpredicane
cO. VI/hick Of the following pairs of parameters ancl
expressions is/are comec±ly matched? 71` Coefficient is numerica«y equal to the
Pouerficrv density
"spJacement QirTen( in non¢oriduct`ng
medium -i x fi

diference of potewial per °C.
A- Perm

IlieTmocouple is based on
C. JOu'e,s
D. None of these

Select the correct ans\mer using the codes given A. SeebcokerfeQ± C, Joule.s
below ere: 8` Thomson D. Noneofthese
A. 1alone C,1and3
a. 2and3 D.1and2 73. The voltage is during the open state of
61. The L]nit of the poyrTting vector 'rs A. Mardmum C;- ZterQ_
A. Power C. Enei|(ry 8. REnimum D. Infin'rty
87. Transientourrent jn an R-L-C ctrcujt is osci.llatory
74~ The ourreut when the ihductor is open` when
A~ Z±gp C^ Max]-mum
8. h4inimum D. IrTfinfty A. R~~o C. R<2JE

75. The tiTne requfrod to reach 632% Of the maximum B. R>2f f i D. R=2j=
`ra!ue of aideut for F3L circuit.
A. R/L _a., LJR. C. FtL D. R2L 88, Inductor is at steady state.
A. Steady a. Open
76-A#nngT#|L#eutthatoppesesthesuouen a. Shor{ed D. Cirounded
A. Coriductor` C. F3esistor 89. The is zero the steady state of
a. !nq+ictqu D. Capacitor. inductor.
A. Voltage_ C. Current
77` Eneft)y involved in series circuit, is either a. Ftesistance D. Inducfance
electrpstafic or electromagnedc
A. Siflate errerow transient sO. Capacfror is upon switching
8. frouble energy transient A` Steady C` Open
a Triple energy tr¥nsiertt a. Shorfed D. Grounded
D. Mufti enerev transient
91. Tt!e ofa snorts.d capacitoris zero.
7@. When ne voftase is sndderty appifed to Fac son-es A. Vohane C. Cfurrent
ciroujt the _ rises from zero to the steacly state B. Resistance D. Capacitance
A. `foffiaae C. Cuiirent 92, One tine constant for a sen`es RC crfuc;uit is acfirred
8` Resistance D. Inductancse as the required for the capacitor to change to
of ire firral value.
7S. The transient current in a rligh toss F3LC ctmuit
A. 36.8% a. gaa± c. 50% D. ico%
`chen excifed from an AC souroe is a/an _ sine
se. As the oument decreases. the Voltage acoss [rfe
A. underdamped case
capacitarice Of RC §erie§ ctrouit supp]jed by a DC
a. undampedcke volfage source M
a. Critical Damped case A- Fti=epxp.\+ C. Risesto halfctv
D. 0`ferdamoed thee 8. Decreases to zero D. Deoneaises to half ofv
80^ Transient disturbance is produced in a circLiit
94. is zero if the RLC cirouit is undampec!.
A. ]t is oudderty connected or disconnected firolm
the supply
a. Itisshorted
i r##ce frFF=
95. O`rerdamped F3LC circuit is also lenowr` as tire
a. Its applied voltage is changed sucldenly
D- 4|!_gfthe above cirrfu
A. Noloss C. Lowloss
a. H_igh loss D. Medium lose
81. There are ro transients in pure resisti\re circuits

& -=_-
b-use they 96. The rocts are real and equal Of an auedl;any
A Offer high re:sistanoe
8. Obeyohm's later equafron used to determine the currertt flcw for an
RLC series trartsient circuit.
C. Lfa`re no stored enermr
D. Are linear cirt"its
I ', , ®

82. Tmnsient cummts in electrical cirou.rfe are 97. The tunsient current produced for RLC cSrouit may
agsociated wh • be _ oscillatory current.
A. Inductors C. Resistors
A. Unidirecfional C. Damped
a. capaenors D. Aang__a a. Decaying a. _A__a!±±!±
83. ITle transierds wllich are produced due fo sudden 98. When a DC voltage is suddenly appliecl to a/am
but energetic changes from one steady state Of a sedes ciredit] the voltage rfees them zeriD to to another are __ th=uisients. the steady state valile.
A~ Initiation a. Ftelpxation
A. RL ±P9 C:`RI.C D. LC
EL np§seg± D. Subsidence
ee. ITte.term is used to describe the current and
84. In an RL cirouft connected fo an altemating
vot{age waveforms Of trE]nsient circuits.
a;inusdiaal vonage¢ she Of transient current
A. LogariihlTiie a. i-rigonomctriic
prharty depends on 8, Firpenentfal D, D}-rediorral
100. These are preduoed `when a cjneuiL wiiidi] is
a. The peak value of steady state current I originally dead. is energized.
C. IT`e circuit inpedance
D. The voltage fteqLJenry
A. Initiation tTans.ients
8. Subsidencf transieuts
a. Tfarrsition tfansienls
as. Double energy transients ae produced in cireiii!s
D. Re]axatiion tcansients
consisting Of
A. Turo ormore r`Bsislors
a. Resistance and inductance • The transmon cot:uns cyclically lo"ar`[:l!:: slates,
\nthich when reached become unstable therirlseives.
C. Registartoe and capecitetnce
A, lnftfation transierits
D. Eife!iferLce. inditrfepee..a±?£±!±
8. Subsidence trar)sieuts
C. Tfansffion transients
86. The transient cunent in a loss -free L -C a;rouit
D. Relaxatiori transierTbe
when excited from an ACsource is a/an ~ sine
A. Cberdamped C. Underdamped
B. undampe_a_ D. Critically damped
14. If starting winding of a single-phase induction
motor is left in the cireuit, ft \A/ill
1. in a d,c` motor, unidirectional torque is produced
vwh the help of `±grrfuap~ougiv.Egiv,,piGrfugf
JI Brushes C. end-plates a. runf-
8. Ctommulabor D. bch Aarrd B D. spark at !igm toat*s

2. The Ofa d.a motor 15,. The direction Of rctatton of a singleaphase n'rotor
A. often exceeds the supply voltage carl be reversed by
+ A. re`rersing connections of rm windings
a. aids the applied voltage
=-#':igE#EELEtgivwiedEe ' D.
reversing supply corrections
3, me rrormal value of the armature resistanoB ofa
d`c` Imctw is 16. If a single-phase induction motor runs slo`r\rer
A. O.005ohm C. 10ohms than normal, the mono likely dofiect is
8. _0_._§__com D. 100 ohms
„ A. inproperfL±
8. shouted ngnning winding
4. The Eb/Vratioofa d.c. motor is an indjcaton of C. open starfty winding
its D. ±±±s2IT±__I.earina

& ffiulation 17. The capacitor in a capachorstar{ induction run ac

motor is conneded in selies `whh :_ winding
a. starting torque
• JL storqng
D. runing torque
a. squirteLcape
5. IThe mechanical pormer developed by the c. running
armature Of a d.a. motor is equal to D. Gompensafro
8` power input minus tosses 18. A Permanentspm single-phase capacitor lirrotor
C. power output mumaplied by efficiency does not r~
-. A- opntritryt si.riteh C3. sc{ulrmeha:ageirotor
D. powrer output plus irt}n tosses
a. sterling `^inding D, high permerfi{±ctor.
®. The induced in the amriarfuire condue*ors of
a d.c. motor is 19. TTle starting torque Of a capacitor+start induclionir
run rrrotor is directry rotated to the angle q or
i #,, 8: #emnfii:r between its two winding currents by the relation
• A.
a. costr
s{ELez ..... C.D. I:=inq
7. Ad.a. motorcan be lcoked upon asd.c.
generator with the pchier flour
A. Redueed C. increased 20. [n a t\ro+ralue capachor motor, the c=ipalcitor
8. .dei/g±g_Edy D. modified used tor runningipurpeses is a/an
A. dr}fi}pe ac e!ectroly[ic capacitor
8. In a a.a motor. the mechanical output power 8= gERE-a,qq`xp!kgrfe
actueny crmes from
A. field system D. a-ictype
a, ajFgivflux
C. back 21 . If the centrifugal switch Of a twci+iialue capetifu
9. The maximum torque of d.a. motors is linited by
A. senmuunon
8. heating
a- sped
a. motor will drt"r excessively high cumend
D. motorwill not come up to the rated speed
D` armature oumen{
22. Each Of the fotltwing statements regarding a
io. Vvhich of the followhg quan[fty maintains the shaded-pole motor is froe except
same direction whether a d.c. motor runs as A. ife direct.on of rotation is from umshaded to
generator or as a mctolr? shaded portion Of the poles
# :"#=J:gut
C} fieid current
a. it has very poor efficieirny
it has viE>ry poor pf.
_j±_has flinh starSng_:±!±!!!:S!u!±S±
D. supplyc-in
23, Compensating winding is emptoyec! in an ac
11. The starting winding of a singlephaise motor is series motor in order to
pkrd in the A. compensate for decrease in field flux
a - a t-a-
A- tutor

8. increase the. tctal torq\)ie

- : ¥on¥
C. aJTnature
D. field
24. A universal motor is one `^/hicl.I
12. Cue of the characteristics Of a single~phase A. is available ijniven§ally
meter is that it
A. is self-starting

8 -inding
D. can roffie in one diirecfron orily 25. ]n a single-phase series motor the main pprpqse
of inducti`/ely"ound compensating windings is to
1S. After the starting winding Of a single phase reduce the
inouction motor is disconnec±ecl from Supply, it AL reactance emf of commutaton
conEinues to run only on _ winding, 8. rotHtjqmal emf of commutation
C, hansformer emf of commutation
i FTieiT ifensathg D- mgDBust__flroi@bo;ire
26. A repulsion motoris equipped with C. capital outlay involved in the system is n.ght
A.`iREc±mrit8::#LttFrmrB since .tt is uses t]Aro extra machine
8. srm9s D--ffiEErig¥rallefficteneyes_Fpe_iEy[rym
27. A reprlsiomstart irrductioniim single-]phase
motor n]ns as an induction mctor only `when 38. !n the rfeostatc method of speed confrol for a
A. brushes are sliifted to neutral plane d.c. shunt motor, used Of armatiire diverter
a. shortrdrcuited is disconnect:ed
CD=.±frEfr-6-#noverfuapch°it± makes the mcthed
A. Iessmasteful
8` Lmauitaple for changing loads
a. less expltche
2& Ef a de series motor is operated on ac suppfyA it D. a_Wife_ble for rapidly c;harminn !ga_dEi
A. have poorefficienq/ 39. The chief achrantage of wartLLeonar`cl sysrfem Of
a. have poor pow+er factor d.a. motor speed is that it
C. Spark excesrty
t]. a_!!.of ttle_tryxp_ £.. h== hi:hasov¥raffi'£ife/:;= speed
a. g-rves smooth, sensiti`re and wide speed
29. An oLTtsfanding feature Of a universal motor is ds crontrDI
A. best performance at 50 liz supply D. uses a fl]r`theel to reduce flue±uafrons in
8. slonrspeed ata» loads
povur demand
£: Zff-a supply 40. The flux confrol mcthod using paralleling of field
coils when applied to a 4pole series d.a motor.
sO. The diredion of rctation Of a hysteresis rrrotor is can give _ speeds
determined fry the A.2 C.3
A. retenrty of the riotor material 8.4 D.6
a. amowh of trysteresis toes
C. permeability of rotor material 41. The son-es-parallel system of speecl control of
D- ===:not:=£=eded pole `Aritir riesiaec±_ts_ series motorwidely used in traction work gives a
. speed range of about
31~ giveed Of the universal motor is a 1;3 rfe3
Ei EEREEHEEEE Efi'EEEffi. 42. In p"ctice, regenerathre braking is used witen
a. independent ofrfequency of supply A. quick rnotorreversal is desired
D. none of the abo`re 8` load has overhauHng characteristl.cs
3a ln the shaded pete squirrel cageinduction motorA

the flux fro the unshaded pert ahaays
A leads the flux in the unshaded pole segrnend
a. is in phase whh the flux in the unsliadecl pcte 43, StatemerT[ 1. A director+line (DOL) starter is
C-faB±asgf±__g_nxphang± used to start a Small d.c. motor because
Statement 2. it rinits initial oument drawn fry the
armature cir"it
D~ none of the above A. both statemerits 1 and 2 are ineonrect
8. both statements 1 and 2 ae correct
33. \rmich Of the following rrrotor is an iinr[eresting
example Of benctcially titilizing a phenomerron
that is chen considered undesinabte?
A.frfe]rfeprtysmder 44. Ward-Leonard system Of speed coutrol is NOT
a. reluctance mctor recommended for
C. steppermctor A. Wife spedrange
D. shadedirfe rTrfu
34. Usually, large motors ate. more efficient than
D. veryktwspede
smaq once. The efficiene!ir Of the tiny motor is
used in a `Amst watcli is approxrmely _ per 45. Thyristor chopper ctmiits are employed for
A- 1
a. 10
C. 50
D. 80
± ###!-=i#ed.a-vp-
C. rfequenqr conversion
D. providiing commutation circuitry
35. The speed of a a.a. motor can be confrolled ty
varrino 46` An iri\rerter circuit is employed to convert
A` itsfluxporpde A` a`c` vonage into d`Q `;oltage
8. resistar`€e of armatur\o cireuit 8` a._a. rote®ae Ento a.a. \rotta.q=_
c} apprvomape a high froquenc)/ into law froqueney
D. s9it crfuRE®ifexp_ D. few ifequeney into hish frequeney
as. The most effic§em rnetho€l of incareasing the 4?` The phase coutrol ttrfu.rfiers used for speed Of d`ei.
speed Of a 3.75 lanr d.c. shunt motor `hrould be motors to corrvert fixec] a`c` supply Of voltage imo
A. amature comnc]I C. Want+Leonard ri E EHEiiFffimHERE=E
8. ZZEpr.eaptr±£ D. tapped field
aor" D. haHLrectified a.c. voltage

37^ Regarding Ward-leonard eyr:stem of speed 48. If some of the s"ifehilrtg devices in a oonvertei.
edrol twhich statement is false are corlfrolled devices and some are diodes, the
A. it is usually used twherewide ed very converter is called
sensiti`re speed control is requioea A. full converter
B~ it is used for motors havirng] ratings from 7SO
Ow to 40cO kw
a. s-i-rter
c. som±eapper
D. d.c-er-
v A, 7%7eptifa8dn C. Infinite regulation
49. A Salid-state chopper torIverfe a fixed-vohage 8. 50% regulation D. 100% regulation
a.a. supply into a
A. variablenroltage a.c. supply 63. In a dc genetatorthe electrical enelrev is
ger`erated follcmrfug?
gfias#godfrosopfrty A. Kirchoflis lacer C. Bictrsarvarf la\ser
D. Iourer:woltage a.c. supply 8. Famdairgfat.r D. None oflrfe above

50. ]nterpole are normally connected in? 64. In dc generator?

• A. Ilie magncticfie`d is stationary
±=#-f±whrmrfuThdeEt# 8. The rmagncticfieid mov`es
' a Conductorrrioves
C~ Parallel `rith the load
D. Series `Arfth the load D. ap 4`q.pq„cFT
51. In dc g?nerators, tap winding is used for? 65` Vvhat is the name Of the part Of dc geredor.
A. Low voltage, low airrent \^men a system Of condition when moved ciits
8. High voltage, high ounent the flux?
C: L±_Qi±£_v_o_ttans±1b}fth__curreat I g. #,#eyrstreem
D. Hingh voltage, low currcht
CL Fieidcoil
52. DC generator prefened for changing autorTiobile D. Norre
hatter-es is?
A. ShurTt aenerater 66: The emr generated in the dc generator depends
a. ±genedor wiiich of the followl-ng factors?
C. Long shunt compound generator A. Speed rotation
D. None of the above 8. Nature of armaturewririding

53, \^inich Of the following component of a de ::#ro#ELtrty6PFT-rty_f*.EE4±

generator plays vital role for providing direct
current Of a dc generator? 67` \Mrich part of the generator produces the
A. "immycoils C, eyebolt required, flux and is mounted on state)r aind caliry
8. Equalizer rings I). comrtytryapr I windings

54. In dc geneedor the ripples in the direct end airid 3: E# g: ##theabeve

generated are reduced b§P
A. using equalizer rings 68` for a tap winding, hour are the nqi. Of poles a|nd
a. uslra commufetorwlth l8rue nqunber pr no. Of parallel paths (A) are rielated?

a.arELbrushesofsuperforquafty 3: ::A+1 fr#-1

a. None oftheabove
69. For lap winding \mich of the foflou7ing
55. \^thich Of the fdicwing generators are pneifeimed expressions is comect?
for para«el operafro?
A. Series generator
a. Stiiint fi®rleraer
a. Y-~YBYF
C. Compound generator D- Y-¥
D. none of the above

56. Full load Ofifeieney Of ihe ger`enator will be? 70. !n laf] windinga the hack pitch Orul and from p6ich
A. 68,5% C. 80.8% orF) are?
a. 73.5% _Q±__825J%

57. \^mieh lose in de generator varies .will.I load?

C. Even, unequal
A. CopoerJcas C. Hysteresis lc)sg:; D. Even, equal
8. Eddycurrenitoss D. \Mndage loss
71. !n lap \ninding emf generated, Eo is equal to?
58. In dc generator. the cause the rap-id fo"sh wear A. Average eTTTrfeondulctor x 2Z
may be? a. 4mmH® exprseEB4ERE
A. Imperfect contact
Siever sparking
Rough commutatCh-surface
8. Any qFf ro p_be_xp
:: ::i=###;?
72` Forwave winding, number Of paraliel prtn is?
59. In a shunt generator the `roltage built up generally A. Eqtral to nLmberof pofeg
restrided by? a.2
C. TNot equal tonunberofpeLes
3: #LkmEL -g:-- ##G¥'3=-¥# D. None oftheaibove
cO. The arTnature Of a c!c generator is laminated to? 73. Forwave winding?
A. Reducethe buw{
8. Insulate the core
C. F3edLree edd±gir_currorTt: lose
£: fry:i:¥y?E
D. Provide passage for ccoling air D. Y=YBYF2:

61. whch of the following helpe in recluc:ir`g the eifedi 74. For `A/are winding number of brushes is eqira! to
of armature reacGon in dc gene\rator? A. 4 c. 6
A Compensating windings 8. Z D. 8
B. Interpoles

:: grrfe# 75. In `ma`re winding €mf generated is equal to?

®2. \^/ilh dc generatorwhich Of the foltomring 8. Average emf/condue{or
reyulfron is prefrd?
C. Average enTf/conductor x z a. Byinsulator
D. None oftheabov£ C.
D. None of the above
76. tn wave wiTrdingp cLqrent/parallel path is equal to?
88. nte frequerrey Of magnetic revetsa! in a clc
A-2I@ C. i
machirte is?
8. = D. 4Ia

77. Vvhich of the fcttowing i§ not t}pe of ne

:.. a ff;
9enemor7 89. Which type Of generator is prefefTed for parallel
A. Self eacted generator
8. Separately epmed geir}ecator operafro?
A. Conpound generator _a. _ ShE/utfreirt±ri::rf]Er
Ei EREEi|RE ZZERE a. Series generator D. None

?a. in shunt wound type generator? so. In separately exfted generator supplying rated
A E#if uff itn anquatLthttLflE± toada the armature react.on?
A. Is ahmaysabsent
8. Field coil are in serieswh armeke coil a. Can be absent sometines
Field coils are static
Norre oftheabo`re 8:fat:i=ysp--ut
79. H!rstEaesis lces and edcly outTefll loss are? 91. In a dc generator emf commutation can be
A. RTat]nef l® ]osses achieved try?
a. Ckrmloeses A. Keeping brushes in Gnp
a. Arfechanieal tosses
D. None of the aho`/e a. eeRE#%hsesha%#rdEen
D. None of the above
ed` EHectrica` efficienqy of clc generator is cafutated
by? 92. In a dc generator the pozamy of an inter.pete is?
A` Polan`ty of main pole

:life :::fa 8E#fri%ape¥eREngitherpel

D` None oftheabeve
81. \Afroat is the oondi!ion for irnax efficieney of de 93. The commmator piton of lap un-ndjng js?
generator? A. _±_1___5Ir_=1_ a. -1
a. +1 a. None
& ¥ei,5=±-=ffip€E=¥
a. Notosses 94. It Y® is corrmuntator pfich, then in wave winding?
D. Maec.k± A _Yf__+__¥B_=_2Yc
8. YF-YB=2Yc
a2. The eifects of magnatomotive force set up by the C. YF+YB=Yc
aima"re ounents on the distribution of the flux D. None oftheafrove
u[mer the main poles are termed as?
A. Magnetic lasses C. Copper tceses 95'. When 8 is max.flue denefty. then the eddy
a. ArmgtrirprBaqt¢qp D. Noneoftne ctirreut loss varies as?
above A. a C. EF2
a 81-6 D. 82
ae. demagnetizing component of armature mmf is
A ln phase oppositior` to the field mrrf 96. The generated emf and current are in the same
8. Is right angles to the field fmif direction in case?
C= outcrf Lfrose
D. NQne oftneabove i as=#oarr g: ffitor
84. In case Of cross magnedzing AT/pofe. how is the 97. A dc generator can have ovemll efficieney of?
loed angle a ghren in erectrfcal degrees in A. 99% c. 100%
chnverfed to meehanicaJ degrees? a. 9E£ D. 85%

:-:=")}==E=J=xpotes teatrtbfpebe
98. A series generator is cleliven-ng its rated ouinenl
and is provided with a diverter. Vvhat happens if
C- ©(mech)= the divetter s`whch is opened?
D. iferie
mc€trical tlegrtas

35. Which of the follcrwing statements is correct wT.t

C. Itremainssame
D. Noneofthe above
A ±ahafu!!.yF±
sin generators?
ae. Hour can one Of the generator' be shut clchm if
t`Aro shunt 9enefator are operating in parallel?
8. SnLut generator gives no `rottage on no toad A. Its main s`whch is suddenly opened
C. Shtirtt generator has rrtaxirrtLm efficieney at
no load
D. Ncmeoftheaboye
D. Norre oftheabove
ae. Tlre rctorof dc machine .i§ usually suppor(ed in?
A. EsalL___bsering.
100.The funedon of an in{eTpale is?
8~ tThplunber`
G. magrenc beangs
D. busti bearing
obtain icleal commutation
a7. Hanei is the armature`oonductor' coimecfed to
each conmuntator segment? a. Neutralize eroas r]eld of the armature
reaction and thus ob!aln under commutarfecm
A. BMfenTrer lua D. None oftheabove
14. The primary reason `my open¢inouit test is
1. A transformer transform s. performed on the tranrfeTmer is that it
A. Frequeney C. current A. draws sufFiciend\r Larae noload cunrerst tor
a. Vottage D. vottHue_ .and_ conuertierlt dir]d '
cur-I 8. requires least voltage to pefromi the test
C. needs mininum powerinput
2. \^/hick Of the is not a basic e(emen{ of a D. invoives less Gore loss
A- Core c. secondaywhding i5. ivNoload feat on a transformer is carried out to
8., primarywindjng D. mtihalflur determfro
A cappertose
ln an ideal hansformer. a. magnetiang qurrent
A. windings have no resistance
8. oore hasnolosses =`ERERT+RTr#THa#6Tq±9!gJife
C. core has infiTrfe pemieabiTfty
D. all oftheabove 16. Ilie main purpose of performing openngiroilit test on
a transfomer is to measure its
4. llte main purpose Of using core in a transfctimer is A. Cutoss a. totaltoss
to 8. coretoss D. iT`sufatieli
A. decrease iron tosseLs resistarue
8. prevent eddy Cijrrent toss

C. eliminate magnetic hysteresis 17. During chortrcinouit test, the irorii lose of a
D. decrease relLlchncie of the common transformer is negttgtole because
maande Girt:ui€ A. the entire input is just sufficient to meet Cur
tosses orty
5- Tfanfrormer cores are laminated in order to
A. simp/fry ffs construefron

='ELEpj:tzdr°drqudy.quTTqnt..I,qse D. supply frequeney is held constari

D. reduce hys±er`esis
18. In opeTuting a 400 I.lz transformer at so rtz.
6. The primary and secondary induce Ei anc! A. orty volta[ge is redLroed in the same proportion
E:2 in a twowinding tranrfuimeir are afunays as the frequeney
A caLral in maanitut[e a.:n*krtiv:n#Ek:#urm#.-Fqul..ife-SEED
8. anaphasewh eacti other
C. ifrphase with each other C, both voHnge and kvA rating are reduced in ue
D. determined by load on transformer secondary sarrre proportiqn ae the frequency
D. noneoftheabove
A step+ip transf.ormer ina.leas;es;
A, Ybquqe C. pow)`er 19. Transformers are inated in kvA irist€rac! of lcw
a. Cfurrent D. froqueney bcause
A. tort powrerfactor is often nut know
a.. The prirmary and secondary windings of an ordinary
2Jwirrding transformer always have
A. different numbeir oftums
8. same size ofcopperwipe EFjFT=HEEREENLERHH
a. a common maanefic cincu.rf
D` sepainte magnede circuits 20. VIthen a 400 H2= lransrather is ciperafed ire kvA
raing is
®` fn a transformer; the teatcage flu)c Of each winding is
proportional to the cx]meut in tliat `A7inding because
L & -#±[+=
A. C)hm.s law appifes to magrietie cincuife C` unaffl±
8. Ieaknqe patlrs do nutsatwrate D. inceased 64times
C, the t`i`ro windings are efeebically isolatecl
D. mutual flu)( is confined to the core 21. At relati\+ely liight loads. transformer efficiency is lc)w
rio. ln a tworwinding transformer, the per.turn in A. secoridary output is low
secondary winding is always _ the inducecd a, transformer lasses are high pouer turn in primay.
A. equal to Kthes C. ot]ustlfo g:EL+=ELinh'nprotpolrt]onto!|m2E±E
8. equal to lAItime§ D, grea;terthari
22. Ttie ordinary efficjeney of a given transformer is
11. ln relation to a traristormer„ the natjo 20:1 inc]icates rTttrfuun ben
un .A. it runsathafffu»-load
A` there are 20 fums on pr.Imary one fum on 8. it rims atfulHti:atl
a. secondary vohage is lJ20" Of prinay voifege E HHFEREEREffl HRE
C. primary current is 20 times greater than the
s-dary current 23. The alLddy efficieney of a transformer depends
D.Ei%-###rvonprfrorv,theng.fELg!±± prindly On
.A. ife copper loss a. the duration off¢ac!
E3. the amountof[oad gil___`.I?gap Bang.P~
112- ln performing the short cirufit test of a transformer
A. higfi vcttage si¢e is usually sfion ciroumeq 24. The rmarked intacase in kvA capadfy pnpdueed by
connecting a 2 winding transformer :ae =in
E:e#.±%gism;hal.#dis,ouffiELth[## autotransformer is due to
D. rrone oflheabowe A increase in turn ratio
8. incease in secondary voltage
13. A transformer has negative voltage riegulatjon when C. inceas6 in tranedpmer effiqiency'
its p~ factor is EL EERE#rfin£+iEiy.cqu.H.qLiE!E§±E±n
A. Z'f!iro _C. leading
a. unity D. frong
25. The kvA rating of an orfu.mary 2+winding transformer` 38. Ifthe toad p.f. is o`886b thentheaverage p.fofthe
is increased when connected ass an VLbank is
autotransformer because A` a.886 8` 9£§ C. 0`51 D. 0.65
A. 1ransformqtion ratio is iricreased
8. secondary voltage is increased 39. A T ~ T connection has a higher rfro of ut«za!iorn
a. errern`/ is trarrfermed btrth indurfurehr and that a V ~ V connecton only `when
conducffvfty A. iderrfucal hansformers are used
D. secontry curTch is increased a. load ponrerfaclor i8 leading
C. !cad powrerfactor is unfty
as. The saving in cu achieved try comrerting 2+rrinding
tranrfether info an athotlanrfermer is dederrir]ined co. EL B#inde£Ciq+¥?I:r:.nFpn¥n ~de
try. V ~ V comecliion for 3-phase ponier
A. volfane trgLmsfofTnanon radio tranrfemafron is that ft ipr{}\/ides
8. fond on the secondary A. a set of balanced vohages undei-load
CL magnetfe qualfty of core material 8. a true 3-obase. 4wire system
D. siz]e of the transformer core C. a higher ratio of utilization
D. morevoltages
27. An autctransformer having a lransfomoacon ratio of
0.8 supplies a load Of 3 ltiIV. The po`ner transfemed 41. One of the follcwing statements paral!e!
conductively from primaqr fo secondary is _ kw. pperatioli Of transforTTrer, me one wnicn is rma
A. 0^6 a_.___,_2T_a C. 1.5 D. 0,27 correct is
A` transtorTners have equal voltage ratings
28. The essential condition forparaltel operation oftco a. transformers must have same ratio of
1-rty transtierrner is that they should have the same transformation
A` Es!!aSS± C` voltage C. transformers must be operated at the same
a. kvA rat-ng D. percentage frapueney
Tmpetiarce D. transfortners must. ha`te}|

