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Course name: ELT Methodologies Level: BS English

Course Code: 9060 Semester: Spring 2023
Assignment: 1 Due Date: 30-08-2023
Total Assignment: 2 Late Date: 29-09-2023

‫یکےیلے‬ ‫حتمناتیکایتر ے‬
‫ٹنمنئاےو ےرا ے‬
‫س ے‬ ‫عیا ے‬ ‫اجنےساتکںیبںیہنآریہںیہ۔وہہبلط مہاریرسوس ے‬
‫کذ ےر ے‬ ‫نجہبلطیکویوینریٹسیک ب‬
‫ے‬ ‫ٹٹ‬ ‫ے‬
‫ادارککآرڈررکواتکسںیہ۔زیناہھتےسے‬200 ‫زہچ ے‬ ‫یک ببرھگےھٹیباحلصرکتکسںیہ۔بتکیک ڈ‬
‫رپنتمیقکالعوہمزیڈڈاکےخ ے‬
‫ئم ٹ‬
03096696159‫ی‬ ‫رک ے‬ ‫الیامیاسییکوسٹفاس نٹسآرڈررپدایتسب ے‬
‫ںیہ۔رصفواسٹےانےرپراہطب ے‬ ‫یھکلوہیئاور ے‬
‫رک ے‬
‫نرپراہطب ے‬
‫یے۔رصفواسٹا ے‬
‫رک ے‬
‫ےیلراہطب ے‬
‫اسالکس ےکالخہصےناناناسٹنمنئاحلصرکےنک ے‬

Q.1 Explain the difference among Approach, Method, Procedure and

Technique. Provide concrete examples.


When planning or executing a task, there can be a lot of confusion about the
terminologies used to describe different aspects of the process. Words like approach,
method, procedure, and technique are often used interchangeably or are mixed up with
each other, causing confusion and miscommunication.


Approach refers to a broad strategy or a general way of thinking that guides our
actions towards achieving a certain goal. It is a conceptual framework that outlines the
steps for accomplishing the task. Approaches are often described in terms of their
scope and general purpose, and they can be applied across different contexts.

For instance, when we talk about the scientific approach, we refer to a systematic and
objective way of exploring phenomena in an organized and empirical way. This
approach is grounded in the scientific method, which aims to test hypotheses and
theories through experiments and observations.

Another example of an approach is the communicative approach in language teaching.

The communicative approach emphasizes the practical use of language and
communication skills over mere grammar and vocabulary memorization. This
approach aims to teach students to communicate in real-life situations, using the
language creatively and effectively.


Method refers to a particular way of doing something. It is a set of techniques or

procedures that are used to accomplish a specific task or achieve a particular goal.
Methods are more specific and practical than approaches, and they reflect the
particularities of the context and the task at hand.

For example, in language teaching, the direct method is a specific approach that uses
oral communication and immersion as the main means of teaching. This method
emphasizes the use of the target language in a natural and spontaneous way, without
relying on translation or explicit grammar instruction.

Another example of a method is the SWOT analysis used in business management.

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, and it is a
method for identifying and evaluating the internal and external factors that affect the
success of a business. This method involves gathering data, analyzing it, and using it
to make informed decisions.


A procedure is a step-by-step process that outlines the specific actions to be taken to

accomplish a task. Procedures are more detailed and specific than methods and are
used to guide the actual execution of the task. Procedures can be standardized and
followed in a consistent way, which ensures consistency and efficiency in the work.

For example, in medical settings, there are procedures for different tasks, such as
taking vitals, administering medication, or performing surgery. These procedures are
designed to ensure patient safety and improve the quality of care. In the case of
surgery, the procedure includes a series of steps, such as preparing the patient,
administering anesthesia, making incisions, and closing the wound.

Another example of a procedure is the hiring process in a company. The hiring

procedure outlines the specific steps to be taken in recruiting and selecting candidates
for a job. This procedure can include screening resumes, conducting interviews,
checking references, and making a hiring decision.


