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Sample paper


General Instructions :
1. This question paper contains five sections : Section A to E .
2. All questions are compulsory .
3. Section A have 18 questions carrying 01 mark each .
4. Section B has 07 Very Short Answer type questions carrying 02 marks each .
5. Section C has 05 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each .
6. Section D has 03 Long Answer type questions carrying 05 marks each .
7. Section E has 02 questions carrying 04 marks each .
6. All programming questions are to be answered using Python Language only .

Quest SECTION - A Marks

1. Which statement is correct? 1
(a) List is immutable && Tuple is mutable
(b) List is mutable && Tuple is immutable
(c) Both are Mutable.
(d) Both are Immutable
2. Select the correct output of the code: 1
s = "Annual Exam2022-23"
s= s.split('2')
(a)['Annual Exam', '0', ' ', '-', '3'] (b) {'Annual Exam', '0', '', '-', '3'}
c) ('Annual Exam', '0', '2', '-', '3')(d) ['Annual Exam', '0', '2', '-', '3']
3. What is the output of this expression 2 * 3 ** 3 * 4 ? 1
(a) 216 (b) 864 (c) 72 (d) Error

4. Consider the given expression: 1

not ((True and False) or True)
Which of the following will be correct output if the given expression is
(a) True (b) False (c) NONE (D) NULL
5. Select the correct output of the code : 1

>>> S = "1welcome 2the Worlds of Wonder"

(a) '1Welcome 2the worlds of wonder'
(b) '1Welcome 2the Worlds of Wonder'
(d) '1Welcome 2The Worlds Of Wonder'
6. Given a ListL = [25, 35, 43, 22, 13, 56, 45, 78, 90] 1
Identify the statement from the list below that will produce theresult as
[25, 43, 13, 45, 90]
(a) print(L[::]) (b) print(L[0:9:1])
(c) print(L[::2]) (d) print(L[2:0:9])

What is the output of the following program? 1
T1 =(1)
T2 =(3, 4)
T1 +=5
print(T1 +T2)
a) TypeError b) (1, 5, 3, 4)
c) 1 TypeError d) 6 TypeError
8. Which of the following will delete the key_value pair for key = "tiger" in 1
dictionary ?
di = {"loin" : "wild", "tiger" : "wild", "cat" : "domestic" , "dog" : "domestic"}
(a) del di["tiger"] (b) delete(d1["tiger" : "wild"])
(c) delete(di.["tiger"]) (d) del(di.["tiger])
9. Choose the correct output: 1
L1 =[1, 1.33, 'GFG', 0, 'NO', None, 'G', True]
val1, val2 =0, ''
forx inL1:
if(type(x) ==intortype(x) ==float):
val1 +=x
elseif(type(x) ==str):
val2 +=x
print(val1, val2)
a) 2 GFGNO b) 2.33 GFGNOG
c) 2.33 GFGNONoneGTrue d) 2.33 GFGNO
10. In a tuple Tp contains the sequences as given:-Tp=(23, 58, 21, 86, 35) 1
It needs to be printed in descending order.
Select the proper option out of the below given options.
a) sorted(Tp, reverse=True) b) Tp.sorted(reverse=True)
c) sorted(Tp, reverse=False) d) Tp.sorted(reverse=False)
11. How many times the word “Star” will be printed in the following statement 1
S1= “python rocks”
for ch in S1[3:8]:
a) 5 b) 6 c) 12 d) 11
12. Which of the following digital footprints can be created without the user’s 1
a) Active digital footprint. b) Passive digital footprint.
c) Massive digital footprint. d) Interactive digital footprint.
13. Which of the following statement will return error? 1
a. print("Hello" + "Bye") b. print("Hello" + "123")
c. print("Hello" + 123) d. print("456" + "123")
14. Categorize points given below under Ethical and Non-Ethical Hackers and 1
choose the correct option.
i. Disrupt official website networks and infiltrate communication between
two or more parties
ii. Identifying vulnerabilities and security weaknesses within an
organization’s systems and networks
iii. Prevention of cyberattacks and keeping malicious cybercriminals from
accessing and stealing sensitive and privileged data and information
iv. Steal valuable information of company and individual for illegal activity
a. Ethical- i,iv and Non-Ethical- ii, iii
b. Ethical- i,iii and Non-Ethical- ii, iv
c. Ethical- ii,iii and Non-Ethical- i, iv
d. Ethical- ii,iv and Non-Ethical- i, iii
15. After practicals, Srijan left the computer laboratory but forgot to sign off 1
from his email account. Later, his classmate Biren started using the same
computer. He is now logged in as Srijan. He sends inflammatory email
messages to few of his classmates using Srijan's email account. Biren's
activity is an example of which of the following cyber crime?
a. Hacking b. Identity theft c.Cyber bullying d. Plagiarism
16. Draw a logic circuit for : (A.B + C’ )’ 1

