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Val Ed:

Loving Yourself and Others Through Pakikipagkapwa:

Ethical meaning of Kapwa and Pakikipagkapwa

An individual is a social creation not just because he/she has neighbour but because
everything that he/she does and thinks of even his/her desire for personal growth and
development, comes from his/ her neighbours and is done
Dr. Manuel Dy, Jr. a sociology and philosphy professor at the Ateneo de Manila University

Developing concern for others, thinking of them as part of us, brings self–confidence, reduces
our sense of suspicion and mistrust, and enables us to develop a calm mind. - Delai Lama

It is important for you to understand that you need other people in your life.
A person is able to make him/herself who because it gives meaning his/her life.
Justice comes with love for others. Justice or fairness is giving someone what is due to
him/her recognizing his/her dignity and importance as a human being.
You cannot say you love someone unless you treat him/her with respect.

Kapwa and Pakikipagkapwa in Filipino Culture:

In Filipino culture, the kapwa has a deeper and wider meaning than it has in its western
According to Virgilio Enriquez, The concept done in 1994

Levels of Relationships in Pakikipagkapwa:

There are eight levels of pakikipagkapwa according to Virgilio Enriquez. Each level, there
are corresponding emotions, actions, and ways of thinking of an individual toward his/her
neighbour. (only 6 included in ppt btw)
1. Pakikitungo (transaction or civility with)
This is the lowest level of pakikipagkapwa. Here you can show your desire to have a good
relationship with others even if you do not know them that much. Examples of actions
that express this are smiling, nodding, or greeting people you see so as not to look like
you are snobbish.
2. Pakikisalamuha (interaction with)
At this level, there is a little bit of depth in the way you treat others through some short
and casual exchange.
3. Pakikilahok (joining or participating)
You might be already joining activities with other people like attending a gathering or a
4. Pakikipagplagayang-Loob (being in rapport with/understanding/acceptance of)
Openness starts at this level and includes you trusting others. This can seen in you
sharing personal information about yourself with others.
5. Pakikisangkot (getting involved)
You may see yourself as part of someone’s problems, ordeals, purpose, and activities.
Example could be when your friend has a problem and you help him/her solve it to the
best of your abilities.
6. Pakikiisa (being one with/ in solidarity with)
You may feel that you are already part of a group or that someone is no longer a stranger
to you. You help each other in solving a problem, achieving a common goal, and doing
things activities together.



Human king- abusive and oppressive

Offered by his mother Hannah when he was young to God
Leads Israel in prayer
Led people to religious rituals such as fasting and dedicated memorial stones
Call was to become a priest and prophet


A Benjeminite
Able-bodied and a capable mediator
Prevented tribes from fighting one another
Formed an army
Under his leadership, Israel became united
Claimed his first victory over the Ammonites
Became temperamental, impatient, ill, cruel and disobedient
Corrupt and self-centered


David gains military and political victories

Youngest and least experienced among Jesse’s sons
Chose to succeed Saul
David establishes Jerusalem as the seat of power
David encourages the writing of the Old Testament books
David receives God’s promises
David’s Sin of Lust, Murder, and Adultery
David’s Victory over Goliath

Psalms (Rich and Varied Ways of Praying):

1. Psalm of Praise- expresses worship and thanksgiving for the saving act of God
2. Psalm of Lament- communicates anguished and sorrowful feelings
3. Psalm of Thanksgiving- expresses our gratitude to God for his goodness and generosity


The Wise but Extravagant King

Settles a dispute between two mothers, each claiming a baby to hers
Wrote wise sayings and composed songs. Part II and V of the book of proverbs are
He encouraged the writing of the Wisdom Books
Builds the Great Temple of Jerusalem
Brings Israel to its golden age
Solomon’s Foreign Wives and Idolatry

Wisdom Books:

1. Psalms- inspired prayers and songs about personal and community concerns
2. Job- a dramatic poem on the meaning of suffering
3. Ecclesiastes- a set of reflections on the apparent meaninglessness of existence
4. Proverbs- a collection of wise sayings about everyday living
5. Song of Songs- a poem about love/relationships
6. Wisdom- praises wisdom and its effects; uses Solomon as spokesperson
7. Sirach or Ecclesiasticus- contains numerous maxims on topics with one another and God

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