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Lab Activity No.

Enhanced Interior Gateway Protocol (BGP)
Yr./Sec. : ________ Course: ___________________________ Date Started : ______________

Grp. No. : ________ Date Finished : _____________

Percival D. Adao
Names :_______________________, _____________________, ____________________, ____________________

1. Configure IP address in all interfaces and terminals
2. Configure EIGRP in all the networks shown in figure 2
3. Test successful connection

1. Working PC
2. Cisco Simulator software
3. Lab. Activity No.2 data Sheet
4. Diagram/Figure 2

III. Procedures:
1. Using packet Tracer, construct the diagram in figure 2.
2. Label each device as shown in figure 2.
3. Add physical interfaces in each router if necessary
4. Identify the total number of networks in the diagram
5. Configure IP address in all interfaces from all networks
6. Test all of its local connectivity
7. Class A = group 6 & up
8. Class B = group 5 - 4
9. Class C = group 3 – 1
10.Test and verify connections using different terminals from dif. cities.
11.Provide screenshots of your output and replace and the given sample below.
a. Screenshots of successful connections from BGC to Ortigas
b. Screenshots of successful connections from Makati to Greenhill’s
c. Screenshots of successful connections from terminals 1-5, 2-6, 3-7 and 4-8
12. Save your work as your group number and activity number (ex. Grp3_Lab.Act2_EIGRP)
13. Submit this datasheet document in TBL hub together with the working PKT file with the same filename.

IV. Acquired Skills and Knowledge

(Answer this portion in line with the given objectives)


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