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鬲 考 英 语 完形填 空与词汇速成
变 编 :篙 遒 高 中英谲擞研 缀

黪 鲞黠 龉躔 镳躅黪黠鲼 璎 躔 ” 颦蟾酴鼢骺瀑飧
蠛貔难 醺鼗


有道高 中英语教研组

内部资料 严禁翻 印

望 ・


Passage 1... ・

Passage 2,.. 3

Passage 3” .

Passage 4... …7

Passage 5... 9

Passage 6.......・ ・
・・ t・
Passage 7,… ,
Passage 8.… .
Passage 9” … .19
Passage 10… .21
Passage 11.” .23
Passage 12… .25
Passage 13… .27
Passage日 4.¨ ....・ 。
・ .29
Passage 15.,..。 。
・ .31

Passage 16...i..・ 。
・・ .33
Passage 17.....,・ ・
・・ .35
Passage 18” ..。 .
Passage 19。 ..。
Passage 20.ii...・ ・
・ .41
Passage 21.” ...。 ●
。 43


Passage 22.… .。 ..

・・ ..” .47
Passage 23。 。
。。 ¨・


・・・ ・
Passage 24.....… ・
Passage 25.。 ...~。

…・・・ 53
Passage 26...。 ..・

・ .55
Passage 27..,...・ ・
Passage 28∶
Passage 29...。 ..・ ・
ID.assage 30..
Passage 31.~.....
Passage 32

・ .67
lDassage 33,。 ...・ ・

・ ,69
Passage 34.。 ....・

・・ 71
Plassage 35.,。 ..・ i..i

IDassage 36
Passage 37

・ 77
Passage 38.。 .“ ..・

IDassage 39
l=’ assage 40
Passage 41

・ 85

Passage 42。 .… ...・

・・ .87
Passage 43......・ ・

・・ ・

Passage 44,,....・ ・

Passage 45...。 ..・ ・
Passage 46.。 .。 ..・ ・
Passage 47....“ ・
・ .。

Passage 48...¨ ..・ 。

・ 97

Passage 49 99
Passage 50..。 ..。
Passage 51.。 。

・ ..105
lDassage 52.,...・ ・

参考答案 …。

—— Ⅱ ˉ一
自道糖品课 高考英语完 形填空与词汇速 成

r、 J
rossoge l
单词预 习
intend vr./v;,打
算 ;想 要
unexpected 曰矽.意 外的 ,想 不到的
randomly 曰 洳 随便地 ,任 意地 ;无 目的地
congratulations 刀,祝 贺 ;恭 喜
reasonable c扌 .合 理的 ,公 道的
practical 曰
吐 实际的 ;实用性的
predict v莎 ,/Vj.预 报 ,预 言

intemlpt vr,励 .中 断 ;打断

,交 换 ;交流 ;交易所 ;悦 /v;.交 换 ;交易 ;兑 换
exchange 刀

When most ofus get a text message on olIr ce11 phone△ om an unhown perso11,we tIs1;l斑 ly

say“ sony,(1)_number!” and move on.But whcn Denms Winiams(2)工

_a text that
clear1y wasn’ t htended for him,he did something(3)~.
on March 19,DemⅡ s got a group text e)_him that a couplc he didn’ t know were戚
the hospital,wahng hrthe(5)~工 _ofa baby.

Congratdl猫 ions!But I think someone was mistaken,“ Denms(6)~。 The baby was
bom and update texts were(7)~quickly nom the。 vetioyed grand.mothe△ Teresa.h her
(:)一 ,she didn’ tseem to redLed thatshe was(9)_工 mebaby’ s photos with a complete

stranger.“ weⅡ 9 I don’ t(10)_工 you蚀 l but Iwi11 g锐 theFe to take pic钮 res with the bab¢

repliod Den五 s before asking which、 room the new(11)~were in.

Much to the namily’ s swpr1se,Denms stuck to his(12)_!He姒 ned up哎 the Lospital
(13)— gifs n。F the new mother Lhdsey and her baby boy Lindsey’ s husband was totally
(14)— by the饭 expected visit.“ I don’ tthink we would mve randomly invited l血 l over but
we(15)_it and the gifts.”
t1eresa(16)_a photo of thc chance】 neeting on a social networking website
(17)— by the t。 uching words:” What民 (18)_this young血 an Was to ow familyl
He was so(19)_and khd to do this。 “ The post has since gained the(20)_of social
血Cdia users dl overthe wor1吨 receivhg more t】 1an 184,000 shares and 61,500 1ikes injustthree

— 1-

黪|有 道衬品课 高考英语完形填 空与词汇速成

(1)A・ mlucky B,secret C.neW D.wrong

(2)A.received B。 订atIslated C.copied D.po.nted

(3)A.reasonablc B.specia1 C.ncccssary D.practical

(4)A.convincing B.Feminding C.infoming D.waming

(5)A・ wake~up B.recoVery C.growth D.arnval
(6)A‘ responded B.interrupted C.predicted D.repeated

(7)A・ coming in B飞 etting out C。 passing down D.moving around

(8)A.opinion B,anxiety C.eXclte】 nent。 rt

(9)A.companng B,exchmging C,dscussing D.shaong

(10)A・ accept B.know C.believe D.bother
(11)A.parents B,doctors C.patients D.Visitors

(12)A・ dream B.prolnise C.agend.a D.principle

(13)A.bea。 ng B,co11ecting C.opening D。 m汰 hg

(14)A・ discotra,ged B.relaxed C.astonished D.defeated

(15)A.admit B,need C,appreGiatc D.expect

(16)A・ found B.selected C.developed D.posted
(17)A・ connm△ ed B,simplined C.c1arined D.accomnpamed
(18)A・ pity B.blessing C.relief D.problem
(19)A・ smart・ B.calm C.sweet D,nair

(20)A・ sympathy B,attention C.contro1 D.加Ist

躞||有 道精品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速 成 哉

Possgge 2
单词预 习
kayaker 刀

I11Co11sCious 四方,无 意识 的
imnediatcly 四幽。立 即
in睹∞tor 刀.指 导书 ;教 员
rehef″ ,救 济 ;减 轻
coincidence 刀,巧 合 ;一致

TwO w・ eeks earlier,1ny pon,|Ben,had got ia touch.IIe’ d Inoved to England with his

mum w廴 en he was three and it had been 13 years smce I’ (1)_seen him s。 imagine my
(2)_工 ~when he em缸 led血 e saymg he wanted to come to visit mc.
I was(3)~工~!I a0ved early at Byron Bay where we were supposed to(4)_。 The
bay was(5)_h sunshine,and there was a group ofkayakers around 150m of the shore.
Getting a little(6)__,I realized one kayak(皮 划艇 “
)was in(7)_・ Something’ s not
(:)— !” Itook ofmy Ishirta血 d(9)_into the water,I saW there were tWo inskuctors
on board and a ma111ying across the middlc.He was(10)_工 ~vioIont驭 Linking anms with
one ofthe ins扭 lctors,I helped(11)_the youlg man out ofthe wate⒈ He Was unco了 1scious

and as Ilooked at his黾 ce,something(12)_to me.Those brown eyes were very(13)~。

“ ’
Wh戚 s his name?” I asked the instmctor,“ Ben,” he Feplied9 and immediately I(14)_。
T11at stra11ger was my son!

The instmctors ca11ed hr an ambulance.〈 15)_,after a bricf st叮 in hospital,Ben

Was Weu cnough t。be a11owed to(16)~汕 d hterthe family md up for dim铽 Wc chatted
about eve哂 hing and then Ben(1D_to me・ “Ijust want to s叮 伽mk you,” he said,“ You
(1:)— my li允 !”

I sti11 can’ t believe what a(19)_it・ Was.I’ mjust so glad I was there(20)_to
11elp my so11.

(1)A.also B,often C.even D.last

(2)A,delight B,relief C.anger D.worry
(3)A,scared B.shocked C.thrilled D.ashalned
(4)A.ta1k B,stay C.1meet D.settle

青品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成
鹬l有 道称 寄

(5)A・ bathed B.clean' C.deep D.fom1ed

(6)A・ faster B,closer C.heaVier D,wiser

(7)A・ trouble B.advanGe C.questioll D.battle

(8)A・ rea1 B.止 ght c。 nair D.nt

B.sank ・ C.dived D.neu
(9)A・ stared

(10)A・ argumg B.nghting Cj shouting D.shaking

(11)A・ lead B.persuade C.cany D.kcep

(12)A・ h即 pened B.occ1∶ Irred C.apphed E).appealed

(13)A・ sharp B.pleasa∶nt C,atiactivc D.namihar

(14)A・ agreed B.hesitatcd C,doubted D,kneW

(15)A・ Fo血 lnately B.Frankly C.sadly D.suddenly

(16)A・ retum B.relax C.spcak D.leave

(17)A・ joked B,钮 rned C.1istened D.pomted

ˉ C.saved D.guided
(18)A・ creatod B.honored
(19)A.coinGidence B.change C.pity D.pain

(20)A・ on board time C。 for sure D.on purpose

一ˉ嬉 ——
躐|有 道带 高考英语宪形填空与词汇速成

Possgge 3
单词预 习
.信用 ,信誉 ;[金 融 ]贷 款 v次 相信 ;信钰
credt 刀
grandimaster ″
。大师 ;最 高段的棋手
hard-eamed c啦 辛苦得到的
appealing 四
啦 吸引人的
耐tena乃 .标 准
opponent 形
.对 手 ;反 对者 曰
啦 对立的
joumali茁 刀。新闻工作者
qua1盗 o肢 ioll ″
。资格 ;条 件

Duong my second year at the city co11ege,I was told that the education department was

o馋 血 ga“ 各ee” cowse,cd1ed Thinking Chess,for three credts.I(1)~the idea。 ft赧ng

the class because,after a11,who doesn’ t want to(2)_a new d。 llars?More than that,I’ d
always wanted to leam chess.And,even if I weren’ t(3)__enough about nree Gredits,
news曲 out ow⑷ __靴 s appealing enough to me.He was an intemationa1 grandmaste马

which(5)_I would be leam.mg各 om one ofthe game’ s(6)_・ I could hardly wait to
Maurice Ashley was kind and snlart,a forrner graduate returning to teach,and this
(8)~~工 ~.was no game for him;he meant business.In his introduction,he made it
(9)-that。 w oredits would be hard-eamed.In order to(10)~the class,among
other cnteria,we had to write a paper on how we plan to(11)~What wc would leam
in class to otr mture pr。 fessions and,(12)~,to ow Ⅱves.I mana.ged to get an A h that
(13)— and leamcd life lcssons th狨 have seⅣ ed me we11 beyond the(14)~.
Ten yeaFs aner my Chess class with Ashleyp I’ m sti11 putting to use wh脱 he(15)_me:

The absolute most impodant(16) thnf you learn、 〃lhen you play chess is how tO Inake

good.(17) on eVery single move you havc to(18)~a simation,process what yow
opponent(对 手 )is dohg and(19)~tⅡ best m。 m△om ainong a11 yow opuons.” mese
woros s破 1rhgtmetoday h my(20)~as aj。 umdist.
(1)A.put forward B.jumped狂 C.缸 ed out D。 钮md down
(2)A.waste B.can1

黠l有 道计
青品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

(3)A.excited B,Woried C,工11oved D.tired

(4)A.title B.co1mpetitor C.teXtbook D.ins廿 uctor
(5)A.urged B.do1m.a狂 ded C,held D.1nea11t

(6)A.naste眈 B,easiest I).rarest

(7)A・ interview B.Ⅱ leet C.cha11enge D.beat

(8)A,chance B.qualincad。 nˇ C.honor D.job
(9)A・ rea1 B.perfect 、 C.clear E〉 ,possible

(10)A.attond B.pass C.skip E).observe

(11)A.add B.expose C.apply
(12)A.evenhauy B.n血 rauy C.direotly D.nonna11y
(13)A。 game B.prese茁ation C,course D.eXperiln~ent

(14)A・ criteoon B.classroo1m C.dep以 位nent D,situation

(15)A・ taught B.wrote C.questioned D.proⅡ lised

(16)A.如 ct B.step C,manner D.ski11

(17)A.grades B.decisio且 s C.impressions△ 1ents

(18)A。 analyze B.describe C.rebuild D.contro1
(19)A.announce B.s1gna1 C.block D,evaluate
(20)A.role B.desire C.conceln D.behavior

~-6ˉ ˇ
黪}有 道带
青品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成 蛮

Possoge 4
单词预 习
valuablc c矽 .有 价值的 ;贵 重的 ;可 估价的
immediately ε幽,立 即,立 刻 ;直 接地 co″ ,

mn vr,经 营 ;奔 跑 ;运 转 ″,奔 跑
college 刀,大 学 ;学 院
perform v皮 执行 ;完 成 ;演 奏
point 刀,要 点 ;得 分 vi表 明 ;指 向
staying up 熬夜
show of炫 耀
hang out 闲逛

We have a11 heard how time is more valuable than money,but is it l to have too much?
I~2~back in high school I spent most of my day at school since I also~3~a team
sport.lBly the ti111e l got ho工 11e,I only had a few hours to do ln.y holmlework,and I had・ to do

it 4。
When I got into co11ege,things 5 .I suddenly found myself out of class benore n。 。n
time.Because of a11 this 6 there was no sezlse of 7 to do my school work immediately.
I was peFforming this aotio11 of wai硅 ng mtil it later became~生 ~.Once that happened,I just

kept 9 m△ y studying hrther and nlrther back in my day.Then I got to the point where I

was~10~rea11y late at nightto get my work alone.

one day I~上工 a伽狃er classmate of mine who was~12~alotof money mmmg a
sideline(副 业 ).sime his regularjob was~13_,raskedhimwhy hejust ddn’ t do his sideline
n处 1-dme.He said without thejob,he wOuld 14 have too much住 me and wouldjust do What
I did back in 15 .He said that ifhe 16 thejob,he would lose his 17 to work and

so,tw~18~yotIr tine with other wo此 This is why there is a~19~th哎 f you want
something done,ask a~20~person to do虹 ,

1.A.tue B.nair c.strange D.possible

2.A reInelnbeF B.ad1mit C.understand D.expect
3.A.watched B.1oved C.coached D.played

鹬ll有 道称
青品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

4.A.a11ast B.nght away C.ofcourse D.1nattered

5..A.happened B.repeated C.changed D.matered
6.A.extra B.digicult C.v时 uable D.1imited
7.A.duty B.achieve】 nenit C.urgency D.direction
8.A.burden' B.relief C.risk D.hab扯
9.A.push.hg B.t波 妇1g C.se1蛀 n.g D.caning
10.A.hanging out B.staying up C.jogging round D.showing o】F

11.A.met B.helped C.treatcd D.hired

12,A.raishg B.wasting C.deln色 nding D.making B.important C.boring D.rewarding
14.A.luckily B.hardly C.hopemlly D.simply
15.A.childhood B.co11ege D,business
16.A.quit B.fould C.accepted D.kept
17.A.heart B.chance D.way
8.A・ saving
】 B.nlung up up
19.A.n△ essage ^ B.stoly C.saying D。 fact

20.A.care丘 I1 B.busy C.reliable D.kind

——晷 -一
黪l有 道精品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

Pgssoge 5
单词预 习
homc1ess c矽 ,无 家可归的 tent 刀,帐 篷 ;住 处
iwestmcnt ″,投 资 pack v贫 包装 ;压 紧 ;捆 扎
swing ″.存 款 ;挽 救 ;节 约 discover v莎 ,发 现 ;发 觉
lawyer 刀,律 师 ;法 学家 daily 四矽,日 常的 ;每 日的
允e ″.费 用 ;酬金 hiking ″.徒 步旅行
matter ″.事 件 ;物 质 rcmembcr vr.记 得
Worse c犭 ,更 坏的 ;更差的 ;更 恶劣 desire v皮 想要 ;要 求 ;希 望得 到 …
的 (bad的 比较级 ) iniual 四方.最 初 的 ;字 首 的
diagnose v夕 诊断 ;断 定 symptom刀 。症状 ;征 兆
disease 刀.病 strangely 口
凶。奇怪地 ;奇妙搀
pain ″.疼 痛 ;努力 tiring 口秀,累 人的 ;麻烦的
relief″ .减 轻 ;救济 ;解 除 缸m for曲 e better 好转
fail to未 能 ;没 能做成 muscle刀 .肌 肉 ;力 量
joumey ″,旅 行 ;行 程 n。 reoer四 洳 永远 ;不 断地
caught v捕 捉 (catch的 过去分词 ) med 四犭,干 枯的 ;油 炸的
catch sight of看 到 ;瞥 见 nail 么 [解 剖 ]指 甲 ;钉子
hiker 刀,徒 步旅行者 broken 曰孑。破碎的 ;坏掉的
guidc 刀.指 南 ;向 导 thread刀 ,线 ;螺 纹 ;思 路
maccustomed 曰扌 不习惯的 ;奇 怪的 犭。活着的 ;活 泼的 ;有生气的
alive 四
hardship 刀.困 苦 ;苦难 career・么 职业 ;生 涯
recOvely ″,恢 复 ;复原 nature m.自 然 ;性 质
bank刀 ,银 行 ;岸 ;浅 滩 mate晚1口 啦 物质的 ;重 要的
plan to 计划做 … tom v扯 裂 ,撕开 (tear的 过去分词 〉
live on 以 …为食 ;靠 …生活 bare 四
啦 空的 ;赤 裸的
boil v厶 煮沸 ;烧 开 empty四饣,空 的 ;无 意义的
.请 客 ;款待
打eat ″ page m.页 记录 ;・

wild 四
矽。野生的 ;野蛮的 written四 吐 书面的 ;成文的
avoid v厶 避免 ;避开 ei伍 er∴ or… 要么…要么”・
,希 望 ;期 望 ;信 心
hope/hop/ 刀

黪|有 道滞 高考英语完形填 空与词 汇速成

Raynor Winn and her kusband Moth beca1ne hoIneless due to thek wrong inves仅 1ent.Their

savings hadbeen~1~to pay lawyers’ fees。 h.make ma赁 ers Worse,Mo伍 was diagnosed(诊 断 )
with a~2~ seasc.There Was no~3~,only pain relief∶
Failing to血 d any o伍 er w引y out,they decided to make a~4~journey,as伍 ey。 aught
sight ofa工 l old hkers’ (徒 步旅行 者 )guide・
This was a long joumey oflmaccustomed hardship and_5~recovery.When leavhg
home,Ray且0r and Mo】 1 hadjust £320 h the bank.They planned to keep the~6~1ow by
living on boiled noodles,with the~7_hambwger shop贫 e犹 ,

Wild campmg is 8 h England.To avoid being Gaught,the Winns.had to get thek tent up
9 and packed n away e破 y in the moming,The Wims soon disoovered伍 眈 daily M血 g
in their 50s is a lot~1生 ~than they remembeF虹 was in thek 20s.Raynor~11~a11 oVer and

desired a ba血 Mo伍 ,meanwhile,aaer an initi缸 ~12~,fo【 Ind his were strangely~13~by
their dailytiringjoumey.

14 ,the couple found that their bodies turned for the better,With reˉ found strong

muscles th斌 they thought had~15~norev出 OW hair was hed and mlhg out,nails broken,
clothes 16 to athrca吨 but we were alive.”
Duong the jou111ey,Raynor began a career as a nature Writer.she writes,“ 工~17~had

taken every materia1伍 ing女om me and leR me tom bare,an empty page atthe end of a(n)

~里~witten book.It had also昏 ven me a~19~,either to leave that page~卫 ~or to keep

writmg the story with hope.I ohose hop⒍

1.A.drawn up B.used up C.backed up D.kept up

2.A.1nild C.preventable D.scnous
3.A.cure B.luck C,care D.promise
4.A.busi.ncss B.walking C.bus D.rail
5.A.expected B,Ⅱ ghten.hg C,disappointing D.swposiing
6.'A~.budget B.revenue C.co1mpensation iD,auowance
7.A.nrcquent B.oGGasiona1 C,abundant D.constant
8.A.unpopular B.lawh1 C,attractive D.mega1
9,A.soon B.early C.1ate D.slowly
10,A.harder B.easier C。 cheaper D.funmer
11.A.ro11ed B.bled C.achcd D.tremblcd
12,A,stnlggle B.progress C.excitement D.research
13.A.developed B.con△ o11ed C,ieduced D,increased
14.A,Initiauy B.Eventudly C.Temporaoly~ D.Consequent1y
15,A,gained B.kept C.wounded D.lost
椤||有 道计
青品课 高考英语完形填 空与词汇速成 籍

16.A.sewn B,washed C.wOn1 D.koned

17.A.Dootors B.Hiking C,Lawyers D.IIo1melessness
18.A.well B,partlv
‘ ~- ˇ . c,ncatlv D.ongmally
. - ~.i .^ - '
19.A.choice B,reward C,promise D.break
20.A.1oose C.blanlk D.missing

— 11-
躔ll有 道时 高考英语完形填 空与词汇速成

Possgoe 6 U

单 词预 习
mattended c犭 ,未 被注意的 ,没 人照顾的
temptation 刀,诱 惑 ,诱 惑物
remarkable c才 。~卓 越的 ;非 凡的 ;值 得注意的
spot v丘 认出 ,弄 脏 ;形 ,地 点 ,斑 点
parcel 刀,包 裹 ,小 包 ;v苡 打包 ,捆 扎
guard l9r.保 卫 ,监 视 ;刀 .守 卫 ,警 戒 ,护 卫队
c。 ueague 刀.同 事 ,同 僚
contact V沉 使接触 ,联 系 ;″ ,接 触 ,联 系
扌.多 余的 ,少 量的
spare 四 ;v五 节约 ,分 出
cha】 1ge 刀,零 钱 ,变 化 ;v么 改变 ,交 换
矽.附 近的 ;夕 加 在附近
nearby 曰
satisned c方 ,感 到满意的 ;v,使 满意 (satis灯 的过去式 )
amuscd c犭 。愉快 的 ,顽 皮的 ,被 逗乐的 ;v使 欢乐 (amuse的 过去分词 )
pemy 刀,(美 )分 ;便 士
刃.难 以置信的 ;不 可信的
unbelievable 曰
generous c矽 .慷 慨的,大 方的
praisc ″,赞 扬 ,称赞 ;v丘 赞美 ,歌颂
socia1 media社 交媒体
set up 建立 ,装 配 ,开 业
campaign ″,运 动 ,活 动 ,战 役 ;vi作 战 ,参 加竞选 ,参 加活动
boⅡ ow v在 借 ,借 用
raise v=筹 集 ,养 育 ,提 高
血伍 ″.信 仰 ,信 念 ,信 任 ,忠 实
approach v次 靠近 ;″ .方 法 ,途 径
application 刀.申 请 ;应 用程序 ,应 用
libchanging 改变人生的
deseⅣ e 沈 应受 ,应 得

—— 12 --
躔|有 道社
青晶课 高考英语完 形填空与词汇速 成 辅

PIlhe HoIneless IIero

For many,nnding an unattended wa11∝ n11ed with£ 400 in cash would be a sollrce(来
oftcmptatio11(诱 惑 ),But the~L~would no doubt be greater ifyou were li、
'ing o11the s△ eets

with 1ittle food and Fn.oney.AⅡ ofthis nla.k!es the actions ofthe homeless T。 nn slnlith 2 nore


Aner spoting a~3~on the全 ont seat inside a parked oar with扯 s whdow down,he stood
guard h the rain for about抑 o hows waithg forthe_兰
~to re钮 m.
After hollrs h伍 e cold and wet he 5 inside and pu11ed the wallet out hoping to nnd
some ID so he GOuld oontact(【 联系 )the driver,01△ 1y to 6 it codained£ 40o h notes,wi伍
another£ 50i11 spare change besidc it. ~

He then took the wauetto a nearby pohce station a盘 er 7 a note behind to letthe owner

know it was safe‘ When the car’ s owner Johin Anderson a11d his colleaguc Caro1 Lawrencc

r就wned to伍 e car-which was itself worth£ 35,000— in Glasgow oity center,they were 8 to
nnd tw。 policemen standhg nextto t.△ m poh。 emen told伍 em whathn.smith did and that伍
wauet was 9 .
The pair were later able to thankˇ L.smith for his 10 ,
Mr.Anderson said,“ I couldn’ t believe that the guy never took a penny.Tlo thin.k he is
slccpmg c)11伍 e streets tonight~11_he could hwe stolen the money and paid hr a place to stay

in,This guy has nothing and 12 ∶

he didn’ ttake the wallet for himsel虽 he曲 ought about others

13 rs unbeuevable.Itjustprovesthereare 14 guysoutthere.”
ⅣL.smit11’ s act~15_m讧 ch ofthe public’ sa竹 endon.He also won praise hm socia1 media
users after iML,Anderson 16 aboutthe act ofkindness on Facebook,

Now Mr..A.n~derson.has set up an on~1ine can1paign to~17_nloney for ML snlith and

other horneless people in the area,which by yesterday had received
£89000,“ I think the faith
th耐 everyone has shown~18_hm hastouched him.People have been approaching him in the

street;he’ shadjob 19 anda11so茁 s,” ⅣL Anderson commo工 lted.