Technique refers to a specific skill or method used to perform a task or accomplish a

goal. Techniques are more focused and pragmatic than procedures, and they reflect the
expertise and experience of the individual or team performing the task.

For example, in sports, different techniques are used to perform specific skills, such as
dribbling, passing, or shooting in basketball. These techniques involve specific body
movements, hand-eye coordination, and timing, and they reflect the individual style
and ability of the player.

Another example of a technique is the use of the Pomodoro technique in time

management. The Pomodoro technique is a specific method for improving
productivity and time management, which involves setting a timer for 25 minutes,
working on a task with full focus, taking a short break, and repeating the cycle.


In conclusion, while approaches, methods, procedures, and techniques are often used
interchangeably, they have distinct meanings and applications in different contexts.
Approaches are broad conceptual frameworks that guide our thinking and actions
towards a goal. Methods are specific ways of doing something, while procedures are
step-by-step processes that guide the execution of a task. Techniques are specific skills
or methods used to perform a task or achieve a goal. Understanding these differences
is crucial for effective communication and successful execution of tasks in different

Q.2 A teacher plays the role of controller, prompter, assessor, resource, and so
on. Explain a teacher’s role in the classroom and comment on how the teacher is
required to play a different role in the 21st century?


A teacher’s role in the classroom is multi-faceted. A teacher plays various roles such
as the controller, prompter, assessor, resource, facilitator, and so on. The role of a
teacher has evolved over the years, and in the 21st century, teachers are required to
adapt to new technological advancements, changing student requirements, and new
teaching methods.

The traditional roles of a teacher:

The traditional roles of a teacher in a classroom include the following:

1. Controller: The teacher is responsible for the overall functioning of the classroom.
The teacher has to maintain discipline and ensure that students follow the rules and

2. Assessor: The teacher assesses the students’ performance and provides feedback to
help them improve.

3. Resource: The teacher provides resources such as books, notes, lectures, and other
materials required for teaching.

4. Prompter: The teacher prompts the students to think and respond to questions to
keep them engaged.

5. Facilitator: The teacher facilitates learning by providing opportunities for students

to explore and learn independently.

These traditional roles of a teacher have been in place for many years. However, with
the advent of technology and changing student requirements, the role of a teacher is

The changing role of a teacher in the 21st century:

In the 21st century, teachers are required to adapt to new teaching methods and
techniques to cater to the changing requirements of students. The following are the
different roles that a teacher plays in the 21st century:

1. Technology integrator: With technological advancements, teachers are required to

integrate technology into their teaching methods. Teachers have to learn how to use
digital tools and software to enhance their teaching, increase student engagement, and
provide personalized learning experiences.

2. Facilitator of collaboration: In the 21st century, collaboration is crucial for

learning. Teachers have to facilitate collaborative learning by providing opportunities
for students to work together, participate in discussions, and work on group projects.

3. Creator of learning environments: Teachers have to create learning environments

that are dynamic, engaging, and inclusive. Teachers have to provide a safe space for
students to learn, be creative, and take risks.

4. Guide for critical thinking: In the 21st century, critical thinking is essential.
Teachers have to guide students to think critically, analyze information, evaluate
sources, and make informed decisions.

5. Mentor and coach: Teachers have to act as mentors and coaches for their students.
Teachers have to provide guidance, support, and feedback to help students achieve
their goals.

6. Lifelong learner: Teachers have to be lifelong learners themselves. They have to

keep up with the changing trends and advancements in teaching methods,
technologies, and student requirements.


In conclusion, a teacher’s role in the classroom is multi-faceted. A teacher plays

various roles such as the controller, prompter, assessor, resource, facilitator, and so on.
The role of a teacher has evolved over the years, and in the 21st century, teachers are
required to adapt to new technological advancements, changing student requirements,
and new teaching methods. In the 21st century, a teacher’s role includes being a
technology integrator, a facilitator of collaboration, a creator of learning environments,
a guide for critical thinking, a mentor, and a lifelong learner. Teachers have to adapt to
these changing roles to provide their students with the best learning experiences.

