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19 French Idioms About Health

1. Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir

Translation: It is better to prevent than to heal
Meaning: Take care of your health
2. Avoir la pêche
Translation: To have the peach
Meaning: To feel great
3. Avior la banana
Translation: to have le banana
Meaning: To feel good
4. Ne pas être dans son assiette
Translation: Not be in one’s own plate
Meaning: Feeling sick or not yourself
5. Avoir le cafard
Translation: To have the cockroach
Meaning: To feel depressed
6. Avoir un faim de loup
Translation: Have the hunger of a wolf
Meaning: To be very hungry
7. Bien dans sa peau
Translation: Well in one’s skin
Meaning: To be content or at ease
8. Avoir un chat dans la gorge
Translation: to have a cat in the throat
Meaning: Sore throat
9. Être dans les vapes
Translation: To be in the fogs
Meaning: Feel weak and groggy
10. Avoir un coup de pompe
Translation: To have a pump stroke
Meaning: Sudden exhaustion
11. Être sur les rotules
Translation: To be on the kneecaps
Meaning: To be very tired
12. Reprendre du poil de la bête
Translation: To take back the hair of the beast
Meaning: Get better or recover
13. Avoir une araignée au plafond
Translation: To have a spider on the ceiling
Meaning: Be a bit crazy
14. Les anglais ont débarqué
Translation: The English have landed
Meaning: Menstruation
15. Péter le feu
Translation: To explode with fire
Meaning: Flatulence
16. Se porter comme un charme
Translation: To be like a charm
Meaning: To be perfectly healthy
17. Avoir mangé du cheval
Translation: To have eaten some horse
Meaning: Feeling healthy and strong
18. Avoir mangé du lion
Translation: To have eaten some lion
Meaning: Feeling strong
19. Il faut manger pour vivre et non vivre pour manger
Translation: We must eat to live and not live to eat
Meaning: Moderation is key

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