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I.TITLE: Can artificial intillegence and robotic nurses replaces Operating room Nurses?

The Quasi Experimental

AUTHOR: Eda Ergen, Duygu karaarslan, Seda Sahan, Umran Bingol
SOURCE: Journal of Robotic Surgery (2023) 17:1847–1855


In this study, the focus is on the role of operating room nurses within the healthcare team and their ability to
effectively utilize technology and adapt to innovations. The research, conducted as a single group pre- and past. A
quasi-experimental study in a training and research hospital in western Turkey, to assess the effectiveness of
integrating robotic technologies and artificial intelligence into operating room nursing. The study involved 3 operating
room nurses and data were collected using 3 tools: Nurses descreptive characteristics form, artificial intelligence
knowledge, and artificial intelligennce anxiety scale. The findings indicated a significant increase in knowledge levels
about Al and robotic nurses after training, accompanied by notable rise in anxiety levels related to these technology.


A. To Nursing Practice

The study suggests that OR nurses need targeted training on AI technologies and robotic nurses to actively
engage with future healthcare technologies. Implementing such training can enhance their adaptability to
innovations, ensuring optimal integration of these technologies into nursing practice.

B. To Nursing Education

The findings suggest the necersity of incorporating Al and robotic nursing education in to nursing curricula.
Future nurses should be equipped with the knowledge and skills to navigate evolving technological landscaper.
fastering a camlers integration of AI into healthcare delivery.

C. To Nursing Research

The study highlights a need for further research to address the observed increase in anxiety among oR nurses
after training. Future studies can explore strategies to mitigate anxiety, ensuring a smoother transition and
acceptance of Al and robotic technologies in the healthcare setting.


As a student, this article has Inspired me to actively embrace information technologies, emphasizing the
significance or a proactive approach in professional development. Nurses should not only receive training but also be
empowered to use there technologies actvely, contributing to their effective implementation in heathcate settings.

Checked and Received: (Signature of CI/Date)

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