Q.3 What is the significance of English language teaching in Pakistan and what
challenges are the teachers faced with? Explain with reference to your local


Pakistan is a multilingual country with 72 spoken languages; however, English is

widely spoken and is the official language of government, education, and business.
The English language is a crucial aspect of Pakistan's education system, and its
importance cannot be ignored. The country has a colonial history that contributes to
the use of English. The British colonized the region and imposed their language.
Pakistan's education system emphasizes English, which is the language of instruction
in universities and colleges.

Significance of English Language Teaching in Pakistan

The teaching of English language has significant importance in Pakistan. English is the
language of communication globally, and it opens up opportunities for people to
access the global market. English skills are necessary to participate in international
trade, business, and tourism. Without English skills, Pakistan's economic progress may
slow down. In the field of science and technology, researchers, scholars, and
academics require English proficiency to publish their work in international journals
and attend conferences worldwide. Therefore, the teaching of English language helps
people to participate in the global community and contribute to economic growth.

In Pakistan, English is the medium of instruction in universities and colleges. Students

who do not speak English as their first language face several challenges. There is a gap

between their English proficiency and the requirements of higher education. Therefore,
the teaching of English language is essential for students to achieve their academic and
career goals. A lack of English proficiency can hinder students' progress and limit their
opportunities for higher education and employment.

Pakistan's education system emphasizes English as a subject from the primary level.
The teaching of English develops students' language skills in reading, writing,
speaking, and listening. It exposes students to English literature, culture, and values,
which broadens their perspective and enhances their understanding of the world.
English language teaching also helps students to acquire critical thinking skills and
problem-solving skills, which are essential for success in the modern world.

Challenges Faced by English Language Teachers in Pakistan

Pakistan's education system has several challenges that affect the teaching of English
language. The following are some of the significant challenges faced by English
language teachers in Pakistan:

1. Limited Resources

Pakistan's education system faces several resource constraints, including limited

funding, limited teaching materials, and limited technology. These constraints affect
the quality of English language teaching. Teachers often have to rely on outdated
textbooks and inadequate teaching materials, which affect their ability to deliver
quality education. Limited technology and internet connectivity further hamper the
teaching of English language, especially in rural areas.

2. Lack of English Proficiency among Teachers

English language teachers in Pakistan often lack proficiency in the language

themselves. The quality of English language teaching is affected when teachers cannot
communicate effectively in English. The lack of proficiency further limits their ability
to teach grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. In some cases, teachers resort to rote
learning and memorization rather than teaching critical thinking and problem-solving

3. Cultural Barriers

Pakistan's societal culture tends to undervalue English language proficiency, which

can lead to a lack of motivation among students to learn the language. Pakistan also
has a strong Islamic culture, and some parents may view learning English as a

westernization of their children. This cultural barrier can limit students' opportunities
to learn the language and affect the quality of English language teaching.

4. Examination-Oriented Education System

Pakistan has an examination-oriented education system that focuses more on rote

learning rather than critical thinking and problem-solving skills. English language
teaching is affected when the focus is more on passing exams than developing
language proficiency. Students often memorize vocabulary and grammar rules without
understanding their applications in real-life situations. This approach affects the
quality of English language teaching and limits students' opportunities for future

5. Class Size and Student Diversity

Pakistan's education system has high student-teacher ratios, which affect the quality of
English language teaching. Teachers have limited time to interact with each student,
understand their individual learning needs, and tailor their teaching accordingly. In
addition, students come from diverse backgrounds, with different levels of proficiency,
which makes it challenging for teachers to develop a common level of understanding.