For λ压
i.sinlith,this is a possible life-chang△ △
g~20_,T11e story once aga1.n te11s us that
one good au△ 1 dcserves anot11e二

1,A.hope B.aim C.urge D,cgort

2.A.stⅡ l B.eVen C,evcr D.once
3.A.wallet B.bag C,box E).parcel
4.A.par饭er B,co11eague C.owner D.police1nan
5,A.扭 11med B.hid C.stepped E).rcached
6, B。 co11ect C,check E).believe


黠|有 道称品课 高考英语 完形填空与词汇速成

7.A.taking B.leavlng C.reading D.Wnt1且g

8.A.satisned B,eXcitod C.amused E).shocked

9, B.mlssmg C.found D.see11

10..A.serViGe C.1cindness D.encouragement

11.A,when B,if C.where

12.A.rather B.yet C,already D.just

13.A.too B.though C.agai.n。 D.jinstead

14.A.ho11est B.polite D.generolus

15.A.gave B.paid C.cast D.drew

16.A.1ear11ed B,posted C.cared E〉 .heard

17.A.boⅡ ow B.raise D,ear11

18.A.of C,for

19.A.details B.changes c.。 mers D.apphcations

20.A.lesson B。 adven“ re C.chance D.cha11enge

—— 曼
属 一
`曩 |有 道带
青晶课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速 成 聂

卩gssgge r
0` 口o

单 词预 习
Toronto 多伦多 (加 拿大城市 )
passpoi 刀,护 照、

social nemorking website 社交网络

schedule v莎 ,安 排 ,计划 ;刀 ,时 间表 ;计划表
absolutely g洳
Milan 刀,米 兰 (意 大利北部城市 )
Prague 布拉格 (捷 克共和国的首都和最大的城市 )
Bangkok ″,曼 谷 (泰 国首都 )
New Dellli 新德里 (印 度的首都 )
restriction ″,限 制 ;约 束
bargain 刀,交 易 ;便宜货 ;契 约 `讨 价还价
i11telligent c矽 .智 能的 ;聪 明的

A Toronto man is ofFering a free round-the-world air to the right woman.But

(41)— app驭 You must be named Elizabeth Ga11agher and have a Canadian(42)_.
Jordan Axani,28,said he and his tLen girlnricnd,Elizabcth Ga11agher,booked heavily
discounted ro・ m扯 the-wOrld air tickets in May,but伍 ek(43)~ended and hc did not want
her ucket t。 (44)_・ ・
ThC蛀 cket had a strict noˉ transfer(不 可转让 )(45)_,but shce
passpoi h.fomation was 110t requked when(46)_,any Canadian Elizabeth Gallagher oan
(47)— 北・

Ijust want to see the ucket go to g。 od use and for somoone to(48)_a lot ofjoy,”
said Axani.He posted his(49)_on a social networking website,and received thOusands of
mails,including thi卯 nom ac钮 a1Elizabeth Gallagbers with the(50)_passports,“

(51)— ,there are hundreds of Canadians wbo are interested in(52)_the△ namc t。
Elizabeth Gallagher,” Axam said,“ n was abs。 lutely out of(53)~,thollsands of e-mans,
pcople around the world(54)_their stones oftrave⒈ ”
Axani wrote in hs post伍 at he is-not(55)_anyt11ing in retum and that伍 e woman
who uses the(56)_ticket can choose to either trave1 with him or(57)_the dcket and
travel on her own。

青品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成
躔|有 道甜 瑷

The(58)~is scheduled to start on December 21 in New York City and continue on to

Mila11,Prague,Pans,Bangkok a11d Ncw Delhi before(59)~in Tor。 nto on Januav 8.He
said the(60)_woman wi11 be announced on the website a1△ d伍 e tnp will be shared on1ine.
41.A,benents B.deposits C.restrictions D,exalninations

42.A.origin B,passport C,aGcent D.iiend

43,A,holiday B.marriage C,&eam D.relationship

44,A.go to waste B,co1me to lnind C,go no sale ∶
D.cO【 nc i11to egect

45,A,po1icy B,order C,payInent D.schcdule

46,A,app1ying B.b00king C,checking D,bargaining
47,A,use B,borro环 厂 C.choosc D,buy
48.A,sacrincc B.exprcss C,expeoence D,proVidc
49.A.answer B,adviGe C,omer D,com1nent
50.A,salne B.nght C.n。 w D.rca1
51,A,interestmg B.annoymg C,satis匆 ing D・ conVincmg
52,A.writing B,giVing C,lending lD,changing
53,A.touch B.question C,date lD,control
54.A,adlniring B,advertising C.sharing lD,doubting
55.A,leaving B.looking for C,losing D.dealing Ⅵ̀ith

56,A.singlc B,strange C.regular D,extra

57,A,rctun△ B,take C.resen厂 e D,hide

58,A,interview・ B,prograin C,trip D,1neeting
59.'廴 。ending B.ca11ing C,repeating D,staying
60.A.honored B.lovely C.intellige11t D.lucky

一 昱毛 …

黪l有 道十
青品漯 高考英语完形 填空与词汇速成 菇

Possgge 8
单 词预 习
eleme1〕 taw 曰扌・基本的 ;初 级的
.实 验室
1aboratory ″
an average person 普通人
cOmpassion ″,同 情 ;怜悯
throughout 耐 v。 自始至终 ,到 处 ;全 部 印,贯 穿 ,遍 及
dull c扌 ,钝 的 ;迟 钝的 ;阴 暗的 v‘ 使迟钝 ;使 阴暗 vi减 少 ;变 迟钝
ovemight 曰加 通宵 ;突 然 四
矽,晚 上的 ;通宵的
矽.无 家可归的
homeless 四
decorate vr./l,`.装 饰 ;布置
1△ sfortune .不 幸 ;灾祸

disbelief″ ,怀 疑 ,不 信

dishonesty m,不 诚实 ;欺诈

assessment m.评 定
resignation刀 .辞 职 ;放弃

h1973,I was teaGhing elementary schoo1,Each day,27 kids(41)~“ The Thinking

Laboratory” .That was the(42)_students voted for aRer deciding that“ Room 1o4” was
Freddy was an average(44)~,but n。 t an average person。 He had ule rare bmance。 f

血n and compassion(同 情 ).He would(45)_the l。 udest ovα 血n and be the saddest over
anyone’ s(46)~,
Bebre the school year(47)_,I gave the kids a speci斑 (48)~,Ishirts with the
words“ Verbs Are响 lr(49)~’ ’on them.I had advised the kids that while verbs(动 词)
may secm du11,most ofthe(50)_things they do throughout their lives wm be verbs.
Through the years,I’ d run into brmer students who would provide(51)_.on。 ld
classmates.I learned that Freddy did severaljpbs after廴 is(52)_△ om high school and
remamed thc same(53)~pers。 n I met foro years befoFe.Once,wh证 e working ovcmight
at a store,he let a homeless工 工 his truok.Another ume,he(55)~a mend
money to buy a house.

鹬|有 道帝 高考英语完形填 空与词汇速成

Just last year,I Was(56)~a workshop when someone lmocked at the olassroom
do∝ A wOman(57)~tho hterruption and handed me an envelope,I stopped teaching and

(5:)— it叩 ・hsidc were the“ Verbs” shirt and a(59)_△ om Freddy’ s mothe⒈ Freddy

passed away on ThanksgiVing.He wanted you to havc this。

I told the story to the class.As sad as it was,I couldn’ t help sm血 ng.Although Freddy was

taken no1r1“ ,we d1(60)_solnething各 omFredoy.

41.A.built B.entered C.decorated D.ran

42¨A,nan△ e B,rule C.brand D.plan

43.A.sma11 B.dark C,strange D.du11

44,A,scholar B.student C.citizen D.worker

45.A.speak B.sing C,question D.1augh
46.A.misfo11une B.disbekef C,dishonesty D.mistake

47.A,changed B.approached C.retunled D.ended

48.A.1esson lB.giia∶ I).n1essage

49,A.Friends B,AWards C.Masters D.Tasks

50,A.sin△ iple B,uJaique c.nIn D,Glever

51,A,assessn△ ents E;。 cOn11△ .enits C.instmotions D.updates

52.A.graduation B.retirement C.separation D.resigna住 on

53~A.daring B.1modest C.caring

54¨ A,wait 马・sleep D.1ive

55,A,paid B.charged C.1ent E).oWed

56,A,observillg B.prepanng C.des1g1△ .ng D.conducting

57,A.regretted B.avoided C.excused - D.ignored

58,A,opened B.packed C.gave D.held

59,A,picture B.bi11 C.note D.dary

60.A,chose B.took C.expected D.borrowed

躞|有 道非
青品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成 婆

Posscge 9
单词 预 习
aspect″ ,方 面 ;方 向
cxploration 71,探 测 ;探究 ;踏 勘
urge vr,力 劝 ,催促 ;驱策 ″
,强 烈的欲望 ,迫 切要求
interacion 刀。相互作用 ,互 动
neWness ″。新奇 ,崭 新
alphabct彳 ,字 母表
appreciate v在 欣赏 ;感 激 ;领 会 ;鉴 别 vF.增 值 ;涨 价
。mcial 曰扌.官 方的 ;正 式的 ;公 务的 刀,官 员 ;公 务员 ;高 级职员
discourage v在 阻止 ;使 气馁

While high school does not generally cncourage students to explore new aspects of li如

on.I myself went through this(41)_pr。 cess and

co11ege sets the stage hr that exp1ora住

found some伍 hg that has cmanged my(42)_at co11ege for the bctter:I discovercd AsL~
American sign La工 1guage(美 式手语 )。

I nc、rer nelt an urge to(43)_any sign language before.My entire fhmily is heanng,

and so are破 1 my mends.The(44)_上 1anguages were enough h a11 my interactions(交 往


Little did I know that I would discover my(45)_forAsL.

The(46)~began during my first week at oo11egc.I watched as the ASL club
(47)— the.transIation of a song,Bo伍 伍e hand movements and the very(48)~of
commun.icating without speaking(49)_工~me.what I saw was completely umlike anything I
had experienced in the(50)_.This newnessjust l曲 me(51)~more,
ARer that,feeling the need to(52)~furthcr,I decided to drop in on one of
ASL dub’ s meetings.I only leamed how to(53)~the alphabet that day.Yet inst。 ad
of being discouraged by my(54)。 _progress,I was excited.I伍 en made it a point to
(55)~上 工 thosC meetings and lcam破 I could。

The fo⒒ owing tem,I(56)_anAs1 class・ T11e professor was deaf and any talking
was(57)_。 I soon realized that the silence was not wrleasant.(58)._,if there had
bee1∶ l any talking,it would have(59)_us to leam less.Now,I appreciate the silence and the
(60)— way ofcommuniGation it oper1s,

黪|有 道将
胃品漯 高考英语完形填 空与词汇速成

41,A,searching B.planmn.g C,nattral D.forma1

42,A.progress B.experience C,m苟 or D.opinion

43,A.c|hoose C,lcaⅡ △ I∶ ).create

44,A.o£⒍cial B,hreign C.body D.spoken

45.A.1ove B,conceln C,goal D,request

46.A,Ineeting B,trip C,story D.task

47,A,recorded B,performcd C,recited D.discussed

48,A.idea B.alnount C.dream D.reason

49,A.disturbed B.supported C,e1△ barrassed D.a筑 racted

50.A,end B.past C,course D.distance

51,A,showing B.acting C,saying E).Wanting

52,~A.cxerc1se B.explore C,express D.explam

53,A,phnt B.wnte C,sign I).count

54,A.slo飞 v B.steady C,nonnal E)‘ obvious

55.A,chair B.sponsor C.attend D.organize

56,A.missed B.passed C.gave up E).registered for

57.A.prohibited B.welcOIned C.ignored D.repeated

58,A.Lastly B.T11us C,Instead D.However

59,A,required B.caused C,a11owed D.oxpected

60,A,easy B.popular C,quick 1).neW


黪}有 道精品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

PGssoge 1 0
单词预 习
weigh v女 权衡 ;考 虑 ;称 …重量 vf.重 量为 …
a relationship with 与 …… 的关系

be w。 ned ab。 ut 为 ……担心

cclebrate v厶 庆祝 ;举 行 ;赞 美 ;祝 贺
project ″,工 程 ;计 划 vj,设 计 ;计 划
raise vr,提 高 ;筹 集 ;养 育 vJ,上 升
agcct v夯 影 响
touch v^接 触 ;触 动 ;刀 ,接 触 ;触 觉
program刀 .程 序 ;计 划 ;大 纲 vf,编 程序 ;安 排节 目
consult V乙 向 …请教
enonnous 曰方.庞 大 的 ,巨 大 的

At my heaviestI weighed 370 pounds,I had a very poor relationship with food:I used it to

(10-bad允 elhgs,to make myser凭 el better,and to celebrate.Wooed about my health,

I处 ed many d损erent khds of(17)~but nothing wOrked.I came to beheve that I cOuld do
mothhg about my(18)~.
WhenI was 50,my weight problem began奶 a团ect me(19)~.I didn’ t wantto live the

rest ofmy lit with this(20)~weight any more.

That year,I(21)_a se血 inarwhere we were asked to crcate aprQjeotthatwouldtouch
伍o world.A seminar 1oader shared her(22)~story-she had not only lost 125 pounds,but
also raised $ 25,000 for hoF工 leless chi1.dren,

(23)-by her story,I created伍 e As・ Wie Heal()奎 愈 ),tllC World Heals(24)~,
My goal was to lose 15o pounds h one year and raise$50,000(25)~a movCment founded
30 years ago to end hunger.This con1bination of healing n1yself and healing the world
(26)-me as the perfect solution,
(27)-I began my own persona1 weight program,I was nlled with the fear that I would
(2:)-thC same dimcuhies that beat me before.While伍 e(29)~humg over my head,
there were also signs that I was headed down thc nght(30)~.I sen.le廿 ers to everyone I
knew,telling them about my project.It worked perfect廴 Donations began(31)~in△ om

— 21-
鹬l有 道称
青品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

11und.reds ofpeople.

Of course,I also took some practical steps to lose weight,I cOnsulted with a physician(内

科 医生 ),I hired a ntness coach,and I began to eat small and(32)~meals・ My伽 △


focus also gave me new motiVation tO cxcrcise(33)~,

A year later,I(34)~my goal∶ I lost 150 pounds and raised$50,000!I允 el that I’ ve

bccn given a second li免 to devote to some伍 ing that is(35)~and en。 rmous.
16,A,add B,1nix C,kill lD,share
17.A,diets B.drinks C,fruits D,dishes
18.A.heig1△ t B,abili″ C.wisdom D,weight
19.A.tcmporan1y B,recently C.seriously D,secretly
20,A,ideal B.extra C.normal D.low
21.A.attended 3,organized
〕 C.reco11Ⅱ nended D,n△ entioned
22.A,fo1.k B,success C,adventure |D,science
23.A.Surpnsed B,AInused C.Innuenced ID.∶ Disturbed

24.A.pr句 ect B,business C,syste1n D,custo1n scarcIl of need of C,in placc of support of
26.A.scared B.considered c.confi.lsed iD,struck
27,A,As B.Until C.If D,U111ess
28,A.get over B,1△ .n into C,look for iD,put aside
29.A.excitement C,anger D,免 ar
30.A,row B,ha11 C,path D,strect
31.A,breal文 i11g B,noodiI1g C,jumping D,stepping
32.A.heavy B.3.lll C.expcnsive D.hcalthy
33,A.regularly B.1ilnitlessly C,sudden1y lD,randoInly
34,A,sct B,reached C,1missed ID,dropped
35,A.stressftll B,painRll C,Ineaningnll D,peaceR11

躔|有 道计
青品漯 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

Possgge 11
单词预 习
sheltcr 刀,庇 护 ;避 难所 ;遮 盖物 vr,保 护
homeless 四犭,无 家可归 的
solve v厶 解决 ;解 答 ;溶 解
be p11ed with 用 ……堆满
aWareness 刀,意 识 ,认 识 ;明 白
get rid of摆 脱 ,除 去
be divided i11to 被 分成
regular c矽 ,定 期 的 ;有 规律 的 ;普 通 的

Hannah Tayl。 r is a schoolgir1允 m△ Manitoba,Canada.One day,when she was nve years

old,she was waking with her mother h downtown Wimipeg.They saw a man(36)~out
of a gar-age can.she asked her mother why he did伍 献,and her mother said th菠 the man was
homieless and hmgry.Hannah Was very(37)~.she couldnPt mderstand why some people
had to live their lives without shelter or enough hod.Hamnah started to think about how she

could(38)~,b吨 of GOtIrse,there is ilot a lot one且 ve-yearˉ old can do to solve(解 决 )the
probleln ofhoimlelessness.

Later,when HⅢ nah attended school,she saw another homeless pcrson.It was a woman,
(39)— an。 ld shopping trouey(购 物车 )which was piled with(40)~.It seemed
th时 everything the woman oWned was i11 them.This madc Hannah Very sad,a了 1d even more

(41)_工~to do something,she had been talkhg to her mo曲 er about the lives of homeless
pepple(42)工 _they nrst saw the homeless ma且 。
Hcr mothertold her thatif she did somethhg

to change the problem that made her sad,she wouldn・ t(43)_as bad.
IIann.alh began to spcak out about the honlelcssness ili Manitoba and then i11 oulerpr。 vinces,

she hoped to(44)_her 1nessage of hope and a・ wareness, She started the I.adybug
Foundation,随 0rgamzation aiming戚 gctting nd ofh。 mehssness.she began to(45)~“ Big
Bosses” lunches,where she would“ y to persuade loca1 business leaders to(46)~to the

oause.she also organized a fun&aishg(募 捐 )drive in“ Ladybug Jars” to co11eCt everyone’ s

spare change durhg“ Make Change” month.iMore reGently,thc foundat|on began another
(47)-ca11ed Natio11斑 Red scarf Dγ -a day when people donate$20 and wear red scarves


躞|有 道带品课 高考英语完形填 空与词汇速成

in suppo‘ of Ca11ada’ s(48)~and homeless,

Tlhere is an en△ ergenCy shelter in VVinnipcg called“ Hannah’ s Place” ,son1ethi且 g that

Hannah is very(49)~of・ Hamlah’ s Place is divided i11to severa1盯 eas,providhg shcltcr

for people when it is so cold t11at(50)~outdoors can mean death.h thc more than nve
ye盯 s since HaⅢ lah began her activities,she has received a 1ot of(51)~・ For example,she

received the 2007 BRICK∶ Award rccognizing the(52)~of young pcople to change the

world,But(53)~a11t11is,Hannah still has the(54)~life。 f a Winnipeg schoolgirl,

cxccpt that she pays regular visits to hon△ eless people.

Hannah ls one of many examples of young people who are making a(55)~in t11e
orld,You can,too!
36,A.jumping B,eating C,cWing D.waving
37,A,an.noyed B,nen`ous C,ashalned D,upset
38,A,behave B,manage C,hclp
39,A,pushing B,carrying C.buying iD.holding
40.~A,goods B.bott1es C,foods I),bags
41,A,excited B,detennined . C,energetic ∶

42,A,since B,unlcss C,al伍 ough

43,A.sound B.get C,feel D,1ook
44,A,exchange B,leave C.kccp D.sprcad
45,A,sell B,deliver C,host iD.pack
46,A,contribute B.1ead C.apply D,agree
47,A.campaign B.trip C.proOcdure D.trial
48,A.elderly B.hungr)` C.lonely |D。 sick

49,A.aⅥ 「 B.a£ aid
1・ C.proud iD.sure
50,A.goi且 g B.slceping C.travclling D.playing
51.A.praises B,invitations C,replies D,appointInents

52,A.nceds B.interests C.drea1ns ID.cffoAs

53,A,for B,tlrough C,besides D.along
54,A.kealt11y B,public C.normal D.tough
55,A,choice B,pront C.judgeme碰 D.digerence

躞|有 道精品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

Posscge 1 2
单词 预 习
扌,珍 贵的
valuable 四
defeat 悦 击败 ,战 胜 ;挫败 ;使 …失败 】,失 败的事实 ;击 败的行为
fcnce 刀,剑 术 ;围 栏
ahead of 在 ……之前
Vacation ″,假 期
rely on 依靠
beat out 敲平 ;砸扁 ;使筋疲力尽

When I was 13 my only pu.9ose was to become the star on our勤 otba11 team.That meant

(1)-Mi11er King,who wasthe best(2)~at OIIr schoo1.