Q17 and Q18 are ASSERTION AND REASONING based questions .Mark the correct
choice as
(a) Both A and R are True and R is the correct explanation for A
(b)Both A and R are True and R is not the correct explanation for A
(c) A is True but R is False
(d)A is False but R is True
17. Assertion (A) :- A break statement continues the loop if it lies within a 1
Reasoning (R) :- The else clause of a Python loop executes only when
the loop ends normally , not when the loop is terminating because of a
break statement .
18. Assertion (A) :- Plagiarism is stealing someone else’s intellectual work 1
and representing it as your own work without giving credit to creator .
Reasoning (R) :- Plagiarism encourages individuals to create new
software and promotes investment in the national economy
19. Evaluate the expressions. 2
a) (a+6)**2 > 90 and b<30 where a=4,b=20
b) True and not False or False
20. Convert the following into its equivalent: 2
a) (10110.11)2 = ( ? )10
b) (BAD)16 = ( ? )8
21. Correct the following Boolean statements : 2
(a) X + 1 = X
(b) (A’)’ = A’
(c) A + A’ = 0
(d) (A + B)’ = A.B
22. Rewrite the following code in Python after removing all syntax error(s). 2
Underlineeach correction done in the code.
for i in range(0, len (String)-1)
if String[i]=>"M":
print String[i],"*"
print String[i-1]
23. Select the possible output for the given code in Python. Write the 2
minimum and maximum value „k‟ can have.
import random
data = [“Mumbai”, “Cuttack”, “Kolkata”, “Delhi”]
k=random.randint (2,4)
for j in range(k, k+1):
print (data[j-1], end=‟#‟)
a) Mumbai#Cuttack#Kolkata#Delhi
b) Cuttack#Kolkata#Delhi#
c) Cuttack#Kolkata#
d) Cuttack#Kolkata# Mumbai#
24. E-waste management is becoming a greatest issue in the society. Discus 2
the impacts of e-waste on the environment.
Shreyansh got good marks in all subjects. His father gifted him a laptop.
He would like to make Shreyansh aware of health hazards associated
with excess use of laptop. Help his father to list the points which he
should discuss with Shreyansh.
25. State De Morgan’s laws and prove any oneusing truth table. 2
State and prove distributive law using truth table(any one)
26. Write code snippet for the following operations. 3
a) Create the dictionary with name sale containing following items and
Item Quantity
Washing Machine 50
Fridge 20
TV 80
b) display number of items in the above dictionary
c) Add a new item Oven with quantity 25
d) to increase the quantity off Fridge by 10
e) to display the item with maximum quantity
Study the given code and write the output:
Wd3="Cyber World"
Wd4="cyber world"
print(Wd4.find('W') )
27. WAP in Python that accepts sales and customer number from the user 3
and calculate the net amount which the customer has to pay after availing
discount (if any). The company gives an extra 2% discount on the net
amount to every 50 customers. The discount details given below:
Sales>=10000 the discount will be 35% of sales