The teaching of English language is significant in Pakistan, and it plays a vital role in
the country's economic and social progress. However, the challenges faced by English
language teachers affect the quality of education and limit students' opportunities for
success. Pakistan's education system needs to address these challenges through
funding, training, and policy reforms. Teachers need to be proficient in English, use
modern teaching materials and technology, and develop critical thinking and problem-
solving skills among students. Moreover, societal attitudes towards English language
proficiency need to change to promote its importance for students' future success. It is
only by addressing these challenges that Pakistan can achieve its true potential through
the teaching of English language.

Q.4 English is being taught in Pakistan as a subject, and not as language. What
is your opinion? How do you think it should be taught, as a subject or as a
language? Provide reasons of your stance.


English is a global language that has become an essential tool to communicate in the
modern world. It is a language that is taught worldwide, and in many countries, it is an

official language. Pakistan inherited English as a legacy of British colonialism, and it

has remained an important language in Pakistan ever since. However, English is not
being taught in Pakistan as a language but as a subject, which has led to a debate on
the most effective way to teach English in Pakistan.

The debate on how to teach English in Pakistan is an important one as it has a direct
impact on the future of the country. Pakistan is a developing country and needs to have
a workforce that can communicate effectively with the rest of the world. English has
become a language of communication globally, and it is important for Pakistan to have
a workforce that is proficient in the language to compete globally.

Pakistan is a diverse country with several languages spoken by its people. Urdu is the
national language of Pakistan, and it is the most widely spoken language in the
country. However, English is still an important language in Pakistan as it is used in
official documents, government correspondence, and international communication.
English has become a symbol of status and power in Pakistan, and fluency in the
language is often seen as a measure of education and social status.

English is an important language in Pakistan, and it is being taught in schools and

colleges as a subject. Students are taught English grammar, vocabulary, and syntax,
and they are expected to pass exams in the language. However, the emphasis on exams
and rote learning has resulted in students not being able to communicate effectively in
English. The teaching of English as a subject has failed to produce a workforce that is
proficient in the language.

One of the reasons why English is being taught as a subject is the lack of qualified
teachers. According to a report by the British Council, there is a shortage of English
teachers in Pakistan, and the quality of teaching is variable. The report also highlighted
that the teaching of English is often based on rote learning, and there is little emphasis
on communication skills. Another reason why English is being taught as a subject is
the lack of resources. Schools in Pakistan often lack the resources to teach English

English should be taught as a language and not as a subject in Pakistan. Teaching

English as a language would focus on developing communication skills rather than
rote learning. English should be taught with an emphasis on spoken and written
communication rather than on exams. Students should be taught to use English in
everyday situations, and they should be encouraged to speak the language.

Teaching English as a language would require a change in the curriculum and teaching
methods. The curriculum should be designed to develop communication skills rather

than to prepare students for exams. Teachers should be trained to teach English as a
language, and they should be given the resources to teach effectively. The teaching of
English should be interactive, and students should be encouraged to use the language
in group discussions and debates. Students should be taught grammar and vocabulary
in the context of communication.

Teaching English as a language would require a change in mindset. English should not
be seen as a symbol of status and power, but as a tool for communication. English
should be seen as a language that connects people, and not as a language that creates

In conclusion, English is an important language in Pakistan, and it is being taught as a

subject. However, teaching English as a subject has failed to produce a workforce that
is proficient in the language. English should be taught as a language, with an emphasis
on communication skills. The teaching of English should be interactive, and students
should be encouraged to use the language in everyday situations. English should be
seen as a tool for communication rather than as a symbol of status and power. The
teaching of English as a language would require a change in mindset, curriculum, and
teaching methods. It would require a commitment from the government, educational
institutions, and teachers to produce a workforce that is proficient in the language.

Q.5 Grammar Translation Method is not suitable in Pakistan context. Provide

evidence or refute with solid arguments.


The Grammar Translation Method (GTM) is an ancient method of language teaching

that was meant to help learners acquire a new language through a focus on grammar
and vocabulary. The GTM has been around since the early 19th century and was
widely used in language classrooms until the 1950s. Pakistan is a country with a rich
linguistic heritage, with a total of 74 languages spoken throughout the country. With
English being the official language in Pakistan, it is important to consider the most
effective teaching method for language learners.


