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As a SPES baby, it's such an honor to teach these

young kids to develop their skills in math, English, and PE in the
proper way. In math, English, and physical education (P.E. ),
you could explore the ways in which these three subjects
intersect and support each other. For instance, you could discuss
how strong communication skills in English help explain
complex math concepts clearly. Additionally, you might delve
into the role of critical thinking in both subjects, as both math
and English require analytical reasoning and problem-solving
skills. Overall, you can highlight how proficiency in both
subjects can contribute to a well-rounded education and broader
cognitive development. (P.E.) is a subject that focuses on
promoting physical fitness, healthy lifestyles, and overall well-
being through physical activity and exercise. This helps our
young kids be flexible. running, jumping, throwing, and
catching, which are important for overall physical development.
The activities that we do are Zumba, basketball, and volleyball.

Mark Brenan R. Espino

SPES Beneficiary

Arlene T. Japay

Day Care Worker


As a SPES baby, it's such an honor to teach these

young kids to develop their skills in math, English, and PE in the
proper way. In math, English, and physical education (P.E. ),
you could explore the ways in which these three subjects
intersect and support each other. For instance, you could discuss
how strong communication skills in English help explain
complex math concepts clearly. Additionally, you might delve
into the role of critical thinking in both subjects, as both math
and English require analytical reasoning and problem-solving
skills. Overall, you can highlight how proficiency in both
subjects can contribute to a well-rounded education and broader
cognitive development. (P.E.) is a subject that focuses on
promoting physical fitness, healthy lifestyles, and overall well-
being through physical activity and exercise. This helps our
young kids be flexible. running, jumping, throwing, and
catching, which are important for overall physical development.
The activities that we do are Zumba, basketball, and volleyball.

Jeff Khen B. Lavarez

SPES Beneficiary

Arlene T. Japay

Day Care Worker

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