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ISSN: 0974-5823 Vol.

7 (Special Issue 5, April-May 2022)

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering


Dr. Kesavulu Poola1, J. Anil Kumar2, V. Pavankumari3, Putta Hemalatha4, Prof. M. Bhupathi Naidu5.
Associate professor, CMS - Jain University, Bengaluru.
2Assistant professor, S V College of Engineering, Tirupati.
Assistant professor, Malla reddy Engineering College, Hyderabad.
Assistant professor, Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Hyderabad.
Professor, Department of Statistics, S. V. University, Tirupati.

The present study paper confers the different models on testing the nonlinear regression hypothesis using nonlinear least squares
(NLS) estimator through nonlinear studentized residuals and nonlinear predicted residual. Moreover this research paper mentioned
internally nonlinear studentized residuals, externally nonlinear studentized residuals to test the hypothesis of multivariate nonlinear
regression models. This research article proposes a new way of parameter estimation using nonlinear least squares method.
According to Pesaran, M. Hashem, and Angus s. Deaton. (1978) uses nonlinear least squares asymptotic properties. The key
principle of this article is to carter extremely pioneering model of testing nonlinear regression hypothesis using NLS estimator
through nonlinear (internally and externally) studentized residuals and predicted NLS Methods.
KEY WORDS: Nonlinear models, nonlinear least square estimation, Studentized and Predicted residuals

Least squares method and maximum likelihood methods are the quite popular in parameter estimation of linear models. In this
approach, the method has to satisfy all pre assumption of normality with mean zero mean and unknown population variance. But in
the case of nonlinear models building of construction of inferential facets together with Parameter estimation and hypothesis testing
concerning the parameters of the nonlinear regression models are quite difficult. In recent era, researchers focused on the erection
of well-organized parameter estimation of the nonlinear regression models. Since three decades these nonlinear models have been
studied. The parameter estimation procedures and testing of hypothesis for nonlinear regression models and error assumptions are
common analogous to those made for linear regression models. In the present research study some methods of testing multivariate
nonlinear hypotheses using nonlinear least square estimation, studentized and predicted residuals for multivariate nonlinear models
has been proposed.


Suppose, standard multivariate nonlinear regression model.

Yit  fi  Xt ,   eit i  1, 2,...M, t  1, 2,...n

Where eˆ t   eˆ1t ,eˆ 2t ,...eˆ Mt  t  1, 2,..., n

Then the multivariate least square estimator minimizes

 
Sn , ˆ n    Yt  f  X t ,    ˆ n
1 n
 
 Yt  f  X t ,   …(2.1)
n t 1

Here we shall tax ̂ n be any random variable that converges almost surely to  and has  
n ˆ n   bounded in probability.
i.e., given S>0, there is bound ‘b’ and sample size N, such that

P  n ˆ n    b  1  S n  N
Copyrights @Kalahari Journals Vol. 7 (Special Issue 5, April-May 2022)
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
Here  is the typical element  .


The , multivariate nonlinear regression model

Yit  fi  X t , 0   eit t  1, 2.,,, n …(3.1)

Where fi  X t , 0  is a functional form and eit is i.i.d with N  o,In 

 Test procedure for multivariate nonlinear hypothesis is
H0 : h  0   0 ….. H1 : h  0   0

Here n  0  is continuously first-order differential function; Map’s ¡ p

and ¡ q
with Jocobian.

 H  0    h  0   …(3.2)
  

Here H  0  is an order of q  p

In order to estimate H  0  at 0  ˆ 0n , where ̂n i.e. iterative multivariate NLLS estimator of  .

Here are two commonly used estimators of  and that satisfy the condition under both null and alternative hypothesis.

S  ,      Yt  f  X t ,      Yt  f  X t ,  
t 1

be the sum of square residual, evaluated under the restricted nonlinear least square estimate.

According to the asymptotic F-test, for H0 : h    0 , the standard form is

F 
   
S %, ˆ  S ˆ , ˆ  q
 ~ 2 …(3.4)
 
S ˆ , ˆ  nM  P 

S  ˆ , ˆ 
Further S 
is independently distributed to ̂0 as the 2 distribution with  n  p  degrees of freedom, Here S2 is
nM  P
UBE of unknown variance  .

