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Specific Conditions – Referral Programme

February 2020

Article 1: Scope

1.1 The subject matter of these specific conditions is to describe the applicable conditions and regime of
the referral programme proposed by Sogexia S.A. (« Sogexia ») to its Customers.

1.2 These specific conditions are subject to change from time to time by Sogexia, who can also decide to
remove its referral programme. However, the Referrer will always be provided with up to date specific
conditions and the removal of the referral program will not affect the referrals initiated before the

Article 2: Definitions

2.1 Terms beginning by a capital letter are either defined in the main terms and conditions or specifically
defined below.

2.2 The « Conditions for a Successful Referral » are the conditions stipulated in article 3 of these
specific conditions.

2.3 A « Referral » is a natural or legal person introduced by a Customer of Sogexia as a potential


2.4 A « Referrer » is a Customer who communicates to Sogexia the details of a third party, natural or
legal person, likely to become a customer of Sogexia.

2.5 A « Referral Bonus » is a 20 euros’ bonus credited on the Account of the Customer within the 5
working days following the fulfillment of the Conditions for a Successful Referral as determined by

Article 3: Conditions for a Successful Referral

3.1 The Referral Bonus is only owed by Sogexia if the conditions stipulated in this article are fulfilled.

3.2 To benefit from a Referral Bonus:

(1) The Referrer agrees to these specific conditions.

(2) The Referrer does not work for the Sogexia Group as an employee, executive officer or
(3) The Referral does not work for the Sogexia Group as an employee, executive officer or
(4) The Referral has never been a Customer of Sogexia.
(5) The Referral meets all the required conditions to become a Customer of Sogexia.
(6) The Referral deposits 1,000 euros on her/his/its Sogexia Account.
(7) The successful referrals coming from the same Customer have not exceeded 20.
(8) The Referral Bonus can only be credited if the Customer is still a Customer when Sogexia
finds that the above conditions are fulfilled and is ready to credit the Referral Bonus on the
Account of the Customer. In other words, the Referral Bonus is lost if the Account of the
Customer is terminated, whichever the cause or termination initiative may be.

3.3 If the Conditions for a Successful Referral are fulfilled, Sogexia commits to credit the Referral Bonus
within the 5 working days following their fulfillment as found by Sogexia.

Article 4: Practical steps to participate in the Sogexia Referral Programme

4.1 The Referrer logs in on the « Referral » tab via the secured (« My Account ») Customer area of the
Sogexia website.

4.2 The Referrer becomes aware of his/her/its Referral link that he/she/it shares with the Referral via
Email, Facebook, Twitter or Google+. When the Referral clicks on the Referral link, he/she/it is
brought to the SOGEXIA Account opening form pre-filled with the Referrer identifier.

Specific Conditions – Referral Programme
February 2020

Article 5: Applicable Law, Competent Jurisdiction, Responsibilities

5.1 Any dispute between Sogexia and the Customer will be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts
of the City of Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, except for Consumer Customers who may
rely on contrary local mandatory provisions from which these specific conditions and the main terms
and conditions cannot derogate.

5.2 It is up to the Customer to determine on his/her/its own the fiscal regime of the collection of Referral
Bonuses according to his/her/its personal situation. Sogexia is neither an advisor nor a guarantor on
this subject.

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