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8 TIPS TO RESET YOUR GUT If 1 there's one thing | can't repeat enough, it's that health (and illness) starts in your gut. by Dr. Kellyann DITCH TOXINS Get the toxins and irritating substances out of your diet. This means limiting or better yet ‘liminating: alcoho, caffeine, conventionally raised meats, rains, processed fod, refined sugars, seed 5S EAT FERMENTED FOODS = Start eating lots of fermented foods such as raw milk yogurt and kefir, sauerkraut, and kimehi These are rich in probiotics, which repopulate ‘your intestines with the good bacteria needed for optimal digestion and health. TAKE A PROBIOTIC ‘Take a powertul probiotic. In addition to fermented foods, take probiotics in pill form to flood your system with good bacteria such aslactobacillus acidophilus ‘and bifidobacterium lactis. You really can’t get enough of these, especially when you're resetting. SKIP THE ANTIBIOTICS Don't take antibiotics (unless you really, really, REALLY have tol. Antibiotics are the opposite of probiotics. They kill off healthy gut flora. And in the past doctors have prescribed them way too readily. If you've spent significant time on antibiotics, then you really (really, REALLY) need this reset! EAT BONE BROTH q 6 cots be ot ah a eae FIND A GOOD MULTI-ENZYME ‘Take a multi-enzyme supplement (preferably ‘one after every meal) Digestive enzymes breakdown the foods we eat so we can absorb the nutrients. Sut things like aging, chronic stress, nd inflammation can decrease our digestive enzymes. CONSUME NATURAL GUT-HEALERS While you're resetting your gut; there are many natural gut healers you might want to consider taking or consuming. For starters, consider: Aloe vera, Vitamins A.Gyand E, glutamine, or Omega-3fatty acids RELAX! Develop a daily relaxation practice. Ste contribute to damaging your gut. To counteract the stress of living, ive yoga and/or meditation a try. Mee al Eu

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