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Trang 2

Trang 3
QUESTION SECTION................................................................................................................. 6
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG BẮC GIANG 2022-2023............................................................................ 6
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG BẮC KẠN 2022-2023.................................................................................9
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG BẾN TRE 2022-2023................................................................................ 11
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG CÀ MAU 2022-2023.................................................................................13
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG ĐẮK LẮK 2022-2023...............................................................................14
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG ĐẮK NÔNG 2022-2023........................................................................... 16
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG HÀ NAM 2022-2023................................................................................ 18
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG HÀ TĨNH 2022-2023 (NGÀY 1)..............................................................20
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG HÀ TĨNH 2022-2023 (NGÀY 2)..............................................................22
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG HƯNG YÊN 2022-2023........................................................................... 25
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG KHÁNH HÒA 2022-2023........................................................................ 27
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG KIÊN GIANG........................................................................................... 29
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG NAM ĐỊNH.............................................................................................. 31
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG LONG AN 2022-2023...............................................................................33
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG NGHỆ AN NGÀY 1................................................................................. 35
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG NGHỆ AN NGÀY 2................................................................................. 37
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG PHÚ THỌ..................................................................................................39
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG QUẢNG TRỊ.............................................................................................41
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG THÁI NGUYÊN....................................................................................... 43
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG VŨNG TÀU.............................................................................................. 44
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG YÊN BÁI...................................................................................................46
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG ĐỒNG THÁP............................................................................................47
ANSWER AND DETAILED EXPLANATION........................................................................ 49
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG BẮC GIANG 2022-2023.......................................................................... 49

Trang 4
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG BẮC KẠN 2022-2023...............................................................................54
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG BẾN TRE 2022-2023................................................................................57
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG CÀ MAU 2022-2023.................................................................................61
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG ĐẮK LẮK 2022-2023...............................................................................64
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG ĐẮK NÔNG 2022-2023........................................................................... 66
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG HÀ NAM 2022-2023................................................................................ 70
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG HÀ TĨNH 2022-2023 (NGÀY 1)..............................................................73
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG HÀ TĨNH 2022-2023 (NGÀY 2)..............................................................79
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG HƯNG YÊN 2022-2023........................................................................... 82
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG KHÁNH HÒA 2022-2023........................................................................ 86
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG KIÊN GIANG 2022-2023......................................................................... 89
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG NAM ĐỊNH 2022-2023............................................................................ 93
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG LONG AN 2022-2023...............................................................................96
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG NGHỆ AN 2022-2023 (NGÀY 1).......................................................... 101
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG QUẢNG TRỊ 2022-2023.........................................................................104
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG NGHỆ AN 2022-2023 (NGÀY 2).......................................................... 107
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG PHÚ THỌ 2022-2023............................................................................. 110
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG THÁI NGUYÊN 2022-2023................................................................... 114
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG YÊN BÁI 2022-2023.............................................................................. 116
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG VŨNG TÀU 2022-2023..........................................................................118
ĐỀ CHỌN ĐTQG ĐỒNG THÁP 2022-2023....................................................................... 121

Trang 5
1. Many people no longer trust their own ______ memories and commit every detail of their
lives to some digital device or other and are completely lost without it.

A. controllable B. susceptible C. vulnerable D. fallible

2. The dispute was eventually resolved by a(n) _______ decision of the arbitrator.

A. interested B. uninterested C. disinterested D. uninteresting

3. The dispute was eventually resolved by a(n) _______ decision of the arbitrator.3. Our
company has over 100 branches, ______ in a major urban area.

A. each locating B. the location of which

C. and are locate D. each located

4. The delight in treasure finding doesn’t always ______ acquiring tremendous amounts of

A. dwell on B. poke around C. lay about D. hinge upon

5. Being a ______ entrepreneur, you will have to make a special effort for people to take you

A. fruiting B. budding C. blossoming D. flowering

6. A new generation of performers, _______ those who by now had become household name,
honed their skills before following the same path onto television.

A. no less talented than B. together with talented with

C. along with talented with D. having been more talented with

7. Despite the harsh flow of the stream, she _______ her way through the water.

A. powered B. struck C. directed D. scrambled

Trang 6
8. Global warming has progressed _______ glaciers everywhere are shrinking.

A. too much an extent that B. to such an extent that

C. enough an extent that D. so great an extent that

9. When are we going to get rid of all these empty cartons? They've been ______ up the office
for weeks now.

A. buttering B. clutching C. cluttering D. botching

10. Owning and living in a freestanding house is still a goal of young adults, ______ earlier

A. as did B. as it was of C. like that of D. so have

11. Facebook's shares are ______ after the company launched a new Instagram feature that will
compete with TikTok in the US.

A. holding her thumb B. on high skies C. coming up roses D. on a tear

12. He will be sued for _______ of contract if he does not do what he promised.

A. fracture B. crack C. rupture D. breach

13. My sister was a very _______ woman, one day she would be happy, the next miserable.

A. uncontrollable B. uneven C. temperamental D. dispirited

14. We had _______ cold winter this year, so our heating bills were very high.

A. a reluctantly B. an excessively C. an aimlessly D. a cautiously

15. Henry kept trying to ______ his duties, so his manager told him if he didn’t take
responsibility for his work, he would have to leave the company.

A. beaver away B. clam up C. chicken out of D. weasel out of

16. Sam swore that he would ______ after he figured out that I had started the rumor about him.

A. fight shy of me B. get even with me C. lie heavy on me D. run afoul of me

Trang 7
17. The spokesperson said the information campaign was a ______ to hide the most regressive
tax in history.

A. red tape B. fig leaf C. book cover D. witch cloak

18. It’s urgent ______ of the problem immediately.

A. the personnel manager be informed B. to be informed the personnel manager

C. the personnel manager is being informed D. informing the personnel manager

19. He says he's been investigating my complaint, but I feel he's just ______.

A. going with the flow B. going through the motions

C. going against the grain D. going along with them

20. They are a real ______ organization; they are only interested in making a profit as soon as

A. devil-may-care B. fly-by-night D. down-to-earth

Trang 8
26. It was difficult to __________his handwriting, which was little more than a scrawl.

A. discern B. decode C. decipher D . describe

27. I offered to do the job, but soon found that I was _________, as it was more difficult than I
had thought.

A. pushing up daisies B. knocking on wood

C. off their hands D. in over my head

28. They decided that his story was at best ___________and at worst a downright lie.

A. untrue B. exasperated C. exaggerated D. fallible

29. He has amassed many sports __________ as he is a good all-round sportsman.

A. trophies B. competitions C. rewards D. tournaments

30. The teacher ____________ the boy’s mobile phone until after school, as he was using it
during lessons.

A. commissioned B. collected C. confiscated D. conceded

31. We have a full___________ for this meeting, so any other business should be put off until
next week.

A. timetable B. quota C. house D. agenda

32. He was ___________when I met him: homeless and begging in the streets.

A. devout B. destitute C. despicable D. dormant

33. The NGO relies on ___________ to enable it to carry out its work.

A. promotions B. donations C. reassurances D. pigments

34. The operation itself went smoothly, but _____________ arose, and the patient died shortly

A. injuries B. disease C. distortions D. complications

Trang 9
35. The celebrity temporarily lost her _____________ when someone threw a tomato at her.

A. composure B. confusion C. discretion D. dissolve

36. When we got to the island, we realized that the water was not safe to drink and that
we________ have brought water purification tablets.

A. would B. must C. could D. should

37. Aboriginal traditional art relays tribal or religious customs. Drawings and paintings
________ food, display items available for trading and map the sacred paths of ancestral beings.

A. describe B. portray C. depict D. delineate

38. Mary ___________ her gaze in embarrassment, realizing she’d been staring at the two men
sitting opposite.

A. avoided B. canceled C. concealed D. averted

39. Accident investigators were unable to recover the aircraft’s black box data recorder. Thus, the
exact cause of the crash ________ unknown.

A. keeps B. continues C. remains D. maintains

40. Don’t be friends with bad boys. People think that birds of a feather________ together.

A. flock B. fetch C. fly D. gather

Trang 10
26. Viewers were _______ at the incredible sight of the lunar landscape, unable to take their eyes
off the screen until the very end of the broadcast.

A. switched B. devised C. transfixed D. stifled

27. Having lost her mother at an early age, Mary felt she had become a mere _______, having to
do absolutely everything for her five brothers and sisters.

A. taskmaster B. workmate C. slavedriver D. workhorse

28. Keith’s _______ income looks impressive, but once tax and social security contributions are
deducted, it’s not so much.

A. full B. grand C. net D. gross

29. We have developed rapid order processing to _______ deliveries to customers.

A. expedite B. fasten C. heighten D. quicken

30. The operation was a success, but the patient died of _______.

A. complications B. symptoms C. after-effects D. ramifications

31. Increasing terrorism in the region puts a new _______ on the situation.

A. complexion B. disposition C. outlet D. tantrum

32. If you need help, please don’t hesitate to call me. I can be there _______.

A. in a fix B. in a flash C. in a daze D. in the bag

33. He felt his heart _______ as his bride-to-be began her walk down the aisle.

A. fasten B. quicken C. expedite D. heighten

34. My car broke down and I had to _______ a huge sum of money to have it towed and

A. splash out B. fork out C. put aside D. pay off

35. The candidate’s optimism gave _______ to doubt as the result of exit polls became known.

A. place B. lie C. vent D. voice

Trang 11
36. This week’s programme is given _______ a profile of an eminent scientist.

A. credit for B. in to C. over to D. up on

37. Inspector Morts was determined to get to the _______ of the mystery.

A. ground B. end C. bottom D. point

38. Getting away from the stresses of work would do you a _______ of good.

A. sense B. taste C. virtue D. power

39. If you make it to the final, you will be _______ some of the best sprinters in the world.

A. in for B. up to C. up against D. up with

40. He gave speeches all over the world to _______ support for his “Help the Homeless”

A. trot out B. turn to C. weigh up D. whip up

Trang 12
1. John had a __________ childhood, growing up with happily married parents and three

A. careless B. careful C. carefree D. troubled

2. __________ is the fact of someone having been born into a family that belongs to the highest
social class.

A. Cold blood B. Blue blood C. Bad blood D. Fresh blood

3. Take care that your love for him doesn't _______ your judgment.

A. darken B. topple C. shadow D. cloud

4. I don’t think of myself as being __________ the hill yet. I’m too old.

A. on B. over C. at D. behind

5. I love these pants because they __________ like a glove and they are so comfortable.

A. seem B. are C. fit D. look

6. He was forced to ___________ his pride and ask if he could have his old job back.

A. chew B. vomit C. digest D. swallow

7. I was ___________ surprised by the excellent customer service – that company really cares
about its customers.

A. pleasantly B. totally C. extremely D. quite

8. Most of her books went out of __________ years ago, so we only look for her books in the old

A. order B. print C. work D. stock

9. The name __________ a bell but I couldn’t remember where I heard it before.

A. pressed B. liked C. called D. rang

Trang 13
10. Advertisers often aim their campaigns at young people as they have considerable spending

A. capacity B. energy C. power D. force

11. We’ll need some influential people making out a (an) __________ if we want Congress to
consider changing the law.

A. decision B. case C. online D. mistake

12. Jack is very punctual. You can bet your bottom __________ he’ll be here at 9 o’clock on the

A. money B. credit C. cash D. dollar

13. Without extra help, it’s going to be very difficult to __________ the Friday deadline.

A. meet B. make C. watch D. see

14. We left later than we were supposed to, so it was a race __________ the clock to get to the
airport on time.

A. for B. with C. against D. along

15. We are experiencing a very sharp __________ of hot weather.

A. spell B. blade C. rumble D. gust


26. The way he acted took us by surprise. All he did was at complete _______ with his former

A. disagreement B. variance C. discrepancy D. incompatibility

27. At length, it _______ him that his life wouldn't take a turn for the better unless he left his
present employment.

A. dawned on B. assumed that C. happened to D. realized that

Trang 14
28. Not only is little Johnny's grammar incoherent and his spelling atrocious but also his
punctuation _______.

A. slothful B. sluggish C. heard D. haphazard

29. The comforting news from my sister was a real _______ off my mind.

A. stone B. deal C. load D. mass

30. She said she was disturbed by the shadow of somebody _______ behind the trees.

A. luring B. lurching C. lurking D. launching

31. It’s unlikely he will ever find out how to operate the conveyor belt, but let him at least have
_______ at it.

A. a move B. a go C. a trial D. an effort

32. Don’t push me into helping you in the garden now. I’m completely ______ and feel like
having a short nap.

A. filled up B. worn off C. let out D. done in

33. The fire that broke out in the opera house has dealt a severe _______ to the performance of
The Figaro, which was due next month.

A. failure B. blow C. hitch D. drawback

34. The old lady was becoming increasingly affected by _______.

A. senility B. masculinity C. virility D. chivalry

35. Could you possibly _______ me at the next committee meeting?

A. go back on B. make up for C. stand in for D. keep in with

36. The board president designated a _______ team to tear down the dilapidated building which
jeopardized the passers-by.

A. drenching B. castigating C. contaminating D. demolition

37. The threat of a general strike can only be _______ through government intervention.

A. converted B. averted C. subverted D. diverted

Trang 15
38. The Prime Minister will decide whether to release the prisoner or not; that's his_______.

A. prerogative B. derogatory C. abdication D. humanity

39. “Why haven’t you sent the letter to uncle Jerry?” – “Oh, I’m so sorry, I _______ forgot to do
it yesterday.”

A. fair B. barely C. clean D. only

40. The first amusement park in our city was a _______ success for its owners. Everybody would
go there to have a good time.

A. cracking B. ringing C. sparking D. roaring


21. His driving license has been _________ on the grounds of drinking driving.

A. repealed B. revoked C. nullified D. recalled

22. The Smiths needn’t hurry as there was ______ time for them to get to the airport.

A. ample B. lavish C. extensive D. spacious

23. Congratulations on your success! How does it feel to be_______?

A. the man of the hour B. a word of honor

C. an egg on the face D. the top of the morning

24. The farmer was surprised by the fact that his ______ was so high even though he hadn’t used
chemical fertilizers.

A. crop B. yield C. plantation D. farmstead

25. Don’t get yourself _____ up over such a trivial matter.

A. done B. worried C. whipped D. worked

26. Having delivered a thorough and insightful report, Mark deserves a real ______.

A. slap on the wrist B. peck on the cheek

Trang 16
C. pain in the neck D. pat on the back

27. ______, Mrs. White went back to her room.

A. There was no cause for alarm B. Without having a cause for alarm

C. There being no cause for alarm D. Being no cause for alarm

28. Many diseases that used to be considered ______ of mankind are now easily treatable with

A. scourges B. tortures C. blights D. thorns

29. He answered the teacher’s question so quickly that it seemed as though he had ______ the
answer out of the air.

A. plucked B. grabbed C. snatched D. seized

30. It’s no use ____ publicity one day, and then complaining you’re being hounded by the press
the next day.

A. reaching B. dropping C. getting D. seeking

31. The report was written in technical language, which would have been ________ to most

A. illegible B. irregular C. inarticulate D. incomprehensible

32. The matter has been left in ______ until the legal ramifications have been explored.

A. recess B. suspension C. abeyance D. waiting

33. Accident investigators were unable to recover the aircraft’s black box data recorder. Thus, the
exact cause of the crash ________ unknown.

A. keeps B. continues C. remains D. maintains

34. No decision has been taken about the building of the new airport. The authorities are still

A. beating about the bush B. comparing apples and oranges

C. sitting on the fence D. holding all the aces

Trang 17
35. The discovery of a ______ cancer-causing chemical in foods like crisps, chips and cereals
caused shockwaves around the world when it hit the headlines earlier this year.

A. potentially B. completely C. constantly D. radically


26. I'm not a serious investor, but I like to ______ in the stock market.

A. splash B. splatter C. paddle D. dabble

27. We should never have quarreled like that. Let’s bury the ______and forget all about it.

A. axe B. argument C. hatchet D. subject

28. Her eyes were tired from gazing at the ________ screen of her computer all day.

A. flickering B. twinkling C. glimmering D. sparkling

29. His three years at university were the __________ to a brilliant career.

A. launching-pad B. stepping-stone C. diving-board D. starting-line

30. They spend so much time arguing that, when it comes to the _______, decisions are often

A. crunch B. outcry C. snag D. uproar

31. Maria and Jean had a __________ romance, they met and married within two months.

A. hurricane B. cyclone C. whirlwind D. typhoon

32. After the football match the crowds ________ out of the stadium into the nearest bars and

A. leaked B. poured C. trickled D. dripped

33. I'm afraid we got our _________ crossed, I thought my husband would be picking up the
children and he thought I was doing it.

A. minds B. purposes C. wires D. fingers

Trang 18
34. The consultant called in by the firm brought a ______ of experience to bear on the problem.

A. wealth B. realm C. bank D. hoard

35. We don’t want him to suspect we’re giving him a surprise party. Make sure you don’t

A. break the ice B. kick the bucket C. spill the beans D. sweep the board

36. The designer refuses to gild the ____________, preferring clean, simple lines for his

A. lily B. flower C. rose D. daisy

37. As a public figure, whose life and behavior are the focus of intense public interest, I have
gradually become _____ to criticism and scrutiny.

A. impermeable B. impertinent C. impervious D. imperious

38. There is no need to get so _______about being turned down. There are other advertising
agencies out there, you know.

A. destitute B. descendant C. despondent D. despicable

39. The local authority expressed regret as US drone strike has ______ killed innocent hostages.

A. incongruously B.vehemently C. inadvertently D. graciously

40. It is one thing to simply tell a white lie, James, but you have been downright ______; I will
never be able to trust you again.

A. prudent B. reclusive C. precipitous D. mendacious

Trang 19
26. She’s hopeless at making decisions. She even ___________over which toothpaste to buy.

A. totters B. dodders C. dithers D. falters

27. Have you ever tried to read the guarantee? There’s so much legal _________that it’s
impossible to understand.

A. mumbo jumbo B. bongo bongo C. abracadabra D. okey-dokey

28. Back in 1979, the revolution was in full swing. ______________, not the slightest trace of it

A. Later thirty years B. Thirty years onwards

C. Thirty years away D. Thirty years on

29. I'm a little nervous about starting my graduate degree program, but I'm determined to _____
and give it a go.

A. jump off the deep end B. jump the gun

C. drop off the radar D. drop the ball

30. The candidate was criticized for ____________ a group of people with racial prejudice in
order to get more votes.

A. jostling for B. clearing off C. pandering to D. horsing around

31. Large, black rain clouds ____________ in the sky this morning, signaling an approaching

A. glowered B. scowled C. ruptured D. crouched

32. Dinner was _____________, and the after-dinner entertainment was equally exceptional.

A. ravishing B. despicable C. voluptuous D. delectable

33. He has a(n)____________collection of butterflies which he bought from the local Natural
History museum.

A. reticent B. ponderous C. esoteric D. reciprocal

Trang 20
34. The two houses are _________________to each other and yet they are so differently styled
that you could be forgiven for thinking they were built in completely different eras.

A. contiguous B. munificent C. gregarious D. noxious

35. He was a farmer who had been working in the fields for more than sixty years, but was still

A. all the bit kicking B. alive and well-being

C. all the better D. alive and kicking

36. Raising the price of petroleum will be _____________ to providing hurdles for better
communication and thus the progress.

A. presumptuous B. analogous C. promiscuous D. extraneous

37. Though Mr. Correlli wanted to stay outside and work in his garage, when his wife told him
that he had better come in to dinner, he _____________ to her demands.

A. acquiesced B. adumbrated C. amalgamated D. ameliorated

38. In this book you’re writing, you say that the Pyramids were built after the Titanic sank,
which is _________________.

A. anachronistic B. antediluvian C. archetypal D. assiduous

39. Britain’s __________________of naval might secured the nation’s role as a military power

A. predilection B. propriety C. preponderance D. proclivity

40. The detective was too humble to acknowledge that his ___________________ was the
reason for his professional success.

A. parsimony B. propensity C. pulchritude D. perspicacity

41. I’ll say _______________for him – he never leaves a piece of work unfinished.

A. as much B. a bit much C. this much D. too much

42. John was ____________ a week after the accident, but he has not been able to come to
football practice yet.

Trang 21
A. up and about B. vim and vigor C. life and death D. fingers and thumbs

43. It was only when I saw Manhattan_____________ into the distance beneath and behind me
that I finally began to relax.

A. abating B. withdrawing C. receding D. reversing

44. Although incredibly painful, it proved to be a little more than a hairline _____________,
which would almost certainly have healed up within two or three weeks by itself.

