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lmproving Vertical
Transpo rtati o n Syste ms
By lr. Ke Geok Chuan

Vertical transportation systems which include

lifts and escalators are ubiquitous in our
modern living environment. With advancements
in their operational controls and technologies
come new risks if the regulatory regime does
not keep pace with such changes. Proposals are
made in this article to provide for continuous
improvement for the safety and efficiency of
such systems and the comfort of users. The
article makes reference to the recent falling
lift car incident in one of the public high-rise
apartment blocks. Figure 7: A typical lift arrangement in a modern
building complex
ertical transportation systems (VTS) that
include lift and escalator machines are The number of lifts and escalators that
critical building facilities in today's modern have been installed and in operation have also
built environment. They enable the movement increased manyfold in recent years with the
of passengers from one floor to another with property sector's robust double digit growth.
optimal ease and safety. Continual advancement As a result, governing authorities such as the
and development of their operational controls, Department of Occupational Safety and Health
instrumentation and technology have facilitated are encumbered with a heavy backlog of the
the growth of massive ultra-tall buildings and inspection of lifts and escalators. For example,
structures spanning the global landscape. as reported in the press recently, there are 6,000
lifts in operation in Kuala Lumpur without valid
certificates of fitness.
Current Development

Vertical transportation systems nowadays are Lift lncidents

made to travel at very much higher speeds but are
safer, more efficient and comfortable. The control With reference to the latest high profile incident
of their operations by microprocessors make for involving a lift car falling from a high level to the
quieter and smoother machines. ln Malaysia, they ground level at the PPR Kerinchi Pantai Permai
have to be designed and manufactured to comply public housing flats, I was reassured by my own
with the Iocal regulatory laws and regulations, observations at the scene that the flats are of good
and also with the requirements of recognised design and the lift facilities are suitable for residents'
international codes such as EN 81-20 and use. I spoke with a number of residents of the flats
EN 81-50: 2OL8. and deduced that the underlying issues were related


specifically to breakdowns, maladjustments and Lift machines that are in operation but have
maintenance of the lift machinery. The approved lift not been inspected by the regulator on expiry of
model is imported from overseas and installed by a the certificates of fitness can pose a hazard, risk
registered lift company. and danger to the public. Thus the non-resolution
The machines were, supplied, installed, of the lift inspection backlog is untenable.
commissioned by a registered lift VTS company, Strictly enforcing the existing laws on
and are inspected, examined and repaired by recalcitrant owners and registered VTS companies
the installer's service and maintenance workers. and their competent persons by the authority is
To avoid future serious incidents, registered lift essential. Strong and punitive action should be
companies must be required to have an adequate taken against any owner or registered lift company
number of trained, skilled and competent workers that flagrantly flouts the laws and licensing
and qualified engineers to undertake the jobs. conditions. Where public safety is concerned, no
It is systemic technical problems that favour should be shown to any party that commits
regulators, owners, and the vertical transportation an infraction.
industry have to manage together with proper
mitigation measures put in place. Building Owners
Building owners of VTS need to take ownership to
ensure the machines that are in operation within
Way Forward their premises comply with the laws to ensure that
they are properly maintained, and are safe and
The following measures need to be taken to efficient.
address the problems besetting the local lift (VTS) Every reasonable effort also has to be made
industry sector: by the owner or his representative to ensure that
the servicing, inspection and examination and
Re$ulatory Authorities maintenance of the machines by their appointed
The various authorities responsible should jointly lift registered company are regular and properly
streamline and modernise the existing laws and completed.
inspection regime for VTS to keep pace with the Proper inspection and examination records for
latest technological changes and development. the machinery must be properly maintained for
lf feasible, the authorities should examine the the examination by the relevant authority's officers
possibility of rationalising the VTS enforcement when requested.
and inspection regime and placing them under
the responsibility of the Ministry of Housing and Registered Litt (VTS) Companies
Local Government as they are in France and the Accountability and responsibility shouldered by
Netherlands. registered lift companies and their lift competent
A policy mandate overhaul should be made persons needs to be enhanced and enforced fully
to overcome the lift inspection backlog by the to ensure that they undertake the work diligently,
Department of Occupational Safety and Health professionally and in accordance with the existing
(DOSH) that has been in existence for many laws, and high engineering standards.
years. There is a crucial need for lift inspection Their sub-contractors need to be similarly
to be outsourced to independent inspection qualified and registered with the enforcing
parties as is the case in Singapore to solve the and regulatory authority. All of them need to
lack of manpower. Under this inspection model, demonstrate to the regulators that they have in
Professional Engineers conduct the statutory lift their employment the requisite number of trained,
inspection before the issuance of the certificate skilled and knowledgeable workers, technicians,
of fitness by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). lift mechanics and lift engineers as detailed in
This would be a better option than having the their official submissions. Technical personnel
inspection regime on lifts and escalators being employed by VTS companies should complete their
undertaken by concessionaire holders appointed work volumes as laid down by their management
by the Government. and supervisors.

Fiflure 2: The Block C,PPR Kerinchi

Pantai Permaiflats where the lift
accident was reported.

Figure 3: The typical

arrangement in a lift system.


- is essential that only workers with proper
Skill'3'training and knowledge are employed and
their workers' earnings are commensurate with
their skills certification level.

The company's duty holders shall be held fully been undertaken on them. Nowadays, modern
responsible for any accident or mishap occurring lift machines come with microprocessor and
with lifts under their maintenance and the burden computer controls and advanced technology
of proof will fall upon them to show that they have features. Consequently, the skill levels of the
discharged their duty with care in accordance workers has to be improved and continually
with the required standards as far as reasonably enhanced at regular intervals to keep pace with
practicable. The duty of care will require them the technological changes and developments.
to show proof that the jobs have been properly
and safely undertaken on the machines if any
doubts are raised by the authority during an Conclusion
inspection concerning poor installatlon, poor
quality maintenance and servicing and use of sub- Such timely and important remedial measures
standard parts. as proposed can help to continually improve and
develop the VTS industry further. lt is essential
Workers in the Lift lndustry Sector that only workers with proper skills training and
ln the US, for example, a worker in the VTS industry knowledge are employed and their workers'
needs to start off as a journeyman. During a earnings are commensurate with their skills
four-year mandated period he has to undergo a certification level.
combination of classroom training, attend courses Duty holders and stakeholders should remind
with a standard curriculum and complete a period themselves about the preventable falling lift
of on the job training (OJT). At the end of the incident and ensure proper and safe measures
fourth year, a skills assessment is made and once are taken to prevent a similar occurrence,
completed he is viewed as a certified journeyman including the appropriate operation, inspection,
(skilled lift mechanic). examination and maintenance of such systems on
ln Malaysia, most of the workers are trained their properties at all times. r
in-house by the registered lift firms and not
to the degree and depth commensurate with
the level of skill and knowledge required to REFERENCE
undertake proper servicingi, adjustment, repair Factories and Machinery Act 1-967
and maintenance work on Iift and escalator Factories and Machinery (Electric Passenger and
machinery. Thus the authority needs to bring Goods Lift) Regulations 1970
into effect a regulation requiring all workers in
Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994
the VTS industry undergo suitable, proper, and
systematic skills training. Certification of their EN 81: 20 and EN 81: 50 - Lift Standards
skills should only be made by the Construction
lndustry Development Board. Uniform Building By-laws
Vertical transport machines are only really Street, Drainage and Building(Amendment) Act
safe if the proper standard of maintenance have 7974

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