Football season started in septe1nber and a11 surnn△ er long I worked out.I carried 1ny

助otba11 evewwhere for(3)_.

J“ t be允 re septembe△ Millor was s扭 Gk by a car and lost his nght arm,I wentto see him

aRer he oame back全 om(4)~.He 100ked very(5)_,but he didn’ t cry.

That season,I(6)~a11 0f Mi11er’ s records while he(7)_the home games△ om

伍e bench.We went 10-l and I was named most vah曲 1o player,(8)~I oaen had crazy

dreams in whoh I wasto blame for Millσ s(9)~.
one a盘 emoon,I was crossing t11e丘 eld to go home and saw Miller(10)~gohg
over a fenceˉ which wasn’ t(11)~to climb if you had bo曲 arms.I’ m sure I was the last

person in the wOrld he wanted to acoept(12)_丘 om・ :ut cven that cha11enge he accepted.

I(13)工 _“ m move slowly over the fenGe.When we were血 ally(14)_on thC Othcr
side,he said to me,“ You know,I didn’ t tell you this during the season,but you did(15)~,

Thank you for nuingin f。 r(16)~.“

His words△ eed mc nOm nly bad(17)~,I thoughtto Ⅲyselt how even・ 诫tLout m
arm he was more of alead∝ Damaged but not dc免 ate吨 he was(18)~ahead of me.I was
oghtto haVe(19)_him.From伍 atday u Igrew(20)~and a little more rea1.
(1)A.Cheenng for B.beating out C.relyhg on D.staying wit1△

(2)A.GOach B,student C.teacher D.player

(3)A.pracuce C.cornfort D.pleasure

黠|有 道将
胄品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

(4)A・ school B,vacation

(5)A,palc B.ca1m C,relaxed 1).ashanled
(6)A.held Bi broke C,set E).tried

(7)A.reported B.judged C。 organized D.watched

(8)A.and B.then C.but D.thus
(9)A.decision B.mistake C,accident E).sacri11cc

(10)At stuck B.hiurt C.ti1・ ed D.lost

G1)A.steady B,hard C。 助n D.nt

(12)A.praise B.advlcc C.assistance D.aipology
(13)A.1et . B.helped C,had D.noticed

(14)A.dropped B.ready C,trapped sa允

(15)A,nne B,Ⅵ irong C.q“ ckly norma11y

(16) B.yourse1f C.Ime them
(17)A.memones B.ideas C,attitudes dreanas

(18)A.sti11 B.also C.yet D.just

(19)A.cha11enged B.cured C,invited E),adnired
(20)A.healthier B.bigger C.cleverer D.cooler

蜜|有 道毋
青品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成 寄

Pgssgge 1 3
单词预 习
impression `?,印 象
device 刀,装 置 ;策 略 ;设 各
faceless (人 、机构或建筑物 )无 个性 的 ,缺 乏特征 的
rockˉ bottom price 最低价
airfare ″,飞 机票价
agent 刀,代 理人 、中介
mad11ess 刀,疯 狂
sympatheticany ε洳 富有 同情 心地
immediate ε矽.立 即的 ;直 接 的

Hundreds ofpeople have fomed impressions ofyollthrough伍 at little device(装 置)on yow
desk,And they’ ve never actua11y(41)~you・ Everything they know about you
(42)-thr。 ugh伍io device,sometimes nom hundreds of miles away,(43)~they
如elthey can know you(44)~△ om the s。 und of your Voice,That’ s how powerm1the
PoWerh1,yes,but not a1ways(46)~.For years I dealt with my各 wel agent only by
phonc.Rani,my faceless agent whom I’ d never met(47)~工 _,got me rockˉ bo仗 om poces
on arfares,cars,and hotels.But her cold voioe really(48)_me,I somctirFles wished to
(49)-a11。 ther agent,
one morning,I had to(50)~an immediate night home for a family emergenoy,I
ran into Rani’ so五 ce(51)~.The woman sitting献 the dcsk,(52)_nly madness,
sympathe住 ca11y jumped up.she gave me a(53)_smile,nodded while liste血 ng patient1y,

and tben printed outthe(54)~immediately.What a wondermllady!” I thought.

Rushing out(55)~I ca11ed out over my shoulder,“ By the way,what’ s yow name?”

rm Rani,” she said,Itrned around and saw a(56)~WOman wi伍 a big smile on her nace

waving to wish me a sa无 trip.I was(57) why had Ith。 ught sLe was cold?Rani was,
we11,so〈 58)~,
sitting back in the car on the way to the airpo残 I ngured h au out.Rani’ s(59)~工 ~工一

her,her nods,纽 er“ m here nor you”

I’ (60)~一 were a11 silent signals that didn’ t

躔l有 道糖晶课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

“avel through wires.

41,A,accepted B.noticed C,heard D.1met

42,.A.carnc B.1moved C,ran D.developed
43.A.T11us B.Yet C,Then E).hdeed B,also C.just D.akeady
45,A.Telephone B,vo1ce C,connection D.impressio1L

46, B.usen11 C,easy I),accurate person 1rLyself C,in public I).on.purpose

48,A,an~noyed B.interested C,discouraged E)。 oonfused

49.A.pron△ ote B.train c,nnd E).know

50,A,arrange postpone C.connnn



51,A.for the nrst tmle at time C.fiˉ orn tilne to t△ nc E).i11 good tilne

52~A,cxpecting C.testing E).aivoiding


53,A.shy B,co111forting C,faⅡ △

ili征 D.forced
54,A.bill B,fonn C,ticket D.list

55,A.hopef.△ lly B,disappointedly C.graten111y D.regretm11y

56,A.careful B,senous C,nervous D.pleasant
57,A.amused B.woⅡ ied C,hclpless D.speechless
58,A.caln△ B.n1ce C.proud D.clever
59.A.forgiveness B.eagerness C,△ iendliness D.ski11hhess
60,A,cxplanation B.attitude C.concept D,behavior

`曩 }有 道精品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速 成 4

Possgge 1 4
单词预 习
钉anspo戚 ″,运 输 ;交 通 工具 ;v在 运输
deliver v资 交付 ;发 表 ;递送 ;释 放
vehicle 刀.[车 辆 ]车 辆 ;工 具 ;交 通工具
pull over 把 …开到路边 ;靠 岸
brake ″, 杀刂

exthguisher 刀,灭 火器
burst 刀。(一 )阵 ;v。 爆发 ,爆 炸
eme呜 ency 刀,紧 急
emergency personnel 应急人员
i侧 ure vr,伤 害

Lar吖 works with Transpo⒒ Dovers.hc.One moming h 2009.Larv was(41)~along

165 no乱 h曲 er delive蛀 ng to one of his(42)_.suddenly,he saw a car with扯 s bright ughts
on.(43)~he got closer,he found(44)___vehiole upside down ozlthe road.One more
look and he nodced(45)~shooung out iom underthe(46)~vehiclC。 LaFy pulled
over,set伍 e brake and(47)_伍 e nre extinguisher(灭 火 器 ).Two good buFsts加 m the
extmguisher a11d the me was put out.

The man who had his brig廴 t lights on(48)_and told LaⅡ y he had(49)~an
emergency ca11.△ ey(50)~heard a硒/oma11’ s voice cOmng如 m the wecked(毁 坏的 )
vehicle.(51)~伍 e vehicle,they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken
window,They told her to stay(52)~untilt11e emergency personnel ariVed,(53) qhe

伍oughtthe Gar was gomg to(54)_‘ Lany told hcr t】 1at he had already put out the nre and

she should not move(55)_shC iniwedherneck.

once打 e and emergency peoph arr1ve,Lany and the o伍 er man(5o~and let them
go to work.Then,La邛 usked d1e(57)~r he was 11eeded or(58)~to go・ They ld
him and the otherinan go.

one thing is(59)_ˉ Larγ wcnt above and beyond the ca11 of duty by gettmg so close
to the buming vehiclel His(60)_m0哎 :Likely saved the woman’ s△ fe.

41,A.walking B.towing C.travelhg D,mshing

黠|有 道甘 高考英语完形填 空与词汇速成

42.A.p朋 sengcrs B,colleagues C,c1mployers D.customers

43.A.siince B,Although C,As D.If
44.A.each B,another C.that D.his

45.A.na1mes B.s1noke C.water D.steam

46.A.used B,disabled C,re1noved D.abandoned
47.A,got h~o1d of B,prepared C,took charge of D.GOntro11ed

48.A.calne down B,came through C,calne 1n E),can△ e ovˉer

49~A.returncd B.recelvcd C.made D.conn.nmled

50.A.d1en B.again c.nnally D.even

51.A.starti1△ g B,Parking C,Passing D.Approaching
52.A.quiet B.sti11 C,away D.ca1m
53.A.flor B,so C,and D,but
54.A.exiplode B,slip aⅥ .7ay C.fall apart I),cras11

55.A,as if B,unless C.1n case D,after

56.A.steppcd forward B,backed off C,rnoved on D。 set out

57.A.woman B,policc C,1man D.driver

58.A.forbidden B,read)7 C,asked D.各ee

59.A,for certaiin B,for consideration C.reported D,checked
60.A.patienoe B,ski11s C,cfforts E).promise


`曩 |有 道指品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成 '’

Possoge 1 5
单 词预 习
joumey 刀,旅 行 ;行程
su熊 r v遭 受 ;忍 受 ;经 历
intention 77意 图 ;目 的 ;意 向
accomplishment 刀。成就 ;完 成
inspire v在 激发 ;鼓舞 ;启 示
.热 心 ,热 忱 ,热 情
enthusiasm ″
asset △,资 产 ;财产
,胜 利 ,凯 旋 vf.获 得胜利
triun1ph ” , 成功

Thejoumeymy daughter Cathyhas hadwith her swimming is as bng as itis beautim1,

Cathy sufFered some terible(16)_in hCr early childhood.ARer years of regu1盯
ie眈ne盹 she(17)~beca1ne healthy,
TwO years ago,while Cathy was watching the olympics,a dream came into her sweet
little headˉ to be a swimm出 Last summer,she wanted to(18)~ow local swim team.she
praoticed hard and nnally(19)~△ .The te狐 l praotice,(20)~was a rough start.she
coughed and choked and could hardly(21)~her打 st few weeks,Hea血 g her cou垂 hg
m“ al1.But Cathy woke me up early next
biterly one night,I decided to(22)_her△。
moming,wearing heF swimsuit(23)_to go!I told her she shouldn’ t swim献 er a whole
oght’ s coughhg,but she remsed t。 (24)~and insisted she go,
From that day on,Cathy kept swimming and didn’ t(25)~a single practice.She had a
on within herselfto be the best she could be,My tenˉ ye盯 -old Was grOwing and

ohanghg nght before扭 y eyes,into this(27)_~human being wi姐 a passion and a mission.
There werc moments of(28)~of。 owse∶ often shc would be the last swimmer in thc racc。

L was dimcult f。 r cathy to aGGept that she wasn’ ta(29)_— ev弘 :ut that didn’ t stop her
n。 m tying,
Then came the nnal awards ceremony时 the end ofthe year.Cathy didn’ t expcOt any award
but was still there to(30)~her” ends and praise the△ acoomphshments.As the ceremony

was neanng the end,I suddenly heard the head coach(31)~,“ The highest honor goes

to Cathy!’ Looking around,he conti11ued,” Cathy has inspired us with her(32)~and

躞|有 道糖品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

enthusiasm,(33)~s1<i11s a11d talents bring great success,the most valuable asset(财 富)

one can hold is the heart.”

It Was the greatest(34)~of my daug11ter’ s life.With all she had been(35)~in

her ten years,this was伍 e hour oftrue triumph(成 功 ),
16,A,failure B.prcsstIre C,loss D,ilhess
17,z廴 ,usua11y B.nnally c,nrstly D,frequently
18.A,inlprovc B,trai11 C.joh D,contact
19,A.increased B,found C,created lD.111ade
20,A,ho、 /ever B.therefore C,other、 vise |D,instead
21.A.use B,survhe C,savc D.waste
22.A,pull B,te11 C.hide D,fire
23,A,a佥 a1d B,neR厂 ous C.ready D,殳 ee
24,A,take of B,set of C.ghe up D,show up
25.A,attend B,Iniss C.ban D.start
26, B.weak C,nnn D.khd
27,A.trusted iB.dctennined C.cxperienced D,e1nbaniassed
28,A,n・ usiati。 n B.delight C.exciteFnent |D,surprise
29,A,beginner B.leamer C,pa⒒ ner D,winner
30.A,cheer on B.co1mpetc・with C,respond to D,run aner

31,A,adnlitting B,explai且 ing C,announCing D,w11ispcring

32.A.humor B.will C.honcs″ D・ wisdoIn

33,A,丿 人1though B,since C,OnGe D,Because

34.A.discovery |B.choicc C.infuence D,1molnent
35,A.through B.under C.across D.around

曩}有 道带
青品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

Possoge 1 6
单 词预 习
兹,有 耐心的,能 容忍
patient △ 刀,病 人 ;患 者
tapes 刀.录 音带 ,胶 纸带
achieve v资 取得 ;获 得
.[计 ][环 境 ]资 源 ;物 力
resources ″
qualify f。 r有 资格 ,能 胜任
appeal to 呼吁 ;吸引

Viears ago,a critical even.t occu.Jred i.n11|y life that wou.1d change a forever I 1net Kurt

K姐pme△ of suc∞ ss Motiv龃 m hcorporation hr breakfa出 While we were(36)_Kurt

asked me,“ John,whatis yow(37)_nor persom1 growth.”
NeVer at a loss for wor-s,I tried to nnd things to my li如 that(38)~for gr。 w缸 I told

him about the 1ina11y activities in which I was(39)~.And I wentinto a(40)_about

how hard I worked and the I was 1naking.I Ⅱ
lust haVc talked for ten nlizlutes.Kiurt

(41)-patient玩 but曲 en he(4?)_smiled a11d s扯 d,“ You don’ t havc a pα sond plan
for growth,do you?”

“ “
You know,” Klrt said simp玩 growth is 11ot a(n)(44)_pr。 ccss.”
And that’ s when it(45)~me,I wasn’ t doing anything(46)_to make myself
better.And atthat moment,I made the(4D_I will deve1op and hnow a pers。 na1 growth
plan for my(48)_.
Th猫 night,I talked to my wi允 about my(49)_with Kart and wkat I had leamed,I
(50)— 五er the workbook and tapes Kai was selling.we(51)~t11at Ka⒒ wasn’ tjust

“ying to make a sale,he was ofnering a(52)~for us to change ow lives and achieve otIr

severd important things happened伍 at day,Fa吨 we decided to(53)~the resowces,

Butmore important1b we made a commitmentto(54)~together甜 a couple.From that day
on,We leamed toge伍 er,travded together,and woFied together,R was a(55)~decision.
While too ln.any couples grow apart,we wcre grow11△ g togethe⒒

36,A,wOrking B.preparmg C.thinking D,eating

躔|有 道精品课 高考英语完形填 空与词 汇速成

37.A.suggestion B.de1mand C.plan I∶ ).reqlu.est

38.A.appea1 B.1ook C.can D.quali灯

39.A.inlvolvcd B.trapped C.lost D.bathed

40.A.lecttre B.spcech C.discussion D.dcbate
41.A.ca1culated B.listened C,d血k E).explai11od

42.A.eagerly B.graduany C.grate血 11y D.nnally

43.A ad1nitted B,hterrupted C,apologized, D.complained

44.A,autOInatic B.slow C.independent D.曲 anging

45.A.GOnnIIsed B.informed C,pleased D.hit

46.A.on tow∶ n B.on puFpose C.on sale D.on balance

47,A co1△.Ⅱ Lent△ .ent C.dec1s1on D.aEangement

48.Alife B,progress C.perfomance E).1noVen△ ent

49.A.contract B,conversation C.negou哎 ion D.argllment

50.A,1ent B.sold C.shoWed D.oⅢered

51.A.reca11ed B.denned . C.recognized D.declared

52,A.tooI B.method C.way D.rule

53.A,provide C.give D.deLver

54,A grow B,survlve C.Inove D.gather

55,A dimcult B.random c.nnn D,wise

3属 ˉ
黟l有 道糖品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

PGssgge 1 7
单词预 习
ace″ ,佼 佼者
recreational 矽.娱 乐的,消 遣的

.足 球
soccer ″
扌,显 然的 ;表 面上的
apparent 曰
.使 …成整体 曰扌.整 合的 ;完 全的 刀,一 体化 ;集 成体
intcgrate vr,/vJ氵

矽.有 意义的 ;意 味深长的

meaningml 曰

aggressively加,侵 略地 ;攻 击地 ;有 闯劲地
toumament m,锦 标赛 ,联 赛
curiosity [u]好 奇心 [c]奇 珍异宝

Wh.ere do y・ ou go when you want to leanl so1工 1ething?A flie众 d?A.tutor?These are a11
(41)-aces。 f leaming.But it may wcll be that the leaming you rea11y want(42)_
someWhere else instead.I hadthe(43)~ofs∞ mg伍 is打 茁hand o11 a(44)~.
My daughter plays on a recreational soccer team.They did very we11 this season md so
(45)-at。umament,which normally was only for more skmed olub teams,This led to
some(46)~experiences on saturday as they played against teams(47)~iained,
Through the mst tw。 games,her(48) id not get on seoous shot on goa1..A.s apparent,I

(49)-seeing 1ny daughter playhg her be盹 (50)~still defeated,

IT seemed that something clicked with the(51)~between saturday and sunday.
When they(52)~hrthek sunday game,they were(53)~dmcrent.They had begu11
integrate(鬲 虫
合 )the kinds of play and teamwoFk they had(54)~the day before into
thek(55)~.They played aggressively弭 d(56)~scored a goa1.
It(57)~mc that playing against thc Other team was a great(58)~moment
for all the girls on the team.I think it is a general pmnciple.(59)~is伍 e bcst teacher.The

lessons they mOy not be(60)~What they would have gotten in schoo1.But are oertainly
more personal and meanhg血 1,because they had to work them out on theL own.
41,A,public B,traditiona1 C,o∶ ELcial I),specia1

42.A.passcs C,lies 工),ends

43,A.d.rean△ B,1dea C,habit E).chance

黠|有 道+青 品课 高考英语完形填 空与词汇速成

44.A.trip B.hohday C1.Weekend D.square

45.A.wOn B.entered C.organized D.watched
46.A.painh1 B.strange C.con△ no且 D.practical

47.A.less B.poorly C.newly D.be说 er EI.tutors C.class

49.A.ilnagined B.h乱 ed C.avOided D.missed
50.A.if E;.or C.but
51.A.girls B.parents C.coaches D.Ⅵ eWers
52,A.dressed B,showed up C.1nade up D,planned
53.A.slightly B.hardly C.basica11y D,completely
54.A.seein B,known C.heard I).rea(l

55.A.styles B。 打aiming C.ga了 11e D.rules

56.A.evein B.stm C,seldom E).agai1△

57.A.con血scd B.stmck .-△11nded D.Wanled

58.A.touching B.thinking C.enoouraging D,leaming
5⒐ A.Experielloe B.hdependence C.Curiosity D.lhterest

60,A.harm|hlto B.mixed with c.dimerent△ om D.apphed to

鹬|有 道 品课 ii青 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

Possgge 1 8
单 词预 习
head into 去 ……
spot 刀 .地 点 ;斑点 v尔 发现 ;弄 脏 vj,沾 上污渍 ;满 是斑点 ε矽,现 场 的
cash 71.现 款 ,现 金 v出 将…兑现
abunda11ce ″.充 裕 ,丰 富
light up 照亮 ,点 亮
hand v在 传递
btlrst讯 o tears 放声大哭

My kids and I were headhg into the supermarket oveF the weekend.On the way,we spotted
a nan holdhg a piece ofpaper伍 at said,“ (1)_工 myjob.Family to Feed。 ”

At this store,a(2)~hke this is not 11om1姓 .My 10ˉyear-old noticed him and make a
(3)-oF1how bad扭 must be to have to stand(4)~工 ~血 the cold wind,
h伍e store,I asked each of my kids to(5)~something they thought ow“ friond”

there wOuld(6)~.They got apples,a sandwich and a bottle ofjuice.Then my 17ˉ year-old

suggested giVing him a(7)~,I thought about虹 We were(8)_.on Gash ollrselVes,

but… we11,sometknes(9)~全 om ow need instead of ow abmdance is(10)~w纽 at

we need to dol A11the kids(11)~something伍 ey could do away with forthe week.

When We bandedhimthe bag of(12)_,he lit up and thanked us With(13)~eyes・
When I handed him the gin card,saymg he could use it for(14)~his family might need,he
burst hto tcars.