29. If the rfupecfance triangles of two transformers 42. Statement. An autc+transformer is more effid.eut in
operatng in parallel are not identical in shape and transferring energy from primary to secorfery
size] the two transformers will cirrfu
A. share the load unequally Reason. Because it dues so bcth inductively and
8` get heatedtmequally cOTtougively.
a. have a circulatory scoondary cunieut even Key
when untoeded A. statement is false. reason is conrect and
D. run.`rquL9prerent I.ormel-fat:[pr± relevant
a. statement is correct, reason is correa± bijl
ae. Thro transformers A and a having equal outputs helevat
and `ro!lage ratios but unequal percentage
inpedances Of 4 and 2 are operating in para«el.
Transformer A will be running over:had try _
Percan D. both statement arid reason are false
A. sO a. 66 g=£§ D. 25
43. Out of the rollowhg given choiees for porfuase
31. Which of the foIIcwhg connection is best surfed for transformer connections which one `m`II you scteel
3phase, 4- wire senrice9 for tliree4c+t`ro phase conversion?
A. A-A C._ A-.Y A. Sffi c. deubtescoit
8. Y-Y D. Y-A a. star7star D. star7double+rfelta
32. !n a three-phase Y -Y transformer connectioii, 44. A T -T transtofmer c=annot be paralleled with
neutral is fundamental to the tranifemer,
Ci provision of drat electric service
•A. V-V
8` kA
C. Y~Y
D. A-A
D. balandng of phase `roltages `hdih respect fo line 4§. Instrunetn transformers are used in a.c. ciric:ijits for
vohages extend:ing ire range of
A. Ammeters C. wattmeters
33^ AscomparedtoA-A bankthecapadyofthev~ 8^ Vonmeters D.__ all of the above
V bank of transtotmers is _ peroenL
A- §z=z a. es.7 c. cO D. ae.6 46. Before rentoving the ammeter ffom the currien(
trar}sformer. its secondary rT"st be shordercafifecx
34. If three tranrfemets in? A-A are delivering their jn orfu to avoid
rrfed load and one transfomer is removed, then A. exeeesbe heating of the cone

overload and each af the remaining transfomer is
_ percerfu
A. 66.7 a. 1732 a. 73.2

When a V-V eystem js converfed into a A -A

D. 58

a. high secondary emf
C` increase in iron losses

The principle of `coriting of a transformer is?

A. 86.6 a. ce.7 _a_.____73.2 D. so
A^ Staticinduction
8. D}mamic induction
C` Mrfut indu.ctioQ_
D. Self-indufron
ae. For enppbring is a balanced ap load of40LkvA.
rating of each hansformelr in V -V bank should be 48. Transformer is used to change the values of?
neaty ~ kvA.
A. 2o a.___a3. c. all.6 D. 25 i Easey 8: 38:fidor
37. When a ctosechA bank is converted into an open-A 48` The path of the rnagneife flue in a transtor.i'nerhag?
bank Each Of the hao remalrring transforTTref A. _Lan rtracfance C, high conductanee
supplies _ percent of the original load. a. Hi9h reacfanoe D. Icw resistance
A. 66.7 EL_57.7 C. cO D` 732
50. Electric poorer is fronsformed from one co]1 to other
coil in a hansformer?
A. Physicrally C, Electr'cally D. Decreasing the alrgap in the magnetic ctrouft
a. ELaane€icallv D. Electromagnetjcally
63. Ttie primary and secondary voltages are?
5i „ A transformer operates? i E EEEEillLHEH j±illEEHiRE
A. Ahmays at unify poorer factor
8. Has its oum powrerfactor C. 90. out of phase in a trarisfipmer
C. At poorer factor below a paffioularvalue D. 30. or60® out of phase in a transformer
D. At oow`er factor dlet}endinq on 1:he Dover
factor of the load 64. The basic ciiment Of the transformer is that it
• changes the voltage level Of an ac signal
52. The laminatjons are made from? A. Without changing the potuer
A. carbon steel 8. WithoLit changing its shape
B. ¥Eqo» stet sifei
a. Nicl(el steel stampings 9. #*i#i*i#frequepe`r or
P. Chrome steel sheets .ire
53. The steel for construction of tTarrsformer core is 65. Eddy ci]irent lasses in a transformer are currentry
made so as to have? by I amination the core, the lamjnation being
A. Low permeability and high h!fsteresis irisLilated from each other b]r?
I A. A lintut coatofcore I)late `iarnish
a. Low permeabfty nd tour tiysteresis
C. Hidli rieriTieabilit`r and low h\rofer€sis 8. Iliin sheet of.mica
D. High permeabilfty and high hysteresis loss C. Iliick peper insulatiori
D. Anyone oftheabo\re
64, TTle special silicon steel is used for laminations
jfu Hvrferesis tosses are redt.oed
66. IT}q irrduced emf in the transformer sea:ondary `will
depend upon?
a. Eddy ourTut !ceses are reduced A~ Ma}dmum flux in core and ourreutly only
a. Both the above are reduced a. Frcauencv. fltix and number of tiirne in t£±
D. Noneofthese s-r,9arv
C. Frequeney ofithe supply only
55. \^that is common -in the twro windings Of a „ D. Numberoftums in secondary only
A` Electrical circuit C. winding wire gauge 67. Al every instant the direction of secondary curTenit
a. Maqnedc circuit D. none of these in a traTtstormer must t>e sucli as to oppose +any
change in flux. This is in aocordanqe \Auth?
56. The main function of the iron core in a transformer
is to? fr faraled,:yftw -E|%i=L'#,¥-tw
A, Provide strength to thewindings
8. To decf`ease the hysteresis losses 68. IThe vottoge transformer ration is.
C. Decrease the re!`.chance Of the mac]nedc A. Ei/E± C. E±/Ei
Eff `. 8. Ni/hk D. I`h/Ni
D. Reduce eddy ourrenl losses
69. The magnitude of mutual flux in a transformer is?
57` Prt2ferably, the resistance between the primary and A. Low at tour loads and high at high loads
the secondary of a transtomier should be? a. High at lo`hrloads and lCh^rat high loads
A. .ts lo`nr as possible C. _Sameatall
a. As high as poesife D. Vales at tour loads and constant at high loads
C. Low or high depending upon \whethor it is step~
ilp or step-don?n respegively 70. The concentic windings are used in ¢oine .ty]pe
P. Higli or low depending upon `whether it is step- transformer wi th?
up or steprdoun A LTwilidind oLaced rle.ctto core
^8. IiTwinding placed nextto core
58„ Ideal transformer assi]mptions de not include? C. LTwindjng on the outerstde
A~ Zero reachnce ofwindinais D. HTvinding on the putgrsid®
8. Zero resistance ofwindings
C` No leakagefiux 71. Cfross-over windings are (Iced foI?
A. EHRE-,win-qlqL-g,Lsman---Fqu

D. No saturation of core

5®' The rcac{ance of a transformer is determined by a. tryhr voltage winding or sma« rating
A. L]sekane flLur C. "gh voltage winding Of large lrating
8. Common t±ore fluec rfeutsfonmers
C. Size of the cne D. Nbeofthee
D. Permeability of the material of the core
72. In an ideal transformer on no-load, the primay
cO, The efficieney of 2 tienstomer is normally in the applied voltage is balanced by?
range of? A. The secondary voltage
A. 50%to70% C. 80%to90% 8. The drop across resistance and reacfame"5
a. 60%to75% D, 90%to98_q9 tL The st±trondanr indu¢iEid enrf
D. The primaryis in¢deed enif
61. The resistance of low voltage sicle of a transformer?
A. Is equal to resistance of.ns high voltage sicle 73. Tmanstormers are rated in?
A. kw a. kv C. I¢Wh .D. kvA
74. What type Of core is used for a liigh fiequerfty
D. Borc transfonneT?
A- ±!r.€gre C. AluninurrT core
62. Eddy currerlt lasses in transformer core are 8. Closed iron core D. Open iron apre
redued by?
A. Increasifig the thickness of laminedjons 75. Ifin a trangivrmerthesecondary turns are doubled
and at the sanre time the piimary voltage is; re}d(iioed
=:ERE#whtheothfthhL¥oau°ofefa#-i.wlxp:d¥inthe by half, theri the seccindary voltage will?
transfc~ A. Be hahred C, t2refourtimes
8. Nctchappe D` be rec!ucecl to a 9o. In transformer the puirpose of breather is to?
7& lThe no-toad cunem of a transformer in terms of full C. To provide cooling to the winding
toed currerd is usuafty? D. to provide insulation to the winding
A. 1to39£ a. 9tol2%
a. 3to9% D. 12to20% 91. Two transformers when operating jn parallel wi!!s
share the loacl depending upon their?.
77. whidi is the commch metnocl of coomg a power A. Magnetizingourren{ C, Per unit
tlansfbrmer? i_rppeqaQse
A. AIri.oDoling CL Oil4oalimi 8. Leakage readerice D. Effic;eriey
8. Air-blast cooling D, Neutinal ccolirtg
92. The magnene coupling between the pn.mary andl

78, Which is the fo«owing is a correct statement abeul secondary wiindings of a transformer may be
eddy ourre rife? increased by?
A. Increasing the number Of laminations Of c{ne

D. Eouy cument rfe used forare veiding
Which of the statement given betothr is true afrout
No means, because it is constant
A. It has thro separate windings corinec{ed in 93` Conservator consists of?
series erdemafty

i ff-vohage A. ±=±airLtiam lnefal drum fixe_4, at the_ _tg_Qqf

D. It is most stiitable for power hansfoirmanon
' ,, . a

Drum placed at the bottom of the tank
o`rerloaa proteen-an
D. N-of these
Forathreephasetransformer,tumsrato Kis given
D. decreases the `neight per kw K= x line voltage .rat.a

Grt. \rmat is the efficiengr oftcansformer onpared wi[n K = Iine voltane rap_a_
tJrat of elechcal motors Of the same power? K =i/= x phase voltage ratio
A. Much smaller C. muchhigher K = phase voltage ratio
a. somewhatsmatler D.___aboutthe_SaE±
95. . AI! day effici.eney ofa hansfomiier in.
ee. The tranefomer oil transforimers provide? A. ft^= e!ecfficat efficieney of transformer
A. Cooring and lubrication a. nA> electhcal effiq.ency of tcanstormer
8~ !nsulation and lubrication
8: ±ubricafron
96. If we irierease the flue density in.the case of a
63. What is the typical use of an auto+ransformer? transfomer?
A. To¥transformer
8~ Cforful transfomrer & E= =j=o#o#f:#en:°vF=a¥]w#ifeceuce
C. The rnaeresis and eddy current losses win
D. Isolating transfoimrle!. reduce
D. None of the aboveis true
en. In any transformer the voltage per turn in primary
97` A 8cod mansformer oil should be absolutely free
and secondary tiematns? ' from?

fr ife¥ 8: EL=ri:K A`
C. mctrfure
D. all oftheatrove
85. The full load copperLloss in a transformer' is 40o
98. In an ideal transformer on rlo Iced. the
watts. At half [oado the copper loss will be?
A. 4co watts C. 100\^iatts applied atross the primary winding of the
transforTner is balanced b)rf>
8. _2cowatts D. 50watts
A. The emf induced in the primary w]-nding
ae. A tranrfermer is vrorfrog at ire ma>amun efficierty. a. The drop acrmgs the impedance af primary eide
C. frop across the impedance of secondary sirfe
ris frorHcbss is 5cO watts. ife copper toss wi» be?
D. Ike secondary induced_err.f
A. 3comatts C. 3cowhts
a. 2sO `^ffis D.. 5cO `ratts
99. No load pr].mary input is practically equal to the iron
87` finrer tranrfermets are designed to nave lc}sses in the transfomer because?
ma>dmum edlictenqy at?
i Egg-3;uig?s=i,: small

A. No load _C_._ _.itearfull Iced
C` Both the ourreuts are small
a. Halfload D. Imlemorethanfutl load
D. No load irlput is nch equal to iron looses
ae. As compared to an amplifier a transformer cannot?
100. The harlsforrr]er of energy from primary oflhe
transformer to secondary takes place due to?
Inaease the ouput voltage
Noneofthese i ##r]::=# n#nof#m¥:f¥
and secondary windings
ae. msthbufion transformers have goer aliday C. The changing ourrerTt in fro windings
effitry due to? D. None of these
A. Lowcopperloes

D. Noneofthese

14. With a load p.f. of unfty, the effect Of amiafure reaction
on the rTrairwield flux Of an aftemator is
1. Ills main disadvantage of using shqrtrpitch in A. dErferd'on&/ .-.C. demagnetizing
altemators js tJiat it 8. magndizing D, nominal
A. reduces harmonies in trie generated vaffage
B.¥Eguff±9§qu±ap]`r°tbFtp®rqundth®®rmtwp 15. At fagging loads, armature reaction in an altem:a[or is
A. cuss-magnctiring a Troneffegive
C. produces aeymmctry in the three phase windings EL demagnetizing D. maonedfa/.rmr
D, inc*ieases cu of end connections
16. At leading p.f.. the armature flL[x in an aiftemator_
2. Three-phase altemators are invariably Yisonnected the rotor flux.
bcause A. Opposes C. distorts
A. magnetic losses are minimieed a- j9ng D, doesnotarect
8, )ess turns of\nrjre are required
C. smaller cortductors can be used 17. The power factc]r of an atemator is determined ty ife
a- higifer,fe_Ip!f_p33] voltaag!_is_put;aipeq A. Speed C. excitatf on
8. £g=9 D. primemover
3. Il`e winding ofa 4apole alternator having 36 slcts =!ind
a coil span Of 1 to 8 is shorlpitched by _ c!egrees. 18. For proper parENel operation a.qL pctyph=ise
j4. 140 a. 80 C. 20 D. 4 aJtemators must have the Same
A. speed G. kv:Arating
4. [f an altema(orwinding has a hadional pfroh Of 5/6, 8. troJfaoo r3tinc7 D. expitatiort
the coft span js _ degrees,
A. SOP 8. ±§9 C. cO D. cO 19. Of the foIIcwing opndftions, the one which dues NOT
have to be met kyy the altemaitors working in paraifel
5. IThe hamonie which wouid be totally ettiminafed fin¢:rm is
the alternator usling a ffach-ona[ pitch Of 4/5 is A. terrninat voltage qf each machirte rmqu:I be.the
• Same
A. 3rd a. 7th C. # D. gen
a. the machine must have the same phase rotation
®. For diminating 7th harmonie from the,f, warve of C. the machine must operate at the samefrequeney
an aifemator. the fractionalpitch must be _!m_chinernusthave.calladycal.inn
A. 2]3 a. 5re a. 7i8 D. _ar7.
20. After wiring up thro Std alternators. you checked tfreir
7. if, in an alfemator, chcirding angle forfundamentalflu3<
`^ra\re is ey ire value for 5th hamr`onic is g==nl+:=:&:#::==d#'###equl-
A.checlcturt}ine phase
A. 5b a. a/5 C. 25o D. a/25
8. ch®¢k t]Iiase rotatior.
8. F¥egarding distribution factor of an arrrwhre winding C. lubricate everything
Of an attemator \which is statement is false? D, checlc steam pressure
A. it deceases the distribiltion Of coils (stol/pole)
increases 21. Zero power factor method of an alternator is tJsetl to
a. `h::g§==tts lrelLloT hlqhor.the Induo®d o`n+i per: rm its
A` efficteney
C. it is not affected by the type Of \irinding either lap 8` v__a_H3±fig_ regulation
or vyave C. armature r`esistance
D. ire not affected the numberoftums percoH D. synchTonous inpedance

9. When speed ofaltemator is changed f`rom 36co 22. Some engineers prefer flamps brigur synchronfaatien
to 1800 the generated `will beGcme to `!arrlps dark' syTlchronizatfon be¢ai(]se

# ¥ff :: ¥fi* A. bn-ghtness of lamps can be judged easily

flo. The magnitude of the three voltages drops in an C` flicker is more pronounced
alternator due to amature resistance, leakage D, i[ can be petformed quicttly
reactance and armature reaction is solely determined
by 23. )t is never acivisable to connect a sta(ionary a]temator
JL Icnd curT±ut la to dye biis-bars because it
a. A.f.ofthelcad A. is liketyfo run as quronous motor
C~ \n/hether it is a lagging or leading p,f. Iosld Bg. #\]Lf lstd_¥fE-uEitE±ar votEage through
D. field cons{nJctjon of the al&emriartor
i 1. Armature readion in an aiferrutor primarily affeds D. wj« disturb generated em.fs. Of other =i}femators

A. rotorspeed connected in paraweJ
8. terminal velfage
a. ftequeney of arrneture oumert 24. Two idendcar alternators are ngirining in parallel grid
D. gerreTated voftaque qhase caTTy equal loads. If excifaton of one altematw is

112. Under no..load condition, pch^rer dra`rm by the pirime

mover Of an alternator goes to
A. produce induced in armature winc!ing a. kvAF3 soppifed by it would decrease
EL ng rro.ttnd lcose C. its p.f. will irraease
C. produce powerin the amature D. kvA supplied by itwould decrease
D, meat Gu looses both in armature and rotor
windings 25. Keeping its excitation constant, if steam suipply Of an
a!temator running in ipeira«et with another itlenthal
tl3, As road p,f of an alternator beopmes more Jeadiing, the alternator is increased, theri
value of generatecl voltage ret]ujred to give inat,ed A. it would overrun the other alteimator
thinal voifege 8. its rotor`will fall belch in phase.with rasped to the
A- !nc- other madre
a. rmajnsunchanged g: RErotor
9ped =ffi#FTfpinlyfinffiELELtr,,ferd!rd
ac. The load sliaring bet`Areen two steamrdriven 39. Wrien the speecl of altematcirs arp mLich smaller in
aft€thatof¥ operating in parallel may be adjusted by s-q:e than water-turbine attemators for given outpuE.
varying the Ilijs is so because?
A. field strength§ Oftbe alternators
8. powrer fackirs of the altemators 3: #onaealan==e g, #canrFgs
C. tea_in.a_uF!D_I_y:fQ thctr prirrre nlo:irors
D. speed of the alternators 40L steam turbo-a!lemators are much smaller in Size than
water turbine alternators for a given output` This is so
27. SquirreLcage bars placed in the rotor pole faces Of an because?
alternator help reduce hunting A. Steam-turtto alternators are built udih smaller
A above synchronous speed only capeenis
8. be!c"' s)mchronous speed`only a. SdeamrfuLrbo attemders run at fiigf. spcod
C. aha:ire a_T_Id_ bBla`hr gynchrunous sr.eed both C. Steam turfro aitemators have long rotors
D. none of the abo`re D. All of these
28. For a machine on infinite bus acti`re po`ner can be 41.Foracoilnavingaspanof3orpolepitcli,thecoilspar`
varied fry .
A. changing field excitation facto is?
a. a__ha_natnE.Of I.rime cover.SD!eed A. 0.8 a. 0,866 c. 0.7as D. 0.966
a. bothAanc] B abch/e
42. rfu-stributing the armature `Aririding Of alternator js mane
D. none of the.abenre
than one numb:r Of Slots per pole per phase riesuife
29. In liuge aifemators, tlie moving pan is? in?
A. Brushes a poles AL Ffeduction Of irregularities produced in the
8. Armature D. None of these unvefotm
8`. Economy of materials used in winding
30. in case Of altchator, the statorfrEime Serves? C. Less ueight of the entire armature
A To protect lheiwhole machine D. Increase of generated emf per phase
& Jto ai trfuzTnprf u fortine ttux
C. To hctd the armature stanping§ 43. Vvhen the pcrwer factor` of load js unfty, the amatune
D. To vertiGate the armature flux of an alternator will be?
A` `Demagnedz3ng C. Cross rmgncEtizEtng
31. Aflemators mostly work on rotating field type pTincip!e a. Square form D. None of these
witich is difereut lfrom dc machines wherie the field is
stationa ry. Therefore the .aifemators. 44. Ama alternator -rs capable of deliven-ng power a{ a
A. Don't obey Faraday's [a:w particular rrequeney. The frequeney cn be incr\ea!sed
8. Wt>rk onfamday'S lanr by?
a. in not obeyLenz.a lanr JL Im;reastng alrmdeiro speecl
D. Donl ode)rohnd§ larw a. Faeversing the armature rotation
a. Inc{ea8ing the current supplied to the fiea4±
3Z. mgh speed altemators ha`re a rotor consarudion? eleckonagncts
A. Similarfo demachines D, Reversing the field polarity
a. OF root+caLierTttafpo
c. CIf saifentfype 45. If the input of the mover Of an altemator is kept
D. None oftheabove coristarTL but the exGitation in inereased then?
A.` kvAwill be leading
33. The `roifege applied to fieid of rotating c]/Iindrica! Tutor E3. kvA will be taggirlg
C. kwwill be changed
ftype alterrrators. D. the pcaverfactor of the load renain§ congfanL
A. High dc;voltage a. /oi.r de iroffagB
a. High acvojlage D. Ionrac\rottage
46. for two a[tematots operating inparallel, if the !crad
34. Altemators are usually designed to generate? shared by one of them is to be increasecl. 'ds ifeid
A Variable ifequenc}/ ej{cttation is?
A. To be strengthened keeping input torque same
8` "inite c"rreuts
C:. tREriiti± trapuerneEes
8` To be `areakend keeping input torque same
D. ENinife po`mer factor
C. To be kept. conaterit but input fic>irque Stroutct
be Zrtereased
D. Nana of the above
ae. Ilie srandaro praence, Iicm/ a aays in aftematQrs js ro
47. If, P=number Of airs of poles, i = the frequenq/ in the
JL Rrfurngfi®]d
Hz* S = speed in rpm. the relationship befureen the
8. Rotating armature
C. ETher. rotating field or rutating armature three for synchronous a!tef.nators is g.rven as?
D. Noneoftheabo`fe A. f==S.Hz C. /=£Hz
B. P=f=;Poles D.
36. In poorer generating stations (Thermal station) the
LisLral numbers Of poles employed in allemators are?
48. If. e is the angle measurecl in electrl-cat degrees
A. T`nenty four C. thirtyt`nro
8. Forty a.ighi a. None oftha®e bet`ueen any print on the pole face and centre Of the
pole then for setting a sinusoidal wa\re as the ou(put,
37. The diarncter Of high speed tuTt.a alternators as aj-r gap at that poim should be such that:
compared to rtydroctectric odes ate? A. Airgapi§ocsine C. airgapca±
JL Stnat]er beeauese speed is t\igh B. Alrgapc€ case D. ajrgapc£=6
a. Smaller because speed is less
a. Langer`.because.speed is high
a. Noneoftheae 49. The sjnusoidal voltage developed per-pole per phase
in a groilp Of coi'Is is defued as:
38. i-he slip rings employed in a three-phase altemator' in A Egrf 4AJt® NrTr ifev
lT}rdtosfafron are insulated for? a. Ein-4.44® NfHhKpv
C. Egap=4.4® N rofv
fu E}cfra high f6Tt§ion voltage
D. Noneofthese
EL Lowroifepe
\^inere N = no. Of turns per coil
C. Full afmature voltage n = r`umber Of coils per phase per pole
D. Very bigh voltage
50. The aTimaLure reaction of an a will` be erossr- 63. A winding is short pitched by 60 degrees; electrical. Its
rmagnetizl-ng of the power factor Of the load ig? pitch factor is:
A. «rifiEy C. Iessthan unify A 0.5 8. a.866 C. 0.707 D. a.966
a. More than unity D. zero leading
64. Synchronous impedance of an al(erTutor is defined as
51. !f xS = the synchr`onous reactanee Of the machine„ x® the rate Of?
le:ak:age reactance and xo = reaclance due to A. Short circuit voftage {o short ciTouit ounent
armature flux then.
•L Jro=XS~jye C. Xo=Xe-Xs 5: 8#:# :#i¥ ##¥utettg.£.:?ortagf##rreut
a. Xo=Xs+Xc D. Xc=X®Xs D. Open cltt:uit vottzage to SnoTf otreuit curueat
for carrrs `rah|e qrf ®xcitatiorl
52. The best and the most accurate mcthpd for
deifermining the vomage regulation is 65. Synchronous reacance consists Of two apmpenentsd
A. SyTichronous impedance method namely
a. M.M.F. method A. Armature resistance and leaf(age reactance
C. E.M.F. method 8. I_FmkGipe rcocfanco arid fianous r®arfurrer±
D. Potiertriang[e mchod C. Armature riesistance and fictitious reactance
D. Leakage reactance and capacitive macta"#
53. AN altemator is said to be overLexched if its is
Operating at: 66. The -rmaginary or Tidiious part Of syrtchrorious
A. Lcadingp.i a. urirtypf reacfance takes care Of
8. lagging p.f D.' zero vottage regulation A. Copper lasses a atmatx]re r®aedon
8. Voltage regulation D. induct/e reaGtance
54. From what soLjrce dues a rofa!ing ifeld tiape alternator
neoeive ire excifer vol!age? 67. F3egulatfon of an alterrralor is defined as the` rise in
A. From an extemally controlled a.c, voltage terminal when full load is lhrourn off
8, From an extemally confrolled d.a voltage expressed as the peroentages cyf the feTmimal
C. From a self exdted souroe like sliunt generator for tJie same value of excitation and
D. From an atLxlliary gienerai)c}r driven by mair. sped.
geprorfror Shaft A. Cultent a rating
a Volhge D. power factor
55. Hish voltage a[temators are usually Of the rotating
fieid type. Iliis means the generated voltage is 68. Syrwhronirfu.on of altemators means,
connected. A. Conneding aifemalors in son-es
A. Through slip rings to the load 8. Transfem`ng loud from one altermatorto aricher
8. Il`rougn slip r-I-ngs of the rotating field C. Conneedr.g aldema:fore in peral]ct
a Dirftyfo IQ&d D. Adjusting the excifation of the alternators
D. Directly to rotor
69, To synchron.ize altemator, three conditions must lie
56.` The maxi-mum current that can be supplied by fulfilled. namely
aJtemator depends upon the. A. Same voltage ratio, same froqueney and
A. Strength of the exciiervoltage voltages should be in phase `whh respedi to
8. Numberof poles exterTral circuit
a. Sifength of the rrngT.eGc field a. Same voltry, same frequeney and voltage
D. Max]-mum heat dissipaton • sliouid t}e in phase opposition wi(Ii respect to the
endenal circuit
57. One of advantages Of distributing the wt.nding in C:. Same voltage+ sairrre trequer.ey and `rotbgpes
a!tenator is to: Oho.]Id b® in ptiaso ®ppossitfor. with re:apectto
A. F3educ]e harmonies !ocal series cirt:uit
8. Itrlprove voftege `wave form D. Same voltage tatjo, d.rfferent frequencies and
C. Reduce tJie amount of copper proper phase relation Of the voltages
D. Deonease the value of the vo!fage
70. For synchroriha.rlg three phase altemators^ the
58. n.sth.button factor i{¢ is defined as the ratio of emFs addjtionral requirement is that the phase rotation.
Of: A Wdctb¢tho came a. `rs antirdogivse
A, "srributed wl-nding to full `m-nding 8. In dockwise D. noneoftheabove
8. Concen{ra winding to disinbuted winding
C. Diunbuted wirrding to coneentri\ted winding 71. The melhod most commonly used for eynchron-tzjing[
D. Full pitch windirig to disin.buted winding the alternators in a pouer house js:
A. Dark lamp method and a synchrosooe?+e
59. if rFnumber Of s]cts per pole per phase and {r=glot 8. Doric lamp method only

