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Homework 2 (project).

(Due date is March 3)

Dear students,

1. Your second homework is about writing a basis-path testing from your software projects.

Draw the flowchart of the function/method and show the basis paths.

(At least with 4 cyclomatic complexity).

Write white-box tests for each path please. (35 points)

2. I want you to write four mutant codes for one of the Unit tests you have written in your
homework 1.

(totaly four mutant codes. Not four for each test please) You can use a tool (PIT) if you like or you can
write your own mutant tests manually. (35 points)

3. Provide a table-based test scenario for one of your methods in your project. Draw the table and
write the Tests for the conditions according to the Table. (35 points)

We will perform technical-reviews on your codes during the class hour.

You will present your codes and results.

Prepare a report of codes and execution screen.

Prepare a 5-minute video.

Good luck.

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