Ths has been a Wonder负 1(15)~for。w famiV For days the kids havc been looking
for others we can(16)~!Things would have played out so(17)~ifI h证 simply said,

No,we rea11y don’ t have(18)_to give m。 re,” stepping out not only helped a brother in

(19)一 9it also gave my kids the(20)~taste ofhelping others.It’ ng。 al。 ng w叩 with


(1)A.Quit B.Changed C.Lost D.Finis廴 ed
(2)A・ condi住 on C.sight
(3)A・ suggestion B。 comment C.decision- D.ca11
(4)A,by B.proudly C.outside D.angrily

黠|有 道带
青品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

(5)・ A,draw B.say C,aFrange D.pick

(6)A,appreciate C.order
(7)A,douar B,job C,hot mea1 D.gin card
(8)A.easy B.low C.soft D.1oose
(9) B.saving C.spendhg D.begghg
(10)A.yet B.even C,sti11 D,just
(11)A.declared B.shared , C.ignored E).expected
(12)A.bod B,medicme 1)。 olothes

(13)A.sleepy B.watery C,cunous D,sharp

(14)A.whoever B.whatever C.whichever E)。 whenevcr
(15)A・ message B.exa1nple C,experience D.adventure
(16)A.rely on B.respeGt C.1earn各 om
(17)A.suddenly B.vividly c.dmerently D.perfectly
(18)A.time B.power C.patience
(19)A.need C.免 盯 D,memory
(20)A,strong B.sweet C.strange D.simple

曩|有 道社
青品课 高考英语完形填 空与词汇速成

Possgge 1 9
单 词预 习
satisfacto叮 ε
刀。满意的 ;符合要求的
h particular 尤其 ,特 别
urge vr,力 劝 ,催 促 ;″ .强 烈的欲望

a】ord 悦 给予 ,提 供 ;买 得起
worthwhile n扌 。重要的 ;有 价值的,有 益的 ;值得做 的
present v矽 ,提 出 ;介 绍 ;呈 现
曰刀,现 在的 ;出 席
刀,现 在 ;礼 物

My£ ance(未 婚夫 )and I were excited Ⅱout shopping hr olr flrst home.But ow nlnds

were(16)_,a且 dn。 ne ofthe hmsosin ow pnce rmge secmed satisfactory.

one agent(17)~a house h particul瓦 Although her descripuo11 s。 unded wonder血 1,

the price Was(18)_ow range,so We deGlined,But she kept wghg us to have a look
— ・
wc nna11y did and n was(20)~沉 £r蓝 sight,It was Our Home,sm破 1 and chaming,

overlooking a qui⒍ lake.Waking through the rooms and taking with伍 e owners,a nice elder1y

couple,we fen伍 e warmth and(21)_of the marriage wi也 in that homeJ As per色 ct as加
was,the poce remained too 11igh for us.But every day,we would s如 by the lake,looking时 值e
house and drcammg of(22)~加 would be like to live there.

Da,ys 1时 er9 we made a(n)(23)~-far beloW the askhg poce.surposing玩 they didn・ t

(24)— us.They renewed theL oger(25)~・ It Was also much more than we could

涯br戏 but far(26)_L~工 than伍 e onginal askhg price,

The next day,we got a(27)~message that随 ot】 1er buyer had omered a 111uch higher

pooe.Even so,we decided to talk with the(28)~directly.We madeoW En破 oⅢer,whic纽

(29)— was thousands ofdo11ars less than the o伍 er buyer’ s bid.We knew“ ,(30)~we
had to try.

soldl” said the owner.Then he(31)_:He’ d seen us sitting by thc lake a11 those

times;he knew how much we loved the place and伍 at we’ d(32)~the years。 f work

they had put into伍 ek home;he reahzcd he would take a(33)~by semng it t。 us,but

— 39—
鹬|有 道十 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

it was wortllw11ile ; wc were the people they wanted to livc theFc,I.Ic toldˉ us to consider the

(34)— in the price“ an ear1y wedding present,”

That’ s how we fomd our home and how Ileamed that when people are(35)~they
arc not strangers,only|n・ iends Ⅵ「
e haven’ t yet Ⅱlet,

16,A.needed B.lilnited C,emough D.large

17,A,reconunendcd iB.decorated C.sold D.rented
18,A,be1ow B.withill C.beyond D.between
19,A,at least B,at most C.attmes hEnd
20.A.relief B,cOncem C,love D.curiosity

21,A.phde B,happiness C.challenge D.desire

22,A,w・ hich B.w・ hy C油 at D.what
23.A。 effort B,o∶ mer C,prO1nise D.pront
24.A.co1me across B,look aier C,depend on D.laugh破
25,A,instead ]B.indeed C,aside D.apart
26″ 人.w・ orse B.better C,less D.higher
27.A,relaxing iB,disappointing C.pleasant D.regulaF
28,A,agents B,buyers C,1nanagcrs D,owners
29.A.already B,still C,gcncrally D.ever
30,A,so B,or C.for D.but
31.A.apo1ogized IB,cO1nplained C.criticized D,explained
32,A,check B.analyze C,appreciate E).ignore

33,A,loss B,nsk C.chance D.1ead

34,A.incrcase iB,differenGe C,interest I).a|v・ erage

35,A.kind B.polite C,smalt D,energetic

-嗓 伞
|有 道糖品课
~黪 盲 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成 熹

Possgge 20
单词预 习
ancicnt c刀 ,古 代 的 ;古 老 的
detcnnine v,(使 )下 决 心 ,(使 )做 出决定
plenty of大 量 ;很 多 ;许 多
judgement ″,意 见 ;判 断力
individua1押 刀,个 性 ;个 人 ;个 人特征
chemical m,[化 工 ]化 学 品 ,化 学制 品 ;化 学药 品 ;化 工 产 品

ry。 u studied that ancient p9ople left on rock walls and you tried to detennine their

me随mg,you would not detectinterestin romance a扭 ong the artists.(51)_,you WOuld see
plcnty of animals with people mim扭 g赭 er them.Life无 r ancient people’ s eamed to center on

hunthg and gathermg wild foods for mc斑 s.

h modem times,when food is av鼓 labh h grocery stores,nndhg love is more(52)~in
ppople’ s lives,The(53)_is a11 ar。 und us.It is easy to pFepare a list of modcm stooes

havmg to do with love.Am endless Ⅱumber ofbooks andmovies qua1Ⅱ V as love stories inpopular

Researchers arc血 dnng whetherlove,a hguy valued eFFlotiom state,can be(54)_

They ask,what is love?Toothpaste companies want us to think a缸 aCtion is an ab。ut olean teeth,

but clean teeth go only so far.scientists wOnder how much伍 e brah gets involved.You have
probably heard that opposhes attract but that(55)_attract,too。 One伍ing is certam:T.he

truth aboutlove is not yet setin stone.

First I玎 。

To help determme the(56)_of at仕 ac住 on,researchers palred 164 coⅡ ege c1assmates

and had伍 em tak nor 3,6。 r1ominutes so they could get a sense of each other’ s individumi圩 ,

Then students were asked to(57)~wh西 kind ofrelationship they were likely to build with

让Leir parhers。 A盘er nine weeks,they reported What happened.

A.s it turned out,their(58)~j・dge1ments often held true.students see1med to
(59)-at an early stage who would best ntint。 their nves.
⒒ e(60)_Knows
scientists have also仅 1Fned to nonhiu∶ m.ans to increase understandi∶ ng of attraction,Many

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animals give of pheromones-natura1 chcmicals that can be detected by,and then can produce a

response i11,other aniln~als of the san△ e species,P11eron△ones can signal that an animal is either

ready to丘 g11t or is允 eling(61) partnerships.h contrast,humans do not seem to be

as(62)~as ot11er animals at detecting such chemicals.smell,however,does seem to

plγ a pad in humall attraction,Al伍 ough we may not be aware of chemicals like pheromones

consciously,we give and rcceive loads of infonnation through smell in evev mtcraction With
other people,

Face Value
]Being fond of soFlleone seer11s to haVe a nurnber of factors,including seeing soFnething

we ind attractiVe.Researohers had people judge faces for(63)~.The particlpants had

o,013seco11ds to vieⅥ `each face,yet son△ e11o、v they generally considered the ilnages the sa1m.e as

pcople who had more time to study伍 e same faces,Thc way we(64)~attrac山 eness scem
to be sorne、 Vhat au.tonlatic.

When sho、 vn-an attractiVe face and then、 vords哂 7ith good or bad associations,people
responded to(65)~words faster after viewing an attractive face,Seeing something
attractiVe seenas to cause happy thLalking.

51,A,Instead B,Thcrcfore C,1、 1orcOver iD,C)ther、 vise

52,A。 romantic B.stressall C.cen缸 al D,benencia1
53,A。 prionty B.proof C,possibility D,principle
54,2⒋ ,tested B,ilnposed C,changed iD.created
55,A,appearances B.virtues C,silnilarities D.passions
56.A,illustrations B,ilnaginations C,ingredients D,instructions
57。 A,predict B.invcstigate
∶ C,diagnose ∶

58,A,critical B.initial C,randoIn D,111ature

59,A,nlenlorize B,distinguish C,negotiate D,question
60.A,Nose B,Eye C.Healt D,Hand
61,A,opcn B,ale止 C,resistant D,superior
62.A,disappointed B,alnazed C.connlsed D.gifted
63.A,emotion B,attractiveness C,individuality D,signals
64,A.cnhance B,possess C.1naintain D,assess
65,A,fan1iliar B.plain C,positive lD,insulting

璃2 --
.`躔 |有 道糖品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成 磊

|Plgssoge 21

单词 预 习
positiv灯 刀,积 极性 ,确 实
扌.非 常规的 ;非 传统的 ;不 依惯例的
mconVentiona1 曰
exceptio11al 方,异 常的 ,例 外的

ambitious c啦 野心勃勃的 ;有 雄心的 ;热 望的
go through参 加 ;经 受 ;仔细检查 ;通 过
pick up 捡起 ;获 得 ;收拾 ;(汽 车 ;飞 机 )乘 载

I was required to read one of]B}ernie siegel’ s books in co11ege and was hooked on his

po血 vity全 om that moment on.The stories ofhis unGOnventional(36)_and伍 e ex∞ ptiond

patients he wrote about Were so(37)_to mc and had such a big(38)~on hoW Isaw
life n。 m then on.Ⅵ厂
ho knew that so nlany years 1时 er I would look to DL Bemie and his CDs

agam to)(39)~my own cancer experience?

I’ m an ambitious(40)~,and when I staded gomg through chemo(化 疗 ),even
though I’ m a very(41)~pers。 n,I Iost my drive to wnte.I Wasjusttoo tired and not h the

(42)— ・One day,while waithg to go in for(43)_,I had。 ne ofDL Bemie’ s books h

my hand.Another patient(44)~what I Was reading and s扭 ck up a oonversation with me
(45)-he had one ofhis books with him as we11,It(46)_工 ~that among other things,
he was如 .eightyˉ year-old writer。 He was(47)~a pubhshed au伍 or,and he was c【 】

(4:)-on a new book.

We Would see each other at various times and(49)~全 iends・ someumes he w。 re a

duck hat,and I would tell myselt he was de11nitely a(n)(50)~ofDr・ :emie.Hc rea11y put a

(51)-on my face.He unb⒒ umately(52)~last year due to his cancer,(53)~he

left a deep impression on me and gave me the(54)_to pick up my pen again.I
(55)— to myse呒 “rhe can do戏 then so can I.”
36.A.tastes B.ideas C.notes D,memories
37.A.amazhg B.shocking, C.amusmg D.strange
38.A.strike B.push C.challenge D.inlpact
39.A.leam△ om B.go over C.get through D.refer to
40。 A.reader B.writer C.editor D,doctor

婴|有 道衬
青晶i罴 高考英语完形填 空与词汇速成

41.A.positive B.agreeable C.humorous D.honest

42..A.nlood B.positio狂 C.state D.Way
43.A.advice B.referenGe C,protec住 on D.trca加 1cnt

44.A.viewed B.knew C,nodced D.wOndered

45,A.wh.Ⅱ e B,because C,although E).provlding

46.A.ca了 ne out B,worked out

∶ C.proved out D.tumed out
47,A.natura11y B,merely C.hope血 11y D.actuauy
48,A油 ciding B,investhg C.wo酞 ing D.relying

49,A.becarL1e B.hclped C.missed D.ˉ visited

50,A.patient B.operator D.publisher

51.A.sign C.mark D.mask
52.A.shoWed up B.set of C,免11 down D.passed away
53.A.since B.but D.for
54.A.guldanGe B.tustˉ C.opportunity D,insp△ ation

55,A。 pron11sed B.sWoFe C.thought D,replied

ˉ 礓瀑 ˉ

黪|有 道称
胃品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

Poss¤ ge 22
单词 预 习
span ″,跨 度 ,跨 距 ;范 围 v'跨 越 ;持 续
扌.[物 ]物 理的 ;身 体的 ;物 质的
p11)7sical 曰

eJect r?,影 响 ;效 果 ;作 用 v莎 ,产 生 ;达 到 目的
devote 四方.献 身的 ;忠 诚的 v献 身于… ;致 力于

How long can hum洫 beings live?Most scientists who study old age think that the humm
body is(1)~to livc 11o 1onger than 120 years.Howcver,110 years is probably the l〈 )∶ E1gest

that anyone could hope to 1ivc-if he or she is(2)~healthy and hc灯 .Some scientists
en say we can live as long as 13o years!Yet,our cells simply oalnnot continue to reproduce

(3)一 ・
They wear out,and as a resuk,we get old and(4)~die.
Even though wc can’ t live foreve△ we are living a(5)~li缶 than ever before.h
1900,the average Amencan life span(寿 命 )was only 47 years,buttoday itis 75 years!
Wherl does old age begin then?sixty-nve may be。 ut-osdate as the(6)~line betwcen
middle age and old age.ARer a11,many older people don’ t begin to experience physical and
mental(7)_上 工mtil破 er age 75.

Peop1e are living longer because more people(8)_~childhood.Before modem

mcdicine changcd the laws ofnatwe,many children died of common childhood(9)~.Now
th犹 the chances of-yhg(10)~are much lower,the chances ofliving lo11g are much higher
due to better diets and health care,

on the whole,ow population is getting old∝ The(11)~h ow population wiu have

lasting e熊 ots on ow soci斑 devolopmentand ow w叩 oflife.some people免 ar such changes wⅢ
be forthe worse,whle some see(12)~’ n。 t disaster,many men and women h the虹 “
years” are healthy sdu active,and youngin(13)~ifnotin age.
As the society grows old,we need the(14)~of ow older citizens,With long lives
ahead ofthem,they need to(15)~a。 住ve and dcvoted,
(1).A.designed B.selected , C.,improved D.discovered
(2)A.completely B.generally C.apparently Dj extremely
(3)A.rapidly B.ha△ mlessly C.endlessly D.separately
(4)A.eventu缸 ly B,hopclessly c.automaticauy D.desperately

卩 ■■■■


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(5)A.busier . B.longOr c.ncher D.happier |

(6)A.nnishing- B.gui茁 ng C.waithg D,dividing
(7)A.stress B.dainage C.deOline D.Eailure

(8)A.survive B.e△ ioy C.remember D,value |

(9)A.problems B.fears C,woFnes D.dliseases |

(10)A,poor B.young C.sick D.quict

(11)A.changes B,recovery C.sa允 ″ E).11acreases

(12)A.dreams B.chances C.strengths D.o∶b.oices

(13)A.mind B.appearance C.volce D,1△ ovelnent

(14)A.protec硅 on B,sugges住 ons C.contributions D.per1mssion |

(15)A・ sound B,appear C.turn D.stay

-ˉ 嬉易ˉ
曩;有 道黹
青品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

Possoge 23
单词预 习
perfom1 v矿 ,执 行 ;完 成 ;演 奏 vF.执 行 ,机 器运转 ;表 演
routine 四矽.日 常的 ;例 行 的
wear off磨 损 ;逐 渐消逝
bmsh v丘 刷 ;画 刀.刷 子 ;画 笔 ;毛 笔
complain v氵 .投 诉 ;发 牢骚

search for V寻 找 ;搜 索

As a gen.eral rule,all forFns of aotivity lead to boredom when they are perfor.n△ ed on a
routine(常 规 )basis,As a matter of勤 ct,we can see this(1)~时 work in people of a11
(2)一 ・For example,on Christmas mommg,children are excited about(3)~With
the△ new toys.But their⑷ _soon wears of and by January those(5)~toys can be
found put away h the basement.The world is血 11 of(6)~stamp albums and u蚯 nished
models,eachˉ standing as a monumcnt to someone’ s(7)~interest.When parents brhg
home a pet,伍 eir child(8)_bathes it and bmshes its fur.with缸 a sho茁 time,however,the
(9)— ˉof oaring br the animal is handed ovcr to the parents,Adolescents enter high schoo1
with gre时 (10)~but are Foon looking hrw・ ard to(11)~.The same is tme ofthe
young aduhs gomg to co11cge.And then,how many(12)~,Who n。 w cOmplain(抱 怨 )about
the long drives to wo戏 (13)_drove f。 r hotr at a住 me when they nrst(14)~the.
driver’ s 照 )?Before people retLe,they usum1y(15)~to do a lot of(16)~

伍ings,which they never had(17)_to do while wOrking.But(18)~aaer ret△ ement,

伍e gomng,the nshing,the reading and a11 0fthc Other pastimes becomc as boring as the jobs
伍ey(19)~‘ And,like the child h January,they go searchhg for new(20)~.


(1)A.h曲 ⒒ C.way



(2)A.parties B,races c.countries


(3)A,working C.play1ng

⑷ A.conndence B.interest C.汕 xiety sorrow

(5)A.same B.extra C.hmy D,expensive

(6)A.well~organized B,Golormuy=prmted
C.halinlled D.newlyˉ collected

黪|有 道带
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(7)A.broad B.passing C.difnerent D.mam.

(8)A.snently- B.impatiently c,w。 medly D.gladly

(9)A.promise B.bwden C.。 垂 t D.g缸ne

(10)A.ootIrage B.calnlness C.connIslon D.excitement

(11)A・ graduation B.iln.dependenGe C.resporlsibnity I).success

(12)A,children B.students C.adults D.retirees

(13)A,careh11y BJ cagerly C.neⅣ ously D.bravely

(14)A・ required B.obtained C.nodced I).discovered

(15)A,need B.1eam C,plan D.start

(16)A・ great B.strange C.diⅡ ncult I).correct

(17)A,time B.1noney C,skills D,knoWledge

(18)A・ only B,well C.even D,soon
(19)A・ 1ost B.chose C.quit D,left

(20)A.pcts c.nicnds I),co11eagues

黪|有 道糖晶课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成 辱

Posscge 24
单词预 习
falne″ 名声 ,名 望
stmggle vi奋 斗 ,努 力 ;挣 扎 刀,努 力 ,奋 斗
hfe丘 ooty ″,自 卑 ;下 属 ;次等
complex 四 矽.复 杂的
犭,潜 在的,可 能的 刀,潜 能 ,可 能性
potentia1 曰

debating v辩 论 (debate的 ing形 式 )

recogniuon 刀,识 别 ;承认 ,认 出
desperately曰加 拼命地 ;绝 望地 ;极 度地
cOntest ″,比 赛 ,竞 赛 v参 加 (竞 争或选举 )

D)ale Carnegie rose B:onl the unknow・ n of a Missourl falⅡ n to illternational fa1ne because he

fomd a way to nu a universal human need.

It was a need that he frst(36)_back h 1906 When young Dale was ajumor at
state Teachers Co11cge h Warrensb“ g.To get an(37)~,he was siuggling agam哎 many
di五 culties,His family was poor.His Dad couldn’ t afn。 rd the(38)~at co11ege,so Dale
had to ode horseback 12miles to attend classes.smdy had to be done(39)~his f田 n-work
routmes.He withdrew△ om many school activities(40)~he did且 ’
t haVe the time or the

(41)一 ・He had only one good su血 He tried(42)~the nootball team,but the ooach
钮med him down nor bemg too(43)~.Dwing this peood Dale was slowly(44)~an
inferiority comp1gx(自 卑感 ),which his mother knew could(45)_・ him iom achieving
his real potentia1.she(46)~that Dalejointhe debatingteam,bekevmg that(47)~h
speaking could give him thc coduence and recognition伍 at he needed,

Dale took his mother’ s advice,tried desperately and aner several attempts(48)~made

t.This proved to be a(49)_point h his Ⅱh speaking be允 re groups did help him gain the

σ0)-he needed.By the time Dale was a semor,he hadwon every top Lonorin(51)~,
Now other students were comhg to him for coaching and they,(52)_,were wi11r11ng

out ofthis ear1y stmggle to(53)~his无 elings of inferiority,Dale came to understand

that t11e ability to(54)_an idea t。 an audience builds a person’ s conndence,And,

(55)-it9 Dale knew he could do叩 ything he wanted to do and so could others.

躔l有 道糖品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

36.A.adimitted B,n11ed ・ C,supplied D.recognized
37.A,assigllnent B.eduoation C,advantage D.hstuction
38.A.iaining B.board C,teachin~g D・ eq0pment、 veen B.during C,over D.through
40.A,while B.when C.because D.伍ough
41.A.pennits B.interest C.talent D,clo伍 cs
42.A.on B.for D.with
43.A.light B.丑 exible C,optiFnistic D,outgoing
44,A.gaining B.achieving C,developing D.obtahing
45.A.prevent B.protect D.nee
46.A.suggested B.de1m.anded C.requ△ ed D.hsisted
47.A.presence B,practice C,patience D.potentia1

48.A.hopeh11y B.ce蓝 ahly c.nnally D,n洫 raⅡ y

49.A.key B.breaking C.bas1c D.钮ning
50.A.progress B,experience C,conapetence D.cOnndence
51.A.horseuding B.hotba11 C.speech D.farming
52.A.h remm brief tum fact

53.A.convey B.overcOIne C.undcrstand B.stress C,contribute D.repeat
55.A,besldes B.beyond C,lil(e D.with

麽||有 道+莆 品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

Pgssgge 25
单词预 习
grade 形.年 级 ;等 级 ;成 绩 ;级 别 ;阶 段
pt】 zzled 四才.困 惑 的 ;茫 然 的
ap磁ment 刀。公寓 ;房 间
attitudc 71.态 度 ;看 法
achievable 曰砂,可 完成 的 ;可 有成就 的
separation ″。分离 ,分 开 ;间 隔

one night,when I was eight,my mother gently asked me a quesdon I would never无 rget,

swectie,my company wants to(16)~me but needs me to work in Brazi1.This is like
yow抬 acher te11ing伍 眈you’ ve done(17)_and dlowhg you to skip a grade(跳 级 ),but
you’ 11 have to(18)~yow iiends.Would you say ycs to yow teacher?” she gave me a hug
and asked me to think about i.I was puzzled.The question kept me(19)_for the re哎 of
the night I had said“ yes” but hr the nrst time,I realized the(20)~decisions adults had to

For almost hw years,my mo伍 er would call us iom Brazil every day.Every evening I’ d
(21)-wait for the phonc to rmg and then ten her every detail of my day.A phone call,
howeve△ could never replace her(22)~and t Was di饿 cult not to角 e11onely眈 times.
Dwing my b.urth-grade Chris恤 as break,we new to Ri。 t。 visk h出 Looking at heF largc
(23)-apar扭 e吨 I became(24)~how lonely my mother must have been h BrazⅡ
hcrseE n was then(25)~I staded to appreciate the tough choices she had to make on
(26)-family and work.(27)~d跟 。
ult decisio【 ls,sLe used to te△ me,you wouldn’ t
know whether you makethe nghtch。 ice,but you could always make the best out ofthe simation,
with passion and a-(28)_attitude.
Back home,I(29)~myse1f that what my mother could do,I could,too.If she
(30)-to 1ive h Rio an by hcrse吒 I,too,could leam to be(31)_.IIeam how to take
care ofmyselfand set high but achievable(32)_,
My mo伍 er is now back with us.But I wiu never hrget what the(33)_has rea11y
taught me,sacnfices(34)~in the end.The separation between us has proved to be
(35)一 如r me.