A. #
angle, the distribution factor ie?
a.# C. Bright lamp method
D, E3rigtnd lamp rruethod Er\ a eynerlrosicope

8. = 0.¥ 72. In order to transfer the load from one alternator to

another alternator, \when~they are operating in
®0. A unitoiTnly disthbuted winding the value of para''el.
disth.bLitjon factor is: A Ffeld current is inceased
A. Unity a. c, a.a66 a. a.g55 a. Fiefty Gurrent is deer\cased
C. Speed is dstreased
61, One of the advantages Of a shah pitch winding lies jn: D. Prime mc}ver poirrer ir\t.ut is lr\c;reazsed
JI Erfmirution or suppression of harmonies
a. Reduction ofvoHage 73. Adjustment Of flew axcifation on one of the two
C. Increasing the inductance altemators operating in parallel will:
D. Reduction of cafou!atjng q!rreut A. Increase its toad
a. Change itsifequeney
62. FFTch factor js defined as: the ratio of the erTTPs Of: C. Decreased its load
A. disth'buted winding to full pitcli winding D. Ct\ango its poiArerfachc]r
8. Shortp5bch ooil totul] pibeh coirl
C. Full pitch winding to short pitch winding 74. Each of the t`co alternators operating jn parallel are
D. Full p-rich winding to concentrated winding adjusted for unfty power facto. Irlcreasing the fie€€)
oument Of orre:
A. causes its powerfactorto become leading
EL Causce its power faderto beeorne lagging 86. The stator core Of a syrichronous machine is built up
c. changes its speed Of.
D^ Increases its load A. S{ainleessieel C. Cast iron
a. §iliconqugg[ D. Castateel
75. \flthat kind Of rotor is most sufiable fior turbcL
allemators `whieh are designed to run at high speed 87^ The sffp ringrs employed in a 3-phase synchronous
A. SalEeTt*pe[e ®reie machine are irisijiiated for
a. Nod salientpole t)me A. Outputrated voltage C` Very low/voltage
a. ErmAandB 8^ |oaer roifeae a. Very high voltage
D` Non oftheabove
88. Concentrated windings has
76~ Dampers in laroe generators: A. Onecoq perphase
AL lnercase chbi[.fry 8. Tve coife perphase
a. Reduce vottage fluchiatons
E m¥ EqREiB= `REiraEE+EEiiEHraEEEPrgE=
S: R#uceof#.gee fuctuatfone
89. The number of poles on turbo-altemafor is usually
77~ Short+pitch coils in the altemator are used A. a a. 4 C. 6 D. 8
A. To reduce the eke of the attematoir
a. T7a rca.rae tlre namior\Ece from ttte genenated 90, Cayndri-caj rotor altemators use duds for Of the E*tternder efficient coothg
C. To reduce the copper loss in the attemator
D. All oftheaboye 3:: g#:;yggt c. %.ff##,:a,of#e__#j5e
78. If the input to thje prfroe-mchter Of an altemator is kep 91. In qrfindricat rotor_ pertfon Of rotor is wound
coflstarit but the exchation. is changed then: A. One+hind C. One-Iialf
JL The tearasre comFSonon± Of the output ES 8~ I_±aroxpst±_ D. \l\mcte
8` The active compenent of the output is changed 92. Skew/ of rotor bar eliminates
C. The a.i of the loud rematne constant
D. None oftheabove
±C. E:-o#=octT=*#n/ac-
Magnefro noise
79. |lre driving ptmer from lbe prime mover driving an D. Vibration due to unequal force de``reloped on rctor
altenator is test but the alternator remains cormecaed
to the 9uppl}r is on. IThe a!temaifor utll: 93. The emf generated due to rttn rlarmonic ccmponent o¢:
A- getbumt flux jn an alternator will be the funclamemal
a. behaves as an induction motor emf in mngnnde
C. behaves as an synchticirrous motor but wi« riat=ne A lessdian C. Equalto
in a reverse direction to that corresponding in a. Morethan D. Noneoftheabove
gerrerato r acth
D. behanr® as a qp.chror.osls motor and virE[] 94. Po`uer fanor Of an alternator dri`ren try constam priinne
_cinli5 in
morrer input can be changed dy changing ire

ae. AIEemator operates on the prfu.ple Of 4` Speed C. F3_dd exc:itatlon

a. Load D. Phasesequence
A. E!±de>matanedc inducfiori
a. Selfinducason 95. In an a!femator. the armature mmf will be in phase
C. Mutual inducfron with the main field flux only \when the loacl is purely
D^ Selformutual indudicm A. Resjsthre C. capecfftr\p
8. fodLrmre D. Admitlanoe
811. The amnature Of an altemator
A. Is a stationary member 96. In an altematora the armature reaction is cortsidered
a. is a re\rohting member to be equivalent to a fictitious.
C. Isthefroe A #e?rtypeqq C. Resistance
t}. CQrisists of ttre wilrdina itito which eurrons Eg€ a. Impedance D. Admittance
97. Armature reaction AT Of a qmchronous genemtor
82. In modern alternator§p the iutatng part is
A. Fictdsivdem - gE#t;8g#8;1;;r at rated voltage with zero pcmer
a, AnTraturo A Magnetizing
a. Armature as `me« as fieid eystem a. Bf3rmrffizil"
D. None oftheabove C. Crossrmagnetizing
D. Both magnedzing arid cross-magnedzfng
ae. The t"rTertE from the stator of an attematar i§ taken
out to the external load circuit through 98. The rating of the prime mover driving an altemator is
A. Srorings determined entirely by its
8. Oonmutator segmerlts A Vottage C. Fny9ap
C. Solid anrasqps a. Cunent D. speed
D. Carf]on brushes
9®. Which one Of the following methods `rould give higher
84. \Mrfeh type of aifemator is used in hydrtpelectlic than actual value of regulation Of an attermor?
p~r statorts? A. ZPF method C` EMFmethod
A. Not+salient pole altemator 8. MMF rncthod D. ASA method
8. Tutto generator
C. Salierit polo a[temdtor loo,Regulation of an aternator suppt)ring resistive or
D. Steam turbirie altemator indugive toad is
A AA-+ve
85. in s!mchrorrous machine, the statorframe is made Of a- Atways-
A~ Stainlesssteat , C. Either of the above orzero
a. cRGcrs D. Noneoftheabove
c> e±_sej_rgr\_.Or_!a4eldled deal F.latBS
D. Lflminated silicon steel
D. remain unchanged

13. . The effect Of inereasing load on a synchncinous

1. In a synchronous motorb damperwinding is
. motor ninning `whh nc>ITnal excitation is tp
prutded in order to A. increase both its b and p`f.
A. st:?ibilized rotor mction
8. dearcase L but ineriease p.f.
8. sAippressed rotor oscllLations
C. in®rcase l& but deercase pf.
C. develop necessary startirig torque D. decreaseboth haandpf. .
D. xpB&rlclc
14. Ignorfug the effects of armature reaction if
2. IT` a synchronous motor. the nngnitude of stator
excitation Of a s}mchronous motor rtynnirig twhh
haqlc Et) depends on
A. speed of the motor oonstaut toad is increased, its torque angie must
8. load onthe motor
both the speec] ancl rutorflux
d.c:. excitat3ori only ±.RE.....
C. r\emain consfarTI
D. become t`Aiice the no-load value
3. An electric motor in \which both the rotor and stator
fieids rotate vith the same speed is called given
1 5. If the field Of a sprchronous motor is under-
I:Td.c, C. srmcrlroncius exched, the power factor will be
8. Schrage D. universal A. |±.nq!,pa q. urifty
a. Leading D. morethan urifty
4. Wtife running, a synchronous motor is compe«ed
to run at syinchrorrous speed because of 16. . Ignoring the effects of armaLi]re reaction. if
esc`rftaton Of a simchronous motor running `*ffih
A. damping winding in its pole faces
EL maqunedc locrana bed.reen sf for a_ntl_rqso_I_ constant load is deqreased from its normal value it
leads to
• A. inenease in a.I)ut decrease in Eb
C. #ed e,in.f, in rotorrfeid w`nding by stator
flux 8. increase in Eb but decrease in fa
D. cornpulsion due to Lenz's la`*/ C. increase in both h and p.f. \which is laggir!g
D- i_a_€_Parse in bctf. Ia¥£±g:±
5. lire direction of rotation of a synchronous rTiotor
can be reserved dy reversing 17. A synchronous motor connected to infinite bus-
A. qurreut to the fieldwinding hare at constant fulHesd,100% exctEaton and
8. ssuF)ptv F}hase seauen®e unity p.f. On changing the excffion only, the
C;. pol,arity of rotor poles armattire current `wil] have
D. none oftheafrove A. leading p.f. `whh,underLexcitalton
a. Ieadir.fl Df. `.rith over:«xcitat]ori
6. Who mnning under noload condition and `hffih C. Lagging p,f. `^iiLh overLe]ccitation
nomal exc±tation, amiafure t±]rrent 1® drar&m b!/ a D. no change ofp.i.
~roncus motor 18. The V~curves of a grchrorlous motor show
A. toads the back Eb bya small angle
a. isfarpe rtlabehip between
C. Iaas tiro applied volt@aev bv a smaill anstte A. e>¢citation cument and bael¢ eTrf
D, lags the resultant voftage ER try so. a. fiek] current and p.f.

7. The angle bet;\Areen the synchronorisly rotating ===::C:#d#acqupdyapndJ=:=:£H=ZE

statc)r flux and rotor poles Of a eyirichronous motor
is called _ angle 19. . \^/hen a lord on a s!/nchnonous irotor is
A. s]mchronizirig C. powrerfactor increased, ife armature ounents is increased
8„ rtyreyr+p D. slip provided it is
A. nomalt}/ excited CL Linderexcited
8. 8F!oad angle ofa 4 pole syncfronous motor is 8. a. ovenngix!dked E± all of tfra__sttove
(eiecl), its value in mechanical degree is _.
A. - C- 0-5 20. [f main field ouiT`ent Of a salien+pcte eynchronoius
a. 2 D. 0.25 motor fed from art ifTfiniLe bus and running at ncr
load is reduced to zero, it `^roiild
9. The maximum value of torque angle er in a A. cometoastop
gimchronous motor is _ degrees electrical. a.s;ontfnuerunn_i_RE.a_i_s±:iui5th_rQ_rlo+zssrre€rd
A. 45 C} between45and90 C. run at.subqmchronous speed
a, 9Q D. below60 D. run at superngmchronous speed

to. A synchronous motor running with normal 21. Ir` a syT`chronous machine `when the ro.tor spee<!
e>cc±latiort adjusts to load essentially by increases becomes more than the synchronous speed
in its during hunting, the damping bars develop
A. pourerfactor C. back A. synchronous motor torque
8. torque angle D~ arrnafure ourreut a. d.c. motortope
C. induction motortongue
1 i . Vlrfuen load on a eynchronous motor running with D. irrdtledon aerrerefror torque
rrormal excitation is increased. arrTrature cument
drmAm by it increases because 22. tna s3rnchronous motor. the orcu lossesare
A. back Eb beQomes tess ttian appliied met dy .....
vonge V A. motorirtput a. supply lines
B. ponier factor is deeneased 8. arTTrature input fl ..... dial.PquapB
C. ned l'esiittaut iroltaqe ER in armature fe
increased 23. A qmchronous machine is called a do«bfyLexcifed

D. motor speed is reduoed made because
A. it can be overexcited
12. VIthen load on a normall}+excited synchronous a. it hast\ro sets ofTOLor poles
mctor is increased, ire power factor i?nds to
A. approach unfty
a, become increasingly lagging
C. bt}como irl¢rtBasEinglv leading 24. S]nnchronous capacitor is
A. an ordinary static capacitor t]ank
EL an overexcited qmchrenous motor dn-\ring 39. Which Of the following synchros are used for error
mechanical toed dctection in a servo couttol system?
t= an a;irei-Lex®-Eked s§:ins±hrancra6 met;or A. control transmitter C. control r`ereeiver
runninsl `nrl.en rTREhanicat food a. control transt\ormer a__4q{f)_A pilt]/.f3
D. none oftheabe\re
40. Fortorque transmission over a long distance \wi!Be
25. A stqpping motor is a ~ dewicra the help Of eltatfical wires„ which Of the foIIcnwing
A` Mechanical C. analogue h^ro switches arie used?
8. EectTical `,,,,
D. inoremefrfu/ A. CxandcIT
a, Fxa=pS_SB-
as. Operat€on of stepping motors at high speed is a. exandcD
rtrferred to as D. CITandcm
A. fastfomrard a. inching
8. S!g±edBa D. jogging 41. The arrangentent required for produc;fig a rctal6on
equal to the sum or difference of the rotafron Of
27. Which Of the foltowing phase switehing sequence two shafts consist of the following coupted
represents hatfctep opetattoTi qf a VF` stopper synchros`
motor? A control transmitter
A. A,BoCoA.„ .... ~ a. AB,BcacA. 8. control receiver
AB---.-. C. contrt>l diferential transmitter
a. A,c.B.A ........., a. A.AB.aac D. all crftlre above

28. Ihe rotctionat peed of a given stepper motor is 42. Which Of the following motor would suit
determined solely by the applications where constant speed is absolutely
A. shanioed essential to ensure a consistent product?
8` den.E}tz_Ice treques.o¥ A brushes dcmotor
C. polarity of stator airrend a. diskrrotor
D. magnitude of stator current C:. tanrmanentttragrrd svncfirorious rTtpsc\r
D. stepfrer motor
29. A stopper motor may be consideoed as a _
conyeTter. 43. A s`hdiched reluctance motor differs from a \/R
A. dGtoac C. dctoac stepper motor in the sense thai it
a. aroto ao D.._ distEtrldeanatoa..e A. has rt]tor poles offerromagnelic material
a. rcji±a-ice continuous;Iv
30. The Tutor Of a stapper motor has no a. is designed for open -loop operalion only
A. Vvindirtgs C` brushes D. has louver efficiency
8` Commutator D. all_crfth® above
44. The elecdical displacement betv`reen the two stator
31. Wave excttaton Of a stepper mctor results in windings Of a resoiver is
A. Micostepping C, jnceased step angle A. 120° 8^ ±9: C. 60" D. 45o
8. Q±ffl.stnpthp D, reduced resoluton
45. Which Of the following mctor runs from a !onr de
32~ A stepper motor having a resolution Of 300 supply and has permaneutty magnetized salieat
steps/rev and running at 24cO rpm has a pulse poles on ire rotor?
rate of _ pps A. p®rzmtnetit tnaaz\ef de motor
A. 4cOO a. 8000 c=.,¢OOO D. ia,OOO 8. diskdcmcrtor
C. permanent magnet synchronous motor
33. The torque exerted try the rotor rTragrictic field of a D. brushless dcrTfror
rnA stepping motor `rfuh unexffied stator is called
_torque. 446. A de servomotor is sinilar to a regular de motoa-
A` Reluctartce C. IIolding except that ts design is modified to cope wmi
a. t"er't D. eitherBorc A. electronic switching C. static conditions
a. slcT\orspeeds D. both a andc
3rfu A variable reluctance stepper motor is constructed
Of _ materfat'`whh salient poles. 47. One Of the basic requiremertls of a servomctox` is
A. Paramagnctic C. dfamragnerfe that it must produce high torque at all
8. fenomaaneeffie D. nan-agnetie A. Loads= C~ SDe®ds
R Frequencies D. voltages
35. Tfrougli gt"cturatly similar. to a control transmtt±er.
a confrol recei`rer differs ftyqu it in the following 48. ITie most common t\Aro-phase ac servcrmcnor
A. ft tras 3-phase fflorwfroding
differs from the standarcl ac induction motor.
b- I.iaher
it has
a. ft has a rotor of dimibbell construcrfon A. rder resEtrf ertee
a. it lrass a lr.ocl.anical damtsor on its shaft 8. higher power rating
D. it has a single-phase rotor excitatiDn C. motorstatorwindings
D. greater ir`erfe
es^ The control _.aqchro has threeithase winding
hath ori its staler and rotor- 49. SquiirreLcage induction motor js finding increasing
A. D.ifforoTTtial C. receiNer appricaton jn highapo\nrer servo systems because
8. Transformer D. transmitter new mcthocls have been fbtind to
A. increased ire rotor resistance
37. Regarding troltages induced in the three stator EL corfrol ire torque
windings Of a synchro, which statefnend is false? C. decrease its inertia
A. they diepend on rotor` pceition D. decour]]e its torque and flln<
8„ theyare in phase
C. they differ in magnftirde 50. A steel mill requires a rmtor ha`iing hiigh starting
D.tE±bez9ry_are_pofirmhas®`rQ!teafla$ torque wide speed rarnge and precise speed
control Which one of the following motors will ysu
38. The lo`^utorque synchros cannot be used for choose?
A. torque transmission A. d.cshuntmcrfor
8. errordetection a. s}mchronou§ motor
C. frostrument servos C. d.c:. Sertes motor
D. rofwi arm cosdiat}itrm D. s]ip~rirtg induct]-on met.or
51 ` Heavy{)uty steel works cranes. which have wide
ford variatior`s, are equipped `^dih _ motor. =J#8wftywhm##ri##speeddueto
A. double squirrel edge C. sliprring incJuctjon braking
B-¥d D. cumulative D. is independent of the train weight

64. Ftegaiiding skewing Of motor hare in a squimeL

52. A reciprocating pump which is required lo start cage indLrdion rmDtor, (Scltry wlrich sfatemen( is
under toad will need _ motor. false.
A. repulsion A. it pre`rents cogging
a. squirreLcage induction
C. givrorqus EHffiHHEHREHHLR!
D.trybl€_sfqqjrreJcaaei_nd±rfe±zif±zi D. -ri reduces nrotor Thum' durfug ife operation

53. Martors used in `A+ocid working irrdustry have 65. Il+e plinciple of operation of a 3i]hase indudion
endc)sure. motor is most similarto that Of a
seneen proteded
C, 7Efc
D. TE '=g#d¥6EnFirEL¥ff
A. apmchr~ motor

54. Sing!oaphase s]mchronous motors are used in .,.,

teleprinters, ctoclcs and a» kinds Of timing devbes
because tfreir 66. The magnedzimai oument ch"m dy transformers
A. Iowstartingtorque C. consfandsoeecJ and induction motors is the cause Of their ~
a. high pouerfac±or D. over load capachy p- factor.
55, Whit:li inotor is generally used in rolling mills® i. as 81. :#
paper and cement industries?
A. a.cshuntmctcIT 67. The eifec± Of ineneasilng the length Of aingap in an
a. double squirrel cage mo(or induction mc]tor will be {o irra€aae the
C. slip ring induction motor A. pcpNer+atror ± ,.apa.Hpgg?]ng:qur!:Pf t€
D. torqfrF>Pqqp simchrorlpu€ mder 8. speed D. aingapfluic

as. Dgrec± drive is used for pcmer tr3rtsoission only 88. . I n a 3+phase indt+cfron motor, the relathe speed Of
vrfu stator flux \whh respect to _ is zero.
A. nag"a-foie slip is rquired A. ss:Lartorwindi_nm C. rotorflirx
B. large arrrount ofpoweris involved a. mator D. space
69, [n a 3f indtjiction motor, the Tutor field rotates at
D. higti speed motoris to drive a tour speed . s}mchronous speed with respect to
machine A. Stator C. statorflLpr
a. j±g£±±±:: D. none of the abo`ne
57. Which type of enedceure will be most suitabf e for
motors employed in atmosphere coTrfeining 70. Imespective of the supply frequency® the torque
flammable gases and vapours? developed by a SCIM is the same whenever _
A. pipe-ventjLa{ed is the -e.
8, tofalty enclosed, fanccol A. supply voflage C. rotor rtngislance

=-g±ed a. e)ctemal load D. €//p tfpeed

71 . The pourer factor Of a squimeheage indtrdiqn

58. Which plugging d.c motors, connectr-ons are motor is
reversed JL low at liahs IL]Iads€ only
A. Supply C. fieid 8. Iowr at heavy loads only
8. A_apgiv!/_rQ D. bctli armatureandfield C. Iowat light and heavy loads only
D. !ow/ at rated load only
59. Era+rfug rhecistatic braking Of a d.c. motor
A, its field is disconnected from the supply 72. Which Of the totlowing r{>tor quantfty in a SCIRT
a. its arniature is reveT¥edTconnecfed does NOT depend on i(s slip?
C. it`worlce as a d.¢. generator A. Fteactanoe C. induced oof
D. on of its fieid current is reversed 8. Soeedr D. frequerlca/

60. Rheostatc braking may be applied to an indueHon 73. The efficienq/ Of a 3~phase induditm motor is
motor provided approdmately proporfeonal to
AL. seriarde d.® souro® foTtield ®icoitrtiorl is A` a;E a. a C. N D. Ns
avTiteb]e_ .
8. if isa squinyel cagetype 74. Pull-out torque Of a SCIM ooours at that value Of
C. itis sty ringtype slip `where Tutor power facfror equals
D. variable exterrlal resistance is available A. Unify a. gizBZ CL 0.866 D. 0.5

61. Diiring regenerative braking Of ctectric motors, 75. When applied Tated voltage per phase is reduced
try ae by oneitalf, the starting torque Of a SCIM
A. disconnected from the supply becomes _ Of the starting torque `whh fliiM
8. reverse`connected to the supply vohaoe.
C. mad®to run as aer.etfrors A` ir2 a. i]!± c. LN52 D. Of53|z
D. madetostap
76. The fr¥ctiorial slip Of an induction motor is the radio
62. Regenerrfure brakifig JL rgtgr_€u_ loss/rator inpilt
A. can be used forstoppjng a motor 8. stator cu tasstsfator input
B. camot be eastry applied to d.a series C. rctor cu lces/tofor output
C. can be easily apFiliedto d.¢. shurtt motors D. riotor cu loss/statorcu loss
D. cannot be used when mctortoad has
overhau ling cia racteristicrs 77. A The torque developed try a 3r.phase induti5on
motor depends on the fo«c]wing three factors:
6S. Net energy saved during regenergive braking of A. speed, froqueney, number of poles
an eLectrie rfuii a. voftage. Current and stator impedance
A. inneases with inc*ease in specife resistance
CL synchroneius speed. rotor speed and ` A. CQnstairtispoedl
frxpeney 8. Slight drop in speed on full load
D. tofor. ert\I. raf rot. eeLrrerlG srrd_tfror_ I..£ C. High speed at lowtorque
D. Lowaped at hightorque
78. If the stator voltage and ltequeney Of an induction
motor are reduced proportionstety, its 90` llie s]mchronous speed Of a 50 qrde 10 pole
A toc!¢ed rotor ourTent is reduced motor is:
8. tongue developed is inoneased A. 5co C. _Qap_.£nLq
C. magnetizing oumebtis decreased a. D. 10Onr^
a- tqu___4:GI9_d_,.a.
91. The speed Of a sim¢htionous motor oonr`eeked to
79. The efficiehq/ and p.f. Of a Scam inaeases in 50 cycle supply is lcoo r.p.m` the number Of poles
tHoporfro to its it must have:
A` Speed C. vonage A` 4 a. 6 C. 8 D. 10
8. rf7trehariqa/ /oadr D. rotor torque
92. Ilie maximum povrer developed in a aynctironous
80. A SCIM runs at constant speed only so toiig as: motor occurs at a coupling angle of?
A torqLra de\/eloped ky it remains constant A. 06. a. 45° a. 90- .D. 180®
8. ire supply voltage rematns constant
C. Its torau® ®xachr calmis the me¢hainioat 93. A 3-ohase. 4 po!e` 24 slct alternator has its
toad armature coils shortrpitched dy one stth Its pitch
D. :Ertor flux remains constant factor wl be?
A 1.0 8^ a.gas c. D. 9=g±
8i. The s]rnchronous sped Of a linear induction motor
dts NCIT aefed on 94` Syncnronous motor is capable Of being operated
A. width Qf pde pitch C. supdyfrequency at?
a. i7urmberofpofes D. any of the abonre A. Lagging pcnner.factor only
a. Leading poviner factor only
82. Thrust developed by a linear induction motor C. !±ggi_Dg| ar\d.Iead.Ina F>oworfacitor
depends on D. Noneofthese
A. qmchronous speed C. nLrmberof poles
8` rotoTinput D._+_both ,4 and B, 9.5` The synchrorous motor is not inheremly selfu
starting b-use?
ae. The functior] Of a qycloconveuter is to corTveTt A` The rctating magnetic field dues nct have
A. ae po`nerinto de newer enough poles
a. direct oummt into allethating current a. The rotating magnetic field is produced by
CL tlEah ®c fr®auenay dir®edvto lcmr ac only 50Hz frequeney currehts
D. g¥e fro a renangularunve
84~ utaior disad`rantage Of using three sets Of SCRs D. Ttte starting devices to accelerate the rotor. to
near sy"thronous speed is @bseut
8. poup~factor 9S. \^then sfator wl.ndings are connected is such a
C. long delay of thristor.firing pulses fashion that the numbers of poles are rriacle ha!fo
D. necessity of using a processor the speed of the rotor Of a synchronous motor.
A. Peaeases to half the original value
85. In the cunentfed frequencar Converter 8` Remains same ae the original value
armngement for controlling the speed Of an C. Irroreaises to t±±ce_tf_mos the oriairial irz\]ue
individual SCIM, the direction of rotation can be D. Tendsto becomezero
reversed dy
A. changing the olltput ffequenqy of the invetter 97.1 in a syT`chronous motor, as load is applied, the
8` att®rirta ttne abase sea.tetze® af Dutses tfzat motor takes rnofe armature airTerit because:
diaElerth® d.® LEnk currettt
C. intetehanging any t`Aro [irre leada
D. reversing the a.a "nk ourreut 8.
A` Back emf deceases causing an inenE>ase in