A. break B. crack C. fracture D. wound

45. Still doubtful of the success of the _________ “flying machines”, the writer mused that
“comparatively few of us have any desire to float in the air at a great height from the earth”.

A. Bedraggle B. newfangled C. credentialed D. bespectacled

46. I think I will _____, it is unacceptable for a student to hold a racist attitude towards his

A. tell him a thing or two B. pick his moment

C. tick off on his fingers D. get his brain in gear

47. From the way John is speaking, I suspect he is _____ another piece of cake for his girlfriend.

A. angling for B. alluding to C. sticking D. attesting to


1. It was so embarrassing. We were in the middle of a crowded restaurant when they suddenly
had a _______ row.

A. blazing B. heated C. stormy D. smoldering

2. Stop that tapping, will you? I am trying to concentrate and it is driving me up the _______.

A. wall B. roof C. hill D. house

3. I was in a _______ as to what to do. If I told the truth, he would get into the trouble, but if I
said nothing I would be in more trouble.

Trang 22
A. doubt B. quandary C. hitch D. complexity

4. Everyone was busy with the spring cleaning, except Stanley, who always refused to pull his

A. socks B. weight C. finger D. share

5. If you are so _______ unhappy, why don’t you leave him?

A. wholly B. bitterly C. vastly D. desperately

6. If you want to make it in the field of technology, study hard and stay ahead of the _______.

A. twist B. circle C. spin D. curve

7. Don’t _______ him on to join a gang: nothing could be worse for him!

A. egg B. toast C. butter D. knife

8. I am not surprised that your brother is angry; you spent half an hour _______ him up about an
issue he cares about deeply.

A. spinning B. turning C. winding D. twirling

9. Although usually quite compassionate, the receptionist made a _______ remark that took her
colleagues by surprise.

A. crooked B. cautious C. corrupt D. callous

10. Every time I return to my home town, I always _______ base with a few close friends.

A. tap B. knock C. pat D. touch

11. Once a major politician endorsed the young man’s candidacy, everyone _______ on the
bandwagon and started supporting him, too.

A. walked B. stepped C. jumped D. climbed

12. His talent meant he could create wondrous things, but his _______ meant he hardly ever felt
like working.

A. adversity B. lethargy C. ineptitude D. failure

Trang 23
13. The film shoot suffered a _______ when a hurricane destroyed half the sets.

A. payback B. backhander C. backbone D. setback

14. She never considered going to Thailand before, she traveled there on a _______.

A. whim B. wham C. whine D. while

15. The unpopular prime minister was _______ in the press when she tripped while walking in a
muddy field.

A. slandered B. lampooned C. hounded D. stalked

16. We have a _______ tradition in my house of opening one present the night before Christmas.

A. level-headed B. deep-seated C. time-honored D. sharp-tongued

17. _______ , the diners settled the bill and left the restaurant.

A. Having hunger satisfied B. Their hunger satisfied

C. Hunger been satisfied D. Satisfying their hunger

18. After months of trying to find a cheap flat in the centre of town, he’s finally _______ in the

A. thrown B. swept C. cleared D. polished

19. The clinic experienced an _______ of support from the community when they were
threatened with closure.

A. outbreak B. overflowing C. outbursting D. outpouring

20. I‘ve been working a lot of overtime during the last month because we’ve been _______
under with orders.

A. piled B. flooded C. rained D. snowed

21. I’m sorry I forgot to collect your dry-cleaning, but it completely _______ my mind.

A. jogged B. threw C. crossed D. slipped

Trang 24
22. He kept telling us about his operation, in the most _______ detail.

A. elaborate B. knotty C. graphic D. burning

23. The film still _______ with younger audiences, even after all these years.

A. beats the drum B. rings a bell C. strikes a chord D. hits the right note


26. The boy who was caught _____ candy or little toys many times but was never punished by
his mother grew up to be a thief.

A. snitching B. burgling C. ransacking D. pilfering

27. Some students attempted to _____ the teacher while the others prepared the surprise birthday
party for her.

A. stall B. haul C. swathe D. wane

28. Getting into the third round of the 2022 World Cup is a real _____ for the Vietnam national

A. coup B. deed C.epic D. crusade

29. The luxurious office accentuated the manager's position _______. It enhanced his power and
his sense of his own worth. Also, it made other people feel small.

A. on the pecking pole B. in the nibbling line

C. at the nipping post D. in the pecking order

30. Of course we all love a better-quality fridge, but for a low-income family like us, it’s better to
cut your _____ according to your cloth.

A. cloak B. coat C. clothes D. gloves

31. The number of people traveling by air has been growing _______.

A. by leaps and bounds B. from time to time

C. slow but sure D. by hook and crook

Trang 25
32. My boyfriend refused to climb up the treetop with me because he doesn’t have a _____ for

A. heart B. head C. soul D. foot

33. I have received many warnings about my studies recently and was threatened to be grounded
by my parents. Another low grade this time will be _____ to me.

A. the last straw B. the final nail in the coffin

C. the parting shot D the drop in the bucket

34. I thought willpower was enough to take me to the finish line, but when my muscles got sore
and my body was exhausted, I knew I had _____.

A. hit the deck B. hit the sack C. hit the wall D. hit the roof

35. He was brought up in an educated family but hanging out with the street children has turned
him into a(n) _____ young man with bad manners.

A. uncouth B. profane C. impious D. stoic

36. Demand for the product is expected to peak five years from now and then to ____.

A. taper off B. fall down C. set back D. drift away

37. During the evening football match the stadium was illuminated by ____.

A. spotlights B. flashlights C. highlights D. floodlights

38. The noise from the unruly fans celebrating their team’s victory didn’t _____ until early in the

A. shut off B. give away C. let up D. fall over

39. The modification has been the ____ on the cake for both of us, for a lot of hard work has
gone in to the design and development of the course.

A. chilling B. cooling C. freezing D. icing

40. She expects the political experience gained in this election will stand her in good ____ in her
future career, which, she suggests, could include another campaign.

Trang 26
A. footing B. grounding C. precedent D. stead

41. Don’t be taken in by his lying, ______ words.

A. slack B. scrupulous C. treacherous D. feeble

42. Following years of intense training, the accomplished athlete ______ the medal triumphantly.

A. took off B. went off C. ran off D. carried off

43. Getting up at 8 o’clock was early by her ______.

A. reasons B. standards C. limits D. levels

44. There’s nothing to ______ as it’s a general knowledge quiz.

A. come round to B. face up to C. swot up on D. come up with

45. I had an ambition of getting the First prize in the National Contest, but I knew it was just
_____ in the sky.

A. pig B. star C. buffalo D. pie


26. For busy people in today’s society, lifestyle management is gaining ______.

A. points B. ground C. terrain D. speed

27. She paid for both of us and I ______ her when we got home.

A. set against B. weighed up C. settled up with D. made up for

28. Because Marvin Gaye was a hero of mine, and because his art was so dazzlingly beautiful –
so self-contained, so accomplished, so ______ slick, it took me a while to realize my hero was

A. appreciably B. utterly C. fully D. sorely

29. It’s difficult to think clearly or creatively, to relax or ______, if you live among piles of junk.

A. unwind B. unleash C. unload D. unfold

Trang 27
30. A price war looks likely now that a leading supermarket has thrown down the ______ to its

A. hat B. sword C. gauntlet D. mitten

31. Whether you attend the lecture or not is of little ______ to me.

A. result B. circumstance C. care D. consequence

32. You can’t change your mind now. It’s too late to ______ the deal.

A. back out of B. bear with C. back up D. bear on

33. As the Ice Age advanced and forests died away, to be replaced by windswept savannah,
many herbivores were ______ to change their diets from leaves to grass.

A. coerced B. enforced C. compelled D. necessitated

34. I prefer to practice the violin alone in my bedroom as having other members of the family
listen really ______ my style.

A. impedes B. cramps C. obstructs D. restricts

35. The archeologist was amazed to see that the body hadn’t ______ at all.

A. decomposed B. wasted C. moldered D. undecomposed

36. It’s no wonder the children felt disappointed because first their parents promised to take them
to Disneyland and then they ______ on their word.

A. played down B. drew out C. came off D. went back

37. Public opinion polls show that crime is viewed as one of the most serious problems of many
societies. Yet,______ studies have revealed that the amount of violent crime is overestimated.

A. pervading B. penetrating C. examining D. infiltrating

38. Annually, millions of individuals ______ their luck in casinos at bingo, roulette, dice or card

A. make do with B. take a turn for C. pull rank on D. have a go at

Trang 28
39. There’s no scientific evidence to corroborate the assumption that human existence is so
closely ______ with the parameters of the celestial bodies.

A. intertwined B. adhered C. coalesced D. fused

40. The new political party came to the ______ after the general election.

A. front B. side C. fore D. back


26. You’ve got one last chance to take this exam and pass, so you’d better _________ and do
some work.

A. take off B. scrape through C. knuckle down D. excel at

27. William _________ to becoming a powerful politician and has already started to make his
way in the world of politics.

A. persists B. determines C. aspires D. perseveres

28. There was only _________ evidence; nobody actually saw the man take anything. However,
he was seen leaving the building via CCTV cameras around the time of the robbery.

A. extenuating B. circumstantial C. diminished D. suspended

29. The _________ is responsible for many higher brain functions like language, voluntary
movement and information processing.

A. vocal cord B. cerebral cortex C. nervous system D. cell membrane

30. A well-known _________ journalist uncovered secret documents relating to high levels of
lead in household water supplies.

A. investigative B. observant C. extensive D. accurate

31. I offered to do the job, but soon found that I was _________, as it was more difficult than I
had thought.

A. pushing up daisies B. knocking on wood C. in over my head D. off their hands

Trang 29
32. He asked the question rather _________, as his boss was in a bad mood and he didn’t want to
annoy her.

A. tentatively B. explosively C. provokingly D. insolently

33. The stray dog looked so _________ sitting in the rain that we took pity on it and brought it

A. superficial B. cute C. forlorn D. disturbed

34. The design team were asked to _________ any problems that could affect the new product
before it hit the market.

A. decipher B. elicit C. express D. anticipate

35. Although he came to work the day before his retirement, everyone knew he was just

A. going with the flow B. going through the motions

C. going against the grain D. going along with them

36. Dating Web sites abound, and while some of them may be _________ organizations, others
are truly legit.

A. devil-may-care B. fly-by-night C. open-handed D. down-to-earth

37. He asked us to _________ him while he searched for the book we wanted.

A. hold on B. bear with C. cope with D. wait out

38. Make certain that your headlights are clean and properly aligned so that they do not create an
undesirable _________ in front of you.

A. stare B. glow C. glare D. glitter

39. Make sure your boss is in the right _________ of mind before you discuss any changes with

A. frame B. turn C. set D. way

40. We _________ asked for the roast beef, so why have you brought us lamb?

Trang 30
A. specifically B. decidedly C. solely D. strongly


1. ______ nothing to watch on television last weekend, we sang karaoke together.

A. There being B. Having had C. Had D. There having

2. She could barely survive on the ______ she received as a pension.

A. pittance B. royalties C. turnover D. fortune

3. She ______ and was only acting out of concern for their safety.

A. went back to square one B. went by the board

C. had no axe to grind D. cut no ice

4. A bull is never used twice in a bullfight, mainly because they ______ death at the hands of the

A. find B. meet C. rein D. show

5. The orchestra decided to ______ tradition, and wear their everyday clothes for the concert.

A. flaunt B. flout C. feign D. fend

6. The wife still ______ her beloved husband to this day, 28 years after his sacrifice in World
War II.

A. vies for B. tacks on C. pines for D. pitches into

7. Tom can ______ the names of all the presidents of the US.

A. rattle off B. bubble over C. muddle along D. thrash out

8. It's normal for salaries to be paid monthly ______, meaning you'll need to work four weeks

A. in real terms B. in installments C. in kind D. in arrears

9. It‘s been a ______ winter this year, with temperatures as low as -15°.

A. bitter B. fetid C. fervent D. sharp

Trang 31
10. There may be a ______ of truth in what these kids say even though they are just primary

A. pinch B. kernel C. speck D. crux

11. As well as criticizing the omissions in the sample studied, local scientists ______ some of the
health evidence.

A. paid homage to B. paid tribute to C. took issue with D. made amends for

12. I was enjoying a lazy Sunday so my spirits ______ when I saw Aunt Agnes heading up the

A. shriveled B. plummeted C. declined D. dwindled

13. My brother can be unreliable at times but when it ______, I know I can depend on him to
help me.

A. comes to a crunch B. toes the line

C. goes off the rails D. runs its course

14. Most people are ______ to believe that girls and boys play certain toys when they are young.

A. hardened B. accustomed C. conditioned D. acclimatized

15. There is always a ______ of journalists waiting for the actors and actresses when they arrive
at the event.

A. mob B. gaggle C. clique D. legion

16. Even if the authorities want to develop this area, it is unjustifiable that they ______ over the
concerns of the local community.

A. lock horns B. pour cold water C. dig dirt D. ride roughshod

17. After winning the lottery, they moved into a more ______ house in a high-class residential
area and had a more comfortable life.

A. well-attended B. well-built C. well-appointed D. well-disposed

Trang 32
18. In the end, it ______ that the champion didn‘t get the prize by himself but thanks to his
intimate relationship with the judge panel.

A. befell B. transpired C. issued D. occurred

19. The engineer ______ the machine with a hammer and, miraculously, it roared back to life.

A. slapped B. smacked C. whacked D. punched

20. Jamie went tearing down the road as fast as his legs would ______ him.

A. bring B. support C. carry D. transport


1. There’s a big sports hall for tennis and badminton and the_______to the east of this town.

A. same B. like C. such D. similar

2. I don’t think it would be wise to try to make Max change his mind about selling that house.
Well, in his place I ________it at all.

A. would never buy B. shouldn’t have bought

C. needn’t have bought D. would never have bought

3. A common cause of_______ is the use of untreated water in preparation for foods, which is
quite common in certain underdeveloped countries.

A. displeasure B. malnutrition C. eupepsia D. dysentery

4. Can’t always be elegant; sometimes I enjoy wearing_______clothes.

A. scintillating B. scruffy C. shallow D. sarcastic

5. The regular appearance of sex and violence on television undoubtedly has a_______
influence on teenagers.

A. precipitous B. parsimonious C. pernicious D. propitious

6. Diagnosed with tumor in the brain, she refused to meet her_______ but turned to religion for

Trang 33
A. paleontologist B. oncologist C. entomologist D. seismologist

7. Our city has developed into a big city, which is _______it used to be.

A. four times the size larger than what B. four times larger than that

C. as four times the size as that D. four times the size of what

8. The hippopotamuses spend the hot day joyously______in the mud on the banks of the river.

A. wallowing B. strolling C. wading D. stroking

9. Mary is a slow worker, but to give her her_______, she does try very hard.

A. account B. view C. vow D. due

10. Shareholders used the conference as an opportunity to________ their spleen on the Board of

A. vent B. exhaust C. unleash D. clean

11. We all believe Henry will never get married — he's the stereotypical ______ bachelor.

A. settled B. confirmed C. fixed D. determined

12. Bob couldn’t________a mustache to the photo of his Headmaster in the newspaper.

A. resist to add B. resist adding C. resist for adding D. resist from adding

13. ________ hundreds of people dead during the evacuation from the war-torn area in the
Middle East.

A. It is estimated to be B. There is estimated to be

C. There are estimated to be D. It is estimated that

14. When my mother was in hospital, I was busy, so I had to see her not every day

A. other day B. the other day C. some day D. every other day

15. ‘It’ll be fine,’ she replied, with a _______ shrug.

A. steadfast B. nonchalant C. churlish D. malicious

Trang 34
16. Sadly, the old man’s _______means that he can’t be left alone even for a few minutes.

A. mindlessness B. sanity C. senility D. disruption

17. The_______ youngster had four operations during her long battle against the illness.

A. plucky B. gregarious C. compassionate D. bubbly

18. Finding the piece of paper I need in this huge pile of documents is like looking for a_____.

A. salt of the earth B. sand in the desert

C. needle in a haystack D. drop in the ocean

19. I adore walking around the old city of Venice – just _______ the atmosphere!

A. heading for B. soaking up C. getting in D. pulling up

20. We seem to have got our______crossed. I thought you were coming on Tuesday.

A. boots B. shoes C. fingers D. wires


26. Mary is perceived by her boss as __________ on the grounds that she lacked both knowledge
and handson experience.

A. a clean slate B. a blank slate C. a rap sheet D. a white paper

27. The avenue, which convenes general meetings per annum, will be renovated to perfection
with several __________.

A. plucks B. tweaks C. twitches D. snatches

28. Four students were officially expelled for ____________ school within 6 days in a row.

A. tapering off B. bunking off C. plowing back D. hunkering down

29. A sense of responsibility should be ____________ early into children's mindset.

A. inculcated B. cogitated C. precipitated D. infiltrated

Trang 35
30. Why people call him a ____________ is clearly manifested in his immense wealth of
technical knowledge.

A. recluse B. vagrant C. savant D. maverick

31. In an attempt to ___________ for the footballers, the hooligans started shouting noisily and
distracting them with clanking sounds.

A. play footsie B. queer the pitch C. run rings D. pull up stakes

32. The children were ___________ with laughter in the schoolyard at the sight of one of the
teachers trying to catch the school guinea pig.

A. sobbing B. howling C. squawking D. bawling

33. The severity of air pollution was exacerbated by the __________ effect of human

A. amassing B. blowing C. formulative D. cumulative

34. Tommy ____________ the delusion that he served the most decisive role in handling the
issue when indeed, his contribution was only modest.

A. rattled off B. shot through C. reeled off D. laboured under

35. I can't see the point of trying to settle the dispute between those two institutions because
you'll just be papering over the ___________

A. cracks B. fissures C. splits D. divisions

36. Ham has done ___________ historical detective work, and his book deservedly will become
a staple in the history of the religion clauses.

A. reprehensible B. pretentious C. prodigious D. recalcitrant

37. Unlike his hard-working brother, unambitious Jimmy ___________ all day long in his sleep
suits and wanders aimlessly around the house.

A. jacks around B. flashes around C. slops around D. slap about

38. During our walk along the beach, we noticed the shifting reflections on the ___________
surface of the water.

Trang 36
A. undulating B. unfaltering C. undiscriminating D. unflinching

39. Her large blue-green eyes were calm and the curves of her ___________ frame were
complemented by the cut and drape of the dress.

A. slender B. scrawny C. lanky D. gaunt

40. There was one vent in the ceiling, not large enough for her hand ___________ her body.

A. whereupon B. by extension C. let alone D. hitherto


26. The untimely death of Angeline's mother caused her a __________ pit of great sorrow.

A. everlasting B. immeasurable C. bottomless D. boundless

27. Peter was beset with challenges created from the disaster but he still managed to
____________ all problems and carry on.

A. tower above B. rise above C. put above D. punch above

28. Suzy ____________ Jack a suspicious glance as his behaviors were fishy and bizzare.

A. dawdled B. darted C. dawned D. slogged

29. Though what she said appeared incredible, the whole class believed it ____________.

A. above the fray B. under orders

C. hook, line and sinker D. not by a long shot

30. The journalists kept throwing the mayor a __________ by digging deep into his private

A. spanner B. lifeline C. curveball D. knife-edge

31. Given both businessmen‘s antagonism towards each other before, their relationship becomes
more notoriously __________ and the negotiation is likely to collapse.

A. fractious B. fictitious C. factitious D. fastidious

Trang 37
32. That mysterious whispering sound in the middle of the night sent __________ down her

A. stitches B. butterflies C. jitters D. shivers

33. Most American females were disgruntled and __________ against the newlypassed
anti-abortion laws.

A. grumbled B. upbraided C. inveighed D. whinged

34. Given the Green project's wise investment and solid support gained from the public, it is
anticipated that this plan will __________.

A. bubble under B. bump up C. bunch up D. plow through

35. Far from sidestepping the issue, she should _________________ and seek alternative

A. jump out of her skin B. snap her head off

C. shake it to her foundations D. batten down the hatches

36. Considering that this is an opportune moment, she grabbed the __________ and managed to
attract some potential investors.

A. brass neck B. brass ring C. brass tack D. brass monkey

37. Having been informed of an armed robbery, the police came swiftly and ___________ the

A. jerked out B. hived off C. bashed down D. scraped out

38. Despite committing serial heinous crimes, he was declared ___________ insane and thus,
was granted acquittal.

A. criminally B. unprincipledly C. ethically D. underhandedly

39. That Tim curries favor the high-profile authorities clearly shows that he is a ___________.

A. plaintiff B. sycophant C. charlatan D. neophyte

Trang 38
40. The visitors ___________ slowly down the street and relished all historic sights.

