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Assamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.
The honorable of Juries,Paricipated teachers,and The audiences. Good morning all of my friend
the beloved audiences, first of all let we say “Alhamdulillah” because we are able to breathe so
we can be gathered in this fresh time, good occasion and useful change here…and don’t forget
to thank give for our the noble of Muhamammad Saw. Who always be waited his miracle. I will
say thank you so much from the chance given to me to deliver my speech in front of you in the
English speech competition in ME- FEST 2024.
Let me introduce myself, my name is Juliana safira, and I’am at ten grade of vocational
school Negeri 2 Sumbawa Besar.


Speaking about the significant contribution of education to economic development, has become an
axiomatic truth. Education is not always concidered as a costly thing, because education is an a
investment in the development of human resources, which is it’s contribution can be gained in a long
term/long period of time. How is the relationship between education with the economy? The answer to
this question, connect be separated from the development issues. The concept of development in the
socioeconomic field is very diverse depending on the context of it’s usage. Economists develop
development theories based on human capacity production in the process of development, which is later
known as investment in human capital.
This concept essentially considers humans to be a form of capital or capital as any other capital form, like
machineries, technologies, soils, money, and materials.Human beings as human capitals are reflected in
the form of knowledge, idea, creativity, skill, and job productivity. Not like any other capital form which
is only treated as a tool, but this human capital can invest itself trough various forms of investment, such
as formal/informal education, working experiences, healt or nutrtion,even migration.
The human capital theory assumes that formal education is one of the most important instruments.
The human capital theory assumes that formal education is one of the most important aspects that can
produce a high productivity society. The higher society education, the higher the productivity rate of the
society is.

For the last but not least, I have one really cool quotes from NELSON MANDELA, namely
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.
Thankyouu so much for your attention~
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

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