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Sekolah Pendidikan Profesional dan Pendidikan Berterusan

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



i. Answer all questions.


MATRIC CARD/I.C NO : 740827-08-6177

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1.0 Question 1

Discuss how could you motivate your subordinates in your work place

COVID-19 has had a huge impact on the way businesses operate, from social distancing to

advanced health and safety precautions. But the pandemic has also taught us some important lessons in

keeping your staff motivated.

Be a respectful, honest and supportive manager.

This may seem like a no-brainer, but bad management is one of the top reasons employees run

for the hills. Things like respect, honesty, support and clear communication are the foundations here.

But there’s a lot more you can do to be a great leader and mentor.

If you’re new to this whole management thing, it’s worth reading some books on the subject —

effective management, like any other skill, takes knowledge and practice. As a starting point, check out

Amazon’s best-sellers for business management, or head to the employee management section of

Square’s blog. The long and short of it: if you’re a good person to work for, your employees will be

more loyal.

Give them room to grow.

If your business is rapidly expanding, giving your employees room to grow within the company

is a huge motivator. There’s the dangling carrot of more money, yes, but there’s also the psychological

factor of feeling like they’re trusted and respected for their work.

If you’re opening a second location, think about which of your employees might be a good fit

for a management role there. If there’s someone who’s doing a particularly good job with inventory,

consider encouraging that person to take over vendor relations completely. When you give your best

employees growth opportunities, it shifts their thinking from “this is just a side job” to “this could be a

full-fledged career.”

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Rewarding employees

There will be times when it takes more than just a pat on the back. Try giving simple incentives

when rewarding engaged employees.

It does not have to be monetary rewards all the time; simple things like a week of having a

personal parking spot at the office would be sufficient. Rewarding employees could also be a part of

the company benefits.

Create a career path

When employees have an idea of what is provided or what the incentives are, they become

further motivated. This will lead to increased commitment towards their employer. The members of

your team will be more valuable to your organisation, and to themselves, when they have opportunities

to learn new skills.

Provide your employees with the training they require to advance in their careers and to

become knowledgeable about the latest technologies and industry news.

Set Realistic Goals

How can you help a co-worker or reporting staff member find motivation at work? You can

create a work environment that provides the greatest possibility for employees to achieve individual or

group goals.

A motivating work environment provides clear direction so that employees know what is

expected of them. Hand-in-hand with clear direction, employees should have goals that fit within the

company's strategic framework.

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Use Training and Development for Motivation

Want to keep your staff motivated about learning and work? The quality and the variety of

training options that you supply for employees are key for motivation.

You can provide training including new employee onboarding, management development, new

concepts for a workgroup, team building, and how to operate a new computer system. They all add to a

working environment that employees would be proud to call home.

Foster Open Communication

Having open communication with your staff is crucial to maintaining employee motivation. No

one wants to work under a boss he feels uncomfortable approaching. Applying methods of establishing

effective communication with your team will do wonders for your staff’s motivation.

Show them you care

A staff member that is invested in her work will naturally have questions, comments, or

concerns. Having an open door policy and creating consistently accessible lines of communication will

help your staff to feel as though their input matters (which it should!). If having an open door policy is

unrealistic for you, it can be just as impactful to dedicate some time during staff meetings for people to

voice or write down their concerns for a group discussion.

Always follow up

Following up with your employees regarding their input is equally important as asking them for

it. While you may not be able to answer every question, or fix every problem, following up at least

demonstrates to employees that you took the time to consider their remarks, rather than ignoring them

or sending them on to someone else. Your staff will know that you’re listening to them, and won’t be

afraid to come to you again in the future.

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Question 2

Discuss the main components in a communication process

Communication is a process of exchanging verbal and non verbal messages. It is a continuous process.

Pre-requisite of communication is a message. This message must be conveyed through some medium

to the recipient. It is essential that this message must be understood by the recipient in same terms as

intended by the sender. He must respond within a time frame. Thus, communication is a two way

process and is incomplete without a feedback from the recipient to the sender on how well the message

is understood by him.

Context - Communication is affected by the context in which it takes place. This context may be

physical, social, chronological or cultural. Every communication proceeds with context. The sender

chooses the message to communicate within a context.

Sender / Encoder - Sender / Encoder is a person who sends the message. A sender makes use of

symbols (words or graphic or visual aids) to convey the message and produce the required response.

For instance - a training manager conducting training for new batch of employees. Sender may be an

individual or a group or an organization. The views, background, approach, skills, competencies, and

knowledge of the sender have a great impact on the message. The verbal and non verbal symbols

chosen are essential in ascertaining interpretation of the message by the recipient in the same terms as

intended by the sender.

Message - Message is a key idea that the sender wants to communicate. It is a sign that elicits the

response of recipient. Communication process begins with deciding about the message to be conveyed.

It must be ensured that the main objective of the message is clear.

Medium - Medium is a means used to exchange / transmit the message. The sender must choose an

appropriate medium for transmitting the message else the message might not be conveyed to the

desired recipients. The choice of appropriate medium of communication is essential for making the

message effective and correctly interpreted by the recipient. This choice of communication medium

varies depending upon the features of communication. For instance - Written medium is chosen when a
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message has to be conveyed to a small group of people, while an oral medium is chosen when
spontaneous feedback is required from the recipient as misunderstandings are cleared then and there.

Recipient / Decoder - Recipient / Decoder is a person for whom the message is intended / aimed /

targeted. The degree to which the decoder understands the message is dependent upon various factors

such as knowledge of recipient, their responsiveness to the message, and the reliance of encoder on


Feedback - Feedback is the main component of communication process as it permits the sender to

analyze the efficacy of the message. It helps the sender in confirming the correct interpretation of

message by the decoder. Feedback may be verbal (through words) or non-verbal (in form of smiles,

sighs, etc.). It may take written form also in form of memos, reports, etc.

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