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JOUSTING) GUIDELIN ORGANIZATION JJousts are usually organized into anything from three to a dozen rounds, usually three for local, six for regional and twelve for grand rourneys. ATTACK ROLL ® Each jouster makes a simultaneous Fighting (Spears) test © ‘This is considered a Charge, so both get a -1D to the test. © Difficulty is the targer’s passive Animal Handling test, with Ride as a bonus. JOUSTING ACTIONS Jousters choose one of the following kinds of actions with each pass. StaNDagD Pass [No modifiers, other than that associated with a Charge. AGGRESSIVE Pass, Gain +1 or +2 to Fighting test; reduce passive Animal Handling by the same amount, BRaceD Pass: Subtract “1 or -2 from Fighting test increase Animal Handling test to remain in saddle if struck by same amount. [DEFENSIVE Pass Gain +1 or +2 to passive Animal Handling; reduce Fighting test by the same amount. Eves FED Gain +1 bonus to Fighting test; increase attacker's base damage by +1. Hig WN SADDLE Gain +1 or +2 bonus to Fighting test; educe Animal Handling test to remain in saddle if struck by same amount, Crrricat Fanure. Faure, Owe Decree. ‘Two Decrees ‘Tuner Decrees Four Decrees Caeamine A jouster may aim for weak point in armor, inflicting normal dam- age based on degrees of success. Those viewing may see his perfidy with an Awareness test against his passive Deception. Damace © Tourney lances inflict (Animal Handling +3) damage and are Powerful (adding Strength specialty to base damage). The pass is a Charge, adding another +2 to base damage. ® Falling from one’s horse inflicts damage equal to the jousting attack’s base damage BETWEEN PASSES © Squires assist knights in knocking dents out of armor and otherwise undertaking repairs, ® Knight may take a Catch Your Breath action, Endurance (0) test, with each degree of success regaining 1 point of damage. DEFEAT & YIELDING @ fone knight knocks another from his horse while retaining his seat, he wins. © Ifone knight reduces another to 0 Health, he wins and faces consequences determined by victor (usually unconsciousness and embarrassment, though maiming and death do occu). If three passes occur, the one with the greatest total degrees of success gained in the three passes wins. ‘The loser forfeits his armor and horse. By tradition, he may regain it by ransoming it back from the winner. A jouster caught cheating results in immediate disqualification and potentially afine or honor price paid the injured party or his family. He also suffers a loss of reputation (reflected in the ‘gaining of the Reviled flaw). Additionally, fhe was the acting champion of a House, that House also loses a point of Influence. ‘A disastrous strike, inflicting regular lance damage for every full degree by which the .attack roll missed. Lance shatters on opponent's shield, but has no other effect. Lance shatters on opponent’ shield. Opponent takes base damage. Animal Handling (9) test or be unhorsed. Lance strikes opponent. Opponent takes base damage. Animal Handling (12) test or be unhorsed Lance strikes opponent. Opponent takes base damage. Animal Handling (15) test or be unhorsed Lance strikes opponent. Opponent takes base damage. Animal Handling (18) test or be unhorsed.

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