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Mohamed Sedik Ben Yahia Middle School Time: 1H 30 mn

Full name:…………………………………… Class: 2Ms ……

Mum: Take two pots of strawberry yogurt for me

and your dad, Lina.
Lina: OK mum. I'd like two cans of soda and a
chocolate bar.
Dad: But that's very bad for your health! No soda
Lina: Alright! I'll take a carton of natural orange
juice instead.
Mum: Is there any butter left in the fridge, Ahmed?
Ahmed: I can't remember. Have a look on the
shopping list.
Dad: Are there enough vegetables and meat to make couscous, next Friday?
Mum: Please, get me a slice of pumpkin, 3 fresh courgettes, half kilo of cabbage, two small
turnips and some chickpeas.
Part one:
A-Reading comprehension:
Activity one: I read the text and say “true” or “false”. 3pts
1) Lina would like two bars of chocolate. …………….
2) The family will have soup next Friday. ……………
3) The family has a shopping list. ……………
Activity two: I read the text and fill in the table below. 2pts
A vegetable A fruit A drink A dish

Activity three: Lexis, I circle the correct word. 2pts

Father = ( dad – mum – bar ) awful = ( natural – bad – can )
Big =/= ( tall – large – small ) dislike =/= ( like – next – slice )
B- Mastery of language:
Activity one: I match each phrase with the correct picture. 2pts

a bottle of
a carton of
a tin of
a jar of
Activity two: I fill in the gaps with: much – many – some – any. 2pts
 How …………. flour do you need to make pizza?
 Is there …………….. cheese in the fridge?
 How …………… eggs does she want?
 There is …………… juice in the glass.
Activity three: I circle the correct word. 1pt
1- ( this / these ) pictures are beautiful.
2- ( that / those ) girl is my sister.
Activity four: I classify the words according to the pronunciation of final “s”. 2pts
Knives – forks – dishes – eggs
/s/ /z/ /iz/

Part two: Situation of Integration 6pts

Lina is out shopping with her mum in a shoes shop. I fill in the gaps to complete the
conversation using words from the following list.
colour – much – help – size – like – welcome – looking

Shop assistant: Good morning! How can I ………………. You?

Lina: Yes, please. I’m ……………….. for a high-heel shoes.
Shop assistant: What …………….. are you?
Lina: 37.
Shop assistant: What …….……….. do you want?
Lina: Black, please.
Mum: How …………….. is it?
Shop Assistant: It’s 2000 DA.
Mum: Thank you.
Shop assistant: You are ……………….

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