The rotor ifengthens the rctating field

causing more motor current
as. [n the chopper uses speed control methoci tor a C. The tour by shiftirlIt its Fihaee hack\hrard
\^/RIM the motor speed inversely depends on causes mcrtor takes tnor® curmat;
A` fixed resistor across the rectifier' D. The increases load has take more cunenl
±L. 3:o#:: a"ri.I.:{t+i,:a_,.I:`c`ruer`cy 98. Syschronous ponier of a qmchronous rrmchine is?
• D. rty_Bl€_pf!_.e. A. Equal to s)mchronous reactance
8. Inversely protrortlonaf to tf i® s}vrrarlrQ.n_ous
37. In the synchronous motor drive using current fed .teacfutne
die wok C. Direfty propondonal to the synchronous
A. converter+2 funcflons as a self commucatecl rearfunce
inverter D. None of these
8. converfe+1 inrorks as imcofmlled rectifier
C^ oon`rerter-3 is a I:owhDIIed retffier` 99. Synchronous motc>r al`Arays runs at?
D. afro triaaerirm _Of corr`rerfer 2 is don_a g¢ A. A speed less than synchrohous speed
uEaltstt_fzmucoy 8. A speed more than synchronous speed
C. The_s£:imotironoue srueed
as. In the three qystoconverter drive of a s}mctmonous D. Noneofthee
A each qrctcoonverter: preduees a 3-pliase 1 co.S)mchrorrous rnctors are?
Output A. anstarting
8. all eycloconverters act as vohage sources a. Mat setfifertina
C. a 3rohaee t=QHtelled _r-eS£1[Ier).red.roes C. essentially sctf-starfurbg
f5£e!_±eac¢_itinsTc;urrorT£ D. None of these
D~ rfuLgap flue i§ lcept constant by contromng
stator ourTerds only

89. Synchronous motor hats:

14. \^tha{ is the ffequeney range in ultrasoniewelding?
A. 4000-ZO.COO I-I=
1. A rotary convertergerrerally a. 200~4000HZ
A. combines the functions of an induction motor a. 20.000 -cO:000 Liz
D. 50,Oco and above
nd a d,c. generator
8. has a setofslip-rings at both encLs
15. `^/hick Of the following is not used in welding?
C. has one armature and two fieids jfu Card/e C. hand screen
D` u\k=#g3# mder, .\8nd ` a...g[g= a. 6i=: D. Electrode holder
16. ELecfrode is not consumed in?
2. A 3-phase supplycan be converted into a 6-phase
supply by joining the is seoondaries of the 3|phase A "G; wrieid7/ur C. Dc art;wefding
tratcmer in 8` Gaswelding D. Acapvvunng
A. double deha C. diametrfcal
17. \^/hen i is the thickness Of the sheet. the fry
8, double star D. dmroftboabovo
diameter for spot welding is?
3. One unique adivamage Of emploiring induction A- lit C>. 1lJtc
regulator method for corttrulling the dc output a- t D. s&
voltage Of a rotary converter is that it
A. is e>demely simple and relatively cheaper 1 8, \what is the pf Of load using \nelding trar`sformer
8. responds instantaneously to changes in loac) A. Unfty fagging
=,Oer#,9#d#dfoal'al#p_ctjumpe C.
Oftf\e orcler of_a.3 to a.?_Iapsl5pa
4. The most commonly used conneczion for joining
the six seoondaries Of a transformer used for 3~ 19. Ilie highest value Of thermal conductivity is for?
phase to 6-phase conversion is JL Solid ipa C=. SitBam
A- Pi-€rngtry:Gal C. double star Z3. Water D. Melting ice
a. 2jg-zag D. doublerdelta
20; Nichrome vrires can be `ised forheating up to?
6. What is the voltage required in arowefding by dc A. 1050®C a. 1450_?a
aupppr 8. 2000®C D. 1cOO®C
A. 20Pto2sOV C. 1coto2cOV
a ioto2Ov D. apfocov 21. In induedorl heating, the depth up'`to tAihich the
current will penetrate is proportional to?
6. In gas `nelding the gases used are? A- Ira C- i
A. hcettrfer.a ar.d a.ciigen a- 1Ivit D. Nfit
a. Angonand hdiun
C. Oxygen and nifrogen 22. ff I is the frequeney then dielectric loss is
D- None proportional to?
JLf_ C. 1/f
7. IIAro 12 mm steel plates areto bewelded using arc a.f2 D. 1/f2
\melding; electrode Of number 8 is to be used. What
will be current required? 23. High frequencb/ induction heating can be
A 750A C. SOA gereded by?
a. i6a* D. ioA JL Sr.aTtc stag o8cll]ator
8. Vacuum tube oscillator
8. In resistance welder, pneumatic pressiire is C. htotor generator sat
appNed durfug? D. Anyofthen
A. Holdtirrre
a. WeJdfroe 24 For heating of plywood, the frequeiiey should be?
a. sqL]± trfe A. i5Oour c. io-soKlte
D, Saile€z:ed, weld arid hokJ time a 100Hz D, I__=2#ffz

9. The `nrelcling load is always? 25. Chipping hammers ane used?

JL [ptry-iifend FL To r®rrife_}pe _alca_trorri w®Jdinas
8. Contin and constant a. Fortngvunng
a. Crfu-nuous and varying CL Tcalign the pieces to bowelded
D. -thued D. None oftheabove
1o. Vthat is MIG riding? 26. `Athen the danger Of electric stiock is is maxim\Lrm?
JL "ax in±as±[:±s±z}fl. sla_a_ +.rielding JL lllmit® insertirlaf lles±dede on €o tf.e haldeir
a. Mild stall inert gas \nelding 8. -archg'
C. Medium inert gas`Arelding c. ifeardng
D. Metal invert gas`nrelding D. Before-
111. The amount Of heat required to change the 27. VVTten E is lne voltage Of a dielectric, the dielecmc
temperature of .1 gin of ice ttom 6®C to fi®C is loss will be lhe propertional to?
kT- as? A. 51 c. lit?
JL SiRE-ific heat a. .E D. lie
a. Frtsezing heat
C. fatont heatifechg 2& A pty\rood board is to be heated thro{igh 101 ®C
D. Temperature coefficient `Achich method will be suitable faor this?
A. Are heating CL Resistance heating
12. Vvrra( is the unit Of therrmal conduelivit}ri' 8. ]ndiledonhe!afirra D* Amity
A` VN2.lm®K C` Wlm2®C
a. W/moc D. W/moK 29. In indudion heating, the oscillator tube operates
13. A redifier for welding has a voitage /cument
cmalarerm as? 3: 3933 3: 8REB
A. Bcopl,in" a. variable
B, Stat'-c D. Rising 30. In are \nrelding, Once the art; i§ struck, tlre volla}ge
required to maintain it \pe#)I .be?
A. 20-30V C. 500-1000V D` Reverse motoring and forward braking mode
a. 200-220V D. None
41. A single-phase, bridge type. full converter` can be
31. Sitee[ pipes are mamrfectured by? used for regenerativ6. braking Of a dc motor drfue
AL EtesitsatEr3e_iao±t_d[nn iL vrm chanslc>oiver a+FrfEsb
a. Arevreiding 8. Wirm any additional device
C. Ttlermit C. By opendft"iting the field
D. Argon ALre D. By simply making firing angle equal to TT/2

32. With mariual arc tfare!ding in rriild steel the metal 42. For a single-phase ac to dc controlled r`eetirfer to
deposition rate will be appm>dmatehr? operate ir) regenerative mode, `whieh Of the
A 2fo 3AIhtho«r a,10to20 l¢gthour fo!jcrm-ng conditions should be satisfied?
a. 5to l0Kg/hour D. 20to50 l{g/hour A. Haff.controlled bridge, o<900, source ofemfin
33. \^/hicti insulating material is suitable for low 8. Halfroontrolled bridgef a>900, source ofemfim
temperatim! applicatfor}? load
A- E±£=fgfBma_£_ss>uS ®artt. C.E!±1±£9Hgivl±;f;±j±j±±;!ptl.bridit®,tp9tr:.,..S"J!sE!i[tsfi
a. 85 %rmagnesfa
C.C" D. Fullconfrolled hridge. a<goo, source of emf in
D. Jtsbestas paper load

34. The quanlfty Of neat required to change the 43. Wllich Of the fcotwing configarationg is used for
temperature of 1 gin of ice from rfe°C to -5®C is froth motoring and regenerative braking?
kJ- as? A. Fjrs{ quadrant chopper
A ' Tempefature cceffioierfe 8. Second quadrant ct)opper
8. LateT]t leat offieezing
C. SFREific twh
D. Freegiv heat
g: -F=f :#=ut#¥r
44. In a chipper fed dc drive, the chopping frequeney
35^ A 3phase toltage source inverfer is operated is is approximately equal to
1 8ar conduction mode. Which one of the fo«onling A. sOHz a. 1.unHz
shat-rds is true? a. 3coife D. 5,Oco life
A Bcth pelenrolEage and linen4o.Itage will have
3rd |iarmonic co!nponems 45. An SCF3 chopper cireuit supplf ed pe`coer to a c#c
a. Pol±i`!p!_£ege. ___will has:a 8rd hzlrmonle_ motor.VvnatwillbethenatureOfmctora.rlnaturere
une-vohage will have 3rd harimonlc
A` Sinusoidat

onponent but pole vohage vrill be free thonri

3ut hamwh
D. Norre oftheabove
D. Both pelenroltage and line `roftage vi« I:ie Thee
from Std harmonic component 46. A cyclaeon\rerterfbd induction mctar drive i§ most
suitable for which of the fouowing?
36. The phase cortlmlled rBdifier3 used in speecl A. Compressordrive C. Paperrriill drive
control of dc motors corIverters fixecl ac supply a. fry?cdirefoo/dG!g§ D. Cememmill drive
vcttage irrto oitrytlt roltage
A ±@rfa&ft±.giv C. Variable frequeney ac 47. The operation of an inverter fed indudion.motor
8. Vatableac D. Ful!Iiac!irfedac can be shined from motoring to regenerative
braking try
37. Arfuature of a dc motor is.fed from a phase corttrol A. Reversing phase sequence
rectifier `whefeas its told is supptted fhom a a. Reducing invertervoltage
coristant dc source. To reduce the speed Of the c. Pausing t[rrerter ifeq¥%p±_I_
rf" regeneratively. D. Increasing inverterrfequency
48. A &phase iriduction mcttor is used as am
a. The polarity Of the dc voltage shouid be adjustable speed drfure froni zero to 2.a per un3[
revered speed using a variable frequeney inverter in the
a. The polarit}r of the amature induced vohage speed range Of 1.0 to 2.0 per unit. in order to
slrould be rtlt+ersed ensure satisfactory operation, which one Of the
D. ITte firing angle should be varfed in the range foltowhg sets Of quantities is to be malrtfained
goo to 13C° sfroul!aneousfy reversing the approximately constant?
armature connections A Ydrfane andrcoiner a. Voltageandtorque
a. Plu>cand torque D. Flux ancl poorer
38~ The armature currerrt Of a dc mctor fed from a
thristor pe`ner corIverter contains ripple. The 49. In a setfLcoritrolled synchronous motor fed from a
ripple in the arTnzrfure cairrem affects variable fiequeney inverter`

C. Torque capabilfty of the motor
A. The rotor poles in`/ariably have damper
a. There are stabilfty problems
D. Confrol abilfty of the speed of the mator Ci The speed Of the rotor decides stator
39. A rmor. arrrrfure supplied thn]ugh phase D. Trie frtftyuenoy of the ssator decides___±[af±
cc>frolled SRC= receives a smoolber voltage rtxLrir -
shape at
A. "riti mozar.Spcerf C. Ratedrnetorspeed 50. The torque produced by a singlaphase indirfuon
8. Low mctorspeed D. None of the above mctor fed through an ac voltage corfroller` fir
speed corrirbl is due to
40. When fed from a fully confroued rectifier, a dc A. Fundamental component of current as well as
motor di`ring an active (oad can operate in harmonies both odd and even
A. Efomrat±_maprinrl_ _€nd _ ns:verse PTB_pe_!±S±_ 8. Fimczamental component and even
flrrfe harmonies Of cunerlt
8. Formrard motoring and fomrard mere C. Furidamerrfal cornponetit artd ocfd
C. F`everse motoring and rnerse braking mode harrnonics; off currettt
D. Fundamental component of currerrt alone A. Inciieases by20%
8. In®r®aees bv5ae%
51. Line regularfuon is determined by C. Remains unchanged
A. Load current D. Decreases dy 20%
a, Load current and zenerourrent
C. Changes in Iced resistarTce and ody)uE 62. S`&ifeching regulators are also called
votwe A. tissipative reggivors
D. Chant]es in output yolfaae __arld_ __i_zin_ut_ 8` Current regulators
ygtfaa== C. NorrdlssiD&ti\re rcaL]Itftors_
• D. LngeTipple regulators
52. \Miich one of the fiollawing statements is comect?
ln the case of load regulation 63. Whieh one of thofollcwing is the main ad`rantages
A. When the tempeTapre changes the output Of SMFrs over linear pcrmgr sLlpp!)r?
vouage remains constant A. No transformer is required
a. Vvhen the input vohage changes. the load 8. Only one stage of conversion
ciirrend remains constant C. No fiifer is required
C. When the load changes. the load current D. I|]nAr rio:utrer.dls5sir}edon
remairrs constant
D, l^Thien be_!s±ad cliar}cae& the ourtout vofteste 64. In mer\ci]ry are reteners the voltage drop in ale is
EBiapirrs ®anapat nearty
A, a.1 ` e®rd!irronifer of are lenatl.
53. \^rfuch one Of the follc"-Iig statements is correct? 8.1 volt percentimeterofac length
An -ideal regulated pow/er supply should have? C. 10 volts pei.centimeter ofaro length
A. 100% regulation C. 0% reozi/atjdr7 • D. 12 to 15 `rofts percentimeterofarotength.
8. 50% regulation D. 75% regulaition
65. \rmieh Of the fofloutng equipment needs direct
54. In a linear regulator. the condro! transistor is current?
conducing A. Ftelays a. TimS s`^diches
A, Small partofthetime a. Telephones a. All Of the,apqz±pg=
t3. trmofthetine
C. rtyl tire_firne 66. \which Of the following devices canTrot convey from
D. Only `when load current is excessive dc to ac ?
A. Motor generator t=.. -Aiferitrmr arc rocifer
55, W"ch stage Of a dc power supply uses a Zeneras 8. Motorconverfer D. All of the .
the main component?
A. Rectifier 67. In large motor generator sets ao motor is usually
a. Valfage divider A. induction motor squimel cage tinpe
C. Bcaulfror 8. svncl.rorrous motor
D- Filter C. induction mchor`Around rotorti/pe
D. anyoftheabove.
56. The basic difference behAreen a series regulator
and a shunt regulator is 68. For single phase rotary converters® \when the
A. Ilie amount ofourrent that can be handled poorer factor is unity, the ap line to dc current rati¢i
EL The positioTi of cornra elentertt will be
C. Th6 type ofsanple circuit A. ±± a. 1.0 C. a.70? D. 0.5.
D. he type of erroirdetee±or
69, The number of dip rings in a single phaslse
57~ The shunt Qpo regulator is suitable for which of simchronous conver(er wi« be
the fo-? A. 1 C. 3
A. Low ourTent. high voltage a. 2 D. None.
a. Lou/ current Iou/voltage
C. Higr. ourTerTt, Iou votteae 70, For 3 phase rotary converters, `^/hen poorer factor.
D. High ourrentT hish voltage is unfty. the ac line to dc current ratio is
A- 1.5 C. 1.0
58. Wtryy is e)ctema] pass resistor used in a voltage a 1.1 D. &±±±
A. For short cirou-it Droteedon 71. If a synchronous converter is supplied `with 12
8. For increasing the oument that regulator can phase ac supply, the number of sto rings will be
handle • A. a c'. in
a. For incmasing the otTLput voltage a. 6 D. 24.-
D. For improving the regulatfon
72. [n a s!mchrmous coriverter, the no+ceLd ratio Of
59. An emitter fat!ower regulator has the folIChwing the vomge Ea bet\ueen sut3cessive sliprrfngg qe.
disadrantage: the armature phase voltage) to the commutator
A. !E does not provicle high gain vottage Eb for 3 phase Wsupply oni ac side is
EL «gg±E;;tstap pxlsts tor, y¥mRE.m±±±m±± • A, 1.0 CL 9£
a- 0.7 D- 0.16.
G. ife ouqu resistance high
D. . It cannot withstand high load airrent 73. In a s]mchronous converter, ac and dS ammaltiire
powers wii[ be equal `when
60. Ilie use of muNIphase rectifier in place Of 1-iphase A. electrical lasses are rlegtigible
rectifier ne± in: 8. mechanical tosses are negligible
A. !!EE±ouqu Vottaap` and„.rpstqRE` C. eledical and mechanical lasses en.e
8. Increased output voltage and increased
C. deceased output voltage and iretliueed
haruenics 74. In a rotary converter
D. Increased output voltage and no effiec± on A. armature cunents are dconly
hamionies a, armature ouments areaconly
C- E±s±Ifhir_sc and Flartw dc.
®1, lf the unregulated `roltage incireased ty 20%, the D. All of the abd\}e.
pchaer dissipation across the transistor Qi
75. th a rctary converter PR? lasses as cornpared to a A. 100to150hours
dc generator.Of the `sarne size will be 8. 1000 to 1500 lrours
A. fourtines more C. same
a double D. £egg &+ng-rfrototo7]55TaTOcohoh"&
76. in a eymchronous converter, the f2R lasses are less 89. The vanium inside the glass bulb of a mermry arc
as compared to clc generator Of the same size recfflier is Of the order Of
b-use A. 5xloocmof Hg
A. dc curpeuts are negifeible a. 5xl04onofHg

D. qpeeding Speed ie lct^r.
§._x_105 c:in_gf:Jfg

90. For mercury arc rectifiers, the anode is usuafty

77. A rotary eonrerfer can be started rTtade Of
A from dcside as dcmotor A. ALuminiun
8` from ac sicte as induction mctor a. Ctopper
CL by means ofa srnall aLndliary motor. C. Tungsten
D. enuLso¥f_if eg! aihoine mef roods. D. GraFihife.
78. \flfroen a rtfror` converter is started lay means of a 91. . Essential requirement of the anode materfaE in
smaH auxiliary motor, the poorer Of motor must be meroury ams recffier' is that
A` more tnan the dcoutput of corIverter
more than ac inpLrt ofco"erter
half of dc output of con`.erter
• C. itshoulclbecheap
D. alialttv m`orett\antfre ve[ue offrlction and D. it should be black in color.
92. The advantage Of mercury arc recffier is
79. ha a mercury are rectifier posithre ions are aktraned A. it is noiseless in operation
LIEREEEE= a. it responds qutcfty to varying toad demands
A` me"Ty pool C. cafhods_ C. it has high efficiency
a. shelf benolTi D. anode. D. all crfttTe above.
80^ MandmuiTi cumsnt ratng Of a glass bulb mercury 93. As compared to rneroury are rectifiersp mefa8
are redifier is usually restricted tp recifers
A. 50A a. §Q9i& A can operateon hieh toads
a. 100A D. 1000A. a. can operate on high voltages
t= of}errfe oT_Jsogf tetrlFrerafunes
81. Which of the following redifiets can withstand D. give poor cegulatan.
maDo-mum voltage on de side
A. Mertry arorecffiier` 94, The Current carried by the cathode spot of the
a. Glass bulb rectfier rnert2ury are recffiier is of the ordeir Of
A. 40A/sqen
%. -REg=fninttef#e= a. 400AIsqun
c. 4an AIsctttTi
82. In an are reclifiierthe drop in `roltage atthe cathode • D. 40,OcOA/sq-cm.
is approxirTrfely
A 1 Volt a. coto7oyoife 9{. \^iniGh of the following is the loss within lne
a. 6_to_7_ro#S„„ D. 12V7volts. mercury are rectifier chaimber?
A. Voltage drop atthe anode
83. In arc rectifiers mer"ry is cticen as the liquid for 8. Voltage drop at the cathode
mdier b-use C. Voltage drop in are
A. it has law specific heat D. 4Ii ofife_9F9re_-_ -
a, it has tow ionization pctendal
C, it has hish.atomic`Areight 9S, The vottage drop at the cathode is Of the order Of
D. all orfttro aibjo+reL A. O`1too.5V
a. Ito1.5V
84. tondzatien potential Of rnereury is apprordmateh/ C - 7 i a 9 V_
A. 1V C. 10.4V D. 70tosov.
a. 2V. D.104V.
97. Ilie voltage drap in are primarily depends on

es. Least undulating current will be delivered by `which

A. 1pha§e C. 3phase
AL are length
8. arctempeTature
C` purity of mercury
A 2phase D. 6.nha¥e± D. all of the abo`re.

86. in a mereury are reciferthe cathode voltage drop 98. Ilie voltage drop acros`s the electrodes of a
is duke to mertry pool recifer
A. sLirface rE>sistance A. `raries exporremially vitri the load current
EL cacFN±ndifuro of_ ®nernir _ tn IEfraractrm 8. is atrTrsst irrdelnendelTt of load a:urrout
ctederrs. from the mere.Ir¥ C, . is directly proportional to load
C. expenditure in ionization D` is inversely proportional to load.
D. expenditure of errefgy in overcoming the
elecdestato fietch 99. In a mereury are 4ect:ifier
A. fen stream moves from cathode to anode
87. in mercury are rediFierfl volfa9e drop at anode is 8. cument flows from cathode to anode
due to C. eieden stream moves ffom anodeto calfrode
A. fH_I_f±_rr]y____sneak_ in _avert=omina the D. ion stream n*o`res from anode to _Cathode_
e]. _ 'cfielg
8. high temperature inside the rectifier 100.In meruiry arc rectifier, meroury is used as
C. setfLrestoring property of mercury • A^ conducting medium
D. high ionization pctendal. 8~ ionization medium
G. elecmn acceferalor
88. The average life of the glass bulb recffier is D. a catlTcde.
:-.. 3.ies: __I 13. Mark the \anrong statement. A Schottky dit}de
• A. has ne depletion foyer
8. has metaLsemiopnductor junction
C. has fast reooverytime
1. The max].mum number of eJecfrons `which the D. fs a utpelarde±rtyse
vatenoe shell c7f an atom can ha`re is
A. 6 C- 18 14. A semgivduc±or device that resembles a voltage
a. 8 D. 2 variab(e capacitor is called _ diode.
A funnel
2. Silicon hasz= 14. Hs outermost orbitis a. PIN
A. perttryfiifed c`

g##dyffl,ed D-Y-
D. empty 15. A diode that tias no aeplction layers and
operates `whh hot carrfers is called _ diode
3` CfurTent flow in a semiconductor depends on the
pherromenon Of
c. step recovery
a. diffusion D. PIN
C. neonbinaffon
D.g,I_!afifefltpropsue 16. Which qf the foltowing are negativeuesistance
micaewave dfodes oscillator applicatiorts?
4. The process of adding impurities to a pure A. Guru
semiocinductor is called I a. IMPATT
A miwhg C. Step recovery
a. deatp9. D. qu_j\a,T'_q B
c. d\iffusing
D. refroing 17, Zener diodes are used primarily as
A. regiveT¥
5. "inen a p-N junction is formed, diffusion curreul & `roltaae resturder
-See C. osdikators
A. mixing ofcLJrrent carriers D. ampifers
a. forward bds
C. "ersebia§ 18. The diode `which is oifeen used for voltage
D. barrier potepttel_ regulation in electroriie ciroui[s is called _
6. Anyvomage that is connected across a p-N
junction is called ~ voltage.
• a. varactw
A. brcakdc~ C. silicon .....
a. harrier D. germaniun
f____, f_,

D. reverse 19. The output Of a half:+mane redifier is suitable only

7. The depletion reglion of a semiconductor diode is A. running car radios
due to 8. nint\7t\H &c` motors
A. rev-biesing C. drarging batteries
8. idrved tdsing D. running tape+eoorders
a, crystal doping
D. miaTedon off Tnobile charge carriers 20. The ripple factor Of a bridge r`eeffier is
A. a.406
8. The width ofdepletion laysr ofa p-N jilndion a. 0.812
A. decreases `whh noht doping
8. increases `Awh hearty doping
D- 1.11
a. is independent of applied voltage
D. is incrpage qrldFer ne\rerse EE=§ 21. TTie PIV Of a haffi+Arave regiver cireuft `whh a

