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Concept and definition of medical psychology

1.- Enunciate the most relevant historical moments of the origin of Medical


 Feuchtersleben (1845); Pioneer of Medical Psychology who coined thev term psychosis,
psychopathology and psychiatry. In addition to mentioning that the relationships between
the mind and the body are essential for all doctors in general and not only for the practice of
 Maurice de Fleury (1918); Need to include a regular program of psychology studies in the
medical career.Ernst Hrestmer; The neurobiological bases of emotion, thought and
behavior must be developed by neuroanatomy, neurophysiology and neurochemistry in a
basic way for the general practitioner.
 Clifford Allen; "The doctor who shows his ignorance (of psychology) runs the risk of losing
status in the eyes of his patients." Spain (1944); Psychology is included for the first time as
a compulsory subject of the Medicine Degree in the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters.
 Pedro Lain Entralgo; Consider man globally, made up of psychological and social aspects
and not merely biological ones.

2.- Construct a definition of Psychology.

Study of nonbiological manifestations of human functioning, including all subjective phenomena, all
acts of overt behavior, and, to some extent, the interaction of these manifestations with those of
other individuals.

3.- Define in your own words the term Medical Psychology.

Set of psychological knowledge that is of medical interest, through a special perspective, for the
understanding and rational treatment of patients, achieving psychophysical well-being.

4.- Describe 5 points of confluence between Medical Psychology and Psychiatry.

 Its field of projection is the field of medicine

 They are constituted by the same psychological and psychiatric currents
 Both comprise subjectivities
 The aspects of Psychiatry are biological, social and medical psychiatry
 Biological Psychiatry encompasses specialties such as neurology or pharmacology
belonging to Medical Psychology

5.- State the importance in the praxis of Medical Psychology.

Medicine takes advantage of and applies elements of psychology to better understand and help the
patient. This from the information collected in the interview, which provides a broad
conceptualization of the psychobiological and psychosocial context of health-disease and facilitating
the development of medical skills.

References: González, J. (1999). “Concepto y definición de la psicología médica”. Psiquis. 20 (3).


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