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Std.-12 : Computer Studies * 12.

Publishing documents using LaTeX * © Sona Prakashan

Self-Evaluation Test
What is ·used to mark portion of text in LaTeX?
(A) Groups (B) [ ] (C) Comments (D) Arguments
2. Which of the following document class is used for writing individual articles?
(A) slides (B) letter (C) article (D) beamer
3. What is included in the back matter?
(A) Title, Bibliography and References (B) Index, References and preface
(C) Bibliography, Index and Reference (D) Table of content, Index and Title
4. Which command is used to create fractions�
(A) \fraction{numerator} (B) \frac{numerator}
(C) \fraction{numerator}{denominator} (D) \ frac{numerator}{denominator}
5. Which function key is used to compile LaTeX file?
(A) F5 (B) ·F2 (C) F7 (D) F9
6. Which package is used for page layout tasks like setting paper size, orientation,
margin etc.?
(A) amsmath (B) setspace (C) listings (D) geometry
7. Which of the following document class is used to set larger font size automatically?
(A) slides (B) letter (C) book (D) articles
8. What is contained by preamble?
(A) Metadata (B) Comments (C) Arguments (D) Author name
9. Which of the following characters are reserved in LaTeX?
(A ) # $ % (B) & _(Underscore) { }
(C ) A - \ (D) All A, B, C
10. Which of the following does come with built-in ways to format these document
elements in a pleasant-looking professional style?
(A) LaTeX (B) Griffon (C) pdfLatex (D) Tex
· 11. In which of the following, parts are divided?
(A) Sections (B) Chapters (C) Words (D) Characters
12. By default· elements are assigned number up to....
(A) Level 2 (B) subsections (C) Both A& B (D) Level 3
13. Which of the following option of document class does change the layout of the
document to print in landscape mode?
(A) fleqn (B) legalP,aper (C) landscape (D) article
14. Which of the following begins with \begin{name} and ends with \end{name}?
(A) Group (B) Environment (C) Section (D) Preamble
15. Which of the following operator is used to denote a subscript or an index?
(A) _ (underscore) (B) A (caret) (C) - (minus) (D) < (less than)

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