9. Reverse ourreut in a siliconjundion nearly

doubles for every _ °C .rise in temperatLue. H a.
shunt capacitor filter is

A,10 C. Vs,rul2
8- D- 3Vsm
D- 22. The main reason `ndry a bte®der fiesjstor is used
in a dc pou`rer supply is that it
10. VlrithoL7t a dc souroe, a clamper cjrc{iit acts like a A. keepsthe supplyc)N
JL rechrer 8. improves voltage regulation
a. damper C. impitives filtering adion
a. demedufator a. txThE.qngf=
D, cfropper
23. \^inich stage Of a de ptiwersupply uses a Zeiner
11. \^men in a circuit, a Zener diode is atways as the main component?
A. forward+biased A redder
8. coTinected in series

a. voifege divider
C. frouble by overtreating
D. ,rpe`rs±
12. The microura`/e device used as an oscillator 24. dc vottage is given kyy
within the frequency range 10 -loco GHz: is
A. -fry A- ve=¥(|qfty, C.
EL !¥Png vrfeG¥(qu-rty
C. Gun
D. Step Re~ery va=¥{1+esft) D. ve=¥(asftyTho
25-#*#L=#de£##:itffiELisout a
A^ 1-cl C.
and hence short _ diddes.
A. One C. three
R Tinro D. @±±r •j--:::f.i 1-a-
a. D.
26. Eterfunic devices that convert dc poorer into ac
ptwrer are called 37, I.n the ere Of bipolar trartsistclr, a is
A` cDnveuters
a. fran-
c:. bne.rfe_Eg_
A. positiveand> 1
a. posjmre and < 1
C. negativeand> 1
D. ne±£\alrfeive an_a < 1
D. rectjfiee 38. IT3e co«ector characteTistjcs of a CE conne¢±ed
transistor may be usec! fo fiind fts
27. If the input supply ftoqueney is 50 Hz, the output A. input resistanee .a.. ordpt.{
ripple ffequertey Of a bridge recfffier is _ liz. tesf8tarRE€_
JLan 8. bee current D. yoltagegatn
C.50 39. Wbth Of the following approxirnasn is often
D-25 used in efetfronie cjircuits?
i+ !S31E C. lB-~lE
28. The matrl job of a voltage regulator is to provide a B. IB=le D, iE=JB+le
rrear _ oLftput voltage.
A stnusoidat

a- fl-ng
40: When a transistor is fufty swhched ON. it is s;a,ic±
A. shorted
a. safurqu_
C. Open
29. An ideal voltage regulator has a \toltage
regutsrfu D. -ff
A100 41. If a change in baas current dues rtct change the
cottector ourrentb the transistor amprifier. is said to
a.sO be
ae. In a Zener diode shunt voltage regulator, the

diode regulates so long as it is kept in _
A. forward 42. When an NPN transistor is saturated. its Vcr
a rovene A. iszeroandleiszero
C. loaded
8. i!slmma!_and lc is hiah
D. untoeded `,,,, C` equeis vccand lejsaero
D. apuals vcc and lcis high
$1. A tmnsistor series voltage regulator is called
emitt®rLfoIIower regulator because the emitteir Of 43. When an NPN transistor is outT¢fF, ts Vco
the pees transistor' follows the _ voltage.
A, Our
A. equals vcoand te i§ high
D. ishishandkeis low
D. counr
44. In a BJT, largest aJrTent flow ooouirs
32. in an op-amp series vorlage regulator] output )L i_n_the ®m_ittng
voife depends on 8. in tlie collecto]r
A. Z-voltage C. inthebae
a. `rcttage divider resistors D. through Bcjunrfu
C. output voHage
D. bath^\andB 45. CE amplifier -re characterized fry
A` lowvohage gin
ae. A shaffiching `/ottage regulator can be Of the 8. moderate pcmer` gain
foitowino tpe: C. Siarra[ t}hase re;irersal
A- stepJ-
C>~ EtrveTtiing
D. very high output fropedanoe
46. A CC ampffier has the fu.ghest
D. atl oftt\eabope_ A. voifegaln
a. curn=rltaetn
34. in an invemng type swhening regulator, output C. powrergain
vottage is _ input Voltage. D. output impedance
A. iesserthan
B. greaterttrm 47. In a CC amplifier voltage gain
C- equatto
A. Sarinct ®€c_SgO_ unity
D. 5-ife_S_ B. depends on output jmpedanee
C. is dependent on input signal
as` For current wocking Of an. NPN bipolarjurtedon
D` is aivrays corrstartt
transastore the different elefrodes should have
ire fedouiing pelarifes whh respect to emitleT: 48. The cimuit efficieney of a ctassTA amplifier can be
A, hose rtye incneased by using
8. coflector+/e, base +.ue
A. low c!cpowerinput
C` collecto1.-\re, base +re 8. directmupJed load
D. cot[cREtor_ +`re. I.Z\¥S±=_±{{g
c. IO`fu+rating transistor
D. te_nstQrmer*oupled load
as. The following relationships bchAfleen a are P are
GorTed EXCEPT 49. In a c!asfrA arnprmerworst-case condition accurs
# -input
a. high Iced resisterne
C. 1/2
D„ transformer coup¢ed

5rty. The maxiimi+in oi\;era!l efficieney Of a transformer- 62. Zero \mat± cannot be chosen as zero decibel ievel
ooupzed class-A amplifier is _ peroeiit. I-Lrse
A. 78.5 A. it is impossible to measure zerowatt
8.25 8. ftistcosmall
C. every pe+i`iier compered wth it would' be zero
i:. -¥ a. tti.politd be,fropeqplpfp tp ddine.a rfeqtf rot

5". The main purpose of using transformer coupfiing 63. Ilie bandwic!th Of an amplifier may be irrerer,see
in a ctassA ainriplifier is to make ft more by
A. distortion free A. decreasing the capat*lance of its ben?ass
a- bulky
C. cpfty
D- apEfapt_
D. cascadinglt
52. A class+B push~pu« amplifier has the main
advantage c}f being flee ffom 64. Lower cutxpff ffequeney Of an amplifier is
A. any circuit imf)alances primarily dctemined by
a. urmanted noise A. interval capacjtances of the acti\/e device
g: ffiJ#giv= #Oft 8. stray capacitaroe betwreen ire wiring and
53. Crcesover distoulon ocqurs in _ amplifieng. C. ac p value of its active devices
Au pap±ing!J_ D. caELacitences_Of: :Cqu±P!±!ng±g±±±]lfl=±±
t3, dass-A €_Epee_apr$
C. dass-a
D. c-AB 65. The gaiin bandwidUi product Of an amplifier is
given dy
54. The maximum overa« efficienq/ Of a class-B
pu[sh-pu» ampffier cannot exceed _ percent.
A. 100
a- 78.5
c- 56_
D.85 66: The advantage of using negative feedback in an
amp]-rfeer is that its gain can be made practically
55. The main use of a class ng ampliifer is indeFxpdent of
JL as an RFamplifior A. teTTTperature changes
8. as s{eree amplifier 8. age of components
C. in communication sound equipment C. ftequeney
D. as distortion generator D. all ofTheabov®

56. The primary cause of a rtnear distortion in 67. Feedback in an amplifier ahjvays helpe to
anp]ifier is FL ee_giv) ap ordeg±
A. change ofa gain `Afth tiequencar a, inqfease its ggiv
8. uinequal phase shift in component C. decrease its input impedance
frequencies D. stabihe its gain
C. pegdeneps `assapiarked +If" the _cireui±
and active amalifirina etemortt 68L TT`e only the dr"xfoacl( of usirig negati`4e
D. inherent timilation of the acti\re device feedbadt in amplifiets is that it invotwes
FL cair\±rffit3e
57. An amplifier is said to stjffer lfom distortion vwhen 8. gain stabfty
its Output is CL temperature sensitivity
A- tow D. rfequeney dependence
a. diffeuerrftrom -its inprit
C- noisy 69: ~ufation
D. fargerthan its input A is performed at the transmitting staGon
8. reTrioves s€debands
58tl An ideal amplifier has CL redifies modulated signal
A, noise figure oflesstlian 1 dB D, is oT]t.osite:.Of Tneduldtior.
a, rroisetaderof]r
a. output s/N more than input s/N 70. In amplitude modulation
D, noiise figure ofmorethan o dB A. frequeney is changed
5©. The decibel is a measure Of
A- r-I g=T¥#iaeis##
D. fidelity is improved
a. voifege
C. current 71. 100% modulation is produced in AM when carrier
D, powerlevef A. frequency equals sjgrial ft`equertey
8. frequeney exceeds sigrial froqiieney
60. \Athen power outpiit Of an amplifier doubles, the C:. a_rnpFlitude eqtrats ststrra] ameditude
inaease in its pc7uner. letrel -rs _ dec3beis. D. ampGtqide e)ceeeds signal ampli(uc]e
a.20 72, For a givert carrierwave, maximum undistorted
C:.3 pchlrer is hansmitted `when valLle of modulation is
D.TO A.7
a. 0.8
61. \^inen output pchuer level of a radio receiver C- 0.5
inceases by € dB, its absctiJte pouner changes D.0
by a fanor of
73. In an AM `Adih 100% modu(ation , cach sidebands a. an integrating device
candes _ Of the total transm-uted po`^rer C. much costlier than a single transistor
A. orre-half D. fabricated on a tiny si]i€_on chip_
a- eyxp--
a. oneJthird 86. Most important advaT7tage Of an IC is its
D. tw"third A. cagy replacement n case of cimaijt faiilure
a. exqemet\r_bi_gti_rctlQbil-itr
74` Vvhen modulation Of an AM `h/are is decreased C. reduced cost
A percentage cattier pcftyer is decreased D` lout po\uer consumption
D. pemenfaoe 9idehand paiw'er is unaffiee±ed by_pf-
87. Jn monozitbic IC's all comporients are fat>ricated

A. eeap-
75. In AM lransmis5ton® pmner corlterTt of lJie cam-er
is ma}dmur» when in equals
a- sp-
CL dfarusion
A0 D. oxidization
C- 0.8 as. Morrolithic lc's are fabricated within a
D. 0.5 A. soft stone a. sis±±ESc:.Qn lalrer
a. single stone D. ceiramieb±
76. In AM transthi§sion `rdh in = 1, suppr`ession of
carrier cuts pctwer dissipation by a factor 89. Monol-RAic technique is ideally suited for
A.6 fabrfcathg _ ic's
• A. thinfifro C. linear
a. dEafe?/ D. thickfi`m

so. The major componeut Of a MOS IC is a/an

77. As compared to D§B-FC lco% mcidulated A. FET a. BJT
transmission. pchner saving in SSELSC eystem is a. «OsfiE7: D. SCF2
A- 94.4 el.i:Oifr£§]Pcanbeclasifiedas_anpmaer
C. 1cO a. !crmth C. paspefeedback
D. RccOupted
78. In an AM transmission \drith 100% modulation.
Gfu7% Of powerjs senrecl `when _ is/are 92. An ideal OP AMP has
a. caTTferand USB
A. infiniteAv
fL infinife Ri
C. zeroFfo
D. a_t!froahove
C. carrierat LSB 93. The gain Of an actual OP+AMP is around
D. usBandLSB A.irfngdy+rm
a. loco
79. In an ARA system, full information can be C. 100
coowqred by transmiffing only D. 10,OcO
A. the carrier
a. the uppersideband 94. When in a riegathre scales both Fti and F3fr are
C. the lo\Arer` sideband reduced to zero the cireuit functions as
D. arlyomtsideband . A lntegrator C. comparator
A Subtractor D. tunffirfo//oner
80. in FM transmissiorha amplitude of the modulating
stand: determirres 95. Ilie foundation on whieh an lc is built is callecl a
A. rate of ftequemry variations
a.±__p€ frra.zene:v sti-ift
C. fofral halanoe oftransnr]iseior]
D. plate
D` distance ofbTt±
ee. Monolithic= IC conctruc{ion uac=a
8ri. in FM. `ainer` flequenq/ de\tialfon is doubled A. diisaete components
A. rTpe4ul<asar.I ES_rtybff9 • a. higli value resistors
8. modulation is halt+ed C. conneding wires
C^ carrierswing is hahied D. Srferi_ei\(a__number of comrlorrorts
D. modulation index is iincreased
97. The currern sensitivity Of a meter is expressed in
82. in an FM broadcast in VHF band. channel wiclth A. AIm:pene a. ohmlvolt_
is. 8. ohmfampere D. anpere/division
A. 75 C. 88
fl 25 D- 299 98. in a linear meter, haifLscale deflection cecurs
`when there is _ per cent Of the ra[ted currem
83~ Orre of the serious disadirantage Of FM thftngh ife coil.
transmission is its A` loo C` 50
A. higiv atafro noise a. 25 D. 78

9.#ne#b%gfr:free-g9- 99` A 0 -1 rnA meter has a sensitivity Of

D. adjacent charmel juterferience A 7k£2`V C.1kQ
a.1mA D.1000A
84. first integrated rfuiit chip `mas deyetoped dy
A C.V. Ftaman lco.Loading effect is principally caused by _
8. W.H BrErm insfroents.
C. i-a.. ra[ly= A. nigTt reststarne
D. Roam Noyce • a. ]oonr-si®miitivitir
c. highrfsensrty
85. Ari integrated e!ecfronic cir"it is D, highange
A_ a complieded c±n=ufi
14. The luminous irfensfty ig defined as
A` Lumen persquare metre
1. Candela is, the unit of iL twminous flux t3er: unts :ee!i!±±arm!±®_
A fllH
C. Il!uminaton persquare metre
a. luminous imBnsit|r D. Candela per unr`it solid angle
CL uruminatfon
D. Iumirrance 15. The luminous intensity of a lamp is expressed in
A. Wartts C;. tux
2~ The unit ofil`uminance is 8. Ii+men P .,.. car}qp¥
A. Iumen
8. cd/rrf 16. IThe i«uminafion at a point Of a surface is the
C.ts luminous flux per unit area Of the surface and its
D. steracman unit is
A. !±±±s C. Iumen
3. Tlie i«irminatiqn at vari-ous points on a horizontal a. Cartdela D, candela poorer
surfece illtjminated by the same source varies as
A. cap 17. The ittumination Of a stirfa¢e is
A. Directly proportional to its distance from the
8. cps©
C. 1/r2 SX-
a. Imersely proportional to its distanee from the
D. tas26
C. Diriectly propordonal to the square Of its
4. A perfect diffusersurface is one that distance from the source
A. diffuses all the inciderri light
D. Imrerseiv r}ronortiori8l _to the__SauQre _Of _its
a. absort}s all the incident light clideno® froth the source
c. transmits all the incident ifeht
D, Scat±brs ligm uniformly iTl all dirrfuons_ 18. The i«umination Of a surface at any point is
proportional to the angle bct\reen the normal at
5. Total flux required in any lighting scheme depends that poiri{ and the direction of the luminous flux
inverty On A. Sine C. tangerfe
A. i«uminatton 8. Casrtye D. cotangent
B. surfaceama
C. srdilizedor. factt>r 19. To use [urnen method of design® you mustffrotfi!nd
D` spacetheight ratio A. Room index and the lumerrs
a R;;Sg;igFap{„`qud then ppeuslut \qf
6. Flood lighting is NOT used for_urposes.
A- Fapng. C. ught distribution from a polar curve and thein
8. aesthetic cogfident Of tifilization
a. adverisjng D. Coefficteut ofL16lization and then room index
D. indusrfu 20. Maintenance factor or deprie3tiation factor rakes
acH-I Of
7. Which of the following famp has minimum initjaf A. EffiFas of dust dirt aEc_Ii a_I_I_I_H.__!igtit outFTIt
cost Of installation but maximurn running cost? dr €fco lami. durinr] its I-ire
JL inearrd©eat 8. Depreciaton in capital cost of the installaton
8. fluort- C. Effects Of dtlst, dirt aind the type of th€i lanip
C. mertryvapor urd
D. sodium vapor D. Condition of the room and the type of the lamp

8. An incandescent lamp can be used 21. T}rpical values Of matrrfenance factors range from
A, inaypesfron about for good maintenar`ce conditions doovn to for
a, onbothac&dcsupply dirty conditions with poor maintenance and
C. for street tohthg cleaning
D. gg|±fro atone A. Orlando.6 C, 0.6ando£
B. o.8ando.6 D= a.8apqr,g.,f
S. Th? average urorl{jng We of a fluorescent lamp is
abch ~ hours. 22. Total lunens output from lamps `when new is equal
A. loco C. 3000 to`pe!zuined*coeREt:ieT.toftit"zacon
a. ±999 D. 50cO A-
10. The luminous efficieney Of a sodium vapor lamp is tequwh
C. tpt¥!lt:¥====±¥r=Frt!r!t`t=:a::=¥±::+T±:::
about _ lumehamaft.
A. 10 a, 30 C. cO D. Zg •oEaLtuneus,r¢qu}red.
11. The study of illumination irvoh/es
A- E±s±s±5f lri_s]rf__I_igfgivng sydem
23. Lonr pressure in a floroscent tube is obtained try
A. Iiigh starting voltage t>/our ¢zArremcde|risfifii/''
a. Study of lighting and wiring eystems
C. Calculation of wiring sizes for various lighting . a. High a]mentdensity D. Iourstartjng\ro!taa!i3
D. Study of photomedryand its appHcation
24. Rated Of energy rREtion in the form Of ligm
waves is calkac
12. Energy rediafed conEnuously in the form Of Hghiing A. ElurmfrTong wc(I C. LLJminpus [rTteusjty
wares is Cared
a. Lumen D. Candela
A. Luminous intensfty C. IXJm.J`no_{+:p,_¥7!±2g;
a, LLrmen D` l»umination
25. Ifluminafron can be expressed try?
13. ITie luminous flux em-rfued in unit Solid angle byr a A. Area
¥ C. Artm
un-rform point, Source having a luminous intensity Lu8rms
a. Area
D. all Of thro abovte!
of 1 candela iLs called
A. Lupen C. IIIumination
a. Lux D. Lumim3rre
as. The luminous iutensit)r in .a given diredion Of an A` The luminous flux emitted by the source per
element of a surfbee, Per unit prpjected area Of unit solid angle
that surface is called? t3. ILe__ligtit rat(en_I.a.SaE.ar3itir of a soun=® i_a
i+ Canrd:le pomrer C:. L.Imir.arree a _ai`reri dilreceon
a. Lttmen D. None C= lThe unit of Lmit i«umination
D. Norre oftheabave
27. Lumen^^fl" is the Lmit of?
A. Luminous intensfty 41. Glare is caused due to
8` Light flux A Excessive luminance
c. Brignthess 8. Excessive lighing conmst in the field of
D. . LLlmEnous diic:iertcy visfro
C. EfrorAorB
28. h4ef6ng temperatiire Of tungsten is? D. None oftheabove
A. ass5®K c. 2ooo® K
a. 2600°K D. 25oo°K 42` The INumination at a surface clue to a source of
nghi placed at distance .d' from the surface varies
29. Wfty should a flict¢ fluorescent lamp be •as
s\Adiched off immediate[)ff A.1m
A. Lapp can cause a shaft a-rcuit a. 1/d
EL tiro chaeREng coil ortt.a dert®r can C.a
be dentegiv D.d2
C. A strong interference is produced in
radio receiyee 43. In case Of frQs{ed GLS lamps. frosting Of shell is
D- None done by
A. Acid etching C. Ozone
38. What happens if thte choking coiil Of an operating 8. 4_rty_znghr7_/-_a D. Salt water
fiterescerit lamp is snort circiiited?
A. Itie lamp blo`rs.cfi 44. An auto-transformer used with a sodium vapor
8. The lamp g(ow brighter lamp shouid have
C. The lamps becomes less brighter A. High dep-up ration
D- g=±°rmTS co l8ngethat it 8. High steprdo`rm ratio
C. H_igh._fu3ahane rcacfarlce
D. Hish re±nce
311 . The average life soditm lamp is eedmated to be?
A` ®000tirs C. 8000hrs 45. A merunry vapor lamp gi`res Hghi Of
8` 3000Iirs D` 7000hrs A. Pinkcolor
8` Yeltwcotor
32. Sodium ifapour lamp is also lmoum as? ` a Greenisdrblue_ap_I_9r_
A. C:cttl cdeode l®hr I.ressute lamp D. Red color
8. Cold cathode high preseuie lamp
C. Hot cathode high pressure lamp 46. The luminous efficieney Of riigh pressure mercun'y
D. Cord cattode high pressure lapp vapor lamps ranges from lL]meris per
33. I-iminaries are generally categorized ae? A 30±o+a a.100tolco
A. Industrial C. Residential a. 6otoico D. 2coto4on
a. Commerctat D. a!] otttTe abo`re
47. \^thich Of the fdiowing lampe is a cold cathode
34` Listrt waves travct with a.velocity crf? lapp?
A. 3xlal2 cmis a. 3xlo1Scmls A. Sodium vaporfamp
a. 3xl018crn/s D. None EL NconlamD
C. Mermiry vapor lamp
35. lire lisht output Of Gis lamps is in the range? D. None oftheabove
AL 1-to 18 IutnQndialas
8. too to leo lumen^Aratts 48. For operafron of fluorescent tube on dc supply the
C* 200 to 3cO !umen^aedts addftiorral device incorporated in the tube cf rt:uit is
D. None A Transformer C. !nrfuctor
B. Res:i:rfur D. None oftht= aDanr\Ee
as. The lamp that carinot sustaf n mucli voitage
flukfiuatorts is 49. The flicker effect of fluorescerlt lamps is more
A. Sod-ium vapor tamp C:.[near*descoat Lamt. pronounced at
& Meroury vaporlamp D.ifertryiodide lanpp A. Le"voftsnges
a. Hgivvomnges
37. V\ifech Of the following lamps you wilt recommend C. Iiighef ifequencies
for` kitchen {o a poor man? D. Iior^rerfrErauen®ies
A. Sodium I/apourtamp C. Mercuryiodine
frop 50. The famp that cannot sustain mush voltage
8. tneapprfe_±petit_fe\mp D. Carbon arolamp fluctuations is
A. Sodium yaporlamp
38^ The direct lighting scheme is most efficient but is 8. hfert]jry `capor lamp
fiabfe to cause C_I____noa_Ddes=eetit[arnF>
A` Gte`re CI Monotony D` Mercury iodicle lamp
8` Hard shaao\ms D` £qfty_A amcfa
S1` For the same \nmttage the cheapest !anp is
3@. huninous flunc is A Sodium `raportamp
JLThE£E=£;nSrm[r.chctloninthofolmnct\ E± ®LS |z\mk._
C. hatryen tamp
a. The part of light energya radiated by sun that D. Fluorescentfube .
is recfro on each
C. Mea±[ur 52` Pcmrer factor is liighest in case of
D. Norre of the aho\re A Sodiurnvaporlamp
8. Mercury vapor lamp
d!O. cfarfe p~ is C. I_ncaqufroerTt lamD
D. hhalanp
a. I.REbut]on a. Step Dch^m
53. Ibe tamp that causes radio-interference is
fi E±±!prose€att.Ibe_ 67.. !t is prinarily used for instrumentation. metering
8. Halogen try . and protect-ve rdgivg.
C. hrfertry vaporfamp JL (nstrunentatioii Transformer
D. AWoftheabae 8. Step-Up Ttansfomer
C. Step-Ckrm Tfamsfomer
54. The lamp that cannot be used for dimming s D` Auto Transtomer
A. Ctoldcathodelamp C. GLslamp
8` f¥troresceutJamp D. AIl oftlie above 68. A kirtd Of transtoTmer Lrse dot step-dq\hrn c;urrent as
input~signal to metering or relays.
55. Tbtal flux requiired in any lighting scheme •L Current C. Steprup
deieds inversely on a. Step-Balm D. Auto
A. Surface area
8. Sr>ace+rieigtt redo 69. Tliese are used to stepping dowrn higher vohages
C. Ifroination` to 120V and are used speciifeally for metering and
D. Coefficiem of ulilizatjon confrol funch.ons.
A. step-Up C. Vofl5Bg®
96. A device that nveirts mechanical energy to a. Step-Dou`m D. Auto
elecifel energry-
A Gemarator. C. ]ndudion 70. A to-nd Of transtomer used to step voJLage Oc"r] to
a. SynchronousD. Altemator ]o\mer levels for use in machine tool and indusiria!
coritrol cireyits.
57. Airi elec±romechanical device that cowerts A. Cofro/ixpwer C. Sfep~Up
mechanjcal energy to electrical erreTgy in the form a. Step~Do`m D. Auto
of a!temating ourrenL
A. Induction C. S!mchronoLis 71. \^friiQh are not ccoling clase de9ignations of dry
8. Converter D, Aifer77ator type transformers?
A. AAJlft^ a. AIFA
58. Regulates generator RFM to maintain steady a. AAA D. GA
frequency regardless Of load.
A. Relays C. Capacitor Bank 72. Wbicli are not cooling class acsignatjons Of liqui{L
E} Governor D. Reclosers immersed airicocted lranstorm era?
Phs Ann G. oNFAfF^
59. A ric>tary eledical s`whch in certain types of e(ectric a. oAmF^ D. oAiFONFo^
motors or electrical generators that periodicatry
\rev?rses the aJneut direction bethA/eon the rotor 73. Iliese are also ca)ted nan-isolation tTanofdrmers
arid the extemat cirouiL I sinQe the primary and secondary sides share a
A. Induction C. AItemator cormon VI.nding.
8. Cclrrverter D. C:omm.tiator A. Step-DChrm C. ColifroI
8. Step-up D. Aedo
60. It is connected in series `nffih HV transmission lines
that used to present high impedance at the carrier 74. It oontatris MOV, t}rpical[y zinc, \which function
frequeney band `white introducing negHgible Similar to thgivn tubes in that way they fire at
impedance at the pc"rer frequenc@/. certain vohage ratng. Upon firing, they act as a
A, Neuhal C. Ij/ie77qp shorlcirou-rt. conducting the impulse to ground
8, CenterTap D. Arresters unt]-I the current flou`r drops to zero and the MOV
causes to educl
61. A device that transfers elecricaf energy from one A S«ng®Amsfors c. PourerFuse
cirouit to another through inductively coupled 8. CLF D. Capacitor
A. 77anrfurmer¥ C. Capacitor 75, \^/rich is not a coTrmon souroe of surges in powaer
a. Inductor D. Coupter lines?
A. L'n switching c. Capacitor sftyitching
G2~ A connecfron pdin{ along a transformer winding a Sub!rfefitm D. Lightning
that allouns a certain nurviber Of fums {o be selected .