A. lumbered B. cantered C. sauntered D. plodded


26. The team defended ______, but the opposition was too strong.

A. ferociously B. fervently C. frantically D. frenetically

27. Without discipline, students may think that they have the ______ to do whatever they want.

A. licence B. autocracy C. prerogative D. dispensation

28. After the fraud scandal, the famous singer had to make great efforts to ______ his reputation.

A. reinforce B. leverage C. retrieve D. salvage

29. After wasting almost a month, we ______ by working from dusk till dawn to meet the

A. ran ourselves into the ground B. played hard ball

C. rubbed shoulders with each other D. kept our body and soul together

30. The proposed shopping centre has ______ an angry response from local residents.

A. dished up B. given off C. churned out D. called forth

31. Much as I like Literature, I cannot stand my teacher’s voice-slow, emotionless and without

A. inflation B. reflection C. inflection D. infliction

32. I never tell my sister anything because I know she will definitely ______ it out.

A. split B. blurt C. slip D. gush

33. Negotiations went ______, but we did manage to reach an agreement on the contract by the

Trang 39
A. down to the short strokes B. down for the count

C. down to the ground D. down to the wire

34. The coastguard duties included patrolling paths at the top of high and sheer cliffs - not a job
for the ______.

A. faint-hearted B. weak-willed C. light-headed D. bloody-minded

35. There is always a ______ of journalists waiting for the actors and actresses when they arrive
at the event.

A. clique B. gaggle C. guard D. legion

36. All the other people at the meeting, without exception, were wearing suits and ties. In my
jeans and tee-shirt I stuck out like a ______ thumb.

A. swollen B. sore C. throbbing D. wounded

37. Dinner was ______, and the after-dinner entertainment was equally exceptional.

A. delectable B. despicable C. voluptuous D. ravishing

38. I bumped into John in Athens and he ______ me before I had time to speak first.

A. accosted B. jarred C. brawled D. jolted

39. No, Mum! I didn’t eat the rest of the chocolate cake - ______!

A. feel it in my bones B. cross my heart

C. keep a straight face D. have a strong stomach

40. My aunt has always loved solitude. So, she would ______ live alone as share an apartment
with other people.

A. as much B. so much C. as soon D. sooner

41. I’m sorry to ______ from your computer, but I need your help.

A. rip you off B. cut you out C. tear you away D. pack you off

42. He said he was going to do the parachute jump, but just at the last moment he ______.

Trang 40
A. chickened out B. rabbited on C. sparrowed back D. lambed off

43. When Mark comes back from sick leave, you’ll have to ______ on what’s been happening in
his absence.

A. bring him up B. carry him on C. catch him up D. fill him in

44. Before your children start spending most of their free time in front of the television or
computer, ______. Encourage them to read!

A. clip it in the bloom B. curb it in the shoot

C. check it in the sprout D. nip it in the bud

45. They have terrible management. But if they could ever ______ together, they would be an
unbeatable company.

A. set their show B. get their act C. put their play D. do their number


26. It was an extremely hostile article which cast _______ on the conduct of the entire cabinet.

A. criticism B. aspersions C. disapproval D. abuse

27. The chef ______ the cake in the refrigerator overnight so it would be cold.

A. thawed B. simmered C. seared D. chilled

28. Medical scientists are just now ______ of this disease.

A. settling B. experimenting C. emerging D. probing

29. All the participants solemnly______ on the Bible to keep the secret.

A. cursed B. swore C. vowed D. promised

30. A______ of interest briefly crossed his face at the mention of her name.

A. flicker B. trace C. gleam D. hint

Trang 41
31. The extremely ______ weather was beginning to get on everyone’s nerves.

A. bland B. dreary C. dim D. gluey

32. Jim had to overcome a great deal of______ to finally achieve his academic goals.

A. differentiation B. vigilance C. adversity D. endeavor

33. In some countries the cinema industry receives a ______from the State.

A. donation B. mortgage C. credit D. subsidy

34. He always _______ back to his childlike manner when he's around his mother.

A. revolves B. retains C. reverts D. restores

35. She had ______ reaction to the medicine and broke out in a rash.

A. an adverse B. a reverse C. a converse D. an inverse

36. During winter the shelters are full of people of no fixed _______

A. residence B. abode C. home D. domicile

37. Young children often ask many questions because they are naturally _______ .

A. intriguing B. inquisitive C. ingenious D. captivating

38. The matter has been left in _______ until the legal ramifications have been explored.

A. recess B. suspension C. abeyance D. waiting

39. I am in the _______ as to where Chris was last night.

A. dark B. shade C. pink D. black

40. Jane is a sympathetic listener. She lent me a(n) _______ when I lost my job.

A. mind B. mouth C. ear D. eye

Trang 42
26. The job wasn’t giving the ______ of the experience he wanted.

A. width B. depth C. length D. breadth

27. I suppose I could ______ advertising.

A. catch on B. get out of C. go in for D. work out

28. The storm ripped our tent to ______.

A. slices B. shreds C. strips D. specks

29. The ______ of two houses prove such a financial burden that they were forced to sell one.

A. upshot B. upkeep C. uproar D. upsurge

30. In his student days, he was as poor as a church ______.

A. beggar B. miser C. mouse D. pauper

31. Harry doesn’t ______ to great fame and fortune, he just wants to make a decent living.

A. crave B. hanker C. yearn D. aspire

32. I wrote to them a fortnight ago but ______ I haven’t had a reply.

A. as yet B. these days C. so long D. just now

33. I couldn’t stop myself from ______ with boredom during the lecture.

A. sighing B. gasping C. panting D. blowing

34. She didn’t show even a ______ of emotion when the court found her guilty.

A. gleam B. wink C. flicker D. flash

35. It’s not surprising that he became a writer because he always longed to see his name______.

A. in type B. in print C. in letters D. in edition

36. The police are looking into new ways of ______ major crime.

A. contending B. wrestling C. combating D. striving

Trang 43
37. The technological and economic changes of the 19th century had a marked ______ on

A. cause B. effect C. impact D. consequence

38. The first sign of vitamin A disorder is night ______.

A. loss of sight B. lack of vision C. invisibility D. blindness

39. The ______ are against her winning a fourth consecutive gold medal.

A. chances B. bets C. prospects D. odds

40. References can have a considerable ______ on employment prospects.

A. cause B. decision C. weight D. bearing


21. The doctor was_________ about when I could drive again after I had worn a plaster for two

A. sinister B. non-committal C. invincible D. unctuous

22. On the threshold of adulthood, it’s normal for a teenager to go through a period
of__________ with uncertainty and many worries dominating their minds.

A. epitome B. acquittals C. attenuation D. perturbation

23. It is important for world leaders to_________ and honor their commitments on global

A. batten down the hatches B. step up to the plate

C. jump on the bandwagon D. go down to the wire

24. As you have matured into a man, stop _________ your parents and go out to find a job.

A. drilling in B. blotting out C. harping on D. battening on

Trang 44
25. Coming home with a broken heart, he sank back on his pillow and fell into a_________, not
noticing my talking to him.

A. rabbit warren B. bottomless pit C. brown study D. heavy going

26. There is no point in challenging Tom in tennis, he is the reigning champion and he will
______with you.

A. mop the floor B. pits his wits C. keep his shirt on D. push up daisies

32. The candidate _________ nervously up and down waiting to be called for the interview.

A. marched B. paced C. strutted D. plodded

27.Those openly _________their wealth show nothing but a shallow mind and a contemptible
dignity of themselves.

A. eliciting B. flaunting C. reviling D. exerting

28. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but I accidentally heard of this odd __________ of conversation
on the bus.

A. buzz B. hum C. snippet D. snatch

29. Although the king has abdicated the throne in his son’s favor, he still rules the

A. de facto B. de jure C. de-pronto D. jamais vu

30. Her life at last returned to __________ of normality after such a long period of complete

A. semblance B. vestige C. inkling D. portent

31. James Conrad was described as a(n) _________ explorer who would always be willing to
venture into the most dangerous corners for new discoveries despite all the risks.

A. obnoxious B. staunch C. stalwart D. audacious

32. By the time the traffic jam cleared up, we were pretty _________ off.

A. palmed B. browned C. nodded D. fobbed

Trang 45
33. During the earthquake, the land dropped ________ down to the rocky shore.

A. precipitously B. immaculately C. categorically D. unequivocally

34. It looks like she’s really _________ with her successful new business.

A. closing a deal B. moving on up C. breaking it even D. raking it in


26. We saw ______ details of the disaster on television last night.

A. elaborate B. knotty C. graphic D. burning

27. She was furious and looked ______ at him.

A. daggers B. knives C. swords D. blades

28. Clare has always had a ______ on her shoulder about not going to university.

A. cut B. mark C. stain D. chip

29. Until business improves, the firms are only going to employ a ______ staff.

A. skeleton B. bare C. reduced D. limited

30. I know you’re nervous because you haven’t stopped ______ since you came in.

A. fidgeting B. dawdling C. pestering D. stretching

31. Some romantic novelists ______out books with the same old formula every year.

A. churn B. spill C. ladle D. pour

32. The baby ______ with delight when her father bounced her on his knees.

A. oozed B. gurgled C. dribbled D. wheezed

33. Come on. Spill the ______ ! What's the big secret?

A. peas B. beans C. milk D. dust

34. The claims the woman made had a ______ of truth about them.

A. ring B. mark C. shade D. circle

35. Please don't ______ fun at me all the time!

Trang 46
A. push B. poke C. pitch D. prod


26. What I hate about this game is that the ending is just a(n) _________ of choice – no matter
what you choose to do, the game concludes in the same way.

A. mirage B. delusion C. illusion D. fantasy

27. He punched his own son in the face in a _________ of anger.

A. lapse B. blow C. fit D. crack

28. Successful people are always ready to seize an opportunity whenever it _________ itself.

A. reveals B. appears C. displays D. presents

29. Many people feel that President Donald Trump is, whether by accident or _________,
starting a war with Iran.

A. design B. intent C. purpose D. motive

30. I’d like to hear your _________ on the problem, just to get an idea of what you’re thinking.

A. reach B. hold C. grasp D. take

31. The old man _________ his fist and waved it angrily at the naughty children.

A. clutched B. clenched C. contracted D. constricted

32. He confessed his love for her with as much courage as he could _________ up.

A. ordered B. evoked C. aroused D. summoned

33. People came from _________ to take part in the peace demonstration in Washington.

A. round and round B. out and about C. there and back D. far and wide

34. They thought of selling up and moving to Australia, but decided to stay and try to make
_________ the business.

A. do with B. out C. a go of D. up for

Trang 47
35. She didn't show even a _________ of emotion when the court found her guilty.

A. gleam B. wink C. flicker D. flash

36. Jane didn't take _________ to your suggestion that she was mean with her money.

A. pleasantly B. kindly C. cheerfully D. agreeably

37. Catherine Rhodes is considered to be one of the big _________ in the fashion industry.

A. rifles B. guns C. pistols D. weapons

38. The school has a _________ tolerance policy on the use of mobile phones during school

A. never B. none C. zero D. nil

39. I would give up my job _________ if only I could find a better one.

A. on the spur of the moment B. on the dot

C. at one swoop D. at the drop of a hat

40. _________, pretending to be soldiers.

A. Around the park were the children marching B. The children marching around the park

C. Marching around the park were the children D. Around the park marching were the children

Trang 48
1. Many people no longer trust their own ______ memories and commit every detail of their
lives to some digital device or other and are completely lost without it.

A. controllable B. susceptible C. vulnerable D. fallible

- Controllable(adj) : that can be controlled

- Susceptible(adj) : very likely to be influenced, harmed or affected by something or easily
influenced by feelings or emotions
- Vulnerable (adj): weak and easily hurt physically or emotionally Fallible (adj): able to
make mistakes or be wrong

- Fallible memory : trí nhớ dễ sai lầm , không đáng tin cậy (tức là bộ nhớ của chúng ta
không phải lúc nào cũng đáng tin cậy và có thể mắc phải sai sót, sự biến dạng hoặc mất
mát thông tin.)
2. The dispute was eventually resolved by a(n) _______ decision of the arbitrator.

A. interested B. uninterested C. disinterested D. uninteresting

- Uninterested (adj):not interested; not wanting to know about somebody/something

- Disinterested (adj): not influenced by personal feelings, or by the chance of getting some
advantage for yourself
- Uninteresting (adj): not attracting your attention or interest; not interesting disinterested
decision : quyết định không thiên vị , khách quan
3. Our company has over 100 branches, ______ in a major urban area.

A. each locating B. the location of which

C. and are locate D. each located

4. The delight in treasure finding doesn’t always ______ acquiring tremendous amounts of

A. dwell on B. poke around C. lay about D. hinge upon

Trang 49
- Dwell on (phrasal verb):to think or talk a lot about something, especially something it
would be better to forget
- Poke around (phrasal verb): to look for something, especially something that is hidden
among other things that you have to move
- Lay about sb with sth : to attack someone violently with sth Hinge upon (phrasal verb): to
depend on something completely
5. Being a ______ entrepreneur, you will have to make a special effort for people to take you

A. fruiting B. budding C. blossoming D. flowering

- Budding (adj) : beginning to develop or become successful Flowering (n) : the time when
a plant has flowers
6. A new generation of performers, _______ those who by now had become household name,
honed their skills before following the same path onto television.

A. no less talented than B. together with talented with

C. along with talented with D. having been more talented with

- No less talented than : không kém tài năng so với

7. Despite the harsh flow of the stream, she _______ her way through the water.

A. powered B. struck C. directed D. scrambled

- Power (v) to act with great strength or in a forceful way

- Strike (v) to hit or attack sb or sth violently and forcefully Direct(v) to aim sth in a
particular direction
- Scramble(v) to climb or move quickly but with difficulty , often using your hands to help
8. Global warming has progressed _______ glaciers everywhere are shrinking.

A. too much an extent that B. to such an extent that

C. enough an extent that D. so great an extent that

- To such an extent (phrase) : so much

Trang 50
9. When are we going to get rid of all these empty cartons? They've been ______ up the office
for weeks now.

A. buttering B. clutching C. cluttering D. botching

- Butter sb up (phrasal verb) : to flatter sb , to be very kind and friendly to sb or try to

please sb so that the person will do what you want them to do
- Clutter sth up : to mess sth up , to fill sth or some place up with too many things, to fill a
space in a disorderly way
- Botch up : to spoil sth by doing it badly
10. Owning and living in a freestanding house is still a goal of young adults, ______ earlier

A. as did B. as it was of C. like that of D. so have

11. Facebook's shares are ______ after the company launched a new Instagram feature that will
compete with TikTok in the US.

A. holding her thumb B. on high skies C. coming up roses D. on a tear

- Hold one’s thumb : to maintain hope that something will happen or be the case
- Coming up roses (idiom) : happening successfully
- On a tear : having great success over a period of time Example : the economy is on a tear
12. He will be sued for _______ of contract if he does not do what he promised.

A. fracture B. crack C. rupture D. breach

- Breach of contract (collocation): vi phạm hợp đồng

13. My sister was a very _______ woman, one day she would be happy, the next miserable.

A. uncontrollable B. uneven C. temperamental D. dispirited

- Uneven (adj) not level, equal, flat, or continuous

- Temperamental (adj) suddenly changing mood or emotion
- A temperamental person refers to a person whose mood changes quickly and suddenly
- Dispirited (adj) : not feeling much hope about a particular situation or problem

Trang 51
- Comment : Actually the official answer from Bac Giang province was B (uneven) but I
find it unreasonable, my suggestion would be C (temperamental) as it sounds more
suitable to the context of the sentence
14. We had _______ cold winter this year, so our heating bills were very high.

A. a reluctantly B. an excessively C. an aimlessly D. a cautiously

- Reluctantly (adverb) : in a way that shows that you are hesitant and unwilling to do sth
and are therefore slow to do it
- Excessively (adverb) : in a way that is too much
- Aimlessly (adverb) : in a way that is aimless (not clear purposes , intentions ,objectives)
- Cautiously (adverb) : in a well-considered and careful way
15. Henry kept trying to ______ his duties, so his manager told him if he didn’t take
responsibility for his work, he would have to leave the company.

A. beaver away B. clam up C. chicken out of D. weasel out of

- Beaver away (phrasal verb) : to work hard for a long time

- Clam up (phrasal verb) : to become suddenly silent as you don’t want to discuss a
particular topic anymore or you are embarrassed and nervous
- Chicken out (phrasal verb): to decide not to do sth as you are frightened
- Weasel out of (phrasal verb) : to escape responsibility for sth , usually in a dishonest way
(trốn tránh trách nhiệm)
16. Sam swore that he would ______ after he figured out that I had started the rumor about him.

A. fight shy of me B. get even with me C. lie heavy on me D. run afoul of me

- Fight shy of (idiom) : try to avoid sth

Ex : before this course , I’d always fought shy of technology
- Get even with sb (idiom) : to do sth equally badly to sb who has done something bad to
- Lie heavy on sb (idiom) : to make sb unhappy
- Run afoul of sth (idiom) :to do sth that you are not allowed to do especially breaking a
rule or law

Trang 52
17. The spokesperson said the information campaign was a ______ to hide the most regressive
tax in history.

A. red tape B. fig leaf C. book cover D. witch cloak

- Red tape (n): official rules and processes that are unnecessary and delay results
- Fig leaf (n):something that hides something else,especially something that is dishonest or
18. It’s urgent ______ of the problem immediately.

A. the personnel manager be informed B. to be informed the personnel manager

C. the personnel manager is being informed D. informing the personnel manager

The answer is A because this sentence belongs to “subjunctive with adjectives”

Formation: It + to be + adj + that + S + V-inf
19. He says he's been investigating my complaint, but I feel he's just ______.

A. going with the flow B. going through the motions

C. going against the grain D. going along with them

- Go with the flow : to do what other people are doing or to agree with other people
because it is the easiest thing to do
- Go through the motions : to do something without thinking it is very important or having
much interest in it ( làm cho qua)
- Go against the grain : If something goes against the grain , you would not usually do it
because it would be unusual
- Go along with sb/sth (phrasal verb) : to support an idea , or to agree with someone’s
20. They are a real ______ organisation; they are only interested in making a profit as soon as

A. devil-may-care B. fly-by-night D. down-to-earth

- Devil-may-care (adj) : not considering or worrying about the results of your actions (thái
độ bất cần)

Trang 53
- Fly-by-night (adj) : unreliable or untrustworthy , especially in business or financial
- Open-and-shut (adj) easy to prove or answer (legal matter and problem)
- Down-to-earth (adj) practical , reasonable , and friendly


26. It was difficult to __________his handwriting, which was little more than a scrawl.

A. discern B. decode C. decipher D . describe

- Discern : to see, recognize, or understand something that is not clear

- Decode : to discover the meaning of information given in a secret or complicated way, to
understand the meaning of a word or phrase in a foreign language in the correct way
- Decipher :to discover the meaning of something hard to understand or which contains a
hidden message
-> Giải mã, đọc mật mã, giải đoán (chữ khó xem ,chữ viết xấu,chữ cổ,….)
27. I offered to do the job, but soon found that I was _________, as it was more difficult than I
had thought.

A. pushing up daisies B. knocking on wood

C. off their hands D. in over my head

- Be pushing up (the) daisies: to be dead

- Knock on wood (UK touch wood) : said in order to avoid bad luck, either when you
mention good luck that you have had in the past or when you mention hopes you have for
the future off one’s hands: no longer needing to be looked after etc
- Be in over your head: to be involved in a difficult situation that you cannot get out of
28. They decided that his story was at best ___________and at worst a downright lie.

A. untrue B. exasperated C. exaggerated D. fallible

- Untrue (a) :Không đúng

- Exasperated (a) : annoyed, especially because you can do nothing to solve a problem

Trang 54
- Exaggerated (a) : seeming larger, more important, better, or worse than it really is (phóng
đại )
- Fallible (a) : able or likely to make mistakes
29. He has amassed many sports __________ as he is a good all-round sportsman.

A. trophies B. competitions C. rewards D. tournaments

- Trophy (n) :giải thưởng ,cúp (thể dục ,thể thao)

- Tournament( n) :cuộc đấu (thể dục , thể thao)
- Reward (n) : tiền thưởng, vật thưởng, sự thưởng công - amass many sports trophy : tích
lũy nhiều cúp thể thao
30. The teacher ____________ the boy’s mobile phone until after school, as he was using it
during lessons.

