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Olympes de Gouges (Marie Gouze)


She was born on May 7 in Montauban in 1748, her childhood was poor
and therefore lack of education and culture, perhaps for this reason,
poverty, she accepted Louis Yves Aubray as her husband, a cook by
profession, when she was 17 years old, he being much older than her.
With these premises, it is to be assumed that the marriage was not
very happy.

his father was a butcher and his mother a servant.
Rumor has it that she was the illegitimate daughter
of the poet Lefranc Marquis de Pompignam, or even
that she could be the illegitimate daughter of King
Louis XV.

How they got involved in

Human rights
Gouges called for equal treatment of women with respect to
men in all aspects of life, public and private: the right to vote,
hold public office, speak in public on political matters, equal
public honors, legal to private property, to participate in the
army and in education, and even to have equal power in the
family and in the Church.

Their contribution to
human rights
She founded the Société populaire de femmes, and in 1791
wrote, in response to the Declaration of the Rights of Man
and of the Citizen (1789), the Declaration of the Rights of
Women and of the Female Citizen, in which Gouges claimed
equal rights. Women rights.

Why you chose this person

He defended equality between men and women in all aspects of
public and private life, including the right to vote, access to public
work and political life, the right to own and control property, to
serve in the military, and to education and equal power in the
family and ecclesiastical sphere.
He is simply an example to follow, since he always fought for his
rights and raised his voice for each of the women, nothing more
than slavery, inequality, etc.

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