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Rough draft for Google maps project

Location 1
My home is a very important place for me and my family. I have lived in many places in
the subs of Detroit. I have moved four times in my life but I have moved all around
Birmingham. This is important to me because my house Is where most of my memories of my
friends and family have happened here. I live in a 3 floor house I have my own room but I do
share a bathroom with my little brother his name is Brady. I do everything in this house from
throwing parties to sleeping, eating, homework, and playing video games. I have a few
memories that are the most important to me. This was the first house that I had my own room
which was really nice. Another one was when my dad closed a deal on his First company of his
new company. Another one that happens every year is we have all my family over for
Christmas. One Christmas I got my first phone which was a big deal for me at least. This place
is very important to me and my life living in Detroit and I’m so glad that I have had all these
memories and more to come.
Location 2
My grade school St. Regis was a very important location and step in my life. I went
there threw kindergarten through 8th grade. I met all my friends there, my parents made the
right decision sending me there. It is located in Bloomfield Hills I have grew up from a new kid
at the school in kindergarten to a graduating 8th grade student. I loved that school so much and
I was so sad to leave that school. I have had so many memories there these are some of the big
ones. I learned to read in first grade, at first I used to read so many books. I learned how to tie
my shoes on my own in kindergarten, I was in the tying shoe club which was a big deal at that
age. I met so many friends’ there that I have hung out with my whole life. I went to my first
birthday party in first grade that’s when I knew that I should stay at this school. I wasn’t really
sure I liked it I don’t fully remember it but I didn’t like it at first. I’m so glad I stayed I built the
best friendships and teacher relationships anyone could ask for in this world. This place is
where I first went to actual school and it is huge part of why I stayed in Michigan and this was
the best experience in my life.
Location 3
My third location is The Detroit Metro Airport. I have had so many memoires here. This
is the place I go to to travel to other places. I have learned so many new things and met so
many new people, seen so many cool places. When I ever go to the airport I am always so
happy and excited when I go here because I know I am going to visit somewhere that is new to
me and im going to try and see things I could not do in Michigan. A few memories are, first one
was when I went on my first trip to Marco Island, Florida. I was not even one-year-old, I go
there because my grandparents live. This isn’t a good memory but I went to my first funeral My
cousin passed away at 21. The first time out of the country to Canada. This is very important to
my hometown because I am leaving where I live to experience someone else hometown and I
think that is really important for everyone that can travel to travel.
Location 4
My fourth location that is important me is the Park by my house. Couton school park is
its name it’s on a grade school’s property. I have had so many memories with my friends and
family there. It is where I go if I want to do any outdoor activates like tennis, football, and more.
I have played my first baseball game there when I was 7 I was on a t-ball team we were the
Cubs. I have played flag football for the first time. This park is where I played all my sporting
event as a small kid. I broke my first bone there I was playing a pickup football game with my
friends. I broke my thumb it didn’t hurt that bad but it is the only bone a have broken so it was
a big deal. This place is very important to me I have so many fun memories here.
Location 5
My last place is my High school which is U of D Jesuit. It is located in Detroit Michigan, I
am a freshman and I didn’t want to go there at first. I went to St. Regis for Grade school so all
my friends went to Brother Rice and I wanted to go there. My parents made me go to U of D
because that think that it would be a better fit for me and my future. I still really miss my
friends and I still kind of wish I could go to Brother Rice but I’m starting to like U of D a lot
better than I did at first. I have made many friends there so far and I like the teachers so far for
the most part. I hope that I can make more and more good memories every day. I hope that I
can have the best experience with high school at U of D Jesuit.

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