A. commissioned B. collected C. confiscated D. conceded

- Commission (v) :to formally choose someone to do a special piece of work, or to

formally ask for a special piece of work from someone
- Confiscate (v) :to take a possession away from someone when you have the right to do
so, usually as a punishment and often for a limited period, after which it is returned to the
owner (tịch thu )
- Concede (v) :to admit, often unwillingly, that something is true
31. We have a full___________ for this meeting, so any other business should be put off until
next week.

A. timetable B. quota C. house D. agenda

- Full house : a situation in which every seat in a cinema, theatre, concert, etc. is filled
32. He was ___________when I met him: homeless and begging in the streets.

A. devout B. destitute C. despicable D. dormant

- Devout (adj) : believing strongly in a religion and obeying all its rules or principles
- Destitute (adj) : without money, food, a home, or possessions
- Despicable (adj):very unpleasant or bad, causing strong feelings of dislike
- Dormant (adj) :(of things) not active or growing, but having the ability to be active at a
later time

Trang 55
Comment : There are many answer keys claiming that “D” is the correct answer, I personally
can’t understand why that is. My suggestion would be “B” as “destitute” refers to a situation
where you don’t have any money, food, or home…… while “dormant” means “in a way that is
inactive” for example volcanoes . Sometimes, even the official answer gives out the incorrect
33. The NGO relies on ___________ to enable it to carry out its work.

A. promotions B. donations C. reassurances D. pigments

- Pigment (n) :sắc tố

- Donation (n) : tiền quyên góp
- Reassurance(countable, n) :something that is said or done to take away a person’s fears or
- Promotion (n) : a move to a more important job or rank in a company or an organization
34. The operation itself went smoothly, but _____________ arose, and the patient died shortly

A. injuries B. disease C. distortions D. complications

- Distortion (n) :biến dạng

- Complication (n) = complexities : những khó khăn, sự phức tạp
35. The celebrity temporarily lost her _____________ when someone threw a tomato at her.

A. composure B. confusion C. discretion D. dissolve

- Dissolve lose one's cool/Composure: to become angry

36. When we got to the island, we realized that the water was not safe to drink and that
we________ have brought water purification tablets.

A. would B. must C. could D. should

We use should have + past participle to talk about things we regret

37. Aboriginal traditional art relays tribal or religious customs. Drawings and paintings
________ food, display items available for trading and map the sacred paths of ancestral beings.

A. describe B. portray C. depict D. delineate

- Portray (V) :vẽ chân dung Depict (v) : vẽ , khắc hoạ Delineate (V) :ghi rõ

Trang 56
38. Mary ___________ her gaze in embarrassment, realizing she’d been staring at the two men
sitting opposite.

A. avoided B. canceled C. concealed D. averted

- Avert (v) :to prevent something bad from happening, to turn away your eyes or thoughts
39. Accident investigators were unable to recover the aircraft’s black box data recorder. Thus, the
exact cause of the crash ________ unknown.

A. keeps B. continues C. remains D. maintains

- keep (V) : giữ

- continue (v) tiếp tục
- remain (v) : vẫn còn
- maintain (V) :duy trì
40. Don’t be friends with bad boys. People think that birds of a feather________ together.

A. flock B. fetch C. fly D. gather

- Birds of a feather flock together: said about people who have similar characters or
interests, especially ones of which you disapprove, and who often spend time with each


26. Viewers were _______ at the incredible sight of the lunar landscape, unable to take their eyes
off the screen until the very end of the broadcast.

A. switched B. devised C. transfixed D. stifled

- Be transfixed at : unable to move or stop looking at something because you are interested,
surprised or frightened
27. Having lost her mother at an early age, Mary felt she had become a mere _______, having to
do absolutely everything for her five brothers and sisters.

A. taskmaster B. workmate C. slavedriver D. workhorse

Trang 57
- Taskmaster (n) someone who gives others a lot of work to do and expects them to work
- Workmate (n) a person who works in the same place as you, especially one who you are
friendly with
- Slave driver (n) : a person who makes other people work very hard
- Workhorse (n) : a person who does a lot of work , especially of a type that is necessary
but not interesting
28. Keith’s _______ income looks impressive, but once tax and social security contributions are
deducted, it’s not so much.

A. full B. grand C. net D. gross

- Gross income : the total amount of a person’s or organization’s income in a particular

period before tax is paid on it
- Net income : the amount an individual or business makes after deducting costs ,
allowances and taxes
- Gross income >< Net income : Ngắn gọn, gross income là khoản thu nhập mà chưa bị trừ
thuế và chi phí. Còn net income là khoản thu nhập đã trừ đi thuế và chi phí. Vì thế, gross
income luôn cao hơn net income.
29. We have developed rapid order processing to _______ deliveries to customers.

A. expedite B. fasten C. heighten D. quicken

- Expedite (v) to make something happen more quickly

- Fasten (v) to become firmly fixed together (for example : seat belt , shirt)
- Heighten (v) : to increase or make something increase , especially an emotion or effect
- Quicken(v) to become quicker , or make something become quicker
Example : This is music that will make your pulse quicken Peter walked in the room and her
heart quickened
30. The operation was a success, but the patient died of _______.

A. complications B. symptoms C. after-effects D. ramifications

Trang 58
- Complication (n) a medical problem that develops from an existing illness, making
treatment more difficult (biến chứng)
- Symptom (n) : any feeling of illness or physical or mental change that is caused by a
disease (triệu chứng)
- After-effect (n) an unpleasant effect that follows an event or accident ,sometimes
continuing for a long time or happening some time after it ( di chứng)
- Ramification (n) : the possible results of an action ( tất cả khả năng có thể xảy ra của một
hành động)
31. Increasing terrorism in the region puts a new _______ on the situation.

A. complexion B. disposition C. outlet D. tantrum

- Put a different/new/fresh complexion on something : to make a situation or event seem

different, to alter the appearance , perception or interpretation of something
32. If you need help, please don’t hesitate to call me. I can be there _______.

A. in a fix B. in a flash C. in a daze D. in the bag

- In a fix : to have a problem that is difficult to solve Example : We’re going to be in a real
fix if we miss that bus In a flash (idiom) : quickly or suddenly
- In a daze : feeling confused and not able to think clearly
Example : She wandered around in a daze , not quite sure what to do
- Be in the bag (idiom) : if something is in the bag , you are certain to get it or to achieve it
33. He felt his heart _______ as his bride-to-be began her walk down the aisle.

A. fasten B. quicken C. expedite D. heighten

- Expedite (v) to make something happen more quickly

- Fasten(v) to become firmly fixed together (for example : seat belt , shirt)
- Heighten (v) : to increase or make something increase , especially an emotion or effect
- Quicken(v) to become quicker , or make something become quicker
Example : This is music that will make your pulse quicken
Peter walked in the room and her heart quickened
- Bride-to-be (n) : a woman who is soon to be married (vợ sắp cưới).

Trang 59
34. My car broke down and I had to _______ a huge sum of money to have it towed and

A. splash out B. fork out C. put aside D. pay off

- Splash out (phrasal verb) : to spend a lot of money on buying things , especially things
that are pleasant to have but that you do not need (tiêu xài hoang phí)
- Fork out (phrasal verb) : to pay an amount of money , especially unwillingly ( chấp nhận
trả tiền)
- Put aside (phrasal verb) :save money for future use ( dành tiền cho tương lai)
- Pay off someone : to give somebody money , often illegally , after the person has done
something dishonest to help you
35. The candidate’s optimism gave _______ to doubt as the result of exit polls became known.

A. place B. lie C. vent D. voice

- Give place to : to be succeeded or replaced by

- Give the lie to something (idiom) : to prove that something is not true
- Give vent to : to express (an emotion) freely ( nói cho hả ,nói một cách tự do ví dụ như hả
- Give voice to (idiom) : to express your thoughts or feelings in words
Comment : “give place to” in this context refers to the fact that the candidate’s optimistic attitude
becomes doubtful when the result of exit polls was announced.
36. This week’s programme is given _______ a profile of an eminent scientist

A. credit for B. in to C. over to D. up on

- Be given over to : được dành cho

37. Inspector Morts was determined to get to the _______ of the mystery.

A. ground B. end C. bottom D. point

- Get to the bottom of something (idiom) : to discover the truth about a situation
38. Getting away from the stresses of work would do you a _______ of good.

A. sense B. taste C. virtue D. power

- Do sb a power of good (idiom) : to be extremely good for someone

Trang 60
39. If you make it to the final, you will be _______ some of the best sprinters in the world.

A. in for B. up to C. up against D. up with

- Be up against : in a very difficult situation , or with a serious problem to deal with Be in

for something : to be going to experience something unpleasant very soon
40. He gave speeches all over the world to _______ support for his “Help the Homeless”

A. trot out B. turn to C. weigh up D. whip up

- Whip up (phrasal verb) : to encourage or cause people to have strong feelings about
something (kêu gọi sự ủng hộ)
- Trot something out (phrasal verb) : to provide an excuse ,idea,opinion,or fact, especially
one that has been used often before or one that is silly
- Weigh up (phrasal verb) : to think carefully about the advantages or disadvantages of a
situation before making a decision
- Turn to (phrasal verb) to ask a person or organization for help or support


1. John had a __________ childhood, growing up with happily married parents and three

A. careless B. careful C. carefree D. troubled

Careless (adj) : bất cẩn Careful (adj) : cẩn thận

Carefree (adj) : vô tư , không cần lo lắng
2. __________ is the fact of someone having been born into a family that belongs to the highest
social class.

A. Cold blood B. Blue blood C. Bad blood D. Fresh blood

- In cold blood (idiom) : if somebody kills in cold blood , they kill in a way that seems
cruel and emotionless
- Blue blood (idiom) : the fact that someone has been born into a family that belongs to the
highest social class
- Bad blood (n) : feelings of hate between people because of arguments in the past

Trang 61
- New/fresh blood (idiom) : people who join an organization and who can provide new
ideas and energy
3. Take care that your love for him doesn't _______ your judgment.

A. darken B. topple C. shadow D. cloud

- Cloud one’s judgment : cause someone to be unable to think clearly

4. I don’t think of myself as being __________ the hill yet. I’m too old.

A. on B. over C. at D. behind

- Over the hill (idiom) : used for describing someone who is old and no longer useful or
5. I love these pants because they __________ like a glove and they are so comfortable.

A. seem B. are C. fit D. look

- Fit like a glove (idiom) : to be the perfect size and shape for someone
6. He was forced to ___________ his pride and ask if he could have his old job back.

A. chew B. vomit C. digest D. swallow

- Swallow one’s pride (idiom) : to decide to do something although it will make you feel
embarrassed or ashamed
7. I was ___________ surprised by the excellent customer service – that company really cares
about its customers.

A. pleasantly B. totally C. extremely D. quite

- Be pleasantly surprised : ngạc nhiên một cách hài lòng

8. Most of her books went out of __________ years ago, so we only look for her books in the old

A. order B. print C. work D. stock

- Out of print : no longer available from the publisher

- Out of order : not working properly or at all
- Out of work : unemployed
- Out of stock : unavailable for immediate sale in a store
9. The name __________ a bell but I couldn’t remember where I heard it before.

Trang 62
A. pressed B. liked C. called D. rang

- Ring a bell : to sound familiar

10. Advertisers often aim their campaigns at young people as they have considerable spending

A. capacity B. energy C. power D. force

- Spending power : the degree to which people have money to buy products or services
11. We’ll need some influential people making out a (an) __________ if we want Congress to
consider changing the law.

A. decision B. case C. online D. mistake

- Make out a case : to offer support or to argue in favor of some idea,opinion or point of
12. Jack is very punctual. You can bet your bottom __________ he’ll be here at 9 o’clock on the

A. money B. credit C. cash D. dollar

- Bottom dollar : the last dollar

13. Without extra help, it’s going to be very difficult to __________ the Friday deadline.

A. meet B. make C. watch D. see

- Meet deadline : hoàn thành “deadline” hoặc “hạn nộp”

14. We left later than we were supposed to, so it was a race __________ the clock to get to the
airport on time.

A. for B. with C. against D. along

- A race against time/the clock : a situation in which something has to be done very quickly
15. We are experiencing a very sharp __________ of hot weather.

A. spell B. blade C. rumble D. gust

- Spell (n): a period of time

Trang 63
26. The way he acted took us by surprise. All he did was at complete _______ with his former

A. disagreement B. variance C. discrepancy D. incompatibility

- At variance with : completely different to each other

27. At length, it _______ him that his life wouldn't take a turn for the better unless he left his
present employment.

A. dawned on B. assumed that C. happened to D. realized that

- Dawn on sb : to become known or obvious to someone,often suddenly

28. Not only is little Johnny's grammar incoherent and his spelling atrocious but also his
punctuation _______.

A. slothful B. sluggish C. heard D. haphazard

- Haphazard (adj) : not having an obvious order or plan (bừa bãi)

- Slothful (adj) : lazy
- Sluggish (adj): moving or operating more slowly than usual and with less energy or
power (uể oải)
29. The comforting news from my sister was a real _______ off my mind.

A. stone B. deal C. load D. mass

- A load/weight off one’s mind : an occasion when a problem that has been worrying you
stops or is dealt with
30. She said she was disturbed by the shadow of somebody _______ behind the trees.

A. luring B. lurching C. lurking D. launching

- Lurk (v) to wait or move in a secret way so that you cannot be seen (rình rập)
- Lure (v) : to persuade someone to do something or go somewhere by offering them
something exciting
31. It’s unlikely he will ever find out how to operate the conveyor belt, but let him at least have
_______ at it.

Trang 64
A. a move B. a go C. a trial D. an effort

- Have a go : make an attempt ,try

32. Don’t push me into helping you in the garden now. I’m completely ______ and feel like
having a short nap.

A. filled up B. worn off C. let out D. done in

- Be completely done in : too tired to do something

33. The fire that broke out in the opera house has dealt a severe _______ to the performance of
The Figaro, which was due next month.

A. failure B. blow C. hitch D. drawback

- Deal a blow to someone/something : to cause someone or something , usually a plan or

hope , to fail or to be affected very badly
34. The old lady was becoming increasingly affected by _______.

A. senility B. masculinity C. virility D. chivalry

- Senility (n) : the condition of being senile (già yếu do tuổi già)
- Masculinity (n) the characteristics that are traditionally thought to be typical of or
suitable for men
- Virility (n) strength or power or male sexual strength or qualities (sinh lực)
35. Could you possibly _______ me at the next committee meeting?

A. go back on B. make up for C. stand in for D. keep in with

- Stand in for (phrasal verb) : thay thế tạm thời

- Go back on (phrasal verb) : thất hứa , nuốt lời , không giữ lời hứa
- Make up for (phrasal verb) : đền bù ( to compensate)
- Keep in with (phrasal verb) : duy trì mối quan hệ tốt đẹp với ai
36. The board president designated a _______ team to tear down the dilapidated building which
jeopardized the passers-by.

A. drenching B. castigating C. contaminating D. demolition

- Demolition team : đội phá dỡ công trình

Trang 65
37. The threat of a general strike can only be _______ through government intervention.

A. converted B. averted C. subverted D. diverted

- Avert (v) to prevent something bad from happening

- Subvert (v) : to destroy or damage something, especially an established political system
38. The Prime Minister will decide whether to release the prisoner or not; that's his_______.

A. prerogative B. derogatory C. abdication D. humanity

- Prerogative (n) : something that certain people are able or allowed to do or have, but is
not possible or allowed for everyone (đặc quyền)
- Derogatory (a) : showing strong disapproval and not showing respect (xúc phạm)
- Abdication (n) : the fact of no longer controlling or managing something that you are in
charge of ( thoái vị )
- Humanity (n) : nhân loại
39. “Why haven’t you sent the letter to uncle Jerry?” – “Oh, I’m so sorry, I _______ forgot to do
it yesterday.”

A. fair B. barely C. clean D. only

- Clean forget to do sth : hoàn toàn quên phải làm gì

40. The first amusement park in our city was a _______ success for its owners. Everybody would
go there to have a good time.

A. cracking B. ringing C. sparking D. roaring

- A roaring success (idiom) : something that is very successful

21. His driving license has been _________ on the grounds of drinking driving.

A. repealed B. revoked C. nullified D. recalled

- Repeal (v) : bãi bỏ (luật)

- Revoke (v) : thu hồi
- Nullify (v) : làm mất giá trị pháp lý
- Recall (v): gọi về, đòi về, triệu hồi
Example : recall an ambassador

Trang 66
22. The Smiths needn’t hurry as there was ______ time for them to get to the airport.

A. ample B. lavish C. extensive D. spacious

- Ample (adj) : more than enough ( thừa)

- Lavish (adj) : large in quantity and expensive or impressive (phong phú)
- Extensive (adj) : covering a large area , having a great range (rộng lớn , bao quát)
- Spacious (adj) : large and with a lot of space

23. Congratulations on your success! How does it feel to be_______?

A. the man of the hour B. a word of honor

C. an egg on the face D. the top of the morning

- The man of the hour : a person who is honored (người được tôn vinh, chúc mừng)
- Word of honor/honor (n) : a promise which cannot be broken without loss of honor (lời
hứa danh dự)
- Have egg on one’s face (idiom) : sb looks stupid because of something that somebody has
- The top of the morning : a morning greeting ( lời chào buổi sáng)
24. The farmer was surprised by the fact that his ______ was so high even though he hadn’t used
chemical fertilizers.

A. crop B. yield C. plantation D. farmstead

- Crop (n) : vụ thu hoạch , mùa vụ

- Yield (n) : sản lượng
- Plantation (n) : đồn điền ( bông , cà phê…)
- Farmstead (n) : the house belonging to a farm and the buildings around it (khu nhà nông
25. Don’t get yourself _____ up over such a trivial matter.

A. done B. worried C. whipped D. worked

- Worked up (adj) : upset or very excited about something

Trang 67
- Get yourself worked up over : tự khiến bản thân mình quá kích động/vào trạng thái tâm
lý quá khích vì việc gì
26. Having delivered a thorough and insightful report, Mark deserves a real ______.

A. slap on the wrist B. peck on the cheek

C. pain in the neck D. pat on the back

- Slap on the wrist (idiom) : a small/mild punishment (hình phạt nhẹ)

- Peck somebody on the cheek / forehead : to kiss someone quickly and lightly
- A pain in the neck (idiom) : someone or something that is very annoying (điều gây khó
chịu , cáu giận)
- Pat someone on the back (idiom) : to praise someone for doing something good
- A pat on the back (n) : a show of praise or approval
27. _____________, Mrs. White went back to her room.

A. There was no cause for alarm B. Without having a cause for alarm

C. There being no cause for alarm D. Being no cause for alarm

28. Many diseases that used to be considered ______ of mankind are now easily treatable with

A. scourges B. tortures C. blights D. thorns

- Scourge (n) : something or someone that causes great suffering or a lot of trouble
Example : the scourge of war/poverty/drugs
- Torture (n) tra tấn
- Blight (n) :something that spoils or has a very bad effect on something, often for a long
- Thorn (n) : a small ,sharp pointed growth on the stem of a plant (cái gai)
29. He answered the teacher’s question so quickly that it seemed as though he had ______ the
answer out of the air.

A. plucked B. grabbed C. snatched D. seized

Trang 68
- Pluck something out of the air (idiom) : to say something quickly, usually because a reply
is expected, without having thought about it or made certain it is correct (nói một điều gì
một cách bừa bãi, lung tung mà không suy xét và cân nhắc)
30. It’s no use ____ publicity one day, and then complaining you’re being hounded by the press
the next day.

A. reaching B. dropping C. getting D. seeking

- Seek publicity : tìm kiếm sự nổi tiếng ,công nhận từ công chúng
- Be hounded : bị săn lùng
31. The report was written in technical language, which would have been ________ to most

A. illegible B. irregular C. inarticulate D. incomprehensible

- Inarticulate (adj) : không diễn đạt được rõ ràng , không nói lên lời
- Incomprehensible (adj) : không thể hiểu được
32. The matter has been left in ______ until the legal ramifications have been explored.

A. recess B. suspension C. abeyance D. waiting

- In abeyance : a state of not happening or being used at present ( trì hoãn)

33. Accident investigators were unable to recover the aircraft’s black box data recorder. Thus, the
exact cause of the crash ________ unknown.