— 51-
鹬|有 道计 高考英语完形填 空与词汇速成

16.A.a打act B.prOInote C,surprise D,praise

17.,A.little B.much C.well D.wro11g

18.A.leaiv・ e B.Fenlse C,cOntact D,forgive

19.A.explainimg B,sleeping C.wondering D.regretting

20.A.poor B.timely C,final D.tough

21.A.eagerly B.politoly C.neR厂 ously D.cuoously
22.A.patienGc B.prcsence C,inte11igcnce D.In至 uence

23.A.Conlfortable B.Expensive C.E|Ⅱ lpty D.Modern

24.A.Interested in・mfe of C,doubtIt1 D.sadsned wi伍
25,A.wlhen B.where C,which D,that

26.A,abandoning B,balanciⅡ g C.cOn1paring D.1nlxmg

27.A.Depending on B,supplied with C,Faced with D,hsist血 g on
28,A.dimerent B,Ⅱ endly C.positive D,general
29.A.cr1ticizcd B.infornlod C,waⅡ led D,reminded
30.A.n△ anaged B,o伍ered C,atte1npted D.expccted
31.A.grateh1 B.energetic C,independent D.praotica1

32.A,examiples B,limits C.rules D.goals

33.A.question B.cxpcnencc C,history D,occasion ofF B,co1ne back C,mn out D.nIrn up
35.A.blessi1△ g B.gatherhg C,failure D,pleasure

5宫 --
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Pgssgge 26
单词预 习
account 刀.账 户 ;解 释 ;账 目 ;理 由 ;描 述 v丘 认为 ;把 …视为
小负姆 曰 加 可怕地 ;十 分 ;非 常 ;很
,理 解 ;包 含
cOmprehension ″
rencct v莎 反映 ;反 射 ,照 出 ;表 达
nu血re V沉 养育 ;鼓励 ;培 植 .养 育 ;教养

stuImed 四
矽.目 瞪 口呆的 v使 昏迷 ,打 晕 ;使 震惊 ;使 印象深刻 (stun的 过去式和过去
分词 )

I had woried myselfsick over simon’ s mother com4g to see me,I was a new(21)~,
and I gave an hone哎 Ⅱcomt ofthe students’ work.h simon’ s case,the grades were aw£ u11y low.

He couldn’ t read his own handwriting.(22)_he was a bright studcnt,Hc dscussed adult

su0jects With nearly adultcomprehension.His work h no way re如 cted his(23)~。

so whe11 simon’ s mo伍 er enteFed the room,my palms(手 掌心 )were sweating.I was
cOmpletely(24)~无 r her kisses on both my cheeks‘

I came to thank you,” she said,

surp五 s1王 1g me beyond specch.(25)_.me9 sim。 n had bccome a di1Bercnt perso1|1.He taked of

how he(26)~me,he had begun to make mends,and for the打 st time in his twelve years,

he had(27)~spentan aRemoon at a伍 end’ s house.she wanted to ten me h。 w grateml she

was h the(28)~I had nu血 red(培 养 )in her son.she kissed me agaⅡ l and le血
I sat,stumcd(惊 呆 ),for about half a11 hour,(29)~what had just happened。 Ⅱow
dd I make such a lifeˉ changhg d】 erence to th狨 b。y without(30)~knowing it?What
I11na11y came to(31)~was one day,several mon伍 s be允 Fe,when some students were
(32)-repons in the nont。 fthe class, spoke(33)~,and to encowage her to
raise her voiGe,I had said,“ speak up.simo11’ s the eXpert on this.He is曲 e(34)~one you
have tO cOnvmoe,and he can’ t hear you h the(35)~of the roo狙 ,” That was it.From that

my on,sim。 n had s犹 up straighter,paid morP atten住 on,(36)_・ m。re,and became happy.

And△ was a11 because he(37)~to be the last kid h the lastrow.The boy who most needed
(3:)-was dle one who took the last seat that day.
-It taught me the most(39)~1ess(i)n oVer the years of 1ny teaching career,and I’ m
tha血 m1that it came(40)_andpostiveoAsma11kindness canindeedmake a dimerence.

躞|有 道精品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

21..A.c1eaner B.reporter C,monitor D.teacher

22.A,Or B.And C.But D,So
23,A.courage B.abihties C.feelhgs D.dream
24,A.desper乱 e B.responsible C.u.nprepared D.unsuitable

25,~A.]Because of B.h spite of C,Apart hm D.A.s for

26..A.loved B.envied C.pleased D.criucizcd

27.A.gradually B.constanuy C.reGently D.obviously|1」 卜respect B.ser~d。ubt C.selfˉ pity D.sel△ defehse

29.A.imagining B.obserVing C.wOndering D.regretting

30,A.also B.even C.alWays D,still

31,A.expect B。 reIne1nber C.belicve D.accept

32.A.Writhg B.reviewing C.editing D,giving
33.A.quietly B.repeatedly C.q0cldy D.nmly
34.A,lucky B.lonely C,ody D.likely

35.A.entrance B.middle c.n。 nt D.back

36.A.slept B.smiled C.shouted D.quaⅡ ・

37.A.intended B,pretended c.Fenlsed E).happened

38,A.change B.praise C.thanks D.visits

39.A.dif强 .cuIt B.painJhl C.valuable I).e△ oyable

40.A.early B.slo`盯 ly c.nrequently D.occasiona11y

黪|有 道精品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

Pcssoge 27
单词预 习
pretend v⒎ 假装 ,伪 装 ,佯 装
adopt v在采取 ;接 受 ;收 养
somehow △加 以某种方法 ;莫 名其妙地
,奖 品
award vr,授 予 ;判 定 汔
poster ″
。海报 ,广 告 ;招 贴
deafening c″ 。震耳欲聋的 ;极 喧闹的

T・ he Fitting~in ofsuzy Khan

The nrsttime Isaw suγ Khan,I knew I hadto he1p h∝ she was rea11y sma11 for her age of
12.The boy h my class o如 n(36)_ab。 ut her and laughed their heads o岱 she would open
a book,pretendmg to read,with妃 ars dropping on由 e open page,
A11I knew wasth献 she Was an orphan(孤 儿 )nom时 机a.she hadjustbeen adopted by a
family in town who(37)~thatthe best wγ for her to lea111 American ways of u允 was t。

be with Amencan kids.I looked down atthis(38)~gn and pr。 mised myselfthat somehow
l would廴 elp her.

But how could I help her(39)~h with us?There had to be a(40)~,

one day,when I went血 to the classroom,I saw伍 at suzy had(41)~her ge。 grapmy
book to a pictwe ofa train,and h her noteboo廴 she had made a(n)(42)~Gopy.
I was su9nsed and伍 oughtthat she could do something in the com扭 g(43)~show・
So Itook herto see the art托 acher,Miss Parker,and showed her what suzy had(44)~,“ why9
rsw。nderih1,” said Miss Parker,who伍 en showed us a poster she had pamted(45)~the
talcnt show“ I need more ofthese,butIjust do11’ t have enough(46)~,Could you help me,

onthe my of伍e tdent show,suγ ’

s(47)~were evewwkere-au over the hau and
a11 over the school,each one di朋 erent.
“ ” at the end ofthe show,“ we have a(n)
And nnal蜕 said wL.Brown,the sch♀ 01maste鸟
(4:)-award.I’ m sWe you’ ve au n。 ticed the wonder扎 l posters,” EVeryone nodded.“ One
ofow own studonts(49)~them.”

I cOuld hear cveryone whispering。 Who in o11r sChool could draw(50)_well?”

鹬}有 道十 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

Mr.Bmwn waitcd a whle before saymg,“ (51)~this student worked so hard on伍 e posters,

she deserves a(52)~,too・ Ow mystery(神 秘 )artist is ow mew student-Suzy Khan!”

λ压r.~B.rown than~ked her for a11 the w・ onder丘 11 posters and gaVe her a professional artist’ s set.

“ ’
Than.k you,’ she crled.

I(53)~,at that time when I was looking at her excited face,she’ d probably never

(54)-an)thing in her whole life,

Everyone started to(55)~t11eir hands.Suzy Khan gave them a shy smile and the
applause was deafening.I knew then suzy was going to be a11五 ght,

36,A.joked B,cared C,trains D,worried

37,A.rcpo⒒ ed B,decided C,coim.plained D,questioned
38,A,nch B,pr。 ud C.tiny D,popular
39,A,cO1ne B fau C,nt ∶

40~人 .1nan.ner B,patteⅡ 1 C,choice lD,way

41, B.taken C,opened |D,put
42,A.∶ iee B,perfect C.nnal D,extra
43,A.are C,quiz D,talent
44,A.colored B.u`ritten C.carved D,drawn

45, B,aser C.for D.around

46.A,rooⅡ 1 B.tnne C.paper ∶

47.A.gins B,b。 。ks C,photos |D.posters

48,A,special iB,academic C.national D.roya1
49,A,painted B,found C,printcd E),co11ected
50,A,very B.that C,quite D.too
51.A.If B,Though C.IJnless D.Since
52,A.prize B.ran~k

53,A.replied B.rcalizcd
∶ C,re1nen1bered D.regretted
54.A.offered B,valued C.o、 vncd lD,con“ o11ed
55.A,clap B,、 厂
ave C.raise |D,shake

鼻蟊 -
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PossQge 28
单 词预 习
recita1 77,朗 诵 ,吟 诵 ;独 奏会

shake vr,动 摇 ;摇动 ;震 动 ;握 手

director,主 任 ,主 管 ;导 演

blank曰 刀。空白的 刀。空白 ;空 虚
melody 刀.旋 律 ;歌 曲 ;美 妙的音乐
,饵 ;诱饵 ,诱 惑 v上 饵 ,放 诱饵
baited 刀

From my second grade on,伍 ere was one went I feared every year:the piano recita1(独
奏演唱会 ).A Fecital(36)~I had to practice a boring piece of music and perfom before
s打 angers.Each year I(37)~ask my nather ifI could skip the reGital“ just this once” .And

each year he wOuld shake his head,mute亚 ng(嘀 咕 )(38)~about build seFoonndence

md working toward a(39)~. '

so折 was with rea11y great(40)~that I stood in church one recent sunday,video
camcrain hand,arld(41)~my 6:-year-o1d father sweathg in his shirt(42)~五 sing to

play the piano in his vcry nrst recit乱

My father had longed to play music since childhood,but his family was poor and couldn’ t

(43)-1ess。 ns.He could have gone on regrettmg it,(44)~too m随 y ofus do.But

伍ough hc was rooted in his past,he wasn’ t(45)工 _there,When he retired three years ago,he

(46)-ms chur山 mllsic d△ ector to take h血 as a student.

For a moment aner my father sat down at the keyboard,he(47)~stared down at

his nngers.Has he hrgo悦 en the(48)~?I WOrried,remembering those split scconds
(49)-ago when my mhd would go bla11k and myiahgers w。 uld(50)~.Butthen came
the beaut曲 l melody(旋 律 ),△ om the(51)~批 gers that onGe baited(装 饵于 )my nshing
hnes,And I(52)~he had bee11 doing What m“ ic teachers always s打 ess∶ (53)~thC
music and pretcnd the others arcn’ t there.
“m(54)~ofhim for startmg somqthing new时
I’ his age,” I said to my son Je避

Yeah,and doing it so(55)~,” Jef added.

Wi伍 his加 st recit吨 my fathertaught me more about cowage and d锐 mmnation thaJ1斑 1伍 e

Words he used those 30-plus years ago。

躞l有 道精品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

36.A。 renected B.explained C.1meant E).proved

37.A,would B.could C.might D.should

38.A.11othing B,eVeWthing C。 独 lythhg D,something
39.A.goal B.stage C.joumey D.chance
40.A.trouble B.satisfaction C.strength D.disappo血加1ent

41.A.kept B.sent C,Watched D。 允k

42.A,through B.各 om C,against E).before

43~A.miss B.afFord D,undσ sta血 d B.onoe C.if D.while
45.A.eduoated B.protected C.stuck D.spoilt

46.A.auowed B.invited C.hsphed D.persuaded

47.A.rough1y B.simply“ ly D,cuoously
48.A,words B.videos C.notes D.lessons

49.A,decades B.weeks C.hours D.1nomcnts B.△ eezo D,a喇 ust
51,A.same B.warm c,dimerent D,dr(y
52.A.predicted B.realizOd C.iFnagined D.hsisted
53.A.pass over B,仅 Irn up C.b血 g in D.cOncentrate on

54.A.ashamed B,aw时 e C,tired D.proud

55.A.casua11y B.anXiously C.且 iCely D.士equently

- 5.率
黠|有 道带
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Possoge 29
单词预 习
recent 曰啦 最 近 的 ;近 代 的
teenager刀 ,青 少年
regard as v‘ 把 …认作

rehsal ″,拒 绝
approach v接 近 ,走 进 ;处 理 彳,方 法 ,方 式

Parents feel that it is difficult to live wit11 teenagers.rrhen again,teenagers have

(1)-fCClings about the△ parents,saylng伍 哎it is not casy living with them.According to

a recent researoh,the most cOmmon(2)~between parents and teenagers is that regarding

untidiness and daily routine tasks.On the~one hand,parents go mad ovcr(3)~rooms,
Glothes thrown on thc且 oor and thek chⅡ dren’ s re血 sal to help with t11e(4)~.On the。 ther
hand,teenagers lose the△ patience contmumly when parents bhne them for(5)_the t。 wel

h the bathroom,not cleaning up the△ room oF rehsing to do the shopping时 伍e supenl|larket,

The researoh,conducted by st,Georgc University,shows mat dimerentparents have digere1△ t

(6)— to these probloms.Howev叽 some approaches are more(7)_than others.For

example,those parents who yell at their GLildren for thek untidiness,but(8)~cle洫 the

room n。 r them,hwe newer。 hances of changing their c11ildren’ s(9)~,On the c。 ntrary,
those who let teenagers experience the(10)~of thC虹 actions can do bett∝ For examplc,
when tee且 agers who don’ t heb the虹 parents with the sLopping don’ t nnd伍 e△ favorite drink h

ulc remger耐 。
r,they are允 rced to(11)~their acu。 ns.
Psychologists sa)'that(12)~is the m。 虬important thing h parent确 ild relationships.

Parents should(13)_to theL children but at t】 1e same time they should lend an earto what
they havc to say.Parents may(14)~thek children when they盯 e untidy but they should
also un.derstand that thpir room is their ow11 pnvate space.Com.mlInication is a 1wo-way process.

It is only by listening to and(15)~Cach other that problems be抑 een parents and children
can be settled.

1.A.natura1 B,strong C.guilty D,similar

2.A。 interest B,argument D,knowledge
3。 A.noisy B.croWded C,1nessy D.locked

黠l有 道社
青品课 高考英语完形填 空与词汇速成

4.A.hoimteWork B.housew・ ork・ C.problem D.research

5.A.washing B.using C,dFopp1,ng D.reD1acing

6.A.approaches B.contributions C.introductions D.attitudes

7.A.cO【 nplex B.popular C.scientinc D.successnI1

8.A.later B.deliberately C.seldom D,thorou吵 ly

9. A.behavior B.taste c.∶ n血 【
re.・ D.nat匹 e

10.A.failures changes C.consequences D.thri11s

11.A.defend delay C.repeat D。 rcconsider

12.A.coinlFnu.nication bond c。 mends11ip D,“ust

13.A.reply attcnd C.attach D.tak

14,A.hate s。 o1(i c,mghten D.stop
15.A.loVing observing C.讪 derstanding D,praismg

曩|有 道带
青品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

Possoge 30
单词 预 习
mortgagc m,抵 押 ;抵押贷款额
shabby 曰吐 破旧的 ;卑鄙的
dropped of减 少 ;让 ……下车
刀.文 明的 ;有 礼貌的
ovilized ε
whdhg 方.弯 曲的,蜿 蜒的

I used to believe h the Americm Dream,which meant ajob,a mortgage(按 揭 ),Gredit

cards,sucGess.I wmted it and worked toward it like everyQnc clsc,all ofus(36)~chashg
the same thing.

one year,through a series of unhappy events,it all fe11(37)._.I found myself

homeless and alone.Ihad my“ uck and$56.I(38)~伍 e cou虬γside for some place I could
rcnt for the(39)_possible anlount.I came upon a shabby house four miles up a windhg
mountain road(40)_the Potomac River in West Vkginia,It was(41)~,血11 of

broken glass and mbbish.I hundthe owner,rented“ ,and(42)~a comert。 。

amp in.

The locals knew nothing about me,(43)._slowly,thcy started teaching me the

(44)— of being a neig廴 bor.They dropped ofF blankets,candles,and tools,and began

(45)-ar。 und to chat.They staded to teach me a beliefin a(46)_,Amencan Dream~

notthe one ofindi说 dual achievement but of(47)~,
atI had behevcd h,a11 those things I伍 ought were(48)_br a civilized li免 ,were
nonexistent in this p1aco.(49)_on the m。 untah,扭 y most valuable possessions wcrc my
(50)-with my neighbors.
Four years later,I moved back into(51)~,I saw many people were having a
rea11y hard time,(52)~t】 1e订 jobs and homes.I managed to rent a big enough house to
(53)-a11and血 l of people.There arc four of us now in,the house,but over time I’ ve had
nine people come in and move on to other places.We’ d a11 be in(54)~iFwC hadn’ t banded

The American Drealn I believe in now・ is a sharedone.It’ s not so lnuch about・ what I Ga11 get

for myself;it’ s about(55)_WC Can ml get by togetheE

36.A,separately B.equd1y C,violently D.natura11y

黠|有 道带 高考英语完形填 空与词汇速成

37, B.apart C,over D,out

38.A.crossed B,left C.toured D,searched

39.A.血11est B11argest C,fa△ est D.cheapest B.through C,over D.round

41.A.ocoupied B,abandoned C.eInptied D.robbed
42,A,如 Fned B.approached C,clcared D.Gut

43,A.but B.although C.ot11erwlse D.for

44.A,benent B,lesson C,nature

45,A.sdcking B.looking C,swhging D,tu1ming

46.A.wˉ ild B,real C.different D,remote

47.A.neighborlhess B,happiness C,∶ &iemdliness D.kindness

48.A.u.nique B.expensiVe C,rare D.nccessary

4⒐ A.Up B.DoWn C.Deep D.A1ong

50.A,cooperation B.relationships C.satisfaction I),appoin各 nents

51.A.reality B.society

52.A.creating B,1osing C.quitting D.o团ering

53.A,put in B,tum 1n C.take in E).get i1△

54.A.yards B.shelters C,calnps E).GOttages

55.A.lwhen B.w豇 at C.whether

黠}有 道带 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

Pgssoge 31
单词预 习
calluses ″,老 茧
roughless 刀,粗 糙 ;粗 暴 ;猛 烈
fms打 ated 曰扌,懊 恼 的 ,沮 丧的 ;无 效的
sympathetiG 曰扌。同情 的

As I held my撕 her’ s hands one night,I GOuldn’ t he1p but notice the△ ca11uses(老 茧 )and hands teⅡ the story ofhis li免 as a(16)~,inchmng au his s廿 uggles.
one summer,Iremember,a drought(旱 灾 )hit Onta。 o,tuming itinto a(17)~desert,
C)n one of those hot Inor且 ings I was picking・ sweet corn with rny dad to fill the last
(1:)— nr。 m th。 gr。 cery store,F田y dozcn was all we needed,which(19)~took
twenty minutes。 That morning,however,the prOcess didn’ t(20)~quickly.Aner brty
mhutes of aimlessly walking h the nel吨 we(21)_needed 1wenty dozen,I was completely
士us“ated and(22)~.Dropphg tho basket hcavⅡ y,I declared,“ If the store wants its last

twenty dozen,伍 ey can pick it themse1ves1” Dad(23)~“ Just thhk,η y litle g虹 1,only
ten dozen lent for each。 f us and then w曲 e(24)~.” such is Dad-whatever problem he
(25)一 ’he ncver gives up.(26)~,t】 1e disastrous effects of the drought were feh au

over ow county.△ was a cha11enging ume f。 r everyone,(27)_.Dad remamcd optimistic.

He(28)工 _to be gratehl for o伍 er things like good health and food on ot∶ Ir plated.Only then

did I tmly begi11 to(29)_Dad and his faith that guided us through d1e hard times.

Dad is also a living example of real(30)~,17r。 m dawn to dusk,hc wa11【 s.comtless

hows to(31)~ow fami廴 He always puts ow happiness(32)~his own,and never
血ils to cheer me o且 at my sports games(33)~his exhaustion a盘 er long days.His 1ovmg
and semess nat.we has hspked me to become more sympathetic and(34)~putting others

Dad,the li允 (35)~I have leamed△om you wi11 stay with me forev出 You are my
father,teach叽 iiend an吨 most importantly,my.hero.

16.A.teacher B,gardener C.farn】 er D.grocer

17,A.stormy B,lively C,disappearmg△ .mg
18.A.order B,forn1 C,gap D.position


黪l有 道称品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

19,A.repeatedly B.norma11y c.nna11y D.rea11y

20,A.go B.begin C.oocur I)。 clhainge

21.A.yet B.still C.ever1 D.nearly

22.A.swposed B,nervous C.Emg1γ D.mghtened

23,A.apologlzed B.Gried C。 oo1nplained D.laughed
24.A.lost B.done C.gone D.touched
25.A.n△ cets・ 哂`it1△ B,brings up C.Works out D.thinks about

26.A,Thanka】11y B.Hopeh11y C.Unfortmately D,strangely

27.A.or B.for D.but

28.A.happened B,see1ned C.continued D.aimed
29..A.face B.appreciate C,exa1m以 1e D.qucstion B.pode c.mendship D.honcsty B.sottle C.start D.impress
32.A.after B,before C.beside D.under
33, spite of ter111s of control of Eλ in place of

34.A.careful B.regretnI1 C.consideratc E).humorou~s

35,A.history B.]m~otto C.patte△1s D.lessons

躔|有 道计
青品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

Possgge 32
单词预 习

partic1pate in 锺参力日
reGOnunend v推 荐 ;建 议
temptadon . 刀,引 诱 ;诱 惑物
expcncnce 刀.经 验 ;经 历

Last soring,I was h血 nate to be chosen to participate in an exohange study program.h my

application le抚 er,I was carehl to(21)~how much I wanted to see France;evident蜕 my
excitemcnt rea11y came through in my words,Once I(22)~that I Was gohg,a11 I could
think about was thc mn of f。 reign打avel and makhg dl sorts of new and(23)~Ⅱ ends.

