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Visiting a Bookstore

A. Identify the correct answer.

1. What term describes the action of casually looking at different items or

2. What word describes something that is difficult or impossible to imagine or
3. What phrase means to start a journey or trip?
4. What is the term for a book with a flexible cover made of thick paper?
5. What is the term for a book with a rigid cover made of thick cardboard?
6. What phrase describes a collection of books or other items packaged together in a
single box?
7. What phrase means to have a strong passion or enthusiasm for something?
8. What phrase means to feel a strong attraction or interest in something or someone?
9. Which word refers to the worth or importance of something?
10. What term describes an item that has been previously owned or used by someone

B. Fill in the blanks.

browse through value second-hand Unimaginable
paperback hardback (be) mad about (be) drawn to
box set hit the road

1. I love to ___________ different books at the bookstore before making a purchase.

2. The antique vase has great ___________ because of its historical significance.
3. I prefer reading ___________ books because they are lighter and easier to carry
4. The collector's edition of the novel comes in a beautiful ___________ with
exclusive artwork.
5. The Harry Potter series is available in a special edition ___________ containing
all seven books.
6. She is ___________ classical music and attends every orchestra performance she
7. The vibrant colors of the painting immediately ___________ me to it.
8. The scale of the universe is truly ___________, with billions of galaxies and stars.
9. After packing our bags, we were ready to ___________ and start our road trip.
10. I bought a ___________ bicycle from a local thrift store.
11. The bookstore offers a wide selection of books to ___________ and choose from.
12. The ___________ of friendship is immeasurable and cannot be quantified.
13. The library has a collection of both ___________ and hardcover books for
readers to borrow.
14. The limited edition of the novel is available only in a special edition
15. She has always been ___________ adventure and is constantly seeking new

C. True or False

1. "Browse through" means to carefully examine something.

2. "Value" refers to the physical weight of an object.
3. A "paperback" is a book with a flexible cover made of thick paper.
4. A "hardback" is a book with a rigid cover made of thick cardboard.
5. A "box set" refers to a collection of books or other items packaged together in a
single box.
6. "(Be) mad about" means to have a strong dislike or aversion towards something.
7. "(Be) drawn to" means to feel a strong repulsion or avoidance towards something.
8. "Unimaginable" describes something that is difficult or impossible to imagine or
9. "Hit the road" means to stay in one place and not go anywhere.
10. "Second-hand" describes an item that has never been used before.

D. Dialogue Practice

Customer: Hi, I'm looking for some books to read during my vacation. Can you help
Assistant: Of course! I'd be happy to assist you. What kind of books are you
interested in?
Customer: I enjoy exploring different genres, so I like to browse through various
Assistant: Great! We have a wide selection of books in both paperback and hardback
formats. Which do you prefer?
Customer: I prefer hardback books because they tend to last longer.
Assistant: That's understandable. We also have some box sets available if you're
interested in collecting a series of books together.
Customer: Oh, that sounds intriguing! I've always wanted to own a box set. What
options do you have?
Assistant: We have box sets for popular fantasy and mystery series. They are a great
value for money and make for a fantastic reading experience.
Customer: I'm mad about fantasy novels, so I'm definitely drawn to the box set of
that genre. Can you tell me more about it?
Assistant: Absolutely! This box set includes five hardback books from a renowned
fantasy series. The world-building and character development in these books are
unimaginable. You'll be captivated from the first page.
Customer: That sounds perfect! I'll take the box set. Do you have any other
Assistant: If you're planning a road trip, I suggest grabbing some second-hand
paperbacks. They're lighter and easier to carry along on your journey.
Customer: That's a great idea! I'll grab a few second-hand paperbacks as well. Thank
you for your assistance!
Assistant: You're welcome! Enjoy your vacation and happy reading!

E. Reading Comprehension

The Bookstore Adventure

In a quaint little town, there was a charming bookstore called "Book Haven." It was
a treasure trove for book lovers, offering a wide selection of titles in various formats.
One sunny afternoon, Sarah, an avid reader, decided to visit the bookstore and
embark on a literary adventure.
As she entered the store, Sarah couldn't help but feel drawn to the shelves filled with
books of all genres. She began to browse through the aisles, running her fingers
along the spines of both paperbacks and hardbacks. The smell of the pages and the
anticipation of discovering a hidden gem filled her with excitement.

Sarah's eyes landed on a box set displayed on a table. It contained a series of fantasy
novels she had heard great things about. She valued the opportunity to own the entire
collection in one beautifully packaged box. Without hesitation, she decided to
purchase it, knowing it would be a prized possession in her growing library.

Continuing her exploration, Sarah stumbled upon a section dedicated to second-hand

books. She was mad about vintage editions and loved the idea of owning a piece of
literary history. She carefully examined each book, appreciating the unique stories
they held within their worn pages.

As Sarah made her way to the checkout counter, she couldn't help but feel a sense of
satisfaction. The unimaginable world of books had once again captured her heart.
With her new box set and a few second-hand treasures in hand, she was ready to hit
the road, eager to dive into the adventures that awaited her within the pages.

Comprehension Questions:
1. What was the name of the bookstore Sarah visited?
2. What types of books did Sarah browse through?
3. What caught Sarah's attention and made her decide to purchase it?
4. What did Sarah appreciate about second-hand books?
5. How did Sarah feel as she left the bookstore?

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