A. keeps B. continues C. remains D. maintains

Remain unknown : vẫn chưa được biết đến

34. No decision has been taken about the building of the new airport. The authorities are still

A. beating about the bush B. comparing apples and oranges

C. sitting on the fence D. holding all the aces

- Beat around/about the bush (idiom) : to avoid talking about what is important (nói vòng

Trang 69
- To compare apples and/with oranges (idiom) : used to say that two things are completely
different and it is not sensible to compare them (chỉ hai thứ gì hoàn toàn khác nhau và sự
so sánh là khập khiễng)
- Sit on the fence (idiom) : to delay making a decision ( chưa ra quyết định cuối cùng)
- Have/hold all the aces (idiom) : to be in a strong position when you are competing with
someone else because you have all the advantages (có các yếu tố thiên thời địa lợi nhân
35. The discovery of a ______ cancer-causing chemical in foods like crisps, chips and cereals
caused shockwaves around the world when it hit the headlines earlier this year.

A. potentially B. completely C. constantly D. radically

- Potentially (adv) : possibly

- Radically (adv) : completely or extremely


26. I'm not a serious investor, but I like to ______ in the stock market.

A. splash B. splatter C. paddle D. dabble

- Dabble in : to take part in a sport , an activity ….. but not very seriously
27. We should never have quarreled like that. Let’s bury the ______and forget all about it.

A. axe B. argument C. hatchet D. subject

- Bury the hatchet (idiom) : to stop an argument and become friends again (làm lành và
làm hòa)
28. Her eyes were tired from gazing at the ________ screen of her computer all day.

A. flickering B. twinkling C. glimmering D. sparkling

- Flickering screen : màn hình nhấp nháy

29. His three years at university were the __________ to a brilliant career.

A. launching-pad B. stepping-stone C. diving-board D. starting-line

- Launch pad or launching pad (n) : a special area from which spacecraft or missiles are
sent into the sky (bệ phóng tên lửa)

Trang 70
- Stepping-stone (n) : an event or experience that helps you achieve something else (bước
đệm, bàn đạp)
- Diving board (n) : a board that sticks out over water so that people can dive into it
- Starting line (n) : a line drawn on the ground behind which competitors wait for a signal
to begin a race (vạch xuất phát)
30. They spend so much time arguing that, when it comes to the _______, decisions are often

A. crunch B. outcry C. snag D. uproar

- If/when it comes to the crunch (idiom) : if/when a situation becomes extremely serious
and a decision must be made
31. Maria and Jean had a __________ romance, they met and married within two months.

A. hurricane B. cyclone C. whirlwind D. typhoon

- Whirlwind romance : hôn nhân thần tốc/cơn lốc tình yêu/tình yêu chóng vánh
32. After the football match the crowds ________ out of the stadium into the nearest bars and

A. leaked B. poured C. trickled D. dripped

- Pour out of : people, animals or vehicles exit in great numbers and all at once (ào ra, tràn
33. I'm afraid we got our _________ crossed, I thought my husband would be picking up the
children and he thought I was doing it.

A. minds B. purposes C. wires D. fingers

- Get one’s wires crossed : to have a different understanding of the same situation
34. The consultant called in by the firm brought a ______ of experience to bear on the problem.

A. wealth B. realm C. bank D. hoard

- Wealth of experience (collocation) : giàu kinh nghiệm

35. We don’t want him to suspect we’re giving him a surprise party. Make sure you don’t

Trang 71
A. break the ice B. kick the bucket C. spill the beans D. sweep the board

- Break the ice (idiom) : to make people who have not met before feel more relaxed with
each other ( làm quen với nhau)
- Kick the bucket (idiom) : to die
- Spill the beans (idiom) : to tell people secret information (tiết lộ bí mật) Sweep the board
(idiom) : to win everything that is available
36. The designer refuses to gild the ____________, preferring clean, simple lines for his

A. lily B. flower C. rose D. daisy

- Gild the lily (idiom) : to improve or decorate something that is already perfect and
therefore spoil it (chỉ một hành động tô điểm hay làm đẹp thêm một cách vô ích những gì
đã đẹp sẵn rồi)
37. As a public figure, whose life and behavior are the focus of intense public interest, I have
gradually become _____ to criticism and scrutiny.

A. impermeable B. impertinent C. impervious D. imperious

- Impermeable (adj) : not allowing liquid or gas to go through (không cho chất lỏng thấm
- Impertinent (adj) : rude and not showing respect (xấc xược)
- Impervious (adj) : if someone is impervious to something, they are not influenced or
affected by something (không bị ảnh hưởng)
- Imperious (adj) : unpleasantly proud and expecting to be obeyed (hống hách)
38. There is no need to get so _______about being turned down. There are other advertising
agencies out there, you know.

A. destitute B. descendant C. despondent D. despicable

- Destitute (adj) : without money ,food,a home or possessions (thiếu thốn , nghèo túng)
- Be despondent about : unhappy and with no hope or enthusiasm (tuyệt vọng)
- Despicable (adj) : very unpleasant or bad, causing strong feelings of dislike (đáng khinh,
ti tiện)
39. The local authority expressed regret as US drone strike has ______ killed innocent hostages.

Trang 72
A. incongruously B.vehemently C. inadvertently D. graciously

- Incongruously (adv) : in a way that seems strange because it is different from other things
around it (lạc lõng)
- Vehemently (adv) : in a strong and emotional way (mãnh liệt)
- Inadvertently (adv): in a way that is not intentional (vô tình)
- Graciously (adv): politely and pleasantly (tử tế)
40. It is one thing to simply tell a white lie, James, but you have been downright ______; I will
never be able to trust you again.

A. prudent B. reclusive C. precipitous D. mendacious

- Downright mendacious : completely dishonest (không thành thật)


26. She’s hopeless at making decisions. She even ___________over which toothpaste to buy.

A. totters B. dodders C. dithers D. falters

- Totter (v) : to walk with difficulty in a way that looks as if you are about to fall (đi lảo
- Dodder (v) : to move slowly and weakly, as if you might fall, especially because of being
very old (đi yếu ớt vì tuổi già)
- Dither (v) : to be unable to make a decision about doing something (chần chừ)
- Falter (v) : to move awkwardly as if you might fall ( đi lảo đảo)
27. Have you ever tried to read the guarantee? There’s so much legal _________that it’s
impossible to understand.

A. mumbo jumbo B. bongo bongo C. abracadabra D. okey-dokey

- Mumbo jumbo (n) : words or activities that seem complicated or mysterious but have no
real meaning (lời nói, hành vi có vẻ bí ẩn, phức tạp nhưng thực ra vô nghĩa)
- Abracadabra (exclamation) : said by someone who is performing a magic trick, in order
to help perform it successfully (úm ba la xì bùa)
- Okey-dokey (n) : informal version for “OK”

Trang 73
28. Back in 1979, the revolution was in full swing. ______________, not the slightest trace of it

A. Later thirty years B. Thirty years onwards

C. Thirty years away D. Thirty years on

- Thirty years on = thirty years later

29. I'm a little nervous about starting my graduate degree program, but I'm determined to _____
and give it a go.

A. jump off the deep end B. jump the gun

C. drop off the radar D. drop the ball

- Jump off the deep end : to begin doing something very complex , overwhelming, or
unfamiliar , especially suddenly and without guidance, assistance, or preparation (làm cái
gì khó mà không có sự hướng dẫn)
- Jump the gun : act before the proper time (cầm đèn chạy trước ô tô)
- Drop off the radar : to be forgotten or ignored because people’s attention has moved to
something more important (bị lãng quên)
- Drop the ball : to make a mistake, especially by not taking action or dealing with
something that should have been planned for (mắc lỗi)
30. The candidate was criticised for ____________ a group of people with racial prejudice in
order to get more votes.

A. jostling for B. clearing off C. pandering to D. horsing around

- Jostle for : if people jostle for something , they compete with each other in order to get
what they want (tranh giành nhau)
- Clear someone off something : to make somebody go away from somewhere (đuổi ai đi)
- Pander to someone/something : to do or provide exactly what a person or group wants,
especially when it is not acceptable, reasonable, or approved of, usually in order to get
some personal advantage.
- Horse around : to behave in a silly and noisy way

Trang 74
31. Large, black rain clouds ____________ in the sky this morning, signalling an approaching

A. glowered B. scowled C. ruptured D. crouched

- Glower (v) : to look very angry, annoyed or threatening - Trong văn phong nước ngoài ,
“glower” được dùng trong hoàn cảnh này để chỉ ra rằng mây đen lớn đang “ùn ùn” kéo
đến (look likely to produce rain).
- Scowl (v) : to look at someone or something with a very annoyed expression
32. Dinner was _____________, and the after-dinner entertainment was equally exceptional.

A. ravishing B. despicable C. voluptuous D. delectable

- Ravishing (adj) : gorgeous ( rất đẹp)

- Despicable (adj) : very unpleasant or bad , causing strong feelings of dislike (đáng khinh,
đáng ghét)
- Voluptuous (adj): sexually attractive
- Delectable (adj) : looking or tasting extremely good and giving great pleasure
33. He has a(n)____________collection of butterflies which he bought from the local Natural
History museum.

A. reticent B. ponderous C. esoteric D. reciprocal

- Reticent (adj ): ít nói , kiệm lời

- Ponderous (adj) : nặng nề
- Esoteric (adj) : very unusual and understood or liked by only a small number of people ,
especially those with special knowledge (độc lạ, ít người biết)
- Reciprocal (adj) : mutual (lẫn nhau)
34. The two houses are _________________to each other and yet they are so differently styled
that you could be forgiven for thinking they were built in completely different eras.

A. contiguous B. munificent C. gregarious D. noxious

- Contiguous (adj) : next to or touching another , usually similar ,thing (gần nhau)
- Munificent (adj) : very generous with money ( hào phóng)
- Gregarious (adj) : living in groups (sống bầy đàn)
- Noxious (adj) : harmful and unpleasant (độc hại)

Trang 75
35. He was a farmer who had been working in the fields for more than sixty years, but was still

A. all the bit kicking B. alive and well-being

C. all the better D. alive and kicking

- Be alive and well/kicking : to continue to live or exist and be full of energy (khỏe mạnh ,
tràn đầy năng lượng)
36. Raising the price of petroleum will be _____________ to providing hurdles for better
communication and thus the progress.

A. presumptuous B. analogous C. promiscuous D. extraneous

- Presumptuous (adj) : khinh bỉ

- Be analogous to (adj) : tương tự
- Promiscuous (adj) : bữa bãi , dễ dãi (tình dục)
- Extraneous (adj) : không liên quan (irrelevant)
37. Though Mr. Correlli wanted to stay outside and work in his garage, when his wife told him
that he had better come in to dinner, he _____________ to her demands.

A. acquiesced B. adumbrated C. amalgamated D. ameliorated

- Acquiesce to : to accept or agree to something,often unwillingly (miễn cưỡng đồng ý)

- Adumbrate (v) to give only the main facts and not the details about something,
especially something that will happen in the future
- Amalgamate (v) : to join or unite to form a larger organization or group , or to make
separate organizations do this ( sát nhập) = merge
- Ameliorate (v) to make a BAD or UNPLEASANT situation better
38. In this book you’re writing, you say that the Pyramids were built after the Titanic sank,
which is _________________.

A. anachronistic B. antediluvian C. archetypal D. assiduous

- Anachronistic (adj) : sai niên đại

- Antediluvian (adj) : extremely old-fashioned (cổ lỗ sĩ)
- Archetypal (adj) : typical of an original thing from which others are copied (nguyên mẫu)

Trang 76
- Assiduous(adj) : chăm chỉ (diligent)
39. Britain’s __________________of naval might secured the nation’s role as a military power.

A. predilection B. propriety C. preponderance D. proclivity

- Preponderance (n) : sự áp đảo

- Proclivity (n) : sở thích (thường là xấu)
- Propriety (n) : sự đúng mực (thái độ , cư xử)
40. The detective was too humble to acknowledge that his ___________________ was the
reason for his professional success.

A. parsimony B. propensity C. pulchritude D. perspicacity

- Parsimony (n) : sự tằn tiện

- Pulchritude (n) : sắc đẹp
- Perspicacity (n) : perceptiveness (sự sáng suốt)
41. I’ll say _______________for him – he never leaves a piece of work unfinished.

A. as much B. a bit much C. this much D. too much

- Say this/that much for sb/sth : to say something good about someone or something
considered to be bad
42. John was ____________ a week after the accident, but he has not been able to come to
football practice yet.

A. up and about B. vim and vigor C. life and death D. fingers and thumbs

- Up and about : no longer in bed ( after sleep or an illness)

- Vim and vigour : tràn đầy sinh lực và nhiệt huyết ( energy and enthusiasm Life-and-death
(adj) : sinh tử
- Be all fingers and thumbs (idiom) : to move your hand in an awkward way (tay vụng về)

43. It was only when I saw Manhattan_____________ into the distance beneath and behind me
that I finally began to relax.

A. abating B. withdrawing C. receding D. reversing

Trang 77
- Receding into the distance: to move further away into the distance,no longer clear or
bright (“thoát khỏi tầm mắt”)
44. Although incredibly painful, it proved to be a little more than a hairline _____________,
which would almost certainly have healed up within two or three weeks by itself.

A. break B. crack C. fracture D. wound

- Hairline fracture (n) : rạn xương (chưa đến mức gãy)

45. Still doubtful of the success of the _________ “flying machines”, the writer mused that
“comparatively few of us have any desire to float in the air at a great height from the earth”.

A. Bedraggle B. newfangled C. credentialed D. bespectacled

- Newfangled (adj) : tân tiến

- Bespectacled (adj) : đeo kính
Example : a bespectacled man
- Bedraggled (adj) : wet, dirty and untidy
46. I think I will _____, it is unacceptable for a student to hold a racist attitude towards his

A. tell him a thing or two B. pick his moment

C. tick off on his fingers D. get his brain in gear

- Tell sb a thing or two : bảo ai cái gì (tell sb facts)

- Pick one’s moment : to thoughtfully and prudently decide the best moment to act (chọn
thời điểm thích hợp)
- Get one’s brain in gear : to start thinking clearly and productively
- Tick off on one’s finger : to tell someone a list of things, especially when you touch a
different finger as you say each thing on the list (liệt kê, đếm thứ gì bằng ngón tay)
47. From the way John is speaking, I suspect he is _____ another piece of cake for his girlfriend.

A. angling for B. alluding to C. sticking D. attesting to

- Angle for (v) : try to get something without asking for it directly
- Allude to (v) : mention sb or sth without talking directly (nói bóng nói gió)
- Attest (v) : to show, say or prove that something exists

Trang 78
1. It was so embarrassing. We were in the middle of a crowded restaurant when they suddenly
had a _______ row.

A. blazing B. heated C. stormy D. smoldering

- Have a blazing row : to quarrel in a very noisy and excited way (cãi vã )
2. Stop that tapping, will you? I am trying to concentrate and it is driving me up the _______.

A. wall B. roof C. hill D. house

- Drive sb up the wall : emphasizing that they annoy and irritate you (khiến ai tức giận)
3. I was in a _______ as to what to do. If I told the truth, he would get into the trouble, but if I
said nothing I would be in more trouble.

A. doubt B. quandary C. hitch D. complexity

- In a quandary : tiến thoái lưỡng nan

4. Everyone was busy with the spring cleaning, except Stanley, who always refused to pull his

A. socks B. weight C. finger D. share

- Pull one’s weight (idiom) : work as hard as others in the group (làm việc chăm chỉ bằng
các thành viên khác trong nhóm)
5. If you are so _______ unhappy, why don’t you leave him?

A. wholly B. bitterly C. vastly D. desperately

- Desperately unhappy : cực kỳ thất vọng

6. If you want to make it in the field of technology, study hard and stay ahead of the _______.

A. twist B. circle C. spin D. curve

- Ahead of the curve : đi trước thời đại

7. Don’t _______ him on to join a gang: nothing could be worse for him!

A. egg B. toast C. butter D. knife

Trang 79
8. I am not surprised that your brother is angry; you spent half an hour _______ him up about an
issue he cares about deeply.

A. spinning B. turning C. winding D. twirling

- Wind sb up : to annoy someone

9. Although usually quite compassionate, the receptionist made a _______ remark that took her
colleagues by surprise.

A. crooked B. cautious C. corrupt D. callous

- Callous remark : lời nhận xét nhẫn tâm

10. Every time I return to my home town, I always _______ base with a few close friends.

A. tap B. knock C. pat D. touch

- Touch base with : make contact with , reconnect

11. Once a major politician endorsed the young man’s candidacy, everyone _______ on the
bandwagon and started supporting him, too.

A. walked B. stepped C. jumped D. climbed

- Jump on the bandwagon : đi theo phong trào

12. His talent meant he could create wondrous things, but his _______ meant he hardly ever felt
like working.

A. adversity B. lethargy C. ineptitude D. failure

- Lethargy (n) :tính thờ ơ

13. The film shoot suffered a _______ when a hurricane destroyed half the sets.

A. payback B. backhander C. backbone D. setback

- Setback (n) : something that happens that causes a delay or prevents a process from
- Backbone (n) : xương sống, trụ cột
- Backhander (n) : vật lót tay (hối lộ)
- Payback (n) : hoàn vốn
14. She never considered going to Thailand before, she traveled there on a _______.

Trang 80
A. whim B. wham C. whine D. while

- On a whim : because of sudden decision

15. The unpopular prime minister was _______ in the press when she tripped while walking in a
muddy field.

A. slandered B. lampooned C. hounded D. stalked

- Slander (v) : vu khống

- Lampoon (v) : châm biếm
- Hound (v) : săn lùng (báo chí)
- Stalk (v) : lén theo
16. We have a _______ tradition in my house of opening one present the night before Christmas.

A. level-headed B. deep-seated C. time-honored D. sharp-tongued

- Time-honoured (adj): được kính chuộng lâu đời, đã đi vào truyền thống (phong tục, tập
- Level-headed (adj): bình tĩnh
- Deep-seated (adj): ngấm ngầm, ăn sâu
- Sharp-tongued (adj): chanh chua, đanh đá, khắc nghiệt (lời nói)
17. _______ , the diners settled the bill and left the restaurant.

A. Having hunger satisfied B. Their hunger satisfied

C. Hunger been satisfied D. Satisfying their hunger

18. After months of trying to find a cheap flat in the centre of town, he’s finally _______ in the

A. thrown B. swept C. cleared D. polished

- Throw in the sponge (idiom) : thừa nhận thất bại

19. The clinic experienced an _______ of support from the community when they were
threatened with closure.

A. outbreak B. overflowing C. outbursting D. outpouring

- Outpouring of support : nhiều sự ủng hộ

Trang 81
20. I‘ve been working a lot of overtime during the last month because we’ve been _______
under with orders.

A. piled B. flooded C. rained D. snowed

- Be snowed under with : to be overwhelmed by so much work

21. I’m sorry I forgot to collect your dry-cleaning, but it completely _______ my mind.

A. jogged B. threw C. crossed D. slipped

- Slip one’s mind/memory : to be forgotten

22. He kept telling us about his operation, in the most _______ detail.

A. elaborate B. knotty C. graphic D. burning

- Graphic detail : in the most detailed way

23. The film still _______ with younger audiences, even after all these years.

A. beats the drum B. rings a bell C. strikes a chord D. hits the right note

- Beat/bang the drum : kêu gọi sự ủng hộ

- Ring a bell : to sound familiar
- Strike a chord : gợi nhớ lại
- Hit the right note : chọn một cách chính xác


26. The boy who was caught _____ candy or little toys many times but was never punished by
his mother grew up to be a thief.

A. snitching B. burgling C. ransacking D. pilfering

- Pilfer (v) : trộm vặt

- Snitch (v) : to steal something ( ăn cắp)
- Burgle (v) : to enter a building illegally and steal things (đột nhập vào nhà để ăn trộm)
- Ransack (v) : lục lọi

Trang 82
27. Some students attempted to _____ the teacher while the others prepared the surprise birthday
party for her.

A. stall B. haul C. swathe D. wane

- Stall (v) : giữ chân , níu chân

28. Getting into the third round of the 2022 World Cup is a real _____ for the Vietnam national

A. coup B. deed C.epic D. crusade

- Coup (n) : an unexpected successful achievement (việc làm táo bạo thành công)
- Deed (n) : an intentional act, especially a very bad or very good one
- Epic (n) : sử thi
- Crusade (n) : cuộc thập tự chinh
29. The luxurious office accentuated the manager's position _______. It enhanced his power and
his sense of his own worth. Also, it made other people feel small.

A. on the pecking pole B. in the nibbling line

C. at the nipping post D. in the pecking order

- In the pecking order : tôn ti trật tự

30. Of course we all love a better-quality fridge, but for a low-income family like us, it’s better to
cut your _____ according to your clothes.

