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It is believed that having a hobby besides working or studying

makes our life healthier. Not only does a hobby provide us health
physically or mentally but it also it gives us the chance to meet
new people.

One of the most known hobbies is reading. There are plenty of

genres and ways of writing depending on the author; that’s why
there are a lot of people who enjoy reading. In addition to its
wide variety, books can be read in paper or digitally, for example
using an eBook or our phones.

As to discovering hobbies that will improve your daily life, you

can learn to cook or bake. Learning how to cook will help you
gain time,it will make it easier to cook meals every day and it will
also improve your creativity in the kitchen.

If you want to take up a hobby outside of your house, you could

try physical activities. There are outdoor activities such as hiking
or cycling that can both be done while listening to music to be
more entertaining or doing it with friends. If you are looking for a
hobby which involves interacting with people, dancing would be
a good option, as it is a great activity to develop our creativity
and flexibility.

To sum up, doing any activity that we enjoy would make a

positive change in our life whether if it is fast or in a long time.
(no se como poner un cambio a la corta o a la larga). This change
can be physical or mental and it helps us to grow as individuals
and stimulates our brain to incorporate more information.
Personally I think that having a hobby can make us feel
productive and brighten our day.

Well done!!

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