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Philippine National Heroes Of The Philippines

Philippine National Heroes Most, if not all countries have people

that engineered their formation as a nation or free their territory
from foreign occupants. Sometimes, there is a person that stands
out among all heroes that is respected and acknowledged by the
majority of the population in a certain society. As a national hero
he or she is called to the state in which the person give his or her
all to the point of dying in order to obtain the cherish freedom
that eludes them. In the Philippines, there are two people in its
history that stands out among the rest as the champions of
freedom, Andres Bonifacio and Jose Rizal. Bonifacio and Rizal
still divides the Filipinos today of who really is the national hero
of the Philippines. The different opinions about these two heroes
didn’t cause social unrest of course, but it is still an issue that
lingers in the minds of the Filipinos. Therefore, the purpose of
this essay is to evaluate who is among the two, Bonifacio or
Rizal, is worthy of to be called the Philippines national hero by
discussing their similarities and differences. No two people are
exactly the same. Even twins who have the same genetic make-
up have differences in their personality and physical attributes.
Andres Bonifacio was born poor and was orphaned early in life.
Hence, he has to stop schooling in order to earn a living. He self-
educate himself by reading the works of Victor Hugo, Jose Rizal,
Eugene Sue, books about the French Revolution and the

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