A. cloak B. coat C. clothes D. gloves

- Cut your coat according to your cloth (idiom) : to emphasize that someone should do as
well as possible with the limited money they have
31. The number of people traveling by air has been growing _______.

A. by leaps and bounds B. from time to time

C. slow but sure D. by hook and crook

- By leaps and bounds : nhảy vọt nhanh

- From time to time : thỉnh thoảng
- Slow but sure : chậm mà chắc

Trang 83
- By hook and crook : bằng tất cả mọi cách

32. My boyfriend refused to climb up the treetop with me because he doesn’t have a _____ for

A. heart B. head C. soul D. foot

- Have a head for something (idiom) : to have a natural ability to do something well
Example : Not have a head for heights : sợ độ cao
33. I have received many warnings about my studies recently and was threatened to be grounded
by my parents. Another low grade this time will be _____ to me.

A. the last straw B. the final nail in the coffin

C. the parting shot D the drop in the bucket

- The final nail in the coffin : một sự kiện, hành động mang tính hủy hoạt, dẫn đến thất bại
hoặc mất mát cho ai đó
- A drop in the bucket/ocean (idiom) : nhỏ giọt
- The final/last straw : giọt nước tràn ly
- A parting shot : nhận xét chua cay, gay gắt của một người khi họ ra đi
34. I thought willpower was enough to take me to the finish line, but when my muscles got sore
and my body was exhausted, I knew I had _____.

A. hit the deck B. hit the sack C. hit the wall D. hit the roof

- Hit the deck (idiom) : to lie down quickly and suddenly so that you are hidden from the
view or protected from something dangerous (nằm xuống để lánh nạn, trú ẩn)
- Hit the sack/hay (idiom) : to go to bed in order to sleep (đi ngủ)
- Hit the wall (idiom) : to reach a point when you are running, exercising where you are so
physically tired you feel you cannot continue (đạt đến giới hạn thể chất)
- Hit the roof/ceiling (idiom) : to become extremely angry (cáu giận)
35. He was brought up in an educated family but hanging out with the street children has turned
him into a(n) _____ young man with bad manners.

A. uncouth B. profane C. impious D. stoic

Trang 84
- Uncouth (adj) : behaving in a rude , unpleasant way (thô lỗ)
- Profane (adj) : báng bổ, tục tĩu
- Impious (adj) : không kính Chúa
- Stoic (n) : người kiên cường, người khắc kỷ
36. Demand for the product is expected to peak five years from now and then to ____.

A. taper off B. fall down C. set back D. drift away

- Taper off (phrasal verb) : to become gradually smaller or weaker, or happen less often
(yếu dần)
37. During the evening football match the stadium was illuminated by ____.

A. spotlights B. flashlights C. highlights D. floodlights

- Spotlight (n) : đèn sân khấu

- Flashlight (n) : đèn pin, đèn nháy
- Highlight (n) : những cảnh thú vị nhất, gay cấn nhất
- Floodlight (n) : đèn pha (sân khấu, sân thể thao)
38. The noise from the unruly fans celebrating their team’s victory didn’t _____ until early in the

A. shut off B. give away C. let up D. fall over

- Let up (phrasal verb) : dừng lại, ngưng

39. The modification has been the ____ on the cake for both of us, for a lot of hard work has
gone in to the design and development of the course.

A. chilling B. cooling C. freezing D. icing

- The icing/frosting on the cake (idiom) : something that makes a good situation even
40. She expects the political experience gained in this election will stand her in good ____ in her
future career, which, she suggests, could include another campaign.

A. footing B. grounding C. precedent D. stead

- Stand someone in good stead (idiom) : hữu dụng, có ích, hữu ích
41. Don’t be taken in by his lying, ______ words.

Trang 85
A. slack B. scrupulous C. treacherous D. feeble

- Treacherous (adj) : phản bội, phản trắc, nguy hiểm ngầm

- Slack (adj) : lỏng lẻo
- Scrupulous (adj) : cẩn trọng , tỉ mỉ
- Feeble (adj) : yếu ớt
42. Following years of intense training, the accomplished athlete ______ the medal triumphantly.

A. took off B. went off C. ran off D. carried off

- Carry something off : to succeed in doing or achieving something difficult ( thành công
làm việc gì khó)
43. Getting up at 8 o’clock was early by her ______

A. reasons B. standards C. limits D. levels

- By one’s standards : tiêu chuẩn , chuẩn mực của ai

44. There’s nothing to ______ as it’s a general knowledge quiz.

A. come round to B. face up to C. swot up on D. come up with

- Swot up on : học nhồi học nhét

45. I had an ambition of getting the First prize in the National Contest, but I knew it was just
_____ in the sky.

A. pig B. star C. buffalo D. pie

- Pie in the sky (idiom) : something that you hope will happen but is very unlikely to
happen (xa vời, không thể đạt được)
26. For busy people in today’s society, lifestyle management is gaining ______.

A. points B. ground C. terrain D. speed

- Gaining ground : to become more influential (có ảnh hưởng hơn)

27. She paid for both of us and I ______ her when we got home.

A. set against B. weighed up C. settled up with D. made up for

- Settle up with sb : to pay sb money you owe them (trả nợ)

Trang 86
28. Because Marvin Gaye was a hero of mine, and because his art was so dazzlingly beautiful –
so self-contained, so accomplished, so ______ slick, it took me a while to realize my hero was

A. appreciably B. utterly C. fully D. sorely

- Utterly (adv) : completely or extremely

29. It’s difficult to think clearly or creatively, to relax or ______, if you live among piles of junk.

A. unwind B. unleash C. unload D. unfold

- Unwind (v) : thư giãn

- Unleash (v) : tháo ra, buông ra
- Unload (v) : dỡ hàng, tháo hàng xuống
- Unfold (v) : trải ra, bộc lộ
30. A price war looks likely now that a leading supermarket has thrown down the ______ to its

A. hat B. sword C. gauntlet D. mitten

- Throw down the gauntlet : khiêu chiến

31. Whether you attend the lecture or not is of little ______ to me.

A. result B. circumstance C. care D. consequence

- Be of little consequence to sb : không liên quan , không quan trọng với ai

32. You can’t change your mind now. It’s too late to ______ the deal.

A. back out of B. bear with C. back up D. bear on

- Back out of : rút khỏi , rút lui

- Bear with sb : chờ đợi , kiên nhẫn khi ai đó làm gì Back up : ủng hộ
- Bear on : liên quan tới
33. As the Ice Age advanced and forests died away, to be replaced by windswept savannah,
many herbivores were ______ to change their diets from leaves to grass.

A. coerced B. enforced C. compelled D. necessitated

- Coerce (v) : ép bằng cách sử dụng vũ lực

- Enforce (v) : bắt tuân thủ (luật pháp)

Trang 87
- Compel (v) : bắt buộc
- Necessitate (v) : bắt phải, đòi hỏi phải, cần phải có
34. I prefer to practice the violin alone in my bedroom as having other members of the family
listen really ______ my style.

A. impedes B. cramps C. obstructs D. restricts

- Cramp one’s style : khiến cho ai không được tự do , thoải mái

35. The archeologist was amazed to see that the body hadn’t ______ at all.

A. decomposed B. wasted C. moldered D. undecomposed

- Decompose (v) : to cause something to decay, to decay or break something into smaller
parts (phân hủy)
36. It’s no wonder the children felt disappointed because first their parents promised to take them
to Disneyland and then they ______ on their word.

A. played down B. drew out C. came off D. went back

- Go back on one’s word : nuốt lời, thất hứa

37. Public opinion polls show that crime is viewed as one of the most serious problems of many
societies. Yet,______ studies have revealed that the amount of violent crime is overestimated.

A. pervading B. penetrating C. examining D. infiltrating

- Penetrating study : bài nghiên cứu sâu sắc, sắc bén, sắc sảo
38. Annually, millions of individuals ______ their luck in casinos at bingo, roulette, dice or card

A. make do with B. take a turn for C. pull rank on D. have a go at

- Make do with : dùng tạm, miễn cưỡng chấp nhận điều gì đó vì không có thứ thay thế tốt
- Pull rank on sb : dùng quyền lực để thao túng ai
39. There’s no scientific evidence to corroborate the assumption that human existence is so
closely ______ with the parameters of the celestial bodies.

A. intertwined B. adhered C. coalesced D. fused

- Be intertwined with : đan vào nhau, bện vào nhau, có liên hệ mật thiết

Trang 88
40. The new political party came to the ______ after the general election.

A. front B. side C. fore D. back

- Come to the fore : trở nên nổi bật , được chú ý , giữ địa vị lãnh đạo


26. You’ve got one last chance to take this exam and pass, so you’d better _______ and do some

A. take off B. scrape through C. knuckle down D. excel at

- take off : to remove (clothes etc), (of an aircraft) to leave the ground, not to work during
(a period of time), to imitate someone (often unkindly),..
- scrape through: to only just avoid failing
- knuckle down : to start working or studying hard (bắt tay vào làm gì một cách chăm
chỉ,tử tế)
- excel at : to be extremely good at something
27. William _______ to becoming a powerful politician and has already started to make his way
in the world of politics.

A. persists B. determines C. aspires D. perseveres

- Persist : to keep doing, thinking etc in spite of opposition or difficulty; to continue

asking, persuading etc
- Determine : to fix or settle; to decide
- Aspire : (usually with to) to try very hard to reach (something difficult, ambitious etc)
(khao khát làm gì)
- Persevere : to continue making an effort to do or achieve something, even when this is
difficult or takes a long time
28. There was only _______ evidence; nobody actually saw the man take anything. However, he
was seen leaving the building via CCTV cameras around the time of the robbery.

A. extenuating B. circumstantial C. diminished D. suspended

- Extenuating (a) : causing a wrong act to be judged less seriously by giving reasons for it

Trang 89
- Circumstantial (a): containing information, especially about a crime, that makes you
think something is true but does not completely prove it (chứng cứ gián tiếp ,thông qua
suy đoán)
- Diminish : to reduce or be reduced in size or importance
- Suspend : to stop something from being active, either temporarily or permanently
29. The _______ is responsible for many higher brain functions like language, voluntary
movement and information processing.

A. vocal cord B. cerebral cortex C. nervous system D. cell membrane

- vocal cords : dây thanh âm

- cerebral cortex :vỏ đại não (the grey outer layer of the cerebrum, responsible for
language, thinking, creating new ideas, etc)
- nervous system :hệ thần kinh
- cell membrane : màng tế bào
30. A well-known _______ journalist uncovered secret documents relating to high levels of lead
in household water supplies.

A. investigative B. observant C. extensive D. accurate

- Investigative journalist: a type of journalist who tries to discover information of public

interest that someone is trying to hide (nhà báo điều tra)
31. I offered to do the job, but soon found that I was _______, as it was more difficult than I had

A. pushing up daisies B. knocking on wood C. in over my head D. off their hands

- Be pushing up (the) daisies: to be dead (chết)

- Knock on wood (UK touch wood) : said in order to avoid bad luck, either when you
mention good luck that you have had in the past or when you mention hopes you have for
the future
- Off one’s hands: no longer needing to be looked after etc
- Be in over your head: to be involved in a difficult situation that you cannot get out of
(lâm vào tình cảnh khó khăn)

Trang 90
32. He asked the question rather _______, as his boss was in a bad mood and he didn’t want to
annoy her.

A. tentatively B. explosively C. provokingly D. insolently

- Tentatively (adv) : in a way that shows you are not certain or confident (thăm dò, nhẹ
- Explosively (adv): in a way that relates to, causes, or is caused by something exploding
(một cách bùng nổ)
- Provokingly (adv): in a way that is intended to be annoying (làm bực mình)
- Insolently (adv) : in a rude way that does not show respect (thô lỗ, xấc láo, láo xược)
33. The stray dog looked so _______ sitting in the rain that we took pity on it and brought it

A. superficial B. cute C. forlorn D. disturbed

- Forlorn (a) : pitiful; unhappy because left alone (cô đơn, lẻ loi)
- Superficial (a) : on, or affecting, the surface only (nông cạn)
- Disturbed (a) : mentally ill, especially as the result of bad experiences in the past
34. The design team were asked to _______ any problems that could affect the new product
before it hit the market.

A. decipher B. elicit C. express D. anticipate

- Decipher : to translate (writing in code) into ordinary, understandable language

- Elicit : to succeed in getting (information etc) from a person, usually with difficulty
- Anticipate : to expect (something)
- Anticipate a problem : chuẩn bị trước cho vấn đề sắp xảy ra
35. Although he came to work the day before his retirement, everyone knew he was just

A. going with the flow B. going through the motions

C. going against the grain D. going along with them

- Go with the flow: to do what other people are doing or to agree with other people because
it is the easiest thing to do

Trang 91
- Go through the motions: to do something without thinking it is very important or having
much interest in it (làm cho qua)
- Go against the grain : If something goes against the grain, you would not usually do it
because it would be unusual
- Go along with sb/sth (phrasal verb) : to support an idea, or to agree with someone’s
36. Dating Web sites abound, and while some of them may be _______ organizations, others are
truly legit.

A. devil-may-care B. fly-by-night C. open-handed D. down-to-earth

- Devil-may-care (adj) : not considering or worrying about the results of your actions (thái
độ bất cần)
- Fly-by-night (adj) : unreliable or untrustworthy, especially in business or financial
matters (không đáng tin)
- Open-and-shut (adj) easy to prove or answer (legal matter and problem)
- Down-to-earth (adj) practical, reasonable, and friendly
37. He asked us to _______ him while he searched for the book we wanted.

A. hold on B. bear with C. cope with D. wait out

- bear with : to be patient with (someone)

- bear with trong ngữ cảnh này có nghĩa là giữ máy, chờ máy, giữ cuộc gọi
- hold on: (often with to) to keep (a grip on) (something)
- cope with: to deal successfully with a difficult situation or a person in a difficult situation
- wait sth out: to wait until something unpleasant has ended
38. Make certain that your headlights are clean and properly aligned so that they do not create an
undesirable _______ in front of you.

A. stare B. glow C. glare D. glitter

- Stare (n) : a long look at something or someone with your eyes wide open
- Glow (n) : continuous light and/or heat that is produced by something
- Glare (n) : a long, angry look ( trừng mắt)
- Glitter (n) : the excitement and attractive quality connected with rich and famous people

Trang 92
39. Make sure your boss is in the right _______ of mind before you discuss any changes with

A. frame B. turn C. set D. way

- Frame of mind : the way someone thinks or feels about something at a particular time
40. We _______ asked for the roast beef, so why have you brought us lamb?

A. specifically B. decidedly C. solely D. strongly

- Specifically (adv) : một cách cụ thể


1. ______ nothing to watch on television last weekend, we sang karaoke together.

A. There being B. Having had C. Had D. There having

2. She could barely survive on the ______ she received as a pension.

A. pittance B. royalties C. turnover D. fortune

- Pittance : thù lao , tiền công rẻ mạt

3. She ______ and was only acting out of concern for their safety.

A. went back to square one B. went by the board

C. had no axe to grind D. cut no ice

- Go back to square one : làm lại từ đầu , bắt đầu lại từ đầu
- Go by the board : bị quên lãng và không được sử dụng
- Have an axe to grind : có động cơ cá nhân để làm gì => have no axe to grind : không có
động cơ cá nhân làm gì
- Cut no ice with someone : không tạo ra được tác động, ảnh hưởng tới ai
4. A bull is never used twice in a bullfight, mainly because they ______ death at the hands of the

A. find B. meet C. rein D. show

- Meet death : chạm trán với tử thần

5. The orchestra decided to ______ tradition, and wear their everyday clothes for the concert.

Trang 93
A. flaunt B. flout C. feign D. fend

- Flout (v) : to intentionally not obey a rule, law or custom (coi thường)
- Flaunt (v) : khoe mẽ
- Feign (v) : giả vờ
6. The wife still ______ her beloved husband to this day, 28 years after his sacrifice in World
War II.

A. vies for B. tacks on C. pines for D. pitches into

- Pine for sb: nhung nhớ về ai

7. Tom can ______ the names of all the presidents of the US.

A. rattle off B. bubble over C. muddle along D. thrash out

- Rattle off : đọc vanh vách

- Bubble over : to be very excited and enthusiastic (nhiệt huyết và hào hứng)
- Muddle along : to continue doing something with no clear purpose or plan
- Thrash something out : to discuss a problem in detail until you reach an agreement or find
a solution
8. It's normal for salaries to be paid monthly ______, meaning you'll need to work four weeks

A. in real terms B. in installments C. in kind D. in arrears

- In arrears : khất nợ
9. It‘s been a ______ winter this year, with temperatures as low as -15°.

A. bitter B. fetid C. fervent D. sharp

- Bitter winter : mùa đông lạnh giá

10. There may be a ______ of truth in what these kids say even though they are just primary

A. pinch B. kernel C. speck D. crux

- Kernel of truth : một chút sự thật

11. As well as criticizing the omissions in the sample studied, local scientists ______ some of the
health evidence.

Trang 94
A. paid homage to B. paid tribute to C. took issue with D. made amends for

- Pay homage to : to honor sb (vinh danh)

- Pay tribute to : to praise sb (khen ai)
- Take issue with : disagree with someone and start to argue ( phản đối và tranh cãi)
- Make amends for : compensate or make up for (đền bù)
12. I was enjoying a lazy Sunday so my spirits ______ when I saw Aunt Agnes heading up the

A. shriveled B. plummeted C. declined D. dwindled

- Spirits plummet : tinh thần giảm sút

13. My brother can be unreliable at times but when it ______, I know I can depend on him to
help me.

A. comes to a crunch B. toes the line

C. goes off the rails D. runs its course

- When it comes to the crunch : trong tình huống khó khăn và quan trọng yêu cầu bạn
quyết định
- Toe the line : tuân theo ý muốn của cấp trên, dù không đồng tình với họ
- Go off the rails : chệch khỏi đường ray, đi sai đường, đi sai hướng (nghĩa bóng)
- Run its course : to develop naturally (phát triển một cách tự nhiên)
14. Most people are ______ to believe that girls and boys play certain toys when they are young.

A. hardened B. accustomed C. conditioned D. acclimatized

- Be conditioned to do sth : làm quen với , được điều kiện để làm gì

15. There is always a ______ of journalists waiting for the actors and actresses when they arrive
at the event.

A. mob B. gaggle C. clique D. legion

- A gaggle of : nhóm người ồn ào

16. Even if the authorities want to develop this area, it is unjustifiable that they ______ over the
concerns of the local community.

Trang 95
A. lock horns B. pour cold water C. dig dirt D. ride roughshod

- Ride/run roughshod over: hà hiếp áp chế , chà đạp người khác

17. After winning the lottery, they moved into a more ______ house in a high-class residential
area and had a more comfortable life.

A. well-attended B. well-built C. well-appointed D. well-disposed

- Well-appointed (adj) : đầy đủ tiện nghi

18. In the end, it ______ that the champion didn‘t get the prize by himself but thanks to his
intimate relationship with the judge panel.

A. befell B. transpired C. issued D. occurred

- It transpires that : secret or unknown fact become known

19. The engineer ______ the machine with a hammer and, miraculously, it roared back to life.

A. slapped B. smacked C. whacked D. punched

- Whack (v) : to hit someone/something noisily (đánh, đập mạnh ai/cái gì)
- Smack (v) : tát , vỗ
- Slap (v) : vả
- Punch (v) : đấm
20. Jamie went tearing down the road as fast as his legs would ______ him.

A. bring B. support C. carry D. transport

- As fast as your legs would carry you (idiom) : as quickly as possible

1. There’s a big sports hall for tennis and badminton and the_______to the east of this town.

A. same B. like C. such D. similar

- And the like : and other similar things

2. I don’t think it would be wise to try to make Max change his mind about selling that house.
Well, in his place I ________it at all.

Trang 96
A. would never buy B. shouldn’t have bought

C. needn’t have bought D. would never have bought

3. A common cause of_______ is the use of untreated water in preparation for foods, which is
quite common in certain underdeveloped countries.

A. displeasure B. malnutrition C. eupepsia D. dysentery

- Displeasure (n) : a feeling of being annoyed or angry (sự không thỏa mãn)
- Malnutrition (n) : physical weakness and bad health caused by having too little food, or
too little of the types of food necessary for good health (suy dinh dưỡng)
- Eupepsia (n) : tiêu hoá tốt
- Dysentery (n) : bệnh kiết lị
4. Can’t always be elegant; sometimes I enjoy wearing_______clothes.

