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Different scales of preparation of drugs

Scales of potentization
[a] scales for trituration
1.decimal scale
2.centisimal scale
[b] scales for succussion
1.decimal scale
2.centisimal scale
3. 50 millesimal

Decimal scale

Discover ;-
Dr. constantine hering in 1836

Principle ;-
First potency should contain 1/10 part of the original drug
and each succeeding potency should contain 1/10 part of
previous potency
Denoting sign
Decimal potency is denoted by ‘x’
1st potency 1x
2nd potency 2x
 It is application usually used to make the lower up to 6x
 It is used in the old method by Hahnemann for
 It is the only scale used in the modern method of
preparation of drug

Process of preparation

[a] liquid potency

 Take clean phial of 15 ml. fitted with a new cork
 Mark the name potency 1x on cork
 Take 1 ml of mother tincture or solution in phial
 add 9 ml of rectified spirit or dispensing alcohol in phial
 1/3 phial should remain empty for succussion
 Cork the phial and give 10 downward strokes
 Ready is 1x potency
All succeeding potency are prepared under this scale by
mixing one part of the preceding to nine part of dispensing

 1st part drug add 9 part sugar of milk
 Triturate for 60 minute ( 3 stage of 20 minute)

Centesimal Scale

Discover ;-
This scale was introduced by Samuel Hahnemann in 1833

This scale is based on principle that first potency should
contain 1/100 part of original drug and each succeeding
potency should contain 1/100th part of the preceding potency

Denoting sign
It is denote by ‘C’ and also denote simple number
Example ;- 1C, 2C, or 100 potency ,200 potency
 This scale is applicable in old method for process of
 This scale is used to make higher potency strength

Process of preparation

[a] Liquid potency

 Take clean phial of 150 ml, fitted with a new cork
 Mark name and potency 1 c on cork
 Take 1 ml of mother tincture or solution in phial
 add 99 ml of rectified spirit or dispensing alcohol in phial
 1/3 phial should remain empty for succussion
 Closed the phial and give 10 downward strokes
 Ready is 1c potency

 1st part drug add 99 part sugar of milk
 Triturate for 60 minute (3 stage of 20 minute)
50 Millesimal Scale

It is a type of scale which is introduced by dr.Hahnemann in
6th edition of organon of medicine

By dr. Hahnemann in 1842 but published in 1921

Ratio ;-
Drug strength
 0/1, 0/2, 0/3,
 M/1, M/2, M/3

In this potency 1 part of drug substance and 49999 part of
 Action of medicine is rapid
 Medicinal aggravation is minimized
 Medicine can be repeated frequently
 Medicine may continued even after improvement

 take 1 grain of 3rd potency of centesimal made by
 add 100 drop dispensing alcohol and 400 drop purified
 form mother tincture for 50 millesimal
 Take 1 drop mother tincture add 100 pure alcohol and
100 downward stock
 Formed 1st potency of 50 millesimal
 Take one globule of previous potency add 100 pure
alcohol and 100 downward stock
 Formed 2nd potency

 minimum homoeopathic aggravation
 quick cure of chronic disease
 frequent repetition of medicine
 for palliative and curative use
 Change from incurable to curable
 Uses for mental disease

 Medicine must be administered in liquid form
 Difficult to preparation

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