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Cultural value-kindness

There are two things that inspire people to be kind. First, they are being kind because of
Sympathy and Compassion. Some people are naturally caring and have a genuine concern for other
people. They are inspired to be nice because they can empathize with and understand the emotions of
others and they wish to lessen their pain or make them happy. For example, some characters, such as
Mr. Brownlow and Nancy, are motivated by sympathy and compassion for Oliver. They recognize the
hardships he faces as an orphan and are genuinely concerned for his well-being. They are kind because
they genuinely want to assist someone who is struggling. Second, the key element that motivates people
to act kindly is morality and personal values. Some people hold personal values and beliefs that prioritize
kindness and compassion as essential virtues. They genuinely believe that it is important to treat people
with kindness, respect, and fairness. For instance, certain characters in the story, like Mrs. Bedwin and
Mr. Brownlow, are motivated by their personal values and moral principles. Mrs. Bedwin is a kind-
hearted, motherly figure who cares for Oliver during his stay with Mr. Brownlow. She provides
affectionate care, attending to his physical needs, and making sure his well-being after the robbers run
off with the wounded Oliver and abandon him in a ditch. Moreover, Mr. Brownlow is a gentleman who
takes an interest in Oliver's safety. He offers Oliver shelter and protection, providing him with a safe and
comfortable home. Mr. Brownlow recognizes Oliver's natural goodness and potential, which motivates
him to offer Oliver a better life. Along with that, he stands up for Oliver's innocence when he is falsely

For both people and society as a whole, kindness is extremely important:

1. People: People who have been drawn into a life of crime or darkness can be rescued and
changed by kindness. Despite being a part of Fagin's criminal activities, Nancy's character
displays a hint of compassion and understanding for Oliver. Her act of sacrifice ultimately leads
to a path of redemption. Dickens the author, makes the suggestion through her persona that
acts of kindness have the power to change people's perspectives and motivate them to seek a
better life.
2. Society: Kindness has a ripple effect on society, inspiring others to act the same way. In Oliver
Twist, acts of kindness by characters like Oliver and Mr. Brownlow influence and inspire those
around them. When they see and come across kindness, people are motivated to show
compassion to others. As a result, acts of kindness spread throughout society and motivate
people to take action to create a better world.

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