A. scintillating B. scruffy C. shallow D. sarcastic

- Scintillating (a) : funny, exciting, and clever (sắc sảo)

- Scruffy (a) : untidy and looking a little dirty (luộm thuộm)
- Shallow (a) : having only a short distance from the top to the bottom (nông cạn)
- Sarcastic (a) : using remarks that clearly mean the opposite of what you say, in order to
hurt someone's feelings or to humorously criticize something (mỉa mai)
5. The regular appearance of sex and violence on television undoubtedly has a_______ influence
on teenagers.

A. precipitous B. parsimonious C. pernicious D. propitious

- Precipitous (a) : very steep, or falling a long way very fast (dốc)
- Parsimonious (a) : not willing to spend money or use a lot of something (bủn xỉn, keo
- Pernicious (a) : having a very harmful effect or influence (xấu , tiêu cực)
- Propitious (a): likely to result in success, or showing signs of success
6. Diagnosed with tumor in the brain, she refused to meet her_______ but turned to religion for

Trang 97
A. paleontologist B. oncologist C. entomologist D. seismologist

- Palaeontologist (n) : someone who studies fossils as a way of getting information about
the history of life on Earth (nhà cổ sinh vật học)
- Oncologist (n) : a doctor who studies and treats tumours (= masses of cells, as in cancer)
in the body (bác sĩ chuyên khoa ung bướu)
- Entomologist (n) : a person who studies insects (nhà côn trùng học)
- Seismologist (n) : someone who studies the sudden, violent movements of the earth
connected with earthquakes (nhà địa chấn học)
7. Our city has developed into a big city, which is _______it used to be.

A. four times the size larger than what B. four times larger than that

C. as four times the size as that D. four times the size of what

8. The hippopotamuses spend the hot day joyously______in the mud on the banks of the river.

A. wallowing B. strolling C. wading D. stroking

- Wallow : (especially of some animals) to lie or roll around slowly in deep, wet earth,
sand, or water (đắm mình trong bùn, đầm lầy…..)
- Stroll : to walk in a slow relaxed way, especially for pleasure (đi dạo , tản bộ)
- Wade : to walk through water or other liquid with some effort, because it is deep enough
to come quite high up your legs, or thick (lội qua)
- Stroke : to move a hand, another part of the body, or an object gently over something or
someone, usually repeatedly and for pleasure
9. Mary is a slow worker, but to give her her_______, she does try very hard.

A. account B. view C. vow D. due

- give someone their due: said when you are praising someone for something good they
have done, although you dislike other things about them
10. Shareholders used the conference as an opportunity to________ their spleen on the Board of

A. vent B. exhaust C. unleash D. clean

Trang 98
- Vent : to express a negative emotion in a forceful and often unfair way
11. We all believe Henry will never get married — he's the stereotypical ______ bachelor.

A. settled B. confirmed C. fixed D. determined

- A confirmed bachelor : used to say that someone has had a particular habit or way of life
for a long time and is unlikely to change
12. Bob couldn’t________a mustache to the photo of his Headmaster in the newspaper.

A. resist to add B. resist adding C. resist for adding D. resist from adding

Resist +V-ing : chống đối làm gì

13. ________ hundreds of people dead during the evacuation from the war-torn area in the
Middle East.

A. It is estimated to be B. There is estimated to be

C. There are estimated to be D. It is estimated that

Áp dụng phương pháp loại trừ , vì đối tượng ở đây là “ hundreds of people” nên phải chia động
từ “to be” thành “are” => C
14. When my mother was in hospital, I was busy, so I had to see her not every day but_______.

A. other day B. the other day C. some day D. every other day

- every other day every other day /every second day : mỗi 2 ngày
15. ‘It’ll be fine,’ she replied, with a _______ shrug.

A. steadfast B. nonchalant C. churlish D. malicious

- Nonchalant (a) : behaving in a calm manner, often in a way that suggests you are not
interested or do not care (không quan tâm, thờ ơ)
- Steadfast (a) : staying the same for a long time and not changing quickly or unexpectedly
- Churlish (a) : rude, unfriendly, and unpleasant
- Malicious (a) : intended to harm or upset other people
16. Sadly, the old man’s _______means that he can’t be left alone even for a few minutes.

A. mindlessness B. sanity C. senility D. disruption

Trang 99
- Senility (n) : the quality of being senile (=showing poor mental ability because of old
- Sanity (n) : the state of having a healthy mind and not being mentally ill
- Mindlessness (n) : the quality of being stupid and meaning nothing
- Disruption (n) : the action of preventing something, especially a system, process, or
event, from continuing as usual or as expected
17. The_______ youngster had four operations during her long battle against the illness.

A. plucky B. gregarious C. compassionate D. bubbly

- Plucky (a) : brave

- Gregarious (a) : (of people) liking to be with other people
- Compassionate (a) : feeling or showing sympathy and sadness for the suffering or bad
luck of others, and wanting to help them
- Bubbly (a) : (especially of a woman or girl) attractively full of energy and enthusiasm
18. Finding the piece of paper I need in this huge pile of documents is like looking for a_____.

A. salt of the earth B. sand in the desert

C. needle in a haystack D. drop in the ocean

- a needle in a haystack : như mò kim đáy bể

- a drop in the ocean : một lượng nhỏ giọt
- salt of the earth : very good, honest, and reasonable, and not thinking you are special in
any way
19. I adore walking around the old city of Venice – just _______ the atmosphere!

A. heading for B. soaking up C. getting in D. pulling up

- Soak up : to enjoy the effects or experience of something as much as possible

20. We seem to have got our______crossed. I thought you were coming on Tuesday.

A. boots B. shoes C. fingers D. wires

- get your wires crossed : when people get their wires crossed, they have a different
understanding of the same situation

Trang 100
26. Mary is perceived by her boss as __________ on the grounds that she lacked both knowledge
and hands-on experience.

A. a clean slate B. a blank slate C. a rap sheet D. a white paper

- Blank slate (n) : someone or something that is still in an original state and that has not yet
been changed by people, experiences, etc
Comment : Theo mình nghĩ , ý của “blank slate” trong câu này chỉ “mary” là một người không
biết gì , hầu như không có kinh nghiệm (dịch nôm na là thế)
- A clean slate (idiom) : a state in which you are starting an activity or process again, not
considering what has happened in the past at all (bắt đầu làm lại từ con số không)
- Rap sheet (n) : bản danh sách tiền án tiền sự
- White paper (n) : sách trắng ( một bản báo cáo hay bản hướng dẫn của các cơ quan có
thẩm quyền nhằm giúp cho người đọc hiểu)
27. The avenue, which convenes general meetings per annum, will be renovated to perfection
with several __________.

A. plucks B. tweaks C. twitches D. snatches

Tweak (n) : a fine adjustment to a mechanism or system (bản vá sửa lỗi)

28. Four students were officially expelled for ____________ school within 6 days in a row.

A. tapering off B. bunking off C. plowing back D. hunkering down

- Taper off : giảm dần

- Bunk off : bùng học
- Plow back : reinvest profits in the enterprise producing them (tái đầu tư)
- Hunker down : ngồi xổm
29. A sense of responsibility should be ____________ early into children's mindset.

A. inculcated B. cogitated C. precipitated D. infiltrated

- Be inculcated into mindset : lưu hằn vào tư duy,hằn sâu trong tư duy
30. Why people call him a ____________ is clearly manifested in his immense wealth of
technical knowledge.

Trang 101
A. recluse B. vagrant C. savant D. maverick

- Recluse (n) : người sống ẩn

- Vagrant (n) : kẻ đầu đường xó chợ
- Savant (n) : nhà bác học
- Maverick (n) non-conformist (người không tuân theo nguyên tắc)
31. In an attempt to ___________ for the footballers, the hooligans started shouting noisily and
distracting them with clanking sounds.

A. play footsie B. queer the pitch C. run rings D. pull up stakes

- Play footsie (idiom) : to touch someone’s feet with your own under the table , usually in
order to show sexual interest in the person
- Queer the pitch (idiom) : làm hỏng kế hoạch , công việc , thành công của người khác
- Run rings around someone (idiom) : “out trình”, hoàn toàn áp đảo ai về mọi mặt
- Pull up stakes (idiom) : di chuyển và sống ở nơi khác
32. The children were ___________ with laughter in the schoolyard at the sight of one of the
teachers trying to catch the school guinea pig.

A. sobbing B. howling C. squawking D. bawling

- Howl with laughter : tiếng hú hét, hò hét (cười)

33. The severity of air pollution was exacerbated by the __________ effect of human

A. amassing B. blowing C. formulative D. cumulative

- Cumulative effect : ảnh hưởng tích lũy (ví dụ : ảnh hưởng tích lũy theo thời gian, tức là
càng ngày càng nhiều, càng trầm trọng)
- Cumulative (adj) : increasing by one addition after another
34. Tommy ____________ the delusion that he served the most decisive role in handling the
issue when indeed, his contribution was only modest.

A. rattled off B. shot through C. reeled off D. laboured under

- Labour under the delusion/illusion that : sống trong ảo tưởng

Trang 102
35. I can't see the point of trying to settle the dispute between those two institutions because
you'll just be papering over the ___________.

A. cracks B. fissures C. splits D. divisions

- Paper over the cracks : che giấu vấn đề

36. Ham has done ___________ historical detective work, and his book deservedly will become
a staple in the history of the religion clauses.

A. reprehensible B. pretentious C. prodigious D. recalcitrant

- Reprehensible (adj) : đáng ghét, đáng trách

- Pretentious (adj) : kiêu kì, phô trương
- Prodigious (adj) : nhiều
- Recalcitrant (adj) : cứng đầu
37. Unlike his hard-working brother, unambitious Jimmy ___________ all day long in his sleep
suits and wanders aimlessly around the house.

A. jacks around B. flashes around C. slops around D. slap about

- Jack around : gây rắc rối cho ai đó

- Flash around : phô trương, khoe khoang, khoe mẽ
- Slop around : relax and do little (thư giãn hầu như không làm gì)
38. During our walk along the beach, we noticed the shifting reflections on the ___________
surface of the water.

A. undulating B. unfaltering C. undiscriminating D. unflinching

- Undulating surface of the water : mặt nước không gợn sóng

39. Her large blue-green eyes were calm and the curves of her ___________ frame were
complemented by the cut and drape of the dress.

A. slender B. scrawny C. lanky D. gaunt

- Slender (adj): gracefully thin (thanh mảnh, mảnh khảnh)

- Scrawny (adj) : da bọc xương
- Lanky (adj) : ungracefully thin (cao lêu nghêu)
- Gaunt (adj) : gầy gò, xanh xao, suy dinh dưỡng

Trang 103
40. There was one vent in the ceiling, not large enough for her hand ___________ her body.

A. whereupon B. by extension C. let alone D. hitherto

- Let alone : huống chi

- Hitherto = until now
26. It was an extremely hostile article which cast _______ on the conduct of the entire cabinet.

A. criticism B. aspersions C. disapproval D. abuse

- Cast aspersions on someone/something: to criticize or make damaging remarks or

judgments about someone or something (chỉ trích)

27. The chef ______ the cake in the refrigerator overnight so it would be cold.

A. thawed B. simmered C. seared D. chilled

- Chill : to (cause to) become cold but not freeze (làm mát)
- Thaw : to (cause to) change from a solid, frozen state to a liquid or soft one, because of
an increase in temperature (làm tan)
- Simmer : to cook something liquid, or something with liquid in it, at a temperature
slightly below boiling (hầm)
- Sear : to burn the surface of something with sudden very strong heat (làm cháy sém, làm
28. Medical scientists are just now ______ of this disease.

A. settling B. experimenting C. emerging D. probing

- Probing (a) : intended to get information

29. All the participants solemnly______ on the Bible to keep the secret.

A. cursed B. swore C. vowed D. promised

- Curse: to use a word or an expression that is not polite and shows that you are very angry
(chửi thề, nguyền rủa)
- Swear: to promise or say firmly that you are telling the truth or that you will do
something or behave in a particular way, to use words that are rude or offensive as a way

Trang 104
of emphasizing what you mean or as a way of insulting someone or something (thề thốt,
hoặc là chửi thề)
- Vow : to make a determined decision or promise to do something
30. A______ of interest briefly crossed his face at the mention of her name. 30. A______ of
interest briefly crossed his face at the mention of her name.

A. flicker B. trace C. gleam D. hint

- A flicker of emotion/uncertainty/excitement etc: a feeling or expression that continues for

a very short time
31. The extremely ______ weather was beginning to get on everyone’s nerves.

A. bland B. dreary C. dim D. gluey

- Dreary (a) : unattractive and having nothing of any interest, and therefore likely to make
you sad
- Bland (a) : not having a strong taste or character or not showing any interest or energ
- Gluey (a) : sticky, or covered with glue

32. Jim had to overcome a great deal of______ to finally achieve his academic goals.

A. differentiation B. vigilance C. adversity D. endeavor

- Differentiation (n) : the act of showing or finding difference between things that are
- Vigilance (n) : more careful attention, especially in order to notice possible danger
- Adversity (n) : a difficult or unlucky situation or event
- Endeavor : an attempt to do something (thử làm gì)
33. In some countries the cinema industry receives a ______from the State.

A. donation B. mortgage C. credit D. subsidy

- Mortgage (n) : an agreement that allows you to borrow money from

- Mortgage (n) : a bank or similar organization, especially in order to buy a house, or the
amount of money itself (sự cầm cố, thế chấp)
- Subsidy (n) : money given as part of the cost of something, to help or encourage it to
happen (tiền trợ cấp)

Trang 105
34. He always _______ back to his childlike manner when he's around his mother.

A. revolves B. retains C. reverts D. restores

- Revert (v) : to go back or return to (an earlier state, condition, situation) (quay lại trở lại
trạng thái cũ)
35. She had ______ reaction to the medicine and broke out in a rash.

A. an adverse B. a reverse C. a converse D. an inverse

- Adverse reaction : a negative reaction to something that someone does (phản ứng tiêu
36. During winter the shelters are full of people of no fixed _______.

A. residence B. abode C. home D. domicile

- No fixed abode : has no permanent home (không nơi nương tựa)

37. Young children often ask many questions because they are naturally _______ .

A. intriguing B. inquisitive C. ingenious D. captivating

- Intriguing (a) : very interesting because of being unusual or mysterious (thú vị)
- Inquisitive (a) : wanting to discover as much as you can about things, sometimes in a way
that annoys people (hiếu kỳ, hay hỏi)
38. The matter has been left in _______ until the legal ramifications have been explored.

A. recess B. suspension C. abeyance D. waiting

- In abeyance : a state of not happening or being used at present ( trì hoãn)

39. I am in the _______ as to where Chris was last night.

A. dark B. shade C. pink D. black

- In the dark : not informed about things that might be useful to know (không biết về)
40. Jane is a sympathetic listener. She lent me a(n) _______ when I lost my job.

A. mind B. mouth C. ear D. eye

- Lend an ear : to listen to someone with sympathy (thông cảm , đồng cảm)

Trang 106
26. The untimely death of Angeline's mother caused her a __________ pit of great sorrow.

A. everlasting B. immeasurable C. bottomless D. boundless

- Bottomless pit : hố sâu không đáy (nghĩa bóng)

27. Peter was beset with challenges created from the disaster but he still managed to
____________ all problems and carry on.

A. tower above B. rise above C. put above D. punch above

- Rise above all problems : vượt qua mọi khó khăn

28. Suzy ____________ Jack a suspicious glance as his behaviors were fishy and bizzare.

A. dawdled B. darted C. dawned D. slogged

- Dart a suspicious glance : “ném” một cú liếc đầy sự nghi ngờ

29. Though what she said appeared incredible, the whole class believed it ____________.

A. above the fray B. under orders

C. hook, line and sinker D. not by a long shot

- Hook, line and sinker (idiom) : hoàn toàn tin vào điều dối trá của người khác
30. The journalists kept throwing the mayor a __________ by digging deep into his private

A. spanner B. lifeline C. curveball D. knife-edge

- Throw someone a curveball : to surprise someone with something that is difficult or

unpleasant to deal with
31. Given both businessmen‘s antagonism towards each other before, their relationship becomes
more notoriously __________ and the negotiation is likely to collapse.

A. fractious B. fictitious C. factitious D. fastidious

- Fractious (adj) : easily upset or annoyed ,and often complaining (dễ cau có, hay phàn
- Fictitious (adj) : invented and not true or not existing (không có thật, hoàn toàn là bịa đặt)
- Factitious (adj) : artificial rather than natural (giả tạo)

Trang 107
- Fastidious (adj) : khó tính, kén cá chọn canh, khó chiều
32. That mysterious whispering sound in the middle of the night sent __________ down her

A. stitches B. butterflies C. jitters D. shivers

- Send shivers down the spine : to make someone feel very frightened or excited (làm cho
ai lạnh sống lưng )
33. Most American females were disgruntled and __________ against the newly-passed
anti-abortion laws.

A. grumbled B. upbraided C. inveighed D. whinged

- Inveigh against : đả kích

34. Given the Green project's wise investment and solid support gained from the public, it is
anticipated that this plan will __________.

A. bubble under B. bump up C. bunch up D. plow through

- Bubble under : have some success but great success

35. Far from sidestepping the issue, she should _________________ and seek alternative

A. jump out of her skin B. snap her head off

C. shake it to her foundations D. batten down the hatches

- Batten down the hatches : sẵn sàng chờ đợi điều xấu nhất điều tệ nhất sắp xảy ra
- Jump out of one’s skin : giật nảy mình, bị hoảng hồn, hết hồn hết vía
- Snap sb’s head off : to answer someone in an unreasonably angry way (trả lời một cách
giận vô cớ)
- Shake it to one’s foundations (idiom) : to seriously damage, upset or change an
organization or someone’s beliefs (làm lung lay niềm tin , tổ chức)
36. Considering that this is an opportune moment, she grabbed the __________ and managed to
attract some potential investors.

Trang 108
A. brass neck B. brass ring C. brass tack D. brass monkey

- Brass ring : a very desirable price , goal ,or opportunity

- Grab the brass ring : chớp lấy thời cơ
37. Having been informed of an armed robbery, the police came swiftly and ___________ the

A. jerked out B. hived off C. bashed down D. scraped out

- Bash down : to destroy something by hitting it very hard and often

38. Despite committing serial heinous crimes, he was declared ___________ insane and thus,
was granted acquittal.

A. criminally B. unprincipledly C. ethically D. underhandedly

- Criminally insane : phạm tội do vấn đề tâm thần

39. That Tim curry favored the high-profile authorities clearly shows that he is a ___________.

A. plaintiff B. sycophant C. charlatan D. neophyte

- Plaintiff (n): nguyên đơn, người kiện

- Sycophant (n) : someone who praises powerful or rich people in a way that is not sincere,
usually in order to get some advantage from them
- Charlatan (n) : a person who pretends to have skills or knowledge that they do not have ,
especially in medicine (lang băm)
- Neophyte (n) : someone who has recently become involved in an activity and is still
learning about it (kẻ mới vào nghề)
40. The visitors ___________ slowly down the street and relished all historic sights.

A. lumbered B. cantered C. sauntered D. plodded

- Lumber (v) : to move slowly and awkwardly

- Canter (v) : đi nước kiệu (ngựa)
- Saunter (v) : to walk in a slow and relaxed way, often in no particular direction (đi thong
- Plod (v) : to walk taking slow steps, as if your feet are heavy

Trang 109
26. The team defended ______, but the opposition was too strong.

A. ferociously B. fervently C. frantically D. frenetically

- Ferociously : aggressively (một cách hung bạo, quyết liệt)

- Fervently : một cách nhiệt thành, nồng nhiệt, sôi sục
- Frantically : một cách cuống cuồng, điên cuồng
- Frenetically : một cách cuồng nhiệt, điên cuồng
Theo mình thấy đáp án B , C , D hầu như đều có nghĩa tương đương nhau là cuồng nhiệt, nhiệt
huyết mà câu A lại có nghĩa là hung bạo, quyết liệt nên đáp án sẽ là câu A.
27. Without discipline, students may think that they have the ______ to do whatever they want.

A. license B. autocracy C. prerogative D. dispensation

- Have the licence to do something : có quyền làm gì (mà bất cứ ai muốn)

- Have the prerogative to do something : có quyền làm gì (nhưng chỉ là đặc quyền cho
những ai quan trọng hay có địa vị cao)
28. After the fraud scandal, the famous singer had to make great efforts to ______ his reputation.