The GTM has been criticized for being out of date and ineffective in language
teaching. This method relies on memorization of grammar rules and vocabulary lists.
Students are expected to translate texts from their native language into the target
language, and vice versa. There is no emphasis on using the language in real-life

scenarios. Instead, the focus is on the mechanics of the language, which can be tedious
and discouraging for students.

The GTM has been used extensively in Pakistan for many years. This method is still in
use, but it has been modified to some extent. The GTM is used alongside other
teaching methods, such as the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). However,
the GTM is still the dominant teaching method in English language classrooms in


There are several reasons why the GTM is not suitable for teaching English in
Pakistan. Firstly, the GTM is a teacher-centered method that does not address the
needs of individual learners. This method is based on the assumption that all learners
have similar learning styles and abilities. However, this is not true. Each student has
different learning styles, and the GTM does not cater to this diversity. Students who
struggle with memorization or who learn better through hands-on activities are at a
disadvantage when learning through the GTM.

Secondly, the GTM does not foster communication skills. The emphasis is on reading
and writing skills, but not speaking or listening skills. This is a major problem in
Pakistan, where English is the official language. Students need to be able to
communicate effectively in English in order to succeed in the job market. The GTM
does not prepare students for this reality.

Thirdly, the GTM does not provide a contextualized language learning experience.
Students are taught grammar rules and vocabulary lists, but they are not given the
opportunity to use the language in real-life scenarios. This makes it difficult for
students to apply what they have learned in the classroom to real-life situations. This
lack of contextualization makes it difficult for students to see the relevance of what
they are learning.

Fourthly, the GTM creates a negative attitude towards learning English. Learning a
second language is a challenging task, and when students are forced to memorize
grammar rules and vocabulary lists, they may become demotivated and discouraged.
The GTM does not promote a positive attitude towards learning English.

Finally, the GTM is not suitable for teaching English to non-native speakers. English
is a complex language, and non-native speakers need to learn the language in a way
that is relevant to their own context. The GTM does not take into account the needs of
non-native speakers.


Despite the criticisms against the GTM, there are some who argue that it is still a
suitable teaching method in Pakistan. One argument is that the GTM provides a strong
foundation in grammar and vocabulary. This argument holds that students who have a
strong foundation in grammar and vocabulary are better prepared to learn English in a
more communicative and interactive setting.

However, this argument is flawed. While it is true that a strong foundation in grammar
and vocabulary is important, the GTM is not the only way to achieve this. There are
other teaching methods, such as the Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT), that
provide a strong foundation in grammar and vocabulary while also focusing on
communication skills.

Another argument is that the GTM is suitable for teaching students who want to pursue
further studies in English. This argument holds that the GTM is useful for students
who need to learn English for academic purposes.

Again, this argument is flawed. While it may be true that the GTM is useful for
academic purposes, it is not the only way to teach English for academic purposes.
There are other teaching methods, such as the Content-Based Language Teaching
(CBLT), that focus on teaching English in a context relevant to the students’ academic


it is clear that the GTM is not suitable for teaching English in Pakistan. The GTM is an
outdated teaching method that does not address the needs of individual learners, foster
communication skills, provide a contextualized learning experience, promote a
positive attitude towards learning English, or take into account the needs of non-native
speakers. Instead, teaching methods such as the TBLT and CBLT provide a more
effective and efficient approach to teaching English in a diverse and multi-lingual
context such as Pakistan.

Linguistic diversity in Pakistan is a testament to the country's rich and multicultural

heritage. It is important for the teaching of English in Pakistan to reflect this diversity
and provide an inclusive learning experience for students. The GTM is not an effective
teaching method for this purpose. It is time for English language teaching in Pakistan
to move away from the GTM and towards more learner-centered, communicative, and
interactive teaching methods.

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