While贫avc11hg was inspiring and meeting people was(24)_,nothhg about my tenn h

France was whatI(25)~.
The mome且 t I aFived h Paris,I was(26)~by a nice French couplc who would
become my host parents.My en山 e expenence was joyous and excithg(27)~I received
so1ne shocking news△ oIn 1ny progran1 Goordinator:there had been a death in lny host parents’
extended family.They had to travel outside France for several weeks.That aftemoon,I had
to(28)~out of one family’ s house血 o anoth饥 The exchange coordhator told me I’ d have
a(29)~this time and asked whether I GOuld share a bedroom with an English speake⒈
To woid the temptatio11 to(30)~my native language,I asked not to be(31)~With
an Englisrspe汰 血g roommate.When I gotto my new room,I(32)~myser t。 my new
roommate Paolo,a Braziuan the same age as I,whom I was surprised to nnd pla,ymg one of my
勤voote CDS!hjustafew hows,we kneW we’ d be good∶ mends f。 r伍 e rest ofthe(33)~。
I1出 France with many(34)~,so when people asked me wh菠 my favoote pa茁 ofthe
trip was,they are always(35)~to he盯 me tak about my Brazili扯 Ⅱend Paolo and scOres
of weekdays in class,weeknights on伍 e town,and weekends(36)~Franoe we enjoyed
toge伍 ∝ Ilove how people(37)~seem so diInere吨 b哎 end up bcing so(38)~,The
most valuable lesson I gainediom studying h Franoe wasn’ t just to respect the French people
(39)-to respect all people,hr your next best△ icnd cOuld be just a continent away,I
Would recommend an exchange program to anyone who wants to experience foreign cultures and

gah mean主ngml(4o)_。

黪|有 道带 高考英语完形填 空与词汇速成

21.A discuss C,announcc D.argue
22.A approVed B.kneW C.wamed D.denied
23.A stubborn B.a11xlous C,universal D.interesting

24,A.boring B.upsetting C,exiting D.promismg

25.A.expected B.1iked C.doubted D.允 ared
26.A.sponsorcd B.wit11esscd C.greeted D.supported

27.A.u.ntil B,whe且 C,s1nce D.while

28.A.move B.travcl C,wak D.msh
29.A.housekeeper B.leader C,roommate D,colleague

30.A.leamn B.appreciate C.speak D,master

31.A,cornbincd B.ntted C,involved D.placed
32.A.added B.introduced C,devoted D.adapted
33.A.termn B.week C.∶ m.onth D,vacation

34.A.presents B.sultcase C,stories D,dreams

35.A.surpr1sed B.disturbcd C,e1nbarrassed D.conneoted
36.A.studying B.exploring C.describing D.invesugat血g

37.A.need B.sha11 C,rnust D.can

38,A.generous B.i11dependent C.similar D。 distant

39.A.and B,but C,or

40.A.instructions B,mendships C,facts D,data

躞}有 道精品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

Possoge 33
单词预 习
impressive 四刀。感人的 ;令 人钦佩的 ;给 人以深刻印象的
condition 刀.条 件 ;情 况 ;环 境 ;身 份
cOnsta11tly四加 不断地 ;时 常地
competition ″.竞 争 ;比 赛 ,竞 赛
gymnastics 刀。体操 ;体育 ;体操运动

A Leap(跳 跃 )to Honor

Leaping on a narow balanoe beam(平 衡本 )is not easy.But Lola Walter,a13ˉ year-old

助/Ⅱnast,is an expert at加 。

To perfect her ski11s,Lola(30_for fow hows a day,盘 ve days a week.At伍 e state
championships h March,she finished seventh out of 16 giirls.

That’ s cspccially impressive,(37)~she is lega11y blin吨 bom with a rare condition that

causes her eyes to shia c。 nstantly.She oRen sees double and can’ t(38)~how far away
things are.

Whcn shc was htle,her mom(39)~that even though she couldn’ t see(40)~,
shc w`as R|arlcss,so her 1nonl signed her up for gymnastics when she was three.she loved the

(41)一 蛀ght away and gyⅢ lastics became her favorite,

Though leaming gymnastiqs has been more(42)~hr her than for some of her
toumaments,she has never quit.she doesn’ t let hcr(43)~哎 op he帅 。m doing anything
that she wa△ ts to.

she likes伍 e detennination h takes to do the sport.Her biggest(44)~is the balance

bean1.∶ Because she has double vision,she ola∶ en sees to beanls.she lnlust use her sense oftouch to

he0 her during her routine.sometimes she even closes her eyes.“ You have to(45)~yow
mind that it’ u take you where you wantto go,” says Lola.

To be atop-level gymnast,o11e must be brave.The beam is probably the 111o哎 (46)_nor

anyone because加 ’
s nour inches wide.At the sFate competition,Lola didn’ t血 11(47)~the
beam.In fact,she gotan 8.1 out of10,hcr highest scorc yct.

Lola doesn’ t wantto be(48)~differently iom the other girls on her team.At伍 e

competitions,thejudges don’ t know about her vision(49)~・ she doesn’ t teu t11em,because

白道将 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

she doesn’ tthink they meed tolmOw Her mom is amazed by her(50)_眈 itude.

Lola never thhks about(51)~.she is presently at leve1 7while the highest is leve1
10in gymnastics.Her(52)~is to reach leve1 9.shc says she wants to be a gymnastics
coach to pass down whatshe’ s leamedto other 1cids(53)~she grew up.

Lola is(54)~of a11 her hard work and success.she says it’ s helped her oveFoome
problems in her li如 outside gymnastics,too.Her(55)~如 r otbers is“ just believe

yourself’ ,

36.A,runs B,teaches C.trai11s D,dances

37.A,s111ce B,unless C.aRer D.though
38,A,te11 B,guess C.assuⅡ le I),predict

39.A.suspected II,ren△ en1bered C.iFnagined D.noticed

40.A.deeply B,we11 C,ahead D.closely

41.A.task B,spo⒒ C,event D,show

42,A,boring B.enJoyable C,different D,unsadshctory
43,A,talent B.quali″ C,nature D,condition
44.A.doubt B,advantage C,challenge D,program
45.A,exaluine C,open D.tmst
46,A,允 arful B,ha1△ nR】 l C,unfa△ D.i∶ nco11vCn.lCn~t

47,A,to B,on C,of D.against

48.A.greeted B.“ eatcd C,served D,paid

49.A,pains I:;.stresses C.i删 unes I),problen△ s

50.A,positive B.分 iendly c,nexible E),caution

51.A.dcfending B.quitting C,win.nimg D.bargaining

52.A.standard B,range C,v【 ew E).goal

53.A.until C,when D.before

54.A,proud B.tired C,as11alned D,cOn.ndcnt

55..A.plan B,advice C.reward D.responsibilio

曩|有 道将
青品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

Possoge 34
单词预 习
△a11曲 m1 v皮 改变 ,使 …变形 ;转 换
integration刀 .融 合
emerging c才 .新 兴的 ;出 现的 ;形 成的
man1Ifacturer 7?。 制造商 ;[经 ]厂 商

C)ver the past few decades9 1nore and 1nore countries have opened up the nlarkets,
inGreasingly tra11sfo1ming the world eoonomy nto one n。 e~n。wing global markct,The ques仗 on

is:Is eGOnomic globalization(50)~for aⅡ ?

According to the World Bank,one ofits chiefsupporters,eco且 0miC鲈 obalizationhas hebed
reduce(51)~h a large number of deve1ophg countnes.It quotes one study that shows
increased wealth(52)~to improved educatiorl and longer Ⅱ如 in钿 enty-fow developing
countries as a result of integrati血 (融 合 )of lo。 al eGo11omies into the wOrld economy.Home
to some three bi11ion people,these twenty孔 w countries have seen hcomes(53)._at an
avcrage rate of£ ve percent-co1mpared to two percent in developed comtries.

Those who(54)~globalization c1aim that economies izl developing countries wi11

ben迸t iom new oppor钮 nities for sma11 and home-based bushesses.(55)~sma11 fa1mers
in Brazil who produoe nuts伍 at wOuld originally have sold only h(56)~open~a△ markets

can noW promote the△ goods worldwide by the htenlet.

Cridcs take a digerent view,bcheving th哎 economic globalizaton is actua11y(57)~the

gap between the och and po呱 A study camed outby the U,N.-sponsored World Commissionon

the social Dimension of G1oba1Lation shows that only a new devel。 ping countries缸 ave actua11y

(5:)一 &om integradon into t11e wOrld economy and thatthe poo免 伍e uneducated,unski11ed

workers,and native peoplcs have been lca bchind.(59)~they mahtah that g1obalizatio11
may eventually threaten emerging businesses.For example.Indian craftsmen who ctIrrently seem

to benent△ om globalization because t11ey are able to(60) f1・ leir products lnay soon face

nerce c。 mpeti位 on伍时GOuld putthem out of(61)~.When,large-scale manuna。 turers start

to produce the sa1ne goods,or・ wLen superstores like Wal一 卫̌Iart imlove in,these sIna11 businesses

wnl n。 t be able to(62)~and will be crowded out.

one伍ing is ceda血 about globahzation,therc is 11o(63)~.Advances in techno1ogy

躞|有 道廿
青品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

combined with~n△ ore open policies havc already created an interconnected world.′ rhe
(64)— n。 w is nnding a way to create a kind of globalizatioin that动 orks幻 r dle bene£ t of


50.A.possible B.smooth C,good D,easy

51.A.crime B.poverty C,coF1nict D,population

52.A.contributing B,responding C,tunling D.owing

53.A,rernain B.drop C,shiR D.increase

54.A,doubt B.dennc C,advocate I).ignore

55.A,Ih addition B。 For instance C,In other、 vords D.All in all

56.A.1nature C.local D.foreign

57.A.£nding B.exploring C.bridging I)。 wideni1△ g

58.A.su围ered B.prontcd C,lealned D.withdrawn

59.A.Fwth.ern△ ore B.Therefore C.However D.otherwise
60.A,conslun.e B.deliver C.export D.adver住 se

61.A.trouble B.bushess C,poⅥ `er D.nlin.d

62.A.keep up B.cO1ne 1m. C,go around D.heb out

63~A.taking ofF B.getting along C,holding out D.mmi11g back
64.A.agrccn△ ent B.prediction C.outco1ne D,cha11enge

曩}有 道精品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

Possoge 35
单词预 习
pilgrimage 刀,/v,朝 圣
seek for 寻找 ;追求 ;探 索
rc△ ace vr,追 溯
tide m,潮 水
.渴 望 ;憧憬
longings 刀 四
扌,渴 望的 ;极 想得到的

We have been dovingin fog au mom1ng,butthe fog is 1此 ing nOw The little seaside vi11ages
are(1)~,one by o11e.“ There is my grandmo伍 er’ s house,” I say,(2)~acr。 ss the bay

to a shabby old house.

I am h Nova scotia on a pilgrimage(朝 圣 )with Lise,my granddaughter,seeking roots

for her,retracing(追 溯 )(3)~mem。 ry for me,Lise was one ofthe mobile children,
(4)-fr。 mh。 use-to house in childhood.she longs for a sense of(5)_,and so
we haive con△ e to Nova scotia wherc n1y ihusbaind aind I were born aind where ou.r ancestors

(6)— for 2。 。years,

We soon(7)~by the house and I tell her what it was like here,the memories
(:)-back,swn ast1】.e dde(潮 |水 )。

suddenly,I long to wak again h the(9)_where I was once so glooously a ohild,It

still(10)~a member ofthe fami玩 but has not boen lived in for a while.We camot go mto

the house,butI G狐 sull wak(11)_the roomsin memory.

Here,my motheF(12)~in her bedroom window and wrote in her diary.I can
still see the enthusiastic family(13)~into and out of伍 c house.I could never have
e且 ough of being(14)~them.H。 wcver,that was long aRer those childhood days.Lise
(15)-attentively as I tak and then says,“ so t缸 is is where I(16)~;where I bebng,”
she has(17)~her Foot⒌ To know where I cOme nom is叩 e。f the great longings
of the humar1(18)~,%be rooted is“ to have an ongln” ,We need(19)~origin,
Looking backward,we discover whatis umque in us;leam the(20)~of“ I” ・
We mustaⅡ
go home again in reality or memory.

(1)A.appe盯 mg B.moving C.exposing D。 cxpandhg

(2)A,refeFing B,△ ave11hg C.pointing D.co狃 mg

鹬|有 道精品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

(3)A・ shared B.short C.△ esh D.treasured

(4)A,passed B,raised C.1noved D.sent

(5)A,home B.duty C,reality D.relief

(6)A.bui△ B.1ived C.re1m.a1.ned D.explored

(7)A・ catch up B.puⅡ up C.step do・ wn D.conle dowin

(8)A・ fa11ing B,tuming C,rtIslling D.bri11g1ng

(9)A,yard B,vi11age C,room

(10)A.adapts to B.appeals to C.belongs to D.occurs to

(11)A,across B.through C.along D.past

(12)A.lay B,played C.stood D.sat
(13)A.maFching B.loolong C.breaking D.pounng
(14)A・ between B,with C.near E).bellind

(15)A.WOnders B.listens C.reacts E).agrees

(16)A.began B.greW C.s钮 died E),stayed

(17)A.deepened B.recognized C.accepted D.奶 wld

(18)A.heart B.rights C,interest E).bellaviors

(19) B,its C.tLat D.evely

(20)A,meanhg B.expression C.co11ncction D.backgro1∶ Itld

曩|白 道带 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

Possgge 36
单 词预 习
GOtInt V莎 ,计 算 ;认为
remoVe VF,移 动 ,迁 移 ;搬 家 77,移动 ;距 离
recogⅡ ze vr,认 出 ;识别 ,承 认
take away 带走 ;拿走 ;取 走

Number sense is notthe abⅡ ity to count.It is】 △

e abnity t。 recogmze a(1)~in众 umbe⒈
Human bemgs are bon with this ability.(2)~,Cxpe血 nents show th耐 many animals are,
too.For exarnple,n△ alny・ bir(is have good numnber sense.If a nest has fow eggs and you rernove

one,the bird will not(3)~.However,ifyou removetwo,the bird(4)~leaves.This

means th眈 he bird knows the(5)~be加 eeII1柳o and three.

Another interesting experiment showed a bird’ s(6)_number sense.A man was

廿ying to take a photo of a crow(乌 鸦 )伍at had a nestin a tower,butthe crow always leR when

she saw him comhg.The b△ d did not(7)~until the man le盘 the tower.The man had
an(8)~.He took another man with him to lhe tow∝ One man leR and the other stayed,
but伍 ey did not(9)~the b・ d・ Thc crow哎 ayed away utilthe second man leR,too.The
exper血 ent was(10)_with three men and then with fotIr men.Butthe cFOw did not retum
to the nest l琏til an the men werc(11)~,It was n。 t untilfive men went mto the tow∝ and
only fow le盘 that they were(12)~able to允 01the crow
IIow good is a hurnan’ s mumber sense?It’ s not very good.For exa1m.ple,babies about

fourteen months old ahnost alw叮 s notice if something is taken away from a(13)~group・

But when the mmber goes beyc)nd three or four,thc childre且 are(14)~fooled.
It seeⅡls that nu△ nber sense is somaething we have in con11n~on with rnany aniInals in this

world,andthat ow human(15)~is n。 t much better than a crow’ s,

1.A.rise B.pattern C.change D,trend

2.A.Imponant1y B.surpnsmgly C.Disappo血 tedly D,Fo血 mately
3..A.survive C.hatch D.nouce
4.A。 genera11y B,sincerely C.casuauy D,deliberately
5.A.distan.ce B.range C.dmerence D.hterval
6.A。 amazing B.annoying C.satis灯 ing D.disturbing


躞|有 道衬品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

7. A,relax B.recover C.react D.re切 rn

8.A.巴ppoin加 △
ent B.excuse C.idea D.explanatio11

9.A.bo1 B.hurt C.catch D.ki⒒

10.A.reported B.repeated C.designed E).approved

11,A.con血 sed B.gone C.tired D.drunk

12.A,gradua11y B.hckily C.s扛 angely D.nna11y
13.A.single B.small C.local
14.A.seldon△ B.temporarily C,merely D.often
15,A.sight B.nattre C.ability D,belief

ˉ7属 ˉ
黪|有 道带
青晶课 高考英语完形 填空与词汇速成

PGssoge 37
单 词预 习
cOncept ″,观 念 ,概 念
be curious about 对 …¨好奇
moat `1.护 城河 ;壕 沟 v沉 将 …围以壕沟
possession ,7,拥 有 ;财产 ;领 地

When Joe was aboutto sta茁 school,a11 signs pointed to sucoess,Yet things钮 med outto be
quite(36)~・ The n。 urth grade even found him atthe(37)~ofthe class.Joe smggled
dγ and night,but h汪 d rlot(38)~-until o11e stonny aRemoo11,
on that aRemoon,(39)~the math teacher started to miodu。 e dimcult c。 ncepts,daFk

Glouds oovered thc虫 y and伍 e stone ad in,Hard thou she tried to mal《 e the kids,(4o)~,
the thunder won the battle for the虹 a枕 ention.No one(41)~the GOncepts.Except Joc.He
understood them and answercd all the questions cotectly,The teacher patted him on the back.

and to1d him to go around to the o伍 ers and explam how he had managed△ .(42)~by his
newhl哑 d success.Joe moved quickly throughoutthe room.Soon math time was followed by伍 e
timc for(43)_.A11 children natura11y drew(44)~pictres。 n such a day,Except br

shce then,Joe started(45)_,Though he never made虹 to thc t。 p,his math teacher

was always(46)_and cunous aboutthe change:Why hadth献 stor1Fly day ohanged Joe?

on the day Joe graduated,hc presented伍 e teacher with his moat(47)~possession

the pictuFe of boght yeu。 w sun.Ont廴 e pictwe Joe had writen∶ This is the day I(48)~my
36.A.llrlfair B.borimg C,‘ iisappointing D,dangerous
37.A,center C.begi皿 ing D.bottom
38.A.happen B,wOrk C,nnish D.last
39,A.unti1 B.since c.because |
40.A。 concentrate B,chimLge C,hide ∶
41,A.chauenged B,grasped C.doubted lD,ad【 nitted
42.A.Relieved B.sulposed C.EncOuraged D.Puzzled
43,A.class B.sports D.tea

黪|有 道称 高考英语完形填 空与词 汇速成

44.A.great B,dark C.di笳erent D.strange

45.A.improung B,painti11g C.recovering D,studying
46.A,wOIIed B.a】 nazed c.nriendly D.cautious
47。 A.familiar B.expense C.adIn△ able D.precious
48。 A.woke up to B.put.up with on with D.look~ed dowF1 upon

l莘 ˉ
曩|有 道带 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

PGsscge 38
单 词预 习
suffer v资 遭受 ;忍 受 ;经 历
cOmfo⒒ 71,安 慰 ;舒 适 ;安 慰者 v在 安慰 ;使 (痛 苦等 )缓 和
bra、 /ev刀 ‘勇敢 ;勇 气
pcrsonal卸 刀・个性 ;品 格 ;名 人

Look,rsB斑 dy!” Aboy shouted in my direction across the playground.Even though I was

tlsedto regular hsults(侮 辱 )because ofthe(11)~o11 my head,h was(12)~horible

to hc批 I sighed as I headod back to the olass.

When I wasjust 20 months old,I su弱 ered senous(13)_.甜 忆rab。 w1full。 fh。 t oil
fell on my head.I was(14)_to hospital and had to say there for weeks while the doctors
(15)-to save my line,“ H。 uy’ sv。 ry(16)~to be alivc,” “
they told Mum a殂 d Dad。 But
shc’ 11 be(17)_with scars on her head,and ofcollrse her hair wom’ t grow there.”

As a chⅡ d,I cared much about my scars,so I(18)~WOFe a scarfto cover them up

when I1谶 home(19)_I didn9t,people would cau me h。 mble names掀 e B0ldy.Although

my△ iends were always comforting me,they never(20)~understood how h无 lt.

The扭 through the hospital I was(21)_to a children’ s bums camp,where children

like me can get any help.There,I(22)~14-year~old stephanie,whose bums are a lot more
serious than mine.But she is so(23)~that she neveF lets anyone put her down.“ You
shouldn’ t(24)_what people say about what you look like beGause we’ re 1∶ LOt扯 阢rent△om
anyone else,Ho11y,” she(25)_me.“ And you don’ t need to wear a scarfbecause you look
gFeat(26)~m” For the打sttime in my li免 I cOuld speak to somcOne who’ d been through
something(27) weeks later,狂 my 13th birthday par饥 (28)~by her bravery,
I gwe up my scarfand showed of my scars.It felt amazing not hwing to(29)_away
bellind rny scar£

NoW,Iam(30)~ofwhat I look like and nluch happier,because I have re波 弦ed it is

yow perso11ality(个 性 )伍 at decidcs who you” ly are・

11.A.hat B,scarf C.scars D,cuts

12.A.still B,just C.never D.scldom
13。 A。 hunger B.cold c.defeats ・ D.btIms

黪|有 道精品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

14.A.rushed B.1cd C,invited D.foFced

15.A.leamed B.fought C,returned E〉 ,dccided

16.A.happy B.hcky C,1one1y D.poor

17.A。 pressed B.occupied C,leR D.painted

18.A.possibly B.usua11y c,nnally D.nearly

19.A.Although B.since , C,If D.Bcfore

20.A.cOrrectly B.roughly C,easily D.rea11y

21.A,pronloted B.1ntroduced C,repo11ed D.Gan△ed

22.A.met B.recog1△ized C.rc1me1ubered D.oaught

’ D.young
23.A∶ honest B,strong C.acti、 e

24,A.writo down B.agree with C.pass on D.listen to

25,A.promised B,cncouraged C,ordered D,calmed

26, B.for C,without E),beyond

27.A.sinlilar B.strange C.hard D.imponant

28.A.alloWed B.requred C,guided D.insp△ ed

29.A.hide B.give C,keep D.put

30.A.sick B.aware C,tired D.proud

--f皋 ˉ
曩}有 道称
青品课 高考英语完形 填空与词汇速成

Pgssgge 39
单词预 习
a varieW of各 种各样 的 …
give up 放弃 ,交 出
devotion 刀.献 身 ,奉 献 ;忠 诚 ;热 爱
bc good at 擅长做 …

Ifyou wantto leam a new language,the very nrst thing b thi政 abouds why do you need it
for a(36)~reas。 n,such as yo。 rj0b oryour smdies?(37)~perhaps you’ re interested

in the(38)~,。 r music of a digerent cOuntry and you know how much t wiⅡ help to

have a(39)~ofthe language.

