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Conditionalas (1st, 2nd and 3rd condititonal)

Passive voice

Reported speech

Questions words

If you had studied for the test,you would have passed it

Si hubieras estudiado para el examen, lo habrías aprobado.

If you had asked me,I would have helped you

Si me hubieras preguntado, te habría ayudado.

If we had gone to the cinema,we would have seen my friend Jacob

Si hubiéramos ido al cine, habríamos visto a mi amigo Jacob

If you had spoken English, she would have understood

Si hubieras hablado inglés, ella habría entendido

If they had listened to me, we would have been home earlier

Si me hubieran hecho caso, habríamos llegado antes a casa.

I would have written you a postcard if I had had your address

Te hubiera escrito una postal si hubiera tenido tu dirección

If I had not broken my leg . I would have taken part in the contest

Si no me hubiera roto la pierna. hubiera participado en el concurso

If I had not started to rain, we would have walked to the museum

Si no hubiera empezado a llover, habríamos caminado hasta el museo.

We would have swum in the sea if there had not been so many sharks there

Habríamos nadado en el mar si no hubiera tantos tiburones allí

If she had taken the bus, she would not have arrived on time

Si hubiera tomado el autobús, no habría llegado a tiempo.

If you hadn't been late

Si usted no había sido tarde

we wouldn't have missed the bus.

Nosotros no me hubiera perdido el autobús.

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