enabling vohage regulation of the output 76. Group of s`whchgear and transformers used to
A Neutral C. CenterTap alter voltage level and prov]-de service point Of
8. Tap charger D. Secorldary e]ectrical apntrol.
A MICC a. PanelBoards
63. It is a transformer winding tap at the primary side. a, Substartiori D. Swithgears
It is sct to match long term system predle on the
high voltage netunoric and is rarely changed, 77. Device used to rmeasure voltage. ouTrents, energy'
F\. Neutral C. Off road tz\p changer arid other eletREcal parameters.
a. CenterTap D. PrimaryBushings A, S`^rfuchtx}ards C. Switchgears
a. Ffanel Boards D.
®4. 11 is a trarisformier winding tap at the secondarry
side. It may be change pesftions once or morp 78. These are very fast acting automaife swhches
each day„ without intemJpting the power deliveyyd` designed to protect an electrical system from fault
to to4lou/ loading conditions on the lowrvcttage and over toad.
netueck. A. Capacitor Bank C. Voltage Regulators
A. CenterTap a. SecondaryBushings & Relays D. Reclosers
8` Ne\hral a. On~load fop ctmnger
79. A bond or sheathed groilp r mutually insulated
®5. A transfonner used in transmission nethroric `Arflh 5 tsonductofs.
to 5cO MVA capacity & voltage rating above 36 kv. A` Ftedosers C. cab/as;
A. Step Denm Ci Jfro«rer 8. Capagivor D. Voltage regulators
a. Stepup D. Auto
80. A material `whh very low eledical condLXENty.
6§` A transtiormer used in distribiiGon nedmortc as A, Redosers C. /nSu/aeor
mean to end user oonnectivity ranging from 25kvA 8. Capacitor Bank D. Voltage Regulators
fo loMVA capacfty and 1 to 36 kv input vchage.
A. Auto C. Stepup
81. tt is Placed whereverthe lateral tines tap off a main A. Switchgears C` Panelboards
distribLJtion line` lf there is an ovedoad or sliort 8. Switchboards o. Atcc
edr"it on the tapped line. it will blow the line fuse
at the point `where the fop occurs instead Of 93t A ounbjrraffon of disconnect swhches and
th-pping the substation bTtraker and shutting off breakers used to isolate equipment in substalfon..
poufer to everyone on the a-rcujt. A Siiife/&gcats C. Panelhoards
A 4-rae czmtae a. Capacitor Bank a. s`Adrchboards D. MCC
a. Relays D. Voltage Regulators
94'. An assembly of panels with metering equipmerfu„
ae. A fuse that abruptly irriroduces a high resistance overci.rrerTt anc] other protection devices. 1[ takes
to reduce ouneri magn.rfurde and duration resu!(ing • a large block of poorer from a substa¢ion and
in subsequent current interrupfon. beats it do`m into smaller bloclcs for end use.
A. Thermal Fuse C. CurmatffmEGrngfiuee A. Switchgears a. Panelfroards
a. Fuse Holder D. Expulsion Fuse & S\.ritchboatrds D. MC>C
83. Cirou.rt hreaker with a ourTend rating of 15A to 95` A single panel distribution cabinet or wall cutout
16cOA and generally start `Arith 14kAIC but go up ` box that holds automatic overcurrent protection
to 1 cokALC for aj.plicatjon with high fault capadsty. devices for lighting, heat or power cjrouits`
These are sealed un-ris and carmot be serviced A. S`^rfuchgears a. Palnelboards£
at(nougn larger
-mterfuangeable parfesizes nave
sneh as version whh
trip un.ds. a. S\nftchboards D, MCC
A SFBCB C. OilcB es. The reverse conversion of e!ec±rfcaJ energy ineio
a. VacuumcB 0` "CCB mechanical energy`
A. Converter C. firrio®or
ee. Cirouit breaker used for high outirent applicat+`ons 8` Induction D` AItemator
up to 63cOA. IT is.designed to be robust as it used
as the last line of defense. These are field 97. AC motor distinguished by a rotor apinning with
fmen'ntat-riabte. • coils passing magnets at the same iraife as the
peuer supply froquengr and resulting rofalimg
a. VaouumcB D. MCCB magnedc field \which drives it.
A. Syitcf}ronot.S C. Aftemator
BS. tAnech is not a common t]pe of medium voltage a, Induction D. Converter
ex-rarit t€kers?
A. SFBCB C. OilcB 98. An elecatcaJ machine `which acts as meclianicax
8. VaouumcB P. AfccB itHfffier or iaverted.
A. CapacitorBank C. ftofsiryconverfu
as_ Gang operated Switch with no load btie±aking a. Reclosers D. Voltage regulators
capebilfty used to disconnect the substation from
ire inchirng lirre. 99. A fundamemal test equipment that js at}le to
A. Fuse C. Dieeorir*ee± S.iwitcsltes measure voltage (AC or DC), enment (AC or DC)„
8. Hnecutout D. Breaker frequency„ resistance, capacitance and mid;mum
/ man.mum values.
or. !i is ptutec{ive devise that aLrlomat-cally isolates a A. Ohmmeter C. Ammeter
fauELed section Of the line from the rest Of the a. "wrfu.frreter D. Voltmcter
distriibution system. It dues nat interrupt fainlt
ourrmt but only counts tlre number of operatons 100.Test equipment use to measures con{raci
Of an interrupting device that feeds the ctrouit. resistarre on medium and high yoltage breakers„
A. Sect-omofj2ier C. une cutout swhches, and any enrrent carrying connec±jorrs
a. Fuse D. Breaker A. Megger C, Muitineter
a D4rs£Qr ` D. Obmrmeler
88. These are small circuit breakers located at the top
of the distribution poles and are typically used on 10`l.Test equipment used to measure the resisianl
ver}r torig distribution teeder§. It raises or lowers between a conductor or piece of equipmem and
the voltage on the distribution line to prmride a ground or anotlter piece Of equipment.
rfrore or tess constant voltage as the amourTt of A. AJegftyer a, MuttinLeter
toad changes over tine. 8. mjctor D. Of}mmeter
A. Sectionalizer C. Line cutout
8` Fuse P. Rec/asers is used to test medium voltage cables by
injectirtg high potential to determine lealcage
89. It can be foimd bctti at substations and on current in cable insulation.
distribut-ron lines td help mairrfu.n a constant A Hi-|po£ C. Muilincter
iedtage level afang the entire djstr)-bution feeder. ft a. ChJctor D. Ohmmeter
raises or lo`uer§ the vemage on the distribwh-on line
to provide a more or !ess constant Voltage as the 1o3.It is used to measure protective relay functioning
amount of load changes overtine` by supplying input-signals arlcl measuring relay
A. Sectfcmaliz:ere. Line cutout to.p t].me,
8. Redosers D. VbltegeRe!gutders A faofayrfest'se* a. Multineter
a. fuctor D. Ohmmeter
sO, #E ha!ps adjust the pcner factor and Voltage on
distn.buton ctmuit and atEow etecthcity to be 104`lt measures the turns fatio and excid-ng ouFfent off
disffibuted more eflicien[ty. windings in pa\rer, potential ancl ourTenL
A. Line capacifer G. Voltage Ftegulatc]rs tTansformers`
8. Sectionalizer D. F`eclosers A. mctor C. 77R
8. Multimeter D. Ohmmeter
91. !t helpe adjust the power factor and voltage at
di§th-butr.on cl.ron.h substadr'on and allow elecfricfty 105.It has abil`rty to output voltage (AC ancl DC) or
to be distributed more efficiefifty. aJrrent {AC or ac) and measure tine delay firo!rim
A. Recloeers a. Vbltage Regulators the appl.katon signal.
a. Sectionarizer I). CapeciferBack A. Muhimeter a. "tiffl.purpase t]ee± eef
a. Megger. D. Ot`mmeter
se. A rrrduLar assembly specifically designecl to plug
in rTrotor control units. It is Lisually supplied by a
corrmon bLls stiajgtrt from the s\emcriboard.
14. The efficieney of themnal pouter plant improves
A` Increased quanfty of coal burnt
1. \^mi]e cateutatir`g the cos:I Of eleelric power a. 11±;® Of m±irl !sC®aen_nr®sEsur®ss_
generation, \A7hich Of the folfroring is NOT C. Lourerloud in the plant
considered a fi)ted cost? D. Larger quanfty of`Arater used
A~ interest on capital invequent
8. faxes and insurance 15. Whit:rii Of the fqltowing contributes to improvement
C. most of the salaries and \Arages Of efficiencbr Of Rankine cycle in a thermal pChuer
D. re;F]air_aed rrcairrfenano_f±_ • plant?
A. Use of high pressures
2. Rhaximum demand of an instalVAon is given by 8. Regeneration use of steam for heating boiler

:. RE:f
A insfanfaneous maD<imum demand
ted rfer
C. Rehearing of strt;am at indemiediate stage
a. greatest average po`ner demand D. All oftfxp a,rtyys

16: \^/hieh of the following is not a high pressure

1-minuite born
A. LpefftrboiTer C. V6lort boiler
a, £j!ipeapbiro draEq!±r D. ta"ourit t]oifer
3. A diversity fat#or Of 2.5 gives a saving of _
percent jri the generating eqtripmerfu 17. Overall `thermat efficiency Of steam poiwer station
A. g9 a. 50 C. 40 D. 25
is in the range
A. _t_&_ar_9r± a. 3OL40% c, 44ts2% D. 68J79%
4. M€iri{: the WRONG statemenL High load factor of a
generang equtrynwh 18. rmich Of the followhg is not the voftnge at which
A. leads to tesseircharges per kwh
8` imFities lo+^rer diversitir in demand power is transmiifed in lnclia.
a. gives more proffLto the onrner A. 65kv 8. 33kv C. 2oIV a. 732mr
D. cain be obtained accepting off-peak loads
19. In a stream turbine cycle, the lChrest pressure
5. Wieiri considering the economics Of power a-in
A.Turbine inlet
transmission, KeMn's lan/ is used for finding the
8. Ehi'er g: =iELRE'er
Tcost of energy loss in bare conductors 20. Chemical composition Of coal is given by
8` rn®st ®ocinorrlicQI or®sstsg±ction of the
corrd .i ---- A. Proximateanalysis C` Oroanatysis
C. interest on capital cost of the condueto.r 8` tJfHhaafa :arnallAsis D. All of the above
D. the marfuun voltage drop in feeders
21. For low head and high discharge, the hydraufie
6. E`Aaric the VVRONG statement. \hhi[e considering turbine urd is
A. ffaDlan futbine C. Pctton`\Linee\
pourer factor `trnproverneut. the most economical
angle of lag depends on the _ a. Francies turbine D. Jonva! turbine
A. ccet/kvA rating of phase advanoer
8. rate of interest on capital outlay 22. A graphical representation between discharge and
C. rate of depreciaton time is knorm as

D. value oif_origirra!___rastni_p!g_rJ_._f±_a_rutl ®_

\^hich Of the tollawing generating stations has

i RE fr¥ord-ffii-
23. A pehon wheel is
maxirmum running cost?
Themal poorer station
Nuclear powerstation
Fhrdrio penw®r. s5tzttfon
i ±ifeERE
C. Outed flow impulse turbine
D. Ntme of these D. [ned flowinpulse turbine

8. \^mich of the following methods of generating 24. A Francis turtme is

electric power from the sea water is more
A. \Nallerpoufer C. Tidell pquret_
C. Irmiard flow impulse turbine
a. Ocean power D. None of these D. Im^rard flo\hr reatiion tiirbine

9. in India. the firsttida! po\nrer plant is lilcely to come 25.##%:#*kgivofjet

A` Bayof Bengal C` Singrauli a. Actual velocity of jet
a. KORBA D. _Gulf ,Of Kutegiv C. Ideal velo®i*r of ict
. D. wilocity of jet under specified condition
10. Out Of the following wliich one is not
unconveTrfonal source Of enerenr? 26. A KapLan tt]Tbine is
A. TTidal po"rer C. Nueleqrepe[gi[_ A~ A higti he:ad mixed tw"rbine
8. Gcothermal pewer D. Wnd energy a. AwimpuLse turbine, inward flow time
C. A reach-ori turbine outward flow type
11. Heating value Of coal !angely depends ori D. Low head axialflowfuri]ino
A. Ash_conSen£ C. Vctatile matter
8. Moisture confeut D. size of coal parifeles 27, OtrdArard radiial flt"r turfuines
A. Are impulse turbines
12„ Ash content of India coal is neady 8, Are rcactious turbines
A. 5% 8. 7% c, 1o% o, 2o9ro C. Are partry impulse partly rieadion turhiries
D. Onav b® impulse or rcaedQ_a__$1r&_Zr._Fas_
13. Pc"er plants using coal work closely on which Of
ire fowhno qyde? 28, ln an inpiilse turbine
A. Rartk]_rue ¢ir¢le. C` OELb a:rde A. Aivrays operates sobmemaed
8. Bifmaryvapoureycle D. Bra}rton eycte 8. rvfake Lps ofg dratfube
C. Is most suited tor tour head inefaHaton
a. OI.enrdon `by Lr\"al qorrialde cotrverslon A~ 1._S_times _fifed speed
to kit\etic enej"_ EL 2 tg 2.2times ratedspeed
C. 2.5 to 2.8 tines rated speed
29, A gas futoine inrorfcs on D. 3to4times therated speed
A. Camptqpefe C. D`+alqucle
8. frovtco cvcrfe D. Rankine eycfe 47. Ljrad FSctor during a period is
A. A\reraae LEXErd / On&ximu_rn.Lcact
30. Ma3dmum efficteriey Of an open eycte gas turbine 8` Maximum load / Installed capacity
is rmarty C. Average Load / Installed capaci[}r
A. 40% 8` sO% a. cO% .pL.._€ap$ D. Maxinum Load /Average load

31. Compressor used in gas turt]ine is 48. For economy in generation pauner
•A. SonA/ compressor A. hood factorshouid be high
EL 5f i_u_B±dege__ax!.5±1lsriar comF}rescor B. Diversit}r factor` should be high
C. Plunger type compressor C= P[art£ LIGlizafion fEictoF_§houtd be t\Igt!_
D. F2eciprocafing compressor D. Load factor and di`rerstry factor should be lonr

92. Chrefall efficienq/ of gas turbirre is 49. 4 load calrve is a plot of

A. EqLiat fo canrict qrde efficienqr A. I.odd irerstrsf i me
8. Equal to Rankine qide ctFiciertey 8. froad versus cost of povrer
CL LiF3sEs tliai. _d_i_a_se! eyble_diilciBnoy C. Led versus current
D. More than otto diesel eycle efficieney D. Load factorand diversfty factorghould be low
33. The compressor ratio in case Of diesel engine by 50* During `which season the load on poorer plant
A. 5faT a. 14to2z: supplying poorer to a ctly will be liignest?
a. 7to10 D. 25to36 A. Raln]r season C. Vvinter
a- §±±apap§r D. AULumri
34. Higiv horse pthmer diesel engines are starfed by.
A. Self-starter C. Battery 51. outing summer months the increaisecl load is due
8. Cram:RIrig D. Compressed air to
A. Increased watersupply
35. tflffl Of the following is a nonpctrole}Im fuct? 8. Vacations in jnstfiutions
A. Benzol C, Eftyyl Alcohol C, lnceased business activftie§
8. f\Aelhyl alcohol _P. ____4P of the abomB D. ]neraped use _Of fans; _and air conditfer!r+!gr:a_

36` Diesel engine fuels are rated dy 52` Load due to a ceiling fan is nearly
A` Octane nimitSer Ci C®tenentmub®r A` 40to50W C. 2§Owto20cOW
Bh H.u`C`R D` CRFnumber 8` low D_...iap`t9_2=o_ovy
37~ Air standard efficEeney of a diesel engine depends 53. Which domestic utilfty item has highest powtRT
On rtry?
A. f±_s±mr±rE±ss±i_s\n \diso C. fuel A. Eapclron a. ^hiixji
8. Speed D. torque a. Ceiling fan D. Refrigerator

38. VIdech engine has the highest air fuels ratio? 54. A power plant suppiyirig energy to a city whl
A. Petrol engine C. Diesel engine usualbr experience peak demand.
8. Gas engine P. I Gas A. From midnishito earty rroming
a. 8amtol2noon
39. htost Of heat generated in iutemal cornbttstion C. 2pmto6pm
engine is lost in] D. e_pmtol2Dm
A. Cooing Water C. lubricating di
EL EE*7za«stg±aees C. radiation of thL: i.nstaLfat:ton
55.. The ratio
SLtm oF indtwautial maximnm demand
is know
40. IThe internal combustion engines neveT` `rom on
A` "eset c}pe!e e. Orto¢yc!e A demand factor C. Bjyersofader
a. Plant useianor D. plantc±apat:ityfacLor
8` ffanfln¢ ci¢fe D. "*al combustion
ewe 56. Capital csost per hA^m is highest in case Of
A. Steam pcmrer plant
41. The edicieney Of thermal plant is approximately
8. Diesel engine power plarfe
A. 'i0% a..L±92£ c. cO% D. 80%
C= nuclear oenlrer Dlailrf
D. hydroelecfroc power` plant
42. Winch Of the toltowing is not a secondary nuclear
ire? 57. A diesel pCh^rer plant is best suited as
A. _t/r?_ۤ C. Plutonium
a. U-233 D. Par239 A. Sfandbvrp/art , C. peakloadplant
8. Base toad plarit D. general purpose plant
413^ The functon Of moderfer in nuctear reaction is
58~ A gas turbine panrer p!am usually suits for
A. To aeee!erale the readion
EL IQ corttrd tlre rcactiglTi
A. Peak lord odserafion
C. To absoffi e)aces9i`re neutrons ` a. Base load operation
D. To libe.ate excess±\re neutrons C. Crfuat run
D. None of the above
4ra. rrty wher is 59. Which power plarlt cannot have single unit Of
A. liza ft__QzO C. WzO D. BzO
45. NLrdear rcactus generally.empley A I..brdroeiectrfe pouar plant
A. Furfu 8. Dfea=el Da`zirer Dlat-t
EL E?SS_a_a.`
C` Steam power plalit
C` Both Fusion and Fission D. Nuclear po\^rer plant
D. Norreoftheahove
cO. The useful life Of a diesel en ine in a poul\er p4aut
4i6. In `nrater tt*Ttiine, the mmanray speed Of pelton expected to be
th-rte is A. Fiveycars C~ Fifty years
a. Or\ey`ear D. fiiffperi vcarp A` Diesel I.o`rlrer t.!arr±_
8. Hydroelectric poser plant
61. Whieh of tJie foflouting plant is expected to have C. T7termal pq`Aner plant
ire kxpst life D. NtJclear power plant
A. Steairir] C. Diesel
a. {J]pedri(?e*t?ei!iiip..._.=.. D. alf fiave equal Tire 74. A certain plant froas fixed iqos& Of F3s. co,Crm and
salvage value Of Rs. 4,coo at the end Of a useful
62. For a power plant the expenditure on wllich of the life Of 20 years. ITie depreciated value of the plant
fditowing item is expected to be negligible? at the end of 10 years will be least {iuterest male
A` Pub_!i_a_-far_ C` \Nages being 6% compo(mde5]. RTnualbD `^then qalou!ated
8. Taxes D. Insurance by-
A. diminishiing value method
63~ AI brieakreven peiint 8. Sinking fund mthod
A. Constant expenses = profits C. Straiarit ]irre mctfiod
a. Total sales = variables expenses D. None of the above
C. Tiatal sales = frol ®>co®nses
D. Variable expenses -profits = {ctal sales 75. In the problem above, the value will be higliest
©4. A nuclear powrer plarTE is invariably used as a A, Straigh"ne mevod
A. _Ba_se_lrty tlg_rf e a. standrty piahi a. Dinrinishing valtie method
B. Peak load pTarTt D. spinning reserve
plant S:.£-:-„fi¥#i¥=¥fro-##
65. Major share of poorer produced in lndfa is lhrougb 76. When a pe`uer plant is not able to meet the
demand Of consumers i{ wll resort to
9, #g#erepfarnand
a. Nuclear peover plarit
D. Hydroelectric power plant
fC. ffi#opegivn
Pquuer factor improvement at the generators
D. Penalizing high load c;onsumers by inercasing
®6. Efflciency is secondary consideration in cage of he charges of ctectric±(y
A. Base load plarrts
a. Both peak load and base load plants 77. Load shedding is pcesible through
C. Peak lcedtl tlarits A. Switching off the toads
D. None of the above 8. Frequeney redudion
C. Vbtry reducth
67. Which Of tlie following plants will fake least time in D. Anvofthe above
sfarthg from cold conditions {o full load operatiori?
C. Nuclear pourer pfanl 78. Ideally depredated valtfe c)f the plant plLrs the
fi: S:=dr-rb#-r plants D, Hydroeleetrfe plant accumulation is the depreciation fund shouid be
equal to
6®, utiring load snecfding A. SjnKingfund
A. System volfage is reduced & Orinirtal imiiested col.ital
C, salvage value
g'§Fech'q#P#'rife°ife#-EL-9dz#ed D` obsolescence rate
D. System frequerty is reduced
79. In power plant insurance cover is provided for
69. Vlthich statement about the dafty load our\;e is A. Equipment only a unskilled `Aiorkeirs
valid? edy
A. TT`e area under the ciirve gives the average a. Sk1\ledworfers®nfy _D, aillof*frodhove
a. The ratio Of the area under the curves to the 80. Which Of the following relation is incorrect?
total area Of rectangle in which it is contained • A Capacftyfactor= utilization factorx load factor
gives the load factor for the day a. Lord factorx mandrmim toad = average loaid
C. The peak of the curve gives the installed C. Demand faGLor x connected load = maximuirn
caprty of the pun demand
D-#utri#of°#rf##,£##oTtfro D- H`FEt\® Oft*g`abeve

81. sinng fi+nd is

70. An equipment purohaselcl fior Rs.10,000 two years JL ]T]itial value -safvane vallrs
ago has a martcct value Of Fts. 1250 at present. It 8. Capital cost -operating cost
can be conquded tbst. C, Periodical maintenance - br\eafcdoi\rm
A. The value has depreciated according to rredGw-
stratgm line method. D. Capital obst/ useful life

8` The value has depreciated according to the
diminishing veYue method 82. A low utlization factor for a plant indicates that
C. The value has depreciated according to A. Plant is used forhase load only
sinking fund method a. Plant is undermaintenanQe
D- Le_iqubue_ has_deore¢iaifed `atfth tirrre
7tlh Bn a steam pourer pfaut `which component needs
maximum maintenance attention? 83. \^thich of the following is not a generating
A. Boiler C. Turb`ir`e Stafro?
a. asTenser D. Water treatment A. Hydroelet*ric staliori
plant a. Steam pow`ner station

72. qn lndfa tiidal povrer plant is being considered for

A. !n the Gulf c|I_IS±am_hay_

Nuclear pourerstation
produedon stag,g_a_
84. Which Of the following is not a type Of tlieTmat
a. Ir` the bayof Bengal
a. Nearvlshakhapatnam
p- station?
JL ±z±sz_llef\_a T]tatit
D. Neargoa 8. Steam powerstedion
C. Diesel powrerstatton
73. in india least share Of poorer is provided by D. A"Oftheabon
99. Spouting velocity is?
85. In a diesel po`A/ersfaLion, diesel engine is A. I_3eSl velocif er off ig£
empkryed as? 8. Actual velocity ofjst
A. Pro heatei` C. Frirne morrer C. 50% velocity ofjct
8. Lfeater D.N- D-N-
as. Which of the followirtg factors is nct considered 100`A ffancis turbine is?
vwhife ctaesifying coal? A. Out`^qrd flow reaction turbine
A~ C:olour C. Chade
a. i)q}e D. Rantc =.Jinrffii#Owmpr'cag#th¥4±
D. Outed fro reacfro turbine
87. \^that is the approximate peteendage of volatile
matter in cmara 101 A gas turfiine `naorhs as?
A. 25-359€ ...,. C. 8-22% A. froyfro ci.cfe a. Camct qpete
8` 10-18% D. 35-45% a. Dual cycle D. Rankjne qrcle

88~ The s}ctem in\rolving breaking Of a coal info foe 102.\^/hich cycle is used in aircra{} using gas fufoine?
parfides, mixing Of a coal +whh air, dewery Of coal A Rejuverrattori
air mirfuire to the burner and combustion is
A. Edy.herined coal s\rst!em
a. Stroker system
C. Pch^rer` Larrd system 103.A diesel engine corlsumes diesel oil nearly at a
D. None oftheabowe rate of?
A.180 tQ_Zen_f lrtyBHp hr
ee, The reason generafro9 capectty which is a. 1 kgreHphr
attailable for resource but is nct in operating is C` 400to 500gr]ndBHp rir
care D. None
A. Hot regerve C. Spinning reserve
8. Co/drfper¢±9 D+ None 104.Erigine having a sparic plug is?
JL EL_f±_3±__diesel engine
90. demand factor is expressed by? 8. Is an air`coaled patrol engine
Minimundenrd C. Is a4strcke patrol engine
counected led D. 2 strcke patul
Coi]i]ected !oad
105.\^/bich is the lonrest temperature of lubrical:ing
D. None oflhe above J\ Pourpqfap
a. Ffashpoint
91. Reserve capacity can be.expressed b[y? c. Boiing peiut
A. Plant capacity x Ma)dmum demand a. Fmepeint
a. Plant capacfty + Maxl-mum deniand
106.for the same max pressure and heat input the
a. Marim urn demand most efficient eycle is?
D. Pfarr. caf}qe_j®r-"axEmurn dlerT.arid A A. Dieselcycte C. Dualeycle
a. froyfon ct;a/e D. C)tto cycle
92. The unvarying load on a ponner station `Arhich
ocairs almost the whole day on the station is 107A rotamcter is used to measure?
known as? FL Disst\arae^ o§ fluids
A. ftaee/oact C. Crmpeaklcad a. vekrty of fluids
a. Peakload D. Nor`e C. `/iscosfty of fluids
` D. Densftyof fluids
9& Coal used in power plauts is lmo\rm ae?
A. CharoDat C. jxpai77 coal loo. In hieeder turbines, part of the steam is extracted
a. Softcoal D. Coke for?
AL. Fiedl warfer heatria
94. Equipment used far puhretizing the caal is? a. Fteherfug
^ Etollmilt a. S#rdker C. heatng secondary air
8. Bumer D. Happer D. None

gs. :gras;:g:A:#;:;! pressure Of `^tater7 lcro. Petton wheels are ingtatled on?
A. Low Tread plants
a. icokdrat a. Iltaf-I.ead pFarTts
c. sok8tem2 C. Medium head plants
D. None D. None oftheabove

95. What is the permise"e pti value water for
110.What is the pressure Of hydrogen when used for
coormg a lange alterfuatot?
A. o`o65 kg/cm2 a. 0.o4 kg/t:Trip
a.7 8. O.02 kalan2 D. O.035hederri
D. i_Iiaquvidt€dsrthan 7 1 1 1 A gas turfeine ptrmer plant is suitable for?
A. Peak load operason
97h A lcoRA^/ thermal pormer plant will consume tiou/ a. PefTTraneut operation
many tonnes Of coal in one hour? C. Base load aperation
A. 50tonnes C. 5tomes D. hlone of theahove
a. $Ootonnes a. 6000{ormes
112.VI/hich type` of plar`t has the minimum running
gEL A graphical represerTtatjon between discharge cost per kvvh of energy generated?
arid fine is kno`^m as? A. HifdrnetErfuc l]IairTt
A. tyfonagrwh C. L"Ograph a. Nuclear porrer plant
a. II¥dmmdr D. Topograph C. Diesel pc"pfaut
D. TherTma[ ponier pfatil
1, Hgiv voifege tor transmitting etechto pocer in India

A. J[OOJ.V a. 700kv C. 550kv D. 735kv
19. 111e ptirpose of grid system is to

Mde exfro tgiv vottage avaus to consumers
REalte disdibiltion of energy at reasoriabte cost

20. Line togs Of transwission Gce for given poorer ts

2. \rmieli of the foinng is usuany not the generating A. Diinectly proportional to silpply vonge and pouaer
vottage fanr
A.llkv a.132kv C._ 9_L9*y D. 6j5IV B-]m.rqurapTSphr.R\edlfEFP9rap"]-top+Ipthr.`xpttELEE
3. The fact that a condLictor carries more ourrem on trte C. Directt}r proporfronal to supply `/ditage ai"£
suffice as compared to core is knChrm as inversely propoTtiora) tp pChuer factor
A. Corona C. ursymmedrical faun D. Dirfty propchjonal to power factor and imrersety
8. permeaDHfty D. _. S[try_.givEf
propor6onal to supply veftage
di. Ifansmission ediqieney increase as 21.TEE+ifedein:¥finadc.out:es:::£of;#:+:i::s:g=:#
A. Vbllage and pourer factor both decrease
D. Vd!Eage decreases but pchner factor increases
5.,¥L¥#ro##fro 22, Comparison of vatous ovemead transmissions
s`rtyems is made udih the
a. Diamcter of conductor A. R`m.s` `roltage bedreen the conductcirs
EILELEEHEELTJ|E|RE a. R.mjs. `rottage behmEen the coriductorand earth
C. Ma3drim `roHage betiween the t3onductors
6. IThe surge impedance for over~head tine is taken as
A. 50rfeo ohm C. 10-20ohms
8` iooo2ooo chin P .... 7oapap oftym
23. For underground. cab|+e systems, the comparison is
7. Ilie effect of corona is made wh the
A. InGreased reat*an¢e C. fht=rtrasect orzerrnr4crs A. `rot[age betureen the conductols
8. Increased iridicance D. all oftneabo\ne a. R.mjs. vcttage between the conductor and calfl

8. The ourrut dram bythe line due tocoroma [ceses is

S: ffiE::=' # gRE-ELq.ffi#g nd
& g#£.%#ofth/ 8: £#Sareoftheabove 24. For ac transrfeseion, uihelher over berad or
9„ Presence of ozone as a result Of corona is haiTrful underground, the most unsuiled ems is the
i-tJse. A. 3+phase. 3-wire C. single phase
A_ Itgivesbad odour a. 3i}hase. 4|wire D. 2pAaseL 3+Arfue
8. IttransfereneTgyto the ground
C. Reduces power factor 25. Among a» the all systems, the most st.perior s}rtyems
D. Itpprrapqutpqu' is the