Most people leam best using a variety of(40)~,but iaditiona1 classes are an idea1(理

想的 )start如 r many people.They(41)_an e11vironment where you can practicc undσ the
(42)— ofsomeone who’ s good狨 the language.we a11 1ead(43)~livCs and 1eaming a
language takes(44)_,You will have more suocess ifyou study regul盯 玩 so tW to develop
a(45)~。 It doesn,t ma筑 cr ifyou haven’ t got long.Becommg nuent h a language wi△ take

years,butlcaming to g锐 by takes(46)~。
Marly people sta⒒ leaming a language and soon give up.“ I’ m too(47)~,” they say.

Yes,children do leam languages more(48)~than aduks,but resear曲 has shown th蔽 yoll
cam leam a language时 any(49)~・ Andleammg is good助 rthe health ofyow bFah,too.I’ ve
also heard people(50)~about the mistakes they make when(51)~.Well,relax and
laugh about yow mista1ces(52)~y岫 e much less likcly to make them a.gam.

Leaming a new hnguage is never(53)_・ :ut with some work and devotion,you’ II

make progress.And you’ 11 be(54)~by the positive reaction ofsome people when you say
just a fewwOrds h(55)~own language,Good hck!
36.A.tech血 caI B,politic| C.practical D,physical
37.A,ARer c.Though D.Or
38.A literature B.ianspo⒒ , C.agricul(ure D.medicine
39.A view B.knowledge C.fonn D.database
40.Apamtmgs B,regulations C,methods D.GOmputers
41.J⒋ .protect B.changc C.respect D.provide

黪l有 道称 高考英语完形填 空与词汇速成

42.A.contro1 B.oomnland C.guidance D.pressure B.happy C.simple D.no1△ 1a1

44.A.COurage B,timc D,place

45.A.theory B.bus1ness C.routme D.prouect

46.A.so111e r1sks B.a lot less C.so1ne notes D,a lot n△ ore

47.A.o1d B,nervous C.weak D.tired

48,A.closely B.q“ ckly C.privately D.quictly

49.A.age B.speed C.distancc E).sclhoo1

50.A.worry B,hesitate C.thin1( D.quarre1

5⒈ A.singing B.working C.baFgainhg D.lealF1111g

52.A.if B.and C,but D.before

53..A.tireso1∶ nc B.hard C.interesthg D,casy

54,A,bla1△ .ed B,amazed C,intemlpted D.informed
55.A.the△ B.his C.our D.your

一耦 ・
躔|有 道析 高考英语完形填空与词汇速 成

Possgge 40
单词 预 习
spoilt c饣 .宠 坏的 ;损 坏的
temper ″,脾 气 ;性情
tantmm 刀,发 脾气 ;发 怒
烦扰 ,打 扰 ;使 ……不安 ″
bothcr v夕 ,麻 烦 ;烦 恼
drag v拖 拉 ;拖 着 刀,拖 累 ,拖

Diane Ray was completely s湘 entered and very spoilt.Her parents gave her(36)~
she wanted,knowing that she would throw a temper tantmm(耍 小孩脾气 )if they did not.
she would scream and kick and(37)~on the且 oor d咖 ・ g her heels.Her parents always
'勺 °丿— ・
That was why she was alone on the(39)_,Wearing an expensive swimsuit.It has
taken a massive tani如 ,m to(40)_her p盯 ents to buy n.They were back献 the beach-house,
(41)— iom the tan加 亚lshe had thrown whe且 they told her伍 at扯 was too dangerous to go
diving(42)~.“ Danger。 【
∶ e had said.“ Youjustdon’ t want meto have(43)~.I’ m
ls?” s豇

go111g amd ifyou△ y to stop lne,I’ u screan1.”

Wh破 are you domg?” a voice asked.Diane ju血 ped.she did not know啦 atthe nan was

there(44)~he spoke.
I’ gomg diving,” she answered。

You shouldn’ t swim that day,” the man(45)~.“ There is a stom1 GOming up.”

You should mind yow own(46)~!” Diane replied and waked into伍 e gentle waves∶

ry。 u go out由at you’ u be(47)~,” the man ca11ed anerhen she didnotbo伍 α to reply

Diane曲pped into伍 e water and divcd(48)_until white caps began rolling in and it
became harder to(49)_agamstthe owFent(水 流 ).saltwater hit against her免 ∞,making
it(50)~to breathe.oh,why had she notlistened to advice.
Panickhg,she began to(51)~,Then,just as it seemed as if she wOuld shp beneath
the swnace,she heard a(52)~voice.“ Hold o1|1!I’ m commg.” With(53)_,she saw
the old man rowing an anoenHookmg boatt。 wards h比

I hope you’ ve leamed a lesson,You put

us bo伍 in(5叫 ・ )~,” he sh。 uted angri玩 as he dragged her over the side ofthe(55)~.
Gratduly,Diane伍 蚀ked l血n and ran towards the beach-house.

鹬|有 道带 高考英语完形填 空与词汇速成

36,A,either B,neither C,nothing D.emWth血 g

37.A.jump B.1ie C,spin D.sleep

38,A.set out B.set in C,gave in D,gave out

39.A.beach B.bed C,11oor D.ship

40.A,a11ow B,wam C.get D.prefer

41.A,changhg B, C.appearing D,traVeling

42,A.alone B.away C,again D.aside

43,A.tinle B.1noney D。 血n

44.A.When B.until c,aner D.once

45.A.decided B.intended C.advised E)。 repeated

46.A,bushess B.swimsuit C,± iends D.parents

47.A.angy B.son・ y C.conn】 sed D.excited

48.A,nervous1V7 B.sadly C.shyly D.happ11y

49.A,rise B.swim C,stop D.row

50,A.dimcult B.easy C.co1mfortable D.su扯 able

51.A.slpcak B.shg C,sniff D.screa】 △

52.A.ca1n1 B.nrightening C,beautiful D.disgusting

53.A.regret B.relief C,interest I∶ ).ease

54,A.power C,danger D.thought B,wave C,beach D.boat

鹬|有 道黹
胃品课 高考英语完形填空与 词汇速成

Pgssoge 41
单词预 习
stap ″.带 子
content 刀.内 容 ;目 录 扌.满 意的

soaked 四矽,湿 透 的 ,浸 透的
u11comfodablc “刀,不 舒服的 ;不 安 的

To celebrate the end of our cxams,mly nriends and I went to a fast food restaurant.Ⅵ 石
(26)— hambwgers and Coca Cola at the counter,When姒
・ (27)_Came,I started
waking towards an empty table.By bad hok,my pwse siap(带 子 )got(28)~on a cha.
and the tray(托 盘 )that I was holding slipped(29)~my hands and went且 ying in the air.

The tray,and its oontents,(30)_on a man wko wasjust aboutto(31)~a bitC ofhis
ly(32)_,as the drinks soaked(浸 湿 )his white shirt.
sandwich.I stared,gre“

The】 1I(33)_my eyes and prepared myself for his bwst of(34)_.hstead,he

said“ It’ sOK” to(35)_me behre he disappeared hto the washroom.

still shaky and unswc(36)_to do next,my niends and I wenttt)a table and sat】 1ore,
trying our best to look(37)~.Am。 ment latet the man came out ofthe washroom and
(3:)— our table,my heart ahlost stopped(39)~.Ithoughthe was gomg to ask br my
nather9s(40)_and cau him.
To mysu币 4se,hc merely smiled乱 us,handedus somc cash and s扯 吨“
new hambwgers.” Hethen waked(42)~Without even n五 shing his food。

Hc could have made wh狨 was akeady an mcomfo】 le simation worse,(43)_】 e

chose a dimerent way and gave us a reason to believe that there is still(44L~in this world,I

will never(45)_his actions.

26∶ A.ordered |B.1m.ade c.arlanged ∶
D.dein1anded B.tum C.bill D.inenu
28.A.nxed B。 Gaught C.cut D.tied C.nom D.。 ut
30.A.1mocked B.feu。 。d D.hung
31.A.take B.taste c,swa11ow D.chew
32.A。 discollraged B,disappointed C.shocked D.annoyed

黠|有 道将 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

33.A.ro11ed B.rubbed C,narowed I).closed

34,A,bittemess B,anxiety C,a1∶ 1ger D,sorrow

35.A,satis灯 BⅡ co1mfort C.encourage D.praise

36, B,who C.what D.which

37.A.mild B.honest C.Galm D.modest
38.A.pus缸 ed B.approached C.drew D.laid

39.A.bcating B,brcaking C.sinking Dtembling

40, B.position C.nu1mber D.job
41.A.Prepare B.Buy C.Find D,Cook
42.A.o1o. B.around C.up D.away B,smce C.although D.but
44.A.kindness B.happiness C.politencss D.boghtness
45.A.Jbrget B.re血 se C。 oppose D,° ignore

鼹 ˉ
躞|有 道黹 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

Possgge 42
单词预 习
sensibility 刀.情 感 ;敏 感性 ;感 觉
vauey 刀。山谷 ;流 域 ;溪 谷
disappointed c扌 .失 望的 ,沮 丧的 ;受 挫折的
an。 f a sudden 突然地 ,出 乎意料地

A little girl uved in a simple and poor house on a hin.Usua11y she(36)_play h the
s1na11 garden.she GOuld see ovcr the garden fence and across the va11ey a wonder董 til house with

shining golden windows higk on another hⅡ ⒈(37)~she loved her parents and her fami玩

she de血 ed to live i11 such a house and(38)~a11 day about how wonde曲 1 and exci住 ng
(39)-must feel to live伍 ere,
Atthe age when she gained somc(40)_ski11狙 d se11sibility(识 t另 刂
力 ),曲 e(41)~
her mo伍 er for a bike ride(42)_】 1e garden.Her.Fl∶ 1othcr nna11y auowed her t。 go,(43)~
her keepmg close to the house and not(44)~too nar∶ t11e day was beauti血 1.The little girl

knew(45)_where she was headhg!(46)~the kiⅡ and across the va11ey,she rode to

the— ofthe goldcn house.

(4:)-she got off her bike and put△ agamst the gate post,she focused on the path
(49)-to the house and then on the house itself,she was very disappointed when she
(50)-th时 a11the wimdows were(51)~and rather d讧 印 ,

sO(52)~a且 d heart-brokcn,she didn’ t go any助 “het she(53)~,and dl of a

sudden she saw an amazing(5ZI)~.There。 n the other side oftbe va11ey was a little house

and ns wind。 ws wcre go1den.Loolong at her little home,she(55)_that she had been
livhg in her golden ho11se nlled with love and care.Everythhg s饨 dreamed was nght theFe h

△ont ofher house.

36,A。 might B,should C,would D.must
37,A.Unless B.Although C,sincc D.But
38.A.(irealned B.wolried C,asked D.shouted
39.A.this B.that C.析 D.which
40,A.di团 erent B.scientino C.musical D,basic
41.A.begged B.blained C.invited iD.paid

黠|有 道十
青品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

42.A.iriside B,outside C.throu吵 D.along

43.A。 iinsisting on B.relying o11

C.arguing about D.wondering about

44.A.traveling B.r1Iming C,ridhg D.walking
45.A.madly B.rapidly C.exaCtly D.possibly
46.A.OVer B.Down C.ArolⅡ ld D.Bcsidc
47..A.W11△ doWs B‘ steps C,center D,gate
48.A.IJntil B.As C.While D.Because
49.A.getting B.intoducing C.lcading D.moving
50.A。 fek B.1eanled C.conGluded D.found
51,A.transportcd B.bright C。 plain D.wide
52.A,anxious B.angry C.seric)us D.sad
53.A.・ arned dow1|1 B.cheored up C.settled dow.n D,dropped in
54.A,h11 B.va11ey C.background D.sight
55.A.ilnagined B.deGided C.reaⅡ zed D.guessed

釜务 一

曩|有 道称 高考英语 完形填 空与 词汇速成

Pgssoge 43
单词预 习
mb v次 擦 ;摩擦 刀.摩 擦 ;障碍
windowsiⅡ 刀.窗 台 ;窗 沿
gra- `霸 占 ;夺取 形.霸 占 ;夺取之物
cautiously 四洳 慎重地 ,谨 慎地

zignied,a little mouse,blew his breath on the n。 sty windoW of伍 e hmhouse and mbbed
it to see伍 e outside,sull nob。 dy oame.Maybe today he thought(31)_・ It was。 n1ya允 W
days before Chris棚 as and he was watch.hg允 r a mracle(奇 迹 ).

This famhouse had been(32)~too long.It needed a fami驭 zigⅡ ed’ s(33)

~madc a noise.He realized th眈 he hadnt eaten anything since yester漉 y.Hejumped△ om the
windowsill(窗 沿 ),grabbed a(34)~加 m bis home,随 d went众 ext doortO Famer Mike’ s.

FarmeriMike’ s house had been a great place for the little mouse(35)~the namer

maried a Wi如 who had a cat.zig△ ied(36)~when he thought of n,Hel。 。

ked around
caudously as he(37)~into the room where gram was stored and was quite(38)~as
he n⒒ ed his bag with wh酰 He was hmmg to leave when suddenly he(39)~a hot breath
about his e强 His head beat(40)~,and without thhking he sta茁 ed to mn and hckily
(41)— the cat’ s paws(爪 子 ),

The next aRemoon zigmed heard some good news:a(42)~family would be moving
into the fa1mhouse soon.zigmcd9s granny would amve on CLris位 nas EVe to(43)~with
him,He hoped that the hm11y would come before his granny came.Beforc long,a car came
(44)-the r。 ad leading to the house,Wiul butter sandwiches,cheese and chocolate.

zig∶ med9s clris扛 nas miracle did aove!

The house came(45)~the next few days,zigfried(46)~every single hotlF

of thern‘ (47)~,the day before Christmas When he was drinking hot chocolate with a
(4:)-smile atthe door ofhis home,he Leard the(49)~ofthe Ghildren ofthe famny
about what they might get for Christmas.What?A cat?The(50)_士 oze on his nace;his

mouth fe11 wide open.ARer a long while,he at hst found his voice∶ Hey!Whose Christmas

nliracle is th~is?’

31.A.carehuy B。 excited1y C,hopch1.1y D.proudly

黪|有 道带 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

32.A.shabby B,noisy C,1nessy D.empty

33,A.mouth B,nose C,sto1nach D.throat

34.A,bag B,stick C.bow1 D.coat

35.A.although B.until C,whereas D.unless
36.A.leapt B,sni∶ med C,treInbled D.withdrew
37.A.broke B,marched C,paced D.stole

38.A.curious B,nervous C,pitinll D.sensible

39.A.took B,released C,fclt D.drew

40,A,s订 ongly B,irregularly C.s1owly D.wilmy
41.A.escaped B.se1zed C.rubbed D.scratohed
42.A。 close B,happy C,new D.young
43,~A。 celcbrate B,commun1cate C.compctc E).cOInproinisc

44.A.across B,frO1n D.up

45.A.alive B.loose C,open D.sti11

46.A。 counted B,e蝴 oyed C,rn1ssed D.wasted

47.A.However B,Instead C,~〔 oreover D.Therebre
48.A.bitter B.forced C.polite D.satisfied

49.A.in仅 ・
oduCtion B.discussion C.comment D.deb破 e
50.A.blood B,sInile C,tear D.sweat

躔|有 道称
青品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

P¤ ssoge 44
单词预 习
c。 ,冲 突 ,矛 盾 ;斗 争
nnict ″
religion ,宗 教 ,宗 教信仰

acknowledge vr,承 认 ;答 谢 ;报 偿
rcgardless of不 顾 ,不 管
affectiom 刀。喜爱 ,感 情 ;影 响 ;感 染
p蝴 udice ″,偏 见 ;侵害

I ORen read ofincidents ofmisu且 derstanding or cOnflict,I’ m lea(36)~,why do these

people create Inistrust and problems,especia11y With those iom other(37)~?

I was growing up h Kuala Lumm ul伍 e early 1960s,(38)_children± om d蹋 ermt

races and religions played and studied(39)~in har1.nony,At伍 破time my family lived a

stone’ s(40)~】 0m Ismail’ s.And no o11e was bothered伍 at Ism缸1 was a Malay Muslim and

I wasan hdian Hhduˉ wejust(41)_ow dimerences,Perhaps,oW dders had not nucd。 ur

heads w饭 unneoessary advioe,we11(42)~or otherwise.
We Were nme When we beoame Ⅱcnds.Dunng tbe school hohdays,wc’ d(43)~the
comi“yside on ow bicycles,hop【 ng to(44)~】1e unexpected.Attimes Ismail would accompany

my namily as we made a rare shopping trip to town.We wOuld be glad ofhis(45)~,

When I was twelve,my family movcd to JOhor.Ismairs family later retumed to tmeir
vi11age,and I(46)_touch with him.
onc spring a盘 emoo且 in 1983,I stopped a taxi in Kuala Lumpur.I(47)~my
destination。 The driver acknowledged my(48)~but did not move o篮 hste碱 110 1ooked

(49)-at me.“ Raddar” he said,ushg my childhood nickname(绰 号 ).I was astonished

at being so(50)~addressed(称 呼 )。
Unexpectedly!It was Ismai1!Even aRer two
(51)-we still recognized each other.Grasping his shouldeL I felt a true affection,
something(52)~to describe.
r we can anow。 w children to be(53)~without preJudice,they’ Ⅱbuild Ⅲendships
with people,regardless of race or religionJ who wi11 be(54)~their side through thick
and thin,On such niends廴 ips are societies built and(55)~we can 1mly be,as Wilham

shakespearc Once Wrote,“ Ⅵ石
c happy few.Ⅵ 乃
e band ofbrothcrs’ 。

— 89—
黠|有 道精品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

36.A.interested B.pleased C,puzzled D.eXcited

37.A.parties B,c1ties C,villages I∶ ),races

38.A.why B,which C,how D.when

39.A.togcther B.around C,alone D.apart
40,A.drop B.throw C,1nove D.ro11

41.'廴 .ren△ sed B.madc C,sought D.acoepted

42.A,paid B.1m.eant C.prescrved D.treated

43.A.explore C,discover D.desert

44.A.get through B.ded with C,corne across D.takc away
45.A.arival B。 cho1Ge C,e】ort
46,A,1ost B.gained C,developed D.missed
47,A.stated B.ordered C.decided D.cllose

48,A.attempts Br1nstfuctions C,opinions D.arra11geInents

49.A.aFⅨ lously B。 Garelessly C.dsappointedly D.nxedly

50,A.namiⅡ arly B.strangely c,mlly D,coldly
51.A.departtres B.months C.yc盯 s D.decades
52.A.possible B.hnny C.hard D.dear
53,A.them B.伍 emselves C,us I)。 o1】 rselves

54.A。 丘 om C,wi伍 D.against

55.A,sti11 B.otherwise C,then D.i11stead

躔|有 道持
青品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速 成

Pgssgge 45
单词预 习
break vF,打 破 ;折 断 ;弄 坏 ;削 弱 刀.破 裂 ;间 断
scent″ ,气 味
brstinto 闯入 ;情 绪 的突然发作
h the distance 在远处

C)ne sunny・ afternoon,a seven.-yearˉ old girl wen~t for a walk.she crossed a large arca of

grassland into伍 e woods(26)~she realized伍 at she was lost.

Sitting on a rock and(27)_What to do,sho began crying.ARer a while,she

(2:)-to wak along a wide path hned with t破 “ees a11d thick bushes.(29)~此 was
gett1ng dar℃ she saw a small,dark wooden house.she opencd the door and(30)~stepped
h,suddenly,shc heard a strange noise,and she ran out the door and back to the(31)~.
Cold and tired,sho fe11 asleep near a(32)~.
The gid’ s parents were out amd her do⒏ Laddy,was眈 home.Laddy(33)_that his
mistress(女 主人 )was in danger.He jumped(34)_.a windoW,breaking the glass.He
boked h the nelds.But hc couldn’ t nnd his misiess anywhere.However,nom the ground came

a(35)~scent(气 味 )as he lowered his head.He(36)~伍 e scent and waked aGross

the grassland.Barking(37)~int。 the aE,the dog(38)~through the woods mtil he
found the(39)~.But the girl was not there,so he headed back to the woods,Much to his
(40)一 ,he saw his mis打 ess’ blue shirt in the distance.He(41)~over some bushes
and saw the删 e stream,where伍 e gir1 was(42)~,
When she opened her eyes and e3)~her dog standhg beside her,伍 e gm said,“ you
(44)— ・
me,Laddy,” and shc kissed him several times,seeing the△ daughter and dog coming
back,the parents bwst into抬 ars of(45)~.Th时 night Laddy had a hero’ s supperl a huge

med ofs伦 ak.