A. reinforce B. leverage C. retrieve D. salvage

- Salvage reputation : cứu vãn danh tiếng

29. After wasting almost a month, we ______ by working from dusk till dawn to meet the

A. ran ourselves into the ground B. played hard ball

C. rubbed shoulders with each other D. kept our body and soul together

- Run yourself into the ground (idiom) : làm việc cật lực
- Play hardball with : hành động, phản ứng quyết liệt với ai về vấn đề gì
- Rub shoulders with : to meet and spend time with someone (gặp mặt và dành thời gian
với ai)
- Keep body and soul together (idiom) : đủ ăn đủ tiêu (có thể chi trả những thứ cơ bản như
quần áo, thức ăn, nơi ở...)
30. The proposed shopping centre has ______ an angry response from local residents.

Trang 110
A. dished up B. given off C. churned out D. called forth

- Call forth (phrasal verb) : tạo ra một phản ứng, sự đáp lại ….
- Churn out (phrasal verb) : sản xuất đồ vật hàng loạt, ồ ạt (nhưng chất lượng kém)
- Give off (phrasal verb) : phát ra, tỏa ra (mùi, ánh sáng….)
- Dish up (phrasal verb) : dọn đĩa ra bàn để ăn, chuẩn bị đồ ăn
31. Much as I like Literature, I cannot stand my teacher’s voice-slow, emotionless and without

A. inflation B. reflection C. inflection D. infliction

- Inflection (n) : ngữ điệu

32. I never tell my sister anything because I know she will definitely ______ it out.

A. split B. blurt C. slip D. gush

- Blurt out : buột miệng nói ra

33. Negotiations went ______, but we did manage to reach an agreement on the contract by the

A. down to the short strokes B. down for the count

C. down to the ground D. down to the wire

- Down to the wire : đến giây phút cuối cùng

34. The coastguard duties included patrolling paths at the top of high and sheer cliffs- not a job
for the ______.

A. faint-hearted B. weak-willed C. light-headed D. bloody-minded

- Fainted-hearted (adj) : yếu tim

- Weak-willed (adj) : thiếu ý chí
- Light-headed (adj) : vui vẻ, vô tư, thư thái
- Bloody-minded (adj) : very determined and refusing to give up (dửng dưng, trơ trơ)

Trang 111
35. There is always a ______ of journalists waiting for the actors and actresses when they arrive
at the event.

A. clique B. gaggle C. guard D. legion

- A gaggle of : một đám ồn ào

36. All the other people at the meeting, without exception, were wearing suits and ties. In my
jeans and tee-shirt I stuck out like a ______ thumb.

A. swollen B. sore C. throbbing D. wounded

- Stick out like a sore thumb : quá nổi bật, khác biệt so với những người / môi trường xung
37. Dinner was ______, and the after-dinner entertainment was equally exceptional.

A. delectable B. despicable C. voluptuous D. ravishing

- Delectable (adj) : ngon (thức ăn)

- Despicable (adj) : đáng khinh, ti tiện
- Voluptuous (adj) : khoái lạc, khoái trá, khêu gợi
- Ravishing (adj) : làm say mê, làm mê hồn
38. I bumped into John in Athens and he ______ me before I had time to speak first.

A. accosted B. jarred C. brawled D. jolted

- Accost (v) : bắt chuyện

39. No, Mum! I didn’t eat the rest of the chocolate cake- ______!

A. feel it in my bones B. cross my heart

C. keep a straight face D. have a strong stomach

- Cross one’s heart : used to stress that one is telling the truth and will do what he or she
promises (thề thốt là đang nói thật và chân thành)
- Feel it in your bones (idiom) : tin cái gì mãnh liệt dù không có lời giải thích
- Keep a straight face (idiom) : cố để nhịn cười
- Have a strong stomach (idiom) : to be able to smell, taste, or see unpleasant things
without feeling ill or upset

Trang 112
40. My aunt has always loved solitude. So, she would ______ live alone as share an apartment
with other people.

A. as much B. so much C. as soon D. sooner

- Would (just) as soon (idiom) = would sooner, would rather (thích hơn)
41. I’m sorry to ______ from your computer, but I need your help.

A. rip you off B. cut you out C. tear you away D. pack you off

- Tear sb away : làm phiền ai đó khi họ đang tận hưởng, tập trung vào chuyện của mình
- Rip sb off : lừa ai trong việc buôn bán
- Pack sb off : tống cổ, gửi ai đó đến chỗ nào
42. He said he was going to do the parachute jump, but just at the last moment he ______.

A. chickened out B. rabbited on C. sparrowed back D. lambed off

- Chicken out (phrasal verb) : rút lui vì sợ không dám làm

- Rabbit on (phrasal verb) : cứ nói những điều người ta không thích, không muốn nghe
43. When Mark comes back from sick leave, you’ll have to ______ on what’s been happening in
his absence.

A. bring him up B. carry him on C. catch him up D. fill him in

- Fill sb in : cập nhật cho ai thông tin về cái gì khi họ vắng

Theo mình , ở trong hoàn cảnh của câu này là “Khi Mark quay lại sau khi nghỉ việc vì ốm thì bạn
cần phải cập nhật thông tin về những gì đang xảy ra trong lúc anh ấy vắng để anh ấy biết”.
44. Before your children start spending most of their free time in front of the television or
computer, ______. Encourage them to read!

A. clip it in the bloom B. curb it in the shoot

C. check it in the sprout D. nip it in the bud

- Nip it in the bud : diệt từ trong trứng nước

45. They have terrible management. But if they could ever ______ together, they would be an
unbeatable company.

A. set their show B. get their act C. put their play D. do their number

Trang 113
- Get one’s act together : thích ứng với hoàn cảnh mới bằng cách hành động có hiệu quả ,
hay chỉnh đốn lại cách làm việc của mình
26. The job wasn’t giving the ______ of the experience he wanted.

A. width B. depth C. length D. breadth

- Breadth (n) : scope or extent (phạm vi)

- Breadth of experience : phạm vi kinh nghiệm
27. I suppose I could ______ advertising.

A. catch on B. get out of C. go in for D. work out

- Go in for : to take part in (tham gia vào)

28. The storm ripped our tent to ______.

A. slices B. shreds C. strips D. specks

- Shred (n) : mảnh vụn (khi bị xé)

- Strip (n) : mảnh vải, dải đất
29. The ______ of two houses prove such a financial burden that they were forced to sell one.

A. upshot B. upkeep C. uproar D. upsurge

- Upkeep (n) :sự bảo dưỡng , bảo trì

- The upshot : the result or end (of a matter)
- Uproar (n) : (an outbreak of) noise, shouting etc
- Upsurge (n) : a sudden and usually large increase in something
30. In his student days, he was as poor as a church ______.

A. beggar B. miser C. mouse D. pauper

- Be as poor as a church mouse: to be very poor (nghèo rớt mồng tơi)

31. Harry doesn’t ______ to great fame and fortune, he just wants to make a decent living.

A. crave B. hanker C. yearn D. aspire

- Aspire to something : to have a strong wish or hope to do or have something (khát khao
,khát vọng)

Trang 114
32. I wrote to them a fortnight ago but ______ I haven’t had a reply.

A. as yet B. these days C. so long D. just now

As yet : cho đến nay

33. I couldn’t stop myself from ______ with boredom during the lecture.

A. sighing B. gasping C. panting D. blowing

- Gasp (v) : thở hổn hển , há hốc miệng (vì kinh ngạc)
- Pant (v) : thở hổn hển
- Sigh (v) : thở dài
34. She didn’t show even a ______ of emotion when the court found her guilty.

A. gleam B. wink C. flicker D. flash

- A flicker of emotion/uncertainty/excitement etc: A feeling or expression that continues

for a very short time (một thoáng cảm xúc)
35. It’s not surprising that he became a writer because he always longed to see his name______.

A. in type B. in print C. in letters D. in edition

- In print : (sách) vẫn có thể mua được, vẫn đang bán

36. The police are looking into new ways of ______ major crime.

A. contending B. wrestling C. combating D. striving

- Combat (v) : to try to stop something unpleasant or harmful from happening or increasing
(đấu tranh, chống chọi)
- Wrestle (v) : đấu vật
- Contend (+with, against, for ) : chiến đấu, đấu tranh
- Strive (v) : cố gắng, nỗ lực
37. The technological and economic changes of the 19th century had a marked ______ on

A. cause B. effect C. impact D. consequence

- Have an impact on : To affect or influence someone or something.

38. The first sign of vitamin A disorder is night ______.

Trang 115
A. loss of sight B. lack of vision C. invisibility D. blindness

- Night blindness : the condition of being unable to see when the general amount of light is
very slight (chứng quáng gà)
39. The ______ are against her winning a fourth consecutive gold medal.

A. chances B. bets C. prospects D. odds

- Odds : the probability (= how likely it is) that a particular thing will or will not happen
40. References can have a considerable ______ on employment prospects.

A. cause B. decision C. weight D. bearing

- Have a bearing on something: to have an influence on something or a relationship to

something (có một sự ảnh hưởng lên)
26. We saw ______ details of the disaster on television last night.

A. elaborate B. knotty C. graphic D. burning

- Graphic detail : cực kỳ chi tiết

27. She was furious and looked ______ at him.

A. daggers B. knives C. swords D. blades

- Look daggers at sb : nhìn ai với ánh mắt hình viên đạn

28. Clare has always had a ______ on her shoulder about not going to university.

A. cut B. mark C. stain D. chip

- Have a chip on one’s shoulder : to be angry all the time because you think you are treated
unfairly (cáu giận mọi lúc vì nghĩ là mình đang bị đối xử thiếu công bằng)
29. Until business improves, the firms are only going to employ a ______ staff.

A. skeleton B. bare C. reduced D. limited

- Skeleton staff : the smallest number of people needed for a business or organization to
operate (số lượng thành viên cơ bản để một doanh nghiệp, tổ chức có thể hoạt động), ý
muốn nói ở đây là “bộ khung” nhân viên cơ bản.

Trang 116
30. I know you’re nervous because you haven’t stopped ______ since you came in.

A. fidgeting B. dawdling C. pestering D. stretching

- Fidget (v) : cựa quậy, hành động để giảm bớt lo lắng căng thẳng (ví dụ như bấm tay, lắc
chân, nắm tay vào nhau, quay bút)
Dawdle (v) : lãng phí thời gian , rề rà Pester (v) : quấy rầy , gây khó chịu
31. Some romantic novelists ______out books with the same old formula every year.

A. churn B. spill C. ladle D. pour

- Churn out (phrasal verb) : sản xuất đồ vật hàng loạt, ồ ạt (nhưng chất lượng kém)
32. The baby ______ with delight when her father bounced her on his knees.

A. oozed B. gurgled C. dribbled D. wheezed

- Ooze (v) : rỉ ra , để rỉ ra (chất lỏng)

- Gurgle (v) : ríu rít (con người)
- Wheeze (v) : thở khò khè
- Dribble (v) : để nước dãi ở miệng chảy ra
33. Come on. Spill the ______ ! What's the big secret?

A. peas B. beans C. milk D. dust

- Spill the beans (idiom) : tiết lộ bí mật

34. The claims the woman made had a ______ of truth about them.

A. ring B. mark C. shade D. circle

- Have a/the ring of truth (idiom) : to seem to be true (có vẻ đúng)

35. Please don't ______ fun at me all the time!

A. push B. poke C. pitch D. prod

- Poke fun at someone/something : trêu đùa ai/ điều gì

Trang 117
21 .The doctor was_________ about when I could drive again after I had worn a plaster for two

A. sinister B. non-committal C. invincible D. unctuous

- Sinister (a) : mang điềm xấu

- Non-committal (a) : not giving an opinion (không cam kết, chưa đưa ra kết luận)
- Unctuous (a) : friendly but insincere
22. On the threshold of adulthood, it’s normal for a teenager to go through a period
of__________ with uncertainty and many worries dominating their minds.

A. epitome B. acquittals C. attenuation D. perturbation

- Epitome (n) : a perfect example of sth (ví dụ hoàn hảo cho)

- Acquittal (n) : a legal decision that a person is not guilty (tuyên bố trắng án)
- Attenuation (n) : the action of making sth less effective
- Perturbation (n) : the state of feeling anxious about sth (sự lo lắng)
23. It is important for world leaders to_________ and honor their commitments on global

A. batten down the hatches B. step up to the plate

C. jump on the bandwagon D. go down to the wire

- Batten down the hatches : to prepare for a difficult situation (chuẩn bị cho tình huống khó
- Step up to the plate: to take action when sth needs to be done (hành động khi cần thiết)
- Jump on the bandwagon : chạy theo phong trào
- Go down to the wire : to the last minute (tới giây phút cuối cùng)
24. As you have matured into a man, stop _________ your parents and go out to find a job.

A. drilling in B. blotting out C. harping on D. battening on

- Drill in : pierce sth (khoan , đâm xuyên qua)

Trang 118
- Batten on : to live well on one's money (sống phụ thuộc vào tài chính của ai)
25. Coming home with a broken heart, he sank back on his pillow and fell into a_________, not
noticing my talking to him.

A. rabbit warren B. bottomless pit C. brown study D. heavy going

- Rabbit warren : a place where rabbits live (hang thỏ)

- Brown study: be completely involved in your own thoughts and not caring about your
surroundings (rơi vào trầm tư một mình)
- Heavy going : difficult to understand or read (khó hiểu)
26. There is no point in challenging Tom in tennis, he is the reigning champion and he will
______with you.

A. mop the floor B. pits his wits C. keep his shirt on D. push up daisies

- Mop the floor : complete victory over sb (hoàn toàn áp đảo ai)
- Pits one's wits against sb: compete against in terms of knowledge or intelligence
- Keep his shirt on : tell sb to stop being angry
- Push up daisies : dead
32. The candidate _________ nervously up and down waiting to be called for the interview.

A. marched B. paced C. strutted D. plodded

- March : to walk quickly

- Pace : đi đi lại lại (lo lắng bồn chồn)
- Strut : to walk in a proud way (đi khệnh khạng)
- Plod : to walk slowly because your legs are heavy
27.Those openly _________their wealth show nothing but a shallow mind and a contemptible
dignity of themselves.

A. eliciting B. flaunting C. reviling D. exerting

- Flaunt (v) : khoe khoang

28. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but I accidentally heard of this odd __________ of conversation
on the bus.

A. buzz B. hum C. snippet D. snatch

Trang 119
- Hum (n) : tiếng xì xào nói chuyện
- A snatch of conversation / music / song : một phần cuộc hội thoại/bài nhạc/bài hát
29. Although the king has abdicated the throne in his son’s favor, he still rules the

A. de facto B. de jure C. de-pronto D. jamais vu

- De facto : trên thực tế

- De jure : theo luật
- Jamais vu : chưa từng thấy, ngầm
Ở ngữ cảnh câu này , “de facto” có nghĩa là thực quyền, tức là dù ông vua đã thoái vị để nhường
ngôi báu cho người con trai, nhưng ông ta vẫn nắm thực quyền
30. Her life at last returned to __________ of normality after such a long period of complete

A. semblance B. vestige C. inkling D. portent

- Semblance : a situation or condition that is similar to what is wanted or expected, but is

not exactly as hoped for
- Vestige : a small part or amount of something larger, stronger, or more important that still
exists from something that existed in the past
- Inkling : a feeling that something is true or likely to happen, although you are not certain
- Portent : a sign that something bad is likely to happen in the future
31. James Conrad was described as a(n) _________ explorer who would always be willing to
venture into the most dangerous corners for new discoveries despite all the risks.

A. obnoxious B. staunch C. stalwart D. audacious

- Audacious (a) : showing a willingness to take risks or offend people

32. By the time the traffic jam cleared up, we were pretty _________ off.

A. palmed B. browned C. nodded D. fobbed

- Fob sb off (with sth): to persuade someone to accept something that is of a low quality, or
different to what they really wanted
- Browned off (adj) : annoyed ( cáu giận)

Trang 120
Ở câu này đáp án người ta cho là D nhưng mà nghĩa của “fob off” có nghĩa là lừa đảo ai, bán cho
ai đồ chất lượng kém, nên theo mình nghĩ thì đáp án này không hợp với ngữ cảnh của câu cho
lắm mà thay vào đó thì đáp án B (browned off) sẽ hợp nghĩa hơn
33. During the earthquake, the land dropped ________ down to the rocky shore.

A. precipitously B. immaculately C. categorically D. unequivocally

- Precipitously (adv) : very quickly or suddenly

- Immaculately (adv) : in a way that is perfectly clean or tidy
- Unequivocally (adv) : in a way that is total, or expressed very clearly with no doubt
34. It looks like she’s really _________ with her successful new business.

A. closing a deal B. moving on up C. breaking it even D. raking it in

- Rake something in : to earn or get a large amount of money (thành công, kiếm được
nhiều tiền)
- Break even : huề vốn (không lỗ không lãi)
- Close a deal : to make a successful business arrangement with someone (chốt đơn với ai,
chốt thỏa thuận kinh doanh)


26. What I hate about this game is that the ending is just a(n) _________ of choice – no matter
what you choose to do, the game concludes in the same way.

A. mirage B. delusion C. illusion D. fantasy

- Mirage (n) : an image, produced by very hot air, of something that seems to be far away
but does not really exist, a hope or wish that has no chance of being achieved
- delusion (n) : belief in something that is not true
- illusion (n) : an idea or belief that is not true, something that is not really what it seems to
- fantasy (n): a pleasant situation that you enjoy thinking about but is unlikely to happen, or
the activity of imagining things like this
27. He punched his own son in the face in a _________ of anger.

Trang 121
A. lapse B. blow C. fit D. crack

- Fit of anger (collocation) : to display a very bad temper, often by screaming a lot
28. Successful people are always ready to seize an opportunity whenever it _________ itself.

A. reveals B. appears C. displays D. presents

- reveal (v) : tiết lộ

- appear (v) : xuất hiện
- display (v) :hiển thị
- present (v) : hiện ra

29. Many people feel that President Donald Trump is, whether by accident or _________,
starting a war with Iran.

A. design B. intent C. purpose D. motive

- Whether by accident or design : vô tình hay hữu ý

30. I’d like to hear your _________ on the problem, just to get an idea of what you’re thinking.

A. reach B. hold C. grasp D. take

- Take on : to accept a particular job or responsibility

31. The old man _________ his fist and waved it angrily at the naughty children.

A. clutched B. clenched C. contracted D. constricted

- clutch (V) : ôm chặt

- clench (v) : siết chặt
- contract (v) : co thắt
- constrict (v) : siết lại
32. He confessed his love for her with as much courage as he could _________ up.

A. ordered B. evoked C. aroused D. summoned

- Summon up : to try very hard to have enough courage, energy, or strength, because you
need it
33. People came from _________ to take part in the peace demonstration in Washington.

Trang 122
A. round and round B. out and about C. there and back D. far and wide

- out and about : active; doing the things you usually do

- there and back : adding together the distance or time to and from a particular place
- far and wide: from a large number of places
34. They thought of selling up and moving to Australia, but decided to stay and try to make
_________ the business.

A. do with B. out C. a go of D. up for

- Make do with : to use what is available although it is not enough or what you wanted
- Make out : to see, hear, or understand something or someone with difficulty, to write all
the necessary information on an official document, to say, usually falsely, that something
is true
- Make up for : to take the place of something lost or damaged or to compensate for
something bad with something good
- Make a go of sth : to make a success (of something)
35. She didn't show even a _________ of emotion when the court found her guilty.

A. gleam B. wink C. flicker D. flash

- Flicker of emotion/uncertainty/excitement etc: a feeling or expression that continues for a

very short time
36. Jane didn't take _________ to your suggestion that she was mean with her money.

A. pleasantly B. kindly C. cheerfully D. agreeably

- not take kindly to something : to be unwilling to accept a situation because it annoys you
37. Catherine Rhodes is considered to be one of the big _________ in the fashion industry.

A. rifles B. guns C. pistols D. weapons

- Big gun/fish/noise/shot: someone who has an important or powerful position

38. The school has a _________ tolerance policy on the use of mobile phones during school

A. never B. none C. zero D. nil

Trang 123
- Zero tolerance :the act of punishing all criminal or unacceptable behaviour severely, even
if it is not very serious
39. I would give up my job _________ if only I could find a better one.

A. on the spur of the moment B. on the dot

C. at one swoop D. at the drop of a hat

- On the spur of the moment : used to say that a decision, action, etc. is sudden and done
without any planning
- on the dot : exactly at the stated or expected time
- at/in one fell swoop: If you do something at/in one fell swoop, you do it all at the same
- at the drop of a hat: If you do something at the drop of a hat, you do it immediately
without stopping to think about it
40. _________, pretending to be soldiers.

A. Around the park were the children marching B. The children marching around the park

C. Marching around the park were the children D. Around the park marching were the children

Cấu trúc ngữ pháp participle clause

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