Sales<10000 and >=5000 the discount will be 25% of sales
Sales< 5000 and >=1000 the discount will be 15% of sales
Sales< 1000 no discount
28. Write the differences between the following — 3
a) Copyrights and Patents
b) Phishing and Hacking
a) Plagiarism and Copyright infringement
b) Free software and Free and open source software
29. Consider the following string 3
str1='python program'
i) Compare the outputs of statement 1 and statement 2
print(str1[-1:1].upper()+str1[-3:-1]+str1[-1].lower()) -statement 1
print(str1[-3::1].upper()) – statement 2
ii) Give the output
print('abcdef'.find('cd') == 'cd' in 'abcdef')
iii) Formulate the code to accept a string and display each word and it’s
30. AMIT loves to play computer games. Today he came across a new game 3
called “NEED FOR SPEED”. When he tried to get the game from the
developer, the company asked him for a license fee of 2000 INR. Later he
downloaded the game from a third party website without paying any
license fee to the developer. Along with the game, another program got
installed in his PC without his knowledge.
Since then, his PC has been functioning abnormally. He suspects, there
is something wrong.
a. Which type of Software the above game comes under according to its
b. Name the type of Cybercrime, where a person downloads a
game/software without the developers permission.
c. Which kind of Malware attack this could be?
d. What should AMIT do to get rid from this type of threat?

31. a)Predict the output of the Python code given below: 5
L = [100,50,60,90,40,10,30,20,80,70]
L[3] = 50
L1 = L.count(200)

b)Write function definition for the following :

TenTimesEven(Lst) to add and display the sum of ten times of the even
values presentin the list Lst.
Forexample,If the Lstcontain [5,2,3,6,3,4]The method/functionshould
Ten Times of Even Sum : 120 (i.e. 2x10 + 6x10 + 4x10)
Write main to invoke the above functions
32. a) Write a function in Python, Push(kitchendict), where kitchendict is 5
a dictionary containing the details of Kitchen items– {Item:price}.The
function should add the names of those items in a list which have
price less than 100. Also display the average price of elements
added in list.For example: If the dictionary contains the following
The list should contain[“knife”,”Glass”]
The output should be: The average price of an item is 55.0

b) Write definition for the following :

EndingA(Names) to search and display those strings from the list of
Names, which are ending with 'A'. For example, If the Names contain
The method/function should display JAYA TARUNA
33. a)Differentiate between the split () and partition() in string. 5
b) Write a function displayvowel( ) to accept a string and display only
those words, whose first character starts with a vowel.
Example: If the Sentence will be “Ram is not a good human being”
Then output will be: is a
c) Write a function Palindrome() that accepts a string and checks whether
it is a palindrome or not.

34. Abhishek uses computer and mobile for his personal use. Study the 4
following cases and answer the questions given below.
(1) Once he got the message in Whatsapp that CBSE is announcing the
result of class XII tomorrow at 12:00 pm. He forwarded the message to
his few friends. But later he came to know that no such announcement
was there in CBSE official web-site.
(2) He is visiting several web-sites.
(3) He is getting abuse messages from an unknown number due to which
he is thinking of quarrelling with that person.
(4) He registered himself in one website by giving his email id and phone
number but later his friend told him about the concept of digital footprint.
He is now thinking about cancelling the registration so that his personal
information can be deleted from that website.
(5) He uploaded one video in his YouTube channel where he used one
background music downloaded from somewhere on Internet

a. In case (1), he is violating :

A. net etiquettes B. Communication etiquettes
C. copy right D. None of the above

b. In case (2) , he is leaving:

A. Active digital footprint B. Passive digital footprint
C. There is no chance of any digital footprint D. None of the above
c. In case (3), the unknown person can be called as:
A. Cyber Buller B. Internet troll C. Hacker D. Cracker

d. In case (4) which one is correct:

A. His data will be deleted forever after cancelling the registration.
B. His data will be deleted after 30 days since it is a digital footprint.
C. His data will never be deleted since it became the digital footprint.
D. As per the terms and condition of that website, data will be deleted.

e. In case (5), he may be violating:

A. Copyright B. Intellectual property right
C. Plagiarism D. None of the above

35. a)Predict the output of the Python code given below: 4

def Vary(C1,C2):
if C1>C2:
return C1-C2
return C2-C1
NUMBER= [15,12,19,26,18]
for CNT in range (3,0,-1):
print(Vary(A,B),'#', end=' ')

b)Write the output for the below given codes:

for L in range(len(Text)-1,-1,-1):
if Text[L].islower():
elif Text[L].isspace():


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