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Strategic Planning in Public Safety

The expectations on our organization, the Philippine National Police increase

every day. from doing more with the budget and the resources we have, to decreasing
response times and improving response outcomes for everyone in the community. In
today’s constantly rapid changing environment, the public safety sector improve and
prioritize initiatives, goals and ideas through a strategic plan development.

Change requires a big shift in our perspective about safety in our communities,
particularly having a community that is informed what safety is to them and how we can
best meet the expectations of the public. Identifying potential risks and vulnerabilities in
a community allows for proactive measures to mitigate and manage these risks
effectively. Strategic planning helps in developing and implementing policies,
procedures, and resources to reduce the likelihood and impact of emergencies,
disasters, and criminal activities. A strategic plan is basically a guide to improve the
process of how things work. A strategic plan helps to drive an organization toward a
specific goal. A strategic plan supports an organization’s vision and outlines the steps
required to overcome challenges, meet or surpass expectations, and enhance

The world is constantly changing. For local governments and public safety sector
organizations, it is very important to be prepared for when things go wrong. When it
comes to emergency readiness and crisis management, it’s not a matter of if something
happens, it’s a matter of when. A strategic plan can function as a compass through
even the most challenging times.

During a crisis, the ability of an organization or local government to respond

effectively can be the difference between an ongoing struggle and getting back on track
smoothly. If an organization is able to face problems and respond to a crisis, the
strategic plan will build not only trust with their community, but also, it will build
organizational resilience for the future.

Public safety strategic planning is essential for creating a comprehensive,

coordinated. Public safety strategic plans for change and building and implementing the
systems that will effectively help them achieve their desired goals. A well-developed
strategic plan contributes to the overall resilience of a community. Once we identified
what is needed to go into our strategic plan, It’s time to select a strategic-planning
model and begin the planning process.

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