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//** July 7th, 08'- Creation Date

//** July 16th, 08'- Updated to v 1.3:

//1) Adds "Side Bar" orientation option.
//2) Drop Down Menus now auto adjust their positioning if too close to either
right or bottom window edges.
//3) Enhanced IFRAME shim "coverage" on the page.

//** July 19th, 08'- Updated to v 1.31: Drop down menu now positions at top of
window edge if there's neither room downwards or upwards to settle.
//** Aug 13th, 08'- v1.32: Moved "rel" attribute from menu's <li> elements to inner
<a>, for validation reasons

//** Sept 10th, 08'- Updated to v 1.4:

//1) Added optional "sliding" animation when sub menus are revealed.
//2) Arrow images now dynamically positioned, instead of relying on CSS's
"right" property

//** Oct 11th, 08'- Updated to v 1.5:

//1) Sliding animation behavior tweaked
//2) Added ability to disable iframeshim, customize speed of sliding

//** Dec 23rd, 08'- Updated to v 2.0:

//1) Animation speed refined to be function of time (ie: 1 sec)
//2) Added two animations that can be individually enabled/disabled- "slide
in" and "fade in".
//3) Script now automatically moves HTML for all sub menus to the end of the
page, to avoid any containership issues if they are nested in other elements.

//** Jan 12, 09'- Updated to v 2.1:

//1) Added ability to disable the arrow images from the top level items (see
option "showarrow")
//2) For Top Level Menu items containing a SPAN element (for sliding doors
technique), arrow images are inserted inside SPAN.

//** June 15, 09'- Updated to v 2.2:

//1) Faster initialization: Menu now rendered as soon as document DOM is
ready, instead of after page has fully loaded.

//** May 25rd, 11'- Updated to v 3.0:

//1) Added a real "slide in" animation that can be enabled/disabled- "swipe
in" have to be enabled to make it work.
//2) In ddlevelsmenu-base.css, .ddsubmenustyle ul has been changed
to .ddsubmenustyle div, plus added a new .ddsubmenustyle ul section.

//** July 17th, 11'- Updated to v 3.01: Menu updated to work properly in popular
mobile devices such as iPad/iPhone and Android tablets.

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