 The nonlinear counterpart to the Wald Test staristic for testing H0 : h 0  0 is given by  
 
hˆ  HCH
ˆ ˆ ˆ hˆ
W ~  q,  n  p  ,   …(3.5)

Here hˆ  h  
ˆ and Ĥ  H ˆ 
Consider the general multivariate nonlinear regression model

Yt  f   X t , 0   Et …(4.1)

Here   is p-dimensional vector matrix


Suppose ̂ is the nonlinear least square estimator of  for large sample, nonlinear least square residual vector.

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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
 ˆ
e  Yi  Y t 

 Y  f ˆ   …(4.2)

ˆ ;    FF F
Here …(4.3)

 
ˆ    f  X , 
And F  F   …(4.4)
  j
 np

f  X i ,   is the  i, j elements of  n  p  matrix F   then general relationship between ‘e’ and ‘  ’ is
 j
e ; M

M  I  F  FF F
 
e ; I  H  where M   Hij   F  FF  F is a symmetric idempotent matrix (or) HAT matrix

In scalar form

 n 
ei ; i   Hij j  , j  1, 2,..., n …(4.5)
 j1 
Here H is HAT Matrix
Trace (H) = Rank (H) = P and H
i j
ij  H ij

Here  follows N0  0, 2 I  , so  following normal distribution with zero mean and variance is 2 I . Here H controls the e.

As we know, variance of each e i is a function of both  2 and H ij ,i  1, 2,...n.

The nonlinear least square residuals have a probability distribution that is scalar dependant. So, the nonlinear studentized
residuals do not depend on either of these quantities and they have probability distribution and we have both internally nonlinear
studentized residuals and externally nonlinear studentized residuals.


In nonlinear regression models, internally nonlinear studentized residuals are define by
e*i  ~ N  0,1 i  1, 2,...n …(4.6)
ˆ 1  h ij
Here ˆ 2 

e 2
 i 1
 e*   n  p  1
Here  i  ~  - distribution with parameters and
 n  p  2 2

It follows, E  e*i   0 & Var  ei   1 i  1, 2,..., n

Copyrights @Kalahari Journals Vol. 7 (Special Issue 5, April-May 2022)

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
 h ij
Cov  e*i e*j   i  j  1, 2,..., n
1  h ii  1  h jj 
Here h ij add up to the trace of the hat matrix = P. Average ‘h’ is p n which should be small, so usually 1  hii .
The externally nonlinear studentized residuals are define by

ˆ i 1  h ij 
i 
e** …(4.8)
MSE i  1  h ij 

ˆ i
 …(4.9)
MSEi  1  h ij 

Here MSEi is nestimate of  2 not baring data point 1.

i.e. i 
e** i  1, 2,..., n …(4.10)
ˆ i  1  h  ij

Based on the Normal distribution 2i  and  i are

i.e., M.S.E (or) 

ˆ 2

 n  p  1 i2  ˆ i2 1  h ii 

 n  p  e*i 
(or) 2i   ˆ 2  
 n  p 1 
So, the relationship between internally and externally nonlinear studentized residuals is given by

*  n  p 1 
i  ei 
e** *
, i  1, 2,..., n …(4.11)
 n  p  ei 
Predicted residual sum of squares (PRESS) is also called Leave-one-out (LOO) stochastic, is regularly used in nonlinear
regression analysis for cross-validation. In general, In non linear least squares, and studentized residuals fittiing is dependents on
all the variables in the data. But in predicted residuals for nonlinear model i.e. ith nonlinear predicted residual is depends on the fit
to the data, where ith care is excluded.

Suppose ̂ is the nonlinear least square estimate of  based on the full data, and ̂ i  be the respective estimate where the ith
case is excluded.
Now the ith nonlinear predicted residuals i.e.,

ei  Yi  fi ˆ i 

    i  1, 2,..., n …(5.1)

Here ei  is the prediction error

 the nonlinear PRESS defined by

NLPRESS = e2i  …(5.2)

So, finally, the relationship between nonlinear predicted residuals and nonlinear studentized residual are given by

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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
e i 
(i) e*i  …(5.3)
ˆ 1  hij 
e i 
(ii) i 
e** … (5.4)
ˆ i  1  h  ij

ei   i  1, 2,..., n …(5.5)
1  hij 

In the present research study, some inferential methods pertaining to testing of multivariate nonlinear regression models using NLLS
estimator, studentized and predicted residuals for multivariate nonlinear models are proposed.

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Copyrights @Kalahari Journals Vol. 7 (Special Issue 5, April-May 2022)

International Journal of Mechanical Engineering

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