JBO. For 66 kv the number of insulator discs used as =3ir±rfuiEinswh®wlthqulmiim\Qftya®rtyppn

a. 3-phase, 3+wire \whh maximum \romage bchueen
A. 8 a.1Z g± D. 3
condutors and earth
i Th . \flfoorlen pot es ft>r sixppoting trarismission line are used C. 3iinae, 3+Afire `aiith rms voltage betinieeirl
for vcttages ap to conducttrs
A-22JLV a. 440kv C.llkv D. 66kv D` 3aphaee, 3+wire with rms voltage bctrmeen
conductors and earth
12. The surge inpedance Of transmission tiries is about
A. 1ooQ a. 2SoQ cL 5coa D. 5oQ

fl3. For transrriseiort lines the standing urave ratio is the

26. For cmaLheed transmission tine aprLase. 3 urires

A. Superior o`rer laphase. 2wire mid-pctirlt earthed

un cFf 8. Superior over2i)hose, 4+Afire giff#em
A. Mrfurm currut to mirtimum voffage C. Ncrd: suooriorov+ertt\® olf.ortwo
8. Wandrnum vofG&neto minimum vottar&® D. I`tot used in practice
C. h4a)dmurn rcadance to minimum reactarree
D. Peal< `roltageto ms `roftage
114. For a distortion less transmissicm line (G=shLm{ try adopeng a de eystem for transmission, parfecLiLap]/
iwhen the poorer factor Of the ac gpe*em in comsidema[rty
condixrfunce bchAraen t`m wires)
tess tnari Lrty. TIRE ractor `mfcn limit ce trEHtsmissier. is
8. F3G=LC D. fEL=G/C ± 1{p,?ps5};.`rmr pr;obThlna.I.!giv vpifeap
a. Highvoxagedrop
15. A relay used in tang transmission Line is C. That dc rosistapce is highertharl a¢ resistance
A. Reactance relay C. mfrotsnedmr D. Ttiat nhs \roltage is nut avai[at]te
a. Impedartce relay D. no relay is used
28. The problems associated whb 8c transmission eysterms
i6. The pcmrertransm'died twl! be ma3dmum `ctrhen are
A. High voltage drag, insulation and instabilitytor long
F\. Sendinst el\d `rottaisie is more firtes
8. Recehring end vutfage is more
C. F{eactance is high
8. Cot.timl®a= losss e`rori dt I.a load. insuledor. esnd
D. Corona lasses are least tor Ion
C. ConLirxpes krss ue„tp. Charging oumerfu high
17. Surge inpedanee Of transmission line is given by vomage drop anc] iustabifify tor tang »ries
D. Coutmious toes di]e to charg.Lrig oumeady lt`ngfro
A. jE B.v5ECL G.~deL at vo[[age and iredatj.on

29. The beha`hors of an ac transmission line used for porcer

18. Stages in the provision of electrical energy to a trarisr"'ssion depends upon
Car.suTner are:
dEL Generaton nd tiansmissiQn A. altering electrostatic field. Fiesistance and hang!h
Of li-ue
a, Generation. ctistribufro artd transmission a. AItemating ctectrostacc fieid, aiferrrfug
C. Generation, dissipetiori and distrit]iriion ctectromngrictie field arid length ct. Tine and
a. Affemating electromagnetic fieta resistance and
te" Of line
D. Reaftens® atte"ng ®leanstae® field and
aHtsmatfnsl el©mE±endi® fietd[
a. VoItage drag and the cost of higheirvoifege cable
C. The pcrmertoss and cast of the highervoifeape cable
30. Shott transmission lines hanre a length rtct e2aeeeding D. The pChcertoss and vcttage drop
A =4E_±gr= 8. 2Dkm C. 80km D. 1cokm
43. A awire dc system of distributon is prefefirecl tci a 2-wire
31. One Of the line parameter \which is neglected in chart tlo sgiv because it
traTrsiTulsrfu . , A` ResuR in a saving of capper and has tess
A fanacjftypqg C. resistance resisfanee
a. Inductance D` admittance

32. For receiving end ourTwh / and fagging poorer factor

angle qu, the sending end veftage V, for a short
D. anakes fro attemafue vottage avai!abte and resiffis
tratrsmission tirro is in lees voHage drag
A` v8 = vn + T„ cos qu * le sin qu \nrfuene VFT is lne
recehring end voftafe and R & X are resistanee and 44. The t\ro types of distribution systems used are
neactance Of de ke
& Bffig:#£F '±+tryunarca
D. ring main and dctfa
D. |±±l±±Ips cg=`au__+ lxs±a±I± 45. The advantage of the ring main system is
A. Less vottage droo in the feeclers
33. Slancfard pu"c electricity supply to consumers f"n a
suhistrfu is
A.11 kv/41S``rons C. 60a&aevous
g ae.qf.avFurofteffro rtyng
D. Noneoftheabo`re
Ei 38orm volts a_..___4T±azco ¥dy$
48. To reduce lne `cottage drop at a paftEculalrfeeding pch¢l
34. The term _ inda±des the use of cahie and or loado the s}mem prgfened is
associated confrol and prctecthne equipment necessary A. Ringrfu
for supplying electrical erterm/ to reqLiired pdsifrous on
coals-a pr- a. Radial
A. Gen®ranor\ a. 1:tGaifrffuutfro g:L=OnaT¥rang¥emeutsopefroposed
8. Transmission D. generation and distm!ution
47. For a gi`ren !oaaing. jt is better to fead radial digfributor
35. A Ionr tension distribidion s]tiern consists Of at both ends as this gives
A. Tfansmission thee, transtbrmers and ciTcuiL
branches ±g#Eg#.Fife-a-#acondutorand
%. Eg#:E-RE#
D. Transmission fine. digmmors and cifliiit brealQers
mininun toss
Continufty of supply ancl greater cross-sectional
arcs of the conductor
D. Greater croesraecaional airea of the conductor anc!
as. A feeder in a ffismfrotion qctem is designed primarily rrfuinun cottage drag
fro the pch Of vieur Of
A` CmrTck carr}ring capacity 48. For a 3wire dc distributor fed at one end„ if the total
8. Vohagedrop vonage drop in the neutral is positive it is
CLRE±rmeaneonnidn_REmv°tRE.qRELB± A. Added to the negaiivedrop
a. rmucted from the positive drap
D` Voltage drop and oumeut carrying capacity as C=^£Ei£#:drtyap°Stt^recLrapanddeksirfe4trpE_
secon daJy consideration
D. Deducted from the pdsttive dtap and ended to the
37. A distributor is designed from the point of view of negfro drop
iL vbtatg®dr"
8` ' cufTent carrrm capadty 49. `A/ith point toads in a distributor fed at bath ends, in oncler
C. Vbhape drop and oumer7t ca7T]dyg capacity to detemine the ma>dmum vo!lage drop it is necessary
D` LedcapEfty to know the print Of
/1 largest load C. maxiniwh vatlage
38. The supply undertaking is attowed to vary the actual a. Jrmr)2mtim irolffiae D` least load
vetfage at the consumers terminal
A. Because ac sL+pply attemates dLiring each cycle 50. AI the print Of minimal potential in a distributor fed ffrom
8. Bo¢aus® Of _tl\® vctteare dron __ at®.ia__ths± bcth ends, the ioati at the point is
ERE_krat3EnEE A. Sqppfied from left liand fe.Bding point
a. Owing to large load atthe consLmererid 8. Supplied from rtoht hand feeding point
D. Owing to variaton Of ponper fader along the C. Surm>lied arom hsthi atid ldi hancl _fapr±g
tlistributor p9ipe_
D. Minimal
39. IT]e consumer rnatn s`Affich gear is usually located
A Inthecemerofllre house 51. The determine the distribirtion of load at the point of
Est C)utof reach rnininiLm] pc]terdial, the moments in ampere meters
C. Chrerthe kilehen sink about the One of the feeding paint the rnernends
D. R±the in tztk®Lsositiost in ampere mcters afrout the cther feeding point
A. Should be lessthan
40. Far the same amount Of ponrer to be detivered tQ a 8. Should be greaterthan
rrrer. If the supply vorsage is inereased to n times C. Coulclbe eqijalto
the size Of the feeder cable is D. Mus*beeaualto
A. R®chlcedto IJtitimes_
8. Increasedto ntimes 52. For ac distributiorfe. the power factor if the load nas to
c. Reducedto lrful ife be taken into consideration and the caleu!ations
D. Increasedto rhl times became cumbersome. The approxinde method \chitiT
gi`res resutts `Rdihin plus minus 5 peroenL Of the actunll
4i. In the `rollage Of a distribution cable is iricreased to n vctLage drop iTT\rotves caloulaLing
times„ then forthe same pchrer and peroertege \roftage A` The ceutne Of gra\tryr Of the load and er\rerage
try rraar resistance Rfl of the same length Of ffle
distribtition in tens Of the cid resistanee R, will be 8^
The centre Of gravfty of the load. the point Of
A. fh=R/h2 C. Ftfl=RIn minimum potential and a\recage Dourer factor
a- &=dB D. Fh=nRa C. The c®mLr® Ofsunttor of*I-a load. neREnce and
Teactence per douute run ,and aprserm_±±_
42. in spite ct the aavamages Or irrsreasirig `ro!tape for Ta__ _ __

distrto`Ition, the limiting factors are:

D. The average power factor. the pch.nt of minimum C. Electrostatic stresses befureen the conductors
petential and iresistanee and reactance per double D. ,4±!_Of:xpap
66. In transndssion tine, if the load is suddenly increased in

se. Vevape drop in a urniformly loaded distributor fed at one the receiving end of the system, the phase sniit wil#?
errd is calou!atea ny assumng uns urfiole of the toad
i. ife 8: #sapne
Thefarend of the feeding poirtt
Nor`e oftheaho`/e
67. For a distoTtiorl less trartsmission line?
a. G=RIC
54. !n actued practice the potential at the t`ro feeding prints D. tap-Gl--TO
is tJrngLJaJ. To calculate the voltage drop, the difference
in ndenffil is 68. For `which shape Of conduetor the Corona lees will be
A. Added to the achjat voltage drop least?
a. Suhiraded ltom the achial voHage drag A. £try±±±!gr. 8. FTat C. C}ral D. t\lone
a. Converted into ampere metros and added to the
moments Of the higher feeding point 69. IThe capacitance Of harismissjon line is meg)ected up to?
D. Cot.vertod into amr}ere modes asndthe momerr€ A 2ur}lch 8` 1colan C` 1ooKm I). coicin
Of the lo+nfer feetGrqu poirtt stairt ttom`1his ini{fal
70. What is the mo5{ impor[artce cause Of pon¢er loss in

55. There should be no breatc in the neuhal] \which is usually fn=gEL|in=? -`6-redame
earthed at the supply end. Of 2 wiire ac distribution

A. ItonDuld malce aw part dead

8` Fggisfippee D. None

71 ` The detging cumeut in transmission liner?

JL Lieads the volenee tnt 90®
a.ThJ±oE±oed#:I#deffibequndfrrfe.€ 8. Lcadsthevortage ty l$0®
D, H wt}uid affiect thevchage C. Lcadsihe`roHage dy45°
D, Lagsthe voltage by goo

5S. Covrmercia] premises usuafty bLit some domestic
installationg have 3 phase, 4i*rire digtribulon s3rstem

A. The supply tafflis cheaper

8. There ser`rfes are cbeaperto install
72. Ilie coefficient Of reifedion Of voltage tor short cirouifed
lfro is?
A. i a,1 C. 2 D. 0
C. Tn® lead is rolati`rchr farce 73. The economic size Of conductor is determined lz±rf?
D` The vctEage drop is less A- ftet`rtys..tap+4a±±r C, faraday]s leer
a. Kircthofrs tour D` Ohms tan/
57` l-he economical sections trf a feeder can be obtairied by
apptyng 74. The span trf tf"swission fine bed^reen toiRErs tatQe:s Xfee
A Ohm.slaw/ C. Lenz'sLaur shape of?
8. Faraday.5 LffiA/ .Zl f{Q4rtyts.£gur

58. \thich Of the fo»owir`g is the system Of transmission of

31. 3E¥a g: ELIr
efancal puer? 75, `^thich can be used to change the direction Of
A. DC system C. 2and 3® acsystem transnfission the?
8. 1® ac system D. Jquof*lilq9f?ql!r\Pt A` Shaintype C. Pintype
8. Sfla:ner*s:fo» type. D. ShacRIe type
69. IThe tormuta for econowic voifege betweerl lines in a 3®
ac system is given try? 76. Skin effedis?
A. E±seanl2s±tegaar_tio frociclenGir


C. V=5.51.

D. Noneoftheabove
D. None

60.Thee!edricpouerbeingtransmitiedfromgenerafro+ting 77. The tisrmutors for residential a\reffls e\ire?

pogiv is called? A. _3¢4wbe 8. 3®3\Aiir\e C. 1¢ D. Norre
JL Prinatrv transrTlissiori
B. Secondary Trdhemission 78. The spacing between pliase conductons Of a 220 10/
C. Primary cfictribution line i§ appra>timatety equLail to?
D. Secondary distTtouli`on A. §±H 8` 4m C` 2m D.8m

61. The transmission linte5 \Rihich feed different substation 79. The X/R ratio for distrl-biit-ron lirtes is?
reprtaerTr? A.1.5 B. a _±__xp=__1 D. Ftone
A. E±rnary cHstribtltfor. C. Generanon
8. Secondary distrtyulion D. None of the above 80. which Of the fullowing relation is incorrect?
A-rg'gl x_'m^/--pr a, rri--y"newA
62. A 1® me clelivers power at 11 KV at a distance Of 15I<m a, KVA=Kwrty D. KW=KVAxpf
firct at Lagging Of and \chen at the some leading Of the
edficjeney Of transmission Ene will be? 81. The ndrimuni permissible size Of afirminLrm caLi!e for
ptnrty ciBus is?
±, #atat\#qpFnd Larfu prat l9"thBE A. 3.5sqcm C. 1.5apam
C. Leesatfagging pf a. 3sqcm a. 2.5s5trcm
D. more atfaggingpf
82. The tcta] connected toad and nimber Of powhs on a
GB. Wbederi poles can be used forspan Of ma3dmum up to? borer sub-circuit should not exceed?
A- Jf9jz! 8. 2com C. 150m D. 250m fL 20co lhr ar±d_2_L]ofnits resir.octf`re!ir
a. Soho w and 3 points `respecGvely
64. The phenomenon Of corona reduses? C. 4000 W and 2 peirtts respectiv`ely
A. TTte losses of the line D. 40co w and 3 poirris reapecth;ely
8. Interference in communicaton fines
83. Aftise is inserted in?

:ELF-bequp.giv i REre ."g: RTeAawhB

65. Corona helps. miniwizing? 84. `^thich Of the toHo{ruing expression is mit vaFd for i:sh€i¢ut
A. Effect Hghting transom-sgiv Gne?
8. Effect of surges on transmission line A- A=D=| G' t=llr
8. ?_=Z=..£ D. B=Z=1 A^ Meehan:iical strength C. Fla!sh overvct¢Qape
8. Pttncture strength D. Them}at strength
85. Giry wire is usetl fo?
Jtr SuDDattthel.L}ote i 02. The fatio of vottage to the flash over venage of
a. Prmnde emelpeney earth route a he insulator is
C. Prmride su!ge pfctection A. Equatto 1 CL eracti t!neatertfaan f
D. Nne 8. Lonrertlian 1 D. Noneoftheabove

86. tick template curves a{ie plcts of? 103. The insulators may fall due to
A. £ond\Ictnr saque and sEoan tenaths A. Flash o\t`er C. Deposition ofdus±
a. conductoriAfeignt and sag 8` ShoTtrirunits D. Amr oftheaban+te
C. Temperature and humidit]/
D. TemperanJre and grourfd ctearan¢e 104. Corona is likely to occur maximum jn case Of
A* Distrfrotffion fines C` Domestic wiring
87. In life analysis Of snort translrission the ichich of the 8. ]7armbefo»,lines D. Sewicemains
fiwlowing is neglected?
105. Presence Of ozone to corona
& RE#ertce = grcend"fafice f i\ lmpto\resthe pt E=__..Corrodees the matoriat
8. F3eaiREsthe pf D. Imprtyves regutafrom
8&!. Xn a diesel engine. the garvetmr ctmfrols?

fr #-+=ife S: ¥# 106` Stdn effect eocists iT]

A. Cable canting dc oument
8` DctTansmission line only
89. The relation bet`Areefi travelling voltage iAiave and C. A¢ tmnstnissedio_n_J}irre _Only
Ouflent trove is? D. Dcasimell as actransmission lines
A. a-Jf a. a--Jf 107.In hv transmission, the spacing bemeen surfe
condtrfurs Of a buridJe is apprcDchately
a- a_-_i: D. e ---, ffi A. socm 8. 40t=m C. 80cirn D. 3.5cm

sO. A 30 Kin transmission line carnrf ng power at 33 KV is 108`\A/htoh Of the ro«owing is neglected wiiile anal}fz:ing a
krMrm as? snort trarrmission me?
AL Short 99r\smEssion._!ilpe_ f\ Shumqqprittei\pes C. SeTts-imp¢±denee
a. PcRErlosses D. Noneoftheabove
D. U!lra nigh \aoltage ffnB ice.In medemng the eqLwheut cifum Of a short !ert€giv
Cn/erhead tranemissinn linen the line resistainee and
91. Surge impedance of transmission line is gi\ten by? inctuctance are only considered because iine
capachance to ground is
F\ _± a. ifeLf al D. i i A Equalto zero C. Finite but veryfarge
a. Finite but`r®nrs±rmall D. Irrfen.ire
92. Wrfeh of the folfamg is usraBy nut the generating
vdiap? 110. As corxpared to sendino¢rid voltage, the receivingemtl
A 6.6IV gL,sLpi[y c. iirv D. i32IV `roHape Of a sfroft line under noload condition is

ee. The `ro4ume Of cappef required for an ac trarrsrnission 3: ELi g: #ealofnSthF:==e

ffirre is iIT`/ersely proportional to
A Current C` Pf 1 1 1 . For an ac transmission tine of length Trot exc]eedingi en
8. Vchiape D.___Bath B_ any c_ kin, it is usual to lump the ltne capacitance at
A. The sending end C. The midpoint
94. Impmving pf 8` `The i'ee¢firin¢endl D` Any coiTvenierlt pctm
A. F3ensgs`try.a _g-Tirerl Q±Ite±ct
8. Incieases tosses in line 112. If L C and Y are the inductance` capacitanee artd shunt
C. Increases the cost of station equipment adrnffianee Of a line per unit length. then length I.
D. Noneoflhe abcrme A. TT\e s=huat aidm.ittance is Y. I.
8. The inductance is lJI
se. fi6 k`/ is sutab!e tortransmission Of poner over C. Thecapacitance is c/I.
A. sokm EJQLE a. 120lrm D. 2cokrn D. The sh`madmittance ts Yn

96. Steel poles tor'tranenission line need prctection against 113.The ABCD constant Of a 3 phase transpesed
A. E3®rer C:. Corr®s;c*n harrsrhissfon «ne `Afth linear. and passive elements
8` Terrnftes D. All of these A. Ale ahRra`is equal C. A andD aEm oaeral
8. Neverequat D. Bandcareequal
A Increased tensile sdengm
114. For trar`smission line with resistance R„ reacafree A
and negivigENe capacitance, the generaEed constam A
a. Easel En har\dliria
C. Cheaperincast A. 0 &J C. Ft+jx DL R+X
D. Fieduced resistivity
115. The velocity Of propagaton of electromagnetic `aiav\es
98. \Adrieh Of the follc"ing prapetties has got higher value on com her

ff¥n#g.the(LEL%E#ucrmy & 3ffiss g: 3:i8f|#our

EL A4efrog point D. Specific granfty
116. In case the characteristic impedance Of transmiss6oni
line js equal to the load impedartce
se^ AesR is used in place Of capper in overncad liners

A. Higiver ourTwh canying capacity

A The qperfem unTh resonate badly
8. AI_I_f lis±_en4rmr_Soatw.i]I bo abeoTbed by the lozs!d
8^ Being ligmer in ianeight C. AI the energygeutwill pass tothe earth
D. AH toe erre7gy will be lost in transmission line as
fr Egrrtsfle strengiv transmission loss es

leo. Strain type jmsulators are used 117. No^laad campeneation Of a high voltage line invotwe±s
A AIdeaterds A Shunt capachors C. Series capachors
a. A± irfermediate anchortChnrers 8. Stry{+rtyi®actors D. None of the above
C. On stca-"runs
D. Ar\yarf ^orB 118. Fu!Lload compensation in a line requires
A. Sfrt4rlf capacftDrs G. Transfomrers
1 Ou . Wavy stn"iire Of pin insulator increases its 8` Seties capactor§ D` Shunt riE=actors
a. 20megaohms
C- 10kQ
1. Ari unbalanced system of aphase voltages D. Zowrn®aa ohms
ha`t)ing RYB sequence actually consists of
A. a positiveLsequerme componem
8, a negath/ersequeroe component
13, llie toneient voltage that appears acrces the
contacts at the instant of are erdinclion is called
C. a zercrsequence component
D. all oftkeabev_a_ A. Recovery voHage
a. Resthk]na `roltaae
2. ITre zeirehsequence component of the C. supply
unbalanc;ed 3f)hase g`Ftem of vectors V^ V3 D` pckvctthge
and Vc is Of their `redor sljm.
JL a_rreJth_ird 14` In 3 cirevit breaker the active recovery `wifage
8. onerfelf depends upon
C. two-third
jfu Pcmerfagiv
D. cme+fourth a. ArmedJre r\eactions
C. circuit conditiorls
3. Low voltage circili[ t]reakers nave ratec] voltages D. L\I] Offro_s*tove_
Of kxp than
A. 22Jf)V 15. Best prctection is pro`rided by I-lRC fuse in case
a. 4cOV
C- 1OwV A. cmcircus
D. iffiv • a.
C. Short circi].its
4, A r`etay in which the measurement is performed D. None ofth\eabove
bq/ a stationary cirouit and which lias no moving
16. A ltise `frire poeseseea ....
perfe is kncwn as,
differential neday ±'prrffiEfuerihatra±ffq#
C. instantaneous relay CL Neither of the 8to\re
D. tinne retry D. None oftheabove

5. For high voltage ac circuit birealters, the rated i7, Fuse protection is used for current ratings up t®
short cjTcuit ciliTeut is passed for A. 10A
A. 0.01sec a. 20A
a. 0-isec C. 50A
C. 3sac_onds D. 1RA
D. soseconds
18. The firse ampero is r\elated `nftli fuse
®. V\rmch of the following is not a type oftne \nrfne diameter D as
oc>ntractor for circuit breakers? A.1aclro
A. Electrcrmagnetiic a.1ocD
a. Etectro,pneumatic C.1eet|rdJ2
C. Pneunutc D.1ocD2
D. V_aGuuxp.
19. Fuse wire plutedion s!rstem usually used beys«d
7. [utenupting medjuni in a contractor may be A10A
A. Air a, 25A
a. Ctil C. 50A
C. Sfegas
a. anvof these
20. The number of cysles in which a high speed
S. in air blast ciroult breakerse the pressure ofalris ctreuit breaker can ¢omplcte `ds operation -t3
of the order Of. JL 3xp
A. 100mgHg a- 10to18
a.1kg/cm2 C. 20toso
C. 20to 30 lcoL/crip D. 40toso
D. 2co to 3co kg/cm2
21.. A material best suited for manufacturing Of fuse
9, SFogas, wire is
A. Is fighterthan hgivrogerl A Aluninun
8. Is lighterthan air a. SI'ver
C. Has density 2 times as compared to that of C. Lead
dr D. Ctopper
D. H_as__deTrs_.itir 5 tirri®s as compared fo that
Ofgf3E 22. A merzirice protection is suitable for

