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Section 8 - Leveraging ChatGPT To Land Your Dream Job

Lecture 55 - Advanced Job Searching

Advanced Job Searching

6 part process

Research potential job roles

Discover what the roles include
Identify biggest challenges of the role
Insights into average salaries
Research companies
Identify potential problems with resume

1. Discover Potential Job Roles


Based on my resume below, what are 10 job roles that would be good for me? [Insert resume]

2. Discover What The Roles Include


Number X sounds interesting, what does the role typically involve?

3. Identify Challenges Of The Role


What are the biggest challenges of being an [insert role]?

4. Salary Expectations


What is the average salary for an [insert role] in the [insert country]

5. Researching Companies


List me 10 companies that specialise in this role?

6. Identify Problems With Your Resume


Let’s say I was applying for a [insert job title] role and I spoke with a recruiter. Based on my resume
below, what positive feedback would they give me and what negative feedback would they give me?
[Insert resume]

Lecture 56 - How To Land More Interviews - Resume Optimizing

How To Land More Interviews - Resume Optimizing

4 part process

Find a job you’re interested in

Highlight the 3 key skills
Tailor your resume to match
Review and refine

2. Highlight Key Skills


You are an expert resume writer with over 20 years of experience working with job seekers trying to land
a role in the [insert industry] industry. Highlight the 3 most important responsibilities in this job
description: [Insert job description]
3. Tailoring Your Resume


Great. Now if I copy and paste my resume in this chat, will you be able to tailor it based on these 3 most
important responsibilities you listed above? I do not want you to make up any information. The task is to
specifically tailor it to the job description.

*Wait for ChatGPT to respond *


[Insert Resume]

4. Review and Refine


List out the differences between my original resume and your suggested draft in a table with 3 columns,
Original, Updated and Reasoning. Be specific and list out exactly what you changed, down to the exact
word. Explain your logic of why you updated the text in the reasoning column, be sure to reference key
part from the job description to demonstrate how the updated version better aligns with the job

Lecture 57 - Crafting The Perfect Cover Letter

Creating A Powerful Cover Letter

4 part process

Identify biggest pain point

Create hook based
Create main body
Review and refine

1. Identify Pain Points


Based on the below job description, what is the biggest challenge someone in this position would face on
a day to day basis? [Insert job description]
2. Creating The Hook


I'm currently working as a [insert current role] at [insert company] and I'm applying for this [insert role]
role at [insert company]. Write an attention-grabbing hook for my cover letter that highlights my
experience and qualifications in a way that shows I can overcome [insert challenge]. Consider
incorporating specific examples of how I’ve tackled this challenges in my past work, and explore creative
ways to express my enthusiasm for the opportunity. Keep it under 150 words.

3. Creating The Cover Letter Body


I’m writing a cover letter for a [insert role] role at [insert company]. This is what I have so far:

[insert hook previously generated]

If I copy and paste my resume into this chat, can you finish the rest of my cover letter? This additional
part should be no longer than 200 words.

*Wait for ChatGPT to respond *

[Insert resume]

Lecture 58 - Preparing For A Job Interview

Transforming ChatGPT into your Interview Coach

Prompt 1:

ChatGPT, act like you're a [Insert ChatGPT role] hiring [Role you’re applying for] for [Insert company]. But
hang on a sec, don't start just yet. Wait for my second prompt

Prompt 2:

Pretend you are having a real-life interview with me as a [insert role you’re applying for]

Ask me questions and after each of my answers, give me feedback using the STAR method and let me
know where I did well and where I can improve.

Give me a rating on a scale of 1-10 of how good my response was. After giving me feedback,
automatically ask me the next question.

Reviewing Your Performance


Stop Interview.

Make a summary of all the questions that I’ve answered until now.

Using the STAR method, create a bullet list of what I did well and where I need to improve in order to pass
the interview.

Rate my overall performance on a scale of 1 to 10 and let me know if I passed or not.

Bonus Prompt


Create a list of the most common interview questions for [insert job role]

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