26.A.before B.s1.nce C.wihile
27.A.`w・ ondering B.forge饭 ng C.remembering D,regretmg
28,A.pre允 Ⅱed B.expected C.failed 工).deoided
~ 29.A.When B.Until C.r D.Because
30.A.carelessly B.cautiously C.hopeless1,' D.unwilhngly

黠|有 道带
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31.A.trees B.bushes C,woods I∶ ),grasses

32.A‘ strealn B.rock C,trce

33.A.bund B.sensod C.heard D.sn1elt

34,A.乱 B.through E〉 .onito

35.A,terible B.s饣 mge C.pleasant D.farninar

36.A.Fnissed B.discovered C.fo11owed D,ig取 ored

37.A.cahly B.1oudly C,merrily D.gent1y

38.A.searched B.wandered C,looked D.trave11ed

39.A.Wi狂 doW B.g△ l C,house D,hero

40.A.satisfaction B,disappointment C,cmbaⅡ ˉ
assment D.dehght
41.A.jumped B.climbed C,walked D.且 cw B,abandoned C.available D.asleep

43.A。 spotted B.watched C,observed D,saw
44,A.tlis・ 缸ribed B.comfort。 d C,rescucd D.scared
45.A.pain B.shock C.sorrow D.relief

|有 道精品课
蠛育 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

Possoge 46
单 词预 习
attempt ″.企 图 ,试 图 ;攻 击 v资 企 图 ,试 图 ;尝 试
contact 刀,接 触 ,联 系 v在 使接触 ,联 系
pushiness 刀,一 意孤行 ;粗鲁
a great deal 大量 ;非 常

Body langua'ge is the qu晚 secret and most powerml language of alll It speak(36)~

tha11 words,According to specialists,oW bodies send out more(37)~than we rcalize.h

fact,non-verbal(非 言语 )Gomm诩 cation takes up about 50%of wh时 we reany(38)~。
And body language is particularly(39)_when we attemptto commmicatc across oultures.
hdeed,what is ca11ed body language is so(40)~,a pa⒒ 。
f us that rs actu破 ly oRen

u【 noticed,And misunderstandings oocw as a result ofit.(41)~,different societics“ eat

the(42)_,be抑 een people different驭 Northem E1Iropeans usually do not like having
(43)一 ’contact(接 触 )even with Ⅱends,扭 d certamy 11。t with(44)~,
LaunAmcrican countrics(45)~,touch each other qu1te a lot.Therefore,it’ s possible伍 at in

(46)-・ It may look like a Latino is(47)~a No】 Wegian au。 verthe room.The Latino,

” lng to express mendship,wi11 keep movmg(48)~・ The Norwegian,Very probably seeing

this as pushiness,will keep(49)~Which the Latino wiu in retum regard as(50)~.
C1early,a great deal is gohg on when people(51)~.A11d only a part of it is in the
wOrds themselves.And when parties arc iom(52)~cult【 FCs,there’ s a strong possibility

of(53)~,But Whatever the situatio王 1,the best(5侮 )~is to obey the Golden Rule∶ treat

others as you would like to be(55)~.

36.A.str葫 ghter B,louder C.harder D.血 rther

37.A.sounds B,invitations C.feclhgs D.messages

38.A.hope B.receive C,discover D.lncan
39.A.immcdiate B,misleadhg C.△ nportant D.di饿 Gult
40.A.well B.far C.much D.long
41.A.For exa|mple B.Thus C,IIowevcr iD.In short B.distance C.corlnecdon D,greetings
43,A.eye B.verbal C.bodily D.tclcp廴 one

鹬|有 道黹 高考英语完形填 空与词汇速成

・ D.enemles
44.A.strangers B.relatiVes C.neighbor other words B.on the other hand C.h a similar way D,by a11 means

46.A.troublc B.oonversation C,Silence E).expe∶ ri王 nent

47.A.disturbing B.helphg C,guiding D.如 n。wing

48.A.closer B.faster D.aWay
49,A.steppi1△ g forward B,gohg o11 C,backing a柄 7ay D.corni11g ouit

50.A.weakness B.carelessness C,J△iendliness E).Coldness

51,A.tak B.traVel C,laugh D.硅 血 k

52.A.diJerent B.EWopean C.LatIno D.nch

53.A,curiosity B.exciteme11t C.【 nisunderstandi11g D.neⅣ ousness
54.A.Ghance B.time C,rcsult D.advice

55.A,noticed B.treated C,rcspectcd D.pleased

啪 ˉ

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Possgge 47
单词预 习
bully v欺 负
remain vi保 持 ;依 然 ;留 下 ;剩 余 ;逗 留 ;残 存 刀,遗 迹 ;剩 余物 ,残 骸
obcy y服 从
rcgulations ″.条 例 ;规 程
crash y碰 撞 ,撞 击
cruel 曰扌.残 酷 的 ,残 忍 的

We a11 know th眈 some things arc obviously oght,For example,itis oghtto be(1)~to

other people.Itis also nght t。 l。 。

ka盘er伍 e env1ronmcnt.Some things are(2)~wr。 ng,too,
For instance,we should not hurt or bully(欺 负 )others,11or should we litt出 Rules oRen tell us
whatis oght or wrong,
Rules can help the publh make伍 e right(3)~,and re扭 ah safe.Car drivers have to
obey订 afnc regulations that tell them the oght thhgs to do on the road to avoid orashes.Cychsts
who give signals bebrc切 mmg or stoppmg he1p prevent(4)~.
Ifpeople hllow mles withouttaking o伍 σ matters Into considemtion,it will be(5)_
for thenl to fonn what is sonletirnes Gaued

a‘ black and white” vie,叽 For example,they 1△ -ay

believe that people should always te11 the truth,and that lyhg is(6)~acceptable.such
people always suck t。 their views,ev∞ ifit means thatthey may get mto(7)_.
somedmes it may not be so easy to know(8)~wh狨 is nght。 F wrong.some people

choose notto eat mc哎 bccause they believe th狨 it is(9)~to e献 anhlals,but others argue
that they can eat meat amd(10)~be kind to animals;some insist that stealing is always
wr9ng,but others think that one does not need to无 el to(11)~when stealhg some food to
eat,if kves in a rea11y poor area and he is(12)_,Rules help us live together in harmony,

because they show us伍 e right way to(13)_oth∝ However,some people argue that mles
may be(14)~,having observed that mles change斑 l the time,and伍 at some schools have
so1∶ ne regulations md other have dfferent ones丁 so who isto(15)~wh时 is nght?
1.A.kind B.sensitive c.fair D.gcnerous
2.A.equally B.slightly c,olearly D.increasingly
B,conGlusions C.tums D.choices

|有 道精品课
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4, A,acoidenits B,mistakes C.faⅡ s 1),deaths

5,A.interesting B.vita1 C.easy D.valuable

6.A.seldom B.rarely C.merely D.never

7.A.trouble B.power C.prison D.control

8.A.roughly B.eVentually C.deliberately D.exactly

9.A.awhl B.crue1 C.ul血 ealthy D.unnecessary

1o,A,s住 Ⅱ B,eVen C.later D.somehow

11.A.nervous B,anxlous C.a△ aid D,guilty

12.A.begging B,staVing C.growmg D.wander1ng

13.A.如 11ow B.intmde C,treat D.protect

14,A,disgusting B.con丘 C.l正lsafe D.mimportant

15.A.prediot B.explain C.decide D.Consider

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Possgge 48
单词预 习
GOmectio11乃 ,连 接 ;关系
set… apart批 m使 分离
棚m ofF关 掉 ,关 闭
rcaCt to 作出反应
go血to shock休 克

When Glen Kruger picked a s1na11 Gat△oln an animal shelter,he did not expect miuch.Yiet
oght iom the sta吨 eight years ago,there was an unoommo11 GOmection between him and the
sma11 black cat.He(36)~her hky・

I grew up on a hundredˉ acre nam.and had only cats(37)~playmates,” Kmger,the

seven圩ˉye莎 old man,says.“ My hearing was damaged by伍 e(38)~ofnar1n equ△ me晚 so
Ileamed to connect with(39)_・ They reactto wh猫 they sce and what you do,”

I0ky was a gentle cat,(40)~伍 e house with nve other cats.But on a January night h

2009,Inky did(41)~that WOuld set her apad iom(42)~cats n。 rever.

Kruger had gone down to曲 e basement to(43)~the wood stove nor the night.When
he was】 hished,he(44)_to the top ofthe stars and reached to mm ofthe△ ghts,h doing
so,he slipped and(45)~his back ag陋st an old she1E The heavy shelfcame crashing dow工 1

and sent Kmger down】 1e sta1rs.

(46)— h a pool of blood on the basemeⅡ t且 oor,Kmger mt(47)_going nt。

shock(休 克 ).He shouted for help,(48)~his wife,Brenda,Was as1eep in the△ bedroom
眈the opposite end of the house.(49)~Kruger n。 ticed Inky w瓦 ching iom the top ofthc

Go get Brenda,” Krugger said to Inly,

Ih灯 (50)_to the bedroom door and scratched(51)~untn Brenda opened it,
Then hky lcd herto the(52)~Brenda found her husband(53)~the stars and ca11ed
911.Kmger was msLed to the hospit出

I sppnt six months(54)~there,” Says kuge⒈

Although I becarne hme,I was blessed.” since伍 e accident,1“ 吖 has(55)~LeR K血 ger,s

36,A.gave B.chose C.△ E波 1ed D,remen1bcred

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37,A,like C.except E)

38,|nd B.alaⅡ n C,no1se D.Vo1ce

39…A,aninlals B,佥 iends C.f盯 mers D.neighbors

40.A.sharhg B,visiting C.diVidhg E〉 。(discovering

41,A,a11)吒 1△ ing B.nothing C.something D,ev唧 thing

42.A,免 miliar B,lovely C.ordinary D,outstanding

43,A.s11ut oult B,shut off C.shut dow1 D.shut up

44,A.m盯 ched B,new C.stmggled D.climbed

45,A.bent B,hit C.shook D.pu11ed

46,A,Fa11i1△ g B,Lyhg C.Appe盯 mg D.Thinking

47, B,itself C,11im D,h,irnself

48,A,and B,but C,or

49,A,Thus B,otherwise C.Then D.Rather

50.A.walked B,ran C.returned D.withdrew

5⒈ A,rapid1y B,sudden1y C.madly D.wgcnt1y
52,A.bedrooFn B,base1nent C。 yard
53,A,at the bottOI△ of B,in thc rnidd1c of C,atthe top of the nont of

54.A.regretting B.rcsting C.relax1ng D,recovcEllg

55,A,never B,ever C.still D.akeady

躞l有 道称
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PossQge 49
单词预 习
settled历 刀,稳 定的 ,稳 固的
depend on取 决于 ;依赖 ;依靠
mistaken曰 啦 错误的 ;弄错的
o£ner y提 供 ,提 出 ;出 价
passer-by刀 ,过 路人

When I settled in Chicago,1ny new city see|nned so big and unfriendly.T・ hen I had a
(36)— pr。 blem and had to go to hospital for a(37)~examination.
It seemed a small(38)~00mpared to伍 e one I was aboutto face,but things started
to go(39)~。 ght・ om the bcginning.Not having a car or(40)_伍 e ci饥 I was
depending on a couple ofbuses to get me△ om A的 B,(41)_I’ d le盘 myselfplenty oftime,
soon t was(42)~I was going to be late,as I had mistakenly boarded a bus that was taking
me h the(43)~direction.
I(44)_the bus and stood on the pavement not knowing what to机 I look into the

eyes of a(45)~who was trying to get past me,(46)~instead。 f moving on,she

stopped to ask ifI was(47)_.A盘 erl explamed my(Z∶ 8)~to her,she pointed to a bus
stop across伍 e street,where a bus would take me back into t11e city to my(49)~.sitting

伍ere waiting9 I如 h(50)._~_伍 at someone had been willing to help,(51)~_,hea。 ng a

hom(喇 叭 )nearby,Ilooked up to see a car wi伍 my new mend(52)~波 met。 get in.she
had ret△ △edto omer me a(53)~to the hospita1.
such wlexpcOted(54)_殳 om a passer-by was a lovely gin t。 reccive.As I Ghmbed
out of the car at the hospital and turn.ed to thank her,she sⅡ liled and told 1m.e not to lose

(55)— for a11 thhgs are possible.

36,A.physical B,traveli且 g D.housing

37,A.sciein住 且o B.nnal C.previous D.thorough
38.A.chance B.cha11enge, C.success D.eFOr
39.A,wrong B.easy C.伍 st E)。 ah~ead

40.A.leaving B.visiting C,knowing D.appreciating

41.A.Although】 1ce C.Un1ess D.Once

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42.A.strange B,necessary C,obvlous D.虹npodant

43.A,sa1m.e B.nght C.genera1 D.opposite

44.A.1ooked at B.waited for ofF D.ran into

45.A.driver B.1匝 end C.stranger D.gent1eman

46.A.Especia11y B.swprisingly C,Probably D.Norma11y

47.A.nervous B,excited C.0K D.dangσ ous

48.A.idea B.motiVation C,excuse D.situation

49.A.appoin位 nent B.apartment C,direction D.station

50…A.a△ aid B.grateh1 C.certa1.n D,disappointed

51.A.Thus B.Then C.Perhaps D.sWely

52.A.star1ng B.laughing C.waving D.shouting

53.A.lift B,suggestion D.guidebook

54.A.results C,kindness D,appearance
55.A.power B,勤 ith C.touch

黪}有 道糖品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

Possoge 50
单词预 习
intellectual 夕矽。智力的 ;聪 明的 71,知 识分子
argtle v争 论 ,辩 论 ;提 出理由
giaed a矽 ,有 天赋的 ;有 才华的
GOncem vF,涉 及 ,关 系到 ;使担心 ″,关 系 ;关 心 ;关 心的事 ;忧 虑
set up v建 立 ;装 配 ;开 业

△has been argued by some that giRed childreh shoWd bO grouped h speci扯 classes,The
(1)-has been on the belief that h regular dasscs these children are held back in the△

intellectual(智 力的 )growth by(2)_situation that has designed for the(3)~


There can be little doubt that(4)_dasses Can help thc giRed childre狂 to graduate

earuer狙 d take their place in life soon∝ Howevcr,to take these(5)~out of the regular
classes ELay create senous problems.

I Observed a number of(o~children who were taken out ofa special class and placed
in a(7)~class・ h曲 e speGial dass,they shoWed litt1e ability to use their own judgment,

relyhg(8)~on their teachers’ directions.In the regular class,hav血 g nO WOrry about

keephg up,they bogan to re且 ect(9)~on many problems,some of whch were not on the

school prograin1.

Many are conccmed that giaed chudren bec。 me(10)~and loso mterest in leaming,
However this(11)~is more。 Ren△om parents and teachers than nom students,and somc

of these(12)~simply conchde that special dasses s纽 ould be set up for those who are
(13)-・ some top students do feel bored h class,but why伍 ey(14)~so goes hr
beyond the wOrk they have in sohoo1.studies have sho、 〃
n thatto be bored is to be an.xious.The

gined child who is bored is an(15)~Child・

1.A,principle B.theory C.arg1班 lents D.classincati。 n

2.A.designing iB|.grouping C,leaming B.oWious C,1natw・ e D.average

4.A,reglllar B.specia1 C.sIna11 D,creative

5..A,children B.progralns C。 graduates D.designs

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6.A.inte1Ⅱ gcnt GOr】 1petent C.ordinary D.hdependent

7.A.separate regular C.neW D,boring
8.A.specidly slightly C,wrongly D.heavⅡ y
9.A.directly cleverly C.voluntarily D.quickly
10.A.doubted B.bored C.worried D,dred
11.A.con~cer11 B.conclusion c.Fenecti。 n D.interest

12.A.students B.adults C,scholars D.teachers

13.A.talented B.w01ried C.learned D,i11tercsted

14,A.believe B,think C.say D.fee1

黪}有 道糖品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

Possoge 51
单词预 习
assign v】 分配 ;指 派
keep pace with 并驾齐驱 ,保 持同步
motivate v激 励 ;刺 激 ;调 动 …的积极性
selfˉ cOnndence 刀,自 信

I used to hate being ca11ed upon in olass m拉 nly because,I didn’ t like attenuon drawn to

mysem And(36)~otherwise assigned(指 定 )a sc时 by the teacher.I always(37)~to

sit at ule back。 fthe classrooin.

A11 this(38)_after Ij。 ined a sports托 am.It began when a teacher suggested.I” out

br the basketb波 team.At nrst,I th。 ught虹 was a crazy(39)~because I didn’ t have a good

sense ofbdance noF did I have the(40)~to keep pace wi伍 the others on the team and they
would tease me.But for the teacher who keptinsisting on my“ (41)_for it” ,I Wouldin’ t

have decided to give it a” .

Getting up the courage to go to伍 c iyouts was only伍 e(42)~of it・ When I Erst
started(43)~t11e pFactice sessions.I didn’ t even know the mles ofthe game much
(44)-what I was doing.sometimes 1’ d get(45)~and take a shot at the wrong
direction,which made me feel really stupid,(46)~,I Wasn,t the only one“ new” at the

game,so I decided to(47)~0n leaming the game,do 1|ny best at each practicc session,and

11ot be too kard on myselffoF the things I didn’ t(48)~勹 ust yet” .

I practiced and practiced.soon I knew the(49)~and the“ moves” .Bcng part of a

team was mn and m。 tivating.Very soon the oompetitive(50)_in me was wmnmg over my
lack of Go蚯 dence.With time,Ileamed how to plγ and made mcndsin the(51)~mends
who respected my cfforts to work hard and be ateam p1ayer,I never had so much nul!

With my(52)~seliconndence comes more praise丘 om teachers and classnates.I

have gone△ om“ (53)~” in the back ofthe classroom and not wantIng to ca11 attention to

myself(54)~r缸 s饨 my ha1∶ ld even吨 en I somet血 es Wam’ t100 percent(55)~I

had the right answeL Now I have more seFconndence in mysef B.until C.unless D.though

37.A.hoped B.agreed C.1neant iD。 ohose

黠|有 道精品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

38,A,continu.ed B,changed C,settled D.startcd

39,A,idea B.plam C,belief D.sayhg
40,A,right B.chance C,abili″ D.pa住ence
41,A,going B.looking C.checrlng D.applyhg
42,A.point B.half D.basis
43.A.cnJoy11△ g B.preparing C.attending D.watcl血 1g
44.A.less B.later C,worse D.nr由 er
45.A.con11nitted B.mothated C.elnbaⅡ assed D.con.fused

46,A,Interestingly B.FoFttmately C,Obviously D.Hopemlly

47.A.focus I|.act C,rely Dˉ y
48,A,want C,suppo11 D.know
49,A,steps B.orders C,rules
50,A,role B.part C,n11nd D.value
51,A,process B.operation C.movement D.situation

52,A.cxpressed B.improved C.preserved D.recognized

53.A.dreairn11∶ 1g B.playing C,relaxing D.hiding B.for C.wit11
55.A.luc● B.happy C.surc D.satisned

曩|有 道精品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

PGsscge 52
单词预 习
attract v厶 I及 引 ;引 起
achievable 四方.可 完成 的 ;可 有成就 的 ;做 得成 的
negotiating 刀.谈 判 v谈 判 (negotiate的 ing形 式 );磋 商
wake up 醒来 ;开 始警觉
performance n,绩 效 ;表 演 ;执 行 ;表 现
defect 刀.缺 点 ,缺 陷 ;不 足之处
cuhvate v培 养

Everyone in business has bee】 1 told that success is aⅡ about attractmg and retainhg(留

customers.It sounds simple and achievable.But,(50)~,words of wisdom are soon

n。 rg。 筑en.Once companies have attractcd customers they oRen(51)~the sec。 nd half of

the story.h thg excitcmcnt of beating ofF tke competition,negoda血 g pnces,seoWhg orders9
and dehvering the product,managcrs tend to become oamed away工 “y forgd what伍 ey Fegard

as the boring蓝 de ofbusmess-(52)~伍 哎the customer remams a custome⒈

(53)-to concentrate on retamng as we11 as attracthg customcrs costs business huge
anlounts ofnloney annua11yI It has been esti△ nated t廴 at the average comipany loses between 10and

30per cent ofits customers every ye蚀 h cOI∶ l哎 antly changing(54)~,this is n。 t surpnsing,
hat is suFpris1ng is the fact伍 at few oompames have a11y idea how△ nany customers they have


ody now are orgmizations begiming to wake up to those lost opporhlnities and c斑 cul菠e

the(55)~血 plications,Cutting down the nu.m.ber of customers a company loscs can make

a big(56)~in i“ performance,Research in伍 e Us found that a nve per cent deGrease in

the number of de免 G血 g(流 失 的 )customers led to(57)~increases ofbetween 25 and 85

per cent,

h.the Us,Domino’ s Pizza estimates that a regular customer is worth more than$5,000
over ten years.A c1】 stomer Who receives a pqor quality product or service oi theL且 rst visit and

(5:)— never re缸 ms,is losing the company thousands ofdouars in(59)~pronts(m。re
ry。 uc。nsider how many people they arc hkcly to teu abouttheir bad experience).

The logic behind cul住 vating customer(60)~is impossible to deny.“ In practice

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青品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

n△ ost co1npanies’ n△ arketing effort is focused on getting custon△ crs,With little attention paid to

(61)-them” ,says Adria】 1P叩 ne ofComfield U血 versio schoo1 ofManagement,Researcll

suggests that there is a close relationship bet、 veen retaining custon△ ers and 1naking profits,

(62)-cust。 mers tend to buy more,are predictable and usually cOst less to service than

neW Gustomers,Fu1thcrmore,t11ey tend to be less price(63)~,and may provide iee word-

oimouth advenising.Retaini11g customcrs also makes it(64)~for COmpctitors to enter a
Fnarket or increase their share of a ln~arket,

50,A,in paRicul盯 B,in rcalit)7 least D,nrst。 f all

51,A.c1△ 1phasize B,doubt

∶ C.overlook D,believe
52.A.denying |B,ensuring C.arguing E〉 ,provi且 g

53.A,lⅥ ioving B,IIOping C,Starting D,Failing

54.A,Inarkets B,tastes C,prices D.expcnscs

55.A.cu1仅 Ire E;,social C,nnancial D,ecOnonlical

56.A.prOInise B,plan C,nlistake ∶

57,A,cost B.oppormnity c,pront D.budget

58, a result B,on the w・ hole C.i11 conolusion D,on the cOn订 aly
59,A.huge B.potcntia1 C,extra D,reasonable
60,A.beliefs B,loya10 C・ habits D.interest
61,A,alte1ˉ ing B.understanding C,keeping ∶

62,A.Assulned B,Respected C,Established D.1Jnexpectcd

63,A.agreeable B.flexible C,】 icndly D,sensitive
64,A.unfair B,difn~cult c,essential lD.cOnvenient

囊:;有 道糖品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成

8.【 ・ DCACB
10.【 ∶
18.【 ∶
21.【 答案 】BADCB
27.【 争
29.【 ∶ ADAAC DADBc
答案 】 CBCBD

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青品课 高考英语完形填空与词汇速成


39,【 答案 】CDABC
44.【 催


・ ・
——iir・ ・ ˉ



50.【 答案 】



52。 【


一t一 ;・△



犭 本飞
唇嗦 △忠一


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擒礅廖霹囊 蜂新
— △ △一

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