C` ^H-
A. ThstoTmeTs
10. Ilie pressure Of sF6 gas in breaifeers is Of
fro order Of
A_ 1comgHg D. transmission lines
a.1 kgivchF
c. 3to§kdrcwi2 23. Kick fuse has
D. co to 50 kf/t2mpt; A Sqt]are lav characteristics
8. Lirrear characteristics
lil. In a liRC fuse the time beh^reer` cutoff and final
qurrent zero, is known as =RTofth¥a#c8
A. Tdtal operating time

g f#de 24. AIpblast breakers for400 kv, powereystems ape

designed to operate in

8: #=#
D. Andoftheaboue A. 50 micro seqonds

12. The insolation resistance Of high voltage cir`enit

bttrfer is D- 50s-
25. Breaking capacity of a cimiit breaker i§ usually
expressed in terms of
A- Amp- .
8. Volts
Q. "NN 38. Which relay is used for feeders?
a.rm A. MHO.relay
a. Tzanslav nelai¥
26. A§ the force on contact is increased the contact C. Merz price protection
resistaJme wh . D. BuchhoLzreky
A. Inereaees linearty
8. Inaease exponeutfally 39. rmch Of the fo[Icwh-ng relays js used om
C. Rerfu unateted transfdrTneitso
a. _fromse JL ELet.ftole rota_y
a. MHorelay
27. V\"ch Of the fotlowing is not the method Of arc C. Merz pries relay
dispetston? D. None of the above
A. Oil Immersion of corltacts
8. Magnetic blow out of are 40^ MHO relay is used for
A^ Rectifier
=%gr#Of=ropath a. Crm beakers
28. Which of the fo»chwing contact peirlt metals lias
the highest melting point?
a. Tinngsten .
41. Merz..Price protection is used ort
A- Subs-S_
C:. Ear a. Capacfro banks
D. COpper C. induction motor
D. generators
29. Spericing occurs when a load is switchecl off
because the circuit has 42. The over voltage surges in power system rirtay be
A. High indrLctar.c® caused dy
8. High capacitance A. LfahLertyg
a. high resistance
D` None of the above a. fi-


a_tt\f of the above

ae. Forthe same airrent, which Of the following fuse
wires will have the least fusin€| time? 4€. Vvhich of the following is conducting medium for
A. 18SWGT]N-12.5A eLerfe currem?
a. 20SVVGT]N-10A A. Lc" temperature gas
a. 22SWGTIN-10A 8. Hieh temperatire gas
D. 2±_I_SWG Ttu__~_RA C. "-edgas
D. Plasrne\
31. An automatic de\rice that.opemtes at present
vahaes is krrorm as 44` \thich Of the followhg are airLbreak switching
A Mercnyswhch devices?
EH ERE A. ktoifer
Ci Fude unit svwh
D. Contactor Earthling svthch
at] of the above
32. The basic flmdion Of a cireuit breaker is to
A. Producetheare fuse is nomally a
a. Ionise the surrounding air C.Irr®ttt JirTiitirrm device
a. Tfarismit voltage by arting 8. Vb!lage Limiting device
D. Easnauishttle art: C. Ponfer !imiling device
D. Power factor comecting device
33. IT`e po`Arer factor Of the arc in circuit breaker is
A. Atryszrm 46. Normatry the fdse elements are in parts `hdyich are
a. Ahhrm;\rs taaaina connected in the middle by tin bridge. The
c. atways ufty melting point Of the bridge is
D. atways leading A- 350c
a. 880C
34. Flame proof switoh gears are usually pr`eferred a. 230DC
A. C)A trarlsmiission lines of low vottage D. 5as
a. Subunoms
C- lt. mlt\es 47. The matelial used for bus bars should have
D. In high M\/A capacfty cfroiiits A. Lcwresfty
8. I-Iigher softening temperaturie
35. Air used !n air blast cif€uit breatcer C. Lcftycost
A. Must liave least carbon diorddes D. Ail crftfre abavo
a. Must be ionized
a. Must haveoil mist 48. Over current prctedioh for motor is provided bay
D. uust I.a freefrorn rnctatine_ A` Candge fuses
a. rmkatfuses
as. for a high speed circuit breaker the total ctearfng I;. s!:+cer_carrettt rctay
tinre nearly D. a» Of the abchre
A.1 to2cileLes£
8^ §toioqrfe 49. Fuse in mctor circLiit provides
c. iotoi5eyctes A Chrer ouTrent prctedion
D. less than 50 cyt=les 8` Shori]reineul£ Dttif eletfon
C. Open¢ prt]tection
37. If the pcnner is zero„ the acthre recovery voltage D. None of the above
WIN be
a. To connect the circuit
50. O`/er voltage tiBnsients may occur due to C, Forgood regulation
A. Lightering D. To avoid overloading
a. Swt-tching
C. aro`ng grounds 62. What is the zero sequence impedarice Of
P- gREg! ire_aterf s± different electrical pp+uer system?
f\- Z!fan
51. ITie disadvantages offered by unground system a- Eqqu'
i8 C. D`iffeut_
A. Frequent areing grounds D. Norte
8. Dfffioult earth fault relaying
C. Voltage oscl'llations 63. In balainced 3® §!/stem. negative and zero phase
a. A]( Of tfro atrove sequeneB Oumerty are?
52. Solid grounding is used for vor[ages
A. Above220kv
a. ~ellkv •


c. Lrdow8cOv
D. Petwll5kv 64. Cumeut chopping mainly occurs in wliich cfroquft
53. Switching o`rervoltages are more hazardous thari JL Air edarit ctrcutt breaker
nohtening surges in case of 8` Vacuum cireuit breaker
A. Lo`nr voltage eystems C, Oil ctrouit breaker
a.11 kvsystems D. SFcirqiitbreaker
C. unbalanced systems
t}. EfTv ar*d ufl`l srirdern$ 65. I-Iou/ is the fuse cuneut in amperes is related with
fuse wire diameter D?
54. Per unit inpedance Of ele{whcal equipment is A. I___s±__np5r±
expre- by? a. I oc
A I:L-I---i:I`-`-I
V C. LacD
8. fr-i5Pu D. IctDa
a. gz-#pu
66. What is the time Of clo;h'd qycte for rotor ciraJit
D- gz-#pu breaker?
A. 0`10sec
55. Short cineuit KVA is obtained dy mumptying 'the a. 0.cO38ee
bee WA by? C. 0.col see
A- D. 0.01 see
a- #g- 67-irEL\:Tergrpr#g#¥gspeed
D ##15
'` C- 20fo30
56. VVTral is the fated voltage of tow voltage cireuiit D. 40toco
68. Impedance relay can be used for?
i E=-#€it6%¥ A. Eanfauife
C. Morothan looov 8. Phaefauife
D. Lessthan 220V c. EENA®nd`B
D. Noneoftheabo\re
57. Which Of the following is not a i)me Of contractor
for ctwt t-
JL ya_c-
69. At what poihrer angle the transmission title shouRA
be operated for stabilfty and econonty?
8` E~magnete
C. electro pneunmatie Ei EEEEE
D. pneunatjc C. 7o°to85o
D. 10°to25o
58„ `^that is the order of vacuum, in vactlum circa.ft
hreaker? 70. The impulse ratio Of a rod gap ist
A.10J*mmHH JL I_±to1.5
a. 10ammHg a. Oto1.1
a. 1OrlrmHg C. 1.6to1.9
D. 10mmHg D. 2to2.1

$9. What eould be the probable reason Of a ciruiit 71 . ILoad tlchn/ study is used tor?
breaker not opeTatng on electrical compound? LL Srysha r]ta_rlnirqu
A. Trip latch drfecthre a. sstabtry sfudifes
a, Trip cirutopen a. Paul( calculation
C. spring doted D. AnofHuse
D- fry
72. The energy in a I ighling stroke can be as high
60. Ilre use of reactors tot installation of circuit as?
breaker of the? A. 2sounits
AL. Lr~rasrra a. 15unife
8` Higherrating C. 100units
c` Medin rating D. 10counife
D. None
73. An isolator operdes under?
Sd , \rmy is the ground wire used? JL _!!o__±±±d__±ar±dlt5s±n.
A. I_a_ conp®Q* tt.p €i_rs±±j±__=prty.tapr: to Qr. 8` Fault condith
f*rth edde C* Fuluoed conditicm
D. 50% load condition 87+ What happens to gas in plasma state?
JL Conduce e]ectrioit\r
74. Pctar dielectrics are normal used? a. Becomes insulator
A LLe and I.on\rerhaauenefes£_ C. Loses etedrcal conductivfty
8. Hgiv frngueTides D. hde
C. Micowaves
D. Noneofthese 88. A geneTedng vofroeter uses?
A. speed motor
75. IT}e fetation beQAreen the.breakdo`m voltage V 8. A c:e_rlsfarit sFnd r"fror.
and gap a i9 expressed try? : C. BothAandB
A- d=kv3 D- None
8- d=kv2.
C. d=kv 89. Air blast cireuit breakers are usualh/ used fort
D. Ufne A. Permanent break
8` instantaneous drty
7& Rfroies bfidge is used to measure? C. Fteo®ded dider
A. DisFrersiori En itrsulafion D` mermittent dtry
8. Higiv fltxpueney
Ci RIodulatJon frequency 90. O`rer currerfu prutech.on for motors is pro.tided
D. Hithyoife . by?
A. Srif >er!Surrettt_ relay
77. Il`e aeeptecl value Of dielectric strength of a. Cartridge fuss
transfoTrT" ol.I is? C. rmkatfue
A. SOIV D. All oftheabove
a. 20KV
C. 40fty 91. Siirge inpedanee protection for motor is provi¢led
D. Bfpe by?
A` 3000to500Q `
78. \^thich Of the followf-ng e]emeut has flat frequeney 8` 30tosoQ
riesponse up to loco MHz?
8. Squirre) cage shunt
8: gr#¥m
C. Bififarchunt 92. Surge impedance Of under ground cables is of
D. F3Ogcrd ch the order of?
A 20toap_Q_
79. Liquids are generally used as insulating materials a. 2coto600Q
up to stresses Of about? C. 20coto6000Q
A~ 100mm/on D. 20kQtosokQ
a. sotw{cm
C. 50mm/on 93. The surge impedance Of a transmission tiine ie
D. None oftheatm/e given dy?
GO. froprlse voltages are characterized by?
A^ PREkvalue
a. lime of the halfpckwhe
C` Polarity
D. 4_!l_9f_ap_
94. BLtchfrolz re4a]r is operatecl b}r?
81. paschen's iant is.aifecoia¢ed with? jEL GaGF©r®
A* E±eea±!sfis]s]aa!!a±ai£+ro]tea® a. Eddyamen{
8` Thermal radiation C. Electro statie induction
C. Iiunidfty D. Elecfro magnetic induction
D. Peakvalue
95. Chferential protedion principle is used in the
82. For paschen"s la`Ar to be valid `rwhich is the protecrfu of?
essential Condition? A- f§edprs C. Tranrfermer
A` T®mt.®ranlr® t{.ussr be _Qor*sert£ a. C3enerators D` All of the abti`f.e
a. Vdifage mustbe de
CL Vcttage mustbe ac 96. flash point Of dielectric is above?
D. Humidfty must be high A` t6ooC a. 8oac
a. 140®C D. |00°C
®3` The magninrde Of pulse cunent depends on?
A` Numberofvoids 9?. Fitse wire prctection system is not used be)rond?
EL Vottaae aoF.tied A. 7cOA C. 30A
a. BothAandB a. SOA D, 10A
D- nbe
98. Erfeaking capachy Of circuit breaker is expressedl
®4. Spfoere gap is used forthe rneasuremem of? in term of?
A. nevoltageonly A. ±gf9 c. rmA/
a. Acvoltage orty a. Amps D` Volts
c= dc: atrd Qc: bath
D. None 99. Kick false has?
A. In`rerse t3riararferiascs
85. "rfuich soil has mandmum specific resistance? 8. Square last characteristics
A Bwhsoil a. Linear characteristcs
8. Bfack cotton son D. irene
c . SR EarA
D` une 1 oo. Relays using induction disc principle c>perate?
JL OnlyonAC
86. in sphere gaps. the sphere is made up Of? a. EilherACorpc
A~ Brass C. AILminum C. OrtyDC
& Brange D- 42][ D. Ncne
A. When the power is to be supplied
a. Vvhen the line isto be tested
C. \^/hen the switgiv is to be put on
1. Short citouit currents are due to D. ry_henever.fault q±g_yys ip ap\® !ine
A. Single-phase to earth fault
8, Phaise-to-phase fault 14` \hhai a fauT[ ocmrrs in a high `roltage
a. All thr`e}`E>phaseloueartli fault transmission fine, first the
D. Any of tiro_a_Ss±_v:9.
A. CinctJit breaker operates then tlie relay
EL Rctarir oo®rdes thor. the_Sirs±±f±1b_r5±a_±9r_
2. TTie most serious consequences ofa major
undeared shot+circuit fauit could be C, F{elay operates. then successively the
A. Blowing offuee isolator and the ctrouit breaker
D. Isotator operates, then sucoessi\rely the relasy
a,Em and the giv breaker
a. Heavy voifege drop
P. Norre of these
15`. Aneing voltage will be the least in Case Of
3. Wwh portion of the t]ransmission system is more A. Carton
a. Capper
p- to faults?
A. Altemator
D. Ttrngsten
8, Trianstomer
C:. Ov®rf.end I.rnes
D. Underground cable 16. \^inich Of the tollqwing should have low value for
the contact and their mcteriar?
d. VVIth portl-on of the poAArer systeTT) is least prone A Thermal capai¢ity
to fauife? a. Therrnal corrdilctivtt\r
Aly -rs- C,
Contati resistance
None of these
a. SwhchgcaJ-
C. Ttansforrt~ 17. In a GB cc}ntact wipe is necessafy
D. C)verhead lfnes
A. To decrease thespeed of opening of the cB.
5r The mcet commqntype offault is 8. To increase the speed ofop®ning and
JL Sironk*i.haseibo around reduce tlie arding Of Gontactg.
a. Phasato|]hase C.ToiT\®r±a±sfs:thedteal!ectriz=s5tr®natf.__±s;rios±:=___
C. TtAro-phaserto groimd tire CB corhacts
D. Three+phaseto ground D. None of the abo`re

6. IThe maximum short cjrt:uit enrrent or:curs in the 18` !ntemupting medium in a contact may be
case of: A` Air at atmcepheric pressure
fL Threerr]h8sel bolted fault 8` SFGgas
8. Doubledine-to-ground fault C. Can
C` Line-toline fauEL D. ArIV of*tretfurese
D` Single-linato ground fautt
19. The fluids used in cirouit breakers chouEd be di
7. For a fault at the terminals ofsynchronous A. High dietectric strength and thermal stahilfty
generator, the fault oument in maximum for a
a. Non inthmabfty
A. 3aphase fault C. Arc catlinguishing at}ilily
8. 3i]hase to ground fault D. Ed±.stir e_ 9rtyxp
C. Ljnede nrourrdfault
D. line-toiine fault 20. Sparking befureen contacts can be reduced fty'
8. Zero sequence fault current is absent\when fault JL A car>slcitor Daralted `with ttle col.testes
E a. A capacitor in series `whh the contacts
•EL Single-Line-tc>i]round fault C. A resislorin the line
8` Line-toline ground fault D. Areactorinthe line
C. Doubleline~to ground fault
D. ur-t'ne 21. For magnetic blq`^r ot[t Of arc the magnedc field is
9. fuses have got advantages of A. In the load circuit
A. Cheapest type of protection. 8. Aid riah±±a_rmi leLs__±a_tfue S¥iss_Of_tlre are
a. In`i`erse time tlirrent characteristic. C. In fjrrewith the ate ofthei are
tl lta maEnter`ant>e. D. Airyofthealmve
D. AI] Of the above
22. In circuit breakece lbe contact space is ionized fry
io, The material used in riquid fuse is to A. Field emission twom tT`e coiritact sutfaoe
A. SF8 ELTghFrmEETgFEEpmtqupntapthoopTTbfuct
13. Distilled wler
C= Cartog_tire c;hrpride C. Thermal ionization of gas
P` Transformer oil D. Anyofthefrove

11. In Comparison to rwirable fuses HRC fLises hal/e 23, In a cireuit bmalcer® ioriization is facilitated fty'
the advarhage(s} Of A. Irtc*ease in field strength
A. High speed operat-on 8. increase ofr¥rean ha length
a. High mpLuring capaeify a. High lempeTature of surrounding medium
C. No ageing effect D. All Oftheabov®
D. _Al! Oftfraabone
24. The starmfty of are in vacuum depends pn
12. In HRC fuse the time beth^reen cut+off ancl final A. The contact material only
curTtant zero is called the 8. The corhact material and its vapour pros:sure
A. Prcarchghe C. The circuit peramcters only
EL A.TE5ng.3g!gue D. I:t*e_ pqrrlbi"*ior!__Of a any o
a. Total operating time
D. None ofthtee 25` For a hftyh speed tirouit breaker the. towh ctcaring
time is around
13` A ctrouft breaker nomally operates A. Fowminutes
a. Fowsewrmds
C.1 to2e¥Qles.
D. 5t02oeyds
26. The resistance Of an eleedc are can be 38. Air` used jn air blast a;rcuit breaker rmrst
frTcreasea ty A. Eke ionized
A. Inpeasing the conoentraton of ionized EL B€fty_rtyqu ino-Estiire
pardctes C. Have leaslc02
Reducing the aft length D. Have ol(l mist
SFilit1±'na ttte .art:
Increasing the are x+section 39: Vvtthe u§itng air blast cjr"it breaker chopping is a
phenomemn often observed when
am voftage in a.Ginfi breaker is A A long overtread if ne is Switched off
lr\ tree rdras® *-itl. tfie an3 curr®ri* a. A bank of capacfiors is switebed off
Lagging the ams cufTeut by 90o C. A tmnstorTrier on na loed ls s`^ritct\ed atr
Leading the are current by goo D. A heavy load is switched off
Lagging the arc aifTent try 180o
40. in airblast circuit breaker resistance sodiching is
28. in a cfneut breaker, the acthre recovery voltage used to
cgivds upon A. Reduce the magnitude Qffault current
A. Ciraiit condflions 8. Confrol the cB operaidng tjrne
a. Po`nrer ffactor C. Damp out tJ\e fast tral]si®rTt
C> Armature reacton D. Change the fault current povrer fatter
D. 4If _S_S_te_se_
41. SF6 gas has exce#eut heat transfer properties
29. in a cirouit brealcer the current that e>dsts at the b- of its
instant Of contact separation is called the A. Lc" gaseous I/iscosfty
_ ourrerfu
A` Restriking
8. High dielectric strength
C. Higher moleoularweight
a.Lace_ki_bgL D. EThaandc
C- Arc
D. Rtrmvery 42: Winch of the following statements is not correct?
A. SF® is nerutexfo and noninflanmable gas
30. The rate of rise Of rest"cing `+olfage QRRV) 8. SFS has very hish dietectrfe strength roughfty
de- upon 24 times Of that Of air
A. System voifege C. SF6 is irelloiw in oc>Iour
8~ Cirouit only D. SF¢ has density 51imes that of airat 200C
CL S`4diching condition only
D. Eunbutndlc 43^ The single most inportant property of SF6 a very
efficierfe medium for cirouiit-breaking is
311. The F2RRV depends upen the ' A, lt is nonloxie and noninflammable
A. I|pe qfciTcuit breaker a. !t has high dielectric constam
a. Capacitance.Of the system only C. It has high breakdown strength
a. Inductance of the ay5tem only D.ttishiah_liti±!t___±de_neact;¥eincharrle
D. ]trdtldencf& atrd caE>acEtat-ce _of the
3yBto 44. Diring are e>ctindion SFc gas gets
A. E±s!S±_s±m_DQed_into_SF4 and sF2

32., ft is dif[ioult to interrupt a capacitive ctrouit

A. Ih? cunenL has a lcadirig power factor

DBcomposed into s and F ious
a. Ttre roanutrNI vtifeae Can Lto tiigh
a. CurTerit rrragnit`rde is very srnall 45. SF6 gas is transported in
D. Stored energy in the capacitor is very high. A. AIrdyinders
a. Gas eyfinders
33. ha circuit breaker, 'di, as quenching medium has C. Liauidfrom in I;\rlinders
the advautage{s) Of D. Salidform
A. Good ccoting properties
8. Absorption of are energy 46. TTie current chopping tendeney is minir"sed fry
C. Iiigh dieleedicdength using SFc gas at relatively
D. 4tl offro atone A Low pressure and high viscosfty
EL Lo\.I pressure and [ooili viscositv_
34. RAain pu!pose Of oil in OCB is to C. High pressure and low viscos.rty
A. Provide insulation D. Lo`^/ pressure and high vi5cosily
a. Provide cooling ofcontacts
a- QueaeG_jqu cff arm: 47. To linit ourTent chopping in vacuum cirouil
D. Noneofthe abo\/e breakers, the comact matehal employed should
have the properfees Of
35, Are irrfemiption in an oil circuit breakel- takes A. Lonr c:orrdllctivitw and iiiah vanour
pface when
A. Ctontarfe Spat
8. Low conductivity and low `rapour pressure
a. voltage goes thriough zef+a C` High conductivity and high vapour pressure
C. Curt®tit ac\®s throunh zfaro D. High conductivity and low vapour pressure
D. Noneoftheabove
48. A thermal protection s\rfucrl provides protecljon
as. !n a niinimirm oil cirnift breakerthe oil is used against
4L To aFct as Giveuit m®aktrrm Tindium oTlt¥ A. Ovalcnd
8. For ciTt" baking and providing insulation a. TemperatLne
C} For providing insulaton only C. Shortcjrouit
D. For hone of the abo`re purpose D. Civervoltage

37. The air blast ctmiit breakers for 4cO k\/ sysitem 49. For rerncte operation, the cirouiL breaker must be
are designed to operate in equind wh
A- 0.1's A. Inv€tinetrip
a. SEHap 61. Circuit brieakers usually operate under
a. "me delaytrip A. Sterty shortrdwh current
D. AJlofthese a. SuP±Iranstqrit statp__p±¥Port qircu.jt
•~ 50. \nmicn of the follouring circuit breakers is C. Ilr:ansient state of shorfL¢irol]it cLment
D. Ncmeofthese
generdly used in railway
& £::-i#':# :;,rcd„#:=*=er 62. The restriking voltage is measured in
A. RMSvaltre
C. Bulk oil cirtllit breaker
D. SF6 circuit brieatcer
D. Average vahe
51 . VIrfuat is the prefemetl type Of CB to be insta«ed in
edrai high voltage ac s!fflem?
A. BulkoilfypecB ce. Ilte mal(ing ro Dreaf(ing qurrent ratio for an EHV
a. Airtolast cB ci"it breaker is
C` VanumcB
D` S±±!tlE\P+!r h®)diuorldF®(SFd_E5±._ i -EL=al¥1„ ,-
C. Lessthanl
52. Dfeaping in view the cost and oveTalf breakers D. A negative nurfu
has the loi`rest operating `rohage?
A- Yap-u-n-'- 64. Capachoir s`wilching in 33 kv pqurer system is
a. jrfuholast better done with ... ciftxpit breakers.
C. SF6gas A. AirLbfast
D. Oil a. Mininum oil

53, Which Of the following cirouit breakers has the g REthe above
to`cort=sL operating voitage?
A- Pwhoil 65. Rotrdne test are Conducted on
A` . Bulk oil circiiit breakers
%. #fthbl=\k 8` Minimum oil circuit br`cakers
D. Minimum oil C. AlrLblast cirtii)it breakers
54. Which of the following dTt:LJit produce the least
ama energy? 66. An isolator is installed
A. Plainoil A` To isolate one pchion of the chouit from
a. Minimunoil another
C= ^lfob! 8. usuallyon both sides ofa Circuit breaker
D. Airbreak C. As a substitute for. a circuit Eireaker
D. Bcth88nd_b
55. Vlthich Of the following circt+it brealters tale
minimum tine in installaton? 67. a+rrent rating is nut necessary iri casi3 Of
C> Load break switctes.. D. Circuit breakers and load breal¢ swilShes

as~ Where voltages are high and current to be 6S. Iso!ators used in transmission line are capable Of
iniemupted is lou/. the circuit breaker preferred is breakino:
.-. One. A. Fault curTt=Tit
A. Airhoreak a. Nocumeut-
a. Vaouilm C. Charrtinn currettt
a. c5il `-- D. Led ourrent
D. AirLblast
69. Purpose Of backup protectiqrl is
5r7. For riural elecdificaGon in a counby lite india `Arfeh A. To increase the speed
complex nchAroric. the cjruit breaker preferred is 8` To increase a reach
•.` One` C` To leave no blind spct
A. Air-break D.rpg!±ardanairrd_I_aituretry_pnj!ma=__g[
a. Oil
t:. Vacuum 70. The achialing quantity for the relays may be
Dr Minimum oil A. Mbgnfude
a. Frequerny
58. The; most suilabte circuit breaker for short Wr`e C. Phasertye
fault without s`^wl:citing resistor is ... one. D. ^T.vofthes®
A. MininLrm oil
a. AILbfast 71. The operating speed Of a relay depends upon the A. Fife offluxbuiltap
D. AVbrcak 8. Armabe cue airngap
CL Spring tension
59. Ii`e fathg of a cirouit breat¢er is usually D- A''oftf-
detemined on the basis Of ... fault
JL Srmmanca] 72` Earth fault delays are
a. Ljnetobe I JL dindonal r®l®irs
C. Single line to ground 8. nonrdirectonal relays
D. Double lineto ground C. short operate fine relays
D. Trone of these
®0. The transient phenomenon lasls in a power
systeni for a period ranging from 73. Impedance relay may use
Ah Fei^rrnsstol a A. balance beam stoucture
a.1sto2s a. inductior+oap structur`e
C. 2sto3s C. shaded pole structure
D. Greaterthan 3s D. .itlceraorb
74. Impedance relay can be used for 88. Differential relays are used for protect.iion of
AL Dh_ase±_t&utlsF oritv equipment agalrct
a. earth faults only JL i_Eif er"L fault
C. both earth and phasefaufls a. over-t
D. none oftheaboye C. reverse current
D. reverse p-
75. An impedance relay is a
A` }ietfaae. nesri}ned a)£_er.ourteat rela; 89. In a biased differenhal relay the bias is defined as
8. voltage restrained directional relay a rafro Of a
Ci directional resmined overcurTieut relay
D. diredional restrained overvoltage irelay
a. operating coil ourrerri ancl restraning ceel
76. (in transient fault Cro and inpedanoe relay ourTch
a. fault ourreut and operating coil oumeut
%%#E=ae#este-= D` fault current and restra"ng coil oument
C. reach unaffecte{I
EL norre oftheee sO` Mho relay is usuatbr emplo}red for the protection
?7. The rfuicture used in mactanc2e relape is A. short lines onbr a. £pip!I /inpp:qtry
A. indudion qu 8. medium lines only D. any line
a. double indrch-on lcop
C. single induction loop 91. In the case Of transmission line protection,
1}. eitttera art) overenrrent relay is ijsed
A. only up to ll0kv C. .Q4_dr_upto 5qftv
78, A reactance relay is a. onlyupto220kv D. onlyuptol.1cokv
A. . vonage restrained ovemlment relay
8` voltage resthrained diredional relay 92. Phase relay are used to pricn/icle protection
=.EREb#'r--ne#d-EREdytES" against
A. single line to ground fault
a. three phasefault only
79. Reaclance relay is normally used for protection c=pEteEE¥vlts'nyplyl.nsL--
A sacrfe €airitrmly D. double phase to ground fault only
a. phasefatft only
a. bath catlh and phasefauife 93. Where severe syT`chronizjng sw]-ng crocar, the
D` ncme oftheabove relay employed is
A. impedance relay C. reactance relay
80~ AImittane rcta}'is. a. mtry_peq±r D. induction relay
A. nondirrfuoma! rrty
a. ±mrBctana_I rctav 94. Inverse tine¢urreut relays are used for`the
a. diifermtiat rtry protection of
D. none of these A. Feeders C. alternator
a. T{ansfotTners D. both a and b
81. For ground fault use prctfer:
A. plain impedance relay 95. !DMT relays are used to prctect the ponrer
a. directional rrty tlndomers against
CL na_de_ri_Se_relax A. e>cternal short ctrctlit C.
D. oveTourrut rtry a. overkuts
C. internal chart cirniit
82. The relay used for feeder. protection is D. bchaandb
A. undentoltage relay C. thermal relay
8- IZBpsfa£±¥&ar D, Buchholz relay 98. Vvhich Of the followhg relays is/are overtoatl
63. Diiferemial relays are used tor pfctectjon of A. Thermal G. Inducton
A` feeders C. transformer & Elechmagnetic D. 4{/ qfrtye.atrycr±pe
8. atte{nator D. apl of these_
97. Buchhok= relays are used an
@4. Both voftage and carreut signals are required for A. air cooled transformer
A. a plain over"rrent relay 8. instrument transformer
8^ a difertmlfal relay C. distribution transfbmer
C. a dir®ctioTral r®Ia\r D. Ofl imrTpersed pomretr transt;orTrler of retina
D. a biased differential relay atov® 50"WA
85. Under voltage relays are matrily used for 98. Thermal relays are used for protection Of motois
JL matorbraREon against over ourrerrt owirig to
8. trarlsformer protection A. shortcirouits C. earihfault
C. transmission line pfutection 8. fBeatnr/dads D. all oftfiese
D. AIlofthese
99. Plutective rela)es can be designed to resporid to
as. VInech Of the following relays has inhererTL A` ugmiuterrty
directional characteristics? a. TemperatLne
A. £!Qg. C` Impedance C. Resistance, reactance or impedance
a. Reactanoe D. none oftheabove D. A)I of_ttre above

87. Fbr the protedion of a very long e>ctra high lco.The oil s`whcbes may be
vohage rine, the prctetlive relay used i§ A. Remote or mainually confrolied
A. overcurrch with a)ctrenely inverse a. Used for capacitor swhching„ street ifemng
chaianeristics control and automatic disconnect on poorer
8. pefeentage diffeTendal relay failure
C. rearfuce type distarme relay C. used for high voltage and large curreut
D. mho ty|ne distarree relay cirrfe
D. A]I orfthe abenre_

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